Another Special Teams Gaffe in the Postseason for the Packers

Anders Carlson was one of the worst kickers in the league this season. The organization's loyalty to the rookie came back to haunt them. 

One play, generally speaking, does not explain why a team won or lost a game. Rather, it’s the culmination of several plays that ultimately explain the outcome of a game. The Green Bay Packers, in the Divisional Round against the San Francisco 49ers, had plenty of chances throughout the game to take the bull by the horns and pull away, only to squander those opportunities that ultimately resulted in yet another heartbreaking playoff loss. Dropped interceptions by the defense. Poor decisions by Jordan Love. Questionable offensive and defensive schemes. The 41-yard missed field goal by rookie Anders Carlson stood above the rest, though. To be abundantly clear, even though the miss would have added to Green Bay's lead late in the game, the game should not have come down to that. But the miss does bring about a bigger point: stubbornness exhibited by the coaching staff and front office to stick with Carlson when the warning signs were flashing red for the better part of the 2023 season. 

Special teams have not been a bright spot since LaFleur took over at the helm in 2019, with the unit ranking in the bottom half of Rick Gosselin’s special team rankings every single year. Not to mention, two special teams gaffes (a blocked punt returned for a touchdown and only having ten players on the field on the game-winning field goal attempt) in the 2021 Divisional Round against — yep, you guessed it — San Francisco loomed large in the loss. LaFleur responded in the offseason by hiring Rich Bisaccia, but that move has not panned out nearly as well as anyone had hoped. The ST unit finished 29th in Gosselin’s 2023 rankings after finishing 22nd last season. 

And drafting Carlson in the sixth round of the 2023 NFL Draft has also not panned out nearly as well as anyone had hoped. While the following has not been reported as fact to my knowledge, it is clear to me that Carlson being a member of the Packer draft class can be directly attributed to Bisaccia as he coached Carlson’s brother, Daniel, with the Raiders. But that is beside the point: Anders was one of the worst kickers in the NFL this season. 

Not including the postseason, he was dead last among qualified kickers in XP%, making 87.2 percent of his extra points. You might think that such a figure could not get worse — after all, dead last is dead last — but it does. 49ers kicker Jake Moody was ninth in XP% at 98.4% and Cowboys kicker Brandon Aubrey was 18th at 94.2%, a difference of 4.2%. That is the same percentage difference between Joey Slye (91.4%), second-to-last in XP%, and Carlson. The Auburn product, who converted 26 of 38 (68%) field goals during his final two collegiate seasons, was also 24th among qualified kickers in FG% at 81.8%, according to Pro Football Reference. 

We have seen several rookie kickers struggle out of the gates, with some rebounding later on with new teams after their initials teams had them on a short leash. Not only did Carlson struggle to start his NFL career, he struggled down the stretch, too, and still had unwavering support from LaFleur and Bisaccia. Carlson converted 50 percent of his kicks from 40-plus yards out (7/13 during the regular season), including 4 of 9 between 40 and 49 yards, and he closed the season with a missed kick (either field goal or extra point) in five straight contests and 10 of the last 12. 

In October 2023, Football Guys compiled field goal data from every kick since 2010 and “found the following average made field goal percentages by distance.” Below is between 40 and 49 yards. 

40 yards: 358/415 (86.3%)
41: 327/404 (80.9%)
42: 333/402 (82.8%)
43: 384/478 (80.3%)
44: 295/369 (79.9%)
45: 328/420 (78.1%)
46: 297/403 (73.7%)
47: 300/409 (73.3%)
48: 358/510 (70.2%)
49: 284/384 (74%)

Through Week 6 of the season, when comparing the total number of actual field goals made from all distances versus “the number of field goals an average kicker (since 2010) would have been expected to make,” Carlson had a difference of -0.71, a figure that ranked 30th among placekickers. I reckon that figure did not improve as the season progressed. 

Altogether, Carlson’s long leash and the corresponding failure by the organization to rectify the situation came back to bite the Packers in the ass when it mattered the most. 

But despite the gut-wrenching postseason loss, this season should be celebrated. The Packers made the playoffs after starting off 2-5 and 3-6 and went toe-to-toe with one of the best teams in the NFL in the Divisional Round, a game they should have won. LaFleur’s young squad was a year ahead of schedule by all accounts and should be in the thick of the NFC race next season. But they must fix the special team woes that have plagued them over the years. Enough is enough. 




Rex is a lifelong Packers fan but was sick of the cold, so he moved to the heart of Cowboys country. Follow him on Twitter (@Sheild92) and Instagram (@rex.sheild). 


3 points

Comments (89)

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Bitternotsour's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:03 pm

If they had kept Crosby they would have had the actual worst, and one of the highest paid kickers in the league.

-1 points
Cheezehead72's picture

January 23, 2024 at 05:52 am

I agree that they needed to change kickers. Crosby's leg was getting weak and he was expensive and we needed to save money.

The problem is they drafted Carlson in the 5th when he was graded as an UFA. They should have not drafted him until the 7th. They could have picked up a better player int the 5th.

1 points
stockholder's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:14 pm

I was ready to replace Crosby.
Then he roomed with #12.
MM stayed with him.
Point- Next year is make it- or your gone.

-4 points
Packers0808's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:39 pm

You're gone not your gone.

1 points
Packers0808's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:58 pm

Thumbs down on correct English usage. 2 people had their education time wasted!

-4 points
HawkPacker's picture

January 22, 2024 at 02:44 pm

Should be you're gone.

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 22, 2024 at 04:05 pm

Maybe they aren't cutting you any slack for your use of a quotation mark instead of an apostrophe? It's a tough crowd, man.

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:08 pm

If you are going to pick on someone, you better be able to take it too!

3 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 22, 2024 at 06:03 pm

Nice edit, 0808. Your post now contains an apostrophe rather than a quotation mark. Let's play again!

You know that English language you was askoolin' us about? Well, them English rules say when yous-a-writin' numbers, them numbers under 10 should be spelt out; same is true for numbers at the beginning of sentences. Your post says:

"Thumbs down on correct English usage. 2 people had their education time wasted!"

Wanna fix it? #TheMoreYouKnow

2 points
LLCHESTY's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:08 pm

It's too late for him. This has been going on for years. Stockholder employs the Benjy Compson stream of consciousness writing.

2 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:25 pm

Agree Stock

0 points
Oppy's picture

January 23, 2024 at 12:58 am

So, what you're saying is...

...sleeping with Rodgers secures your roster spot?

5 points
jont's picture

January 23, 2024 at 07:50 am


1 points
NFLfan's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:25 pm

I just mentioned this--after listening to another respected podcaster, I learned (allegedly) that Bisaccia lobbied hard for Carlson and is a friend of the Carlson family. If that is true, it is troubling.

I sense that he forms attachments to players who may not be producing enough. Gute did it too.

3 points
Fubared's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:52 pm

I propose a package deal: fire Bisacia, Barry, Stokes, Savage, Nixon, Watson, Carlson, Campbell. Replace with just about anyone who has a heart beat and your at the same level of play you were before they were canned.

-7 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:27 pm

I have no issue with lobbying for people you believe will be good; friends or otherwise. But when you do, you have to get it right or your credibility takes a hit.

6 points
Oppy's picture

January 23, 2024 at 01:05 am

"Bisaccia lobbied hard for Carlson and is a friend of the Carlson family."

That's what I would call a mischaracterization.

Bisaccia does indeed know "the Carlson family."
That's because he coached Anders' older brother while with the Raiders.

You might remember Daniel Carlson as the rookie kicker for the Vikings who, back in 2018, got fired within hours after a loss to the Packers where he missed three field goals (two of them in overtime.)

He ended up on the Raiders and Bisaccia coached him to an extremely solid year. He became one of the better kickers in the league.

So... yeah.. Bisaccia is "a friend of the Carlson family" and he was familiar with Anders, but only because he was Daniel's coach for a number of years.

1 points
MooPack's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:26 pm

The kid is a rookie. The kid is a rookie. Take a breath. I've seen veterans whiff as much. Give him some competition in training camp. Best man wins. Packers have an issue bigger than a rookie kicker.

1 points
Fubared's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:49 pm

I disagree. True story. Zimmer of the Viking drafted a kicker. He missed three field goals in like the second game of season and Zimmer fired him and found an immediate replacement on someones practice squad.
When an announcer asked him why he didnt let the kicker develop Zimmer replied " Were in the win now mode not the development mode".
With kickers I agree you get rid of them before they screw up a few more games and costs you the playoffs or worse. You dont hope they will learn how to kick on your dime.

1 points
MooPack's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:17 pm

Where's Zimmer?

8 points
Bitternotsour's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:25 pm

Interesting point. Any person holding up the Vikings! as a model is a ridiculously poor judge of franchises.

5 points
Untylu1968's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:29 pm

I saw Zimmer on the boob tube this weekend. I think he was coaching in some Hawaii league. Has a big gut and bright shiny gin nose. Your references to him are useless and just plain dumb!

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

January 22, 2024 at 02:48 pm

Wasn't that Carlson's brother who went on to be All Pro at Las Vegas?

6 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 22, 2024 at 04:09 pm

That's a fact. This numbskull consistently regurgitates that Zimmer quote here and holds up his cutting of a future All-Pro as the gold standard.

7 points
LLCHESTY's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:14 pm

And the 6 people that upvoted this numbskull? What are they?

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:44 pm

Pinheads. Every single one of them.

5 points
LLCHESTY's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:13 pm

He's a Vikings fan so he's excised that part from his memory.

3 points
Oppy's picture

January 23, 2024 at 01:09 am

Lol, I just saw Ima Payne's post, after posting a response to another post commenting about Anders' brother Daniel.

Ima Payne, I'm pretty sure, is Fubared's second account. They are both clueless vikings fans who spew nonsense and incorrect statements on a semi-regular basis.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

January 23, 2024 at 09:20 am

Beat me to it.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:09 pm

Was that not Carlson’s brother Zimmer said that of, the subsequent pro bowler?

5 points
GregC's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:23 pm

That's where I'm at as well. Bring in competition. Disappointing that Carlson declined toward the end of the season, but give him another shot, hopefully with a decent long snapper this time.

2 points
ChrisD's picture

January 22, 2024 at 03:27 pm

It’s a long rookie season. These guys haven’t had a decent break since the summer before their last year in college because they go right into training for the combine, the combine, pro days, the draft, then right into rookie mini camps and training camp and a longer rookie season than any of them have ever played before. I’m surprised we had the push we did at the end with so many rookies on this team.

2 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:30 pm

You do make a valid point Moo—-Tyler Bass missed too and Moody had one blocked. However, Carlson was laboring early in the season. Sign someone else and let him improve via the practice squad.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:10 pm

Let’s just have a real competition in camp and go with the winner.

4 points
PackerBO's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:37 pm

Not sure why, but it seems like the Packers are snake but in the playoffs. Whether it's injured or some failure at a key point in the game. Mental breakdowns in key parts of the game lead to losing the game. Carlson has been a bit inconsistent this year, will be get better? I hope so!!!! Like with ALL positions, bring in competition. Bring in more than one kicker. This applies to everyone.

3 points
Fubared's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:45 pm

Would you call setting and all time never before done record of missing 6 extra points inconsistent? Would you call being the worst kicker in college inconsistent?
But know this he came at a discount and made Murphy smile as we cancelled Crosbys contract and banked some money and baby that is very important to the upper brass.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

January 23, 2024 at 09:27 am

That’s a BS “record”. Extra points used to be much closer at the 2 yard line till the mid teens and there were still miss rates that exceed Carlson’s. The post change record in one game is 4 of 5 missed.

The league average post change is around 95% for extra points. Carlson only managed 87.5. That needs to improve, certainly. However, his FG conversion percentage was actually a tad higher than Crosby’s career rate and far above Crosby’s worst years or his first 4.

Perspective, not that that’s your purpose here.

3 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

January 24, 2024 at 12:56 pm

Maybe they should call them "extra extra points" now so there's less confusion, but I'm guessing that's not the confusing part.

0 points
SwedeBayPacker's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:02 pm

"A bit inconsistent", I'm sorry but what the actual F?! A bit?! INCONSISTENT?!!! That's your F'ing take-away? A bit inconsistent?

He's the worst kicker in the entire league, he has ONE job and he's beyond terrible at it. He's so bad he's not even playing in the same division as the second worst kicker in the league!

A bit inconsistent.... SMH. He should've never been drafted by any team in the NFL in the first place.
He should've had to CLAW his way to a starting position as an UDA and that's me being nice.

1 points
Fubared's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:42 pm

First I've said this often, it human nature, Matt knows who signs his paychecks. Most people don't take on the boss for fear of losing their jobs. You cant tell me or any packer fan on this board that we didn't see this guy screwing a kick in an important game and costing us and if we got it, Matt got it but did nothing because he was a Gutt pick.
Funny didnt here about Barry firing this am did you? Know because he is Gutts guy and to replace him cost money.
Your stuck with this F for next year and another year of struggling to win games the d gives up easy points to.

-5 points
PackerBO's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:48 pm

Funny, I was hoping that Barry would be fired by now. He is not under contract so technically he is not a Packers coach, let's hope it stays that way.

6 points
N4sir's picture

January 22, 2024 at 03:08 pm

Say you know nothing about the Packers management structure without saying you know nothing about their management structure.

1 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Bitt, I agree with you that Crosby's time with GB was over. Especially with his high salary, but more so because of leg strength. He couldn't kick a ball into the end zone on kickoffs. I would never want to give someone like Nixon a chance to change a game with a big return. Injuries can happen on any play, but the % has to go way down if there is no kick return.

I don't even have an issue with using a late round pick to get the guy you want if he was a consensus can't miss guy. I really liked the kicker Moody from Michigan, and hoped he would be around in rounds 6 & 7. I surely wouldn't have spent a 3rd round pick on him but SF didn't have the holes we had going into the season, so I can see their reasoning. I liked him because he was a complete kicker, coming off a great season, and he played in the cold at Michigan. So playing in GB wouldn't be an issue.

All kickers miss some FGs. Some cost games and some don't. If Carlson was better on kickoffs and didn't miss gimme extra points, I would feel better about him. A summer competition is in order in GB for kicker. If Harty-Stanford or Mevis-Missouri look like they will be UFDAs, we should be on them before the draft ends. Both very successful college kickers with very strong legs. Mevis holds the SEC record with a 63 yard FG.

Even having a potentially great offense next year should not make throwing away points by missing kicks be acceptable. Also the whole special teams unit and coaching needs upgrading in a big way. Any team not stressing good special teams play is shooting themselves in the foot. I am from Iowa and somehow the Hawkeyes won 10 games this year with no offense. Our defense was great as usual, but our coach always stresses strong special teams play in kicking, coverage, and field position. GB is dropping the ball literally.

2 points
PackerBO's picture

January 22, 2024 at 12:51 pm

All great points!!!

-2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 22, 2024 at 09:38 pm

Facts are not opinions. Here's facts:

GB's all time points leader made 71% of his FG attempts this season, and never made 80% until his FIFTH season.

#17 Carlson finished his rookie season having completed 80% of his FG attempts, including playoffs. ST coach directed #17 to kickoff exactly as he did. Many of the missed kicks were snapped so wildly that Whelan couldn't get the hold right, and he's very good at that. How many? I don't know. Had every one of those snap / hold combinations been perfect, would he have made all of them? I don't know, but probably not.

Carlson is still better than the best ever in GB, and deserves some recognition for that.

His mechanics were messed with before the season started. If he can regain his natural power and put that together with his improved accuracy in the off-season and have both next season that'd be doing very well. Hopefully that would include making longer FGs, although he did make one at 57. Hopefully that will include not missing any extra points. Hopefully the ST coach will let him kick it out of the end zone more often.

By his third season, assuming nobody's screwing with his mechanics, maybe his natural power stays and his accuracy actually increases; whether by a little or by a lot. These are reasonable expectations. It's possible he might improve more quickly.

FACT: coaches wanted to give Carlson all the reps. Don't be surprised if they maintain that approach.

2 points

January 22, 2024 at 12:54 pm

They knew part way through the season that the kicker was unreiliable. They lost at least two games because of missed extra points and FG. Robbie Gould was sitting home, Crosby was home. Surely one of those guys could at least make the extra points. The loss to th4e 49ers is on La Fluer. even with the missed the FG, La Fluer should never use Love inthe Tushpush. He is not a good QB for those situations. He is not a good runner. Yet we have great backs and great Tight Ends. La Fluer blew the game . Also Love did make it on 4 and 1 but sadly the NFL has a ref problem. In multiple games across the league, the refs have failed or have been bribed ., All the gambling involved today allows for a ref to be bribed and give someone a winning bet. If I was the NFL, I would be auditing every refs accounts and their family members. If the refs refused, fire them. There are many people who would love the paychecks they make.,

-5 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 22, 2024 at 06:03 pm

JimT—your mention of the gambling with football—as fun as gambling might be, puts at stake, the credibility of refs in every game—especially playoff games. I think your comments are spot on.

1 points
Green Bay Shareholder's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:08 pm

Go check Crosby's stats for 2022 vs Carlson's for 2023. Real management might have ascertained this as they were gearing up for the Playoff run before the hapless Giants picked him up. I think he would've been capable of making the kicks required to win the San Fran game and would've been a bargain vs the lost revenue of no NFC Championship game. How many successful Playoff teams exist with lousy kickers ? A ton of effort and overachieving burned by a kid who probably didn't have the skillset to be in that type of situation in the first place.

-7 points
splitpea1's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:11 pm

The STs did make a couple of important contributions with the Wooden block and the Nixon return (and Wilson recovery) in the game, so that kind of neutralized the Carlson miss.

Special team and defensive woes have plagued the Packers for over a decade; "proactivity" does not appear in the Green Bay dictionary, but "stubbornness" certainly does. Any attempts at rectification come after it's too late.

Gute give up this early on a draft pick? You know better. Besides, like most of us, he probably never thought we'd be making noise in the postseason and figured there was no harm in letting Carlson work through his struggles.

So how exactly do you fix special teams? This has been the subject of many an article throughout the years. It's obviously more than the coach, because every one of them can't suck. My best guesses are that you draft better players, do your best to find a top gunner, and don't tolerate mental mistakes (even if they're coming from an All-Pro returner), and just keep working at it. That's all I got.

There will be competition for Carlson as next season approaches. How serious it is or how much Packers will make it is still anyone's guess.

5 points
NFLfan's picture

January 22, 2024 at 09:58 pm

The Jets Offense stinks but kicker Greg Zuerlein, punter Thomas Morstead are elite.
Why can't Bisaccia look into why they succeed?
I'm actually fine w/Bisaccia going away with Barry- bye bye 'B' Bros.

-2 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:23 pm

Gosh....maybe we should consider doing what we can to minimize the amount of damage the bottom of the roster can do.

""So how exactly do you fix special teams? "

As I've said plenty of times before, if every coach in the history of football has tried to fix special teams, and stuff like this keeps happening, even on the professional level, even in big moments, then maybe it's not the players or the coaches, it's the nature of the beast.

I would do every thing I could to minimize the damage my special teams would do. Nixon fumbled a kickoff (yeah, a nice return, but still a fumble). By luck, we recovered. We blocked a FG. We missed a FG. (Actually, our special teams outplayed the 49ers special teams).

Don't return kicks or punts. Don't give your opponent a chance to return kicks or punts. Go for it on 4th more and punt less. Go for 2 instead of kicking the extra point. Reduce the opportunities for your special teams to hurt you.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:34 pm

As always LH—we agree on much—-but we always disagree on ST management.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 22, 2024 at 02:11 pm

I don't get it. Year after year, we lose games by special teams gaffe's, yet we aren't willing to consider the obvious solution.

0 points
LLCHESTY's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:17 pm

Play scared, the sure way to win in the NFL.

-1 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:24 pm

NO ONE on this Packer site—or any other, has criticized ST’s more than I; for 10 years I’ve been saying you have to get ST’s right to make it to the big dance.
Frankly, I felt Carlson would find it, but by midway thru the season, all the red flags had appeared.
I do believe we have an excellent punter and Nixon is dynamic, but he may be gone next season.
We all know what we need: 1) a safety; 2) O-Tackle; 3) kicker.
Oh yeah—-and a DCoord.
Keep Jones and draft another RB—dump Dillon.
Go Packers!!!

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 22, 2024 at 09:45 pm

There is 0 depth on the interior of the O line unless they bring JRJ back, in which case Rhyan is the only depth.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 23, 2024 at 12:15 am


0 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:48 pm

Jimmy Johnson, the former Cowboys head coach who is now an NFL commentator had little patience with kickers. After Lin Elliot missed a 30 yard field goal, Johnson essentially fired him during the interview after the game. This is what he had to say regarding kickers:

"“I always had a philosophy on kickers,” said Johnson, a Fox studio analyst. “Not punters. Kickers. They are a lot like golfers. Once they get the yips, they lose their confidence, it’s time to find you a new kicker because he may not get it back for a year or so.”

Based upon that philosophy, I would think Johnson would have replace Carlson well before the playoff miss. That critical miss hurt the team and Carlson provided plenty of justification for a release before this missed kick.

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

January 22, 2024 at 04:18 pm

Carlson did not have a good year. It's not his fault the Packers lost to the 49ers.

Mason Crosby had a bad a case of the yips. In 2018 he missed four field goals and an extra point against the Lions in a 31-23 loss. The Packers stuck with him and he went on to make a number of clutch game-winning FGs and become the Packers all-time leading scorer. I like you F-D, and appreciate your posts, but fuck Jimmy Johnson, what he's done *and* what ever he might do in any hypothetical situation.

6 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:46 pm

Hey there LH. As you already know, I follow your posts and I agree agree with your sentiments on Jimmy Johnson. He is likely the most extreme among head coaches and former head coaches regarding kickers and I certainly glad he was never associated with our team.

Thanks for the comment.

1 points
Spanky65's picture

January 22, 2024 at 01:53 pm

Just because Carlson is a rookie does not give him a free pass
much less a chance to come back next season.

It seems a lot of people do not remember Brett Conway a
kicker out of Penn State drafted by the Packers in 1997
IN THE THIRD ROUND ! to replace a reliable long time
kicker in Chris Jacke . Only to have to go with Ryan Longwell
an undrafted Free Agent Kicker after Chris Berman of ESPN
famously said after watching Conway kick in the Pre-Season
that he kicked more like Tim Conway. Carlson looked just as
unreliable kicking in the Pre Season as Conway did in 1997.

But then again look at who made the decision to keep him,
Matt Lafleur , The same Lafleur who refuses to replace his Buddy
Joe Barry.

Just seeing this guy (Carlson) miss extra points in the Pre Season
and Regular Season made our worst nightmare come true and
that is to rely on this guy to make a Game Deciding Kick

3 points
13titles's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:17 pm

I wonder how many 4th downs MLF went for because he didn’t trust his kicker….

0 points
NFLfan's picture

January 22, 2024 at 10:04 pm

It's clear to me that MLF doesn't wield the power.
Bisaccia 'went to the mat' for Carlson and persuaded Gute to sign him. Bisaccia is a family friend of the Carlsons...uncool.

Green Bay Brass has poor professional boundaries

-2 points
Oppy's picture

January 23, 2024 at 01:14 am

This "family friend" stuff needs to stop.

He knows Anders' older brother.. because he coached him while he was with the Raiders.

0 points
Oppy's picture

January 23, 2024 at 07:00 pm

..And in college.

0 points
ricky's picture

January 22, 2024 at 02:03 pm

OK. Special teams are a problem. I was beating the drums for a top tier coordinator, because that seemed to be a guarantee the unit would be better. So, the Packers hired Bisaccia, and it seemed the team had finally solved the problem. Instead, nope. They seemed to regress. Though how much of this is due to the poor kicking wasn't mentioned in the article. Because it seemed the coverage and tackling improved over the course of the season. So, if hiring, and paying a really good coach isn't the answer, what is? Good questions are nice. Answers, or at least ideas, are better.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

January 22, 2024 at 02:21 pm

If anyone wants to spin it we all knew the Packers were starting over this year and they went young with the expectation they would grow and develop together over quite a few more years. The kicking in the 49's game did come back to hurt the Packers but the philosophy the Packers took this year I am and have always been 100% on board with going young. Many on here wanted Gutey to sign aging vets like Crosby, aging WR's, etc. Just wrong! How many times do we have to dilute and hold back what the organization is trying to accomplish by signing old injury-prone veterans? This was completely a rebuilding year, with a plan to see whether Love was QB1.

Several very good things did happen on ST's in the 49's game that were very promising. Lots of good things! Most everything about this team and season is looking up for the Packers next year. None of this stops the fact that the Packers do need to bring in competition for Carlson next spring/summer. My hope is with one-full season of up and down experiences coupled with several playoff games under his belt that he becomes 'our guy'!

6 points
jont's picture

January 23, 2024 at 08:02 am

I wouldn't call it spin, nor would I say this makes it any better, but the Packers did go young with a full understanding of what was likely to happen.

New long snapper + rookie holder + rookie kicker = expect trouble with your "operation" and some missed kicks. I remember pre-season comments here about knowing a miss or two would cost us a win. Well, it hapened.

Keep kicker on the list of areas to improve this off-season.

2 points
Gman1976's picture

January 22, 2024 at 03:09 pm

This is a management issue. Obviously, we have a lack of accountability here. The kicker's coaches may value loyalty over production. If so, they are responsible. Whoever is responsible for his coaches then needs to make them accountable for not doing what is in the best interest of the team and the fans. Unfortunately, under the current leadership, we have a wash, rinse & repeat scenario with our special teams.

-1 points
barutanseijin's picture

January 23, 2024 at 09:30 pm

Fire everyone!

Would the Bears do anything less?

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

January 22, 2024 at 03:27 pm

Make no mistake.. they lost to the 49ers because they choked in the red zone three times, and choked two times in the fourth quarter when they failed to get a touchdown and put the game away when leading by four.

7 points
PhantomII's picture

January 22, 2024 at 07:29 pm

We lost ALL of our playoffs of recent memory...for the same reason that has not been addressed. When coming up against elite type DL's like SF and Bucs. Our OL is not big or strong enough with 5 OL to handle the pass rush or run game of their 4 man front. We use either RB to block and 1 or more TE's also to chip/ block them and with their 2 fast ILB's and 5 DB's they easily cover anything we can do on offense. Our real strength in this game was our WR group that we barely used. Until we get the right OL make-up solidified with big bad ass type players that can go toe to toe with an elite DL front we will continue to fail in the divisional or NFCC game where these better drafted fronts reign supreme. If we get this done we will be able to use the Xtra TE's in the run game and impose our will on good teams and block good DL's and get passes to our great WR group on time to multiple targets to include the TE's.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 22, 2024 at 09:55 pm

Thank you.

Making 1 FG would not have won the game, under any circumstances.

Probably every GB player on the field could have played better, and there was still a real chance to win it until the final minute!

What matters is what these players do between now and day 1 of OTAs. They can ratchet up the intensity and improve by more than enough to make the difference that was needed in this final game against SF. I can think of a lot of combinations of players that could get together productively. Hopefully they make next season GREAT!

1 points
canadapacker's picture

January 22, 2024 at 03:45 pm

Special teams did not lose us the game outright - as what happened to Buffalo. And there was not quick win for Buffalo had they made the FG - just a coin toss and the chance to play on. Special teams suffered an overall regression - ie not just the place kicker. That needs to be fixed by Rich ( and maybe by drafting guys at the bottom end who can play there - and in the cutdown - ie if Deguara cannot be a tight end maybe he is worthwhile being on the 53 as a ST'er. But what I would like to see out of Carlson - is both a mental and a physical improvement. Ie kickoffs through the end zone - which might also help his longer field goal accuracy. But those are offseason improvements and if he doesnt show that during the offseason program and in preseason - might have to look elsewhere - but many kickers get better. At least we did not end our season with a double doink - or like the Bills did.

2 points
barutanseijin's picture

January 23, 2024 at 09:34 pm

Degaura was awful as a wing on the FG unit. Blocking improved when he was replaced. Let him walk.

0 points
BA4Pack's picture

January 22, 2024 at 03:51 pm

OK correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the 49ers kicker miss a field goal also.
I think Love threw 2 second half interceptions and our DB’s drop 2.
I know Carlson has issues but he is really getting beat up over his miss. He’s not the biggest reason we lost Saturday.

7 points
canadapacker's picture

January 22, 2024 at 04:23 pm

Agree - and never mind our redzone failures as well.

5 points
13titles's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:11 pm

I know that Carlson is a rookie but what special thing does he bring to the table besides a brother who can kick and a friend in the coach? He is not good on long or short kicks, he had a terrible record in his final college year, he doesn’t kick long enough for a lot of touchbacks and doesn’t seem clutch. I wish the young man well but not as the kicker in Green Bay.

-1 points
bullsa21's picture

January 22, 2024 at 05:46 pm

Yes his percentages are terrible on Xtra Points and FG, but one thing that no one has said is with such a strong leg why so many short kick offs??

-2 points
Since'61's picture

January 22, 2024 at 06:05 pm

Can't argue that Carlson missed a makable FGbut it's not the only reason for the Packers to the 49ers. Love missed on several throws that should have been completions, the two dropped picks by the defense, missed tackles and questionable decisions by the HC. A big factor was the Packers failure 3 times in the Red Zone in the first half to score a TD. Even if one of those drives ended in a TD at worst the Packers are tied and going into OT at the end of the game. A TD on one of those early drives changes the complexion of the game.

I'm not trying to give Carlson a pass because he needs to make that kick but maybe the game should not have even come down to that kick by that point in the game. After Jones started that drive with a great run to get the Packers down into 49er territory the 49er defense stiffened, made a stop and forced the FG. Unlike the Packers defense which then took the field and allowed the 49ers to march down the field for the winning TD. The Packers had the 49ers in a few 3rd and longs during that drive but they failed, yet again, to make the stop when it counted.

Another playoff loss, for the same reasons. Poor execution at crucial points in the game, defense unable to make a key stop and questionable HC decisions. This is an old story for the Packers. Fortunately this team is young enough to hopefully evolve past these issues. The question remains is the FO and coaching staff able to get past the same issues. Time will tell. Thanks, Since '61

4 points
jlc1's picture

January 22, 2024 at 09:30 pm

Carlson. Remember a few years ago Crosby and McPherson of the Bengals, a rookie at the time,each missed multiple kicks when the teams played. If I RCC McPherson missed 4 kicks. By the end of the year McPherson was a keeper. Clearly Carlson needs more time than McPherson did but the point is good kickers do take some time get it right.

4 points
Oppy's picture

January 23, 2024 at 01:18 am

The Packers rolled the dice on Anders Carlson, and it did not pay off in 2023.

I don't expect the Packers to cut bait with Carlson, but I do expect them to start the 2024 off season with three kickers on the roster, and it should be an open competition right up until the final roster cut.

Make a cut after the first few weeks of camp, and let the two remaining men fight it out through preseason.

If Anders legitimately out performs the competition, roll with him. If not.. no hesitations. Best man wins the job heading into the new season.

1 points
lou's picture

January 23, 2024 at 08:26 am

Agree. It seemed the team was predetermined to go with Carlson, they gave his challenger little chance to compete and made that decision quickly. Worse yet they did not keep a kicker on the practice squad knowing full well the extent of Carlson's inconsistency in college. If nothing more the threat of having an option on the practice squad should have motivated Carlson but they gave him the job on a gold platter.

0 points
gsd3's picture

January 23, 2024 at 09:43 am

Josh Karty from Stanford was 23-27 on FGA and perfect on XP. Was 7-7 from 40-49 and 4-7 on 50+.

0 points
HarryHodag's picture

January 23, 2024 at 10:38 am

Kickers have driven coaches insane for decades. The work of an entire game can go pffffff! in a second with a missed kick.

That said, the Packers swung and missed on Carlson. I doubt he will get any better. That alleged strong leg didn't show up much and he had the accuracy of a guy who lost his glasses.

But I smile when I see people going bonkers about it. Kickers are a dime a dozen and a suitable replacement is just a phone call away. We all got spoiled with Mason Crosby. While he had his hiccups he was deadly accurate most of the time. Accuracy is much more important than distance.

MLF should quietly move on from Carlson this off season and have an open audition beginning in April. As we found out repeatedly this year, kickers can be forgotten until the ball misses the uprights.

-1 points
Packer_Fan's picture

January 23, 2024 at 12:36 pm

As a whole the Packers won special teams because of Nixon. With 6 minutes left in the game, they had a lead. The defense couldn't close it out. Barry from my perspective played it safe and rushed four the whole drive and SF slowly worked their way down the field. This is why the Packers list. How many late drives did Barry allow. It does no good to have an aggressive coach and a timid DC. In a game like last Saturday, no risk, no reward. The whole time Barry was here, this is what happened late in games. No. No more Barry because what happened is his late game timidness. What did SF on the missed FG try drive? They brought the house and won the down. That's how you win late in games. The Packers never had the chance with Barry.

1 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 23, 2024 at 03:49 pm

I like Karty too gsd3. Harold Mevis also of Missouri. Either would be good competition this summer for Carlson. But both could get drafted late. They are both that good. GB should be in strong contact before the draft and during. UFDAs would be great.

I have seen multiple postings on here suggesting Carlson was told by his coach to purposely kick the ball short of the endzone. Supposedly that's the reason behind the short kickoffs. Might be one of the more ridiculous theories or opinions I have read on here. Kickoffs not returned prevent scoring, lessen injuries, and make for a long field every time. Long drives are tougher to navigate.

0 points
MooPack's picture

January 24, 2024 at 01:39 pm

According to SI source, Packers have signed former Georgia standout kicker Jack Podlesny. During his senior season with the Bulldogs, Podlesny was named SEC Special Teams Player of the Year after making 26-of-31 field-goal attempts and 73-of-74 point-after tries.

Didn't know he wasn't rostered. Add another and let the competition begin.

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 24, 2024 at 04:55 pm

MooPack, that is a good get for the Packers. Podlesney was the 3rd ranked kicker in 2 different rating services last year. Strong leg, 65% of kickoffs were touchbacks. SEC kicker, so he has kicked in pressure at high level. Let the best man win.

0 points