Cory's Corner: Jordan Love Is On The Doorstep Of 300

The Packers quarterback has been getting better and this is the week that he cracks the passing milestone. 

Sunday is when I want to see it. Jordan Love has given us plenty of appetizers. Solid throws into tight windows, throwing on the run and even comebacks. 

Love has started 10 games in his career and has never passed for the elusive 300 yards. Last week at Pittsburgh he threw for a career-high 289 yards as he looked really good in a losing cause. 

And Love gets the benefit of playing the Chargers — who are dead last in the NFL by giving up 291 passing yards a game. That’s not to say that Love doesn’t always make great reads or is as decisive as he needs to be. 

“Our confidence in him is not wavering one bit,” said Packers coach Matt LaFleur after the Packers lost to the Broncos. “Certainly, as the play-caller, you put a lot of onus on yourself when things aren’t going well, and we’ll continue to do that, but we’ve got to find a way to generate more points because when you’re generating points, it’s just a totally different narrative.”

The Packers did look very stale early on this season with 11 three-and-outs in the first four games. The offense didn’t look good and most importantly, Love was timid and searching for confidence. 

After nine games, Love has shown plenty of growth. He is staying in the pocket longer and trusting his receivers to make a play. Obviously, that doesn’t always work out — and thanks to 77 drops this season — that has been evident. 

I know that many of you don’t want to hear this, but Love has been trending up. He has been getting better. I know that sitting at 3-6 doesn’t make things any easier. I’m still not sure if Love is Green Bay’s next franchise quarterback, but I love that he continues to climb the ladder of improvement. 

You’re going to see some things this week. I’m expecting this game to be a shootout with Love lighting off plenty of fireworks. Just because all hope for the postseason is just about over, doesn’t mean there can’t be plenty of highlights. 

And that’s what we’re going to see on Sunday. As long as Love is patient and puts the ball where it has to be, there’s no reason why Love shouldn’t see 300. I would absolutely love to see Love throw the ball deep with pinpoint accuracy. If he’s going to get on track with his deep ball, it’s going to happen against the lightning bolts. 

So you don’t have to believe in Love for the next 10 years, just believe in him for tomorrow. 




Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


5 points

Comments (56)

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PackEyedOptimist's picture

November 18, 2023 at 06:42 am

I agree Cory! Not necessarily that Love will throw for 300 tomorrow, but that we need to continue looking for highlights and improvements, and Love HAS been better lately, despite the naysayers.
That said, the Chargers have some very talented players on their defense (Khalil Mack, Joey Bosa, and Derwin James in particular), so our offense is going to need EVERYBODY to play reasonably well. If the line can protect Love, and if his receivers actually catch his passes, he might have a good game.

4 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:02 am

Don't forget Justin Hollins. Knows our scheme pretty well after how many years? A very good LB that Gutey threw away will be playing against us. 4.50 speed, 9.68 RAS, good enough to make the initial 53 out of TC, not good enough to keep.

1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

November 18, 2023 at 06:52 am

77 drops??
Is that a typo?

5 points
NickPerry's picture

November 18, 2023 at 06:56 am

TK... was just going to say something similar. 77 drops?

Jesus Christ no wonder the Packers are 3-6 and Love hasn't passed for 300 yards!


3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:03 am

What, that's less than 9 a game.

Of course what you count as a drop varies a lot per source. Which means it might be even worse.

1 points
ricky's picture

November 18, 2023 at 09:23 am

That also jumped out at me. I tried looking up Packers dropped passes for this year, and got the sense that there were a lot of them. But 77? This site says the number is a lot lower for the Packers.
I'd be very interested in seeing Cory's source for that number, if it wasn't a typo.

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

November 18, 2023 at 10:09 am

Right now his comp % is 58.
If all 77 drops were caught, it would be over 80%.
Hold up, wait a minute.
Something ain’t right.

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

November 18, 2023 at 10:07 am

Its also not all on the WR's or TE's....hard to catch a pass thats slightly behind, a bit too high or at the shoe tops...the young guys certainly have had their drops but some of it is accuracy on the QB part too...amazing number...

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:10 am

Those shouldn't count as drops. A drop should only count if it's catchable, and also partly caught. It's a subjective number. If a defender breaks up the pass and makes it literally impossible to hang onto the ball, should that count as a drop? Some sources will count those, and we've seen some out of this team.

My own count has differed substantially from some published sources I've seen.

A receiver trying to salvage a bad throw shouldn't be penalized for his effort IMHO. Trying to pin blame to QB or receiver has frequently been elusive this season, but the overall picture is a cluster.

With the occasional brilliant play.

2 points
Boneman's picture

November 18, 2023 at 06:57 am

I remember when the Packers offense had a fun resurgence with Lynn Dickey at QB. The Packers were still only a .500 team but it sure was fun watching them play! They competed, played hard and gave us fans hope. The team never broke through in those days but it was...well fun. I'd love to get that feeling back for this team. Give us hope for better days and we will rally behind you! Chargers 34 Packers 31.

9 points
PackerBO's picture

November 18, 2023 at 04:46 pm

That Monday night game against Washington was one of the best from that era. 48-47 I think

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:04 pm

Yea. Losing to Redskins in those days was especially painful after Lombardi went there, so that game was especially sweet.

0 points
NickPerry's picture

November 18, 2023 at 07:08 am

"As long as Love is patient and puts the ball where it has to be, there’s no reason why Love shouldn’t see 300. I would absolutely love to see Love throw the ball deep with pinpoint accuracy."

Hmmm...Considering how the season has went with Love's "Deep Ball" I think the ENTIRE Packers Nation would love to see Love throw the deep ball with pinpoint accuracy.

Hell, at this point I'd settle for ONE 70 yard bomb put in the exact right spot and a few less drops.

SMH...77 drops and we wonder why they are 3-6?

2 points
stockholder's picture

November 18, 2023 at 07:23 am

I think he’d have a better chance to hit a golf ball 300 yards.
In Bowling; a 300 is a perfect game. And thats the point.
Love needs to be perfect. Love isn’t. Sure you see a rifle.
But the accuracy just isn’t there. He’s been a Yo-Yo.
Even Rodger’s didn’t throw for 300 yards in 2022.
He had issues. But he still played as expected and smart.
Thats the difference. Love isn’t playing as Rodgers did, yet.
That 300 game DOESN’T MEAN you're the Qb.
Just Look at Don Majkowski, being replaced by Brett Favre.
And you keep pointing to his surrounding corp drops.
Love must show that he can succeed with emotion.
“The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.”.
It's about having a mindset that sees a winning performance as being prepared, never giving up, and letting go of the uncontrollable.

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:13 am

AR12 certainly didn't "play as expected" last season, that's just plain nuts.

0 points
stockholder's picture

November 18, 2023 at 01:30 pm

Rodgers wasn't the problem - I'd say thats as expected.
The thumb injury;- plus other Team injuries were.
And a Defense that couldn't stop the Lions.

-2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 04:37 pm

AR12 couldn't sleep for weeks due to a rib injury, yet you never account for that.

He missed a ton of throws and lost games.

You're a whackjob.

0 points
stockholder's picture

November 18, 2023 at 04:56 pm


-1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

November 18, 2023 at 02:35 pm

Love is patient.
Love is kind.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 04:36 pm

Love never fails.

Something's gone wrong here ...

-1 points
MainePackFan's picture

November 18, 2023 at 07:43 am

" and thanks to 77 drops this season"

8.5 drops per game?? You might want to check your sources Cory. According to Pro Football Reference, the Packers have 18. That's the 8th most in the NFL. Number 1.....the Chiefs with 25.

5 points
Since'75's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:22 am

If you go on 5 websites, you might get 5 different numbers, drops are very subjective, verses fumbles or int. which are clear cut.

On 'The Game' i heard the 70 some number also, and they went through all the players drops.

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:43 am

Think about it, 8.5 drops per game. Love averages 33.3 passes a game with an average of 19.5 completions. Do you really believe if not for the drops Love would be averaging an almost 85 % completion rate (28 for 33) weekly : )

0 points
Since'75's picture

November 18, 2023 at 09:37 pm

Yea...I tend to agree Maine.

This was before the Steeler and maybe even the Rams game.

The 77 number sounds like that may be failed pass attempts, but that didn't add up either but it's fairly close.

So, idk, and frankly, it isn't worth spending any more thought over.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:15 am

Any recollection of who had the most drops? Second most? etc

I wince to consider this, but it's time to do so.

Justin Hollins will be playing for LAC tomorrow.

Eagles and Chiefs have nobody injured.

0 points
Since'61's picture

November 18, 2023 at 07:55 am

I don't know if Jordan Love is improving. In his first 2 games this season he threw 6 TDS and 0 interceptions.
In the last 7 games he has thrown 8 TDs and 10 interceptions. Also is his last game against Pittsburgh he completed 21 of 40 attempts including 2 TDs and 2 interceptions.

I guess it depends on how you define improvement or success. Now in fairness to Love if the 77 drops is accurate that is clearly hurting his completion percentage. As I've posted before where is the receivers coach? IN any case we have seen that Love has accuracy issues throughout the season and that has probably been the biggest factor in keeping him from reaching 300 yards passing in a game.

Speaking for myself I would prefer for the Packers to win the game regardless of how many yards Love throws for. It's a meaning less stat. Points matter regardless of how they are scored. Finally for those who claim that wins aren't important why then do we keep score at all? The NFL is a professional sport.
Plan, prepare and play to win. You can learn as much if not more from winning as you can from losing. The Packers are slightly beyond the half way mark in the season. How much longer are they considered a young team or the rookies considered rookies? They should at least be reaching the point where they stop beating themselves. Admittedly coaching is a major factor in the Packers performance so far this season but at some point the team needs to get it and start playing at a professional level of competition. Thanks, Since '61

7 points
Since'75's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:19 am

The defenses got tougher after the Bears and Falcons overall.

The Packers haven't scored over 20 pts. since the Falcon game.
I would expect them to be over 20 against the Chargers.
Especially if Jones, can be Jones again.

The drops are real, with Musgrave leading the way.
To my surprise, Doubs had the least (which is good).
They keep score so we can tell who the winners are 😛

We've relied on it for about 3 decades 👍😊

Remember when, at the start of every Packer game we as Packer fans, expected them to win the game.

Now we are hoping for 300 yards, or for a .500 season?

A lot of GM's in this league will tell you, success is going to be easier when you have HOF QB's for 3 decades.

It's a new world we have to get used to again my friend.

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:39 am


"The drops are real, with Musgrave leading the way."

Wait, are we talking about tripping over your own shoelaces?

And I've seen Doubs drop a lot, so if he has the "fewest," I don't call that good.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:22 am


I would argue that JL's completion % is affected by a lot more than just his inaccuracy. Pressureand targets on the wrong route are also buggies, along with drops. To my eye his worst accuracy problems are on the easy layups; that can't be physical, right? Doesn't that have to be some type of mental error?

I'm thinking this is important because that should be the easiest to fix. Like he takes the completion for granted instead of actually playing that down, or something. Fix that and stop trying to thread needles from a mile away and his completion % would improve by a lot. Just CTFB and he'd be over 80%.

2 points
Guam's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:08 am

"I'm still not sure if Love is Green Bay's next franchise quarterback........."

And that is about where I sit too. I am rooting for Jordan Love and there is a lot to like about the person and a fair amount to like about the quarterback, but his accuracy issues drive me nuts. And I am not talking about his deep throws. It is his short throws that bother me the most - the checkdowns to the RBs in the flat, the WR screens, the RB screens. Those throws should be "gimmes" for a franchise QB and not only should they be completed, but they should leave the receiver facing the right way to attack the defense for YAC. All too often these throws either don't get completed or are thrown to the wrong side of the receiver so he is facing away from the defense and has to turn to run.

Love needs to get that part of his game corrected for him to be a franchise QB. The deep ball accuracy would be nice, but there are a number of NFL QBs that don't throw a great deep ball and their teams thrive. The drive killers are the short balls that fail to gain the necessary 3-5 yards to make a first down. I want him to succeed and his mid-range passing game is already good enough, but his short throws must improve for him to take the next step.

7 points
Since'75's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:13 am

Very astute Guam....

Those short passes, many times are thrown in awkward positions (low, high, or behind) for the catch, if the ball is in stride or placed better, a lot more yards are gained and more chains get moved.

3 points
Packerpasty's picture

November 18, 2023 at 10:29 am

yup, Dan Orlovsky said just that on ESPN the other day about Love...he's hanging those WR's out to dry, to get hit hard plus those passes if thrown correctly should be much greater yardage gains...for all the football he's played and been coached he should be accurate by now...

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:43 am

Guam -

"And I am not talking about his deep throws. It is his short throws that bother me the most"


This includes targeting the TE. This should have been priority #1, week 1. I don't want to blame everything on coaches, but ... wouldn't you think they'd find a way to correct this? As accurately as we've seen him throw in situations that are both difficult and long, it can't possibly be that he's incapable of making an easy layup. The problem has to be something else.

2 points
Tundraboy's picture

November 19, 2023 at 09:40 am

I think it's a total lack of timing that's been going on for years, the easiest passes are the most difficult. Rodgers had plenty. As they are far from a well oiled machine, and too often run a fire drill, it must be a combination of factors. Not enough practice, coaching and repetition on a team level. injuries and lack of individual coaching dont help either.

0 points
Since'75's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:09 am

Yea, Love looked real good in the loss with the Steelers, especially if you missed the last 4 minutes of the game.

Forget 300 yards for right now. When we're only down by one score, and we get in the red zone twice in the last 4 minutes, lets see if we can't pull out a score, ya know, a game winning drive and all that.
Two red zone chances, 2 picks. Overall 1-5 in the red zone.
But yea, lets get that 300 yards.
As far as 300 yards.....Cory may be on to something. as obvious as it may be.

Not only do the Packers face yet another sub .500 team.
Even better, the Chargers defense is ranked 31st in the league.
But the best news is....The Chargers pass defense gives up 291 YPG.
The Chargers pass defense is far!!
The game is at Lambeau.
Jordan Love gunna eat.

The table is set.

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:44 am

300 yards is easy.

4 throws to #9.

-1 points
lou's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:31 am

The jury on Love is still out, the rest of the season should provide the answer assuming he stays healthy. To date he reminds me of Brett Hundley both in build and talent. Both can run the offense effectively, they do not have happy feet in the pocket, can scramble, have the required arm strength but ACCURACY was the missing element in their games. If you look at the nine games Hundley started his 2nd season when Rodgers was injured the numbers are close. Let's see if unlike Hundley the accuracy gets better the rest of the season.

What irritates me is Mark Murphy's statement, "we haven't been able to get a good read on Love because of the talent surrounding him". It would have been appropriate when he said that to have Gutenkunst standing next to him at the time - the guy who is responsible for the talent level.

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

November 18, 2023 at 10:25 am

Hey, watch out now...I mentioned Brett Hundley awhile back and got mocked and vilified. Haha..

-1 points
barutanseijin's picture

November 18, 2023 at 01:19 pm

He reminds you of another black QB. Naturally.

He has better pocket awareness and instincts than Hundley, who always seemed to do the wrong thing when pressured.

-4 points
TxFred's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:49 am

Cory, JL is getting there. Couple things need to happen. Accuracy first & foremost. JL has jet to hit any WR in stride and on the numbers. The pitch & catch looks clumsy at best. Over their head, knee high, behind them, ahead of the but NEVER coordinated. Some WR not running, crisp, executed precise route none of them do.
But this goes to what they do between games at practice. Apparently, not much.
O Line & WR working on techniques. Sad.

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

November 18, 2023 at 08:52 am

The Packers were 3-6 at this point in the season last season. It was more frustrating for me to watch that team, with our future HOF QB at the helm, than it has been to watch this group struggling to find any rhythm.

I'd like to see Jordan hit open receivers in stride and on-time, make better decisions, and be patient. This is another winnable game, but it's surely not all on his shoulders, and 300 yards passing really doesn't matter.

3 points
Oppy's picture

November 18, 2023 at 09:55 am

Yardage totals mean nothing. You can throw for 350 yards in an ugly loss, or throw for 175 in an efficient, impressive win. The measure of the QB is not in passing yardage totals, and certainly not the measure of the team.

In one of the rare cases where I'll agree with Al Davis, "Just win, baby."

6 points
Swisch's picture

November 18, 2023 at 10:11 am

If it's true that the Packers offense is throwing too many long passes, it'll be more than a little interesting to see what LaFleur comes up with this week against the Chargers as far as intermediate passes and schemes to get guys open -- including pre-snap motion, bunch formations, and crossing routes.
If LaFleur is indeed an innovator on offense, then at this halfway point in the season we should be starting to see some significant signs of it on the field with our young players coached up to know their assignments and being put in positions to flash their talents.
Even when we run the ball, how will we do it far as a variety of formations and misdirections and blocking schemes?
If we must keep our head coach through the rest of this season, it's time to show he's up to the job by instilling disciplined execution along with installing consistent creativity.
Will the illusion of complexity start to emerge with a satisfying measure of regularity? Will there be some wow moments like the scintillating touchdown pass against the Rams to Musgrave in the middle of the field after Love quickly faked hard left and then hard right -- a play which may stand out in loneliness in its ingenuity.
It seems in these final eight games, we can't have LaFleur merely teasing us with occasional signs of progress; we have to see a lot more of him as a play-calling wunderkind, as well as a leader of men.
I'm skeptical, but still rooting for him to pull it off.

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:54 am

*If we must keep our head coach through the rest of this season, it's time to show he's up to the job by instilling disciplined execution along with installing consistent creativity."

I'm reminded of a recent President:

"If if if if if if if"

We've never seen that out of MLF.

I'm not of the camp who says 39 wins in three seasons was because AR12 was carrying him. I don't believe that's even possible in this league.

I'm saying this coaching situation is completely different from 2019-2021, and last season we already saw that MLF isn't up to the task. When his plan A doesn't work, he's got nothing. Can't adjust. Won't adjust. Whichever it is, does it matter?

I'll go with the consensus here that doesn't expect any of this to change until MM is out the door. My concern is, can the talent accumulated on the roster continue to do their personal best under such adverse conditions?

2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 18, 2023 at 10:18 am

Another article attempting to tell us how good Love is or great he might become, as long as he's given the time to grow.

That is one slow moving watch being used to time him,

Has anyone considered the possibility that his slow growth, 4th year in and counting, might be representative of his ceiling, which doesn't seem to have much more headspace

I get it, and he should get the rest of the year to get 'evaluated', but let's be a tad more honest, he's lagging far behind any of his draft class, and the ones since. The Chargers are known for their bad Defense, and keeping teams in the game, what if Love can't deliver what every other QB does to them?. Will it still be about the youth.

Letting go is hard, but too many QB's have come into the league with and since Love, and he is by far the farthest back in his play. It would be a shame to pass on more for the sake of continued evaluation of growth that regresses, or grows so slowly.

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

November 18, 2023 at 10:23 am


0 points
PackerBO's picture

November 18, 2023 at 05:02 pm


0 points
stockholder's picture

November 18, 2023 at 07:33 pm

Another article attempting to tell us how good Love is.
And these next two games might end that.
If 300 yards is what it takes. Get ready for a new QB.
Not just because Love stinks. But because of MLF hot seat.
The best selection might be a QB in the 2024 draft.
It keeps one of the best away from the Vikings.
And hopefully they can remember what happened
when the USFL started.
Everyone hurried and drafted a QB.
So my draft is taking one of the Heisman front runners.

1 points
Packers0808's picture

November 18, 2023 at 11:35 am

And he might just throw for 125 yards. As was said by Forrest Gump, " Like a box of chocolates, you never what your gonna get"! Best description I can think for this guy!

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 18, 2023 at 12:14 pm

It seems as though many are/will be fine with that scenario.

1 points
Gman1976's picture

November 18, 2023 at 12:53 pm

Often times a player has an IT factor and IT will flash as he progresses. JL may have IT, but combined with an injured OL, young receivers learning their trade, and a coaching staff that seems to be lacking on the leadership, planning, discipline, and teaching levels, JL may not show that he has IT.

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

November 18, 2023 at 01:11 pm

Yes, injuries can affect results, but they don't hide the 'IT' of a player, and Love has not shown a true 'IT' quality. It's been the topic of discussion for a long time, but no real 'IT' has been seen, less located, or he wouldn't still be under 'evaluation'.

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

November 18, 2023 at 04:26 pm


"coaching staff that seems to be lacking on the leadership, planning, discipline, and teaching levels,"

Sounds like coaches who completely suck. I agree with that assessment.

They run an ok TC. Call them camp counselors.

2 points
edp1959's picture

November 18, 2023 at 04:45 pm

Packers receivers led the league in drops last year and every loss was Rodger’s fault. This year the drops are being used as an excuse for Love’s terrible play and losses.

0 points
Oppy's picture

November 18, 2023 at 04:58 pm

1) Love has not played "terrible."

2) Perhaps you expect more from a 17 year Vet than a 1st year starter, just a thought

2 points
rodgersrules's picture

November 19, 2023 at 09:24 am

Maybe the poor decision making can be coached out of him, although I doubt it. But Love has never been an accurate passer, and as a result, has always been turnover prone, going back to college days. That stuff just does not change. Sorry, but he's never gonna be an elite QB. Seems kinda obvious.

0 points