PFT Breaks Down D'Brickashaw Ferguson's Contract

Mike Florio of breaks down the six-year, $60 million dollar contract extension that D'Brickashaw Ferguson signed with the New York Jets this week.

PFT's verdict: One-year, $5.3225 million dollars.

"What has Ferguson gained? His base salary of $3.122 million in 2010 (the terms under his prior deal) has increased to a total payout of $5.3225 million.

So he picked up $2.2005 million now, with no guarantees moving forward. Though he'll be in line for more than $22 million guaranteed if he gets through 2010 (and 2011) unscathed, he already was in line for at least $10 million guaranteed next year, the final year of his rookie deal.

Bottom line? As usual, the real terms of the contract fall far short of the amount initially reported."

After reading up on Ferguson's contract, swing on back 'round these parts and check out the Vladimir Ducasse contract details. It's a four-year deal worth $3.225 million dollars.

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