Cory's Corner: It's Time For Some Honesty

The Packers and/or Rodgers need to show their hands. 

I want to know what this thing is about. 

At some point, the Packers are going to have to come out and say that they offered Aaron Rodgers a contract but was refused. Or Rodgers needs to come out and say that the Packers never offered him a deal or if they did, it was a lowball offer. 

I could get into Murphy being reckless twice, with how he spoke and wrote about Rodgers, but it’s a waste of time. Clearly, the Packers have no interest in saving face or else there’s absolutely no reason to pee into an electric fence. 

If Rodgers was offered a lucrative deal, then the Packers have to trade him. But they cannot trade him now. They have to wait until the winter when the market will be stronger. Think about the Saints. How will they fare with Jameis Winston as the starting quarterback? How many more years will Ben Roethlisberger play? Will Baker Mayfield be a hero or a zero after the Browns exercised his fifth-year option in April?

Those are just a small sampling. Injuries obviously play into this as well and will make plenty of teams pretty desperate for a three-time MVP signal caller. 

Then there’s the other side. What if the Packers tried to be cheap about this whole thing and pull the wool over arguably the best quarterback in franchise history, let alone the best passer I’ve ever seen. That would look terrible for the front office and the organization. And it makes me wonder how many free agents would want to grow old with an organization that does this with its own?

There are so many things that need to be worked out in this whole saga. First and foremost is that Murphy needs to stop. He needs to stop writing Rodgers’ name and he needs to stop saying his name as well. 

Training camp is a little more than a month away and the closer we get to seeing the Railbirds cheering for every amazing catch and juke, the more imperative it is for either side to lay it all out. 

Let’s have it. Today marks the 48th day since Adam Schefter unceremoniously “broke” this story. It’s past time for either side to be honest and just see where everything stands. 

The reason everyone has been so confused by this is because nobody really knows anything. One person can say this or that is happening, but nobody really knows. And we’re not going to know until one side decides to be honest and tell the truth. 





Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


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9 points

Comments (160)

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Archie's picture

June 15, 2021 at 06:42 am

The truth is AR has chosen to destroy the careers of Mark Murphy and Gutey for the sin of drafting Jordan Love and he is intent on destroying the Pack's championship prospects along the way. Rodgers has made it very personal. And I think we all know what that means when it involves Rodgers. Ask his parents or brother or .......

7 points
HarryHodag's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:10 am

Spot on.

-2 points
Migas's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:10 am

I don't understand the continual Rodgers family references. There is no place for it on social media.

-2 points
Stroh's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:46 pm

It relates to his holding a grudge. He's been doing it with his family for a long time and now he's doing it towards the Packers. The reason for his family issues is not our business, but the fact he's now holding the grudge against the Packers makes that part of it relevant.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:16 pm


0 points
Bure9620's picture

June 16, 2021 at 04:17 am


0 points
NickPerry's picture

June 15, 2021 at 06:49 am

"First and foremost is that Murphy needs to stop. He needs to stop writing Rodgers’ name and he needs to stop saying his name as well. "

IMO Mark Murphy needs to go back and in history a little ways and see what made Bob Harlon so successful. Harlon hired Ron Wolf and GOT OUT OF THE WAY! When Murphy was first hired he brought in Thompson and for a LONG time I had issues with Ted. I still believe Ted left a SB title or two on the doorstep from not being aggressive in FA, but Ted was a hell of a good GM for a long time. The issue was Ted stayed too long and THAT was ON Murphy.

Instead of hiring a new GM in 2015 or 2016 (especially after the 2015 draft!), Murphy stuck with Ted, created the "Silos", and has tried to be a some kind of version of "The Boss". Murphy needs to just stay out of the way of ANYTHING that has to do with the Players and leave that to the GM. Personally I think Gute has done a pretty F***ing good job. No GM is going to make everybody happy, there will always been those few who find something wrong. But all in all the Packers are a HELL of a lot better team in 2021 than they were in 2018 when Gute took over.

When Rodgers spoke on SportsCenter with Kenny M he talked some in the organization forgot about the people. I think that was directed at Murphy more so than Gute. When MLF was hired Murphy told Rodgers "Not to be the problem". From THAT point, right there, Rodgers put Murphy on his list. The list where Rodgers wants to with all his being, make a fool out of you, make you regret what you say.

Maybe I'm way off, but Murphy needs to let the GM RUN the Football side, and Murphy needs to just stick with the business side. At this point I'm so sick and tired of this. I'd love Rodgers to play out his contract, win another SB or two, and hopefully ride off in the sunset ONLY playing for the Packers.

IMO Mark Murphy NEEDS to STOP being the Problem!

36 points
cheezyone's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:03 am

NP, I totally agree with your statement

3 points
Razer's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:07 am

Also agree with you Nick. Well said.

4 points
RCPackerFan's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:40 am

I agree that Murphy is the biggest problem. Everything that has happened, has happened under his watch.

5 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:42 am

Not having a REACTION is an action.

Murphy should be more distant from the GM duty decisions and activities as Harlan was.

BUT... Murphy did NOT start this mess. AR did. He has a very fair contract, one he was all smiles about when it was signed. He has underperformed it for most of its length, choose your reasons/excuses. He now has had a better season and won the MVP under MLF and his new system. AR should thank the GBP for sticking with him and MLF for his fresh approach that has created the opportunity for AR's talent to equal productivity for the first time in a few years - NOT hold the GBP hostage for more $$$.

AS far as Love and the draft pick, AR needs to just smile and outplay Love every step of the way. THAT and that alone will guarantee he stays under center for the GBP.

AS far as "input" is concerned, AR can have all of the input he desires into the workings of a professional sports franchise in Wisconsin. He has paid for the privilege ... with the Milwaukee Bucks! With the GBP, he is free to utter words of his opinion when he is near MM, BG and MLF. I am also sure he can request formal meeting time with the executives or Coaches where he can express himself. I am certain that avenue has always been available to him. He should never get an actual "vote" or any type of veto power in decisions that are clearly NOT in his purview.

Enough of this Bullshit, straighten his ass out and schedule a press availability for him to issue a formal apology to the entire GBP organization, all of his teammates and the Fans and then and only then would he be welcome back into the GBP family. Lacking that, just trade his ass!

15 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:04 am

I agree with you that the situation with Rodgers is one Rodgers chiefly created not Murphy. That does not detract from my belief that the mess of a structure that Murphy constructed is not being highlighted as a result, as it always was going to be when conflict arose.

1 points
Stroh's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:01 pm

This has nothing to do with the organizational structure! NOTHING. You can dislike it all you want, but it's worked. Murphy does need to keep his mouth shut, which he even referenced last week. But the organizational structure has been good and has seemed to open the communications between HC, GM and any other relationships involved.

You can bet if the structure was an issue everyone would be talking about it. Funny thing is NOBODY has ever mentioned it!!

-2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 15, 2021 at 11:51 am

You get an upvote as one of the best comments yet on diva Rodger's. Amen brother!

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 12:37 am

I had a "superstar" jerk for an employee once upon a time. Since he was civil if cold and a trifle demanding to staff, I put up with him because I was making money off his work. As owner, it was my prerogative to decide whether to sacrifice that money and his competence.

The Packers FO might have a superstar jerk for an employee. I think they have to put up with him short of him being a cancer on the field and in the locker room. The FO consists of employees. Murphy and Gute are not owners. It is not their prerogative to say we'll just make less money or in the Packers case, win fewer games.

In my view, Murphy and Gute are managers. Obviously, they failed to manage their superstar. Maybe it was impossible - that's something that gets discussed at their respective annual reviews.

Having a good GM can make a franchise viable and relevant for decades. I wouldn't fire a good GM lightly as there seems to be lots of bad ones out there. Now Murphy, he seems pretty replaceable to me.

I want to win. Priority one.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:09 am

This opacity was one of the reasons some of us were warning the post TT structure was foolish. In effect MM is the GM unless he isn’t. Which is something we do not know and he seems to like it that way.

A president should supervise, but behind the scenes and certainly not speak on football matters unless he is intervening to remove a GM, and then to clearly state why and what the plan is.

If the problem is that Ball was to be GM and won’t work for one, which was rumored, sorry but Ball is replaceable. He’s competent but not exactly a trail blazer. There are others who can do that job.

This structure was always a bad idea and it was going to show as that when we hit troubled times. I agree, it needs to end and Murphy needs to be fully removed from football matters. In practice I don’t think that’s likely to be possible from a human perspective.

I think, once the Rodgers saga is resolved one way or the other, Murphy should be retired and the structure returned to the TT era, but with a more vigilant President behind the scenes. If Ball doesn’t like that, it’s his choice. My fear is that the executive committee shaped by Murphy might appoint Ball President. That should not happen just as he should not have been groomed to be GM under Murphy’s watch. The GM must be a football person and clearly accountable for all football decisions on a team with no owner.

12 points
NickPerry's picture

June 16, 2021 at 05:19 am

"If the problem is that Ball was to be GM and won’t work for one, which was rumored, sorry but Ball is replaceable. He’s competent but not exactly a trail blazer. There are others who can do that job."

Excellent points CW...

Ball IS replaceable. Ball did an excellent job while TT was GM but was the job really all that challenging? Ted rarely signed a FA so it wasn't like Russ Ball had to deal with massive contracts and amounts of money added to his cap each year.

Looking at the salary cap for NEXT season I'm already stressing the hell out on what might happen. If Rodgers is traded then that issue is solved BUT, Gute gets blamed for pissing off one of the GOAT to play QB and is probably out of a job for good in the NFL. Murphy and Ball stay and the issue remains.

Aww shit!

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 16, 2021 at 08:28 pm

That analysis would be my fire Sherman at 7:00AM , Ted move. Let Murphy and Ball walk sans severance. So long, maybe it's been good to know you. Who is the stronger scout in personnel, Gutedkunst or Hendrickson?

0 points
murf7777's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:49 am

NP….very good point. I think a puzzling question is, why did Murphy tell Rodgers not to be the problem? Was it because he was causing friction with the team and it needed to be said? I’m not defending Murphy, just trying to understand his mindset. Regarding the complicated person comment, Murphy was trying to be funny….bad joke.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:07 am

My guess is as a result of his hostility to MM at the end. It would seem likely that that may have encompassed input on coaching matters.

-1 points
murf7777's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:31 am

Yes, CW that makes sense, but what was the true conversation? Here is the response from Murphy...."It's all in the past, a lot of half-truths and a lot of stuff just made up," Murphy told Emerich. "The conversation that allegedly took place between Aaron and I was completely false.

"We had a great conversation. It was very positive. We talked about Matt LaFleur and I said, 'Aaron, I think the change is going to be great for you and the organization' and he was very positive."

And, Rodgers response to the conversation....“It’s ridiculous. It is 100 percent, patently false," Rodgers told the "Wilde and Tausch" show on ESPN Wisconsin.

As importantly, is how and why did that leak out to the public? It seems the conversation between Rodgers and Murphy was suppose to be private. Was the unnamed source ever determined? Just like Murphy joking in the press conference about TT stating "he's a complicated fella" about certain players in general and referring that quote about Rodgers, the media headlines is "murphy states rodgers is a complicated fella" without reference to content of message. Again, I do think Murphy would've been better off not stating anything but so much gets taken out of context.

If Rodgers was becoming an issue with the team, I don't have a problem with Murphy addressing it to him in a private conversation. I also think Murphy is a smart man and wouldn't offend Rodgers with such a direct comment. He might've alluded to Rodgers that its important to support your coach, which is important to team moral. Certainly, we don't know the whole story of that conversation and its entire content, but what we do know is both parties stated what the media stated was completely false.

All I know, is too many people get the wrong impression of Murphy if they just consider the media headlines and their desire to create controversy. What I also know, is over the past 30 years the Packers have been one of the past managed team in the NFL.

7 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:05 pm

I agree, murph. 100%.

This has been one of the weirdest times I can recall being a lifelong Packer fan from the 60s on. There is so much we do not know, yet we all are true Packers fanatics. The Green Bay Packers are in our blood.

I love this team. Just wishing the best for them. I really didn't much care for Mark Murphy, for years. He wasn't Bob Harlan. At the same time, I've kind of looked at the situation a little bit differently since Matt LaFleur was hired.

Of course Murphy grabbed the microphone at his presser announcing LaFleur as our new HC. To me, it seemed like an old player who might have been used to getting some of the spotlight, actually grabbing some of the spotlight, while he was in it. Add to that, he was and is President and CEO of the Packers, and he just fired a Super Bowl winning Head Coach in Mike McCarthy. He may have wanted to have clear communication regarding his choice of the virtually unknown Matt LaFleur, and became a bit long winded as a result.

We all know Aaron Rodgers holds grudges. I think things became personal when LaFleur was hired and became more so when Gutekunst chose Jordan Love. He seemed difficult to manage. That subsided somewhat in LaFleur's second season, but we don't really know.

I'm willing to cut him some slack until details of all of this comes to light.

-3 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

June 15, 2021 at 01:39 pm

My question is why did Murphy make that public?

6 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 01:55 pm

Mark Murphy is President and CEO of the Green Bay Packers, one of the most highly regarded teams in the NFL worldwide.

We are literally talking about 3 public statements made by him. Looking at the statements, they all distance the team from Rodgers to some degree. Murphy fired Super Bowl winning Head Coach Mike McCarthy in large part because of Aaron Rodgers.

I believe Murphy made those comments public to help position the team stance on issues present and future. We all saw the volatility on the sidelines during LaFleur's first season, and in McCarthy's last few seasons.

None of us knows what has been occurring behind the scenes, but, judging from the AR Draft Day 1 hand grenade thrown into the Packers War Room, I think it is safe to assume it isn't pretty.

-2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 12:49 am

So close to saying it, but backed away! Murphy is making these statements to prepare the fan base for a trade or a holdout.

Bringing up TT and ascribing a quote to TT (who isn't around to confirm or deny it or give context) is just a way of suggesting that someone else also thought AR was difficult to deal with, so it isn't the current FO's fault. So he wrapped TT's shroud around the current FO. TT is a decent choice, but if he can dredge up a quote from Harlan, that would be even better, from Murphy's perspective.

There is a famous quote about folks who wrap the flag around themselves.

6 points
greengold's picture

June 16, 2021 at 02:01 pm

Funny! Great observations, TGR. I am holding out judgement on Murphy until the dust settles and we learn more. My gut reaction was always a tinge of repulsion, for whatever reason. As mentioned, I've tried to temper that in light of the LaFleur hiring, which I believe was fantastic.

0 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

June 24, 2021 at 01:10 pm

I squirmed too. But, part of me doesn't believe the Murphy got to where he is by saying things stupidly. I think it's likely he planned this as TGR says.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 16, 2021 at 08:37 pm

Divagation in a world accustomed to flim flam and corporate double-speak.

0 points
snowdog's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:19 pm

Lead .. Follow ... or get the hell out of the way

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 16, 2021 at 08:37 pm

Those who stay endure. Bring the Tiger to the mountain.

0 points
Wilment's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:20 am

As a longtime fan, I just want this to be done. I want to see AR win another super bowl or two and retire a Packer. However, if the relationship is damaged beyond repair, the front office needs to learn from this and go forward with Jordan love. I watched during the seventies , eighties and early nineties as the Packers were hideous year after year. Its time to get back to football and put the drama on ice. Both sides need to fix this or go their separate ways.

19 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:21 pm

The same used car dealers, crackpot lawyers and lawn equipment salespeople on the BOD. You connect the dots. Been there seen that.

2 points
Razer's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:24 am

Pro sports is a big ego game. Successful organizations need to find a balance between owner, manager, coach and players. The Packers have lost that balance or maybe it never existed. Mark Murphy loves the spotlight and can't keep his mouth shut. I still remember him making the hiring of Lafleur a story about "the Mark Murphy experience". Aaron Rodgers on the other hand talks philosophically about the universe, love and trust as long as he is the center of said universe. All his mind games, passive aggressive bullshit and press manipulation tell a truer story of the man.

As they said in the movie Highlander - there can only be one. Either Murphy or Rodgers will need to exit in order for this team to get to a healthy place. At this point, Murphy is making it very difficult.

6 points
HawkPacker's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:32 am

Razer I really hope you are wrong that either Rodgers or Murphy will have to go to make this work.

Also, I read a lot on Cheesehead that I really don't agree with or understand but I certainly do respect what people, including yourself, have to say but I really haven't seen what Murphy has done to make so many of our readers turn against him. I am not saying that he hasn't done anything to deserve all the negative talk about him but have to admit that I have not read much of anything about him that deserves all the negativity. And I do read quite a bit of information about the Packers, on this site as well as ESPN, Acme and

4 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:46 am

Hawk, MM didn't do anything to deserve the blowback seen from fans. That douche Florio fans the flames of anything remotely resembling Packer negativity and inflames the fan base.

The so-called fans that spew AR needs to be made king crap will automatically rail against AR's foil, no matter if said foil is deserved or not. That is what you see and read, not logical-realistic interpretation of the situation which has been caused 100% by AR and his fragile ego and vindictive spirit.

5 points
Razer's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:54 am

Like most readers, I am cobbling together a 'best guess' picture of the situation. It is not about the money, it is not about Love, it is not about Gutekunst - then what is this about?! The way this story came out on draft night. The agent that pull as similar stunt with Carson Palmer. A lot of stuff stinks here. Murphy talking about Rodgers and the divided fan base. Rodgers being a complicated fella. Both he and Rodgers are using the same veiled, innuendo ways of almost pointing to the problem. Neither of them are building trust but both of them are jockeying for position. Big egos don't play well together and one of these egos need to go (both eventually). "There can only be one".

4 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:32 am

Divided fan base is a fact. Rodgers being a complex individual seems pretty obvious. I’ve no real issue with what he said, only with the fact that he’s there to say it. Rodgers is the catalyst here, but Murphy is illustrating that he is the GM shaping the football side, something he has denied. That’s a lie contradicted by his organizational structure but now also by his actions.

He finally got the job he wanted all along? Perhaps, but whether it’s true or not it should not have been permitted, but what do you expect when he effectively controls who is in the executive and non executive bodies supervising. If that’s not a searing indictment of the structural failure in governance if the Franchise, I don’t know what is.

When an executive controls the board, there is no supervision. Time to clear out the executive cronies and much of the non executive ones too and separate powers in Lombardi Ave. Resolve Rodgers, retire Murphy.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:25 pm

"Resolve Rodgers."

Coldworld, I get where you are coming from, but I'd caution that stance might have been made with too little information.

There is a lot of vitriol around Mark Murphy and his position on this Packers team. Do you think it possible that vitriol might be unwarranted?

"Resolve Rodgers," might be, and likely is, outside of Mark Murphy's control, if "Resolve" is to mean bring him back to the Packers. Again, we as fans are left with little to no information as to where, how and why things stand as they do today.

Exercising patience, as difficult as it may be - especially with an article demanding some answers - might be our best course until something breaks in this story.

Calling for people's heads on a platter, or to lose their jobs, without being aware of the facts seems off the Mark.


0 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 05:44 pm

Rogers is one issue. The structure is another. I’ve already said that the one issue is of Rodgers’ creation in my mind, but the second is a complicating matter and is down to Murphy.

2 points
murf7777's picture

June 16, 2021 at 07:52 am

The structure isnt a problems, it is a typical linear management corporate structure. This type of structure is the most common in America and comes with its positives and negatives. I will agree thou that Murphy makes mistakes by meddling vs managing the GM role occasionally.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 16, 2021 at 08:43 pm

Just-in-time inventories and a ponzi version of "logistics" how's that working out for mainstreet America in a world of pandemic risk and Private equity grifters?

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 01:10 am

Hawk, tell you what. Next time you happen to end up standing next to your wife's three best girlfriends, just mention that you think - strike that - even your wife's mother thinks your wife is a complicated person. See how that works out for you.

It might be fine, depending on your tone and context. The context here was that it was in response to a question that was not about AR and this drama. So, Murphy just decided to bring it up.

The fan base is often divided about things. Martinez is a good ILB, no he's not. Who cares what the fan base thinks? It is what the coaches and FO thinks, and sometimes what the players think. Remember when the players apparently voiced concerns about Randall? That matters. Pretty sure Bakh, Adams, Jones, Z, Clark, etc., haven't approached staff to say you've got to do something about this AR fella.

3 points
HawkPacker's picture

June 16, 2021 at 09:01 am

Thanks TGR. I did find out about the 'complicated person' after my comment.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:27 pm

Hey Razer....was a big fan of Highlander myself! Sean Connery one of the all time Pro Bowl actors. Have huge sword collection at home!

Having said all that...great comments!

1 points
HawkPacker's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:25 am

As mentioned in the first part of this article, I am not sure why the Packers need to offer Rodgers a contract!

He already is under contract for a few more years!

A lot of us think we know what the problem is with Rodgers and the FO but there has to be more to it than we realize.

I am fed up and disappointed with this whole saga and do want it to end soon. It would be great if Rodgers stays as this is our best shot at a SB but if he is traded, the way things are looking, that could be a good thing as well.

As far as getting a better deal next year, since there will be more suitors, remember that Rodgers will be another year older as well.

20 points
PatB's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:34 am

He is nominally under contract for 3 more years, but the structure makes it financially easy to cut him in 2022 or 2023. Trading up to draft Jordan Love sure looked like a signal that they intended to do so. Nobody spends a first-round pick on a guy they expect to sit on the bench for his entire rookie contract. On top of all that, they backloaded so many other contracts that they will need to clear a lot of cap space next year.
You're right that there are probably things going on that we don't know about. But we know Rodgers has leverage now. We also know that his contractual leverage will end at the same time the organization presumably wants Love to take over, and when they need to cut salaries. In that context, what he's doing makes sense.
That's not to say I, as a fan, like it.

6 points
nstewart1's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:36 am

Exactly right!

For the record, Murphy saying something about the biggest story in the NFL doesn't seem unreasonable - and it's certainly accurate. Why the Big Deal - it's just looking for drama.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:11 am

Why is Murphy commenting on football matters at all? The answer is that, in effect, he is what the structure suggests, the head of football. In my book that makes him the GM in practice. That should not have happened.

6 points
flackcatcher's picture

June 15, 2021 at 02:08 pm

Murphy acted as the organization's 'agent' when negotiating Rodgers 2018 contract in 2017. In this case he is clearly speaking for the Executive Committee in dealing with Rodgers. I think the 'masks' are off here. Rodgers is clearly done with Green Bay, and Green Bay through Murphy is clearly finished with Rodgers. This won't end until the start of training camp and the official beginning of the season.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 02:52 pm

Savagely brilliant take, flackcatcher. Agree.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:36 pm

Murphy is the person who gate keeps membership of the executive committee. Forget about them saying boo to a goose.

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 01:19 am

Well, Murphy shouldn't put this episode on his resume if he applies for any PR positions. Ditto if he wants to become a mediator.

2 points
Savage57's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:30 am

Within the context of something of this magnitude, I'm going with the idea both parties have already done so.

They've just decided to deny the motion requesting a change of venue to the court of public opinion.

Not that it's made any difference.

4 points
BrettGB's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:31 am

I think we should just let the process happen. The only reason we're even talking about this right now is Adam Schefter got a hold of it (which is his job, nothing against him) but IMO we're not entitled to an explanation from anyone outside of what's been given. Just let the process be what it is and they'll work it out one way or the other. They don't need to be airing this out in public while it's ongoing. What Murphy said was silly, but he still didn't say anything remotely detailed.

As for Rodgers' deal, I'm not so sure any of this is about the money, or at least a large part of it. If he returns, he's getting an extension, right? Likely a big one. As Andrew Brandt said, if it was about that, this would be over. So what is it then? That's what we don't know. And don't get me wrong, I would love to know right now, I am so sick of all this, but at the end of the day, I don't see much up side to saying anything publicly from their perspective. I'm willing to wait until this is done. Then we'll get some version of what's been going on.

As for when to theoretically trade Rodgers, it's interesting because if they know it's over, they probably would have traded him by now, right? Unless they're all in on Jordan Love in 2021, they're going to need another quarterback who can at least play this year, and at a decent level. The Darek Carr's of the world. Guys they think can still give this team that's gone 13-3 2 years in a row a better chance. That tells me things are still up in the air. Hey, maybe they still do it later, or maybe they wait until next offseason.

I honestly don't think it's going to come to that though. This has been going on all offseason, and the Packers responded by: Moving tons of cap off 2021 to 2022 which they wouldn't need to do as much of if Rodgers was to be traded, and let promising back-up Tim Boyle who lit up camp last year go to the Lions, and replacing him with Blake Bortles. That just doesn't sound like a team that's expecting to trade their franchise quarterback.

10 points
BrettGB's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:32 am

This ended up being really long. Sorry about that. Haha

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

June 15, 2021 at 05:14 pm

No worries Brett. As you can see, you and I pretty much agree on the whole saga.

I hope it gets done before training camp.

-1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:32 pm

Long is good if pertinent and well thought out, which it was. Thanks!

1 points
Razer's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:20 am

Brett - I like your optimism on the situation. I have a higher level of scepticism about what is going down. I think that much of this has been orchestrated by the Rodgers camp including the Schefter leak on draft night. All the things that have happened to get this situation to this point are with Rodgers knowledge and support. His MVP season and his agent are using the leverage to get what they want - whatever that is. Pure hardball by less than forthright people.

7 points
BrettGB's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:41 am

I don't think that's the case. It also wouldn't shock me, I suppose, but the part about him declining a contract extension doesn't make much sense for his side to leak.

1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:33 pm

And another well thought out comment Razer, which I tend to agree with.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 01:31 am

I don't know that what you think is so. I don't think it makes sense for AR to orchestrate the leak to Shefter because it included things that make AR look terrible, like recruiting players to leave the Packers. It is possible that AR leaked some and Shefter found some of the things that are unflattering to AR on his own.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 16, 2021 at 08:54 pm

Shefter is desperately trying to cling to a position while ESPN purges it's once stellar lineup of sportscasters for a collective of nebulous chatter twits and bad botox.

0 points
Handsback's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:31 am

Good article, and doubt we will ever hear the whole story until Rodgers leaves or retires.
I do take issue with saying Rodgers is best QB in Green Bay's history. Best passer...yes, but not QB.

6 points
jurp's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:43 am

To your point - the best QB in Packers history is the one with five championships and only ONE playoff loss.

18 points
Tundraboy's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:53 am

Yes And Bart will always be the best!

3 points
Tingham's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:58 am

You can see by my picture I agree.

4 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 04:26 pm

Starr was a great player but he did play with 11 other HOFers and the GOAT as his HC. His career prior to and after Lombardi's time in Green Bay is just not very good. Not taking anything away from what he accomplished but he never had the talent that either Favre or Rodgers brought to the Qb position.

If you put Rodgers or Favre on Lombardi's Packers they may have won even more titles. In fact they may not have lost a game playing with 11 other HOFers. However if you put Starr on the Holmgren or MM Packers I'm not sure that either of those versions of the Packers achieve any more than they actually did.

Again not knocking Starr but he played behind the best OL in NFL history and his defensive team allowed 9.7 PPG in their 10 post season games. Give that OL and that defense to Favre and/or Rodgers and what do you think would happen? Thanks, Since '61

6 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:29 pm

Another time, another place.

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:36 pm

And furthermore the best passer just might be Lynn Dickey who was on a terrible team. Very under rated and unfortunately had serious leg/knee injuries and back then did not have the surgical expertise and protocols they do now.

Poor Eddie Lee Ivory! Us Packer fans were denied watching a RB who just might have been one of the best to suit it up in a Packer uniform with two games at Soldier field games.

1 points
marpag1's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:35 am

Oh, Good Lord...

The Packers and Rodgers most certainly DON'T need to "show their hands." That's a joke - as if we had some right to know. And as if our knowing would somehow help.

The Packers and Rodgers just need to fix this. That is all.


18 points
SanLobo's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:04 am

Agree. The best negotiators don’t public discuss their negotiations.

5 points
pacman's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:08 am

Agree with the Agree. But the best negotiators use whatever leverage they can. However in this case there are not just 2 parties. There is the fan base. Unfortunately, we are not the top of their list to make happy. This is all about ego's now.

3 points
mnbadger's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:29 pm

I disagree with your assessment Pacman. If this were all about egos, MM should be fired. He must only be trying to do what he can can to make the team as "successful" as possible, both short and long term, however the board defines that success. If he's acting to inflate his ego, the board would fire him in a minute. The board damn well better know the details of what this is about, and they haven't fired him.
AR and his team of supporters are, and should be, in it for their best intersects, however they define that.
Those two things are at odds. Thus, conflict.
Trade AR, muzzle MM and redefine the role of the GM including all power over personnel and move on. FAS! GPG!

3 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 04:29 pm

marpag1, succinct and to the point as usual. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Migas's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:40 am

Well said. The need for transparency has become critical. The media continues to bombard both the Packers and Rodgers.

I think the comments about people that Rodgers made are a link to the issue. When AR signed the last contract he thought his career would end in GB. Gute drafted Love because he thought Rodgers had back-to-back subpar seasons (for Rodgers) and saw an opportunity to get a young QB. When you couple the lack of communication with the draft pick, I think Gute sent a clear signal he thought Rodgers was on the decline. Then Rodgers wins the MVP. But Packers have what they hope is their next QB so AR's "finishing his career in GB" is no longer a possibility.

So now Rodgers sees the future and does not like it. He wants to control the rest of his career in GB or elsewhere. That is what I believe the issue is. Does he play in 2021 for Packers knowing he is out in 2022 or force his way to a team that will be committed to him for possibly three years (depending on his play)? The Packers have said many times they want him for 2021 and "beyond". But has beyond ever been defined? When someone is vague it typically means they have another plan.

So now both sides have a dilemma. Do the Packers go with Love, who has arm talent but is very green. Their schedule is tough and DCs will have plenty of exotic blitz packages ready. This team is ready to win now. If Love struggles, I see problems in the locker room for MLF (the man I feel most sorry for). And your point about FAs in well-taken. Will they look at how this plays out and wonder if GB is really a worthwhile place to play?

Will somebody speak up about the issues or will James Jones tell us after he brokers a truce?

4 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:42 am

Really the need for transparency is negligible for either party in the short term, for the team in the medium term and as far as fans go, Murphy has no one whose going to tell him to open up as I’ve noted in prior posts. Fans are effectively a non factor because he is in practice almost untouchable.

If Rodgers doesn’t return then the direction the team will take is clear. At some point, silence will force one to move, probably Rodgers once fines kick in or accumulate. The team can just keep its current stance of wanting him back if Rodgers doesn’t appear until Roster time, when it will have to place him on a reserve list and even then that won’t say much.

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 01:35 am


0 points
Razer's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:48 am

I think you are hitting close to the truth with Aaron wanting to control his destiny. Who wouldn't? JohnnyBlood27 said it well with:

...AS far as Love and the draft pick, AR needs to just smile and outplay Love every step of the way. THAT and that alone will guarantee he stays under center for the GBP...

This is the truth of pro sports regardless of your contract. If Aaron wasn't so insecure and poorly guided he might see that the Packers are building a pretty good team and he has every opportunity to be successful and in control of a great future.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:53 am

Lots of Denial and Blame with some Bargaining. He doesn’t want to be here…..or else he’d be here.

2 points
BrettGB's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:06 am

Then why are guys like James Jones saying it's fixable after talking to Rodgers? Just because he can? I don't know about that. I don't think anything has been decided one way or another. On the flip side, if it was clearly over, he'd be on another team by now. I don't think it's denial to say there's uncertainty in all of this, because the only thing for certain about this situation is uncertainty. All we have is our best collective guess.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:46 am

James Jones told us that he got that from talking to Rodgers. So it’s pretty clearly a message. Of course all things are fixable if the other side gives me enough of what one wants. Whether that is likely or even practical neither we nor Jones likely know.

-1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 01:38 am

Is James Jones (and Kuhn and any others I've forgotten), are they talking to MM and Gute? If not, then he has one perspective only. I suppose he knows Gute and MM at least somewhat, so he might be able to extrapolate from that knowledge base, but it seems iffy to me.

2 points
BrettGB's picture

June 16, 2021 at 02:48 am

I obviously don't know if they're talking directly to the Packers front office, but they have been on very good terms with the team as well as Rodgers since leaving Green Bay, so I think they have a pretty good idea of the workings in all this, and I don't think they'd say what they have if there was nothing there, because for example, Jones says he's talked to Rodgers and it's fixable and so on, and then it doesn't get fixed, that makes the Packers look bad, and we know Jones is a Packers guy, I don't think he'd go out of his way to throw them under the bus in any way. As Coldworld said above, he's likely getting only Rodgers' side of the story directly, but I think he has a better idea of what's going on than a lot of people are willing to admit. frankly, he knows more than any of us do. It can't be ignored, but at the same time, we still don't know anything, so this could go a number of ways still.

0 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:01 am

The silence. The holding of positions and tongues. Both point to a deal in process. So do many other recent events.

Bob Harlan was the best. I think Mark Murphy might be right next to him. Sure, he’s a former Linebacker. He’s going to to have some things to say. We currently have one of the most highly regarded personnel minds in the NFL in Gutekunst, and one of the NFL’s winningest HCs in history in LeFleur. Murphy made those calls.

I think Mark Murphy should get a little more support around here. The job is not done, that of winning another Super Bowl, but I do think they are trying their best, and he generally stays out of Gutekunst’s way.

If a deal was not in process, don't you think the positions of both sides wouldn't already be firmly established?

NOTHING is making sense to EVERYBODY. Every single position in this thread has bewilderment still attached to the cause of AR's given position through intermediaries that he will not play again for the Packers.

At what point are people willing to look elsewhere, if it is not the money, the length of contract, the power to insert himself in personnel matters, nor how close we might be with the build out of the team to challenge for the Super Bowl?

I've mentioned this numerous times. HE & HIS FUTURE WIFE DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN GREEN BAY for half the year. He wants to play elsewhere, or nowhere. He's willing to sit out if need be. He can afford that. This got personal, too, along the way. Murphy's recent comments only bolster that notion, even though I think his words have not inflicted harm. I think they've merely established that the chasm is real. Maybe some preparation being laid out for the fan base. A President/CEO of a team this popular around the world, with a player this high profile might actually want to do that. Does that not make sense? Do the Packers look in any way like they are preparing for Aaron Rodgers' return?

Look at how many fans here are unwilling to acknowledge this simple, most likely explanation, as a possibility.

I offered this as a possibility more than 1 month ago, and it sure looks like the only reasonable explanation that still holds water.

But, do go on vilifying the Front Office of the Green Bay Packers, and everyone else who might offer a reasoned explanation of what might be occurring without any knowledge of what is actually taking place.

We're all here left to guess, aren't we?

Shouldn't Aaron Rodgers be allowed to make a lifestyle change? He's asked a girl to marry him. They probably want to build a family. Her family resides in Boulder, Colorado. They've visited there together many times.

Given this, wouldn't a trade to the Broncos make sense? Do you think maybe the Packers would accommodate him if this were the case? If he simply refused to come back to play for us? It would be about as symbiotic as it gets, really, and Denver is a perfect trading partner.

Now, if the trade is real, and Davante Adams, who didn't participate in team sessions during Mandatory Minicamp, is included in such a deal, wouldn't that take time? One of the biggest trades in the history of the NFL? It appears we are smack dab in the middle of that timeline.

Rodgers knew the Packers were unlikely to follow through with his contract to the end of its cycle. We don't know what they've all discussed together. We don't know if a trade is still in the works - of if a trade ever was in the works. I happen to think the trade pieces are all in place, and that it will be announced before TC starts. We don't know if there are any options for his return. We don't know what his wishes are. People here are propping up words said in public prior to his engagement as gospel as to his current stance. Sorry, to me, seems unlikely.

Life changes. Even for Aaron Rodgers and the Packers. We are not owed an explanation at this time. Say what you might, but I see Murphy's comments on this having "divided the fan base," and that he's a "complicated fella" as PR prep for what is about to take place.

Let's let it play out.

-8 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:10 am

I disagree GG. Silence of this sort could just as easily indicate a complete stalemate: a standoff where each is waiting for the other to break.

Without knowing more it’s impossible to know whether Rodgers is willing to walk away if there is no concession and, equally, whether the Packers are really prepared to just go with Love if Rodgers doesn’t ameliorate his demands.

So both sides sit and wait, waiting for one to crack. In this situation, it’s entirely possible that neither will, ultimately that costs us as fans but not Murphy. Murphy will know it costs Rodgers money. Rodgers will know he can pull a Favre and show up, forcing the team to act one way or another. Murphy will know that, in practice, Rodgers can be removed if he’s willing to do so. Is he?

That’s the game you get when you have a man so in control of his supposed supervisors and a star player with enough money to make decisions irrespective of loss of income. The one thing that is certain is that, despite their public blandishments neither Murphy nor Rodgers care about what we, the fans want. This is about them. The loser is a Super Bowl push.

Personally, I see this as a crisis that is if Rodgers making, but the Structure Murphy built us being starkly highlighted as a result. There should be a President uninvolved in football to intervene at times like this to provide a somewhat impartial point of contact and scrutiny. There should be executive and non executive committee activity confirming that. Until there is, Murphy has no scrutiny and there is no person Rodgers side can talk with other than those intimately involved. That is a terrible flaw, regardless of the fact that Rodgers is the catalyst for this unnecessary breakup in my opinion.

Go to the Shareholders meeting, do not sign your proxies ( write to revoke if you have), nor vote for Murphy’s nominees (yes he controls that). At least send a message that the true point if the Packers, the fan base, is not happy with the structure or committee members. Shout in a way that will be heard. It may not force action, but it is a way to signal dissatisfaction. All write In Andrew Brandt on your voting papers ( sorry Mr. Brandt).

4 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:39 am

But, Davante Adams sat out team drills... while he may not have needed them, Jordan Love certainly did. With his #1 WR?

I'll hold firmly to this idea that the deal is being completed, now.

If there is no deal being made, why would they have Davante Adams work off to the side, away from the other WRs?

Why would ALL those Denver defenders sit out all of those same corresponding weeks of OTAs?

Agree this entire crisis is of Aaron Rodgers' making. We can't fault the organization for choosing the next heir apparent in Jordan Love, a player who fits what Matt LaFleur wants to do to a T, especially with AR having been a year older than Favre was when we took AR.

Aaron Rodgers blew up the plan of the Green Bay Packers organization to provide continuity at the most important position on any NFL team, Quarterback.

He was PAID!!! He was more than happy to accept $70M guaranteed, up front.

The Packers Front Office has been forced to pick up the pieces and move forward as best they can. I'm a shareholder. Why would I not sign the proxy? I have no information to base that on. From my perspective, Mark Murphy is doing the best he can given this unusual set of circumstances.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 04:33 pm

gg, your scenario is as plausible as any other except for one flaw. No one has commented on it.

If in fact Rodgers and/or his wife to be don’t want to live in Green Bay why wouldn’t either Rodgers side or the Packers come out and say it. It’s not a crime if they want to be married and live somewhere else. Why hasn’t the media approached Rodger’s fiancé about this?

If you don’t tell people the story they will create their own which is exactly what has happened with this current standoff.

Murphy could easily come out and say that AR has asked to be traded without mentioning any teams or terms. It would not be the first time a player has asked to be traded and there is nothing wrong with that. Instead the Packers have specifically repeated that they are not trading Rodgers.

Rodgers has said nothing either way which I would expect from him.

The Packers now find themselves in a position where if they extend Rodgers it looks like they caved and that they wasted on #1 and a #4 pick on a QB they don’t need yet. Beyond that if Rodgers returns for 2021 and wins another MVP or wins the SB they look like choochs for wanting to get rid of him.

If they trade him and he wins an MVP or the SB they still look like choochs especially if Love goes bust.

As has been pointed out Rodgers can easily afford to sit out the season or just retire, in which case the Packers get nothing in return. Yes, they are choochs again.

These are at least some of the scenarios that the Murphy triumvirate has failed to consider when they thought they had the transition from Rodgers to Love all figured out. Epic failure.

Now they are in a stalemate with no way out, unless Rodgers returns or retires on his own or the Packers guarantee him a few more seasons as their starting QB. They could trade Love but they won’t get a #1 back for him at this point. Maybe if Love has a great preseason they could try to move him but still unlikely to get back #1 without a regular season portfolio.

If Rodgers returns it’s unlikely that Love will see the field in 2021.

As for the media they have done an absolutely pathetic job in covering this story. They have gotten literally nothing from their sources from either side. Another total fail.

On a positive note only 89 days to Week One.
Thanks, Since ‘61

5 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:58 pm

I love it! Thanks for being willing to discuss this possibility, my friend!!!

It's really good stuff to knock around, and try to get to the bottom of, being the Super Bowl scenario we ALL THOUGHT WE HAD the morning of Draft Day 1 went straight down the toilet.

I wouldn't say the lack of commentary is a "flaw" with the argument that AR is involved in trade discussions between GB and DEN.

As a counter argument, I find in incomprehensible this "triumvirate,' all of them extremely bright bulbs, failed to consider those scenarios. As a matter of fact, I think they foresaw them all when they targeted Jordan Love as a possible choice in R1 of the 2020 draft.

Maybe we learn more on this, should Rodgers be traded, maybe not. Remember, Aaron Rodgers is forever a part of the Green Bay Packers legacy. The team will always want to protect his legacy. I cannot imagine how much we don't know about the situation that brought about their taking Love in 2020. I'm guessing a lot.

Let's face it. we're all guessing a lot... it will only get more interesting the further along we go. Just going to wish the best for our Packers as they move forward.

89 days. That's like... 3 times was long as the wait between the draft and June 1st!!! Holy crap!!!

Cheers, Since'61!

0 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 01:14 pm

All theories and speculation at this point gg.
Anything can happen and probably what we least suspect.
It’s like watching a game on Sunday. We know both teams are playing but we have no idea how the game will end.
Cheers to you as well. Thanks, Since ‘61

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 16, 2021 at 09:00 pm

As Elvis said; "everything means less than zero"

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

June 15, 2021 at 05:27 pm

I believe we will never hear that the fiance does not want to live in Green Bay. It could be true but I do not think they would ever admit to that. Too much to lose with making a statement to that effect.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 05:30 pm

I agree.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:34 pm

GG, when your trade happens I will be happy to acknowledge it, until then I’m too skeptical to see a clean solution. Distinctly stale odor in the air. With no executive committee of the old days and a President knee deep in the issue, there is no one in Lambeau to take the high road even if Rodgers would. I see only stalemate and pettiness. I need a shirt with Zzzzzz on it till we start some training camp buzz.

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:23 pm

I would like to believe the same thing you indicated. That a trade is in the works and it involves both Rodger's and Adams. Fleece whoever they might be discussing the trade with. Make Love and the Packers a power house for years to come.

I believe I was the first on here mentioning Adam's being included in a trade. It totally makes sense on so many levels, as long as the Packers come out looking like master negotiators.

I have so moved on from Rodger's already. Dont like him whatsoever as a person. Dont care that he is a great football player. Wont sell my soul for a diva and self center narcissist as Dannica has hinted. I am only focused on the Green Bay Packers and dont give a RIP about Rodger's. A fan of the FO but if they capitulate to Rodger's the FO needs to go!

There is life after Rodger's but the Packer organization needs to be resilient and stand its ground if they want to retain it's fans.

3 points
blondy45's picture

June 15, 2021 at 11:47 pm

Totally agree Knock. I do not believe there ever was a trade with Denver brewing. ALOT of media hype there. I believe Rodgers will sit unless he swallows his pride, that will not happen. Why send Rodgers to a place where he wants to go to? I am all in if we rob the Broncos with picks & players though. The Broncos have brains too. Why trade away the future for a 37 year old injury prone QB. He has had two broken clavicles, and the O-line is not great in Denver. Rodgers must still decide either he is in or he is out. Sorry greenandgold but Rodgers will be traded come Spring 2022 to the highest bidder, unless RODGERS caves, IMO.

0 points
Hematite's picture

June 16, 2021 at 07:32 am

A thousand thumbs up Snot!

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 01:46 am

Murphy turns 66 in a month. He's going to get retired soon anyway and Gute and LaFleur are young. Gute could be a long-time GM like Ozzie in Baltimore. LaFleur could the the coach for a decade. Not MM. He is out in four years.

So, if you think Murphy has done a fine job and deserves kudos, fine. If you think he deserves support, which is another way of saying would I rather have four more years of Murphy or four more years of AR, I rather have AR.

I want to win.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 16, 2021 at 09:11 pm

Decisive, analysis, move him out with an (i) watch and the hideous replica of the Lombardi trophy lounging in the Atrium like a walmart x-mas ornament.

0 points
pacman's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:00 am

To me, it's real simple. Favre caused the problem by retiring and unretiring and retiring and unretiring. Rodgers did not.
If Murphy told AR "don't be the problem" and/or things like that, then he should go. Players have egos and its managements job to deal with that. Murphy (it seems) did not do that successfully.

As fans, we care about winning. We don't even want to hear Murphy's name. If Murphy got in the way of winning by dis'sing AR, then he has to go. It seems like his ego is too big for this job. Yes, AR is a worker and in an ideal world, maybe the worker doesn't get a real say in management decisions. But that is just not how it works. Managements job is to keep players happy and performing.

So we are all Packer fans. But it seems like this is a management centric organization - that's why Ted stayed a little too long and McCarthy stayed much too long. Just an ol' boys club in a small town. That's what the board should change.

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:49 am

My God This is by far the best take on this. Opened my eyes a great deal. Change is coming I hope, the board always seem to be our greatest ally and obstacle.

0 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 04:56 pm

pacman I agree with your take 100% except for one point. The Packers are a non-profit organization. The Exec boards of non-profits are concerned about 2 things; Cash Flow and the Image of the organization. If the image goes bad they lose the cash flow, simple enough.

However in Green Bay the Exec Board knows that with or without Rodgers their cash flow is fine because the stadium is sold out with a 25 year waiting list and they will get their revenue sharing from the league. So the board has no sense of urgency to make changes.

In a privately owned team, even a gagootz like like Jerry Jones would know that Rodgers is the reason why his stadium and road games are filled every week. So in a privately owned organization the owner and his GM will work diligently to make their key players happy as you correctly point out because if their stadium is not sold out the owner is losing money and the GM is being fired if he is responsible for not keeping the team MVP happy.

Again in Green Bay no one. is losing their own money so no sense of urgency. The Packers go on with or without Rodgers and with or without winning. Until the Packers finances take a substantial hit(s) I don't think that we can expect the Exec Board to rock the boat unless Murphy or his GM hurt the Packer image with some off field scandal. Probably not happening. Be well. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
pacman's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:16 pm

Exactly - it's a "good ol' boys club". They won't fire Murphy - now. They will circle the wagon and protect management. But if Love doesn't pan out and Packers become a mediocre team, I could see the grumbling starting. Fans might bring "This is all Murphy's fault" signs to the games. Especially if AR goes elsewhere and plays well. Then, out of the blue, Murphy will retire.

Considering the latest news about AR's t-shirt, I think it is pretty clear that he has a big problem with somebody. He loves the players and coaches. Doesn't leave to many other people to consider.

Do the bylaws of the organization allow for any type of shareholder vote - even symbolic?

Here's an idea for the Board of Directors (assuming it is Murphy) - have Murphy take a leave until AR retires, then he can have his job back. They can figure out some excuse.

1 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:26 pm

I don't think us shareholders have any voting opportunities. As for Murphy taking a leave let's hope that he starts tonight. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:39 pm

Absolutely, blame the Fans, they have the power of boycott. We saw that illustrated in full force with the empty seats and McCarthy taking the early hit while Murphy played Nero to cover for the incompetence from the personnel dept to provide a viable backup for Rodgers when he went down. The guy is o for 3 in my book.

1 points
dobber's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:07 am

Tired of these clickbait, "let's trot out the fan angst for clicks" articles.

I'd much rather be hearing about third-string ILBs or OLs with an outside shot at making the roster, or a dissection of minicamp and OTA info than more of this "nothing has changed, but come vent the same old shit" articles.

15 points
Lare's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:09 am

Click bait

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:40 pm

bait the clicker.

0 points
Packers0808's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:10 am

It really appears no matter the outcome of this ordeal, there will be really no true winner! Time has passed in both cases of management and player to have much respect left for either! In all respects to both parties they are acting like school children in a fight, neither liking much of each other or will a true winner end up winning! However Rodgers to me has become a true jerk in his years on this team, has taken a while, but in the long run he is a player and not management. He will be long gone, Packers will be here and they have a future to protect.

4 points
HarryHodag's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:20 am

This dispute isn't about money, although The Diva would like more. His insurance company commercial pal Mahomes makes more.

The core here is far more cynical: Rodgers knows the Packers have a legit shot this year and it's the best time to make a power play. He wants to control who goes and stays. Not the front office or the coach. Him.

If the Packers give in to this, how far does it go? No player, no matter how good, has the right to tell the people who pay them(handsomely) what to do. Imagine your own employment: "Boss, I've done pretty well, now I want management and you can piss off"

THAT's the core of the issue. I have a pretty good idea what your boss would say and so should the Packers.

The Jordan Love era, good or bad, should begin and Rodgers can....well, you know....something about a rolling doughnut.

6 points
mbpacker's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:18 am

What a big bowl of spaghetti mess this is! The train has to come into the station at some point. This situation also
reminds me of the Dr. Suess story The Zaxs. I agree and just want someone to make a move on this and be done with it. We reap what we sow. Go Pack GO!

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:52 am

I hope it’s the north going Zax that prevails.

2 points
mbpacker's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:02 pm

Go North Zak Go!!!!

0 points
MarkinMadison's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:23 am

Neither side will ever show their hand; that is a fantasy. At most each side will show some self-serving version of their hand. I've been involved in a few shit shows that made the news. Some jokers even wrote a book about one of them. I don't agree with hardly anything in the book. I don't even see things the same way as people I was working shoulder-to-shoulder with - that is just life. We all bring a different perspective to the table. Our perspective is always bent by our self-interest and self-image. Always. I consider myself to be a brutally honest and self-aware person, and I still know this is true for everyone, even me. Imagine the distortions created by a person with a huge ego and minimal self-awareness. They might think they were the greatest businessman on earth, or that they won an election that they lost by over 7 million votes. The possibilities are staggering. And the "truth" of my shit show, and any other shit show, will be judged by people who read a few articles of about the same length as this one. And they will all think that they have some idea of the truth of the matter. Colonel Nathan Jessup said, "Truth? You can't handle the truth." Well that entire scene is bullshit. This fictional person's point-of-view was delusional. Equally delusional is that any lawyer has ever baited any intelligent human being into that kind of candor. The problem isn't handling the truth, the problem is finding it.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:23 am

As far as the details, I see nothing coming out before Rodgers clicks the mandatory fines after missing 5 days of camp or he shows up and some kind of response is either forced if he’s an issue or a compromise statement is agreed if he’s not.

The only things that would likely trigger anything before that are an announcement of a trade (I think very unlikely) or Rodgers issuing a statement saying he’s not reporting and/or retiring. Absent those, this rumbles on into camp and probably at least till fines kick in ( now mandatory under the CBA).

As to what Murphy said, I don’t think Murphy should say anything, but what he did say, while pointless was hardly news to anyone and probably fits Rodgers self image. The problem isn’t what he said but that it illustrates that he is the one in charge.

Gute isn’t TTs successor, Murphy is the self-appointed GM with Gute doing the work within his parameters. That should never have been permitted, but Murphy has had 20 years shaping the executive committee. The whole structure needs review. At this point Murphy is, in effect, king.

1 points
BJP's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:54 am

Mark Murphy is a disgrace. He disrespectfully dropped the late Ted Thompson‘s name to cover his own ass, as if Ted sanctions Murphy’s catastrophic handling of Aaron Rodgers.

-6 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:57 am

Rodgers wants control of his future with the Packers. Basically a guarantee that he will be their starting QB for at least the next few seasons. Normally this would be an easy fix, just give him a contract extension with a no trade clause.

However, the Packers spent a 1st and 4th round pick to draft Jordan Love. So what happens if the Packers now come out and announce that they have guaranteed Rodgers will be their starting QB for the next 3-5 seasons. How do they sell that to the fan base? How do they justify it to the Exec Board?

Rodgers wants to play in Green Bay and the Packers can't trade Love because it would be impossible for them to get a #1 pick in return for Love at this point.
Maybe they hope that Love looks good enough during the preseason that they will get a bite from another team that needs a QB. Maybe they trade Rodgers but that should have happened by now. Maybe Bortles is here to backup Rodgers after the Packers trade Love.

Bottom line, Rodgers saw what happened with Favre and he doesn't want the same to happen to him. if the Packers commit to Rodgers they've wasted a 1st round pick, if they commit to Love at this point they lose the league MVP and a solid chance at an SB run. That's why it's complicated, at least for Murphy.
Thanks, Since '61

-1 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:54 am

I don't think Rodgers wants control of anything with the Packers. I don't think he wants to play in Green Bay. He put the statement out through Schefter saying just that, and has not taken it back, nor called it false once in the last month and a half.

Think about that, Since'61. If he wanted any of that, he would say so now, and put pressure on the FO to make it happen.

Why would they trade the future franchise QB? They wanted him over Aaron Rodgers. They knew this day was coming. They feel they made the right decision in spite of what is taking place now. Everyone knew that day Aaron's undies were in a twist. He won an MVP out of spite. Too bad he couldn't win a Super Bowl out of spite... It is all about Aaron Rodgers, not the team. The sooner fans realize this, the easier this transition will be.

EVERY TEAM IN THE NFL NEEDS A BACKUP QB!!! What is wrong? The Packers got too good of one??? Looks like it to me. They got exactly what they wanted for the future.

The future is now.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:18 am

Yeah. He doesn’t want to be here.

I’m beginning to believe Rodgers might sit out the season. That’s like a $35 million decision, and it makes little sense, but if Rodgers doesn’t want to return, and the team doesn’t get a trade offer they like, it’s the only remaining possibility.

Me? Give me Chubb and Surtain and turn the page. But I don’t think it’s going to happen like that.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 02:15 pm

I agree, Leatherhead.

Why line up the top players in a prospective trade, and take them out of your practices if you are not making a trade? All the players that didn't practice? Perfect fits for the other team.

We saw those players not practicing on both sides with GB and DEN, with odd excuses/indifference offered up by both HCs as to "why?" That cannot be denied.

Dude, I've gotten myself WAY IN on this trade thing because I've felt all along that the initial deal was set before the draft. Likely 2 players and 3 picks. Maybe it was initially 1 player and 4 picks. Whatever. The point being, it had to have been enough proposed compensation for DEN to not select a QB at #9.

Add in our WRs sitting, even though most needed the reps to further their careers/team standing. Then, add in Davante being kept out of team portions of practices. That tells me DEN and GB zeroed in on him being part of that deal too.

If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. My guess then, like yours, would be that AR sits out the entire season.

-1 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:55 pm

I don’t think the Packers initiated any trade talk, and that The Plan involved Rodgers being our QB in 2021. I think the Rodgers To Denver story most likely came from somebody NOT the Packers.

Rodgers hasn’t shown up in camp, nor has he denied what his teammates are saying off the record to people. A reasonable conclusion is he doesn’t want to be here.

I need a smart person to explain the financial / cap difference between a trade and sitting out a year. It looks to me like we save more money if he just sits out the season. Rodgers can hold a grudge, but we’re talking $35 million in real money.

I’m wondering what happens if Rodgers sits out and then says. “Ok”. Is the club obligated to let him return?

0 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:56 pm

Leatherhead I think that you are correct on the trade talk and that the plan included Rodgers as our QB for 2021.

I think where this plan went south was at some point after the end of the season or maybe even before the NFCCG, Murphy or Gute spoke to Rodgers about some version of the plan. Maybe they asked him how much longer he intended to play, maybe they told him the plan outright, I don't know. But I do think that at the point Rodgers replied with something like if you don't want me here I want to go to a team that we let me play until I'm 40, or 42 or longer. Something similar to his pervious comments about playing into his 40s and finishing his career with the Packers.

However that conversation(s) went down, it or they, did not go well and it eventually came out that Rodgers wants out of Green Bay which I believe has taken his original position (at least) out of context. These conversations may have taken place with Rodgers agent as well. I think Rodgers wanted to at least finish his current contract with the Packers until he found that the Packers were planning on moving on after 2021. Rodgers basically replied, why wait do it now. Remember all of this came after an MVP season and it would be understandable, to me at least, that Rodgers would feel disrespected. It would also not surprise me if neither Murphy nor Gute handled the conversation(s) very carefully. Recent comments from James Jones indicate that one of the calls with Rodgers went bad pretty quickly. Jones could not say want the call was about.

In any case I think that a trade would have happened by now or would have been leaked most likely be the Broncos side if they are the other team. It could also possibly have been leaked by the Packers or by Rodgers side or even by someone for the league office or the NFLPA. There are literally hundreds of possibilities for a leak on a blockbuster deal like this would be.

If Rodgers sits out and then returns I'm pretty sure that the Packers need to allow him to return unless they release him which they would be crazy to do. My summary of this situation is from the end of "The Bridge on the River Kwai." Madness, madness! Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 16, 2021 at 02:16 am

AR could turn the heat up and pull a "Veldheer" by retiring for 8 games, then un-retiring week 9 and report. He doesn't get paid for the games he missed but his contract would not toll as long as he played a substantial portion of the season. In other words, he would accrue a season and his 2021 terms of contract would count, so his contract terms for 2022 would be those currently listed for 2022. GB would have to keep $8M in cap space in case AR returned; if they didn't or couldn't generate it, they would have no choice but to release AR for zip, or whatever a trade would bring. If he un-retires after the trade deadline, that's tricky. You'll recall that Veldheer did just that and NE decided to give him his release.

How has the most leverage here? It depends on how bad AR is willing to make himself look. I think the honorable thing to do is to play or retire. If he un-retires, he should do that next year.

1 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:30 pm

gg, Rodgers is not going to get into a public he said/he said with a reporter. More importantly if Rodgers does actually want out why hasn’t he or the Packers stated that. It’s no crime to ask for a trade for the team to admit a player has asked to be traded. However, the Packers have specifically stated that they are not trading Rodgers.

See my reply to your earlier post above. Basically since they said they are not trading Rodgers they will look like they caved if he returns with an extension. If they trade him and he wins an SB with his new team and Love busts they look like choochs. If AR returns for 2021 and wins an SB with GB they look like choochs for wanting to get rid of him prematurely. If he sits out and/or retires and they get nothing in return, yes, they look like choochs again.

Why would the Packers go through all of this just because a player asked for a trade? Admit it, make the trade and move on. Oh yeah, there is that comment about “We’re not idiots.”
That may be accurate, but it’s beginning to look like they are choochs. Thanks, Since ‘61

-1 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 01:14 pm

We'll see.

The Packers saying they are not trading him is just a stance. It gives them leverage, because they really don't have to do anything. Figure, if there is anything to DEN being a possible partner, they are most likely the only partner, right now.

Play the cards you're dealt.

I've been all over Broncos blogs/media. Believe me. Most of Denver would go ape shit if the Packers did "make him available" to the Broncos.

A trade of this magnitude is not as easy as one might think. Yeah, I think it is a multiple player deal. Has the potential to be one of the biggest trades in NFL history, if Davante Adams, who sat out all team drills in Mandatory Minicamp, is included.

You can't be afraid of such a move. If Aaron Rodgers is somehow able to get the Broncos to the Super Bowl, see to it that the Packers are in it too, and let's open up a Can-O-Whoop-Ass on him.

0 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 02:01 pm

There is no doubt that if Rodgers is traded that we open up the Whoop-Ass can on him. I would always wish him well until and unless he plays against the Packers, same as I did with Favre or any other player who is in an opponent uniform. That’s just the deal.

The FO might be concerned how they will look to the fan base if they trade Rodgers and he wins an SB with his new team especially if Love goes bust. However, that should not stop them from doing what’s best for the team.
Thanks, Since ‘61

2 points
barutanseijin's picture

June 15, 2021 at 07:45 pm

Ha ha.

It would be sweet if that were to happen but everyone knows Rodgers would choke in the conference championship game.

I find the notion that Rodgers would have more trade value after the season ludicrous. If he sits, it’s clear the Packers HAVE to trade, so other teams will bargain hard. And in any case he’s another year older.

2 points
blondy45's picture

June 16, 2021 at 12:00 am

Well spoken GG.

1 points
pacman's picture

June 15, 2021 at 04:15 pm

They went for Love because AR started to decline a bit - still very good, but everyone saw it. That's why he didn't sit out last year. And it certainly worked to motivate him. Now he has leverage.

So it's easy to explain. But they screwed up big time by not talking to AR. Would it have made a difference? Who knows?

Now we have a classic ego battle. We don't and probably will never fully know who said what to whom or if AR is asking too much. But my guess is that the ego's don't care about fans, AR sits out the season because Murphy/Gute won't swallow their pride either.

As I posted above, I don't care about Murphy/Gute and don't really want to talk about them. Fans care about players and winning. Most likely that management screwed this up. Unless Love turns into another HOF QB, I can see Murphy/Gute being fired - a few years too late, of course.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:32 am

The FO wants Rodgers to come back, win the SB for THEM and then kick his ass to the street or to the crappiest team needing a QB so he doesn't come back to bite them on their ass as quickly as Farve did, hence why a trade hasn't happened, yet.

Rodgers sees the plan and will have no part in it, so he is trying to blow it up, and the fans will see what they want to see and their allegiance will sway to one or the other when it becomes clear who was the problem.

I find it interesting that when Rodgers had those down seasons, though statistically he still played top 5 or so while having a team many claimed inferior after each season, less the coaching issues, they're now so quick to let Rodgers leave because of his openly to a point, acknowledging what some spoke about the FO not doing to make the TEAM better, and not ride the season solely on the play of one, Rodgers.

Rodgers is simply tired of the piggy-back where he is the back of the pig, and which I have spoken to for at least the last 8 years, but the FO wants one more piggy-back ride and to have the ability to say with either outcome, Rodgers is the one squealing away from GB.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:42 am


We all want him to come back and win a Super Bowl, then ride off into the sunset... how insane is that???

Good Lord. The Aaron Rodgers that we know would have no part in that, but, so many still think that is what should happen, or is happening.


Rodgers knows his time is up in Green Bay. Maybe he is being a dick in pulling out now... #sorrynotsorry.

I believe it more likely that he just wants to play for the Broncos. Very simple. With zero cares about what the Packers do. I think that is Aaron Rodgers' stance. If they won't make that happen, he will sit out.

-2 points
scullyitsme's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:07 am

Don’t agree with you often but this is spot on. It’s pretty obvious to those with eyes. It’s hard to move on to another team so Rodgers would rather do it now at 37 then next year at 38. Or get guaranteed in Green Bay. This isn’t complicated at all. I’d do exactly what he’s doing… also blowing up the front office secret master plan( that I knew, you knew, everyone knew) is just icing on the cake.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:21 am

Correct, he’d rather jeopardize his best shot at Super Bowl, which is this year, than take his chances that he can keep outplaying Love. Step back, that’s really a middle finger to us fans and demanding that the team do something no responsible franchise should. Guarantee a player eating a vast cap percentage beyond his ability to play to that level. That’s guaranteed irrelevance in football. Not just for a year but for several. Rodgers has showed his true colors for those who care to look. The fact that in doing so he is highlighting the flaws in the house Murphy built does not change that.

5 points
fastmoving's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:36 am

The Packers are pretty honest and the Packers are not the side who want to break the contract.

Other than that, the sory about that nobody wants to go somewhere because of this or that its 100% BS. Always was. The guys go where they get the most money, maybe wehre they see a chance to win and got some playtime. Nothing else. There are no NFL team who treats his players more fair than the Packers.

5 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:01 pm

NFL teams treat all of their players the same, like dogs. To borrow a line from the late, great Henry Jordan when asked about how Coach Lombardi treated his players. Thanks, Since '61

-1 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 11:50 am

Just so I have this straight, people are good here with Aaron Rodgers holding up the Packers organization in a "stick up" to get more money in order for him to return and lead us to and win a Super Bowl?

How insane does that sound?

I just don't think that is the case at all, and if it is, it is wrong.

2 points
Since'61's picture

June 15, 2021 at 09:15 pm

At some point Rodgers learned about the Packers plan to move on from him after 2021 or maybe 22 and he doesn't want to go out that way. He either wants to go out on his terms or go to another team that will allow him to do that.

Rodgers basically feels that if the Packers want him gone do it now, why wait? I think the only way he remains in Green Bay is if the Packers guarantee him at least a few more seasons as their starting QB. Failing in that I think he holds out and/or retires. Neither is a good outcome for the Packers.

The Packers need to make the best trade they can or they need to let him play until they can either work out a trade or a new deal. Otherwise they lose Rodgers with no return. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
scullyitsme's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:40 am

It’s pretty obvious to those with eyes. It’s hard to move on to another team so Rodgers would rather do it now at 37 then next year at 38. Or get guaranteed in Green Bay. This isn’t complicated at all. I’d do exactly what he’s doing… also blowing up the front office secret master plan to move on from Rodgers ( that I knew, you knew, everyone knew) is just icing on the cake. Any manager at Taco Bell could of seen this coming but they where too busy slapping each other’s backs and congratulating themselves on love. All year last year I knew this was coming, surprised it took this long. While I listened to Nagler say what a great problem we had in both quarterbacks on the roster. I’m like really? Really? Of course I used to listen to him say how great our receivers were also. This site used to be logical, insightful… not sure when it just became entertainment, click bait. I now put it at pro football talk level. I just come to see every once in a while cause I can’t not look at the train wreck.

-3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 15, 2021 at 11:50 am

Well by now, editors know that anything with "Rodgers" in the title is the ultimate click bait - drawing subscribers to articles - like smelts to a light. And I admit that I'm part of the school - not because of anything I write will matter in the end - but because all of this has been an unexpected bit of extra off-season entertainment (courtesy of Rodgers and the media)). So I try to keep this entire "public acting-out" in perspective - especially given the backdrop that the world is still recovering from one of deadliest pandemics in history.

3 points
mnbadger's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:34 pm

Love the "smelt to a light" reference. A_P, you are a true Packer Fan!

3 points
Difer's picture

June 15, 2021 at 12:55 pm

See the below link for an interesting article about the Murphy - Rodgers feud. The author's comments mirror many of those above. However, where I think he gets it wrong is that the Packers are a "complicated organization". They are not owned by an individual or investor group focused solely on building a team for a SB run. They are what I would characterize as a publicly owned football entertainment enterprise run by a board through a hired CEO (Murphy). To sustain it, Murphy is looking for a combination of athletic talent, stability (financial and locker room), and marketability (keeping the fans happy and Lambeau filled). Rodgers, being a "complicated fella", has become "the problem" that Murphy would like to be done with, but without alienating the stockholders/fans who generate the revenue. Murphy's comments appear to be a double-edged attempt to piss Rodgers off, ensuring that he won't return to the team, and at the same time rally the fan base around the Packers organization (himself) at the expense of Rodgers, so the Packers can move on without him going forward. So his negative comments about Rodgers seem intended and carefully crafted toward that end.

5 points
greengold's picture

June 15, 2021 at 01:43 pm

Great, great thoughts on this, Difer. Thanks for sharing the article too.

I agree with you, but not the article, which is ham handed in itself.

Murphy is no idiot. Anyone saying he is might be though...

Mark Murphy received his MBA while he was still playing for the Redskins. Murphy went on to receive his Doctor of Law degree from Georgetown University Law Center.

This guy might know what the hell he is doing.

0 points
fastmoving's picture

June 16, 2021 at 05:40 am

Murphy is smart and did a great job since he is here.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 15, 2021 at 01:12 pm

I have never been a huge Murphy fan. He has overseen a solid front office and a financially stable organization (some of the largest cash reserves in the NFL), and very good marketing, branding and Lambeau field enhancements.

And I do not see any insults in his few comments about the Rodgers self induced drama.

My issue is his grating, hogging the microphone, jumping into the spotlight, on day to day football operations. He is one of the worst management types....a micromanager.

Who does Coach Matt report to? Sadly kinda Gutey, kinda MM, and even Ball in some decisions.

This management structure is very dysfunctional. TT set up solid silos. MM said he tore down the silos only to make himself Sgt. Silo. Instead of being President, he also involved himself in GM duties, as financial CFO, and in coaching decisions.

While Bob Harlan was comfortable letting Wolf and Holmgren be the public faces of the Pack, MM is intent he is going to be the face, and he is not very good at it.

Especially when a micromanager President is insisting he be the lead "negotiator" with a micromanager QB.

0 points
flackcatcher's picture

June 15, 2021 at 02:56 pm

Couple comments on Murphy. That it took Bob Harlan to get the Executive Committee to hire Brian Gutekunst as VP of football operations over Murphy's objections in 2018 says a great deal about Mark Murphy. In should be noted, that after Gutekunst's hiring, the Executive Committee sided with him over Murphy when it came to the football side of the house. Since the Matt Lafleur hiring, Murphy has been shut out either by mutual agreement, or by direct order of the Executive Committee on all football operations. In essence the organization reverted to the structure in the Packer organization structure and bylaws. In short, 1265 is operating as it should. And much as some folks may hate this, Mark Murphy is acting well within his current duties as President. (By the way, the "CEO" is something he himself announced back in 2018. It is nothing that the Executive Committee did. Interestingly, Murphy did stop using the term CEO sometime late in 2019)

1 points
Tedlyflyfisher's picture

June 15, 2021 at 02:16 pm

Cory’s absolutely right; we just don’t know what’s transpired behind closed doors. So it’s very hard to render any sort of judgment here.

It’s likely there is blame enough on both sides. They need to talk to EACH OTHER, and not chum the water in the press to cast blame on the other. The one thing I do know is that Murphy’s recent comments were totally unnecessary and show a huge lapse of judgment.

Do your jobs and get this solved! Then let’s win another Lombardi!

-1 points
NitschkeFromTheGrave's picture

June 15, 2021 at 03:01 pm

Aaron, POUND SAND ! Then take a seat on the bench next to Kampernic ON THE BENCH.

You have learned well from your predecessor on how to destroy the locker room and the fans.

Spit on the team like #4 did and we'll make sure you sit and ROT.

-1 points
stockholder's picture

June 15, 2021 at 05:15 pm

Seems like a long , long, Time since Rodgers wanted out. But since everyone here is just making up crap. Put yourself in his shoes. If you don't understand his silence. You won't agree with anything he tells you anyway. If he stays away, it's not about the money. If he comes back. It's because he isn't a quitter. Which is why everyone is pushing him. The other is he will announce his retirement. Which is being Forced. I believe he could file a unfair Labor practice. Especially after Murphy's Timed comments. And I believe Rodgers can use past practice to get out. Since Favre was traded. So if this turns into a legal battle. Silence is the best policy.

-7 points
fastmoving's picture

June 16, 2021 at 05:30 am

Since the Trump coward dumb and week are the new strong and smart in the flatearth neandertaler circles. Education, values are bad for them as they spinning the simplest things around.
So of course AR is the victim........
Man, you can make up this loooser orange shit. always the same. Wounder if they still find someone who is even dumber than them.....

-2 points
stockholder's picture

June 16, 2021 at 06:04 am

Were here for football. Not to be political. I don't try to make up anything. I just put my 2 cents in. If you don't like it tough.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 16, 2021 at 06:58 am

I like it, stockholder. Cheers!

0 points
wildbill's picture

June 16, 2021 at 07:20 pm

Good call stockholder

1 points
Mojo's picture

June 15, 2021 at 05:43 pm

If a guy feels the necessity to pee on an electric fence, Dr Fauci and the CDC recommend wearing a condom as an insulator. And guys with a healthy stream - stand six-feet away.

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

June 15, 2021 at 06:57 pm

Mojo, does that guidance apply if you're working from home?

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

June 15, 2021 at 06:56 pm

It's time for fans to say "talk to the hand" on these AR vs MM/BG articles. Just stop, FFS!

3 points
Fubared's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:10 pm

I like to cut to the chase.
1. This is entirely on Rodgers convincing himself he was dissed by the 'org' drafting his heir apparent without confiding in him an embarrassing him on draft night.
2. No team has to confide in any player about pre draft strategies, doesn't happen.
3. Pack org made Rog. highest paid player in game to the detriment of no money for anything else.
4. Pack org made decision to plan for his departure by getting someone in place futurey transition.
I can't stand Gutt or the org for cheap ball but hey, they did nothing to deserve the beautiful mind boy crying to anyone who will listen. They don't deserve this BS.
Like the writer, I blame them for not ending this. Way past time to get to a solution and paying the crybaby more ain't the answer.

-1 points
Todd's picture

June 15, 2021 at 08:38 pm

Another reminder from this can be paid a crap load of money (in this case $33.5M per year) and still be miserable at work.

4 points
Roadrunner23's picture

June 15, 2021 at 10:38 pm

Mr Rodgers you should crap or get out of the outhouse!
Stay or Go?
Make up your mind dude!
If you don't want to lead this team, a combination of Love & Bortles will and the fans will still support the the Packers 100%!

2 points
stockholder's picture

June 16, 2021 at 07:02 am

I'm Offended!

3 points
wildbill's picture

June 16, 2021 at 07:15 pm

I guess reading all this drama is better than sitting around wondering who is gonna beat us in the NFC championship this upcoming year

0 points
jyros's picture

June 17, 2021 at 12:35 pm

But mother, doesn’t it take a TEAM to raise an MVP?

0 points