Confessions of a Polluted Mindset - These OTAs are Mandatory, dammit

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.



Mandatory OTAs:

Looks like every player who wants to play for the Packers took the "mandatory" part to heart.


Loving it:

Doesn't mean much in the end, but still nice to hear this from WR1.



Linebacker Soup:

Makes sense to add some Campbells to the Packers' eclectic mix of inside linebackers. New addition De'Vondre Campbell brings something new to the linebacker soup - availability. Think of him as the broth that will always be there waiting to be combined with other ingredients. Ok, did I take this soup thing too far?


Funchess All Business or Not?:

Funchess says he’s going to “put on a show” after sitting out last year. All well and good, but if that's the supposed mindset, unless he had some valid excuse, it's still surprising he didn't show up the last two weeks.



Here's an angle I hadn't thought about...



Scorched Earth:

Want to read a scathing assessment of Aaron Rodgers from Ron Borges, a PFHOF senior selection committee member that strongly supported Jerry Kramer's nomination?

That loss made Rodgers the loser four times in the NFC championship games. Damning as that may be, Rodgers didn’t seem to notice. He was too fixated on not being asked whom the Packers should draft, what the game plan should be and which brand of snowplows they should buy to clear Lambeau Field.

There's more. Read the full article here.


Shifty Schefter:

Seems Adam Schefter has decided to compete with theCowherds and Baylesses of the national media jungle:



And that leads us to our poll question:

Without Rodgers, Where do the Packers Rank?

Still Top-10 in the NFL
30% (32 votes)
11-22 (middle of the pack)
61% (66 votes)
Bottom 10 in the NFL
9% (10 votes)
Total votes: 108

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"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


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16 points

Comments (147)

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porupack's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:26 am

NO more respect for Rodgers. Selfish SOB, couldn't advocate and restructure for his Oline, and now is going to hold his team hostage and affect the careers of everyone on the team that was preparing for another SB run. Selfish SOB. SSOB Rodgers. Let him retire. Can't get sufficient trade compensation. So why help another potential competitor and get very little in return? Roll the dice with Love. SSOB can sulk on the bench in front of cameras all year at the start of every game. A few fan's with SSOB placards behind the cameras each game, would suffice to communicate from our side. That will tarnish his first ballot thing.

13 points
BJP's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:32 am

Losing sleep?

5 points
Tundraboy's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:49 am

What happened to the days of the quarterback buying Isotoner gloves for his lineman?!

14 points
Razer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:12 am

Isotoner - too funny. Sadly, I remember those ads. Well, maybe not sadly - at least I can remember the ads.

10 points
Tundraboy's picture

June 10, 2021 at 03:49 pm

Just popped in my mind!

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:56 am

hahaha...sit on the bench all year...if he decides to show up, sorry but he will be the starting QB...

1 points
MTmind's picture

June 10, 2021 at 09:30 am

So… he’s selfish for not helping the team prepare for another Super Bowl run? What do you make of the fact the Packers traded up in the first round of the draft to take a replacement QB directly after coming within a game of the Super Bowl? How exactly did that help the team last year? It didn’t. Setting a public expiration date on an MVP who will go down as one of the best players in history shows a lack of loyalty, belief, class, and forethought that is now mirrored in the comments of most “die hard” Packer fans. For Aaron’s sake, I hope he is traded and that the Packers spend the next two decades in mediocrity… bunch of thankless spoiled easy to manipulate dolts.

-1 points
Nate-1980's picture

June 10, 2021 at 04:48 pm

Some of the posters on here are very thankless and easy to manipulate, that’s for damn sure ha..

1 points
BJP's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:36 am

Murphekunst is going to cave and give AR what he wants. The question they have to ask is how long will they procrastinate?

-19 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:09 am

Be interesting to see!

Realize Murphy did not 'cave' to Favre. Should they 'cave' they are setting precedent not only within the Packer organization, but within the league. They 'cave' as you state their reputation will always be tarnished and careers in JEOPARDY.

There are compromises that can take place but the connotation of 'cave' would not serve them well. Murphy and Gutey's reputation and careers are at stake & they cannot under any circumstances be seen as having caved to Rodger's.

Be interesting to see how it all plays out but I do not see them caving. There is a part of me where I'd like to see the Packers make Rodger's grovel and be forced to come back and play in 2021, otherwise where he is forced to sit out the whole season. However, this would not serve the Packer organization well and they should simply trade Rodger's and get what they can and move on. The exception is if the trade value this year isnt there and he wont play for the Packers than I'd make him sit out the whole season and trade him in the offseason.

16 points
BJP's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:41 am

The FO has already created the optics to not be seen as caving. My post has nothing to do with optics. It’s about ego. The point is the FO doesn’t want to extend Rodgers and in their eyes extending him is a cave though they will never admit it.

Let’s face it, Aaron Rodgers is light years better than Jordan Love. He’s light years better than most starting quarterbacks Who are light years better than Jordan Love right now. If the FO lets Aaron Rodgers walk, it’s malpractice, no matter how anyone spins it.

By the way, this fallacy that they can force Rodgers to sit is ill-thought-out. He can always come to camp and ride the pine. Same with the regular season. He can collect his money and complain of shoulder soreness. In the final analysis, like it or not, Aaron Rodgers holds all the trump cards.

Don’t think so? Here’s another one he holds, the trump card to end all Trump cards. The Packers can’t trade him to any team without his agreement. All he hast to do is have his agent tell them he won’t play for them and no team will deal. Furthermore, he could even go so far as to say if they trade anything more than a second round pick, for example, he won’t play for them. He holds all the cards.

-7 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:59 am

At 37 years old he’s not going to sit out a year. IMO.

14 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:13 am

The Packers hold the cards not Rodgers. Rodgers is just moving the inevitable forward. He’s likely not improving his attractiveness in league circles and he’s sitting on a biological time bomb with an uncertain fuse.

Rodgers can refuse to play is really your only point. That’s true. That just ends his career a year or two early, tolls his contract and cuts the Packers cap. Love or Bortles looks like the future right now. The only reason for that is whatever is in Rodgers head.

For those of us who thought this season was his last best chance, his head is in a place that is self defeating and the demands for more money, if true, would only serve to weaken future rosters, minimizing future chances.

If this is over, the sole reason is Rodgers. The scorched earth article may perhaps be too harsh in my opinion, but it’s so much closer than you. The Packers have done nothing of consequence to Rodgers. That’s just BS designed to justify.

He is not underpaid, he’s just already banked 100 million on a contract designed to give the team cap to win with him into his 40s. With the best roster in years he prefers to stay away and also prevent a restructure that might have added a difference maker. His presence, leadership, attitude and roster flexibility are the small difference makers that get a team over the hump. Look at Brady (ugh) and compare. Now a much lesser QB, but a much better leader (that hurt to say).

The last serious Rodgers push for a title could well be in the rear view mirror. That’s his choice. We are left with the strongest roster in years and a QB intended to be in development as Rodgers was—something that I think was essential to the career Rodgers has had. I’ve no sympathy for Rodgers. He’s the one who is the cause, if eyes are open. He’s the one willing to gamble his last best shot. He can sit high in the hog either way. I’m starting to think the Rubicon is very very close.

18 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:24 am

Th Rubicon is SUPER CLOSE. The Packers could easily sit him for the remainder of his contract.


-1 points
CheesyTex's picture

June 09, 2021 at 01:37 pm

Thanks, Coldworld.

Always appreciate your ability to give a clear and rational viewpoint.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 02:01 pm

CheesyTex - posted some camp stuff over in Nags' thread if you're interested.

0 points
CheesyTex's picture

June 09, 2021 at 04:14 pm

And thanks to you, greengold.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

June 10, 2021 at 03:51 pm

Yep. Hail Caesar.

0 points
Nate-1980's picture

June 10, 2021 at 05:00 pm

Horrible take coldworld, they didn’t want to extend him for job security for a few more years and drafted his replacement YEARS before it was needed until this mess.. But everyone one of your opinions since this has happened just proves you’re a Rodgers hater, and stick up for a front office full of buffons.. If all you true fans are fans of the organization I’ll ask you this, is the gm and president the “packers organization” or are they the same as the players with contracts that run out and can be cut or fired.. Seems the same to me, so what IS the PACKERS ????

0 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:36 am

I hope they do give him what he wants and trade him to Denver. Done.

-2 points
Lphill's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:49 am

Did he actually ask for a trade to Denver ?

5 points
13TimeChamps's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:36 am

Good point. Lots of assuming going on here. Initially it was the West Coast, then Denver, which last time I checked is about 1000 miles from the coast. We'll find out soon enough. But until then, people will continue to be "in the know".

7 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:20 am

GG knows, the rest of us wonder. Honestly, if they really are willing to trade that much, I’d really like it to be true. Without that kind of deal he’s looking more likely to be sitting this year, willingly or not.

I think the genesis was the report that he got really excited when he heard Denver had inquired about trading and rushed to get verification from a number of sources. Not the actions of a man disinterested, though it could have been the fact of an inquiry not the destination I suppose.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:19 am

Hey Coldworld, just to set the record straight, I don't know anything other than what I observe.

You know the one question NO REPORTER has asked the WRs? "Did the team ask you to not attend OTAs?"

NO REPORTER has asked LaFleur, Gutekunst or Murphy, "Did the team ask the WRs to not attend OTAs?"

Had any done so, we might be cookin' with gas here... with respect to a trade story.

I was merely looking for answers as to why our MVP QB blowing up the Packers War Room on Day 1 of the NFL Draft. Some people have a hard time accepting what I had pieced together as possibilities. All I've done from that day was share what I thought the lay of the land looked like with regards to that situation.

Speculation about AR being traded to DEN has run rampant for 6 weeks now, and it hasn't stopped. Maybe there was something to my finding it curious the QB needy Broncos passed on Fields at #9 and took Surtain. Maybe not.

I found it curious after looking at DEN's roster that many players the Packers might have interest in were not practicing at the same time 5 of our WRs were not practicing. Many of those players are still not practicing for DEN, while our WRs returned, yet, Davante worked away from the rest during team drills. I find that curious. Especially when you consider 2 or 3 of those DEN players, defenders all, could push our Packers D into the dominant category. I was just reading Matt Schneidman comments saying we really are one solid ILB and one solid DL away from being dominant.

There are a lot of other factors possibly in play that have already been discussed.

I don't know anything more than what we've seen take place, and the commentary, or lack thereof which can fit a trade narrative.

For instance, there was ZERO blowback from Matt LaFleur about his WRs not attending voluntary workouts. None. I found that curious. ESPECIALLY, knowing some of those players needed OTAs for their own development, as Davante Adams alluded to yesterday. Doesn't that make you wonder?

Watch Davante's press conference and tell me if you think his answers as to why he chose not to attend the voluntary OTAs (costing him $500k) were elusive. I found that to be the case with what he said and his body language. Speaking of which, I love Davante and want him to stay, but he had just finished saying he was from East Palo Alto and didn't grow up with any money. Didn't that answer make anyone else wonder? $500,000 is a lot of money.

Now, I'm certain someone will chime on on "body language." I don't care. All I've done is gone to some lengths to gather information to try to figure out what is happening with our team. I've listened to Bronco podcasts to see who practiced. I've read their blogs to gain a sense of what they felt would be fair in trade, or how players might have looked, or why they were held out. I've listened to interviews with Fangio. Hilarious stuff, really.

Whatever. There can be any number of reasons for a delay in a potential deal being made. One of them may be they've agreed to a timetable for sometime after minicamps and before TC begins.

Another possibility could be that the Front Office has decided they will not trade Rodgers. Period.

Who knows? Not me. Everything I've offered on the subject has been guesswork on my part, and I've said as much from the very beginning. Should be interesting to see what happens.

I literally shared the stuff with my friends here to help take the sting off of what I thought might be happening. Here we are, 6 weeks later with the unfathomable, Aaron Rodgers holding out.

3 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:34 am

I fully appreciate all of the detective work you have done to build a credible possibility for the AR situation. It has brought some fine entertainment to the fiasco from Packer fan perspective (at least those of us that do not worship at the AR alter).

I really hope that you are 100% correct since your scenario would improve the GBP and eliminate a massive attitude problem in the GBP locker room.

I feel that AR's attitude will cause more gameday losses than Loves inexperience at this point.

I would much rather have a good haul of players (for immediate help) and picks (for future help) and live through Loves growing pains (or Bortles attempt to resuscitate his career) than watch even one more quarter of GBP football with the poor attitude AR manipulating the teams fortunes like he did the last 2 years of MM's coaching reign in GB.

...and if any of you AR apologists think for even one split second that AR will not be subtly doing just that upon his return (either forced or after GBP capitulation) you are completely clueless and have not been watching this guy for his entire career.

5 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:53 am

Yeah, Johnblood, I'm just tired of the bullshit.

I appreciate what AR did in GB for a number of years, but I can see he doesn't want to be here, and I'm more than happy to see him go elsewhere, regardless of what might have been taking place. Get some players, get some picks and move forward into this 2021 season with the best that we can play.

Give the kid the rock and let's roll.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:48 am

It’s credible GG, it’s grown in depth and complexity, almost taken on a life of it’s own. Sadly, this born skeptic is in need of more to convert plausibility into probability, despite the neatness of the suggested resolution.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:55 am

hahahahaha. Like a fine whine. LOL.

0 points
Boothie8739's picture

June 10, 2021 at 05:41 pm

What I've observed is Aaron Rodgers wanting to "get even" or "get back" at the Packers GM for doing his job. If this was known to be a significant problem by the Packer Mgmt, I seriously doubt that the Packers would have let Boyle walk. They would have paid the same that Detroit did... it wasn't exorbitant.

I also believe that the reason this broke the way it did was something to the effect that "you ruined my draft day last year, I'm going to screw up your day this year".

1 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:26 am

He’s been seen at an LA area Country Club wearing a Denver Broncos cap. Clear signaling!

-2 points
mnbadger's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:49 pm

I'd need to see the photos (unphotoshopped) before I believe that one. And if he's got that "I'm smarter than you" look on his face, I might spend a few days in the can and knock it off! GPG!

7 points
MarkinMadison's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:57 am

"(O)ne of the worse (sic) teams in football" - OK I'm calling the grammar police on that one, because this guy is supposed to be a professional writer.

I'd have a lot more sympathy for Rodgers if he didn't have three full years left on his contract.

If Rodgers is publicly attacking the character of people in the front office then he is opening a door. Just saying.

Brandt laying down some strategery right there. And that my friends, is the difference between being a professional and being a Joe on the Street. Evaluate the angles. What are you positives and negatives. Don't draw lines in the sand where you don't need to do so.

I wasn't expecting much of a boost from Campbell, even before reading that little run down. Anyone that the Packers can afford right now is not going to be a quality starter. Maybe we will get lucky and he will have a career year.

13 points
egbertsouse's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:15 am

Who cares if he has 3 years left . If he would’ve stunk last year he’d be out on the street. Do you think management would’ve paid him because they had a contract? No way. There is zero loyalty in the NFL. Come on, you’re a lawyer, you know how shit works when money is involved.

-5 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:48 am

Contract plus Love not being desired to start yet, I’d say unless his play fell off a cliff, pretty obviously yes.

2 points
MarkinMadison's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:06 am

$99M/$134M guaranteed. $38M pre-June 1 cap hit. Split in half over two years if post-June 1. He would have had to have stunk pretty damn badly to be on the street with all of that cheddar tied up in him. More likely he'd be playing at least this year as a band-aid until they felt Love was actually ready. Just like they will do with Bortles this year if they trade Rodgers or if Rodgers sits.

8 points
egbertsouse's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:15 am

Who cares if he has 3 years left . If he would’ve stunk last year he’d be out on the street. Do you think management would’ve paid him because they had a contract? No way. There is zero loyalty in the NFL. Come on, you’re a lawyer, you know how shit works when money is involved.

-6 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:27 am

I’m told by Cardinal friends that Campbell was actually impressive for the first half of the season last year, in coverage and against the run. People were citing him as a big upgrade. Then he picked up a couple of injuries and looked much less impressive. If we get the first half of last season performance level, this could actually be a plus pick up.

14 points
MarkinMadison's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:22 am

Love the context. Thank you.

1 points
PeteK's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:52 am

"I'd have a lot more sympathy for Rodgers if he didn't have three full years left on his contract", Mark, that sums it up for me. I would even have some after 2021, as long as he didn't show a decrease in ability ,because his 2022 is not fully guaranteed.

2 points
Packers0808's picture

June 09, 2021 at 05:48 pm

You will call the Grammar Police, well call the spelling police on yourself then!

0 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:00 pm

Mark, you might be surprised. I was. Wow. De’vondre Campbell could prove to be a very special signing. He’s got impressive length/strength/speed/instincts with a good resume. Look up his highlights when you get a chance. Looks like a great value addition with a good, veteran presence.

Quite a value signing.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:14 am


That piece Ron Borges wrote is the winner. I believe he is dead nuts on. Rodgers' method is the killer for Green Bay and the Packer fans. What a load of crap. Borges knows. He also wrote a good one on former Packer great, Cecil Isbell (if you click his name at bottom of linked article). Super interesting history there.

I'd love to see people lay off Devin Funchess, and let him work here to win a job fair and square. He's had bigger issues in his family than many with regards to COVID, and lost one family member along the way. Let's be kind, good Packer fans and let him show us what he's all about on the playing field. Lazard, MVS and ESB offered no excuse, and nothing is made of it. Just Funchess. Doesn't seem fair to me.

Our ILBs are going to be one hell of a work in progress, after Barnes & Martin, both of whom I expect will flourish in this new system. Staying healthy has been a problem for both though, and I'm just hoping some of the new players can help round that position out. I think they will. I have little hope for Ty Summers, but I love the guy. Seems he has all the physical tools except for the length/tackle radius.I hope Ty can find a way to successfully contribute and up his game, because he is an exceptional ELITE athlete, holding that status in both RAS & SPARQ... and Burks? Whoosh.

Love Andrew Brandt's takes. Always.

Adam Schefter can suck it. What a piece of shit.

14 points
Razer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:21 am

Love your take on Schefter. Maybe he is setting himself up for a biography on Rodgers.

4 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:39 am

Saw that with the walk back on Dan Patrick did ya? hahahahaha. No kidding.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:27 am

Yet some lapped it up from a man directly contradicting his own words of a week prior and anointed the new words “truth”. Shefter survives by being the mouth piece for players and owners to share things without attribution. He and Rodgers aren’t exactly new associates. He is what he is, a man whom his sources know will make himself look like a fool and worse to protect them and his future income stream. But yes, his retraction was gospel ...

4 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:54 am

Shefter is a mouthpiece for the Rodgers camp if folk haven’t figured that out. So much so he’s willing to make himself look like an idiot to keep the buzz coming. It’s how he does business.

4 points
MarkinMadison's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:27 am

I like your take on Funchess.

As for the rest of them, Davante can skip whatever he wants to skip. These other guys are all one surprising UDFA away from being replaced. I don't think any of them can afford to miss the time.

4 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:37 am

Yeah, Mark, Thanks! Seems the best, most prudent course as a fan. Funchess is a Green Bay Packer, a veteran player, and one with extenuating circumstances, given the pandemic.

On the WRs - that goes straight to my point. They can't afford to miss the time, Davante said as much, yet they did, and Matt LaFleur doesn't bat an eyelash about it. I found that odd. Not to mention Davante lost a $500k workout bonus if I'm not mistaken. No mention of it. No questions asked about that... wow.

They were held out by the team pending trade talks? That, to me, seems most plausible.

-1 points
croatpackfan's picture

June 10, 2021 at 05:55 am

Not 500K bonus. That bonus should be loss of Aaron Rodgers. Davante Adams loss was 50K.

0 points
greengold's picture

June 10, 2021 at 09:26 am

0 points
stockholder's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:21 am

When Rodgers broke his collar bone. The team went down hard. It exposed how bad the Packers really were. And cost MM his job. It's time to expose the excuses this FO keeps coming up. The problem isn’t the split they wanted to happen. It’s how they can keep Face. How they can stay in control. How they can prosper. They knew this wasn't a super- bowl team when they took Love. But the only way you can take down a legend, is with another Legend. Yes, I’m referring to Favre. So now it’s Rodgers turn. And I’m sure Rodgers saw the writing on the wall. And how we’ve gotten to this point. I won’t betray Rodgers, after he’s given so much of himself. The Packers made him Rich. And I’m sure he can walk away. Rodgers can’t turn his cheek in this. It will only be slapped on the other side. He must come to the conclusion. That if they don’t need him. He doesn’t need them. Let them keep the money. He owes them nothing more.

-13 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:59 am

The roster, scheme and coaching has improved significantly since then. Bortles is better than any back up QB we had them, I wouldn’t be shocked if Love is already.

You know that, you’ve complained about the then roster, QBs and coaching.

10 points
13TimeChamps's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:03 am

"The Packers made him Rich."

Stop it. He's a QB in the NFL, one of the most overpaid positions in professional sports. That's what made him rich.

-1 points
dobber's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:01 am

"When Rodgers broke his collar bone. The team went down hard. "

Number of Packers starters currently with the team that were part of the 2017 collarbone season: 5...and one of them had the collarbone. Four years is an eternity in sports.

11 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:21 am

And another is a kicker

6 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:59 pm

Rodgers, Adams, Bahktiari, Jones, Crosby, Clark, Lowry, King. I think these 8 are still on the team,

2 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:40 am

sell your stock and use the money to buy AR's upcoming tell-all book.

1 points
stockholder's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:20 am

I actually believe Rodgers should write a book. And what better way to help his teammates, then to Retire where everyone will get some. Rodgers can make a movie, host jeopardy. Even replace Bradshaw. There is No reason to break your neck now. The FO blew it.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:45 am

To do that you need to be loveable. Maybe he needs to remember that. Prickly means an uphill battle in the media world. Football is a great entry point but it’s a poor guarantee of continuing interest.

5 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 09, 2021 at 05:07 pm

See Jeff George.

3 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 09, 2021 at 05:08 pm

2x post

0 points
jurp's picture

June 10, 2021 at 09:05 am

If someone gave me his book (ghosted by Schefter, probably) I wouldn't bother to piss on it before tossing it in the trash. I certainly wouldn't buy it.

2 points
Razer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:18 am

I am amazed that Adam Schefter has engineered the fall of the Packer Empire. Schefter, like most of the CBS whisperers are the TMZ of the media world. And yet, he has driven the discontent of our star QB to the doorstep of Lambeau. I am disappointed that our team leader has chosen to let this all blow-up and fester behind Schefter's words. Not much of a leader.

11 points
GregC's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:58 am

Schefter reported what people told him, which is what reporters do. Rodgers has not denied any of it, and his absence at the minicamps tells us all we need to know. This is a Rodgers problem, not a Schefter problem.

4 points
4thandinches's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:08 am

I mostly agree. I don't actually know too much about Schefter but I do know there are plenty of reporters who would have loved to be the first to spill this juicy story. If it wasn't Schefter it would have been some other schmo.

3 points
Razer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:29 am

Indeed it is not a Schefter problem. Lot of people tell reporters a lot of things that can or cannot be strung together in a 'story'. Nobody else was breaking this picture on the eve of draft night. Given Rodgers behaviour since the "shit-hit-the-fan" it would seem that Schefter was fed enough to advance an agenda. I am starting to look at Rodgers like I look at Schefter. Not a good look.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:00 am

According to the latest James Jones comments to Colin Cowherd on Fox.Rodgers has told him it’s not about the GM or more money and listed players let go going back to TT, most of whom look in hindsight to be timely or a little too late, if anything, releases.

Jones believes Rodgers will be in camp, but it seems to me like he’s trying to walk back nearly everything while pushing blame back into the era of the departed TT. This is apparently the culture he is railing about from the FO he said on his last contract signing had supported him over and over again. It’s ludicrous on its face if you read it. It simply doesn’t stand even superficial scrutiny given the intervening contract. Looks like PR in melt down because none of it had any basis in reality. Really and look for Rodgers if you believe Jones.

3 points
PatrickGB's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:30 am

I like James Jones a lot. Both as a player and a person. Yet I don’t see him as a credible reporter or insider in the Rodgers saga. My guess is that Rodgers is PO’ed over past issues and has used this year to air them. It’s kinda stupid but he is known to hold on to grudges forever.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:48 am

I like Jones too. He’s been pretty accurate in his player related statements thus far and willing to make clear when he’s speculating. In this case he very clearly referenced having just talked with Rodgers in this subject. I think one can be relatively confident that he is relaying his impressions faithfully and that Rodgers expected that he would present them so.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:43 pm

I saw the Jones article as well. So not Love, not the contract, not Gutekunst...? Rodgers stance gets more ridiculous by the day. Apparently he wants to be an associate GM - except the Packers have that position capably filled. So what can he offer? A voice for his old football pals who are near the end of their careers? What else, that Gutekunst and his staff haven't already seen and assessed? Unfortunate for James that he's the messenger.

1 points
jurp's picture

June 10, 2021 at 09:07 am

Maybe he wants the Packers to sign Jordy out of retirement, like TB did with Gronk?

1 points
Archaism's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:04 am

You are aware that Rodgers and Schefter are represented by the same team, correct? I dont find this accidental.

4 points
Savage57's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:21 am

One man's mandatory is another man's optional, with the difference between those two interpretations largely determined by the guaranteed money in your last contract.

Schefter's expertise has devolved from being a scoop monger to a spin monger.

The article about AR's less-than-stellar record in the penultimate game isn't piling on, it's reconciling history sans all the fan boy rationalization. Finding ways to "show them" after a successful regular season doesn't re-write that history.

I think the Packers eke into the playoffs without Rodgers, make it to the divisional level with him and in either case, who knows? Fans were certain in '11 and '14, but the only Lombardi claimed in the Rodgers' era was that unlikely #6 seed wild-card run.

14 points
BradHTX's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:50 am

No, Al, you didn’t take the soup metaphor too far. I’m excited to see what Campbell brings to the kitchen. Just hoping he doesn’t show up too Chunky to show some Progresso in his development. After years of ig-Knorr-ing the ILBs, it’s nice to say about Gute, “Dinty at least try to do Moore at the position?”

But you know what would be better? More help at DE. We could use another Reggie White. You know. The “Minister(one) of Defense.”

Sorry. I’ll see myself out now.

30 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:29 am

Well done, Brad!

1 points
HawkPacker's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:57 am

I don't think Al has read your response yet as I am sure he will have a few comments.

Well done Brad!

2 points
JerseyAl's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:26 am

This comment is so good, it deserves a monetary reward, perhaps as much as one bullion dollars!

11 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:30 am

A bisque much?

7 points
BradHTX's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:31 am

Thanks, broth-er. I’d rather take payment in stock options.

Damn, I may not have much football insight to contribute, but get me going on puns and I can go all day. Might need to take a ladle time off from my busy schedule tureen the comedy clubs...

7 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:41 am

Dayum! A medley du jour...

3 points
Norm's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:52 am

I guess Campbell is the missing ingredient to get us to the Soup(er) Bowl?

10 points
blondy45's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:54 am

Some believe when Rodgers departs, the Pack will not be able to attract any good FA agents. This really ticks me off. The big three most recent big additions, Za'Darius Smith, Preston Smith, & Billy Turner, were all paid a high premium to sign up with the Pack. None of the three gave a discount double check. Adrian Amos and Merecedes Lewis may have been attracted to the Pack. Both were paid and earned their contracted pay. Funchess we shall soon see, give him the chance to prove himself. Bortles came here with a discount double check to "replace" Rodgers. MOST of the current Packer's roster players were drafted or developed in the Packer's organization, or players who were not highly regarded FA's who worked their way to becoming legit NFL players. The Packers have no cap space to acquire premium FAs now since 1/5 of the Packer's cap is tied up just with Rodgers. Did Rodgers draw anyone in recent memory to the Pack? No discount double checks I can recall! Maybe the best additions come from a subtraction.

25 points
Razer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:32 am

Well said.

2 points
10ve 💚's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:57 pm

Clap, clap, clap!

1 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 01:07 pm

blondy!!! Bringin' it!!! AGAIN!!!

Nicely done, my friend.

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:56 am

Mandatory OTAs:
Its funny how players decide that they want to be there when they have money on the line. Its almost like they only show up because they are paid to. If they aren't paid to show up, they won't. Weird right...

Loving it:
At this point, no one knows how Love's career will go. Could be the next Rodgers, Could be the next Hundley. We have no idea. Regardless, this is a very valuable time for Love.

Linebacker Soup:
I like brining in Campbell. This is a move that gives them extra depth at ILB. They needed it. Without him they have Barnes and Martin as the top 2 guys. Both had injuries during their rookie years. Behind them, depth gets pretty thin. This is a good move. That being said, it would be nice to see them invest a little more into the position so each year they don't have to go look for a veteran player to fill the role.

Funchess All Business or Not?:
Funchess out of any player on the team, should have been at OTA's. He has been out of football for almost 2 years now. To come in and make this huge leap, is likely not going to be the case. He needs every chance he has to show what he can do. There is no guarantees that he will even make the roster.

I have seen this from Brandt for a while. He is a good follow on this.

Scorched Earth:
Interesting article.

Shifty Schefter:
Funny. I guess Rodgers was the reason why Bakhtiari, Jenkins, Adams, Jones, are pro bowl players on offense. I guess he is the reason why Clark, Za'Darius Smith, Alexander are pro bowl players on defense. Amos deserves to be one as well. I guess he will never be a pro bowler though if Rodgers doesn't come back.
Man, this team sucks without Rodgers. When are they going to start drafting good players?

12 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:16 am

I’m puzzled by the Funchess angst. Guy looks ripped and he’s a vet. Aside from his Immunocompromised family member, I don’t care that he missed OTA walk throughs. You don’t forget how to play by his point in his career. The question was whether he kept in near football shape. Certainly looks it.

Now, let’s see what he can do, but it certainly sounds like LaFleur is happy to have him. I’m willing to give LaFleur enough credit to not write the guy off.

If there is one receiver who needed to be at OTAs it was ESB. He’s still getting lost on routes when he does get on the field and yet can spare walk through times. I suspect he’s not on the roster in September: if he thinks he is ok to skip things now, I don’t think he gets it.

15 points
RCPackerFan's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:10 am

I'm not rooting against him or anything like that. But we can say that the writing is on the wall with him and the Packers by him signing a different contract. I would have thought he would have taken every opportunity that he could to prove that he should be here. To me he is a major wild card for this year. I could see him being the #2 WR, I could see him not making the team.

I also agree that EQ is the other guy that should have been here. The biggest difference between EQ and Funchess is that EQ has been here, he was drafted by Gutey. He has a little more in his favor that way. Doesn't mean that guarantees him a spot on the roster. He is a guy that needs the work.

I will say that none of us know what each player has going on, if there was something going on to why they were gone. We don't know that stuff. But the optics of it look bad for a couple of guys fighting for a roster spot, and they don't take every opportunity to make it.

1 points
Spock's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:50 am

"I like brining in Campbell." I've done lots of brines for various meats, but I've never tried Campbell soup! :) Although an onion soup might work for some kind of meatloaf variation, lol.

4 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:36 am

" Its almost like they only show up because they are paid to."

That's why I go to work.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:51 am

I work from home now ...,

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

June 09, 2021 at 01:25 pm

weird concept right.

1 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:07 am

Campbell was brought in for his veteran leadership in a room full of young guys. Good signing. That will only help Barnes and Martin in their development.

7 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:07 am

To all the people who’ve said “I didn’t hear Rodgers say it”.......he’s absent from mandatory activities. Is that loud enough for you to hear?

11 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:33 am

It will never be loud enough for some because some are willfully deaf to avoid the possibility that it’s over and for others it’s the Packers who are away from their man.

5 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:43 am

Well he's screaming nonsense then because we have no idea what he wants.

I assume it's a big overreach though because if it was something like a few more years of garunteed money or being able to make some suggestions on the roster he'd have what he wants and we'd be completely ignorant of the situation.

2 points
Roadrunner23's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:10 am

It’s good to see everybody participating at OTA’s (well almost everybody)

*I believe Funches is going to compete for that #2 or #3 spot, he’s only 27 this season and has something to prove. Dude is a physical beast, the only thing holding him back is he doesn’t play special teams.

*I would personally feel so much better about the Rodgers situation if Love was lighting it up in camp.
Do we have another Kiser? Hope not! From the way it sounds in Chicago Fields is looking like the real deal!
It is way to early to panic but......if Gutey F’d the Love choice up (remember he was high on Kiser too) this could get ugly fast!

*ILB Campbell? The Packers love to grab crappy LB’s off the scrap heap! Why?

Where do I put my application in for GM?

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 08:20 am

Nobody can tell anything at all about a QB in June and shorts. The fact that Chicago are excited by no pressure drills in mini camp is laughable.

3 points
White92's picture

June 09, 2021 at 04:23 pm

ya, their fanbase definitely has their pants down around their ankles. The smugness on the radio over the Rodgers situation is laughable too. Packers still live in their heads rent-free.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:20 am

At one time I did apply!

2 points
Roadrunner23's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:22 pm


0 points
PeteK's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:40 am

It happens. I also thought Kiser was a good young pickup. However,I believe Love has better measurables.

1 points
Roadrunner23's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:23 pm

Hope so!

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:47 am

just place your application in the round file next to your desk...

just sayin...

1 points
scullyitsme's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:00 am

I am still amazed at how cheesehead tv writers and commenters have turned on Rodgers, since 61’ had a very good post a article or two back. No matter how you look at it, management screwed the pooch on this one, this got out of control and it easily could of been prevented. That’s their job, make sure this doesn’t happen. Period. Mark murphy made everyone answer to him, so he wanted the blame, he gets mine.

-10 points
Savage57's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:41 am

Paying someone a quarter of a billion dollars over their career, and handing him a $57M check a couple years ago doesn't equate to screwing the pooch in any reasonable mind.

What would it have taken to prevent it? A courtesy call informing Rodgers of the pick, or would it have entailed more than that, basically surrendering authority over the roster to a player, albeit a very good and important one?

The concept of responsibility requires a mature capacity to acknowledge mistakes. The concept of blame allows for none.

8 points
scullyitsme's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:50 am

The idea that there is a certain amount of money that makes people not feel emotion or not get pissed at their boss for trying to replace them is a farce. Easily, can’t stress that enough, easily could of been prevented. Most here are just jealous of the money and say things like ( in dumb voice) “ I wouldn’t have any emotions and wouldn’t care if my boss screwed me for 38mil” . These are the same people that proclaim “character “ that’s why I hate rodgers

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

June 10, 2021 at 06:24 am

The idea that everything ruins after you stop working (playing) for your boss and because of that you think/believe you have rights to ask for more - whatever that be - is childish, selfish and disrespectful to the fans, organization, your co-workers (team) and your coaches.



Do you understand that?

1 points
scullyitsme's picture

June 10, 2021 at 11:30 am

Grow up, all caps? What happens when management terminates a contract? Don’t see you getting mad then. Weird double standard people

0 points
HankScorpio's picture

June 10, 2021 at 06:28 am

"No matter how you look at it, management screwed the pooch on this one, this got out of control and it easily could of been prevented. "

Maybe you just need to get a broader vision because I do not accept for one hot second that anything should have been done to prevent this. I do not consider myself to be the President of the fan clubs for the fan clubs of Murphy, Gute or Ball. The only thing the Packers needed to do for Rodgers was pay him. They have done that. All the other BS is just that.

This is a man that held a grudge against MM for his role in SF drafting Alex Smith. Many close observers said that never went away, even after MVPs and SB wins were achieved. I think it is beyond a reasonable doubt that Rodgers tanked MM's final season because he wanted MM out. This is a man that famously dumps people out of his life over any perceived slight, including his direct family. He's had his team float the notion that he is upset they cut Jake Kumerow, for god's sake.

Not every situation has two sides to blame. At some point, a headcase is a headcase.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:34 am

Find it funny the beat writers are trying to create drama about Love not having a great day yesterday. Like the sky is falling!

Sure he over threw Taylor and Tonyan deep yesterday. Let's was the first day since Love was drafted that reporters have truly seen Love play. Love knows he will be the focus in their reporting. It was the 1st day the top 5 WR's were in camp. Love is being dissected daily and hearing/reading he will never compare to Rodgers. Over throwing sure it makes sense to me. He is 'jacked' up and adrenalin pumping wanting to prove himself, and he is throwing too hard.

He will calm down and his completion percentage will be better today and tomorrow. His receivers will get more comfortable with Love's throws. Synchronization will evolve! This is all about Love's development. He will steadily get better and better as he gets more comfortable.

A few weeks ago someone posted how bad Rodger's 1st year (3 years) training camp completion percentage was. Be good if it was continually posted throughout the summer as beat writers and social media personalities will want to constantly create drama. Be good to have a baseline comparison.

9 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 09:39 am

Deep throws are as much about timing. How many times did it take Rodgers to get in synch with MVS even on straight go routes? I’d expect a lot more of that ... it’s called getting to know your players. We aren’t even in camp yet, something alluded to in this article talking about Rodgers early experience:

4 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:50 am

How many times did AR UNDERthrow receivers last year alone?

No QB is perfect... NONE!

Give Love a chance...

6 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:10 pm

If Love was perfect in mini-camp then that really would render any preseason hard to justify.

Post script. Apparently Love was on fire today ... per media in attendance. Deep throws all over the place. A caution, however. one mini camp practice does not make a career.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:02 pm

Hey Coldworld, I fired some stuff from the beat writers into Nags morning post today. Fun. Check it out.

1 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:44 am

"Sure he over threw Taylor and Tonyan deep yesterday."

Sounds like quite a few drives from Rodgers in NFC Championship Game against the 49ers.

5 points
BuckyBadger's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:09 am

Just look the silver lining. The Packers get a good look at the awful QB they drafted and can move on quicker from Love.

-6 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:57 am

Bortles or bust!

3 points
MarkinMadison's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:50 am

Rodgers says that the timing of his MVP season was bad for the Packers. He has three years left on his deal. I think the timing of his MVP season was WORSE for Rodgers than it was for the Packers. He has minimal leverage right now. He cannot exploit the MVP to turn it into cold, hard cash with three years left on his deal. His best chance is to: (A) force the Packers into a long-term extension with new money - which he knows they do not really want; or (B) force the Packers to trade him to someone who will give him new money. I firmly believe that you cut all the crap out and follow the money, and THIS is what the off-season is about: a 37-year-old QB who knows that the best chance he has for one more big bite at the apple is TODAY. Everything else is noise. TGR (or anyone else) - tell me I'm wrong.

13 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:52 am

You're wrong.

There, is that what you wanted?

Its all about people and culture, don't you get it?

Can anyone else smell the smokescreen?

4 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 10:59 am

p. U.

0 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:46 am

For Rodgers 'people' is plural for me.

3 points
MarkinMadison's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:32 pm

Interesting comments by James Jones recently. Runs directly counter to my view.

1 points
blondy45's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:08 pm

You are wrong. TODAY, Rodgers has that chance. Walk into camp and admit he can not control his selfish desires. Live up to your contract, show some RESPECT for your teammates. Rodgers states he wants some respect from the Front office. Respect gained is respect earned. Rodgers is losing the public opinion's respect, and more fans of the Pack too.

3 points
RCPackerFan's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:22 pm

I disagree about the leverage part. I think he has the most amount of leverage right now then he will ever have. Yes he is under contract, but we know that doesn't mean a lot in the league. He has the leverage because they drafted a QB in the first round who didn't have any preseason last year. He had training camp and that was it. He didn't suit up for 1 game. Rodgers meanwhile is coming off of his MVP season. The team knows they are close to winning it all, but to do so they need Rodgers. He holds as much leverage as he will ever have right now.

I do think some of this is about guarantees. I think he wants 3 (or however many) more years guaranteed that he will be there. And guarantees that they will put the players around him to do so. I think that is what most of this is about.

0 points
jurp's picture

June 10, 2021 at 02:46 pm

Well, they seem to have all the players around him that they need to make a SB run - all except one, the douche who's stupidly not in GB right now.

With his cap numbers - and the relatively small cap next year - this is the best he's going to get here.

0 points
Swisch's picture

June 09, 2021 at 04:50 pm

Aaron Rodgers has been a great quarterback for the Packers, but that doesn't mean his game is flawless. It would be interesting to analyze his performances in the biggest games to see where he excels and where he perhaps falls short.
No doubt Rodgers is an excellent passer, one of the greatest of all time. Perhaps the best demonstration of this for his career highlight film was his virtuoso performance against the Steelers in a Super Bowl victory. Perhaps the best of his best plays was toward the end of the game on a critical third down: With the Packers trying to withstand a scary rally by the Steelers, Rodgers threaded an incredibly precise pass down the middle of the field to Greg Jennings for a clutch first-down conversion and one of the great plays in Packers history.
Then there's that amazing scramble to his left in the closing seconds of a playoff game against the Cowboys, in which Rodgers threw a pinpoint pass to Jared Cook at the very edge of the sideline to set up a winning field goal.
There are a lot of great moments for Rodgers in Packers history to make up a career that will end up in the Hall of Fame. It's good to remember and appreciate and savor them. It would be wonderful if there is a satisfying way still available for keeping Rodgers for future highlights with the Packers.
However, there are questions in my mind about how Rodgers has handled some other big games when he has faced smash-mouth defenses and withering pressure. I don't know the answers, but it's worth talking about with those who know the game better than me.
My sincere inquiry about Rodgers is threefold: (1) Is he good at quick progressions if his primary receivers are covered? (2) Is he smart about passing checkdowns and other tactics such as draw plays to outmaneuver a premier pass rush? (3) Does he keep his cool when his team is behind by leading steady comebacks, or does he tend to continually throw deep into traffic downfield, leaving him even more vulnerable to sacks?
In the games against the Steelers and Cowboys referenced above, I don't remember the defenses as being as fierce as those of the Giants in 2011, or the Seahawks in 2014, or the 49ers in two or more playoff games over several seasons.
For many years now, a big play of Rodgers has been drawing defenses offside to get free plays throwing downfield. Another one back in the McCarthy Era was Rodgers rolling out of pressure in the pocket to buy time drifting left or right until a receiver came open for a dramatic completion.
Other than those two signature plays, I don't know how Rodgers has done in his career when his first receiver isn't open -- especially against the most ferocious defenses in the hugest of games. Is he calm and confident and cagey in those situations when he is under furious assault, or does he tend to shrink down under looming shadows or fire away recklessly? Do he make quick and clever adjustments during plays and over the course of a game, or does he just keep at bombs away?
To be fair, it's tough for any quarterback to flourish under relentless abuse from a defense, but are there some in the history of the pro game who have done it much better than Rodgers? With four losses in a row in NFC Championship Games for the Packers with Rodgers at the helm, it's a fair question, and an important one. Another interesting study would be the two games against the Bucs last season.
Whatever has happened in the past, this could have been the season for Rodgers, perhaps still could be.
The LaFleur offense, entering its third season of development, seems to be getting better and better, and is already among the best in the NFL. It could be highly effective going forward in outsmarting aggressive defenses with various passes and runs. If Rodgers works with LaFleur, it seems they could come up with lots of fun surprises for fantastic results.
In any case, it would be one last opportunity for Rodgers to again get over the top.
Against the Cowboys in the Ice Bowl, Bart Starr and the Packers offense was absolutely stifled on the truly frozen tundra by a Cowboys defense that was devastatingly brutal -- pushing them around for negative-9 yards in the second half until the Packers received the ball with less than five minutes on their own 32.
Then it was that Starr led the greatest winning drive in NFL history! With Hornung and Taylor no longer on the team, he turned instead to Chuck Mercein and Donnie Anderson to shine on handoffs and short passes.
It was an exquisitely crafted and absolutely beautiful drive without anything spectacular -- the epitome of heartfelt teamwork in desperate adversity as the culmination of the Lombardi dynasty.
I'd like to see Rodgers get one more chance for something approaching this pinnacle of football glory. An exhilarating run to the Super Bowl, with perhaps a win, would do wonders for his legacy.
If he gets his head on straight, and resets his heart to sacrificing for others, who knows? Wouldn't it be worth one last shot, though?
Aaron, we're asking for you to be humble, not humiliated. Swallow your ego and make a sincere apology for getting carried away with yourself. Then get on the field tomorrow. We'll be right behind you!

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 02:41 pm

I think Swisch, the only way that Rodgers apologizes, is if he receives one first - from Gutekunst and Murphy - while they are in the prostrate position - not daring to make eye contact with him - repeating to him their many inadequacies as management. Then, his agent ("Dirty Dave" Dunn), will read a written statement that "Aaron Rodgers is sorry." While technically an apology, I expect that it will lack the sincerity that you hope for.

1 points
Swisch's picture

June 09, 2021 at 04:39 pm

I agree that a sincere apology from Rodgers does not seem likely, but I wanted to propose at least one possible resolution to a difficult situation.
I think most of us get that Aaron Rodgers is exceptionally rich and famous, and that it would be easy for most of us to get carried away with ourselves if we were in such a lofty position.
I think most Packers fans -- as heartland Americans in spirit -- are forgiving.
So I want to give Rodgers an out, a way to come back to the Packers that would not require him to be humiliated.
He would have to be humble though. Barring some surprising revelation, it seem the Packers executives have little, if anything, to apologize for to Rodgers.
All Rodgers would have to say is that he got carried away with himself, that his ego got too big -- and that he's genuinely sorry to management, coaches, teammates and fans. Then he would do well to add that he's enthusiastic for at least one more season with the Packers to try to lead us to another championship.
If he was seemingly sincere in speaking directly to us from the heart, we would understand and forgive. We're not vindictive. We want the best for Aaron Rodgers as a player and a person.
It would help if he took a pay cut of $5 million this year to help the team, and also donated a further $2 million to food banks in the region of Green Bay (and perhaps other non-controversial charities) to help the fans with recovery from COVID -- which would still leave him with a comfy $30 million.
Think what good will he could generate! With just one more season of going all in with the Packers, he could leave with tremendous popularity whatever the outcome. After that, he could ride off into the sunset to Denver, or wherever, with our applause and good wishes.
I would want Rodgers to always be himself, but his best self. Open up at least a little. No cryptic comments hinting at what you'd prefer from coaches or teammates. Play in the preseason somewhat more than you would personally desire if the coaches think it helps the team as a whole. Be more easygoing. Ask your fiancee to give herself to Green Bay for just this one year; it may be a great experience to last her a lifetime. We're not perfect, but we're good and caring people.
A little give from Rodgers could reap incredible rewards on and off the field. As Americans, we love humility to go along with confidence. We love honest redemption. If he could genuinely extend himself to us, we would embrace him for a lifetime.
It's may be comparable to a Hail Mary pass, but Rodgers has completed those in his career. I'll add a real Hail Mary that the Mother of God may help to bring this delicate situation to a good outcome for all concerned. She is indeed a vessel for the impossible.
I love a happy ending, especially when the audience doesn't see it coming.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 05:11 pm

Here! here! - for happy, surprise endings! Unfortunately, I believe Rodgers is a person who is incapable of providing one at this stage. His moral compass simply doesn't point in that direction. Can there be any other outcome, except for ruinous, in a Greek tragedy?

2 points
Swisch's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:55 pm

Please excuse me for any excesses of religion, Alberta_Packer -- but unlike a Greek tragedy, perhaps, I believe we are blessed to have ultimate control of our lives.
It seems fair to say that many of the ancient Greeks would have been exceedingly glad to find that their world was not controlled by arbitrary gods with little to no interest in the lives of mere mortals; that, instead, a personal God came to dwell among us on earth to show most passionately that he was intimately interested in our well-being and happiness. It seems fair to say this because many of the ancient Greeks became Christians.
If Aaron Rodgers misses the opportunity to make amends at this time, I think it will one day be a source of at least profound regret, even if it doesn't rise to the level of a tragedy.
However, even then there can be sorrow and forgiveness and redemption. I would hope that somehow someday Rodgers would be reconciled with the Packers and us fans, and welcomed back to Lambeau Field with warm appreciation.
However, for Rodgers, why not avoid the intervening heartache and make things right as early as tomorrow? Why take the hard road of learning from our mistakes when we can avoid those mistakes in the first place -- or at least minimize them and repair them at a fraction of the future cost?
I say all this as one who has made many mistakes of which I am ashamed and sad. Therefore, not only do I have all the more to gain by clinging to the merciful heart of Jesus, but also a sincere desire in wanting others to avoid regrets of their own.
If I get carried away in offering my personal thoughts of possible assistance, I am truly sorry for any intrusions to Aaron Rodgers and readers here at CheeseheadTV.

2 points
wildbill's picture

June 09, 2021 at 11:56 am

I have always liked Favre much better than Rodgers. Favre might throw a crazy bad pick and he may make a crazy great throw. He carried team mates, head butted them, and played the game like I did as a kid on the sand lot. Rodgers is a better QB, efficient, cold, calculating, and not above showing up a team mate. Starr is still my favorite, by far, not only a great football player but an even more amazing person. Just my two cents worth but am ready to move on from Rodgers and back whomever is QB for the Packers. GPG!

8 points
Coldworld's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:06 pm

Starr was that very rare sportsman that was worthy of more respect off the field than on, despite just winning when he played. There is no comparison as a winner and few as a person among preeminent athletes in any age or sport.

7 points
HankScorpio's picture

June 10, 2021 at 06:42 am

"I have always liked Favre much better than Rodgers."

Favre is a more likable guy than Rodgers. He fits the culture much better. It was easy to think of him as "one of us". His name did turn to mud when he put on that purple jersey but he's sought to bury the hatchet over the hard feelings on both sides from the exit.

I don't see Rodgers doing that. If he does. I don't think it will be accepted as readily by Packer Nation. He's just not as likable of a guy as Favre.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:23 pm

Adam Schefter's professional motto - "Will shill for clicks."

Packers regular season record if Rodgers 13-4
Packers regular season record if Bortles + Love 9-8

As an aside (and for greater perspective):
First day minis: Jordan Love - 12 for 23, 0 pics. vs. Trevor Lawrence - 2 pick 6s. To quote, "Trevor Lawrence did not have the best day at camp on Tuesday."

4 points
Swisch's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:03 pm

Good perspective with Trevor Lawrence.
Let these young guys air it out with a certain enthusiastic abandon nowadays, as they calculate the limitations for the throws they can make in the future.

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

June 09, 2021 at 12:05 pm

Pretty obvious that Rodgers personality rubs people the wrong way...not a humble servant that "some" fans want...hope y'all Love the Love show, or the Bortles show, win or lose I sure hope they're "humble" and know their place...

-2 points
CheesyTex's picture

June 09, 2021 at 07:35 pm

Not sure how you can generalize his actions as "personality" or what is currently rubbing "...people the wrong way...". IMO it is far deeper than that.

Given his clear demands that receivers gain his TRUST, I for one find it ironic that he would pull this potentially franchise altering shenanigan on a front office that TRUSTED him to fulfill his lucrative contract through 2023 (Yes, it is not guaranteed after this year and that is why he is using it as leverage now. But he knew and knows full well that his actions would damage relations with other players and with the fan base. IMO he's gone too far.)

IMO that his actions have already torpedoed the '21 season whether or not he comes back, and (barring a windfall trade or all-pro rise by Love or Bortles) could end a nice 30 year Packers run of playoff contenders, may already have dropped a "poison pill" about GB as a desirable "destination" for players, and generally craps all over Packers fans. I see no way his brilliance on the field -- and he is uniquely special on the field -- can re-establish "team".

And that definitely rubs me the wrong way.

5 points
White92's picture

June 09, 2021 at 04:16 pm

26% say still in top 10? I'll have what they're smokin

3 points
greengold's picture

June 09, 2021 at 05:46 pm

I have to say, it’s pretty good.

2 points
PeteK's picture

June 09, 2021 at 06:37 pm

Certainly, SB chances would take a hit. However ,roster is filled with pro bowlers. Also, players chomping at the bit to show the diva that they can still be very competitive without him.

3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 10, 2021 at 04:29 am

11 teams had 11 or more wins in 2020.
Bottom 10: Had 9 teams with 5 or fewer wins. 3 teams tied for 10th with 6 wins.

2021 will have an extra game. So it was a close call between bottom 10 and 11 to 22.

Those who voted top 10 are smoking something too powerful for me.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 09, 2021 at 05:23 pm

Until Rodgers shows up for work, I simply do not give a Schitt's Creek (funny sitcom) about his sour angst about something that makes him so fragile and vulnerable....hey! Kind of like David on Schitt's Creek! Meanwhile, good luck Jordan! Seems like you want this!

3 points
Packers0808's picture

June 09, 2021 at 05:55 pm

Trade Rodgers to Dallas, he and his 3 grandkids from Hawaii can enjoy Mr. Jones! And being reunited with McCarthy would do his new hair bun wonders!

4 points
HankScorpio's picture

June 10, 2021 at 06:51 am

The Packers went 13-3 and lost the NFC Championship game on the road in 2019 season with average QB play. They went 13-3 and lost the NFC Championship game at home in 2020 with MVP QB play. So Rodgers screwing his head on straight in 2020 only meant a lot of Packer fans got to witness the same ending in person, instead of on TV. I think the roster has improved each year. 2020 is better than 2019. And 2021 is better than 2020. So I don't see them being one of the worst teams in the NFL without Rodgers.

However, Rodgers has allowed his head to get screwed back up. I don't know if it as bad as it was when he did all he could to get MM fired but it sure ain't in the place to win a SB. So I don't see them really competing for improving on their ending either. For that reason, I'm sort of in the camp to move on to seeing what the Love era brings us.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 10, 2021 at 07:57 am

This is a really great perspective, Hank. I feel much the same.

MVP season? Yes. Despite that, the Packers have remained one of the top teams in the NFL for 3 & outs... All of that passing doesn’t necessarily equate with all that winning.

1 points
flackcatcher's picture

June 10, 2021 at 10:51 am

A lot of this is Rodgers knowing the end is near. No matter what the Packers did, that fact would not change. In general, Murphy, Gutekunst and Lafleur has handled Rodgers primal scream pretty well, all things considered. At some point either Rodgers walks his PR crap back, reports back to the team, and him and his agent start to work on his exit from the Packer organization next year. We may be starting to see something like that begin to happen with James Jones. If something similar by Jason Wilde shows up, or other mainstream reporters then we know something happening. Rodgers may be doing this, because the word on Rodgers behavior in front offices throughout the league is extremely negative. The Packer front office is thought of highly in the NFL, and this may be boomeranging on Rodgers value in a way he did not anticipate. We'll see...

0 points