Confessions of a Polluted Mindset - Ayahuasca is Overrated

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.



Ayahuasca - As far as I can tell, Rodgers' two trips to enlightenment and self-love have accomplished one thing for certain - he's more accepting of failure, specifically his own. Some people would say that's a great thing, but for a quarterback on the football field, it's not a trait you want. 

Giants have Heart - Man, I have to give full credit to the Giants - they FIGHT! They play with fire in their eyes and passion in their hearts. Talent level be damned, they don't play it safe. Hell, they had the balls to run QB draws with Daniel Jones on a bad ankle. They challenge you and look to dictate—the exact opposite of what the Packers have done this year. Methinks they're a reflection of their coach:

Bad Barry - When the Packers hired Joe Barry, we all knew about his terrible record, but it was explained away as him being with bad teams that had no talent. I think we now know where the real problem lies. He gets into this "play not to lose" mindset and it all goes to hell at that point. Whatever you thought of Dom Capers, now there was a guy whose hands were tied by a lack of talent in the post-Super-Bowl years. I'd wager that Capers would know what to do with this group.

One INT - Over five games, the Packers have exactly ONE interception. Likely a direct result of playing soft defense, wouldn't you say?

Good Morning/Bad Day - I was thinking it was a pretty cool thing to wake up on a Sunday morning, have my usual coffee, eggs and bacon and then boom! - Packers football was right there. The problem is that if your team stinks it up, you now have all day to let it ferment before you get to go sleep it off. Yuck.

Sorry Amari - Sadly, I think it's time to cut bait with Amari Rodgers. He's contributing next to nothing now, having been replaced on kickoff returns by Christian Watson. He has ball security issues and has not shown any return ability at all. I thought it was funny when the TV play-by-play misidentified Rodgers as the ball carrier on the end around that went nowhere. It was Watson, but maybe he assumed it was Rodgers because it went nowhere. We read all offseason about how Amari had re-worked his body and was back to feeling like he did in college, Personally, I was optimistic, but it just appears the Pro game is just too fast for him and he has no confidence in himself.

So predictable - When the Giants scored to tie the game, I predicted on twitter that the Packers would now panic. Sure enough, you had the three passes and out, 26 second "drive" that put a gassed defense right back on the field after having just endured an 8-minute Giants drive and a 7-minute drive previous to that.  LaFleur and Rodgers can explain all they want about how they were good plays based on the Giants' alignment, they were HORRIBLE plays with respect to the game situation. It shows an incredible lack of awareness and just another example of them panicking when faced with adversity.

Timeout on Fourth and Two? - Were the Packers really satisfied with that being their call against Cover 0? Send Lazard and Cobb to the sideline with the entire middle of the field empty? For a team that loves to waste timeouts, they actually had two available. When seeing what the Giants were doing, why not use a timeout when it would REALLY benefit you? Go talk it over with LaFleur and maybe come up with a better plan for such a critical play?

Two Plays to get Two Yards - I don't really have much to add to this:





"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


17 points

Comments (102)

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BruceC1960's picture

October 12, 2022 at 06:30 am

Couldn’t agree more with Aaron Jones quote.

16 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:37 am

ARod, then Jaire and now AJones--people are talking openly to the press, LaF. I don't see this team spiraling down the tubes like 2018, but LaF has plenty of work to do--not just on field, but in the locker room.

2 points
PeteK's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:43 am

That is the most troubling. Film work and adjustments will be made. However, I dislike airing it out in the media; it hardly ever leads to positive outcomes.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:55 pm

Rodgers publicly taking issue with Jaire’s statement was the potentially the worst of the lot. It’s not good to criticize team mates directly.

3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:24 pm

Just waiting for one of them to publicly criticize Rodgers as he has no qualms about criticizing his own teammates or organization while behind the mic.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:27 pm

Wasn’t Jones impliedly doing so along with LaFleur?

2 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:42 pm

Hard to say. Jones didnt call Rodgers out by name so he could've been criticizing the play call in general. As for Lafleur, I think it was the typical "we need to execute better" type of response. I want to see full blown Bill Parcells like public undressing of the qb. Somebody has to put him in his place and if it wont be Lafleur then he needs to go too. Love Lafleur's football mind but hes losing my support in the leadership department. He cant keep letting his team do as they please like this.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 02:00 pm

I perhaps wasn’t very articulate, what i meant was that Jones’s come t inherently implied a criticism of those who determine the number if handoffs. LaFleur and via RPOs or audibles, Rodgers.

0 points
NickPerry's picture

October 12, 2022 at 06:31 am

Perfect Al...I really don't have much to add...

As bummed out as I am about the 2022 Packers, I don't really have my hopes up they'll turn it around. Other than MLF being UNABLE to adjust, and Rodgers reverting to "Hero Ball", Joe Barry is the one I'm going to watch for the rest of this season. What I mean by that is do they allow Barry to be this year's Mo Drayton and wait until the end of the season to shit-can him, or do they cut their losses soon, and try to salvage the season because they WILL NOT WIN with Joe Barry.

All one needs to do is watch where he's playing Rasol Douglas. Douglas is around 6'2" 209 Lbs, and they have him in the slot. Douglas isn't a slot defender! He's an outside CB, a pretty damn good one, especially in a zone defense. What's been happening isn't working and it's just not that hard. Play Alexander in the slot or hell, move Savage around as they did at the end of 2020, and play him closer to the LOS. Douglas and Stokes are outside CBs, end of story! That's just one thing and I could go on and on.

Get rid of Barry if he doesn't change it up THIS week. Right now one of the biggest homers of the GBP has doubts, serious doubts if they can beat the NY Jets. There's something I didn't think I'd say after 5 weeks of the 2022 season and a basically healthy team.

And for Gods sake...Run the damn ball!!!

21 points
murf7777's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:54 am

Nick, I agree about Douglas, he has become a liability as a slot defender. There are many problems on this defense. One is execution, another is coaching schemes and not utilizing some exotic blitzing. This team actually blitzes quite a bit, I believe I just read 5th in the league. BUT, when watching some of their blitzes, especially with Quay all he does is run into an OL and gets washed out. If a guy isn’t a good at blitzing than don’t use him for that role.

I agree with you that Barry needs to show he can change this up starting this week. Yes, the past two weeks he played a stacked box to take away the run, but than the DB’s couldn’t cover. It’s time to move Jaire into the slot and play Douglas to his strength. It’s time to show some different types of blitzing. Also, if a player isn’t executing than bench him and show the team you mean business. This goes for the whole team. They are not playing to their potential right now. Attitude adjustments are needed.

6 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:51 am

I was shocked when ML, after losing out on Jim Leonard by whisker, hired Barry.

How such an inspired recruiting move could be followed by the jaw dropping crony hire was mystifying.

This team is also within a whisker of being 0-5. ML could learn from MM. Keeping failed coaches on staff due to blind loyalty as they continue to fail will muddy you up with a failing grade too. MM had a death wish keeping Capers floundering Ds year after year. I believe Capers cost MM and the Packers a Lombardi (2011), or two (2014) or three (2016).

Fire Barry. Hire Wade Phillips as interim DC. Phillips had a checkered career as a HC, but as DC...he is one of the best.

5 points
bullsa21's picture

October 12, 2022 at 03:27 pm

I agree Fire Joe Barry. But instead of going outside of the building they have Jerry Gray as a former DC, Promote him I bet he would unleash the defense let them play more man to man mixing it up more than Joe Barry ever has.

-2 points
badaxed's picture

October 12, 2022 at 04:12 pm

you wish to reward the db coach who apparently cannot solve a two-man receiver problem. I think not.

2 points
Slim11's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:29 pm

I agree with your comparison of Barry to Mo Drayton. There is one very obvious exception to that scenario.

Last year, there wasn’t really anyone on the staff who was capable of taking over STs if Drayton was fired mid-season. This season, Jerry Gray is on the staff. He has prior experience as a DC and was acting DC for one game last season when Barry was out with c19. Gray also knows the defense and could probably step in again. Players seem to respect a coach who was a former player at the same level and Gray fits that need.

If Barry remains as the DC until the end of this season, I doubt things end well.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 02:01 pm

It’s Jerry Gray’s guys ( the secondary) who are the most dysfunctional.

-1 points
Slim11's picture

October 12, 2022 at 02:54 pm

Fair point…but it’s Barry’s scheme, his calls and his responsibility.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 06:40 pm

That may be, but without really knowing the dynamic there’s a risk of jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

1 points
badaxed's picture

October 12, 2022 at 04:14 pm

Leroy Butler was a former player. a hall of Famer. why promote a former player when you could have a hall of Famer and super bowl winner?

0 points
crayzpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 02:21 pm

Very good take. Look, we have a QB whose legend is larger in his own mind than it is of his own time. He isolates himself around yes people and becomes passive aggressive towards anything that challenges that legend. Sad too, cuz he’s physically been touched by the gods.

We have a head coach and DC who are just a couple guys we all found behind the curtain. Nice enough folks and all, but the fake it until you make it philosophy doesn’t work under this kind of lighting. Only 32 of these jobs are occupied worldwide, if you aren’t legit, you will be found out.

There is a solution to rescuing this season. The problem is, the ONLY folks in a position to make this happen are driven either by ego and a lacking of self awareness, along with incompetence.

If the defense would be more physical and challenge the line of scrimmage with more creativity such as blitzing and the DB’s on appropriate down and distances play more man bump and run, we might see more sacks, fumbles, and INT’s.

Offense? Shit! Just run the f’n ball. Utilize quick slants, crossing routes and screens. Off of that, the PA will work for intermediate passes and shots downfield. Stop running every play from shotgun. Rodgers!! For the love of God, stop with the pre snap, I’m a genius, take the clock to zero, then snap it or call time out crap. Just find a tempo and go! Your being so smart is making you look very dumb and stubborn.

I didn’t think I was gonna write so much, sorry for that. Guess I have been letting this fester for too long and it all blew up here.

Conclusion? This can be saved. Reality? New guy trying to teach an old dog new tricks along with new guys looking like deer in headlights, might be too much to overcome.

Holy shit I hope I am very wrong. Cheers everyone. Packer nation is a true sensation.

2 points
LLCHESTY's picture

October 12, 2022 at 06:39 am

The next two weeks they play turnover machines at QB and have a chance to turn around that differential. All the teeth gnashing about offense and defense won't mean anything without getting more of them.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:32 am

The defense should in part be simple (though I think in reality it’s a symptom not a stand alone issue). LaFleur should just tell Barry that he’s going to play aggressively, that coverages will be tight (whether man or zone) and the requirement is to get pressure on the QB and skill players consistently. That won’t solve the coordination issues but it will allow our talent to do what they do best. It’s also easy for all of us to see whether it happens.

If Barry won’t comply, then sticking with him is not justified. A coordinator who won’t follow directions is a liability. Or, the reality is that Barry is following LaFleur’s real directions or just isn’t getting any. And there is the rub. I think that the latter is actually more likely closer to reality. LaFleur is timid and that spreads.

I think this team shows all the signs of a Head coach who has no strategy, tactical acumen and doesn’t impose a vision or expectations on his Coordinators or QB. We can fire Barry, but I think a real fix requires firing LaFleur or simply appointing a Coach who has the authority to do it as if LaFleur was irrelevant (Bisaccia).

Obvious solutions not taken typically indicate that the root of the problem is deeper seated. I believe that this is the case with our D and may well have been with Pettine as well.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:24 am

Right now the truth meter is pointing at Barry. They were pushed around for 15 minutes during the second half fiasco. Standing around like statuary. Savage is not reading the field, so maybe it is best he goes to the slot; unfortunately, he is not a willing tackler. Hanging on to incompetent coaches seems like an accounting issue with Murphy reluctant to buy out the remaining contract (s).

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:28 am

The Packers knowingly hired a redux of MM...a HC who would mostly just coach offense, call all the plays, and spend his entire coaching week focused on it. D and ST management and game planning would be delegated to the coordinators with little input.

It can work, but requires a HC to be a great recruiter and evaluator of coaching talent to run the other 2 team units. 3+ years in and he is earning a "D". It would be an F but Bisaccia may yet be a good hire.

Fire Barry. Hire Wade Phillips as interim. Who knows, Wade may show he deserves to be retained. After being unceramoniously let go by the Rams two years ago (the Rams D stumbled badly the next year!), took a year off but is now coaching in the XFL in his hometown Houston. He has said he is ready to get back to the NFL now.

5 points
PeteK's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:18 pm

Yes, poor adjustments and no heart. However, the blowout would have been in place without the following terrible penalties: with a 17- 3 lead Reed sacks Jones and recovers the ball on the Giants 7 ( Giant TD result), then at beginning of 3rd quarter Gary sacks Jones for 11 yd loss ( Giant field goal). Poor execution on two plays probably cost us the game and we're having a different conversation this week. Things are better than they seem. I feel bad for the Jets because the Giants lit the fire that was needed.

1 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:40 am

I think they approached the Giants (and the Patriots) hoping to win vanilla on defense. I think they'll approach the Jets and Washington the same way: let's keep the "fancy stuff" and unscouted looks in our back pocket and try to win vanilla.

Maybe putting lots of clever stuff (if they have it) on film might be counterproductive when the Bills and Eagles are up, but they've got to move the arrow on defense. This has never been (except for 2020) a unit that generates a lot of turnovers, and with a little more iffy behavior in terms of ball control on offense, that's going to be a real problem as the season progresses.

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:05 am

winning through trickery is not a sustainable strategy.

consistent winning comes through EXECUTION.

Quit with all the "we gotta fool 'em" bullshit and play a reasonable variety of packages but for a change play them all well.
That is called execution.
That is what a coach is supposed to demand from his players.
That is a recipe for winning.

I am a whisker's width away from canning my interest in this team until a new coaching staff is in place if things do not turn around and I mean right fucking now.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:29 am

There should be 100-200 blitz/stunt schemes in the first couple sections of his defensive playbook. Run them often and keep the Offense guessing where they are coming from. Watching Spags run his show MNF was therapy for this three-day hangover from the London Fog Charade.

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 12, 2022 at 06:51 am

My sentiments exactly!. Nicely done. Glad we have Aaron Jones,
Perhaps we use him this week!

4 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:21 am

Ayahuasca -
I just find it how this is what everyone talks about now with Rodgers.

Giants have Heart -
Jones is not a great QB, but he played really well. He was taking shots and still standing in there and firing away. His throws were on the money too. Give them credit. They fought.

Bad Barry -
Barry coaches scared. He is afraid to not give up a big play that he prevents his defense to play aggressively. I was watching a lot of the all 22 clips that people posted on twitter yesterday. And especially on the crossing route plays and others, every DB was 8-10 yards off the ball. When they would get to about 15 or more yards for a first down, they are that far off. The offense would throw a simple slant or whatever and get 8-10 yards.
Barry needs to change his ways.

One INT -
When you sit deep and allow catches underneath, it is pretty impossible to catch anything.

Good Morning/Bad Day -
I was in a pissy mood all day sunday. I don't want any more London games.

Sorry Amari -
I don't know what Rodgers can do at this point to amend himself. He was removed from KR. He fumbled the PR. I really have been pulling for Rodgers cuz I thought he was going to be a really good piece used on offense. I thought he was going to be our gadget type guy. Used on jet motion and whatnot.
My question is who is going to be our returner if they decide to not use Rodgers anymore? KR they could potentially elevate Goodson. For PR, maybe Cobb? I wouldn't be surprised if they looked to bring in some guys that do returning.

So predictable -
The 3 plays I knew was going to be crushed all week. I hated it as well. Not that it was passing, that it was all based on them not using their RBs at all in those 3 plays.
Now that being said, the first throw to Lazard should have been an illegal contact and first down. Lazard got ran into and that is why he couldn't get to the ball. There were about 4 of those that should have been called against the Giants. Funny how the officials had no problem calling penalties on Douglas, but swallowed their whistles on the Giants DB's.

Timeout on Fourth and Two? -
I wish they wouldn't have wasted a timeout earlier in the half so they could have used it there.

Two Plays to get Two Yards - I don't really have much to add to this:
The final play would have worked had they A - ran it with Dillon. or 2 thrown it to Doubs. Either of those options would have worked.

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:27 am

We can bitch now about referees, but we have to accept that Illegal contact, holding, or PI calls are question of judgement at the moment. I do not see referees in this game as something that cost Packers better result. It was not like the game before, were play clock started new period and referees did not call for delay of game. That was true mistake.

Also, I bitched about holding call on Kevin King vs Bucs in that NFCCG because that was only holding call on any DB through the whole game. Remember? That was on 3rd and 8 (I think) and Bucs would be push to punt. And, before that call there was numerous missed calls on holding from Bucs DB (or ILB) that was not called. I said than and I say now. I have no problem if the norm are the same for both teams. That is also judgmental and if you are referee and keep that norm same for both teams, that is OK.

I do not see any problems with referees in London game this year.

Sorry, RCP Fan, that sounds me like excuses for bad performance...

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:31 am

The point I'm making about the illegal contact that should have been called is the fact that had there not been illegal contact on those plays the throws are likely on point. Making the offense looking much better. And who knows what happens if they catch those passes. perhaps we are having a different talk about the game. I'm not blaming them for the loss or anything like that. My point is the passing game would be looking much better if our WR's weren't interfered with on those plays. Which honestly gives me much more hope for this offense. I feel better today about it then i did on Sunday.

I remember that play. I also bitched about it too. Because when refs call something one way all game and then change the way they call it at the end it affects the game. I wasn't as mad about the call itself because it was a hold, but the fact that they didn't call any before that.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:48 am

But that only call came on 3rd and long and holding call give them 1st and 10. That is the main point I bitched about that mistake!

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:15 am

RC as you probably remember that holding call on Kevin King was made because it was obvious by the way King pulled the receivers Jersey away from his body and secondly Brady always gets the call as he did again this week on a roughing the passer call during the Bucs/Falcons game on a play that was totally legit by the defender.

As for the Packers in London Douglas had 3 bad penalties during the game which were the correct calls and which hurt the team. Savage also had a bad holding call against him. As for the non calls on the Packers receivers I agree with you that on at least two of our long passes there was illegal contact by the Giant's defender.

I wouldn't blame the officials for the Packers losing either but poor officiating has been having a bigger and bigger impact on games throughout the league for the past 10-15 seasons. The officiating is getting worse instead of better and that is with the benefit of replays. It's very frustrating and it has made the games very difficult for me to watch which is one of the reasons why I am down to only watching Packers games at this point.

The NFL is a shell of what the league used to be. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:42 pm

Since '61 -

I completely agree about the poor officiating and the fact that its getting worse. I don't know what the answer is with it. I don't want to use review to determine penalties. However if they did they would need to have a sky judge review the big ones. Basically anything that is a 15+ yard penalty. Those are the ones that can change a game. Any penalty could change a game. But these big penalties are the ones that can really change a game.

1 points
Rarescope's picture

October 13, 2022 at 11:31 am

I wonder if those calls on Douglas are part of how he plays? I seem to remember last year, I think it was in a key game near the end of the season, that he got away with a couple of iffy things and after the game he said that the refs were letting them play and he picked up on that so played a little closer to the edge. I also think it could be something to do with frustration of the defensive scheme not working. Our good players didn't all turn into poor players overnight all at the same time...

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:37 am

Al, your points are spot on as usual.

I’ve made my points about the Giants game on the other threads here earlier this week.

I’m just going to state that if the Packers don’t respond this week against the Jets then I’m afraid we’ll know where we’re at with this team and it won’t be good.

Jones quote sums up the entire mess perfectly.
Thanks, Since ‘61

9 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:55 am

Jaire Alexander, postgame: “I ain’t worried, but if we lose next week, then I’ll be worried.”

4 points
Packers0808's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:38 am

I will probably get slammed for this but I am wondering if the use of drugs affects Rodgers coordination and with mixture of age combined. He never used to miss passes by so much especially the short passes he seems to be throwing so wide and short often. And the "hero ball" overthrown so often. Can that really be blamed on the WR speed?

5 points
Lphill's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:56 am

what drugs is he using?

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:28 am


-1 points
dblbogey's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:48 am

Ben Gay.

2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:08 am

DMT is the active ingredient in Ayahuasca.

"Internationally, DMT is a Schedule I drug under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances."
"Under American federal law, DMT is a Schedule I drug that is illegal to possess or consume"

So, to answer your question...DMT.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:32 am

Thank for clearing and identifying the active substance. I have to admit I did not even try to.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:44 am

About DTM/ayahuasca

From net (I used capital letters to pint out of some effects that may cause some unwilling effects on QB play):

DMT is a powerful substance that can cause a number of mental and physical side effects. Some of these are desirable, but others not so much.

Possible mental effects of DMT include:

vivid hallucinations


Physical effects of DMT can include:

rapid heart rate
increased blood pressure
rapid rhythmic eye movements
chest pain or tightness
nausea or vomiting
Are there any risks?
Yes, some of them potentially serious.

DMT’s physical side effects of raising both heart rate and blood can be risky, especially if you have a heart condition or already have high blood pressure.

Using DMT may also cause:

LOSS OF MUSCLE COORDINATION, which increases the risk of falls and injury
It may also be associated with respiratory arrest (when someone stops breathing) and coma.

Long-term effects
Like other hallucinogenic drugs, DMT may cause persistent psychosis and hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD). HPPD is more commonly known as “flashbacks.” Both are rare and may be more likely to occur in people with preexisting mental health conditions.

Serotonin syndrome warning
DMT can result in high levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This can lead to a potentially life threatening condition called serotonin syndrome disorder.

People who use DMT while taking antidepressants have a higher risk for developing this condition. Some other medications and supplements are also associated with serotonin syndrome.

Seek immediate medical attention if you’ve used DMT and experience the following symptoms:

muscle spasms
muscle rigidity
overactive reflexes
dilated pupils

Any other interactions to know about?

DMT can interact with a range of other prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as other drugs.

If you’re using DMT, you should avoid mixing it with other substances such as:

LSD, aka acid
gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), aka liquid V and liquid G
Prescription and over-the-counter medications to avoid mixing with DMT include:

muscle relaxants
blood pressure medications

-2 points
Lphill's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:56 am

what drugs is he using?

-5 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:59 am

Well, they do drink a lot of "tea" in England.

2 points
GP1's picture

October 14, 2022 at 12:07 am

His old, and getting older, and once had great physical gifts including eyesight. These things are not what they were. He can not adjust. He is not Tom Brady he will not be still playing in 5 or 6 years; he doesn't have that kind of body,

0 points
GregC's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:38 am

I was discouraged to read an article on here last week that explained Barry's approach to playing defense, and it sounded just like Mike Pettine's. The Packers' first choice for DC in the off-season was Wisconsin's DC Jim Leonhard, who is now their interim head coach. Here is a description of his style from Sports Illustrated: "Leonhard is widely regarded as one of the top defensive coordinators in all of college football. While he utilizes a base 3-4 scheme, his defense deploys various fronts, with a 2-4-5 design regularly used against pass-heavy teams. Leonhard is known for using an array of stunts and blitz packages to aggressively attack offenses while leaving his defensive backs in man-to-man coverage. That is not to say he does not use zone coverage ever, but Leonhard uses a lot of movement and misdirection to keep offenses guessing, regardless of the coverage."

Makes you wonder what might have been. I also can't help but wonder why Leonhard turned them down. Maybe he could see that he had a good chance at becoming head coach at Wisconsin someday. Or maybe there was something about the Packers organization that he didn't like. We may never know.

7 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:54 am

As a Badger fan, Iam happy the Packers didn't get Leonhard, but it is a long fall from Leonhard to Barry. Surely there was someone else between those two....... MLF has made some very poor hires (all the ST coaches prior to Bisaccia, Barry).

2 points
murf7777's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:09 am

Greg, I was thinking similar thoughts about Leonhard. I was wondering if his aggressive style of defense would work in today’s NFL. Most teams play a soft zone in the NFL right now for a reason. Unfortunately, for the Packers we will never know.

Fortunately, for the Badgers we have our HC for the future. I think he will make a great HC and hope he can recruit higher level players so we can compete someday for a championship. The man has been a major winner at everything he’s done in life, even an academic All American. Of course, he will need UW to loosen up the purse strings for that to happen. We won’t get a championship with 2-3* WR’s and DB’s. We had a couple of high ranking recruiting cycles recently, but by in large, it was because we had an inordinate amount of 4-5* home grown OL in Wisconsin to recruit.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:12 am

Murph, I don't think most successful NFL teams play a soft zone. CB is the most coveted position after QB in the NFL right now. You don't need elite CBs to play zone.

Josh Jones played mostly zone at Iowa where he earned his high draft status. Complete failure playing man. Packers played soft zone vs vyqueens and watched Jefferson play catch all game long and lost badly 23-7 with soft zone a major contributor.

The next week the Eagles played man, shut down Jefferson, and beat them easily 24-7.

You would probably be correct most non playoff NFL teams play soft zone.

If ML can't see the misuse of his defense and immediately correct it, he is not HC material.

1 points
murf7777's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:22 pm

That defensive playing style came from LA and they won the SB last year. My understanding is Denver plays that style as well and their D is solid. I’ve heard announcers state quite a few times that most teams play that style of D to eliminate big plays. I watch a lot of football, but am far from an expert on other teams D other than what I hear.

0 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:38 am

"Fortunately, for the Badgers we have our HC for the future."

The arrow is pointing up, but he's still going to have to make a statement with the play on the field. The Badgers' three wins are against bottom feeder programs. Those are the teams that the Badgers have really thumped. Leonhard is going to have to show that he's got these guys playing better for that to be true--especially as people start to point to guys like Lance Leipold--who has been successful at just about every level and is a Jefferson native (I remember watching him play)--who is turning around Kansas, has a reputation as a dynamite recruiter, and might be a consideration for UW where he started as a graduate assistant under Barry.

Right now, there is only one team on the schedule that they should be a clear favorite to beat: Nebraska. After that, the Badgers will be about even (Maryland, Purdue) or dogs (Iowa, Minn). Right now, they're -5 AT EAST LANSING this weekend. Don't get me wrong, MSU is underachieving, but giving the Badgers 5 on the road is lunacy at this point. If Leonhard can make inroads and show that he's got this team playing better, I think he's a slam dunk...but if they waffle along, playing undisciplined and lackadaisical football, maybe Jim Leonhard lands in GB this offseason.

0 points
murf7777's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:19 pm

I don’t get all the hype about Leipold. Sure he was great at whitewater a Div III team, not far from coaching HS. Then he goes to Buffalo and is 5-7, 2-10, 6-6, 10-2, 8-5 and a shortened season 6-1. It shows progress but hardly dominating. Than he goes to Kansas and is 2-10 and starts this season 5-0 and everyone jumps onto his bandwagon. He did lose last weekend is now 5-1. He does show he can turn programs around so I get it, but he is also 58 years old.

Unless this team lays an egg under Jim’s leadership, I’d go with Jim Leonhard all day long. He has all of Chyrst’s great attributes, plus an articulate, smart, personable personality. He’s aggressive and not a micro manager. He also has an edge to him. My guess, is if players don’t play hard for him they will directed to the bench. He knows that great effort is more important than just talent. I will be shocked if he fails this tryout for the HC job. If by chance he fails I’d certainly throw Leipold into the ring.

0 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:27 pm

I'm not going to defend Leipold--but he does have his supporters.

I'm just saying that it's not a foregone conclusion that Leonhard is the coach in 2023. If they only win--say--2 games the rest of the way and they don't look very good in the others, it doesn't help Leonhard any, and boosters will want an open search.

If Leipold can win at Kansas (and that's the mighty IF) mostly with the previous regime's players and a few transfers--and keep in mind that Kansas is one of the woebegone football programs in the power conferences--it's going to shine a light on him. This is likely a stepping-stone for him, and he'll be coaching a blue-blood SEC/Big Ten-type program in a couple years...58 or not.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:36 am

Leonard pretty much said why and UW let it be understood that their stance was that he was the future (now present) where he was.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:39 am

Oh, what might have been!

Leonard said he was very close to taking the Packer job. He took the interview out of courtesy for the Packers and ML but believed it a long shot. But after the long (4 hr) second interview with ML, and a compensation package offered, Jim was close to accepting. His parents supported the move, but his wife's and his deep ties to the Badgers and Madison won out.

Leonard was apparently offered a HC position at a good college program before the season.

Including the Packers, he has turned down numerous offers. McIntosh probably pulled the trigger on Chryst sooner than he wanted to make sure he didn't eventually lose him.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:51 am

To me, if he really has it in him to be a good Head Coach, he made the right choice. He now has a platform from which he need never go anywhere if he succeeds and could move anywhere as well. If he doesn’t, DC opportunities will come anyway I suspect.

1 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2022 at 07:58 am

No Capers wouldn’t know what to do this group. He stunk. The 1 INT says it all. There are No heroes this year. And Savage isn’t the FS we need. He’s a bust! Alexander should be the FS. (ESPECIALLY in passing situations! ) And Douglass should be the CB again. Amari Rodgers needs to go. He’s in the way of Toure!

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:14 am

I like it Stock!

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:57 am

Oh please. Dom Capers coached this defense to a #1 overall ranking in their super bowl year. Had multiple #1 defenses in pittsburgh for years too. People underestimate how big of a loss Nick Collins was. They lost Cullen Jenkins too. BJ Raji never played as well as he did in 2010 again. Then Woodson started getting old. These kinds of players dont grow on trees and no scheme can make below average players perform like stars.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:03 pm

Capers, after the SB year in 2010, coached a 2011 defense that ranked in the bottom half and had the worst pass D in the the Packers unstoppable O still cruised to 15-1only to lose to the 9-7 Giants 37-20, thanks to Capers D.

Every OC in the NFL had a big binder on the predictable Capers. His constant jail break player subbing to confuse the opponent mostly confused his own guys.

I recall a game when Jon Gruden was analyst and the Packers D faced 3rd and 6. Gruden said "the book here on Capers with a 3rd and long is he will play a soft zone. A screen pass here is what should be called." Screen pass for 9 plays and a first down followed.

Capers Ds cost the Pack at least 2 or 3 Lombardi's.

Capers was a death wish for MM. The one year when the D improved is when MM got involved with it after several failures and told Capers to move CMIII to ILB which helped turn things around (also Clay's last productive year as a Packer). The next year MM gave control back to Capers. SMH.

0 points
Handsback's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:07 am

Everything has been covered about the debacle in London. I will add something that concerns me and will show up at game time and that is the internal bitching by the players.
I don't think I have see so much complaining by any player this early in the season. After a playoff loss or critical game that really gets under the skin of the player, you see it. Now it's after the 5th. game and players are complaining on both sides of the ball.
MLF needs to start acting more like Vince Lombardi verses the Dallas cheerleaders.
Somebody has to ask the question on what the h___ is going on out there!

12 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:38 am

MLF is a bust. He’s got by on Rodgers’ coat tails till now. This season has shown him for what he is. The issues are team wide except maybe with respect to Bisaccia, who seems to have autonomous authority.

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:45 am

I just saw your post after I posted mine. I agree, as you can see from my post, Coldworld!

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:44 am

"what the h___ is going on out there"

One player get the authority that not belongs to him and by his behavior (picking players on which the team will build it strategy, like this game Cobb, next game Lazard, following game Lewis etc.) that undermined HC or coordinators authorities produce dismantle of the team. Players do not know who to listen and what to do. Defense also had top players and maybe they feel and think differently than their DC, but with one person already has authority to meddle in business that is not his, they may keep their thoughts to themselves. Remember last season when Z decided to bring few D players and demand change of the way D plays? What happened to Z? He is now Viking! And he was held by his injury on the sideline! Injury or "Injury"?

I know many would disagree with me, but every game you can see that Packers are not team, but group of individuals that no one listen to his colleague(s). On O as well as on D. Only unit that showing some cohesion are ST and they are playing the best football on Packers team! That is and should be indicative. And they have Coach (capital letter on purpose) that does not allows to bullshit anyone!

Think about that!

5 points
GP1's picture

October 14, 2022 at 12:12 am

They have not got over that horrible loss in the last game of last season. Rogers has lost the respect of the team but no one will say it. Too much prima donna.

0 points
Roadrunner23's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:17 am

The Packers are a SOFT team period!

The Defense sits back in two high because they are AFRAID of getting beat over the top. F that shit Joe Barry!

The Offense is being run by Aaron Rodgers not MLF and since his Shaman experience in Peru Rodgers seems to have lost the fire, he’s just too F’ING chill man.
MLF has to show that it’s his team!

Special Teams are improving but why go through all of the rebuild on Teams including the highest paid ST coach and not get a legit return man!
Can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit!

The Packers need a wake up call!

MLF suck it up buttercup and show who the F’k runs this damn team!

That is all…

10 points
saltandpeppers's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:33 am

Well done Al. I agree with everything you said.

3 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:40 am

No argument here. We’ve all seen this before with shaman #12 and the “head” cheerleader panicked and In disarray. Same old story with underperforming, unenthusiastic and soft defense under Barry. This team is not as talented as we think, but more talented than they’re playing. It’s barely a team in some respects. That’s on Murphy/Gutekunst. My fear is the office will stick with the coaches and an extremely uncomfortable up and down season with the inevitable melt downs to finish the season.

8 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:44 am

This roster is pretty good, especially carrying Rodgers cap hit. The problem is it’s not playing to its potential or to its strengths, in fact it’s playing against them on both O and D. That’s on LaFleur as Head Coach ultimately. He is, it’s true, on Murphy, who has openly claimed credit for hiring him personally.

4 points
Tingham's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:42 am

Al, Great read as always. I agree with everyone's comments on Barry. He is entirely overmatched. We fans don't need to be football experts or have deep understandings about defensive schemes. He coaches a passive defense that the players probably hate. Bend but eventually break.

BTW. In addition to the one interception, they have a grand total of four pass break-ups. Those are numbers you would easily expect from one decent defensive back after five games. This is defensive malpractice.

MLF needs to wake up quickly. The clock is ticking, the window is closing, it is win now...whatever metaphor you want to use there is no time left to let this fester.

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 12, 2022 at 08:50 am

You punched the clown right in the nose again, Al. BOOP! It all seems to be a big ol' ball of confusion that leads right to the top.

I'm hopeful (I know that's a poor strategy) for some kind of rebound against the Jets. If we see continuation of soft defense and an offense that forgets how to be successful it'll be time to truly panic.

3 points
pacman's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:42 am

I've been saying it for 2 years. MLF is the problem. How many times do we need to see the team unprepared, unmotivated, playing only 1/2 a game, not being able to adjust, not fixing things soon enough, etc. If he didn't have a talented team, his record would be terrible. We have the players to do better than what happened in London.

I will continue to watch my team but I've given up on MLF. I've asked before - please prove me wrong. He has not. (yet).

So the question is - how do you fire a coach with his record? Maybe it's tough to do during the season. But I sure hope that MM/Gute can tell him in private that if any of the above happens again this year, he's out. He needs a blow torch on his butt.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:01 pm

You fire a coach with his record just like any other. You only fire him if you believe that record is not down to him. So it’s really meaningless in any context that matters or to anyone who matters.

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 12, 2022 at 10:45 am

For years and years and years, this team has played with a complete lack of care for the run game, on both sides of the ball. Just pass and stop the pass. Completely ignore an entire phase of football on both sides. And what this really means is they cant be bothered to try and control the line of scrimmage. This is what happens when you treat analytics like a religion. Their experiment of trying to cheat the system has failed repeatedly. And it doesnt appear to be changing anytime soon because they cant address the problem when they refuse to recognize what the problem is. Maybe if we just execute better..... Nope.

6 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:48 am

Ultimately, we need LaF to relinquish play-calling responsibilities and actually manage this team on Sundays before we know what he truly is. That will really tell us when he's on the hot seat: usually discarding multiple coaches and changing responsibilities indicates that kind of "come to Jesus" has occurred with management. I'm not even engaging the ARod argument, here.

I hate analytics. I hate what it's done to baseball--which went from being about like soccer to watch, to a notch below. If I wanted to watch 12 guys on each team strike out just for a couple three-run homers, I'd go watch a bunch of Babe Ruth games. I hate how it's impacting other sports, too.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:58 am

I really don’t think leadership and planning are LaFleur’s strong points. Nor do they take up a week. That’s tantamount to saying he’s a waste of space. He is.

3 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:16 pm

Tantamount, what a great word!

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:18 pm

I would agree with your claim that MLF need to relinquish play-calling responsibilitie, but who you suggest to take over? Stenavich? Clements? Well, Tom Clements was play caller for half a season with Mike McCarthy and it wasn't look good.

They do not have anybody else who can do it I think.

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:00 am

Well whatever he's taking we know that it hasn't treated his (Rodgers) severe and chronic case of hero-ball-itis - which is an incessant need to be the on-field center of attention - despite all and everyone else.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:10 pm

Rodgers believes he is smarter and better than all around him in football terms. He’s quite close to being right, or has been, just not close enough to succeed while not opening himself ti benefit from coaching. The young Rodgers got lost in success somewhere.

LaFleur was the least likely guy to get through that shell and we have see 3 years of what happens when Rodgers can’t do it all in key games against smarter Coaches and QBs.

Now, without his crutch we are seeing it against much lesser opponents in the regular season, compounded by a typical side effect: an inability to process the need to adapt and thus change thinking.

It is a fatal dynamic which often makes the talented perform far below their potential and it tends to be a spiral where the gap gets worse as the frustration rises both in internally and with those around the individual.

There is no guaranteed cure, but the best chance is from something that fundamentally shocks the self view of the individual. That can work negatively or positively though. The alternative is it’s not changing and it will increasingly undermine performance of all.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:42 pm

Very much agree about the "fatal dynamic." Only in math do 2 negatives make a positive. Toss Murphy into the mix and voila - the ultimate team silo! Was it not Murphy who wanted to eliminate all silos after the McCarthy era?

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:36 pm

The cone of Silage.

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:46 pm

Christ, jb, now I'm eagerly anticipating a paradigm shift in the Cone of Silage.

2 points
GBPLDV77's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:11 am

Spot on Al! I was anxious to get your take on the NY Giants game and you nailed it! When will we ever have a Offense/Defense that is FEARED by other teams, we always play "nice" I'm not looking for dirty football I'm looking for players with a chip on their shoulders who know how to bring the heat! MLF seems very passive, he said after last years playoff loss to SF he needed deeply look into fixing things, yet you never see much change he seems to just let things linger until it becomes a problem later, just like with special teams last year. Please remind me again why it was such a great idea to bring back Rodgers at the expense of mortgaging our future, please make fool of my statement, but if they bomb again there going to be taking A LOT of HEAT in Green Bay in the off season! Go Pack, Go!

2 points
barutanseijin's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:04 pm

It was necessary to bring back Rodgers for show biz reasons.

They thought they could take in more money with him than without.

3 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:19 pm


3 points
splitpea1's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:30 am

Third and two, fourth and two: The usual lack of imagination or anything that would catch the defense off guard. MLF and AR need to study Andy Reid and Mahomes; for instance, they use shovel passes quite a bit deep in the red zone. You try a short one to Dillon on either of those two downs, and he slams through not only for a first down, but maybe pushes his way to the goal line.

2 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:49 am

Even that 4th and goal: Lazard was blanketed and the DB had him fronted. He was unlikely to catch that pass even if it wasn't tipped.

3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:09 pm

They were rpo plays designed to have multiple options. Both plays Rodgers made the wrong choice. Rodgers has been playing like shit all season.

8 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2022 at 01:04 pm

Options are only real options if you accept them. Even hesitation effectively removes them in football.

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:29 pm

I think the problem was too much imagination. Giving the ball to Dillon on 3rd down doesn't require any imagination. If it doesn't work they can re-imagine :)

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:46 pm

Kelce and he uses his fullback, Sherman near the red zone. The pace is fast. They don't worry about reading the D. They attack.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:40 am

Next time don't hold back, Al!

Great writing and sound analysis. I do believe ML can be a good OC, but his judgement seems to become knee jerk and panicked when the opponent hits him in the mouth. As a HC, he is content delegating HC coaching duties to the DCs. It seems the real GM of the Packers, Murphy, is content too.

I also don't know how often Murphy is micro-managing the Packers football operation with his management by committee with him as final decision maker, but I believe it is considerable. It can create discordant decisions and needless interference.

Many of us are so frustrated because the talent on this team is very good.

Two of the best RBs in the NFL so pass 2/3rds of the plays?
Draft and sign 3 very good cover corners then have them play soft zone?
Promise to play the best 5 OL players then continue to play with a weak link (Newman) and play Jenks at T when his ACL recovery is best served at G.
Supposedly loaded in the front 7 but only rush 4 and go into battle with only 4 DL players against a heavy run team? Big boys' tongues were hanging out in the 4th qtr!
Force in Rodgers as a returner when he clearly is not NFL material right now?

Do you think the locker room isn't seeing this dysfunction just 5 games in...knowing they could easily be 0-5?

3 points
ricky's picture

October 12, 2022 at 11:44 am

Some coaches can fire up their guys. Dan Campbell was laughed at when he said he wanted "knee biters" on his team. Now, the Lions may not have a lot of talent, but they play with heart and determination, every game. The Packers have lacked that fire for years. It starts with the HC, but how about the QB leading by example? Watch Brady when a game is on the line. He is active, yelling, cajoling, trying to get guys fired up and ready to play. Then watch Rodgers, as he watches the game slip away, and simply stands and shakes his head, as if he has nothing to do with the team's fate.
As far as Barry goes, how many times will it take before the Packers realize that saving money by hiring second rate coaches leads to bad results? This year, the team broke down and actually hired (and paid for) the top-notch ST's coach, Rich Bisaccia. The result? A unit that had been terrible suddenly is the most dependable unit on the field. What are they saving their money for, expanding the "fan experience" by building more? Win some SB's. That would be the greatest gift any team could give their fans.
Finally, yes, time to cut ties with Amari Rodgers. The team made a mistake, Rather than having him taking up a space that could be used for a productive player, let him go, and hopefully, a change of scenery might make him a viable player. Carolina just got rid of their coach, because he couldn't produce. Why wait?

6 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 12, 2022 at 09:27 pm

"Then watch Rodgers, as he watches the game slip away, and simply stands and shakes his head, as if he has nothing to do with the team's fate.'

Anyone who has ever played a sport or worked in a group setting knows what effect that has on the rest no matter how great or talented the captain, leader or boss is or was.

Whenever I see that photo with him, Bart and Favre, I can't help but see the hippocrite.

1 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:11 pm

The Packers are getting boring to watch. I never thought I would say that with Rodgers at QB.

It is getting pretty tough to watch the packers play a good first half and then watch the other half after our opponent has made adjustments and we don't have an answer to those adjustments. To me this means P P coaching and an inability to coach.

If you look back to Barry last year, I think he coached pretty well which was a surprise based on his coaching history. The defense played well, especially after we lost our best CB for the year. We picked up an ILB, who turned out to be excellent, took a CB off of the AZ practice squad and he was terrific and all looked great in Packerland.

Fast forward to this year. We have all those guys back plus Alexander, a first round ILB, a first round DL player, signed a DL free agent and you have to believe some of the younger guys from a year ago would also 'take a step' this year. So all would appear to be rosy for us. But not so fast. As a poster mentioned earlier 'what the H___ is going on out there?' We are not going to take it anymore. I think big changes need to happen if we are going to be a good post season team.

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 12, 2022 at 12:30 pm

Yeah, but I think we first have to be at leasr above good to put ourselves to the post season At this moment and defind schedule, it does not look promising Packers will reach post season. I surely hope something should be done to turn team in to right direction. What and how is that I do not know.

I doubt Mike Murphy will push for any changes, because 1. he will need to admit mistake and I think he is even more reluctant to do that than ACR, 2. any coach who would come to Packers would not tolerate ACR "authorities" and Mike Murphy can not allow that.

0 points
badaxed's picture

October 12, 2022 at 04:06 pm

After watching Leroy Butler with this article

why don't the packers hire hall of Famer Leroy butler as defensive backs coach? clearly, the current coach is not Communicating how to defend. I think Leroy would do a much better job.

2 points
PackyCheese500's picture

October 12, 2022 at 05:10 pm

That is actually a splendid Idea!

0 points
HarryHodag's picture

October 13, 2022 at 01:37 pm

Get used to it folks. The Packers will be 6-6 the rest of the way and that is being generous. Disagree? Think they can beat Buffalo and Philly, the likely Super Bowl contenders? Can they beat the Vikings? Probably not. The Cowboys are much improved. They play the Rams and Miami. Both of those games could go either way. I'm certain they will drop one of the games to the Lions.

They likely will win games against Washington, Chicago, Detroit and Tennessee.

Then comes the Jets this Sunday. The Jets are much better. We might all be crying in our Point beer this Sunday.

0 points