Confessions of a Polluted Mindset - Center of Attention

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.

Staying Centered - Well, first we hear that the Packers claim James Empey, a center waived by the Titans. Next, we hear rumblings of Josh Myers underperforming in camp so far (including Aaron Nagler's report of TJ Slaton absolutely destroying Myers in a one-on-one). The following day, the Packers sign center Cole Schneider, who was in Packers camp last year and just played in the USFL as a teammate of recently claimed USFL QB ALex McGough. In yesterday's practice (full pads), Tom started the day at center in team drills and DeVonte Wyatt later put Myers on the ground with a spin move in one-on-ones. Folks, we may have a situation... As Bill Huber said, the first center selected in the 2021 draft should be a no-doubt starter and not be having to fend off competition for his job.

Wyatt Matters - Speaking of Devonte Wyatt, there have been lots of positive reports about the second-year defensive lineman. It sounds like he's building confidence and imposing his will on offensive linemen in practice. It would be huge for this defense if he starts to live up to his draft status.

More RAS Please! - The Packers signed WR Andre Miller, waived last week by the Giants who had attempted to convert him to tight end. He has the WR size the Packers love and brings more high-RAS credentials to the team.

Up-Downs - Well, the offense has been doing up-downs or pushups after every practice as punishment for "losing" the practice to the defense. Do we get excited about the defense or worried about the offense? Note, you can only pick ONE - Sophie's choice. I'll go with the defense, as it's not unusual for the defense to be ahead of the offense early in camp, even with a returning quarterback and more veteran players. Your choice?

More up-downs - The offense having to do up-downs is kind of representative of Jordan Loves's first week of camp as the starting quarterback - up and down. Of course, anyone who expected anything else, on either side of the coin, was just not being realistic. All we can ask for is continued progress.

Kicking woes - It's very early, but Carlson is living up to his scouting report - big leg with accuracy issues. The Packers rolled the dice on Carlson and even worse, did not bring in another kicker as competition. Too early to be worried but, I'm worried.

Punting Competition - The Packers did, however, bring another punter in to compete with Pat O'Donnell and All-XFL punter Daniel Whelan has been booming kicks all over the place. According to Spotrac, O'Donnell will count $2.375 million against the cap in 2023, but only $475k of that is dead money. While money shouldn't be the deciding factor, cutting O'Donnell, the Packers would save $1.9 million and just lose $475k. 





"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


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12 points

Comments (152)

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BradHTX's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:19 am

Over on APC, a commenter wondered if maybe Rodgers nixed Creed Humphrey because he’s left-handed. Sounds silly on the surface, but does anyone have trouble believing that this conversation could have happened in March of ’21…

Gute: “Hey Aaron, can you hear me?”

Rodgers: “Hey Brian, sorry, cell reception is really bad here in Malibu, why don’t you ever FaceTime me?”

Gute: “Sorry, next time I will. Just setting up our draft board, and we obviously need to replace Corey. We’re thinking Creed Humphrey out of Oklahoma. Thoughts?”

Rodgers: “I don’t know, isn’t he a lefty? I’d rather stick with what I know, southpaws always seem a little sinister to me. That’s a linguistics joke, by the way.”

Gute: “I don’t get it, but whatever. OK, we’ll take Humphrey off the board and move Myers out of Ohio State to the top. He should be just as good…”

13 points
porupack's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:35 am

Dude, that is hilarious. Best speculation piece of the offseason, maybe already the golden globe for 2023.

0 points
NickPerry's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:38 am

LMAO....One of your finest comments ever on CHTV...Thanks Brad, great stuff!

1 points
BradHTX's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:14 am

Thanks, all. I may be Mr. Irrelevant when it comes to actual football insight, but I like to think my twisted sense of humor is occasionally a late 1st-early 2nd value.

8 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:31 am

The worst thing is that you recorded their conversation and wrote it verbatim. LOL

2 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:37 am

LMAO. Nicely done, Steve!!!

-2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:40 am

Hilarious, brother!
SouthpawsSeemSinister would be an excellent screen name!

0 points
BradHTX's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:28 am

NICE! Thanks for that. As a southpaw myself, totally using it for my next user name.

-2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:41 am

But the left hand is the hand to use - well, nevermind

(That's a Paul Simon song quote)

0 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:12 am

You win all the style points for today, Brad.

Well done. If it wasn’t so close to the truth I might be able to really laugh.

-1 points
dobber's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:59 am

"....southpaws always seem a little sinister to me. "

Chemists who know their chirality know this one!

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:29 am

Sinister simply means left side in Latin so surely all lefties must be, not dexterous like us righties.

-3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:52 am

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

4 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:17 am

That was worth a right thumbs up.

-1 points
dobber's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:41 am

Correct: lefthand absolute configuration in chiral molecules is S (sinister) and absolute configuration right (R) is rectus.

0 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:10 am

Well done. I rate it right up there with my first cup of coffee this morning.

-1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

August 03, 2023 at 10:50 am

That is friggin hilarious my man! Thumbs up and if I could give you more I would.

-1 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:26 am

Center. Some slam on Bill Huber, but I freaking LOVE him. He pretty much will tell it like it is straight. No slop.

Yes. We have a situation. It’s been a situation for a while now.

Zach Tom will be our starting Center for years.

WYATT. See Center.

RAS. More. More. More. Last week WR Cody Chrest. This week WR Andre Miller. I really like both additions. Can we keep 5 OL and 10 WR?

Miller is a THICK CUT WR. With SPEED. He’s previously had some drop issues, but with the ball in his hands, he’s able to take it to the house. That RAS is no joke. His tape is littered with acrobatic, athletic adjustments to the ball for receptions.

Up-downs. DEFENSE!!! It’s ok to believe it now. The talent load these past two offseasons is REAL. (See WYATT).

More up-downs? HOT DAMN, AL! That is so true!!! Every year the offense struggles for weeks to catch up to the defense to legit challenge them. A ton of new faces everywhere. It evens out only after O players learn how & when to hit it. D players are reacting, which is easier at first.

Kicking woes? All I know is Andres Carlson is a BAD MF to kick a 52 yd FG on a bad snap! It’s camp, and the rookie is learning his way. Wishing him well.

Punting competition. Fortunately the money saving option also looks like the better player to roll with for 2023. If Whelan keeps performing this well it is a no brainer.

3 points
NickPerry's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:42 am

"That RAS is no joke. His tape is littered with acrobatic, athletic adjustments to the ball for receptions."

This TEAM is littered with RAS players too...Lets hope ALL of them are football players and not just great athletes. Personally I think Gute has done a pretty good job of finding both... Guys who are BOTH great athletes AND football players.

7 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:52 am

Nick, I know you’ve been watching Gutekunst closely, and the days of the Packers taking track stars for their 40 times are long gone. These are legit, tough, competitive football players.

I’ve always looked at Gutekunst as a kind of savant as a talent evaluator.

His biggest mistake was thinking GB had everything won when he selected Jordan Love. He lost focus with subsequent picks, and I think he might agree after a self scout that I’m guessing he put himself through.

Being a great GM in the NFL requires on the job training, exclusively. I’m comfortable saying I think Gutekunst has been the best GM in the NFL since that self scout.

Gutekunst has also assembled a first-rate Personnel Department. His college AND Pro personnel staff might be some of the NFL’s best too. Both sides riding A+ Game.

They’ve kept us competitive in both tight tight cap constraints & trade situations.

Wait till this cap clears and he gets some play money! Ho!!!

8 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

August 03, 2023 at 10:53 am

I'm right with you about Gutey and have been saying it for a number of years. He is & has been the Packers MVP, which is what caused Rodgers so much consternation!

2 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:37 am

"Punting competition. Fortunately the money saving option also looks like the better player to roll with for 2023. If Whelan keeps performing this well it is a no brainer."

Reports were saying the vet was way better pinning them inside the 10, however.

Let camp roll! I love it!

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:51 am

If Zach Tom weighs #319 as someone here says that adds to the case for having him at C. The two new additions don't move the needle this year?

The two new WRs: most have been focused on immediate production, but a tough big bodied WR who doesn't make an appearance til the season's half over could be a brilliant move. Worst thing that could happen to JL10 (assuming our O line is solid) is if opponents figure out what's coming. Having a different WR run the same plays isn't much of a surprise, but creating plays specifically for Miller's ability and using them sparingly in just the right situation could make a huge difference late season and in playoff games.

6 points
dobber's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:04 am

"Zach Tom will be our starting Center for years."

I have a suspicion that if he's a quality OT, he'll be playing OT eventually even if he plays center in 2023.

"Up-downs. DEFENSE!!! It’s ok to believe it now. "

Wasn't the defense ahead of the offense and getting everyone's hopes up at this point last year, too? Tell Mulder and Scully that I wanna believe, but I want to still be believing in week 20.

" Fortunately the money saving option also looks like the better player to roll with for 2023. If Whelan keeps performing this well it is a no brainer."

Is Whelan a plus holder? Remember that they might save some $$ on O'Donnell's contract, but they've still got to pay Whelan. The savings really do turn out to be minimal.

4 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:36 am

Hey dobber, I'm just trying to read all the tea leaves.

“I thought coming out that his best spot might be center. I think he could do that very well." - Brian Gutekunst.

Zach Tom's grading pre-draft was as a Center, and it was quite good. Many draft publications ear-marked Zach Tom as an instant starter at Center.

2021 per PFF: Overall 84.8 / Pass Blocking 92.1 / Run Blocking 79.2 / Zone Grade 75.7 / Gap Grade 74.8
633 pass blocking snaps 431 run blocking snaps. Wake Forest averaged 161.6 yds/game rushing in 2021.

The defense is always ahead of the offense early on, as I said. BUT, I have different ideas about the Joe Barry conversation, and I've made those thoughts known countless times. I trust that Joe Barry was hired to run a new defensive scheme that employs the same "Illusion of Complexity" Matt LaFleur wanted for his Offense. He said so himself in his presser when Barry was hired.

Doing such was going to require 3 half drafts to acquire the players that they needed to run their new concepts. That is my opinion, and I stand by it 100%.

ONLY NOW will we be able to witness what they had in mind scheme-wise on D. They finally have enough of the players they need to run it at all the positions, complete with backups, making injury not much of an excuse.

The Packers did ZERO STUNTING with Lowry & Reed... ZERO!

ONLY NOW do we have highly skilled, fast, mobile defenders at every DL position for the first time in many, many years.

Whelan was the holder on the kick(s?) Anders made when he was having his very very very very bad day. If the Packers save $400k+ with Whelan winning the Punting battle, it all adds up.

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

August 02, 2023 at 05:50 pm

The question is...

Can Whelan pick up the blitz???

4 points
Bearmeat's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:30 am

Al - It's Pat O'Donell. Not O'Connell.

I'm not worried about the offense. It will come. I'm not, however, excited about the defense either. They have to show they can be more than a pushover in September for me to get excited. We have been waiting for a good defense in Green Bay since... what... 2006? 2002? Twenty years of mediocre or worse. Often worse. I'll buy it when live bullets are flying and they've been good for a month straight. Not before.

11 points
NickPerry's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:44 am

2010 was pretty good BM...Just saying...Hey buddy, good to hear from you again!

3 points
Bearmeat's picture

August 03, 2023 at 07:08 am

Yeah. Fair. Lol

0 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:15 am

Bearmeat!!! ALL OF IT is SWITCHED ON this season. All of it. This is going to be beautiful to watch.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:55 am

I'm advocating for violence. Disrupting their backfield.

The talent for it is intense, and so is the training. Ja talked about violence. Stokes might come back ready by the looks of what he's doing on the field so far.

3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:01 am

YEAH, MAN!!!! That's what I heard! If we get Eric Stokes back, coupled with running mate Jaire, PLUS Douglas, PLUS Valentine??? WOW. What talent.



As for the OL? YES. I am right with you that we go big or go home. Now just might be the perfect time to get THIS off the ground:


Think the Packers will be able to open some holes with THAT??? I do.

Tough calls to be made, but change is good. The unknowns involved with change require discernment, and trust in one's own eyes. Embracing change is good, because it is an opportunity for growth & improvement.

-4 points
mnbadger's picture

August 02, 2023 at 12:27 pm

I'm with you on the OLine.
Send DBakh to a semi-contender for veteran players, maybe including a TE and/or Safety.
A couple of mid/late round draft choices to boot and I say all ahead FULL!
We have large athletic Olinemen, let's turn them loose. Nothing to lose this year but a few games.
Looking forward to '23 for the change, '24 for the improvement and '25 for the Superbowl!

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

August 02, 2023 at 05:52 pm

C'mon GG, Bakh is a stud, he gets to the 2nd level with the best of em.

DB has paved the way for LOTS of big AJones runs.

The GB G and C have been weak in tight, but DB has been a stud run and pass.

3 points
greengold's picture

August 03, 2023 at 07:44 am

I agree with you. My saying this was NOT any kind of judgement against David Bakhtiari.

I’m just looking at the history and the numbers.

1. There’s risk involved with running Bakhtiari out onto the practice field at all. The majority of season ending injuries to OL occur TC through Week 4 of the regular season. He’s already out with an elbow.

2. A team with an immediate need of a starting LT will offer more draft capital/compensation knowing his salary for 2023 is essentially pre-paid by the Packers. Cap charge to acquiring team is < $1.2M!!!

3. How do you trade a 33 year old LT with a $40M cap charge in 2024?

4. DB’s trade value will never be higher.

5. What is the over/under on number of games he will play in 2023? 2024?

6. FOUR. That’s how many years it’s been since DB played a full season.

-1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 03, 2023 at 12:53 pm

I have explained it and wrote a whole article on it.

1 points
greengold's picture

August 03, 2023 at 12:58 pm

You certainly did, and that was great. Just realized my errors, plural, and you have my apologies, TGR.

I’m just struggling to imagine a team wanting to pay that much next year, how his value increases a year later at such a high figure, and the hoops the Packers would have to go through with the extension.

For instance, I can't grasp how whatever GB could get in trade becomes greater a year later. That's all.

I like what you said in conclusion, and agree the Packers may take the best offer they can get to mitigate further risk. When Aaron Rodgers took his recent payout, I do believe it was with Bakhtiari in mind.

My point really, and I didn't express it clearly, was the high likelihood a team does lose a starting LT before Week 4, and the market value could increase with 2 or more teams (1 of them NYJ) vying for Bakhtiari's services, especially at that cap figure of $1.55M? I'm unsure if I have that correct... guessing no.

It's not an easy thing to consider in the entirety. There are so many other factors that could enter into this picture. Not trying to zoom him out of GB. Really just wondering if they really can afford to keep him past the trade deadline.

-1 points
fthisJack's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:15 am

The defense has the juice to be really good but I'm still skeptical about Barry's scheme. Did he learn anything from last year? If he plays it soft like last year then he is missing the opportunity to take advantage of what they are best at.....good, hard , in your face, aggressive defense.

2 points
JerseyAl's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:21 am

actually, it's O'Donnell. HA! Which of course, be both knew. I'll fix it.

4 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:05 am

chuckles are good for you. Just remembered that...!!!!


2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

August 05, 2023 at 09:36 pm

Good for you, yes, but also a very scary clown.

0 points
NickPerry's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:36 am

Center...Still can't believe we didn't draft Creed Humphrey who was rated ahead of Meyers by 98% of the "Experts". Humphrey has been an All-Pro / Pro Bowl player since he came into the NFL 3 years ago. Meyers? Well we know...

Wyatt... All I know is I hope we continue to hear and then SEE Wyatt whooping up on everybody... I mean can you imagine Kenny Clark would FINALLY have a running mate?

Carlson... I'm worried too Al... I trust Bisaccia will get the kicker situation fixed before the regular season starts though. For example, if Carlson comes in and lays ANOTHER dud of a day going 1-7 on FGs I don't give a damn if you coached his Daddy...You find competition and you do it quickly. The absolute last thing I want to see is for Jordan Love to drive the Packers into game winning situations and a KICKER muck it all up with a miss. Anyone remember the miss by Crosby in 2012 against the Colts? That 52 yard FG attempt was wide right by about 40 feet...UGH!!!

Punting... Hey, if Whelan can hold and do it consistently well, then there's a competition. If he can't or he's not the directional kicker that O'Donnell is, then I don't care how far he can kick.

8 points
mrtundra's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:00 am

They just brought in another Center. If he doesn't pan out, they could move Tom there or leave Tom at one of the OT spots with Yosh, when Bakh is out. I think Elgton Jenkins could see more time at Center. He was pretty solid there when he played there. I also agree on Creed Humphrey. A definite miss by the Packers. Carlson is beginning to scare me. I have not seen him kick, yet, but reports of him being inconsistent, in camp, are not good for the old ticker. We will need him, or another K, to be very consistent in the regular season.

3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 01:12 pm

mrtundra, I think we're going to be just fine on all fronts there.

The Center GB signed yesterday is OG/C Cole Schneider from UCF 6-4 315. He started 47 games in his four years there. As a Senior at UCF he did not allow a single sack. According to PFF, Schneider ranked #1 amongst Guards in Pass Blocking Efficiency, which measures sacks, hits and hurries per pass pro snap. Schneider also lined up at FB and rushed for a TD in goal line.

Physicality is Schneider's calling card. 2-Time former Heavyweight Boxing Champion in HS.

His former teammate at UCF, RT Marcus Tatum for JAX said this of Schneider: "He pulls with ill intentions and tries to kill people."

"You couldn't ask for a better Guard than that. I knew when he was pulling in front of me that the defender was going to get moved."

Not making light of your concerns at K with Carlson's misses either. I just think Bisaccia is going to get him dialed in right. He knew the brevity of asking Gutekunst for the player. TC was for this very development which we are witnessing now. They aren't all going to go through the uprights as he is learning. Andres could be incredibly special with the leg strength many who were at practice are describing here.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:18 pm

If I recall, and it’s stretching the brain cells, Schneider had been mostly under the radar till shortly before he got hurt when he started to show some promise. If that’s not my imagination, he could be a player that it makes a lot of sense to bring back.

-1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

August 03, 2023 at 09:03 am

brevity? " Brian, I'll be brief here, draft Carlson"

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:12 am

The scary part here is Creed is entering his third season; likely his best hasn't been seen yet. While missing a pick doesn't surprise me I do wonder if the non-idiot team President had a say in it, if Gutey acquiesced to Malibu Barbie as suggested in comments here, or if that was 100% a Gutey move. That's only one aspect of the problems caused by blurred organizational roles.

Wyatt and Walker could still be a force ...

Carlson missed two out of 8 that I saw Tuesday. Those misses were close, and nearly all of them looked like they'd go for 150 yards; kicking OVER the uprights on many, including the first. I'm not sure if accuracy would improve if he didn't blast them so hard, if he should switch to punter, or what.

Whelan held for O'Donnell Monday. I can't say how well he did but I didn't see him cause problems. There was one blocked punt while he was holding, I don't know what led to it. He shanked two out of 9 that I saw. Caught a high snap and sent it for 50. I'd say he's got talent to develop but isn't threatening O'Donnell's job yet.

3 points
NickPerry's picture

August 02, 2023 at 05:00 pm

"Wyatt and Walker could still be a force ..."

I think this will prove to be an absolute fact! A FORCE...Hell yeah!

1 points
packerfanroy's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:31 pm

I think taking all the drama with Arod and MM and applying that to the Myers pick is a pretty big stretch ( i know you are just wondering not saying it did). I think a better question to ask about the Humprhey/Myers pick is just how much of a debate was it for Gute and the scouts?

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

August 03, 2023 at 11:04 am

I see the Packers being very competitive this year with a winning record, but at the end of the day they are young & building for the future. If the punter and kicker are young & inexperienced coupled with 'immense talent' requiring the full 2023 season to get them to become excellent kickers than they should stay. Similar to the WR's and TE's we have this year. You can have older kicker veterans because they may be marginally better but next year when all the youth on the team is experienced and ready to rock & roll we do not want to start all over with rookie and inexperienced kickers. Gutey if he sees the talent and long-term advantage coinciding with a young talented team should not hesitate going with these young kickers in 2023.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:45 am

Let's make a big deal about Myers getting knocked over on the first day , in shells. I knew people would, because everybody knows you're supposed to be in top form by then.

Myers is our center. We're still looking for a backup. If it's Tom, fine, but he's our starting RT. It would be better if it were somebody else.

Myers logged more snaps than anybody else on one of the top lines in the league last year. He's under contract for two more years. He isn't getting benched, and he isnt going anywhere.

-14 points
Johnblood27's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:56 am


...and THAT folks is the mentality that makes some teams perennial losers.

Sorry LH, but the stubborn, you were my draft pick, you played the most snaps last season, performance doesn't matter mentality is just plain wrong.

I am a big meritocracy guy, I sure thought that a football team should be a case study in why a meritocracy brings out the best...

11 points
Leatherhead's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:01 am

Meritocracy? Josh Myers is the best center on the team. That's why he'll be starting for us.

Or,you could just panic and change the plan you've had for years because of one incident in shells. Good plan.

Hanson is out, so we've got one center right now. That's why we added some. Tom is probably our backup guy so you might as well give him some reps, and rep Nijman at RT, because if Myers gets hurt in a game that's the likely cope.

This narrative that Myers is no good and has to be replaced, when he has the best AV of any center in the division, is insane. He's not Humphrey or Kelce, but he's a good center for us.

-12 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:20 am

Myers is the best C? If you don’t think we need a better one than Myers was last year then I really don’t think you see things that I do. If that’s Myers 2023, great but it would be negligent not to have competition rather than rely on any player making a jump.

In isolation (ignoring value elsewhere) I’d say there’s a valid case for challenging the assertion that he is the best we have. Jenkins has played better there in my opinion. In addition Tom was projected, even expected to push for the C spot when drafted. Gute has stated that’s where his team thought him best suited.

Sorry, it’s time to push Myers hard. If he responds, so be it. Competition often has that result. If he doesn’t then we get better. If it’s close then we at least have a viable, ready, option in the event of injury other than Hanson. That in itself is a win.

In any case, it now looks like competition is here, with Tom taking the C position in the competitive portions of practice yesterday. Good. It’s about time we stopped pretending we don’t need an upgrade in C play or depth.

16 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:19 am

Agree 100%, JB.

3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:18 am

That, my friend, is a strange hill to die on. Pick another.

6 points
Leatherhead's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:28 am

The Packers coaching staff is going to agree with me on this.

-4 points
BradHTX's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:42 am

Are we talking the same coaching staff that kept trotting Amari Rodgers out there even after he had to chase a muffed punt up the south endzone tunnel, through the Atrium, and out into the middle of traffic on Oneida St.?

That same coaching staff, so well known for their talent-based roster adjustments, as well as their merit-based staff hires, like Shawn Meningitis, Mo Drag-ton and Joe Barely?

THAT coaching staff?

And I say all this as generally a LaFleur supporter. But you’ll forgive me if I expect the decision of who starts at center to be entirely based on history, not play on the field.

10 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:18 am

You're certainly on your A game today. Keep rocking!

-2 points
Johnblood27's picture

August 02, 2023 at 05:57 pm

Check out the big brain on Brad!!!

Shit Nagler, that's all you had to say!

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

August 04, 2023 at 07:46 am

no love for pulp fiction here...

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

August 05, 2023 at 09:39 pm

I chipped in my 2 cents and one thumb up!

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:53 am

Quite possibly. Not a good look if that happens unless Myers improves. Frank Ragnow of Detroit is light years better than Myers and had a better AV (which I think is a very dubious stat as a lot of it is based on playing time). Myers might be better than Garrett Bradbury, though he finally put together a decent season in 2022, one that was better than either of Myers' seasons. That prompted MN to re-sign Bradbury at $5M AAV or so with fairly modest guarantees, though the structure makes him cuttable after the 2023 season. I'm not sure who is the center for Chicago. It is Whitehair or does he play OG?

5 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:29 am

It seems that Whitehair appears the current favorite, backed up by Lucas Patrick, but it’s early yet.

0 points
dobber's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:11 am

I would argue Bradbury looks better because MN's dumpster fire OL is starting to approach average. They still struggle to protect Kark, though.

0 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:56 am

Thumbs up for the conviction.


Leatherhead, you're making claims that are dubious. EVERY STARTING CENTER IN THE NFC NORTH IS BETTER than Josh Myers. Every one of them.

WHY would you want to keep THAT status quo? We're NOT IMPROVING by doing so.

Josh Myers PFF: Overall 60.4 / Pass Blocking 74.3 / Run Blocking 53.5

CHI Cody Whitehair 65.9/66.9/62.3
MIN Garrett Bradbury 70.2/68.1/72.4
DET Frank Ragnow 77.9/68.9/78.9

4 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:51 am

LH you may be right, but based on what? I just read another comment claiming Myers was awful as a rookie and sucked all last year. Obviously he did not, but I did see him overpowered, pushed off the ball, and otherwise fail in his assignment last year a LOT.

Obviously I hope he improves greatly in this his third season; it would be unusual if he didn't. He should certainly be given a fair chance to compete, and if he proves he's better than everyone else at the position? That makes an easy coaching decision. At the same time the leadership role of C might change significantly with JL10 vs AR12. Jenkins has been mentioned at C, I think that would be a mistake. Tom at C Nijman at RT with Mt Caleb behind Bakh seems like one sensible possibility in my mind, IF Tom clearly proves he's the better C.

These battles should be played out ...

And if Myers gets beaten at C is he a better RG than Runyan? These are the most likely position battles among starting linemen in my mind right now after attending two practices.

I still don't know what to make of the position battles at depth on our O line, other than we've got several giants who haven't been used yet. Hopefully that changes, and at the right time ...

4 points
dblbogey's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:30 am

Myers played 6 games as a rookie and was mediocre, he then sucked all of 2022, and isn't looking good so far this year. He is THE weak spot in our starting line. If he's our starter, we're in trouble.

5 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:57 am

Bogey I'll agree with you that Myers MIGHT BE the weak spot on our O line. He "sucked all last year?" That's overboard. I saw him pushed off the ball and otherwise fail his assignment, he surely wasn't a superstar. But I also saw him play well.

Hopefully our coaching staff creates honest competition at this position too, and evaluates it correctly. There is the possibility he wins the starting spot fair and square. Most would say that's the likely outcome. I like the mentality expressed by our OC, we've got to put the best 5 out there.

It all starts in the trenches ...

2 points
Packers0808's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:28 am

Sounds like you have a Prenup with Myers.

4 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:30 am

I hope they're not only entertaining competition for C, but actively fostering it. If nobody can even rival him for the spot? Hopefully coaches all evaluate that correctly. I think the concern is he might be the biggest weakness on the line, which would be a nice problem to have in a very odd sort of way.

Before OTAs the consensus here was that last year's final 5 were this year's starters and Tom was first off the bench to substitute at any position. Now some here claim Tom's a starter, the only question is if it's at C or RT.

After the first day with full pads.

I understand the excitement, and even the anxiety. Our coaching staff needs to manage that better...

5 points
mnbadger's picture

August 02, 2023 at 12:39 pm

WE need to manage the excitement better IMO.
I pull for everybody during TC and leave it to the professionals to evaluate and project value.
That's why I don't get too attached to anybody until the 53 plus PS is set.

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:52 am

Nice as always, Al.

Staying Centered - I'm little surprised with problem Myers has. He was #2 center in the draft and started well in his rookie year. After injury he looked and still looks like lost boy in men group. Does he lost his sureness in himself or the injury really cost him his ability, but he looks pure overhelmed by game. Signing former Packers player looks logical. Let see how that will battle out.

Wyatt Matters - We all expected that from Wyatt. Why he was not playing more last season is really curiosity. I bet that is something connected with Joe Barry fear of using unexperienced player.

More RAS Please! - For me that looks like "improving" bottom of the roster with more versatile player, maybe future starter, after development phase.

Up-Downs & More up-downs - I did not expect offense to perform better than D during TC. Offense is full of young players and rookies, while 1st D (starters) are more seasoned and full off high draft picks. Honorably mentioning 7th round pick - Carrington Valentine.

Is this funny? Packers have Love and Valentine on the roster! Who is there not to love Packers.

Kicking woes - It might be good for Carlson to have competition. That would either push him to perform better or to completely brake down. In both cases, Packers should be winners.

Punting Competition - I'm all in for Whelan. I like underdogs. What else to do? I understand O'Donnel has 2 important thing in advantage - experience and excellent ball holder for kicker. But, If Packers decided to go young, why not. Lets go young.

That is from me, MHO.

4 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:02 am

From what I saw at two practices Whelan is NOT currently challenging O'Donnell for starter. Both have huge legs, but O'Donnell's more consistent. Oddly, Carlson might be the best punter of the three. His leg is just insanely HUGE! As consistent, but not so accurate at FGs.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:25 pm

Just a thought in my mind, but Whelan might be a great back up K/P on the PS. He’s got the leg and ability to take kick offs and emergency kick perhaps (I don’t know how often he’s done that in a game, but there are practice field goals on video). That’s coverage for both K and P and time to develop.

2 points
Johnblood27's picture

August 02, 2023 at 06:58 am

I wish I had an excellent ball holder... just sayin ya kno!

7 points
TKWorldWide's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:42 am

You should hold auditions. 😉

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:44 am

Deshaun Watson has entered the chat

5 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:55 am

LOL. Stop it. And, Thank you for the laugh.

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

August 03, 2023 at 11:08 am

JB & Leo are always my two favorites for a few laughs!

0 points
BradHTX's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:11 am

*standing ovation*

1 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:12 am

He'd require your golf course ball washers.

-2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:03 am

AC/DC would like a word ...

2 points
ReaganRulz's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:05 am

Thankful that we have players on the roster that could potentially help us at center if Myers continues to be inconsistent. But this whole Creed vs. Myers thing has to be buried. What’s done is done. Some draft picks perform and others don’t. I’m sure we could all make a long list of Day 3 guys that have succeeded and a whole bunch of Day 1 or 2 guys that have been flops.

Just glad that MLF is opening up the competition to other players to make sure we have our Top 5 guys out there on the OLine.

9 points
BradHTX's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:51 am

Have my thumbs-up, RR. I totally agree that Myers/Humphrey complaints should consigned to the “Beating a Dead Horse” file, along with King/Watt and so many others. We know, already — it was a bad choice, every GM makes them occasionally, move on.

4 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:07 am

Whelan certainly has hit some bombs in camp. It was 80 degrees or so and there was little wind, so kind of perfect conditions. I do not know how good his holding ability is. GB brought in a veteran long snapper in Matt Orzech. They gave him a $300K signing bonus. Broughton Hatcher is his competition. Hatcher has always been a long snapper, going to back to high school and 4 seasons at Old Dominion. Hatcher will make the minimum of $750K, so the Packers would save $320K this year with $200K dead in 2024. Hatcher would be cheaper any way you look at it. This might be a true competition.

O'Donnell has already received a $650K roster bonus and he earned an additional $50K workout bonus, to the Packers have already paid him $700K. He also has a $475K signing bonus proration. His cap number is $2.375M, to that minus $700K minus $475K would result in cap savings of $1.2M. Whelan would earn the $750K minimum, so he would provide $450K in cap savings were he to replace O'Donnell.

Whelan was the punter for UC-Davis for 5 seasons. He was a UDFA picked up by New Orleans but was waived in august of 2022. He did well punting in the XFL and signed a contract with GB last May. While he hit some bombs in Tuesday's practice, I watched him and noted that he was able to punt directionally, putting one close to the sideline to his right, and another (this was a bomb) close to the sideline to his left. He also looked like he pooched one to about the 7-yard line. The punting itself looked good to me.

7 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:50 am

Great to hear, TGR! I bet you had a stellar time watching all of that yesterday. My wife & I are popping up for practice on the 17th. Hope to see you then if you can swing it!

Moving forward in all of the positional battles I think cap dollars, no meter how small, could weigh into their decisions on the 53 more than in years past. It all adds up.

They’re not too likely to take many chances, but, some might surprise.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:15 am

TGR, I called 2 as shanks from #41 yesterday. Yes he had some absolute bombs including one that went for 70 yards (!) but he was inconsistent compared to 16 Monday. Unless his shorter punts were directed to be short? An interesting difference is #16's distance dropped off more in his final reps with 16's final three going for 50, 50 & 45, vs # 41 at 60, 50 & 48.

Hopefully we don't have to punt 10 x in one game for this to matter.

Also interesting is Carlson consistently put spirals through the uprights during uncontested drills. Maybe there's the thought that this technique is more accurate? Again most of these went insanely high.

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 02, 2023 at 02:04 pm

SST, that's right. I do remember a shank when he was kicking on the north end. Could easily have been two of them, as I remember someone yelling shank while I was looking at something on the south side of the field.

To be honest, I think the Packers will be okay this year, but I only get to one or two practices each year, so while interested, I didn't watch Whelan with any focus. I don't mind if they decide to get younger than the 32-year old O'Donnell. IDK: how do punters age?

My point is that I wanted to see Caleb Jones, Rasheed Walker and Tenuta play as I think GB will weed out at least one if not two of them at cutdowns, though PS is possible. I really didn't see too much from them, but Tenuta did some blocking drills that looked pretty decent. I wanted to get a look at Brooks (impressed) and Wooden (not so much but lots of positive tweets about his movement skills. Not sure if he is stout enough, if there is a way to compensate for it by usage, or if he needs a year in an NFL weight room. Slaton has impressed. Wyatt shows juice, and a little more ability to overwhelm folks, but I'd like to see him against Jenkins on running play. I will probably try to get to another practice because I have to focus on what interests me rather than being able to take everything all in.

2 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:21 am

I was there yesterday. All of Carlson's misses were NEAR-misses. I'll give him plenty of rope. His leg is huge.

Punter: Age 32 vs. 24. Same punting skills. No signs that Whelan is worse at holding.

I'd like to see Valentine get some time in the slot--he looks like our third-best CB. The guy has great instincts and ball-skills, and I'm not sold on Nixon in the slot.

Myers looked terrible yesterday. *Cries due to my pre-draft Creed-Humphrey-crush

Melton got open deep more than any other player. Toure looked good too.
Jayden Reed has a "wow" acceleration/after-burner. He may end up GREAT.

I think McDonald was released because Austin Allen has been looking really good. He doesn't look 6'8" out there, but he looks very smooth.

Also, I thought Sean Rhyan looked like he belonged out there. He has that Josh Sitton build, and did well in the drills right in front of me.

9 points
GregC's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:42 am

Good to hear that there have been some Sean Ryan sightings. He was mentioned by somebody else as well. He's got the Josh Sitton build AND the Josh Sitton hair.

I'm not concerned about Anders Carlson yet either, although I still think it was unwise to not bring in another kicker to compete with him. I think competition would give him a good kind of pressure, rather than the weird pressure of already being the Green Bay Packers kicker.

From what I've heard, Daniel Whelan's punting skills are better than O'Donnell's, at least in terms of distance. If the holding is good, keep him.

Valentine is intriguing, and I like your idea of trying him in the slot.

4 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:15 am

Rhyan doesn't looked ripped, but looks more like a bear. He is thick everywhere. Big ankles, calves, knees, thighs (not Dillonesque though), and then a barrel chest and huge hands (11 and 5/8th inches). His 32 and 5/8th inch arms suggest an interior OL.

7 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:27 am

YES. You said it, TGR! RG. That's my projection with Rhyan, unless the Packers do decide to extend Jon Runyan. I'm left questioning whether that would be money well spent??? There's also the pulse of this Packers team to consider. A lot of youth, but, very talented and dynamic youth. Jon Runyan hasn't measured up IMO. PFF grades Overall / Pass Blocking / Run Blocking for Runyan:

2020 - 53.8 / 44.6 / 55.8
2021 - 65.1 / 71.1 / 58.6
2022 - 62.6 / 77.0 / 53.6

2022 - 58.3 / 765.5 / 54.1
2022 - 60.4 / 74.3 / 53.5

Seeing that Jon Runyan's & Josh Myers's #s are nearly identical, we fans should ask ourselves why AJ Dillon is always getting completely smashed at the LOS? Then ask, "Will it really be that much better if Jordan Love is taking snaps under Center?" "Doesn't poor run blocking lend itself to more injury risk for our RBs?"

ZACH TOM - PFF Draft Profile #s playing Center:
2021 - 84.8 / 92.1 / 79.2

TGR, I've been of the belief for some time that the Packers might decide on some very big changes on our OL. The players themselves coming into the NFL are getting much larger, in droves, dwarfing players like Bakhtiari, for instance.

There's a huge advantage to the 6-9 370 Caleb Jones physical profile, especially when he displays sound footwork and knee bend, which he does. Caleb can literally wipe out the entire side of a DL in run blocking. Huge figure to get around in pass rush. It's just so foreign - TO US PACKER FANS - to see a player that big playing LT in the NFL. The league is trending in this direction.

The thing is Bakhtiari's stature previously developed since his Day 1 starting for the injured Brian Bulaga as a rookie in 2013 makes it difficult to imagine him not being here in Green Bay. The last time David Bakhtiari played a full season was 4 years ago. Yet, we mentally write his name down at LT as our starter in ink for 10 years running.

Sadly, it's possible, as you described so well in your recent article, that might change this season. Maybe we see this to start 2023:


-1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:09 am

"No signs that Whelan is worse at holding."

That's a hell of a way to put it. Sounds like a line in a lawyer's closing argument! There is plenty of evidence that O'Donnell has the reputation of being one of the better holders in the NFL, and it sure looked like he did a fine job last year handling some errant snaps. That's is why the old long snapper, despite draft status, got the boot and we have two new long snappers competing for that job.

What is the evidence for Whelan's holding? I actually have no idea, not having read a word about that aspect of his game, and I couldn't see who was holding at Tuesday's practice. I gather there was one high snap on a 52 yard attempt, but Demovsky and Herman disagreed whether that attempt was made and I don't know who was doing the holding. I was sitting on the north end so I didn't have a good view to see snaps or judge the distance of many of those attempts. I saw a number of misses, but I wasn't keeping count. The roundup tweets suggest either 2 or 3, but it was at a minimum 3 misses, IIRC.

1 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:03 am


I wasn't taking notes, but I watched him successfully hold on several kicks.
I KNOW O'Donnell is a good holder, but I'm willing to risk having the Nordic rookie kicker and Irish rookie punter stumble through the year together.

Both have tremendous physical ability.

3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 02, 2023 at 02:08 pm

I agree, though a little surprisingly. If they want to get younger and think highly of Whelan, I would be okay with that. A lot of punters seem to take a couple of years of trying to make a team before things come together, so I am okay if they keep O'Donnell.

For me, I expect GB to be .500 so it is an evaluate Love, get the cap healthier, look at some of the older players with a close eye, and judiciously get younger where possible. I could see Love being pretty good in 2023 and quite good in 2024, but I have to see it.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:04 am

He played rugby growing up, which should mean he can catch a snapped ball pretty easily. Rugby players all have decent hands to catch and to adjust to catch at unpredictable heights and then maneuver the ball for safety in open play, often contested.

That’s not exactly the same as a holder of course (there no snap in rugby, the ball is placed as in a kick off or dropped from the hand (punt or drop kick) in open play). He played soccer and it was his leg strength there that saw him lured to kick for the football team.

He should therefore have the raw skills required to hold as well as some experience kicking directionally as well as for distance. Rugby punting is normally tactical, about placement/hang time. He excelled directionally in the USFL, as well as with pooch kicks that hold up close to the line. I don’t think that’s a weakness.

He also apparently kicked field goals for his rugby team. That is somewhat relevant because rugby kicks can be from any point from sideline to sideline, and thus have a directional element to the foot technique too. So it’s not surprising there’s tape of that in football practice too. One of them is purportedly a 70 plus yarder. His raw power is freakish to the point I take his upside seriously.

Is that evidence? No, but to me it makes it quite plausible that holding should come fairly naturally. The question with him should be consistency (holding and kicking) and comparative get off time with O’Donnell, which is the latter’s possible weakness.

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:47 am

"I was there yesterday. All of Carlson's misses were NEAR-misses. I'll give him plenty of rope. His leg is huge."

Okay, so they're working with Anders on that whole between the uprights thing. I'll breathe. Continue to try to medicate my Booth Lusteg flashbacks. This is fine.

4 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:00 am


1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 02, 2023 at 02:21 pm

Good lord, I had to google this guy. Oddly, he was pretty good in 1966. His wiki page is hilarious. He impersonated his younger brother to shave 4 years off his age.

"Lusteg was one of nearly 100 people who applied to replace him (Buffalo Bills kicker Pete Gogolak). Lusteg was one of the only players with kicking experience out of the group: his top two competitors were a German bricklayer and a man with one arm and one eye."

3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 03:07 pm

LMAO! Nice find!

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:39 am


"I was there yesterday. All of Carlson's misses were NEAR-misses. I'll give him plenty of rope. His leg is huge."

I was there yesterday and Monday and this is what I saw too.

"Punter: Age 32 vs. 24. Same punting skills. No signs that Whelan is worse at holding."

#16 kicked Monday. I'd say #41 is less consistent so far, but certainly has ability. And maybe more than O'Donnell.

"Melton got open deep more than any other player."

He's our fastest WR based on official time. If you count #9's unofficial 4.28 timed by the Packers, that's a significant upgrade but should be compared to the similar measurement across the board. I'm pulling for Bo Melton! But only want him on the roster if he EARNS it.

Reed caught a LOT of kicks. Yes he looks good, like "wow" good. His 40 is also 4.3x (4.38?) I'd love to see the occasional play where all 4 of our 4.3x burners run routes; what opponent can cover THAT?!? And if they do, blip it out to Musgrave lol. I'm thinking MLF can scheme guys open. Of course I said that last pre-season, too.

Man are we loaded with raw potential!! I'm basically praying for our coaching staff not to screw this up, it could well be a decade of dominance.

Good to hear that out of Rhyan! I didn't get a good view of him either day.

McDonald was our lightest TE, I think they cleared space to bring in two Centers. I was sad to see Filiaga released purely based on paper; 6'6" 321# sounds like a mauler to me but I never got to see him do anything. I have to trust they made the right call. (I'm anxious they did not, but ...)

I'm also thinking Mercedes Lewis' role can be filled by ... get this ... an actual O lineman. Although #49 Allen at #253 and 85 Kraft at #259 are the likely TEs for that purpose.

Both #49 and #44 Pearson seem like likely candidates to run the ball to me, but I didn't see either used that way even in drills.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:18 am

Outside of Tom, who I think will be busy, I don’t see an obvious lineman TE candidate with sufficient lateral mobility in space to do it in most circumstances. Perhaps one of the back up tackles? Can they catch well enough to be an emergency outlet if needed?

I do see potential in Austin Allen physically. He’s a player I will be watching now pads are on. How good a blocker is he at this point? Can he master the system enough to challenge Davis as the 4th TE? That would be ideal since that masks intentions in a way no lineman is likely to (even to the extent that Big Dog did).

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

August 03, 2023 at 11:11 am

Great insight! Thanks

0 points
Tom.mitchell77's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:36 am

“Our Best 5 Lineman” is a failed strategy, one that led to back to back NFC championship losses.
Bill Turner got blown up by the bill rush and Patrick wasn’t up to the task. Two best tackles, 3 best interior linemen, that makes more sense.
Am I the only one who thinks Runyon’s run blocking is a major liability?

4 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:56 am

Our best 5 linemen is a valid strategy, I just don’t think we’ve been very adept at it since the infamous change it all up decision going into the Championship game.

No, you are not alone. Runyon has never been more than barely adequate in the run game. That too needs to improve. He had a down year in the passing game last year for him, but unlike Myers, he has at least been good not just OK in the pass game over his career. That center right was a weakness teams were keying on later last year (once the right side settled generally mid season), notably in red zone situations.

If I can only fix one, I’d fix C. It’s the second or third most important position on the line traditionally and the fastest route to the backfield. Tom can only play in one spot. Outside of Tom we’ve yet to see a player emerge seriously. Perhaps Rhyan will. Perhaps Newman finally gets the mental side. We need one to do so and to push Runyon.

3 points
dobber's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:26 am

I had a guy who has coached OL say that there are positions on the field that need to be in sync or the whole unit suffers. If you've got a weak player on the OL, it drags the guys around him down. So I wonder who is really the weak player, or if Runyan/Myers together--though they can pass block--are a real problem. (The OL coach said that S is the other position that really suffers)

In the end, it seemed to me that Runyan had a promising start at LG when filling in for Jenkins, but has either plateaued or just isn't as well suited for the right side.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:05 am

I think there’s a risk that the combination magnifies the weakness of both. O line play requires the players to play as a coordinated group, particularly inside. Two stellar players can be a great help to a lesser one in between. However, 2 with a similar weakness tend to compound that and undermine those either side of them too.

A T has to focus on the outside first. If he’s unsure of the inside he’s fighting a losing battle. We saw that a lot from our RTs last year. Teams started to overload, occupy the T and then just go for the Myers/Runyon gap on both run and pass downs. That’s the fastest way to blow up a run play as well as to get to the QB.

PFF isn’t perfect, but no team should be comfortable with 2 adjacent players in the middle with consistent overall grades below 65. Both Myers and Runyon are consistently recording overall replacement level run grades. The saving grace for them thus far was that the key focus was protecting Rodgers when passing and both are better there. Whether that will carry the same weight now is questionable.

Certainly improving it should be a priority. Improvement at one spot will likely mitigate the other somewhat. The goal should be better run play for both and that should have been part of their off season physical training objectives not merely what is going on now. They need to be stouter as well as better technically in run scenarios.

1 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:38 am

When Myers and Runyan were double teaming a player and another one came through unblocked, whose grade suffered? After that was on film (as you say) they got targeted allot. They got nominated to the stunters hall of fame for supporting actors.

I didn't notice it so much when Runyan was on the left, but at that point the right was even worse. Still like that he never gets penalties which tells me he might not have reached his ceiling.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:49 am

Interesting ideas, Dobber. I'll agree that there's more concern at C and RG than at RT. Whatever it is, let's get that FIXED!

One possible solution to this puzzle could be Tom at C Nijman at RT, then does Myers beat Runyan at RG? #63 75 & 77 are all listed as over #320, absolute giants not being used ... Also #78 Tenuta at 6'8" #314.

I'm thinking there's got to be a winning combination in here ...

3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:57 am


I really do think this is what the Packers will have as their starting OL, either to begin the season, or at some point before the trade deadline October 31st.

I've crunched that Bakhtiari situation in my head over & over and believe the only way they realize adequate compensation in trade is THIS YEAR, especially for all 17 games of the season, with the acquiring team's cap charge being less than $1.2M.

Packers number crunchers have to believe they pre-paid Bakhtiari's salary, and they're going to get some draft capital for it. Now. Just my guess.

-1 points
dobber's picture

August 03, 2023 at 12:38 pm

The cost to the Packers is essentially the same either way.

I think they're gambling...
1. ...that Bakh will play well and create more demand.
2. ....that Bakh will play well and create opportunities for the offense in the process.

At this stage, the only rumors I'm hearing of any demand for Bakhtiari is from internet doofuses who have nothing better to do than say---Hey! Here's a trade idea!--that isn't based on anything but their own individual speculation.

1 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 01:26 pm

Really fantastic insights, dobber.

Hmmm. I thought I'd look back to see what kind of grades PFF gave Jon Runyan pre draft: Overall 69.4, which correlates with him being selected in R6 in 2020. They had no further grades for Runyan.

I mean, Runyan has been serviceable, but we can do better to improve RG.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:38 am

I was looking up Miller. The first thing I found was that he’d been noted as doing well with the Giants until he fractured his forearm. He was apparently playing at 230 at that time.

However, it got more interesting when I realized what he was doing well at. Yes, they were converting him to TE, but not a classic one. “Miller, who spent four college seasons at Maine, is playing tight end, fullback/H-back, he consistently stands out and makes plays. That trend continued during Sunday’s practice when Miller made a few nice blocks from the fullback position.”

So Miller was capable of impressing as a lead and in space blocker as a TE! That’s pretty impressive. There was no suggestion that he was a finished article as a TE/H Back, but still, that level of blocking ability/contact affinity in a WR is rare indeed. Suddenly he interests me more as a prospect.

6 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:21 am

I think they really want a Lazard-type on the roster: DuBose, Miller, Heath, Bonds, even Wicks, all fit that heavy, good-blocker, contested-catch, average speed type.

1 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:20 am


Especially so when you consider there are some bubble positions where we might wish to keep an extra player. Getting a WR who can carry out some important TE blocking assignments is pretty much a 2 for 1.

Might allow us to keep 6 OLB, or 10 OL, or 6 CBs... 6 Safeties... etc.

Tariq Carpenter is another one of those players, developing as a hybrid ILB/S... possibly opening up another position for Goodson? Nichols III? The possibilities are endless for those multi-positional players in helping shape out a roster.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:30 am

Nichols hands have been dreadful this summer. In this O I’m
not sure that a guy who is that bad at catching on simple routes will make it as an active game day 3rd RB. If he can’t get better consistently and pretty quickly, he’s probably headed to the PS at best unless they keep 4 and his running is stellar (it’s looked promising thus far).

-1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:55 am

CW, #16 Miller is not the heir apparent to Megatron but could be an upgrade from Lazard? 6'5" was a nice advantage anywhere on the perimeter but that didn't get used last year and AR12's pinpoint accuracy to do so was AWOL anyway. #16 is "only" 6'3" but could prove difficult to cover, and even harder to bring down. Musgrave is surprisingly brought down on first contact.

I'm all in favor of YAC machines!

2 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:33 am

It might be a stretch to say that he’s an upgrade on Lazard at this point. Lazard had become pretty polished. In terms of athleticism and body type though he certainly seems like a guy with the potential to grow to be a more versatile version of Lazard.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:53 am

Can a draft and develop team withstand curses in the 3rd AND 2nd rounds? (Josh Jackson, Josh Jones, Josh Myers)
OR should they just avoid guys named Josh??

Was “versatility” Myers’ big advantage?

Really pulling for Wyatt! IF the Packers have enough studs on defense, can they make Barry look good?

Do ST coaches really “coach” the kicker? Not intending to be disrespectful. Just asking!


0 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:02 am

Are you 'Joshing" us?

3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:24 am



2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:01 am

TK, surely there's a "kicker whisperer" somewhere, even if it's not Rich Bisaccia. I don't know if Carlson's worked with a specialist? This would be a good time for it.

I don't think players can overcome bad coaching. Hopefully Barry doesn't do actually bad coaching of this loaded-with-talent defense, or if he tries he's stopped by other staff, RB or otherwise.

I want to see this defense violently disrupt the opponent's backfield, and I'm not sure JB even thinks in those terms. We could rush 6, have Carpenter held back for run-stop, and still have 4 in coverage. I can foresee situations where that could be very effective ...

3 points
TKWorldWide's picture

August 03, 2023 at 07:02 am

I’ve always thought that a defense can be more aggressive up front when they have reliable coverage in the backfield. It certainly appears to me that GB has the cover guys to go a little crazy up front! And when Gary gets back to form…WooWoo!

2 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:00 am

We were all excited last preseason that the D had made the jump. Even the players talked about how playing against that D was making the offense great too. Then we played the Vikings in week 1.

I'm very excited about this season's team. I hope the players and coaches are faster learners that I am.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:10 am

Yes, our D was often cited as being so good that it explained the offensive struggles. Then we saw that it was the offense that made an average D look all world.

Last year the O was a veteran heavy unit plus Doubs at this point. This year it’s very inexperienced. Yes, the OL is healthier, but we should expect it to struggle as a result with so few games among the skill player groups. Improvement will reflect the inevitable learning curve for rookies and second year guys winning roles or expanding theirs. There is no substitute for experience in real games.

Last year, O line injuries aside, the O should have been much closer to it’s potential at this point (among those then healthy). Sadly it was as rolled out in the first half of the season. This year I think we will be better as time passes.

1 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:16 am


1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:04 am


IMHO the approach to practice this season will make a difference. If the team comes out ready to play in week 1? When's the last time we saw that?

3 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:28 am

I will not forgive a roll over to the Bears. I'm still not over the Vikings game.

We better own their asses.

4 points
HarryHodag's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:09 am

Many fans have fallen into the 'over reaction' mode concerning Packers players. Jordan Love throws a bad pass and it's panic time all over. Chill folks.

Myers has had some ups and downs but lets not forget he started two seasons in front of Aaron Rodgers. The coaching staff wouldn't have done that if they didn't think he could block and protect the quarterback.

I think the main concern the coaching staff has is his injury history. They have to have an adequate back up should he(when he) gets hurt again. Myers didn't have a chronic injury history at Ohio State. It would not surprise me, however, if Zach Tom starts there. Tom looks like the rising star among the o-linemen.

5 points
PackEyedOptimist's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:14 am

I feel certain Tom will be a starter this year.
That means the question is: "Who is better? Myers or Nijman?"
I think Nijman is both BETTER and MORE VALUABLE.
I also think Myers as a backup center and Caleb Jones as a backup T is a pretty good situation.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:22 am

Has Myers locked down the C role through his performances? If the answer is no then there should be real competition and its absence would raise major questions.

Who are the best 5 linemen as a unit? Does that include Myers?

What is Tom’s best position? How do we know if he’s not been tried at the position Gute had said was the one they thought him most suited to when they drafted him?

If Myers gets hurt, who is the back up? Would that be the best 5 we would have available or the best 5 we had prepared to play at those positions?

If we don’t ask those questions and then do do through competition then we aren’t doing a very good job in my view. It looks like yesterday indicates that those questions are now being asked in the field. That should be a relief. May the best win out through their play not simply lack of tested alternatives.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:17 am

HH, the more I think of solutions to this puzzle the more I like the idea of keeping Nijman at RT and having Tom start at C IF he legitimately beats Myers at the position. A complicating factor I haven't seen raised here is how will the leadership role at C change with JL10 vs AR12? I think it necessarily has to. Will Myers' previous experience help him, or will the required overlearning make it more difficult and he doesn't make this adjustment well?

That's one of those intangibles that could be very difficult to evaluate. Worse, the quicker they figure this out, the better prepared our starting C will be.

5 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 12:33 pm

Respectfully, my friend, I could give a crap that Myers started two years in front of Aaron Rodgers. Actually, it was 6 games in Myers' Year 1. 17 games Year 2. As a matter of fact, I went back and compared Zach Tom's PFF Draft Profile to Josh Myers' draft profile. They are night and day.

Overall Grade 84.8 / Pass Blocking Grade 92.1 / Run Blocking Grade 79.2

Overall Grade 65.4 / Pass Blocking Grade 65.9 / Run Blocking Grade 63.9

THIS makes me wonder if comments saying Aaron Rodgers wanted Myers over the left handed Creed Humphrey aren't closer to the truth of the matter??? Was that a Mark Murphy call with the final decision? Because Creed Humphrey was far and away the better choice at Center.

Myers PFF grades heading into the draft indicate that his being selected at #62 was a MAJOR REACH. It does beg the question as to whether or not it was Gutekunst's call? We won't get that answer until the book comes out!

Doesn't matter a whole lot anymore, but here we are.

Zach Tom is the better player. Let them compete, and the best man wins.

*** Since we've waited more than a decade for the Packers QB1 to hand the ball off to the RB from under Center, I WANT THERE TO BE A HOLE FOR THE RB to run through!!!

A power running game will help Jordan Love in his first year as QB1, and a power running game requires power players up front.

0 points
CheesePuff's picture

August 02, 2023 at 08:36 am

Before I would get too excited about Wyatt and the defense, I'd wait to see how they do against some decent offenses. I'm thinking the under of 7.5 projected wins for the Packers is looking like a good bet. I expect to see the Packers in a lot of highlight clips this season, just not in a good way. Oh yeah, Rodgers still sucks. GPG.

-7 points
RCPackerFan's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:03 am

Staying Centered -
I think one thing is for certain. Tom is a starter this year. This now comes down to Myers or Yosh.

Wyatt Matters -
If Wyatt becomes the player they hope, he can instantly change the defense. Having a DL next to Clark that is disruptive will make our entire defense much better. Wyatt could be a key to the defense this year.

More RAS Please! -
Miller would fit into the Lazard type of role. Odds are against him making the 53, but perhaps he could make it to the PS.

Up-Downs -
I'm more of a not surprised. I expected the defense to be ahead of the offense for the first few weeks. I'm not overly worried about the offense at this point. They are finding ways to make plays against the defense.

More up-downs -
Love has had his ups and downs. But he has had a lot of ups, which to me is a great thing.

Kicking woes -
Its very early. We should expect the rookie to have ups and downs. I would like to know though how far off are his misses? Most of the reports I saw the misses have been wide right. I would think that would be an easy correction if he is missing one side all the time.

Punting Competition -
Another thing to consider in this is age. O'Donnell is 32 where Whalen is 24. If they like Whalen they may decide to go with the youth.

4 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:26 am

PackEyedOptomist wrote above "I was there yesterday. All of Carlson's misses were NEAR-misses. I'll give him plenty of rope. His leg is huge."

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:57 am

perfect, thanks! I have asked a few on twitter and got no responses.

If they are near misses I am a little better with it. I feel like that is correctable. If he is missing by 10+ yards, then I'd be more concerned. And from my understanding all of his misses have been to the right.

1 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:46 am

The wind was left to right as reported. He just needs to learn to adjust. I'm glad if he's adjusting minutely so he doesn't throw off his routine. It will take a while to adjust to the wind up there in all weather conditions.

0 points
dobber's picture

August 02, 2023 at 09:46 am

"More RAS Please! -
Miller would fit into the Lazard type of role. Odds are against him making the 53, but perhaps he could make it to the PS."

Agreed: I don't think he's got a fart's chance in a whirlwind of hitting the 53, but he's definitely a PS stash candidate. Maybe he's the guy they groom to be the "in case Deguara gets injured" guy...maybe he shows he can be a contributor on STs. His RAS score is buoyed by his size numbers...great size for a WR, bottom for a TE. Good speed agility for a TE, not so much for a WR.

Lazard was a really good college WR. Productive, high-volume guy over four years at Iowa State. GMs seemed to pay more attention to a stopwatch than to what he did on the field.

3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:18 am

"I don't think he's got a fart's chance in a whirlwind of hitting the 53, but he's definitely a PS stash candidate"
Lol perfect.

I am not sure if they will consider him a TE or WR or tweener. But with the way GB uses their WR's, they use them as a combo. Miller could get a chance to learn and develop. Sometimes players just need an opportunity. And sometimes players need to be in the right place at the right time.
Miller is a Packers now and for who knows how long. But he has a chance now.

2 points
T7Steve's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:52 am

Gutes been great at finding released/PS guys who want a second chance to prove themselves.

Sometimes all it takes is a different setting. I don't even have to list the players we all know who they are, past and present. I will say I'm happy Lazard got his payday and is probably very grateful for the chance he was given by Gute.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:21 am

RC, from where I was sitting Carlson's misses were so close I could only tell by the reaction from our defensive player's reactions, they were right in front of me.

Almost every Carlson kick was WAY over the uprights, it was INSANE! 95 yards? No problem, go for the FG, lol.

4 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

August 03, 2023 at 11:17 am

Totally agree RC about the age of kickers being a difference maker if the talent is there. This is a young up and coming team and best long-term players need to stay so they develop along with the rest of the team.

0 points
Lphill's picture

August 02, 2023 at 10:45 am

as I have said before Joe Barry held back the development of Wyatt , he should have more snaps last season.

6 points
splitpea1's picture

August 02, 2023 at 11:45 am

I welcome any good reports about our young DLs. Slaton destroying a center? Good, but too bad it was ours. At least we know we have a potential problem, and the now is the time to give Tom his chance at the position (which the Packers already have by inserting him into the first team yesterday). Tom has also added a few pounds to help him in the run game.

As for Wyatt, all he needs is the playing time; I'm confident he will deliver.

No more R.A.S. numbers for me, thank you--this infatuation is a bit out of hand. All that matters to me is that any potential players can make a helpful impact on the field when called upon. Maybe this is the case with Miller, I don't know. I do know that he's going to need to improve his catch rate from where it was in college if he's going to stick, though.

3 points
greengold's picture

August 02, 2023 at 12:11 pm

Yeah. I agree, splitpea1. Slaton was big, and WYATT may have been even bigger. Listened to Nags' reports from yesterday, and he had 2 Packers staff, including 1 scout and a reporter come up to him yesterday saying, "Did you see Devonte Wyatt???!!!"

Everything I've heard on Brooks has been solid. Wooden made some plays earlier in the week, but on the flip side, I heard Sean Rhyan stoned Wooden playing OG on 5 straight reps in their 1 on 1s.

Pretty cool stuff!

PS. Hope you know I was kidding yesterday. I always get jacked up hearing of Gutekunst's signings. Especially when their tape reveals that they've got the goods.

2 points
splitpea1's picture

August 02, 2023 at 12:37 pm

Supposedly the Packers gave Rhyan some off-season work at center, so if he can back up multiple positions it would help his chances of making the team. Other than that, he's a mystery man--someone who we'll need to find a lot more about in preseason action.

1 points
marpag1's picture

August 02, 2023 at 03:53 pm

Wow. Seems like a lot of commenters are pretty sure they know who will start at center. I suspect that very few of them actually do. I certainly don't. Even the Packers don't know, otherwise they wouldn't be treating the center position as an open competition. And they obviously are treating it as an open competition. This ought to surprise absolutely no one. Why would it?

I'll toss one thing out there. While Myers has certainly been underwhelming thus far in his career, I personally think that his pass protection is much better than his run blocking. I think the Packers are likely to prioritize pass pro, especially with a first year starter under center.

Thanks for the article, Al. I'll disagree with you on just one point. It is not too early to worry about the kicker. There's no need to feel bad about it.

0 points
Ya_tittle's picture

August 03, 2023 at 12:21 pm

Everyone keeps talking about not talking Creed instead of Myers, but as I recall our OUTGOING former center was the one who put a bug in Gute's ear telling him to take Myers.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

August 03, 2023 at 01:00 pm

If so, it is additional evidence that outgoing veterans don't like Packers' management. Hehe

1 points
packerfanroy's picture

August 02, 2023 at 07:23 pm

Center- Sounds like Myers is hurt so it make sense to bring a few more bodies for camp.

Wyatt- He showed flashes at the end of the year. Sounds like he has a good mindset this year. I'm gonna wait before calling any second year jump. If he shows alot in joint practices and pre-season games there could be hope.

RAS- Looks like a long term developmental, another Lazard type/Goon 2.0. PS maybe?

Up-downs - I'm worried about the offense. Moved on from their 2 best players (AR,DA). Not alot of experience compared to the defense. The defense proly knows the offence better than most of the players on the offense. They're young so you expect there to be growing pains but you would like to see them win a day or two.

More up-downs- I'm liking the fact that he is showing some flashes, a little more consistently. Seems like the general consensus (for what thats worth lol) has gone from JLove can be, not ok - ok - good, to JLove can be, ok - good - great,maybe

Kicking- I'm not worried. The fact that Biasccia knows him is good enough for me to wait and see how it turns out. It might be a little rough to start out and not perfect by the end of the season but hope he is serviceable this year and then becomes a high level player next year.

Punting- O'Donnell seems to be the better holder and directional punter. But money is tight and is the other punter a good enough holder that you would take the savings and let the young punter and kicker try and learn together for the next 2 years? I'm not saying it will happen but a part of me won't be surprised if Gute cuts O'Donnell and uses a phrase like "youth movement" in describing ST or the team in general.

0 points