Confessions of a Polluted Mindset - Packers Show Love to the Chiefs

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.


Order of blame for this loss: 1. Special Teams  2. Matt Lafleur  3. Offensive line.  Jordan Love does not make my top 3.

Oh Snap - I saw a lot of people claiming new snapper Wirtel made some bad snaps on the field goal tries. I didn't see that at all. The snaps were fine, the holds were not. You didn't see Crosby saying anything to Wirtel, but he gave his holder Bojo a piece of his mind both times. Ironically, I lauded Bojo last week for handling the bad snaps that got Bradley cut, but this week was a different story. A thought - could it be that the Packers sped up the snap/hold process because of all the protection issues they've had on place kicks and could that be why Bojo didn't get the laces spun correctly in time? Just wondering out loud.

Rodgers - Had this thought - is he just too smart for his own good? From the family issues, to thinking he could call plays better than MM (which I might agree with) to thinking he could be a better GM than Gutey. Has the belief in his own intelligence evolved into a huge ego issue? Has this festered out in the open with the current coaching regime's more modern with-the-times approach whereas old-school McCarthy wouldn't stand for it and kept it in check? And was this why Rodgers wanted MM out in the worst way?  Is that a polluted mindset?

Defense - What can I say that hasn't already been said? Joe Barry found the key to unlocking the level of energy, effort and passion we've only dreamed about in recent years.

Adams - Davante definitely did not seem to be himself. Obviously, the QB-WR connection wasn't there and he was just coming off of having COVID without practicing all week - either he was physically affected of mentally, he just wasn't locked in.

Elgton Jenkins  - As much as we've all praised Jenkins for the job he has done filling in for DBak, there seemed to be some confusion going on with picking up the Chiefs' blitz packages. Now, when he was matched up one-on-one, he was lights out. But I saw several plays where he ended up blocking no one when the Chiefs were rushing 6-7 players. It's certainly possible that it wasn't his fault and someone else blew the protection, but I'm just telling you what I saw.

Oof - So the Packers miss 2 field goals, have a muffed punt lead to 3 points, and King drops an INT which also leads to a field goal - all in first half. The score at halftime should have been 7-6 instead of 13-0. 

The Classroom - Good lessons were learned in this game by Love and hopefully LaFleur, who has never had to game plan for teams all-out blitzing Rodgers. During the game, I kept saying he doesn't seem to have any answers for what KC was doing with the blitz. He admitted as much after the game. As I mentioned, it's likely the first time as a head coach he's had to deal with something like this. I don't expect him to make the same mistake again.

Rams game - If you watched the Sunday night game, Matthew Stafford was also getting pounded by heavy pressure. Sean McVay reacted - he had his VETERAN quarterback run some designed roll outs, they moved the pocket, used quick throws, etc. All things LaFleur did not do for his first time starter quarterback. Again, our coach will not likely fail to make such adjustments again.

Boom Boom Barnes - Krys Barnes' tackle on third down at the pylon has to be the Packers hit of the year so far. And he had some others in this game worthy of consideration as well - what a performance.

Try Malik - Watching Love struggle early on, I remembered Love having a nice connection with Malik Taylor in preseason. I thought they could have tried to get him some targets to help Love get comfortable.

It took Mahomes 58 minutes to make a play, and when he finally did, it was the kill shot. 

While the video topic says Jordan Love, if you want a great look at the Packers' protection issues against the blitz, I recommend watching this.




"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


13 points

Comments (119)

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Bearmeat's picture

November 10, 2021 at 06:22 am

This is all great stuff Al. I won hundred percent agree that 12s ego is a massive problem. And although I don’t know this for a fact I think it’s a big reason why Gute chose to draft who he did in the 2019 draft. Of course this was before the MVP year which made things much more difficult. But I still expect 12 to be gone in March and good riddance. Thankful for the good memories but time to move on.

Good catch on the field goal holding issues. I hadn’t noticed that. Also agreed about MLF and his lack of a good plan to handle all out pressure in that game. I expected to be better on Sunday.

I almost find myself hoping that 12 doesn’t play on Sunday and love gets another chance. I think it will be much better.


1 points
Lphill's picture

November 10, 2021 at 06:30 am

So you think the Packers would not be 7 and 2 without Rodgers? Please stop the BS and stop listening to Adam Schefter , Love was preparing for this moment for a long time and he laid an egg , showed not one flashy play the entire game .

-14 points
Archaism's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:43 am

You laid an egg in your assessment

5 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:56 am


2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:05 am

What the hell does Adam Schefter have to do with it?

5 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:28 am

Apparently he flashes people.

3 points
Johnblood27's picture

November 10, 2021 at 04:56 pm

Whats Love got to do with it?

Whats love but a second hand emotion.

Wow, just Wow... Tina Turner with 6 down votes...

-3 points
greengold's picture

November 10, 2021 at 10:17 am

God, I love ya, Johnblood, and that's why I give you the down vote!!! hahahahahaha!

-1 points
Johnblood27's picture

November 10, 2021 at 04:55 pm

You're a very funny guy GG, that's why I'm going to kill you last...

3 points
greengold's picture

November 11, 2021 at 09:51 am

LOL. Too good. Cheers, man!

0 points
BruceC1960's picture

November 10, 2021 at 06:02 pm

Adam Schefter said on Monday night, the Packers without Rodgers would be the worst team in the NFL. I thought that was an interesting comment after just losing by 6 on the road with special teams issues. Oh, and the Packers were without 8 starters. Worst team in the league seems a little extreme?

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

November 11, 2021 at 09:45 am

thats the truth, he should have been much better than he showed thats for sure...I was not impressed at all with all his floating and off target passes...looked like he did at Utah State many times..

0 points
mnbadger's picture

November 10, 2021 at 12:28 pm

Agree with you Bearmeat 100%: 12 has a massive ego. This isn't bad if it's channeled properly. But his ego not only clouds good judgement, it shields it from his brain and mouth.
It's now clear what his mantra "Carry the G" means to him: that he's GOD and everybody associated with the organization damn well better understand that. God has his own rules and is allowed to spew without anybody holding him in check.
God is the best player in the league, he's the best play caller, he's the best at snap count manipulation, he never passes up open receivers and every one of his passes is perfect.
Only if you believe all that, do you truly "Carry the G" in his perfect world.
BTW, instead of spending so much time with Dr. Joe Rogan discovering "immunization" for covid, he should commit his mental talent and research acumen to curing cancer. Any form, just pick one. After a few weeks, move on to the next one till all forms of cancer are a thing of the past! It shouldn't take him more than 6 or 8 months, being GOD and all!
Thank you for letting me get all of that off my chest. GPG!

7 points
ApplesAndTons's picture

November 10, 2021 at 01:01 pm

Well thank you for making me read that. I got a nice little chuckle. Stupidity is one of the many forms of comedy. Just remember the difference in MLF winning record with and without God — there's an 82.5% difference — FACTS.

Yikes 😬

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 10, 2021 at 01:40 pm

Every fool finds a bigger one to admire!

-5 points
Lphill's picture

November 10, 2021 at 06:26 am

All valid points but not once did Love make one play that made us say “wow “ not once .

-2 points
Bearmeat's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:51 am

Neither did 12 until his 3rd year. And that was with 3 full off-seasons.

17 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:21 am

Did he really make one then? My recollection was of relief that he was competent and decisiveness had appeared unlocking the flashes seen prior amid much that was not encouraging. He was still seen as having exciting potential if not fully there yet in the following season after Favre. There were many who argued Favre was clearly the better QB that year.

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:38 am

not true.

Listen to the reporters that were at practices. They saw the talent in Rodgers. He would make big plays in practices. He showed talent in practices.
Listening to reporters to this point they have not seen many 'wow' moments with Love. Not that it will mean anything, but the difference with Rodgers is he did flash the talent in practice.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:49 am

In his first training camp? Not so much. Later yes. In fact that was a factor I argued for as a reason to be patient at the time, so I do remember their existence and when that became something emerging. Love too has had such reports as well as bad ones. The question is whether the good increase and the bad decrease and whether the timescale is longer as Rodgers’ was.

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

November 11, 2021 at 06:07 pm

And with 3 QB camps until Players Association cancelled

0 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

November 10, 2021 at 06:57 am

Regarding the level of energy on D, the confidence and speed I’m seeing will likely even increase as they have more successes. Hopefully it is sustainable for the entire year and as all pros return the chemistry is enhanced. Hope Z and Jaire can increase even improve this “special sauce” Barry seems to be cooking up.

11 points
Caden819's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:27 am

We FINALLY have a defense!

6 points
Minniman's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:32 am

Watching the coaches film of the KC game it’s evident how much the Packers miss Z. Gary, Preston and Mercilus are bigger body guys who do sustained pressure really well (really, really well for Gary).. Z is more agile and possesses that ability to either bend around the corner or slip inside and get home clean that these guys don’t have.

Wash my mouth out for saying this, but Kevin King had a quietly solid game. Sure, he missed that INT but he tackled well and didn’t get beat.

4 points
greengold's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:09 am

“Wow” plays… from a QB in his first NFL game, with a OL playing like a sieve, a Head Coach who’s game plan made EVERYTHING more difficult, with some very poor play designs, and ZERO in-game adjustments…

Yeah, not going to get many “Wow” plays with what Love faced on Sunday.

Agree, Al, that Elgton probably had his worst game at LT on Sunday. I’d rather they use Yosh at LT until Bak is back.

21 points
Razer's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:26 am

O-Line did not play well and did not adjust well. I would have liked to see Yosh at LT. The bigger issues were at center and RG. Tells you just how much QB play is dictated by the O-line. Mahomes suffered from the same problems on his side of the ball.

15 points
greengold's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:50 am

Yeah, Razor. Moving Jenkins to C is the move they’ve needed. Patrick has had too many misses. Yosh has been very solid at LT.

3 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:16 am

At this stage, the question is: are they better with Nijman-Runyan-Jenkins-Patrick (because I think at this point he displaces Newman)-Turner or with Jenkins-Runyan-Patrick-Newman-Turner.

FWIW, I think it's clear that the key is cohesion and moxie in the middle of the OL. GEtting a Bakhtiari back who is 90+% will be a huge plus...but he's still going to have to work his way back into game shape.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:28 am

Runyon wasn’t much better than Newman. I feel somewhat that Patrick gets the tough draw here. Each guard had good players outside him, Patrick was surrounded by players getting fooled. Whatever his own challenges, it’s pretty hard to play C when neither side is predictable. I much prefer Turner at T, but I’m not convinced the best line up does not have him at G and Nijman at RT with Jenkins going to LG on Bakh’s return and Patrick remaining at C.

7 points
PeteK's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:38 am

True , World, Patrick has had some top rated games. It was a rough game for a young and out of position line.

-1 points
greengold's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:12 am

Coldworld, I agree this might be our best set up moving forward, once Bak is back full-go.

The thing about Newman is he's a rookie RG. It often takes a year or two, like Runyan, to get to NFL level weight, strength, conditioning. I've been impressed by Royce and his play early, but he seems to be falling off a bit. Might need more sand in the pants. Thought the 17 game schedule plus playoffs might be too much for him after a time.

Likely best to let Newman sit, develop as best as possible, up through the playoffs, as he might get called upon again.

Turner likely is the best option at RG with Jenkins at C. Bak LT, Yosh RT and Runyan LG. That is a line that I think would be very good moving forward.

Patrick has had too many misses throughout. Super hot or cold.

0 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 10:00 am

You make a good point that part of the issue compounding youth with Newman is likely a lack of functional strength. That will grow with time, too. The rookie wall is looming...

2 points
ApplesAndTons's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:17 pm

I like this line! And I like Royce too. Good kid. Give him time, he has heart and a will to fight!

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 11, 2021 at 05:52 am

The good news is that when Bakh returns (assuming he's 90% or better) the line will improve when Jenkins can be inserted at a different position, and it almost doesn't matter which one.

Which lineup is optimal with Bakh back in there? I have my own opinion, but I am not married to Jenkins at center (until Myers returns from IR, assuming he does).

2 points
Minniman's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:43 am

An interesting point that the QB School YouTube guy made was just how much protection calling that Rodgers does each game (and the multiple adjustments each play)). I think that in the KC game Newman especially missed having someone telling him what to do and who to block - and it showed……. They faced far more formidable defensive fronts in the first 8 games - and prevailed

The work that Rodgers does organising this line can no longer be underestimated - that’s how this inexperienced line was able to prevail previously this year.

4 points
Hematite's picture

November 10, 2021 at 01:01 pm

Good point Minni!

0 points
flackcatcher's picture

November 11, 2021 at 03:15 pm

Rodger's will set the protection calls pre snap as offense lines up. But usually the center (in this case Patrick) will set the adjustments depending on whom the Mike (playing ILB position) is on defense. Under McCarthy, the RB (Kuhn or Starks) would call the adjustments because they had a clearer view of the defensive set, and Lindsey would reset the OL call based on that. With MLF Rodger's does make the adjustment call, but Lindsey and Jenkins at center would then call or reset the protection. I have seen Jenkins DQ Rodgers adjustments and reset the protection based on teams shielding or hiding their "Mike'. I doubt that Patrick, with Love starting his first NFL game wanted to start making adjustment calls mid pre snap. Another failure of MLF in helping his OL protected his young QB.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:36 am

Not disagreeing, but it is extremely hard to function as an individual in a line in disarray. It was clear that the middle 3 were not functioning as a unit. A wall with gaps is not much of a protection against an onrushing hoard. Individual soundness doesn’t help that. Too many players fooled too often. Ineffective adjustment to help perhaps too. We’re I an opponent, I’d be willing to try the same after seeing that, even if Rodgers is back.

3 points
jurp's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:22 am

And we're going to see the same thing this Sunday if Love is behind center, and maybe even if AR is back, until we show that we can stop the blitz or at least pass over it. I trust (hope?) that MLF also sees this.

0 points
Caden819's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:36 am

The problem, along with LaFleurs play calling, is Love doesn't have experience reading defenses and making checks at the line or adjusting the line based on the defensive pressure. If Rodgers was under center in that game there's no way the line plays that badly. It'll come in time for Love I'm sure

6 points
flackcatcher's picture

November 10, 2021 at 12:23 pm

As you say Coldworld, the OL coach has some serious decisions to make. At this point both experience and hitting the 'wall' become major factors. I favor moving Jenkins to Center only for Rodger's familiarly with him, with Patrick moving to RG replacing Newman who is clearly tiring in the fourth quarter. Tough, tough calls abound...

-2 points
stockholder's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:04 am

Great Digs. But Love is a Robot. This team will never win when Rodgers goes.

-13 points
BradHTX's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:16 am

I would suggest going over to APC and reading Justis Mosqueda’s current article comparing Love’s stats to those from the first game by other first round QBs. It’s quite interesting.

2 points
stockholder's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:19 am

And I suggest you compare him to Doug Williams.

-3 points
jurp's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:24 am

When Love balls out this year or next, will you PLEASE migrate to APC. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.

5 points
JerseyAl's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:47 am


3 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:50 am

Didn’t Doug Williams win a Super Bowl?

5 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 10:01 am

Not in his first year... ;)

3 points
stockholder's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:02 am

Yes- he beat Denver in the super-bowl. His best ever game. (Or Maybe coach Gibbs?) Joe Theisman was a better QB. Williams was drafted by TB.

1 points
PeteK's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:41 am

It is interesting , but leaves me in the same position, too small of a sample size to fairly assess.

4 points
canadapacker's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:15 am

I dont know what you mean about interesting Brad - but stats are just that - history and dont really tell the whole story. The team in front of Love is much better - than most other QB's on the list - consecutive 13 win seasons and 7 wins this year to date. Having re-watched the game - even the hyped up first drive was not due to Love - but Dillon. When the chips were down Love didnt make a play near the red zone - ( nor did special teams). But this game was there for the taking. D played outstanding and special teams and King cost us 9 points. In a normal game against a team playing adequately ( and the Chiefs are not) if one can hold a team to 20 points one usually gets a win. There are growing pains with a new QB in real action for the first time but I think that Love hasnt shown me anything yet to warrant him being a first rounder and when one compares him to Fields who has gone through growing pains but seems to have more talent running and throwing - we need to be looking still.
If Love becomes our starter next year ( likely with the way that AR is acting) - First to worst is my prognosis.

3 points
Packerpasty's picture

November 11, 2021 at 09:49 am

I do not want to ever see Love as the Packers starting QB...ive been through the "gory years" and don't want to go backwards...its almost inevitable in the NFL but I hope not for awhile.

-1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 11, 2021 at 06:02 am

I read it, but it is the dumbest stat, and I love my stats. The statistics had no correlation to ultimate success. How a QB did in his first starts reveals zero.

I would have listed the stats, my hypothesis, and then indicated that the results of my research revealed no evidence in any direction.

The only point that perhaps made sense is that a one game sample and this particular data set does not justify any extreme opinions on either end of the spectrum. The only conclusion to be drawn is: I don't know how Love will turn out.

6 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:17 am


Geez, I must be sleepy.

5 points
Johnblood27's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:45 am

It is easy to become Sleepy when your company is Dopey and Sneezy. Better go see Doc.

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

November 11, 2021 at 06:10 pm

How does one even respond to something that absurd? Seriously!

0 points
BradHTX's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:10 am

Al - “Is that a polluted mindset?”

For you to ask these questions? Or for Rodgers’ attitude to be what you suggest?

No, and yes, respectively.

0 points
Razer's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:18 am

Good work Al. Your point about Rodgers is right on. Smartess guy in the room and let's you know it. Problem with smart guys and their egos is "it" is about them - not the team. Regardless of his pseudo medical beliefs, he has cost his team and stirred a needless political pot. Rodgers has become a distraction in his proclaimed "last dance" season. I can see why the organization drafted a QB (maybe not the right one) to avoid the eventual problems of guys bigger than the team.

The KC game was totally winable. KC kept trying to give us the keys but we made too many mistakes to take advantage of the offering. A couple of common issues keep popping up.

1. Matt Lafleur fails to react to his opponent's strategy. Offensive coaches failed to recognize a rookie QB and an aggressive defense. Poor game planning and poor play calling was a bigger factor in not winning this game.

2. Special Teams is a dumpster fire. I was going to say that ST under performance is not about talent - it is about coaching. Now I don't know - I just don't know

2 points
jurp's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:29 am

I don't think that AR is the smartest guy in the room at all, I think it's a carefully curated marketing ploy/persona that he's adopted. I think that he now BELIEVES his own hype, which is why he made the disastrous decision to go on McAfee last week. I'm sure that his being tired (and maybe brain-fogged) from having covid factored into the poor decision, but as I've posted once before, we've now seen behind the curtain and it's not pretty.

This isn't a shot at Rodgers, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he winds up in Congress in 4-6 years. Jack Kemp and other sports stars have done it, so why not him?

3 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:29 am

I think LaFleur again showed inexperience in terms of his pre game approach and his in game calling of personnel and plays.

Take the personalities (Love & Rodgers) out of it. There are certain things coaches do when a backup QB is forced to start, particularly when that player is debuting. As you say, one of them is to give him an outlet that he is familiar with; that he’s established some on field rapport with. Yet Taylor was not used at all.

To compound that, I saw nothing in the presumably scripted plays that seemed designed to get his QB settled that one would expect and formations throughout that seem to be the type requiring veteran experience based adjustments to render effective. This looked to me like a Rodgers game plan. Well Rodgers has 17 years of experience diagnosing. On top of that was the questionable at best use of the run game.

We also saw something I thought might come home to roost from training camp, this time for the second week, if somewhat reversed. Not playing starters mean backups have no familiarity with them, and that leads to miss understandings and failed plays. We saw that with Rodgers and receivers not being on the same page versus AZ, but it’s much worse when a new QB has never played with essentially his entire catching corps. That’s a failure of coaching and foresight.

As to STs, even the awful Zook did not have meltdowns do often in all facets of his teams. One presumes Drayton was actively involved in the long snapper decision and transition. He’s also the one who makes personnel choices. Rodgers has looked unreliable making decisions all season. After 8 games we’ve tried nothing but repeat and hope and seen nothing but the same from Rodgers. It took Drayton 5 weeks to figure out a standard coverage scheme in kicks. He still has not figured out blocking for them.

At some point it becomes obvious that a person is so out of their depth that they are damaging the team and getting less than the talent available. At that point get them out. Pay a retired ST coach to come back for the season and try and savage at least mediocrity. Put Cobb on punts to fair catch. Start to minimize risks. In addition to the 9 points directly attributable, STs left us in terrible starting positions. It was worse than just those points. And they did that in a game where we knew yards were likely to be hard to come by. In the end, Drayton is LaFleur’s responsibility.

LaFleur must grow, Mo must go!

Every game in which Drayton survives is an indictment. Taking responsibility is good only if it leads to addressing the failures. Sometimes that requires unpleasant and prompt action. The ST leadership is past the point where LaFleur must.

16 points
bjkdad44's picture

November 11, 2021 at 12:18 pm

Excellent observations!!

0 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

November 11, 2021 at 07:26 pm

Well said!

0 points
Slim11's picture

November 12, 2021 at 07:52 pm

Good observations, especially with respect to ST coaching.

I disagree with the bad snaps observation from Al. A good LS will place the ball in such a way that the holder has to do very little to spin the ball and position the laces forward toward the goalposts. Former Packer LS Rob Davis became well known for this type of precision.

I don't expect the new LS to have that type of precision yet. Hunter Bradley seemingly wasn't getting the job done. this a case where the cure (Steven Wirtel) is worse than the problem (Hunter Bradley)?

0 points
SanLobo's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:32 am

Good comments on the game as you always provide.
You could see the holds were bad on both blown FG attempts on TV. Two days ago I pointed out the rap on Bojo coming out of Buffalo was his inconsistent holds. And it isn’t just laces, it’s the angle and exact placement of the ball.
Rodgers has a massive ego, just like every other elite athlete…some more than others, and some have better PR folks. But if we are giving him credit for MM departure and LaFleurs arrival…that was a good thing. I think back to Jeff Saturday’s comments about moving from the Colts to GB. He said the Colts were a player led team and under McCarthy GB was not. He said players were not allowed to lead and hold each other accountable. He said it was not fun playing in GB. You can see the difference in the team under LaFleur.
As pointed out by another analysts, Rodgers has become one of the best at setting protections pre-snap. He is a major reason the O-line performs as well as it does on each play with him under center. It’s one of several reasons why he takes so long to snap the ball.
Barnes play at the goal line made my week. On TV he just appeared out of nowhere making a stop when a KC TD appeared inevitable. It was just pretty.
Again, thank you for your work. I always enjoy your view point.

9 points
Razer's picture

November 10, 2021 at 07:48 am

...Barnes play at the goal line made my week...

Barnes on the goal-line is the poster play for the defense. Pure football.

8 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:00 am

The physicality on defense is refreshing, and part of that comes from a DL which is holding its own, too. When the LBs are free to move, they can lay the wood and drive ball-carriers back.

8 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:40 am

I agree entirely, this D line and OLB group is being used do much more effectively, individually and as a group, that it’s allowing better play behind, including by DBs. I do think Campbell is a factor as well and that he in turn allows others a better chance. Barnes is still pretty dire in coverage though. Overall, Barry is using players more effectively as a whole.

A shout out to Slaton, he is still learning, but, as Al says, he played well: He made the loss of Clark survivable and that is a big compliment. I think Heflin earned more snaps too from what I saw in his limited action.

0 points
PeteK's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:58 am

Even Burks made a good tackle.

4 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 10:03 am

Downhill play limits a lot of liabilities, but coverage? Ugh.

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:59 am

Saturday should never have seen the field during his time in GB, he was putrid and finally did get replaced late in the season.

His perspective on team leadership may have been altered by the way that he was protected by MM and allowed to continue playing when if held accountable he would have been canned much sooner, kinda like Jaylon Smith was recently.

Saturday also played for years with Peyton, who at that point had earned a strong leadership role on that team. Every team does not have a Peyton Manning in his prime. AR has never been the leader that Manning was, although I would argue that AR's play might have been equal to Mannings at the same respective time points in their careers and ARexceeding Mannings late.

Saturday joined GB in ARs 5th season as a starter right after his 1st MVP. Not quite Manning in his prime.

Last note... Teams led solely by players is anarchy, see Rhodes, Ray.

4 points
davekenya's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:37 am

I really like Bojo as a punter - his directional punting and kick depth have been far superior to what we've seen in several years. He's a lousy holder for field goals; years ago, back-up QBs often had this role. Can we keep Bojo punting but have a different holder?

4 points
Hematite's picture

November 10, 2021 at 01:07 pm

I agree davekenya.
Perhaps Aaron Rodgers could hold😂

2 points
Johnblood27's picture

November 10, 2021 at 04:53 pm

He can't hold his tongue, what makes you think he could hold for kicks?

4 points
Guam's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:07 am

For some time I have believed that LaFleur and the offensive coaching staff struggle with in-game adjustments. Usually their initial game plans are pretty good (plan for KC was not), but if the defense throws a creative wrinkle at them, they struggle to find answers. KC was a combination of a bad initial game plan coupled with poor in-game adjustments.

I have no background in football other than playing high school ball and being a lifelong fan and even I knew KC was going to blitz the daylights out of a rookie quarterback. How did MLF and company not know that was coming? Al said it very well - this looked like an Aaron Rodgers game plan, not a Jordan Love game plan. MLF is an outstanding HC, but every once and awhile he comes up with a real head scratcher......

Special teams cost the Packers this game. It could happen again this season as long as Drayton continues to be the special teams coach. It is time for LeFleur to make a tough decision and replace Drayton - a new guy could not be worse than what we have now. It is time!

5 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:12 am

"For some time I have believed that LaFleur and the offensive coaching staff struggle with in-game adjustments."

I think it's one thing to believe the plan you've derived will eventually pay's another thing altogether to fail to address what other teams are successfully doing against you.

4 points
Guam's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:18 am

Precisely Dobber. Rolling Love out or keeping Daffney in as a blocking back need not derail your pre-game plan, but they would have been useful responses to the relentless blitzing by KC. Adjustments, not starting over.

2 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 10:07 am

It should be noted that Seattle is--on a per game basis--every bit as lousy defensively as KC and only marginally better at pressuring the passer. IF Love plays on Sunday, and the indications are that he might, we'll see if those adjustments have happened.

2 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:11 am

" Has the belief in his own intelligence evolved into a huge ego issue?... Is that a polluted mindset?"

I'm hoping this was meant to be sarcasm because this take feels a little late to the party.

5 points
flackcatcher's picture

November 10, 2021 at 12:26 pm

Yup. Al's pad level too high.... :-)

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:12 am

Order of blame for this loss: 1. Special Teams 2. Matt Lafleur 3. Offensive line. Jordan Love does not make my top 3.

Thats fair. While he maybe wasn't one of the top 3 reasons they lost, he was a contributing factor into why they didn't win. He simply didn't make enough plays to win.
Now the special teams you can say were the biggest factor for loss. They missed out on 6 points and cost us 3. So 9 point turn around.

Oh Snap -
I agree. All the snaps were right there. Sure maybe the ball didn't have its laces up. But it was right there to make it easy for Bojo to get down and turn. He wasn't able to do that. Bojo definitely was the culprit to bad holds. The one snap was slightly higher but nothing bad. Bojo just struggled catching it.
Hopefully with one game together they will get it clamped down.

Rodgers -
Perhaps he is to smart for his own good. As far as family issues, that is his personal business. Who knows what really is going on there. None of my business.
I think Rodgers covered for MM a lot on the field and he grew tired of bad play calling and whatnot. Enter LaFleur and its proved to be an upgrade.

Defense -
Barry deserves so much credit, especially after all the heat he and GB was taking this offseason for the hire. The defense has been such and improvement from the last couple of years. And that is without 2 of the best players on defense.

Adams -
Have to think the lack of practice time and lack of reps with Love really had an impact.

Elgton Jenkins -
The whole OL struggled with blitz pickups. Perhaps the loss of Rodgers affected this making the reads and calls presnap.

Oof -
Missed opportunities. Special teams cost us 9 points. King dropped the interception that would have saved a FG.

The Classroom -
Lets be honest, LaFleur has grown a little used to having Rodgers as the QB. He is used to his QB being able to adjust things in game. I expect everyone to have learned something from this game.

Rams game -
I do wonder how many of those in game adjustments he didn't make because Love wasn't ready for them? Rodgers is a master of the offense. Love is still learning, and made his first start. I am wondering if LaFleur didn't feel comfortable making big changes in the game because of this.

Boom Boom Barnes -
Barnes had his best game as a pro. Watching him play like this really makes me question why they went and got Jaylon Smith to begin with. But perhaps that move helped motivate Barnes.

Try Malik -
I also thought he maybe would have been more comfortable going to Cobb and Rodgers some. In the Saints game he had some nice connections with them.

3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 11, 2021 at 06:30 am

Sometimes ranking gives a false impression. If the top four offenses put up 35.4, 35.3, 35.2 and 35.1 points/game, there is precious little difference between being number one and being fourth.

One can rank Love's performance fourth and not be incorrect, but failing to mention it as a cause of the loss seems misleading to me. Plus, the QB and sometimes the OC make the line calls, and that's part of their performance grade.

2 points
flackcatcher's picture

November 11, 2021 at 03:43 pm

Experience counts TGR in making in line adjustments. One of the big failures in MLF as a OC caller is not heeding Paul Hackett's advice when Hackett has a clear view of the field. In many ways the KC game was a perfect storm from the offensive side of the ball. No veteran signal caller, a young OL with your best player playing out of position, and a Center who can't or does not want to change the protection for fear of adding too much to what the young QB has to do pre snap. All of that should have been addressed as MLF and his staff put the KC game plan in last week. This is such a basic failure of a HC that comes close to a firing offense. And this is not the first time we have Lafleur do this in the three years he has been a Packer HC. Got to wonder what Gutekunst thinks as he sees Lafleur making the same mistake over and over...

0 points
HarryHodag's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:26 am

On Monday I was shocked at the amount of basting Jordan Love was getting from the Packers 'fans'. He had a rough first half, but the second half was better. Rodgers should have been basted the same way when the Packers were humiliated at New Orleans.

I wanted to draw this perspective: if the special teams hadn't failed Crosby in Kansas City and he made both of those field goals the score at the end of regulation would have been tied. This isn't pie-in-the-sky stuff, two field goals, score tied. Anything can happen in overtime. If Taylor got away from the punt--as instructed I'm sure--when no fair catch is made, again the score is different.

So Jordon Love wasn't as much of the problem Sunday as some bozo play on special teams.

If Love plays again this week(it's possible as Rodgers might not be in physical condition to play much) look for another dose of pressure. Lets hope Matt LF learned his lesson.

6 points
dobber's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:34 am

I would posit (and it's not a stretch) that Jordan Love, through no fault of his own, is at the center of the ARod argument. He, himself, has little to do with peoples' opinions of him and mostly to do with their opinions of ARod. Those opinions were mostly formed immediately after he was drafted and before he ever took a snap.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:49 am

We saw the same when it was Rodgers and Favre, for longer and, if anything, more vitriolically. People are uncomfortable with change and uncertainty, and there is a tendency to assume some things are constant that aren’t after so many years.

Of course, Rodgers turning from a grub into a beautiful butterfly does not mean Love will, but it should remind us that the grub phase may not be the end of the story or an overnight phenomenon.

As a Rodgers backer back then, I confess that it was no sure thing and remind folks that the argument persisted till Favre’s decline was impossible to deny and Rodgers had a full season and more under his belt.

4 points
Guam's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:31 am

Every rookie QB struggles their first season starting in the NFL. I literally can not remember even one rookie QB that dazzled in their first year of starting. Why people expected Love to carry the Packers to victory in his first start is beyond me. I was encouraged by his second half performance. He did not fold up and hide after a bad first half, but came out in the second half and competed and played better. He may or may not be the Packers QB of the future, but it will be some time before we know which he is. Give him time.

5 points
JerseyAl's picture

November 10, 2021 at 08:56 am

There are a slew of Packers fans who deemed the Love selection a wasted pick on day one, and they want so badly to be right, they will die on that hill. Me, I'll wait and see what he becomes. Is trying to plan ahead and find a successor to Rodgers a waste? I'll never look at it that way, even if Love doesn't pan out.

16 points
Johnblood27's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:05 am

Now that is an unpolluted mindset!

7 points
HawkPacker's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:32 am

I was very happy with the pick although I wish it would have been a year later. The pick told me that the FO thought that Love was far and away the best value at that point in the draft and could not let him get away. Good pick and I hope it pans out!

3 points
scullyitsme's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:55 am

That might be because we seriously were one player away from beating Tampa. Db, wr, d line. One player and we very well could of won a Super Bowl. So was he a wasted pick, or 2 picks(1and 4th)? Maybe not wasted if he can become a serviceable nfl QB, but definitely highly questionable in my eyes, always will be.

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 11, 2021 at 10:47 am

Yes, that could be right explanation for the fear that it was last dance, not this season. But, many of those fans which are in love with AR does not want to accept that he is in decline. Yes, he is excellent QB, but he does not want to accept that his decline started. It is common that decline starts slow and by time signs of decline starts to speed up. At the moment when it will be obvious to the last fan that decline i here, it is to late to search for hair.

On the other hand fans who are in love with Aaron Rodgers do not want to accept that that one play away from beating Tampa is not one, but 3 plays (if I would be honest it was whole 4 Q of the game) at the end were their hero tried to do impossible. To throw catchable ball to triple covered WR, while he ignored open players in the end zone. Also, he refuses to run the ball despite there was at least 8-9 yards of free spoace in front of him. He missed and wasted that 3 plays. He knew and knows that, that is why he transfered the problem to the 4 & goal play. What MLF did was correct. Packers D played very good, they stopped TB 4 times in 4Q nad with FG, there would not be need to go for 2 to win the game (after FG there was +5 for TB).

We know what happened. Referees suddenly change the criteria for D holding or DPI and KK was victim. As Packers were. There were more similar and worse DPI from TB through the game when the zebras stay quiet.

For me, AR is the main culprit for that loss.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 10, 2021 at 05:24 pm

They witnessed the other side of the coin when Rodgers was out with injuries and had no competent backup. Love can fill the role with a strong running game, but the brain trust must commit to helping him out. The loss of Tonyan doesn't help either. Three Phases of Football whether some people like it, or not. Special teams has to make big plays, not display incompetence.

4 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 11, 2021 at 07:05 am

I hated the pick when it was made, and I still hate it.

That has nothing to do with my assessment of the player's abilities ( I hope!). IDK how he might turn out. He can sling it.

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

November 11, 2021 at 06:18 pm

Well said Al!

0 points
scullyitsme's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:49 am

Your kidding right? Rodgers was bashed a lot more than love this week after New Orleans, people couldn’t wait after the off-season. You should go back and look at the comments

4 points
Crankbait's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:13 am

Leflore says that he didn't have a plan for the all out blitzing that KC did ?
Biggest crock of shit.
Any coach of any NFL defense would have prioritized a game plan that addresses all out blitzes.... first and foremost.... because that is what NFL defenses do to rookie quarterbacks.... they blitz them.
Love had a bad game, stop sugarcoating it. Not saying that he won't be an excellent quarterback or will be an excellent quarterback in the future. Talking about just this game, he was ineffective.

-4 points
PeteK's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:26 am

Your opinion would have more validity if there were more roll/sprint outs, which could have slowed down that heavy blitz. I'll put my hopes on how well he performed late in the game and continue to root heavily for this young QB. He has been put in a very difficult situation.

5 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:34 am

Hey Al. I think you're confusing narcissism for intelligence. Nothing about Rodgers two appearances on McAfee suggested intelligence.

5 points
JerseyAl's picture

November 10, 2021 at 12:32 pm

I think you are not reading my words carefully. I said "the BELIEF in his own intelligence." As in, he believes he's the smartest person in the room.

4 points
HawkPacker's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:40 am

Great points Al. Some of them I have thought of as well but many of them I did not. Thanks for your always good article.

I do question a couple of your points though.

Under the 'Rams Game' and 'The Classroom' you are betting that Lafleur will not make that same mistake again. I hope you are right but if you remember after the AZ game Lafleur apologized for how he handled the offense when they were down on the AZ one yard line in that he did not run it in. (Use AJ Dillon). There was at least one other game this year where he apologized for that same thing yet he failed in that area at least a second time. I really hope you are correct that he will not make that same mistake again but recent history tells us differently.

The other issue he needs to correct is his in game managing of the game. He or somebody on staff needs to sit back and look at what is happening in the game and what adjustments they should consider and discuss these at least at half time if not throughout the game.

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

November 10, 2021 at 09:53 am

More Great work Al. Is it me or does it seem that King is always in the middle of a major flip in the score before halftime?

0 points
DanL's picture

November 10, 2021 at 10:30 am

Bojo has improved and stabilized punting. That was a great in-season adjustment. We need to fix the field goal unit ASAP. I suggest replacing Bojo with someone who can handle the ball better and get the ball down consistently. For many teams and many years, the backup QB was the right skillset. Maybe Jordan is the answer to fixing the field goal unit.

4 points
Swisch's picture

November 10, 2021 at 10:58 am

On odd thought, but after what happened against the Chiefs, and with every field goal and extra point in peril for the Packers, do we sign J.K. Scott as a holder? I seriously doubt it, but wouldn't rule it out due to the extreme importance of this position.
Plus, he could be valuable on special teams in general with his renowned tackling ability -- or at least fit right in with the others ;-).

-4 points
Hematite's picture

November 10, 2021 at 03:45 pm

Maybe Aaron Rodgers is the guy that should be holding for place kicking.

0 points
Minniman's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:14 am

Regarding those I’ll-fated FG attempts:

I wish that we could post images on the site (but understand why). I rewatched the Coaches film replay and saw some really interesting formations for those I’ll-fated FG’s. Basically, as you’d expect, most of the O and D linemen were involved (minus KC, EJ and Patrick), with Deguara and Lancaster sealing the ends.

Apart from the questionable delivery for Crosby, both of these guys missed their assignments both times (I.e. at least 1 rushers blew past them both times). This has to be affecting Crosby who now actually seems to no longer trust the protection and is rushing his kicks (I saw no complete follow throughs again on these failed kicks).

In countenance, the Packers rushers placed little pressure on the edge defenders and gave their kicker ample time to complete the shot.

Clearly teams are now targeting the kicks. Is it time to re-think the edge protection - Deguara and Lancaster are clearly no match for rushing DB’s and frequently don’t even get to make contact to push them wide.

Crosby’s been in the league too long to have this much inconsistency.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 02:23 pm

One thing I noted on partial rewatching was odd, on each occasion the laces were in a similar position. If that is wrong, it suggests something more than bad holding: that something has changed in the mechanics between snapper and holder. At least one snap seemed a little high, but the laces were still pointed the same way after adjustment.

Maybe I’m seeing something incorrectly. If not, was that some plan gone awry? Bojo seems to be deliberately aiming the laces there, but it could be he’d just used to giving the ball an approximate turn and this snapper rotates it differently.

If the last suggestion is true (or at least similar to the truth), then it indicates that the three of them were inadequately prepared. I see a consistency in result that suggests more than random incompetence. If Drayton did not ensure that they were in sync, he should be fired for that negligence, but Crosby would also bear responsibility as the senior member: don't blindly trust, make sure personally.

I’d love to hear an expert analysis, but as I see it thus far? This isn’t as simple as inability alone.

3 points
greengold's picture

November 11, 2021 at 10:01 am

Why they don't have Love hold for Crosby, if this is such an issue? There's some dynamic stuff that could result with trick plays, and he's got the hands to make holds for conversions/FGs more reliable.

How many remember all the times Joe Montana held for the SF place kicker?

1 points
scullyitsme's picture

November 10, 2021 at 11:46 am

What I saw from love was not impressive, I also saw Lafleur take the blame for not putting him in a position to succeed but still not impressive. The reality is Lafleur didn’t have a choice but to take the blame. He knew the shitstorm would be coming for love and as a coach tried to mitigate as much as possible by taking the blame. Sure looked to me, especially early, that love was changing from run to pass at the line. Just my take, but I’m sure the Rodgers haters love saviors will call me crazy.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

November 10, 2021 at 02:31 pm

I’m not sure that Love would or should have that authority. I thought he was adjusting protections. If LaFleur gave a debuting QB that authority outside of a prepared RPO play, I’d say LaFleur was doing something most coaches wouldn’t and that it was proved to be a poor decision.

Since I saw no remonstrances on the sideline, I doubt Love was overriding LaFleur. Thus I conclude that you are likely either incorrect or have insightfully identified a further flaw in the game plan.

0 points
scullyitsme's picture

November 10, 2021 at 05:24 pm

I’m quite positive Lafleur gave love enough leeway to change from a run to a pass on just about every play. There are usually two plays called all the time. Often run and a pass. I’m not a big love believer but he’s not a n idiot, he should be able to handle 2 plays at the line. If not then I would call him a wasted pick.

-2 points
Since'61's picture

November 10, 2021 at 01:07 pm

Great work Al. I completely agree with your top 3 reasons for the loss to KC. However. Love could have helped himself out with some better throws and better decision making. Agree that the missed FGs were not the LS fault.

Rodgers too smart for his own good. Maybe, but he hasn't been very smart on his Covid issue. First he lied about his vaccination status which was a simple yes or no questions. His response of "Yeah, I have been immunized", has proven to be an effort of deception on his part. His latest comment about being allergic isn't supported by either the research, the doctors or the results of the vaccine. there were some allergic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine during the trial period but that was addressed before the vaccine was approved. This is all clearly and carefully document by the Journal of the American Medical Association and by the New England Journal of Medicine. I live in a community that is about 5 miles from our local hospital and several of the doctors who work there are my neighbors. None of them have known of any allergies to the vaccine. Neither have my immediate family members, who are also doctors. It looks like he either made that up or was advised to say it. And if he does have an allergy to the vaccine why not state that at the time he was asked about it back in August. Also if you suspect that your are allergic to a Covid-19 vaccine you can ask doctor which vaccine will be safe for you? His allergy claim doesn't make sense, especially since he claimed to research the topic.

Maybe the reality is that as he is getting older he is suffering symptoms from having had at least 3 concussions during his career and it is beginning to affect his judgement. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt about that. Favre was about the same age when his judgement began to go off the rails. I would not rule it out. It has happened to numerous players over the years.

Defense - allowing a little under 18 PPG since the Saints game. When was the last time we could say that?. Kudos to Barry and to the players.

Jenkins - I'm not sure why the Packers did not stay with Nijman at LT and move Jenkins back to LG when he returned from his injury. I think that move would have solidified our OL until Bak returns.

Agree that the score should have been 7-6 at the half. We could have won the game 13-6 since we shut out the Chiefs in the 2nd half. But we must continue to allow our STs to suck and cost us games. Why MLF???

The rest is all good. GPG! Thanks, Since '61

3 points
Minniman's picture

November 10, 2021 at 02:25 pm

Since 61', regarding Rodgers "mea culpas" - the only things that I really have interest in hearing from him are football related.

Regarding Rodgers' take on Covid vaccines I can only defer to a great quote from Tommy Lee Jones to Jim Carrey:

"I cannot sanction your buffoonery"

........ Let it go friend...... Marvel at Rodgers ability to throw a football. Hopefully rejoice in another Lombardi trophy.......... but don't elevate his status beyond his station elsewhere.

0 points
Since'61's picture

November 10, 2021 at 04:42 pm

Good post Minniman - I agree about Rodgers. As I posted on another thread I will continue to enjoy watching Rodgers play QB but I will never listen to or believe anything he ever says again. His behavior is unacceptable in this Covid episode.

As you say hopefully he will lead us to another SB victory. Beyond that he's Shailene's problem. GPG!
Thanks, Since '61

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 10, 2021 at 05:39 pm

So true, '61. I would imagine a competent sports journalist asking Doc Rodgers if he was (in his mind) also "immunized" against the Cancer Virus, since the mRNA Research is primarily focused on developing a vaccine to delimit cancer. Followed Barnes since his days with the Bruins. A Leader. Team Captain as a junior and senior. Flow to the ball. Seek and de-cleat.

2 points
BAMABADGER's picture

November 10, 2021 at 01:32 pm

Thanks Al. I thought Jordan Love played okay against KC. The analyst's film review hit the nail on the head. Blitz pass protection led a sure win to a hard to swallow defeat. Line play has got to improve, particularly at right guard.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 10, 2021 at 05:43 pm

Where was the Fullback/H-Back to protect his blind side?? Where was the motion game to shift the safeties??
LaFleur has been in this position before and no adjustments. Hackett with the melt-down against Belichick. Time to tighten up the ship. Clear the decks and set the course.

5 points
THESZOTMAN1's picture

November 10, 2021 at 02:41 pm

Great article, Al. Best part is link at end. Excellent breakdown of pass protection issues v. Chiefs. It's one thing to talk about problems. This clearly demonstrates them. Should be mandatory viewing for serious fans --- and Coaches! Got to get this fixed whoever is under center.
The Szotman

3 points
TXCHEESE's picture

November 10, 2021 at 02:59 pm

Love did not look great, and even not good, but you can't make a judgement on just one game. If we all did that, we would have definitely have the Pack at 0-17 after the first game. Give the guy a break. I watched Justin Fields his first game against Cleveland, and the difference between him then and Monday night is night and day. Going from college/practice/pre-season to live action, would be like you or I going from playing golf on the local muni course and then teeing it up on a U.S. Open layout. The increased degree of difficulty is exponential.

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 11, 2021 at 11:00 am

I agree with your claim "I watched Justin Fields his first game against Cleveland, and the difference between him then and Monday night is night and day."

And not to forget that Jordan Love had only Friday practice with his WR group, OL and RB. Fields was in preparation whole week (and more!).

0 points