Cory's Corner: No, No. 12 Isn't Going Anywhere

Aaron Rodgers is the best quarterback in the game. He's staying. Period.

Packers coach Matt LaFleur responded perfectly.

"Is that a trick question?" he said with a coy smile on Monday. 

The question was whether Aaron Rodgers was going to be the starting quarterback for the Packers in 2021 and beyond. What are we even doing? Aaron Rodgers is four days from being announced as the NFL MVP and we are still hung up on sending Rodgers out of town. 

Put that conversation to bed. I don't care what Rodgers' cap situation is, because you do not ship out the best passer in the game. His cap hit is $37.5 million in 2021 and $39.8 million in 2022. Those numbers are steep, but when you have a quarterback that leads the league in completion percentage, touchdown passes, passer rating and QBR, you don't have a choice. 

To put it another way, Rodgers was responsible for 80 percent of the offensive touchdowns. You can say that he's 37, but he certainly looked spry when getting out of the pocket and he still has the instincts of a 22-year-old after seeing that incredible pump fake vs. the Rams in the playoffs. 

This is going to sound crazy, but Rodgers is getting better. The play-action fits perfectly with his skill-set because he is a master at disguising the fake and the plays, formation and scheme fit him like a glove because everything is one giant puzzle. This play helps that play, and so on and so forth. 

So stop trying to send Rodgers out of Green Bay. Every single time I saw a play-action bootleg, I knew that it was going for at least 10 yards. And the most impressive thing: I saw Rodgers smile a lot this season. Even when Rodgers was winning with Mike McCarthy, that didn't happen a lot. 

And you've got to think that Rodgers wants to mold this group of wideouts. He's got the game's best receiver, a speedy fifth rounder that dropped seven balls and a tall undrafted free agent that also dropped seven. The tight ends are interesting as well. You've got "Big Cat", "Bobby" and Jace Sternberger, who has only started one game in two seasons. 

Rodgers knows that he was close. And he also knows that no matter how many times people — like myself — said the Packers should get another wideout, he just shrugged it off and believed in that group even more. 

Rodgers is amazing because he is still a maestro. You will see Patrick Mahomes do similar things on Sunday.

It's amazing that a young head coach came in with designs on running the football and in his second season, out popped an MVP quarterback. 

Rodgers isn't going anywhere because no amount of picks would be worth what he means to a franchise and a city. 




Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


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2 points

Comments (43)

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hodge555's picture

February 02, 2021 at 06:31 am

The infamous John Hadl trade wouldn't be enough value for what Rodgers is worth, and that trade is no longer allowed by the NFL. GPG

1 points
NickPerry's picture

February 02, 2021 at 07:01 am

Yesterday a Co-Worker (Steelers Fan) comes into my office and announces the 49ers are trying to trade for Rodgers. I looked at him and just laughed...I asked him if he REALLY believed all that "Click-Bait" sites love to put out? Do you listen to Skip Bayless? I mean COMMON DUDE!

Last week on my way home from work I was listening to some guy on Mad Dog Sports on XM-Radio.. Patrick M or something like that. This guy was spewing all this discord between MLF and Rodgers. He suggested MLF TOTALLY disrespected Rodgers by kicking the FG on 4th down. He went on and on about how unhappy Rodgers was and how he'd force a trade out of GB for this complete and utter disrespect by MLF. This was even AFTER Rodgers appeared on Pat McAfee. I couldn't even get pissed the Guy was clearly struggling for ratings.

I'm sure we'll continue to hear it until week one next season when MLF and Rodgers light up whoever is the opponent. Then they'll say everything is rosy in GB...At least until the next offseason for the Packers. Rodgers is a Packer and IMO would still love to RETIRE a Packer. He didn't say anything about NOT wanting to be a Packer. Personally I think Rodgers loves to twist a word here or there and watch these morons like Skip Bayless grab it, hook, line, and sinker and run like hell with it and get it WRONG for his own amusement,

12 points
egbertsouse's picture

February 02, 2021 at 07:11 am

Gutey: We’re 100% behind Aaron Rodgers. Translation: I really screwed the pooch on the Jordan Love pick.

5 points
Guam's picture

February 02, 2021 at 07:55 am

<mic drop>

1 points
PF4L's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:24 am

Gute made it fairly clear that he started his plan on moving forward from Rodgers last April.
But Rodgers threw a wrench at Gutes plans by posting the 2nd highest passer rating in NFL history. Second only to his own record of 2011.

Per Gute's presser...he would have you believe his plan is working out perfectly to have Love sit for 3 or 4 years, and also explained how excited he was to be able to see Love in pre-season action.

So in other words, if you believe Gute, trading up for a QB he had planned to sit for 3-4 years, was a higher priority for him than drafting immediate help for a team one win short of reaching the SB?

Does he also think Kevin King is a shut down corner?
Does he think Kevin King is an asset or a liability to the success of this team.
For a talent evaluator, Gute raises many questions.

egbertsouse nailed it. Gute really screwed the pooch.

Gute made a great move drafting Alexander. Credit given
Keeping Kevin King around.....mistake #14.

I always wondered why they didn't try to replace King, so did PFF.
Gute spent over 240 million on free agents, but King was left alone.
I guess spending a 1st and a 4th on a 3rd string multi year bench player, made more sense to him.

1 points
PF4L's picture

February 02, 2021 at 09:56 am

LOL...3 thumbs done and zero counter opinions.

I guess a thumbs down is the intellectual authority in sad.

1 points
PF4L's picture

February 02, 2021 at 10:19 am


0 points
HankScorpio's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:01 pm

It's the trade up thing that still kills me. I've come to peace with drafting Love in the first place. That whole, if you have a chance at a greate QB, you take it thing. But none of the teams picking ahead of the Packers were going to draft Love. So it seems like a panic move to trade up for him.

The other thing that still kills me on that draft is Gute did not grab a WR in one of the best WR classes ever. Didn't even need to be a #1 or #2 Remember Darrell Mooney with Chicago? Pretty decent looking player. He could have been that 4th round pick they gave up.

Remember Dominque Daffney and Robert Tonyan? Both found on the scrap heap. So what about Josiah Deguara is so much better than those two to warrant a 3rd round pick? That pick could have been Gabriel Davis, who was a contributor on the other team that lost last weekend.

Even down to Kamil Martin. He passed on Donovan Peoples-Jones, a 6th rounder that put up 300 yards on a playoff team for Martin.

For all the great offense they showed in 2020, it didn't translate to the 4th quarter last weekend, when it really mattered. I don't blame that on the coaches or players. I put that on Gute because he didn't put enough talent in the WR room.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

February 02, 2021 at 10:08 am


-3 points
stockholder's picture

February 02, 2021 at 07:21 am

Sorry; but everyone has their price. Can we believe anything Gute tells us after his last draft? Yea, thats just peachy he wants to stand behind it. And even Murphy telling everyone ,"We're not idiots. But the writing is still on the wall, with Loves selection. When they want you, they want you. When they don't they don't. Just ask Favre. Sure the circumstances are less murky. But the simple fact is they drafted Love. People were pointing at Rodgers play against Brady. And the press has made mountains out of mole hills with this. The "Win Now" is not what management has on their mind. And when the press talks about this so much. Well seeing is believing, and Time will tell.

2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:17 am

I'd expect Love to be on the trade block the moment Rodgers contract is redone. I wouldn't be surprised, if Rodgers asks for that to be part of it, as it protects him from a Favre-like situation.

0 points
PF4L's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:37 am

Rodgers request the Packers trade Love?

Are you feelin ok?

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 09:24 am

I didn't say he would, I said I wouldn't be surprised if he did. You think it beneath him to secure his position for another 4 years. You think Love will sign a new deal if Rodgers is signed to be the QB. Remember. Rodgers was going to leave GB, had the FO not forced Favre to make a decision. Rodgers cut his family out of his life, you think him unable to do the same to Love to remain in GB?

3 points
PF4L's picture

February 02, 2021 at 09:45 am

"You think it(s) beneath him to secure his position for another 4 years(?)"
You think Rodgers is really worried Jordan Love is somehow a threat to Rodgers?
You think it keeps Rodgers up at night?
Jordan Love, a first round pick, couldn't beat out an undrafted Tim Boyle with 4 NFL passes under his belt. THINK

Leave Rodgers family out of this, that's bush league.
You know as much about Rodgers and his family, as i do...which is nothing

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 09:56 am

Rodgers doesn't need to worry about Love taking his job, Rodgers needs to protect himself from the FO taking and giving it to Love.

No, I don't think it beneath him to secure his position, which is what I said.

I know it takes a cold person to dislodge his family from his life, regardless of reason. I didn't say I knew why, but it was or still is the case.

-1 points
PF4L's picture

February 02, 2021 at 10:04 am

Lets do this...lets hold off, until Jordan Love can work himself up to the 2nd string position. Otherwise, he's just another roster spot on the weekly inactive list, as a 1st round pick

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 10:10 am

When or if Love ever beats Boyle for the two spot is moot. His future in GB is based on what happens between Rodgers and the FO in regard to his contract.

Are you having a hard time understanding what I'm saying? It's pretty clear-cut, and yet, you are disagreeing while agreeing. Do you see that?

1 points
PF4L's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:34 am

Agreed far as i'm concerned, Time's up with Gute. I never want to hear the words...."win now" come out of his mouth. You don't draft who you drafted...and utter the words "win now" That's a good way to get punched in the mouth.
I'm too intelligent to be fed lip service.
PF4L February 1, 2021 (posted elsewhere)
“We have one goal in mind and if there’s an opportunity to umm, to ya know…take some risks to help us win now, we’re certainly in that mode” – Gute.
Hell….drafting players last April wasn’t even a “risk” to help you win now and you declined.
Go BS somebody else

7 points
Bearmeat's picture

February 02, 2021 at 11:10 am

Stock Cory. A week behind with the HAWT TEAK.

No, Rodgers isn't going anywhere. His cap figure won't allow him to be moved until this time next year at the very earliest IF he doesn't sign an extension or re-negotiation (which as I hear it is likely) And that assumes Love can play and is ready, and that another team would be willing to part with 2 1sts and a 3rd (minimum) to get a 39 year old ARod, and that ARod would go there, and that GB would want him on that team.

If ARod is that unhappy (and while he may be, he saw how much lifelong money Favre cost himself in lost endorsements in GB with the crap he pulled in 08), then he can retire. I don't want that to happen, but no player is worth more than the team. The end.

I don't want to read another damn thing about this nonsense until Training Camp. If I want BS like this, I'll go to PFT and listen to Florio the Viking troll post his crap.

10 points
dobber's picture

February 02, 2021 at 09:08 am

At some point, #12 won't be the QB of the Packers. Whether that happens at his choosing or the Packers' choosing remains to be seen, but the bottom line is that some point a combination of the guarantees in his contract, the cap hit, and his play on the field won't justify his being the starting QB anymore. Ultimately the question is: will that time happen inside the Jordan Love 5-year (including 5th year option) window? I suspect the answer is yes. Will Jordan Love be the beneficiary? Maybe. But we can't say that any other player the Packers might have taken in the first round--because we don't know who THEY valued--would've been a difference maker.

7 points
Leatherhead's picture

February 02, 2021 at 10:36 am

Bearmeat has this correct when he points out financial considerations and when he reminds us no player is bigger than the team. He’s also correct that’s it’s annoying to listen to people blather about it endlessly because they just don’t understand.

And Dobber is correct when he points out that the day will come when #12 is not our QB anymore. We should all be hoping that Love is learning and growing because he’s one tackle away from being our starter.(yes, he’ll be our #2 by the time the season starts.)

To recap: Aaron Rodgers will be our QB in 2021. Most of the league’s best offense will be back. The challenge will be replacing Jones’ production and improving the protection. This offense dominated a lot of games and will again as long as Rodgers is protected and we don’t get stupid.

2 points
flackcatcher's picture

February 02, 2021 at 02:23 pm

I agree Bear. This team is pretty much set for next year. Once we see the Cap number then we will have a pretty good idea of who will be back. The way Gute was talking was like the organization will be all in next season. Superbowl or bust. Beyond that, the upcoming draft may determine how the Packers move forward. From Lafleur's contract year, to the number of core players who contracts will be up, make the follow-on season one of the most challenging for Gute and the Packer front office. As for Rodgers and his camp, as you and '61 and Taryn pointed out, it just spin. He would be better off, if he walked to Gute's office and had it out with the big guy. At least then he might have a chance to stay beyond 2022.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:10 am

"but he certainly looked spry when getting out of the pocket"

How come didn't look spry against Tampa Bay?

-6 points
SwedeBayPacker's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:40 am

It's hard to look spry when the o-line is shitting the bed repeatedly and you're getting sacked from every direction 1,5 seconds after the play starts.

4 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 11:22 am

Being spry should get you out of many of those situations, especially if you know your OL isn't protecting you. Adjust your internal clock and be spry, if you're as spry as you want fans to believe you are, as a reality, and not a fantasy ability. The failure to run on that 3rd down says he isn't as spry as the fans or he himself believes he is, especially in the big playoff games.

0 points
CJ Bauckham's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:44 am

Lol, he never got out of the pocket vs tampa!


0 points
flackcatcher's picture

February 02, 2021 at 02:32 pm

That's on Lafleur going empty backfield for most of the fourth. Took playaction away. A stupid decision.

4 points
White92's picture

February 02, 2021 at 08:45 am

Great article Cory. I agree 100%

0 points
Since&#039;61's picture

February 02, 2021 at 09:25 am

Rodgers will remain in GB and he will be fine. All of this trade talk and Rodgers is unhappy BS is just media hype and melodrama to drum up their ratings. They have less than a week left until their done until the draft.

If the Packers had won the Bucs game none of this would be happening. Besides, no team can give up what Rodgers would be worth in a trade and take the cap hit on his contract.

Rodgers is not the problem. It’s Gute and Murphy deciding if they are going to go all in or not while Rodgers is still here.
They have no excuse for 2021. They’ve drafted their QB and RB for the future. Now they need to draft a WR and a CB with their early picks. Then an OT and a DL. Solidify Rodgers contract and franchise or re-sign Aaron Jones. That would be at least a few signs of going all in. Trade Love to the 49ers if they’re looking for a QB. In any case we’ve been building for the future for over a decade which is ridiculous.

In professional sports the future is NOW. Stop the BS and get it done. Thanks, Since ‘61

5 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 10:05 am

Exactly why I said above, the moment Rodgers gets a new deal, Love should be on the trade block. If the FO doesn't redo Rodgers contract, then the odds of Rodgers being in GB past the 22' season is near zero and about 60-40 he's gone after the 21' season.

1 points
Since&#039;61's picture

February 02, 2021 at 11:44 am

Yes, I agree that if the Packers don’t redo Rodger’s contract he could be gone after 2021. To me that would just be a stupid move by the Packers. If the OL protects Rodgers as they did for most of this season and they get another legit receiving threat he can play for at least 3 more seasons and maybe longer if he wants to.

With the right DC we might be able to get over the hump and win an SB or 2 while Rodgers is still here. Moving on Rodgers eliminates that possibility for the foreseeable future.
Thanks, Since ‘61

1 points
BBlake's picture

February 02, 2021 at 11:20 am

"Rodgers is not the problem. It’s Gute and Murphy deciding if they are going to go all in or not while Rodgers is still here."

Don't Gutekunst & Murphy know that getting an OL and a viable WR receiving threat will not only help Rodgers & the team be more effective but will also benefit the next Packers QB (whoever that may be)?

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 11:30 am

"Don't Gutekunst & Murphy know that getting an OL and a viable WR receiving threat will not only help Rodgers & the team be more effective but will also benefit the next Packers QB (whoever that may be)?

No one needs shades when looking at their version of the future.

-2 points
Todd's picture

February 02, 2021 at 11:11 am

Ironic that Cory writes this, while over at CBS Sports they breathlessly report on a TJ Lang interview where he says Rodgers is "hellbent on revenge" against the Packers. This Rodgers is supposedly upset with the Packers story is gold to the national media. Unfortunately, they likely won't let it die any time soon.

1 points
ricky's picture

February 02, 2021 at 12:18 pm

What is important is whether Rodgers decides to start quietly pushing for a renegotiation of his present contract. As noted above, Rodgers has power this year, as his cap hit would be prohibitive, especially in a year when the salary cap is going to be low. But after next season, his cap hit is more manageable, and in 2023, it would be easy to part ways with him (approximately $2 million dead cap). So, Rodgers has maximum leverage this year, somewhat reduced next year, and no leverage at all after that. Right now, the Packers are all saying the right words- that Rodgers is here, we love him, etc. But that is meaningless unless it's written on a new contract that effectively ties Rodgers to the Packers for longer than one or two years. Will Rodgers come right out and make a demand? Not his style. It'll be hints and talk from "his camp" and his agent making polite inquiries, couching the new contract as helping the team clear salary cap this year- but pushing it to further years, and giving Rodgers what he wants- control over the situation.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 02, 2021 at 12:37 pm

"Will Rodgers come right out and make a demand?"

He doesn't have to. the message is still sent and received.

0 points
flackcatcher's picture

February 02, 2021 at 01:50 pm

But he doesn't have the leverage he once had in this organization. And that is a good thing.

0 points
Fubared's picture

February 02, 2021 at 03:03 pm

Too bad, he could really take the 49ers who are shopping for a QB a long way. With that great d of theres (much injured this year) he could be superbowl bound.
Wonder if he will asked to be traded there so he can at least have another shot for a super bowl ring in his shortened life time.
No reason to stay with the pack. How many free agents with talent are leaving, look at the crop that not leaving, the pass defense is two seasons at least in the fixing no reason to stay unless you love green and gold more then winning the big one.
Too bad too, all because Murphy wanted Pettine as his guy and didnt pull the triger on him last year. Could have been in superbowl this year, a lot of talent was available but the pack stayed pat.

0 points
wsn's picture

February 03, 2021 at 05:08 pm

I hate to agree, but I feel the same. Pack and 12 fan, and I think he'd be amazing in sf. One man may not make a team as stated a few times already, but 12 comes pretty close. Great year, but a bit if what if lingering in my view

0 points
Fubared's picture

February 02, 2021 at 03:15 pm

How come we have all these people leaving at the same time? I know GM does contracts different then the rest of the league, something about wont or cant back date so guys get the big money down the road not upfront and you unload then before that.
Something very wrong that this team has to have a horde of undrafteds on the team who are mistake prone, slow, injury prone. All the reasons they werent div 1 caliber.
Without Rodgers the team would be exposed as the worst team in football right behind the lions.

0 points
Packers0808's picture

February 02, 2021 at 03:51 pm

Only place Rodgers will go is home thru retirement or be under center as a Packer! Period!

1 points
Difer's picture

February 02, 2021 at 06:57 pm

If the right opportunity comes along, Rodgers can, and should demand a trade. The Packers are perennial playoff contenders with Rodgers, nothing more. If he wants another realistic shot at the Super Bowl, it will be with another team. And the price set by the Stafford trade would make a trade demand almost impossible for the Packers to refuse.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

February 02, 2021 at 07:09 pm

You might get your wish. A year from now, not this season.

0 points