Confessions of a Polluted Mindset - Pull the Hype Train Emergency Brake

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.

Runaway Train - The Christian Watson hype train has left the station and is barreling down a mountain with no brakes. Here are just a few articles and videos titles I've seen lately:
"The Greatness of Christian Watson"
"Christian Watson to make Packers forget Davante Adams"
"Christian Watson will win Offensive Rookie of the Year"
Now, I'm not here to say anything negative about Watson - I was an early Watson hype train passenger. Full credit goes to Packers Report's (and former CHTV writer) Ross Uglem, who got the train rolling and after checking Watson out for myself, I quickly hopped on. In my only two mock drafts (one for the CHTV Draft Guide and one for this site), I had the Packers taking Watson with the first of their Round Two picks. And kudos to Gutey for realizing he couldn't wait around until pick 53 if this was the guy he really wanted. So needless to say, I'm thrilled Christian Watson is a Packer. But can we stop putting so much pressure and unreasonable expectations on the young man before he's ever taken an NFL snap? Please? Note that our own Cory Jennerjohn tried to be the voice of reason on this topic a few weeks ago.

Pasta Rasul - While we're talking about hype, I keep seeing  Douglas mentioned as one of the best cornerbacks in the league. Now there is no doubt he came out of nowhere last year, fit in perfectly, and made a tremendous impact on this team - I couldn't have been happier about that. But something tells me there will be some reversion to the mean this year. That still may be plenty good enough for what the Packers need, but let's not build up a practice squad pickup with overly lofty expectations. 

Panic Alarm - I suppose the opposite of the runaway hype train is the sounding of the panic alarm. I wrote in this space last week about David Bakhtiari still working in the rehab almost 17 months removed from his injury. Now we hear from LaFleur he is "hoping"  DBak will be able to practice at the start of training camp. Sound the Panic Alarm!

He's coming - so there! - You may already know this (I didn't) but supposedly Aaron Rodgers told Pat McAfee during his draft show that he plans to attend mandatory minicamp, which takes place next week. So all of you jumping up and down and screaming (like me) about him getting reps with his new receivers can all just calm down. And the rest of you spinning narratives on how it's not that important and doesn't mean that much can stop, settle back in your couch and enjoy this positive development.

Funky Shit - Evidently, we can expect some mad scientist weirdness from the Packers' defense this season. It's nice to have so many versatile pieces to use in different ways. Unpredictability is a requisite trait of really good defenses.



Special Starters - Last week I wrote about the Packers using some starters on special teams. It seems they are continuing to look at the possibilities:




"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


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11 points

Comments (69)

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MarkinMadison's picture

June 01, 2022 at 06:29 am

Hype and panic cycles are to be expected - it's spring, and what else is there to talk about? Voluntary workouts? I mean, we ain't even had mandatory minicamp yet.

The Packers need Romeo Doubs to be a #1 wide receiver in the worst way. He's going to have 70 catches and 1000 yards for sure. And he'll still lose out to Toure for OROY.

Quay is so fast he will play both 3rd safety and ILB at the same time, and free up Adrian Amos to work on MLF's eyebrows during defensive series.

I think now is the perfect time of the year for articles with video clips about techniques and scheme. If we're here at this time of year, we might just be interested enough to learn something geeky. Or maybe we should just talk about ARod's new girlfriend. ;-)

11 points
dobber's picture

June 01, 2022 at 07:31 am

"Hype and panic cycles are to be expected - it's spring, and what else is there to talk about? Voluntary workouts? I mean, we ain't even had mandatory minicamp yet."

Exactly. It's the doldrums of the off-season. Once we get to minicamp, we'll start to see new storylines emerge, but there's not much to talk about anymore...we've hit most of it....2 or 3 times.

"The Packers need Romeo Doubs to be a #1 wide receiver in the worst way. He's going to have 70 catches and 1000 yards for sure. And he'll still lose out to Toure for OROY."

I hear they both tucked their capes into their shorts at OTAs to protect their secret identities.

"Quay is so fast he will play both 3rd safety and ILB at the same time,"

First base: Bugs Bunny. Second base: Bugs Bunny. Third base...

4 points
Rarescope's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:32 am

ARod has a new girlfriend?!?!? That’s it, I’m canceling my camping trip to Door County this weekend so that I can focus exclusively on the minutiae of said relationship. Burpy, I’ll be in the ARod gossip enhancing meditation chamber for the remainder of the week. If you want to have a good time while I’m gone, do everything I would do ;)

0 points
pantz_bURp's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:56 pm

No,noooo...Rare, I ain't falling for it. Please leave #12 alone. I am too busy trying to save the WORLD!


0 points
marpag1's picture

June 01, 2022 at 06:51 am

I've been trying to tone people down on the Rasul Douglas hype for quite a while now. He's a decent slot guy, but let's be reasonable.

Here's another guy to put in the same list... Robert Tonyan. One year (only) of significant production, and many of those stats are virtually certain NOT to be replicated. He did NOT look good prior to his injury last year. And now he's coming off an ACL. Probably, he's a decent starter. Unless he improves, he's NOT one of the best tight ends in the game.

8 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:53 am

but he did train with George Kittle one time, so he has that going for him, which is nice...

4 points
marpag1's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:07 am

Let's not forget that Kittle and Tonyan are both rocking "man bun" hairstyles, so that counts for something, too.

1 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:46 am

Once, when I was in band camp….

1 points
dobber's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:48 pm

Gunga galunga!

1 points
DrMixerGED's picture

June 02, 2022 at 03:11 am

And you have a Vicism going for you, which is nice

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 03, 2022 at 05:49 am

actually a Bill Murray-ism... Caddyshack ya kno...

...and the Dali Lama is a poor tipper...

1 points
NickPerry's picture

June 01, 2022 at 07:02 am

I must admit, I've gotten caught up in the CW hype train myself. Although I haven't really commented much on MY expectations of our new savior at WR, I've thought about much of what Al just mentioned. I could see where CW wins the OROY award, I really can. BUT, I also TRY and temper my expectations, wait and see him on a football field against other Pros, and would actually settle for about 40 to 50 receptions, 700 to 900 yards, and 6 to 9 TD's.

Rasul Douglas... It would be great if Douglas followed up last years performance with a same or similar season. But if he can just be a SOLID 3rd CB and stay healthy, I'll be a pretty happy camper. Tell you the truth, I'm actually more concerned about the dreaded "sophomore slump" which could bite Eric Stokes, than I am about Rasul Douglas.

Bakhtiari... Well crap, just when I thought DB would be just fine and the Packers were just being the overly cautious team we know and love, MLF springs in the word "Hope" and we're all in a panic. The contract is bad enough. Bakhtiari not playing while being paid THAT contract is just "Funky Shit" and not in a good way. Maybe he can guzzle a few beers at halftime to get the crowd riled up.

Funky Shit...That defense is going to be doing a TON of "Funky Shit" this season and when it happens it will be a positive experience. I HONESTLY think this defense can be the best in the NFL...Now THAT would be FUNKY SHIT!

9 points
murf7777's picture

June 01, 2022 at 07:56 am

NP, I’d be very surprised if Stokes had a 2nd yr slump. I was just watching his highlights from last year and his skill level is at the level of a top 15 corner and I just don’t see that changing. He has great instincts that go along great with this superb athleticism. I’m stoked about Stokes.

3 points
PeteK's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:05 am

There will also be less pressure on Stokes and Fangul with Alexander back.

0 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:19 am

Fangul lol nice

0 points
marpag1's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:06 am

I agree with this. The way he's able to shadow and redirect on the fly is impressive. And players don't just forget natural ability.

On the flipside, this is why I'm very down on a player like Amari Rodgers. While it's not unusual for a first year WR to be overwhelmed, I just didn't seen any real juice in his game, to the point where I'm doubting if he has the athletic ability to stack up. I don't know... maybe he was just so tentative that everything was half speed. But Stokes looked the opposite of that.

2 points
NickPerry's picture

June 02, 2022 at 07:26 am

I hope you're right murf7777...I guess I'm one of those who is just a worrisome fan when it comes to the Packers. This team has been SO CLOSE, especially the last 2 where had they won you'd have thought the SB was in the bag based on who was playing for the AFC. In 2020 the Chiefs played with 4 guards and a center on the O-Line in the SB and then last year the Bengals who we beat earlier in the year.

Just what may have been had Rodgers tucked in the ball and ran from 8 yards out against TB, and then last year just threw the ball to anyone OTHER than Adams.

I don't blame Gute one bit for building up this Defense and O-Line the way he has. They have IMO the top RB duo in the NFL and now a pretty damn good and DEEP O-Line assuming Bakhtiari and Jenkins return and STAY on the field...Nice job Gute

The Defense....Can't wait to watch first Cousins and then Fields in week one and two looking through their earholes in their helmets coming off the field.

0 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:50 am

“ I must admit, I've gotten caught up in the CW hype train myself.” CW? Country Western? Seriously though, I do see projections that he will surpass 600 yards this season. That’s pretty good.

0 points
stockholder's picture

June 01, 2022 at 07:28 am

I like the hype train. It puts these guys on schedule for greatness. Great Expectations is the only way to look at Watson. Forget the award Talk. As long as he is in the conversation.( WE have the makings of a new #1 WR. ) And if we can hype MVS to a 10 million dollar contract. Watson only has to attach himself to Rodgers.
And lets just throw the others in for the next great Trio.
Douglass is always around the ball. I Worry about a injury, more than a let down. And I could see him playing some safety yet.
The Lt position is getting backed up. So yea, I can see why Bahk is in a hurry to get back on the field.
Rodgers is a football player first. CAN YOU SAY RESPECT! Take that all you HATERS.
The Funky shit was long overdue.
There are just too many things going on with Special Teams. Hopefully I won't see a DL on them.

-1 points
Oppy's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:30 pm

There wasn't a single soul alive who was worried about if Rodgers would or wouldn't show up to -MANDATORY- minicamp. That was never the subject.

People were saying it would have been nice for Rodgers to go the extra mile and attend some voluntaries to help acclimate the new WR corps and show some extracurricular leadership.

So, yeah.. all us haters are just standing by scratching our heads as the "TAKE THAT" bullet whizzes past its mark.

3 points
dobber's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:49 pm

"So, yeah.. all us haters are just standing by scratching our heads as the "TAKE THAT" bullet whizzes past its mark."

He moonlights as a stormtrooper.

1 points
murf7777's picture

June 01, 2022 at 07:40 am

I love CW’s potential, but as I’ve said numerous times, the expectation for him should be around 40-700-5. I’d be pleasantly surprised if he became a #1 WR in year 1. He will have his issues in year 1, but that’s the normal growing process in the NFL for rookie WR’s.

1 points
PeteK's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:16 am

We have many possession WRs so if Watson can get by press coverage and catch a few posts or fades ( was it called a flag at one time) to keep the D honest, I would be happy.

1 points
dobber's picture

June 01, 2022 at 07:58 am

"He's coming - so there!"

I thought it was cited that last year, in the midst of his snit with the team, was the first time 12 ever missed mandatory minicamp. Over his career, he's pretty much always been there so I don't think we should be surprised. Correct me if I'm mistaken. It doesn't mean he'll do anything more than stand on the sideline and gab...

"Funky Shit"

We needed something to go along with the "Illusion of Complexity." The Walker pick, assuming he's not in way over his head, coupled with the lack of depth at safety signals a realignment of packages and a change in how they will defend the run AND pass. Add to that better depth at DL than we've seen for several years and that's probably going to look like funky shit.

"Pumping the Brakes"

We can go on about the rookie WR, but there's not much consistency in the expectations. We've been calling for more 2 RB and 2 TE sets to support the run game and get those players active running routes. That means less 11 personnel and more 2 WR groupings. If Watkins and Lazard sit at the top of the depth chart, that doesn't leave a huge number of snaps to split between Cobb, Watson, Doubs, AmRod, and any other WR to crack the 53. Someone would have to displace Watkins or Lazard to really make that impact...maybe a rookie does that. I'm not expecting it.

I've been saying that a regression on Douglas' numbers is likely. He played his way through 4 teams in 5 years, and was sitting on AZ's practice squad. Maybe that lit a fire under him and changed something in his play, who knows? But he didn't magically get any faster (his Combine 40 was 4.6), which was his Achilles heel in previous stops as teams found ways to expose him deep. If you watch him play, his game is physical and attacking the ball at the catch point. He's a really good 3rd CB who will undoubtedly be asked to play a lot of snaps...and could be that 3rd safety.

2 points
Rarescope's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:39 am

I hope you are wrong about Douglas Dobber. I think that a key part of his success last year was his study of opposing teams. I know he got lucky on one play (I think it was an interception) where he was actually out of position in a way that let him play on the ball but, this being the off-season, I’m going to instead believe that he is just that in touch with the force.

If he keeps up on his film studies this year I think he will be pretty darn solid again.

3 points
Spock's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:01 am

Al, I always enjoy this column! Nothing to comment on as I agree with everything you've written! I didn't comment on the piece about how you became such a well known and popular blog writer. Truth be told I was unhappy when your Jersey Al site merged with CHTV's site as I had been a (silent) reader of your site and always visited it BEFORE the CHTV site. It took me a while to "approve" the "merger" of the two sites, but now I'm okay with it (still preferred your site over the merged two sites, and, yeah, I remember Stroh). Glad you got such positive feedback from the article (even with the 6-7 spelling errors). I'm so glad that you have given me and other Packer fans this forum for just "talking Packers" and I appreciate your policing the comments to make it the BEST Packer site on the internet. Congrats on your upcoming retirement!
"Live long and prosper."

5 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:58 am



0 points
mrtundra's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:10 am

Hype is the name of the game, especially this time year. I think Watson will do a fine job, for GBP, but I expect to see him pushed by Romeo Doubs, a bit. I think Doubs will have a solid camp for the Packers, and may outshine Watson, for a while. I also see Zach Tom giving Royce Newman all he can handle at RG. I see Sean Rhyan and Rasheed Walker battling Yosh Nijman for the RT spot, unless Bakhtiari is not ready for primetime, yet, come week one. Then, Nijman goes to LT and Rhyan fills the RT spot, with Walker as back up for either side, until Bakhtiari returns.

3 points
SanLobo's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:44 am

Ahh, the post draft off-season. Where every team is undefeated and every draft pick a future Hall of Famer.
Thank you TGR for another thoughtful and well written article. I try to ignore the hype and projected expectations. Let the coaches coach and players learn, and relax while I look forward to football 100 days from now.

***edit***. Sorry, wrote TGR while thinking Jersey Al. Doing too many things at the same time. But both are excellent contributors to the board.

2 points
Rarescope's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:41 am

Holy crap, I knew it! TGR is Jersey Al’s alter ego!

1 points
PeteK's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:34 am

It all makes sense now. Al is a big soccer fan and Ronaldo is his favorite player.

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 02, 2022 at 02:02 am

Hmm. No numbers. No math. Better writing. Not seeing any resemblance.

1 points
SanLobo's picture

June 06, 2022 at 10:01 am

TGR and Jersey Al: Quality content, thoughtfully presented insights, takes their work seriously but not so much themselves, and the two columnists I most look forward to reading.

0 points
SanLobo's picture

June 07, 2022 at 08:42 am


0 points
croatpackfan's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:41 am

It is not TGR the author of this article. It is Jersey Al. It might be typo or you maybe read name wrongly...

-1 points
SanLobo's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:42 am


0 points
Since'61's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:30 am

It’s the same every season. It will be all hype until Week One of the regular season when reality arrives. Thanks, Since ‘61

4 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:00 am

and Oh Boy did reality hit us in the face in week one last season!

7 points
PeteK's picture

June 01, 2022 at 06:35 pm

It might make a reappearance if Bak is not ready. If he is not practicing by preseason it might be retirement time. I hate to be pessimistic, but after 17 months of rehab and almost age 31, I'm worried. I would like to know if he was at least running and doing some drills, which would put me at ease.

3 points
canadapacker's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:03 pm

You are oh so right. We already know who is going to the Superbowl - Rich Eisen told us so on draft night - Jets versus the Giants - take it to DraftKIngs or BetMGM and put your house on it. According to Rich

0 points
canadapacker's picture

June 01, 2022 at 08:46 am

Totally agree in the Watson and Douglas hype train. The same as when we didnt draft a wide-out and took Love - we were on the We Are Doomed hype train. Watson will probably be good unless he gets hurt and will have some plays for him - but will he get onto the same page as AR and fast? We will see - and it is more imperative that our run game gets back in business than it is for this guy to carry us or to have a whole bunch of splash plays. Douglas will never live up to a second season with all the INT's - hopefully he will not gamble too much and continue to improve in that area and unlike others (King) wont drop INT's thrown right at him. My only hype train that I want to be on is when the Oline gets to practice and everyone is there who can be there and espcially Bak. We know that Jenkins wont be there but will Myers Newman Njiman and Runyan s be in tip top shape and will the Oline start acting like the bulldozer Oline so we can be the run first offense that we need to be.

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:03 am

A - Pull the hype train emergency brake...????? WTF?

B- All gas, ,no f'ing brake... Illusion of Complexity... Funky Shit.....

Gimme B all day, every day!!!!!

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:13 am

To be honest Al, I'm more interested in how will Packers D perform, than what will happen with offense. Second part of the team I'm looking to see is ST. For offense I have low expectation knowing the history and knowing how rookies are treated in Green Bay. We all knows that the main difference between college football and NFL is the much higher speed of play in NFL. For that you have to adapt yourself. Packers never shown enough patience for rookie's adaptation and they do not like to swallow few mistakes through the game just to give them adaptation period so they can help team deeper in the season.

When you have diamonds in the rough you have to let them shake that rough and to shine, something like Eric Stokes last season. Eric was lucky to play through whole season, but that came on the expenses of injuries and "lack of talents" in the supporting cast. Once he got enough playing time he cemented starter job. That is good indicator what to do with rookies with potential. Do not ignore them while they are on the field, swallow few mistakes and build them with confidence you are counting on them.

On D, it is different situation, rookies get more chances and because of that they are able to shine faster than rookies on offense. Remember AJ Dillon first season? And than in second season when he played more he showed us (that game against Titans) how good he is. So, if you pick guys in the first 3 rounds of the draft give them the chances to become valuable assets when it matter the most.

I expect a lot from Devonte Wyatt (# 95) this season. Also from Quay Walker (#7), but not that much as from #95. Also, that guy drafted in the 5th round, Kingsley Enagbare (#55) might prove that other teams were wrong to pass him in the draft. Tariq Carpenter (#24) might show himself as nice late pick up for the back up S position, as he can play in the box and as deep safety. He will also be a good addition to ST.

I know that NFL becomes pass first league, but despite adrenaline rush when TD is scored, for me is much higher adrenaline release when D make sack, or TFL, or INT, not to mention of joy when there will be D TD, because of fumble or INT.

Regarding hype, I always try to stay calm and to see what will be, taking past experiences as calming factor when I look to the future.

However, I always appreciate a lot when you sharing your thoughts on different Packers topics. One of my top column here on CHTV.

2 points
PeteK's picture

June 01, 2022 at 10:02 am

Dillon's performance vs Titans was in 2020, but I get what you're saying. I believe RBs adjust to pro game quicker than the rest. Timing is such a big component for O lineman and especially WRs which can slow a rookie's development.

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:15 pm

In a recent interview Dillon remarked that he spent part of his off-season working on pass pro and learning pass routes more through. He also remarked that last year he worked on running behind his pads and being less upright. He was successful last year with the changes and maybe this year he will be too.

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:16 am

Runaway Train -
Can you imagine what the hype train would have been like had Watson been one of their first round picks? Or if they drafted any WR in the first round.
I think Watson will be a key player for our offense. But I don't expect him to put up monstrous numbers either. I think he will be an impact type of player for us though. I expect them to use him in a variety of ways to try and get the ball in his hands.

Pasta Rasul -
Obviously what happens one year does not happen the next year. But the part I loved about Douglas was his style of play. He was aggressive and physical. That is something our CB's had lacked over the years. If he plays with the same mentality I don't see a decline. I'm excited to see our trio together on the field. Alexander, Stokes and Douglas. This could form the best trio of CB's we have had since the super bowl!

Panic Alarm -
There is concern here for sure. Are they being cautious or is there real reason for concern? We will find out in a couple of months whether we needed to be concern or if they were just being cautious. Maybe there is more to the reason they drafted 3 guys who could potentially play OT.

He's coming - so there! -
Well, most people still will want to spin narratives. Its how the world is today. Incase you don't believe me, just go over to twitter world.

Funky Shit -
I'm excited to see some funky shit. I do know that the talent level on our defense increased big time after the draft. Adding Walker and Wyatt to the mix should really give our defense a boost.

Special Starters -
At the very least this should help set the tone for the special teams. We have a new voice and a new mindset on special teams. It hopefully will no longer be the weak link to our team.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:21 am

The wind did not affect Mason Crosby.

3 points
PeteK's picture

June 01, 2022 at 10:08 am

It was passing wind.

2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

June 02, 2022 at 03:30 pm

Indeed, but some say it was a mighty wind. A wind so mighty as to lay low the mountains of the earth!

2 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

June 01, 2022 at 10:57 am

I'd love to see "Funky Shit" replace "Omaha" as one of Rodger's pre-snap calls.

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:18 pm

Bring back “New York Bozo”!

0 points
SpikeHyzer's picture

June 01, 2022 at 02:26 pm

The only problem with that is it seems to be a defensive call and I don't want Rodgers playing 60 minutes.

1 points
splitpea1's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:23 am

Nothing wrong with a little hype for the rookie WRs as long as fans remember that they are rookies and are going to have a few struggles at first. As Lazard said recently, there's going to be more opportunities for the collective unit, and hopefully everyone will be able to cash in on them before too long.

Douglas: Well, I don't know if he's one of the best in the league, but he was rewarded with a nice contract. So he should still be expected to perform at a high level as far as tackling and coverage, but maybe not as many INTs--regardless of his background with previous teams.

Panic Alarm: This is definitely getting worrisome. I was mildly against the Bakh signing to begin with, but I didn't squawk too much because he's a fan favorite and I didn't want to hear what a terrible person I was. Anyway, you would hope the Packers are just being extra careful, but if that was the case, then why did they start him in the meaningless regular season finale vs. Detroit?....I certainly hope for the best with Bakh both in terms of the player and the return on investment, but relieving ourselves of this burdensome contract when prudent would be welcome.

1 points
Matt Gonzales's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:32 am

I get the injury risk and all, but Stokes as gunner makes way too much sense to not have it happen, at least occasionally. He's not the most fluid guy but that straight line speed is not something you can coach.

WR will be a collective effort this year. Watson might finish the year as the #1, but I think he and Doubs will both be brought along slowly in favor of the vets. Doubtful any receiver cracks 1,000 yds this year but I think there will be plenty of players north of 500, including plenty of passing yardage to RBs.

Rasul will not repeat his performance from last year, but ideally, he won't need to. This secondary has the chance to be dominant this year, and as mentioned upthread I could see him sliding to safety when Savage moves to the nickel spot.

Looking forward to seeing some more interesting d packages this year. They have the personnel to rush/blitz from anywhere on the field, and I'd love to see some all out pressure packages a la 2020 to close out games.

1 points
SpikeHyzer's picture

June 01, 2022 at 02:25 pm

The improvement of DL, LB, and pass rush overall should make Douglas continue to look just as good this year. He won't have to cover for as long, will be taking on the 3rd option in many cases, and won't have to get as grabby to get the job done.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 01, 2022 at 11:49 am

I think this team deserves the hype.

At QB, we’re starting the guy who won the last two MVPs.
At RB, we have two very good players.
The defense looks to be among the best in the NFC.

We were in a similar situation in 1997 when we went 13-3 and got to the Super Bowl. I don’t know how often that happens but I’m guessing it’s not real often. From my perspective, this looks like one of the strongest teams we’ve had since 1970, maybe THE strongest (we’ll see how that plays out..).

I suppose blocking the gunner doesn’t involve a very big risk of injuries, but if we lose Stokes or Rasul on defense because they got hurt on special teams, I’ll be really unhappy, because it’s unnecessary..


Panic Alarm: I’ve been at DEFCON 4 on the offensive line. We’ve lost Turner, Patrick, and Kelly. Bakhtiari, Jenkins, and Myers are all big question marks regarding their availability.. Our top three reliable offensive linemen are Runyan, Newman, and Nijman, and they’re decent, but that’s quite a step down from Bakhtiari, Jenkins, and Myers. We are probably depending on rookies playing well for us.

I’m going to DEFCON 3.

-3 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:40 pm

Myers and, Bakh will probably be ready to start the season. Newman might be better than he was last year. Josh looks like a stud and finally got it together at tackle. I like the guys we drafted this year. My only, slight, concern is that the line has a new coach. He has to step into some big shoes.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:59 pm

I'm very concerned that Myers has not shown he can complete an NFL season. I'm very concerned that Bakhtiari hasn't played a game of football in a very long time and is still being held out of non-contact practices. That's not a good sign.

I agree on Newman. I mean, he plays RG, which is the least important spot on the line, and he still got knocked around quite a bit for a while. But I've been watching some of our games again.....AZ, SF, LA, Bengals......and I've come to appreciate how he battled against bigger, stronger, more experienced men. I also did a little look into his background and he was a RT in college, and I think we should try him at RT this year and move one of the rookies into RG this season. That way, we could keep Nijman...who I think is very good... at LT, where I think he's going to be needed, and with Runyan at LG at least Rodgers blind side will be protected.

2 points
Barazinho's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:08 pm

Here's a fun activity - ask yourself "if the Packers didn't pick Kevin King, what other CB could they have picked instead"? If you go back in the draft and look at other CB's who were picked - you might recognize a few names. Of particular note, in the 3rd round, to the Eagles - Rasul Douglas! So he was a 3rd round pick originally.

4 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:19 pm

And King is still available if the team wants him.

-1 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 01, 2022 at 12:31 pm

I like the hype. I do see that it sometimes is a bit overblown (but not from this or other respected sites). My only hesitation is that which is about Douglas. In addition to his being a tad slower than some CB’s, I did see him grabbing more than he probably should. Because we got him later in the season most ref’s had relaxed the rules by then. I would not be surprised if he tallied up a bunch of PI calls when this season gets going. But under Grey he is a smart and ,now, instinctive, player who doesn’t rely on speed alone. He will do well and other contracts will soar and make this one look good.

1 points
SpikeHyzer's picture

June 01, 2022 at 02:21 pm

Funky Shit is also an easy call to make on the field and should get the players hyped up for that play!

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

June 01, 2022 at 03:51 pm

"Funky Shit"...the name of the first band I played in. it wasn't.

1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

June 01, 2022 at 04:55 pm

I think Doubs coming from a pass happy offense is going to give him a leg up on Watson as far as learning and running the whole route tree. I could see Watson running mostly deep routes and getting a few manufactured touches a game. And there's this:

1 points
Swisch's picture

June 01, 2022 at 05:57 pm

It does seem Doubs would be more ready to step in right away; and that we need to patient with Watson, while still hoping he makes a significant contribution this season.
Maybe other fans can help me out with this, but my understanding is that Jerry Rice had a couple or more bad drops in games during his rookie season.

0 points
Fubared's picture

June 01, 2022 at 09:52 pm

Not getting on or off the Watson pick. We all have our opines.
First he has speed, so do the safeties and backs he has to outrun,
He has the size and so will the guys he is up against.
He lacks good hands and only he can over come this. Bottom line he can be bust, best or something in between.
I too have concerns over batk. Still remember Beluga and how he was never the same after his.

-1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

June 02, 2022 at 12:37 am

Not true at all. Had two of his better seasons in 2018 and '19 after his last ACL.

1 points
HarryHodag's picture

June 02, 2022 at 06:59 am

The media is hyper focused on quarterbacks and wide receivers, possibly cornerbacks. The staggering salaries paid to D. Adams and others indicate what media hype will do. NFL Live on ESPN keeps going over the same 5-6 players/teams over and over and over, always a QB, wide receiver or cornerback. Occasionally they will talk about a lineman but then back to 'will the Browns trade Baker Mayfield?' for the 10th day in a row.

But fans know the real football happens in the trenches. That's why the news about David B. not being recovered is far more interesting than Christian Watson. The news about Q. Walker joining the linebacking corps is way more important than whether R. Douglas is an all-star.

I happen to like how the Packers are shaping up. You see a reliance on the run, good defense and special teams. No hype needed there. The hype will come with another (hopefully) successful season.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 02, 2022 at 02:52 pm

Always enjoy reading the articles and everyone's comments. I am an admitted draft nut and have been most my adult life. Way before so many started getting into the draft and its hype. Will just say I don't tend to get anxious or feel panic about the team in May & June. The team appears to be very deep across the board and us Packer fans are in an envious position. Let's wait until camp in July. For those who want to unload Lowry your nuts! For those of you who have written off Jordan Love you are nuts! For those of you who have CW as the next DA, or All-Pro you are nuts! Calm yourselves! :)

Everything will soon sort itself out in camp. If ARod wants CW to be a 1,000 yd receiver this year he has it within his power to make it happen. It is more than about CW. You have to look at MLF, ARod, and CW.

I did find yesterdays news comments about the Rodgers/Brady golf match where "Rodgers comes thru in the clutch" interesting. Like really? 👍 :)

A guy like Rodger's making the millions of dollars he does 6 months of the year. Then he has a full 6 months to play is amazing.

0 points