Aaron Rodgers Owes the Packers Nothing

As the NFL salary cap continues to rise each year, player contracts get fatter and fatter. Players at nearly every position are constantly jockeying to be the highest paid among their peers, and no position is valued more by NFL teams than quarterback. Of course, there’s a good reason for that—elite quarterbacks can turn a team into a contender immediately. Unfortunately for NFL teams, the line between elite and second-tier is apparently growing more and more blurry every year.

The Packers are one of a handful of teams who don’t need to struggle to make the distinction. Aaron Rodgers, to this point in his career, has proven to be the most indispensable player in the league based on his team’s performance when he’s not available. For that reason alone, Green Bay was always going to offer him a hefty contract extension at some point this offseason.

The quarterback is king in the NFL, as evidenced by ballooning contracts around the league year after year. Teams are so desperate to find “the guy” at quarterback that they throw money at unproven commodities and slightly above average players.

As it stands right now, Rodgers is slated to be the eighth-highest paid quarterback based on average salary in 2018, according to Spotrac. The top seven:

  • Jimmy Garoppolo
  • Matthew Stafford
  • Derek Carr
  • Andrew Luck
  • Drew Brees
  • Alex Smith
  • Joe Flacco

Throw in an imminent deal for Kirk Cousins, and Rodgers will likely slide to ninth on the list before his own situation gets resolved.

Now, to be fair, Rodgers will become the highest paid quarterback in the league whenever he and the Packers decide to finalize a new deal. But if contracts are based purely on a player’s value to his team, with performance and in-game impact taken into account, Aaron Rodgers should top that list by a mile.

I’m not one to advocate for teams to cripple themselves by committing too much money to one area. But if there’s one thing the above list proves, it’s that no number is too high when it comes to what the Packers should be willing to pay for Rodgers.

When he signed his last extension—a five-year, $110 million deal in 2013—Rodgers became the highest paid player in the league for a short time. Since then, he’s outperformed both the contract and the players above him on the pay scale, and it’s time for Green Bay to pony up and give him what he deserves.

Rodgers and the Packers have entered talks on a new deal, at least on a preliminary level, according to Mark Murphy, who spoke with ESPN’s Rob Demovsky on Tuesday.

“I have a lot of confidence in Brian [Gutekunst] and Russ [Ball] and Aaron as well,” Murphy said. “We want to create a win-win.”

Certainly, Rodgers has an interest in helping the team create a contract that allows them to continue to fill out the rest of the roster with players who can help the Packers get back to the Super Bowl. But the truth is Aaron Rodgers doesn’t owe the Packers a thing. A win-win deal is in the best interest of both parties, but as we saw last season, there’s not much winning in Green Bay if Rodgers isn’t on the field.

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Comments (63)

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Bearmeat's picture

February 28, 2018 at 06:19 pm

If I'm Aaron, I bet on myself and don't sign a thing until the end of 2018. That way, I would make more money with a later QB deal, I would also put the Packers front office under pressure put together a Super Bowl winning roster immediately. And if the 2018 defense and skill players suck again? I just refuse to sign after the 2019 season. I force them to franchise me. Three times in a row if necessary.

Preferably though, I encourage them to trade me to a team who is willing to go all the way in to win a Super Bowl. There are plenty of ascending teams with tons of draft capital and salary cap room who would spend out the nose for a quarterback of that caliber. And if I'm the Packers, and I have another ticked off QB wanting to be traded, I do it if the right deal comes up.

As a Packer fan, I would hate this. But as a person who likes to see justice done, I realize the commodity being quickly spent here is Rodgers career. The Packers will go on. And they will continue to print money in 2030 and beyond. Rodgers will not be able to play at 45.

In other words, if I'm Rogers I tell the Packers to "put up or shut up." This is the only time left in his career that he will have any power over his employer. The only thing a player can do is threaten to withhold his services.

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Kevin Ven's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:14 pm

So when Rodgers gets this mega deal, do we point out that he takes up 1/3rd of the cap, which forces us to not be able to sign any key defensive veterans? Or the fact that he wants to keep all of his WRs that take up 36mil btwn the 3 of them? At some point you either want to be the highest paid player or take a little less to get pieces around you. Choose one.

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mamasboy's picture

February 28, 2018 at 03:27 pm

Good point Kevin. I'm sure Rodgers has a few bucks left over from his present contract. You'd think that he would value another super bowl ring more than a few more million. I don't think anyone deserves the kind of cash he's going to get. Unless he raises people from the dead.

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Bearmeat's picture

February 28, 2018 at 06:17 pm

Even if he signed for 40 mil AAV, that would not be 1/3rd the cap. Actually, not even 1/4 the cap (from what I've heard about projections).

Keeping the WRs at their current pay is IMO dumb. But see, that's the thing. This is not ARod's call, and it shouldn't be. His job is to play. Gute's job is the procure talent. Ball's job is to sign that talent.

Employee's input is weighed in a decision - sometimes - but that job is the call of the boss. The only job of the employee is to perform at the job he is hired to do. Hence stating that Rodgers only real leverage is to refuse to resign.

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John Kirk's picture

March 01, 2018 at 11:33 am

Cap is reported to likely be as high as over 179 million. If he's at 30 mil AAV that's 16.75% of a 179 mil cap. Too high. Hope a rule is forthcoming limiting a player to 15. something, or less, of the cap for QB's before it gets any further out of control.

One player eating up 16.75% of your cap leaves 83.25% for 50 other players and an average of 1.66% per man.

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CheesyTex's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:30 pm

I believe AR is a unique $ commodity, and he probably could care less whether or not he is the highest paid player...

I have no idea what his total income is including national TV ads (I live in Texas and we see him all the time), endorsements, etc.,, but a change of teams to a large $ market is not likely to increase that. In fact, so much of his identity is with Green Bay and the Packers that "outside" income could even decrease in the event of a trade.

IMO AR will do a team and cap friendly deal rather than "tell the Packers to 'put up or shut up'".

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dobber's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:49 pm

I honestly think that being highest-paid means something to him. His somewhat snarky comments regarding what he should be paid and how the market reflects on that could be taken innocently or as him pointing to the coup de grace. Maybe he's still compensating for those slights he felt going to CC rather than a big-time program and sliding in the draft...who knows. I suspect he sees that as a kind of a confirmation of his own achievements. Whatever the case, I'm not expecting him to cut the Packers a break, but if he does, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

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NickPerry's picture

March 01, 2018 at 05:35 am

"I believe AR is a unique $ commodity, and he probably could care less whether or not he is the highest paid player..."

I think you underestimate Rodgers ego. How many times have we heard Rodgers say "I know my value to the team" or "I know what I'm worth in this league". Rodgers KNOWS what he's worth to the Packers and watched them totally disintegrate after he was injured last season. Hell after last season it only reinforced his point on what he's worth. ESPECIALLY to Green Bay.

I posted a few weeks ago what Rodgers averages a year in endorsements which was around $7 million plus a season. But IMO that doesn't mean a thing and doesn't have a thing to do with what he makes on a football field. I wish it did but why should it??

Lastly WHY SHOULD he sign a cap friendly deal NOW? He has 2 years remaining on his current deal to watch and see if the Packers will "Put up or shut up".

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dobber's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:42 pm

How's this for a scenario: Packers draft a QB high in the upcoming draft and they and/or ARod hold off on getting an extension done through 2018. Packers make enough moves and stay healthy enough to win the SB, deal ARod after the season and elevate drafted QB to starter. New starting QB becomes 3rd consecutive HOF caliber QB in GB. The movie script almost writes itself....

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Ds300916's picture

February 28, 2018 at 04:47 pm

Yeah because it's really easy to identify a HoF Qb in the NFL draft. You should call the browns, jets, broncos, and giants this year and let them know who that'll be.

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dobber's picture

February 28, 2018 at 09:10 pm

Hey, if TT could do it... ;)

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Ds300916's picture

February 28, 2018 at 09:37 pm

Haha. Although I did like TT, that was funny. So well played sir.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 01, 2018 at 01:38 am

The movie would be better if the QB that gets traded is kind of a bad guy. You know, more like a bit of a diva, I don't have to teach the young guy diddly, Oh have a picture of my junk whether you want it or not kind of guy. Probably better if the QB who gets traded doesn't win the super bowl due directly to some character defect or personality flaw, and then the young QB does win the super bowl soon after the trade.

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croatpackfan's picture

March 01, 2018 at 03:32 am

The movie will be the best if QB gets traded to Vikings immediatelly... Not through Jets...

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HankScorpio's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:20 pm

"Preferably though, I encourage them to trade me to a team who is willing to go all the way in to win a Super Bowl"

Surely such a trade would cripple their ability to deliver on that. The cost in players and picks would be quite high. And if he won't cut the Packers a break on a deal, why would he do so somewhere else?

It sounds like a good plan but there are big flaws when you think it through.

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worztik's picture

February 28, 2018 at 03:59 pm

Cleveland wouldn’t need to be cut a break... they’re loaded with money and cap space!!’ This would be the “perfect storm” as far as a win - win for both the Packers and the Browns!!! ‘;~€)

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Bearmeat's picture

February 28, 2018 at 06:23 pm

From the Packers POV? Hell yeah, there's flaws. This is a worst case scenario for them.

I'm speaking from where I'd be coming from if I were Rodgers. He owes Green Bay absolutely nothing. Employees never owe employers anything. They work for their paycheck.

There are only two pieces of leverage that an employee has is to withhold their services, or move on. Or I guess to sue.

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canadapacker's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:25 pm

I think that there is something else in the works. Who is not on that list???- probably a bigger GOAT than AR. And I am not putting AR down - because he is none-the-less more valuable to his team ( Pack) than Brady is to his team when he is not available (the Pats ) if you believe that the Pats have a better overall team - which I do. So there has got to be something better in the works than just making Rogers highest paid. Just look what it got the Lions, look what it has gotten the Saints since their superbowl year. I think that the Pack will pay and have to pay AR - but I am hoping that there is something else than just the big cap hit. If the Pats can do it for Brady then the Pack can get it done for AR.

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Cubbygold's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:58 pm

The pats didn't do it for Brady, Brady did it for the pats. AR has to be the driver of a team friendly deal like Brady.

20 QBs get paid more than Brady, that's not an accident. Tom wants to win more than stroke his ego about being the top paid at his position.

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Ds300916's picture

February 28, 2018 at 04:51 pm


Brady has the 3rd highest career earnings of any NFL player ever. (Not including endrosements). So clearly he has been paid.

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Cubbygold's picture

February 28, 2018 at 05:29 pm

Thats because hes 40 years old. He's going to have 20...yes 20.. QBs make more than him this year

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Ds300916's picture

February 28, 2018 at 06:36 pm

That is a good argument, and I see what you're getting at. But why should a 40 year old Tom Brady making less (after earning a lot of money throughout his career) make a 34 year old Aaron Rodgers take a pay cut for what could be his last big contract? In the NFL no career is guaranteed, and these players should not be expected to take a pay cut when they have the chance to cash in.

I'm not suggesting that it is impossible Aaron Rodgers agrees to a less than market value contract, but for us fans to expect him to take a pay cut in order to help the team while suggesting that it is selfish for him to want to be the highest paid player in the NFL is a little strange.

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dblbogey's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:14 pm

How much money is enough? Rodgers has already made about $125 million in his career. If he's happy in Green Bay, why try to squeeze every last penny and handicap the team's salary cap and ability to get more surrounding talent around him? I agree he should become the highest paid player in history with the new contract, but work with the Packers to be a cap friendly deal. I hear rumors of $100 million being guaranteed. What happens if he has a career ending injury next year? We'd be in cap hell for years.

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Hawg Hanner's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:10 pm

There may be a cap exception for a multiyear guarantee on a career ending injury such as Nick Collins.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 01, 2018 at 03:09 am

IDK for sure. I've never found such a provision. I believe that scenario is why GB as a matter of principle never guarantees anything other than the signing bonus and first year categories of compensation, like guaranteeing first year base and roster. Part of this issue is playing out right now with Sharif Floyd. MN claims that Floyd's inability to play is due to a non-football injury and Floyd says it is due to a complication from surgery he had to repair an injury that itself was due to a football related injury. The example would be that the club claims it is due to the surgeon's malpractice while Floyd claims it arises out of a football related injury. Clearly a team can guarantee base or roster for injury but specify that non-football injuries are not guaranteed, so that if a player shoots his foot off in a bar, the team need not pay the guaranteed base.

A team (or player) can procure insurance with the team as the beneficiary for non-amortized portions of compensation, and if the team receives money for payments it actually made to the player, it is treated a refund from the player credited back to the team's salary cap, but it has to be written into the contract up front.

There isn't a good way to get part of a signing bonus back. Under the "Barry Sanders Rule" a team can ask for a refund if a player is nice enough to send in retirement papers, but the team really is only supposed to get the unearned portions of the signing bonus back if the player didn't retire due to injury. That is for players like the young linebacker who retired suddenly recently. I suppose the injured star player could collude with his team by claiming he wasn't injured and agreeing to return unearned signing bonus prorations, but it is hard to see why he might do so unless he is loaded with money. Note teams frequently have the right but don't ask retiring players to return signing bonuses. Finally, I remember an obscure provision under which a team can petition the league for relief, but I don't remember where it was or under what conditions that can be done.

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Handsback's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:16 pm

Welllll if I'm Gutsey I'm looking at the QB position pretty high. In fact, if Jackson is there and they have him rated high, take him and work with Aaron's contract later.

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dobber's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:39 pm

I think questions about whether Jackson can take the pounding as a running QB in the NFL will force him to slide just far enough that they could get BPA at #14 and perhaps get Jackson with a tradeup at the end of round 1/top of round 2. I think fans would balk at that (a tradeup for a QB and not defensive help) but I think he's a real value at the top of round 2. He might be my favorite QB in this draft....maybe not the BEST QB, but the guy I like best based on his skill set and where they could get him.

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Mojo's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:44 pm

Just a few things...

1.)"Rodgers owes the Packers nothing." - Bunk!
This is the same organization that moved on from one of the most (if not the most) popular players in its history to put ARod in the saddle. And took a ton of flak for doing it.

They gave him the highest contract in NFL history, not for just "a short time". For years he was the NFL's highest paid player.

Can't think of any time during his playing career they mistreated him either.

"But if there’s one thing the above list proves, it’s that no number is too high when it comes to what the Packers should be willing to pay for Rodgers." - Really? How but $100 mil a year. They'll have to gut the team but at least ARod will feel respected. That's what it's all about.

2.) Why do so many fans feel the players need to stick
it to their respective franchises? I thought most of us were behind the GB Packers not the Aaron Rodgers. So what if Rodgers were below the highest paid the last few years! It was good for the Packers and bettered their chances to win.

3.) Philly just proved you can win a SB with a good, but not spectacular QB as long as you have a quality supporting cast and good coaching. That a star QB is the only reason a team wins is insulting to the other 50 plus players on the roster.

The problem with GB is the remainder of their roster isn't that great right now, which ironically is something ARod can help with if he doesn't go gonzo with his upcoming extension.

4.) It's simple math, with a cap, if you give a lot to player 1 there's less to give players 2 thru 53. When Rodgers gets his second record-breaking deal, I hope he doesn't prattle on about how it sucks to lose his buds or how GB isn't aggressive enough going after high-priced FA.s. That's the price you pay when GB pays the price.

For the fans who think sports is about players making tons of money, then good for you. For me I want more Lombardi's at 1265.

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dobber's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:54 pm

I disliked the notion that the Packers "owed" Favre anything at the end of his run, and I also dislike the notion that there's any kind of obligation on either side now as these negotiations run their course. It's business. The Packers aren't going to stop and say to ARod: "really, you've done so much for us. We just don't think this contract is big enough." I don't necessarily expect that he's going to cut the Packers any slack, either. If he does? Great!

We can say the Packers gave him his shot and he owes them...or you could just as easily say that the Packers couldn't wait to install him over #4 because he just looked that good. He created his break.

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Bearmeat's picture

February 28, 2018 at 06:24 pm

Right on, Dobber!

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croatpackfan's picture

March 01, 2018 at 04:01 am

I think nobody owes nobody.

Did Packers and Aaron Rodgers sign contract on mutual agreed deal? Did Aaron Rodgers paid everything he had been in the contract? So, what do you think Packers ows him?

Do Aaron Rodger owes anything to Packers? Well, this is something we could discussed. Because when you sign contract you know exact obligations for the payer, obligations for other party is pretty questionable. Did Aaron Rodgers gave Packers top level of play in every game he played during the contract (in comparation with obligations Packers fulfilled)? By Aaron's own words there was more than several games he claimed by himself that he was not played on the top level (still, he received top level payments!)!

So, it is ridiculous to even talk about subject. By words of Mark Murphy negotiations are going in good directions and it looks like the deal will be win/win deal....

I will stay with that claim!

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Bearmeat's picture

March 01, 2018 at 07:54 am

I have a phew phantom dislikers. Oh darn. Whatever shall I do?....Ok. I'm over it. :D

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dobber's picture

March 01, 2018 at 07:58 am

Here's a self-esteem boost....

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Bearmeat's picture

March 01, 2018 at 02:30 pm

Thanks, dobber. I feel better already. Hahaha.

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Tundraboy's picture

March 02, 2018 at 03:37 pm

Some will dislike anything. As a test. Go Pack Go

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Cubbygold's picture

February 28, 2018 at 01:54 pm

"But if there’s one thing the above list proves, it’s that no number is too high when it comes to what the Packers should be willing to pay for Rodgers"

Is that what the list shows you? It shows me a list of guys with ZERO superbowl wins since getting their big payday

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stockholder's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:03 pm


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Royalty Free GM's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:08 pm

With a single 20M paycheque you can use first class (suites, planes and michelin restaurants) EVERYDAY for the rest of your life!

With 40M you can fly first class twice a day!
And change hotels two times a day?
And you will get michelin fat :(

With 60M... you will run out of time before money.

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HankScorpio's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:22 pm

Contractually, Rodgers owes the Packers two more years of play in exchange for about $40 mil in cash. If he owes nothing else, neither do they. Including ripping up his below market deal to give him more money.

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Ds300916's picture

February 28, 2018 at 02:40 pm

Pay this man what he wants. He has absolutely earned it. Why on earth would you want to even consider putting in your franchise's QB's head that he is being slighted? Throw in the fact that it's clear even after all these years that Aaron Rodgers is playing with a chip on his shoulder from the 2005 draft. If he feels even a little bit slighted, I guarantee he'll end up on the vikings, bears, or lions down the road and we'll have to watch him kick our asses.
Thankfully from the comments out of front office it sounds like they understand what Aaron Rodgers means to this team. Russ Ball is a cap wizard so we really don't need to worry about the potential cap ramifications. If you gave the rest of the league a choice between cap space and a paying franchise qb, every single one would pick paying a franchise QB.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 01, 2018 at 03:21 am

"Russ Ball is a cap wizard so we really don't need to worry about the potential cap ramifications." Um, no, there are limits to wizardry.

"If you gave the rest of the league a choice between cap space and a paying franchise qb, every single one would pick paying a franchise QB." Yes, that is so, depending on the amount. Not $100M/yr, but the principle is sound.

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Turophile's picture

March 01, 2018 at 04:18 am

Also, instead of getting to tied up in $ without any reference to the past, think of it in terms of % cap. To get a deal now, at the same % of the cap as Rodgers was at when he signed his last deal, he would be at about $30m.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 01, 2018 at 06:57 pm

Sorta, and true if you use AAV. Actually, AR's cap hit never exceeded 13.2%, which would translate to $23.5M under a 178M cap. AR also never received $22 AAV.

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dfm2018's picture

February 28, 2018 at 04:40 pm

No he doesn't owe the pack, but he owes the public to stop the drama queen quips. He has turned into another premodonna QB a few years back and I for 1 would welcome a trade for a haul of picks. Don't sign what will end being a lifetime contract, how about you stay healthy more than 2 seasons in a row. Get all the money you have coming, understood, you take a beating but no one is bigger than a team, a franchise. No one.

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Ds300916's picture

February 28, 2018 at 06:38 pm

Firstly, The browns have had at least of decade of top 5 picks and have yet to find a franchise quarterback, so why is a boatload of picks worth more than a franchise QB?

Secondly, he has stayed healthy for more than 2 seasons in a row multiple times. 2008-2012 and 2014-2017.

Thirdly, The nature of the NFL, is that everyone will get hurt.

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Since'61's picture

February 28, 2018 at 07:24 pm

The Packers can arrange a contract that keeps Rodgers the highest paid player in the league if another QB is signed to a bigger contract, which is unlikely for at least a few seasons.

As of today he is the team. For the most part the Packers have surrounded Rodgers with second and third tier players at best. They have yet to demonstrate that the future will be any differernt. If anything they have overpaid for Perry, CM3, Cobb and Adams more recently.

Rodgers may give the team some slack, but until the Packers provide some support on the field, especially on defense I don 't see why he should take less. He plays alone, he is a generational player, he should get what he deserves.

If and when the Packers actually draft or sign real NFL players besides Rodgers we can worry about paying them if and when they earn it. Thanks, Since '61

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Ds300916's picture

February 28, 2018 at 06:37 pm

Very well put. I 100% agree.

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flackcatcher's picture

February 28, 2018 at 08:33 pm

Disagree '61 on the talent level. Fans have a tenacity to overrate players on their team, and when things go south they underrate them. The truth is always somewhere in the middle. In the NFL the talent is usually pretty equal between the the best and worst teams. The line between success and failure is only one injury away. (as we saw this season) The difference is in the coaching and team set up. How a coach schemes and put his players in position to achieve is the thin line between losing and winning at the pro level. Both the packer front office and coaching staff failed this past season. Why that happened is unknown to us fans. Extremely unusual would be putting it kindly. I said this before, but I think I all this centers around Mark Murphy, the Packers president. Both him and Mike McCarthy are heading for a reckoning this year, one that neither man may not like.

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Since'61's picture

February 28, 2018 at 10:11 pm

Flak - I have posted for years here that the Packers need better players especially on defense. I am not just reacting to the 2017 record. Since the 2010 SB the Packers have failed in the playoffs because after Aaron Rodgers their roster has not been good enough to match up with their playoff opponents. Even during the regular season the Packers have consistently struggled against the better teams in the league especially in the road.
If we're going to get back to the SB we need better players to compete successfully during the playoffs. In the meantime let's pay the one player that we have who can actually play at an NFL level and win games for the Packers. Thanks, Since '61

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Royalty Free GM's picture

March 01, 2018 at 03:51 am

”he should get what he deserves”
How much would you pay for him?

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Since'61's picture

March 01, 2018 at 06:59 am

Highest paid player in the league. First the Packers need to see what Cousins signs for. Thanks, Since '61

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Cartwright's picture

February 28, 2018 at 07:37 pm

When negotiations get tough, for good or bad, you know they are going to bring up his two broken collar bones and calculate that into the deal. His last outing after injury didn't help his cause and I read also that the current injury was a crush not a clean break, that's why 13 pins were inserted. Based on this Rodgers is at a negotiating disadvantage and upon further reflection may bend "for the benefit of the team."

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worztik's picture

February 28, 2018 at 08:55 pm

He’s not a “TEAM” guy... he’s a Hollywood dude that has a job in Wisconsin part of the year!!!!

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worztik's picture

February 28, 2018 at 08:56 pm

Fed up with all the AROD talk... and I’m feeling mean right now!!! ‘;~€(

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worztik's picture

February 28, 2018 at 08:52 pm

I still say, let him play out his current contract, draft our next QB high in the 1st round this year and develop him!!! If he’s not quite ready in 2 years we franchise AROD for 2-3 more!!! What can he do, pout and play badly??? His attitude always sucked and it’s gotten worse as of late!!! He’s developing a GOD complex and I don’t like it!!! He’s always been the “poor little QB that had to sit in the green room until the 24th pick” and that’s just too bad!!! He’s made a fortune and we need to remember that if we’d have had a decent NFL backup this past year we wouldn’t be fawning over AROD like we are!!!! Well, some of you still would be but, some of us are realists!!! And Ps... we don’t need a running QB!!!!

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Samson's picture

February 28, 2018 at 09:58 pm

No doubt AR is worth a bundle. He's being paid (per his signed contract) a bundle. --- I've always been a huge AR fan but I'm a Packer fan first.

A BU QB by the name of Foles just won a SB and was named the SB MVP. --- I wanna win another SB before I'm six-feet under. --- GB needs to improve in many areas before they ever sniff the SB again. -- I just hope AR realizes this fact.

Let him play under his current contract in season 2018. --- Restructure (or cut) some of the expendable JAGs on the roster and fill the obvious holes on the roster. --- I'm hoping Gute's up to the task. -- (TT wasn't)

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Tundraboy's picture

March 02, 2018 at 03:48 pm

"Let him play under his current contract in season 2018. --- Restructure (or cut) some of the expendable JAGs on the roster and fill the obvious holes on the roster. --- I'm hoping Gute's up to the task. -- (TT wasn't)"

Exactly. Then next year do the same.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 01, 2018 at 03:37 am

At a $21M cap hit, AR provides a ton of surplus value. At a $32M cap hit, unless he can improve the quality of his play proportionately, he provides less surplus value than previously. Simple as that.

The NFL is a capped league. Other than rebuilding teams, all the teams we compete with for super bowls spend practically all of the salary cap each year, as do we.

The point is to get more value than the other teams get out of one's spending. That's done by having a great eye for talent when drafting, and in FA, or in FA seeing how a player on another team might be better on your team (Hyde, Hayward), by having coaches who are great teachers, and by coordinators who put together great schemes/plays to get the most out of the players we have.

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Royalty Free GM's picture

March 01, 2018 at 04:03 am

Pick one.

35M QB contract
Superbowl success

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John Kirk's picture

March 01, 2018 at 06:56 am

I'd be very interested to see the results of that poll.

Of course, it'll be argued that it's not mutually exclusive. It'll also be argued that without 12 there'll be no SBs and a return to the 70s.

It's about degrees of likelihood. I think it'll be very unlikely either way but I'd prefer to start over right now, if it is, indeed, 35 mil.

I would enjoy watching a team building toward a SB than one running on fumes that doesn't have the juice it needs when it counts because it's constrained by a 35 mil QB contract.

My belief is most will choose the prestige of having the best in the game at 35 mil vs. trying to build toward a SB. We haven't been building since 2010. We're on a regressed flatline. More of same coming at 35 mil. I wanted freshness after stale Ted. May get two day old donuts instead of one.

0 points
chitter23's picture

March 01, 2018 at 08:04 am

The big difference is Brady has leadership over him in place that has proven they can get it done. Over and over again. I think Rodgers is fed up with McCarthy and who could blame him? how would you like to be the greatest quarterback the league has ever seen and have your career handcuffed to the ankle of one Mike McCarthy?

0 points
zeke's picture

March 01, 2018 at 08:56 am

"how would you like to be the greatest quarterback the league has ever seen and have your career handcuffed to the ankle of one Mike McCarthy?"

Neither Joe Montana nor Johnny Unitas were ever handcuffed to Mike McCarthy, at least as far as anyone knows.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

March 02, 2018 at 03:51 pm

Quite the opposite.

0 points