Cory's Corner: Packers Must Show Some Life

The offense continues to sputter by being consistently inconsistent.

Against the Patriots, it looked like an issue. In London last week against the Giants it was embarrassing. 

The Jets 27-10 win over the Packers at Lambeau Field on Sunday was nothing short of a train wreck. It was the first regular season loss at home for Aaron Rodgers since losing 28-22 to the Vikings on Nov. 1, 2020. 

The Packers no longer have Davante Adams and Marquez Valdes-Scantling and went with Allen Lazard, Romeo Doubs, Amari Rodgers, Randall Cobb and Juwann Winfree at wide receiver. Lazard isn’t a bona fide No. 1 and the fact that Amari Rodgers is being asked to play should tell you a lot about where this team is with pass catchers. 

“If you think we have the right players, then we need to simplify things,” said Aaron Rodgers, who threw for 246 yards and a touchdown. “If you don’t, then that’s a whole another conversation.”

It’s no secret anymore. Opposing teams are daring the Packers to throw the football. And to make matters worse, Aaron Rodgers isn’t getting much time to throw because the right side of the offensive line has crumpled like an accordion. 

I get it, make the offense simpler. But how much simpler is it supposed to be? And why are we scaling things back? Because players cannot grasp the system or because players cannot execute it?

“Very inconsistent and that’s why I think we need to simplify things,” said Aaron Rodgers, whose 94.2 passer rating is his lowest since 2015 when it was 92.7. “Because on the couple drives we did move the ball, it was very simple things. Very simple plays, no motion.”

This team is hard to watch because they do some maddening things. They run all verticals on short yardage situations, Aaron Jones only had three carries in the first half and most importantly, they have become predictable. Which is probably why the Packers have amassed nine three-and-outs this year, which doesn’t count the drives that were lost due to turnovers. 

Is it fair to expect this team to be able to do the same things that last year’s team did when Adams was on the field? The answer is obviously no. Adams is now proving why he was so valuable here, because he could create space and get open on his own. There are so many Packers receivers that cannot get open, which leaves Aaron Rodgers turning into a sitting duck. 

Rodgers has been pressured 66 times and has been sacked 15 times. By comparison, Tom Brady has been pressured 47 times and has been sacked nine times. 

I thought that the Packers should’ve traded Aaron Rodgers in the offseason because of the albatross the Packers’ salary cap will soon turn into. But, Green Bay was afraid that Jordan Love wasn’t ready and they were likely skittish about the public outcry of trading away a four-time MVP. 

Now the Packers are stuck in this emotionless purgatory. In the past, you’d see guys hold each other accountable when someone made a mistake or actually cracking a smile and having fun. Now, even during the wins, it doesn’t seem like the majority of these guys want to be there. 

“I don’t think there’s any concern,” said Packers tight end Robert Tonyan, who had 10 catches for 90 yards, setting a franchise record for single-game receptions by a tight end. “There’s new guys coming in, guys coming off of injury. We just kind of got to figure it out.”

But are they though? I mean, the Giants were basically begging Green Bay to pass and they still couldn’t do anything and the Jets simply followed the same script. Load the box and don’t worry about playing man because there isn’t a lot of separation from the wideouts on this team. 

What puzzles me is that Jones, despite being largely ignored, is still tied for first in the NFC in rushes of at least 10 yards or more with 13. The other two guys he’s tied with are Saquon Barkley and Miles Sanders. Barkley and Sanders have 119 and 105 carries, respectively, and Jones has all of 70. That’s the last thing that I would expect from an offense that was supposed to be using the running game as a keystone to keep this team moving the chains. 

This is the first two-game skid of coach Matt LaFleur’s tenure. First, and foremost, he needs to get through to his team. That entire team has to show some life, some fire, anything. Secondly, the Packers have the benefit of playing in a weak NFC. If the playoffs ended today, the Packers would be No. 8 in a seven-team playoff field. 

This team has time to figure things out. And surprisingly, I think they still can. But simplifying things isn’t going to be enough. Every single player on that roster has to want it more than the other team.

Until that happens, we’re going to see more of the same. 




Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


4 points

Comments (78)

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NickPerry's picture

October 18, 2022 at 06:29 am

“If you think we have the right players, then we need to simplify things,” said Aaron Rodgers, who threw for 246 yards and a touchdown. “If you don’t, then that’s a whole other conversation.”

Hmmm.. That sure sounds like Rodgers is throwing coaches and players under the bus one more time. IMO he left out the biggest culprit and said NOTHING about what HE should do differently.

"In the past, you’d see guys hold each other accountable when someone made a mistake or actually cracking a smile and having fun. Now, even during the wins, it doesn’t seem like the majority of these guys want to be there."

This is POISON in Green Bay. I love the Packers, Lambeau is an iconic venue just like the organization. BUT, kids who are 21, 22, or even 25 years old don't care about that. They care about money, nightlife, expanding their brand, and maybe winning.

The Packers literally can't offer ANY of that. Not like Philly, LA, or even two of the NFL's doormat franchises who both just spanked the Packers, the Giants and Jets can. If the Players don't want to be there that's HUGE.

Question...Do you think it's a coincidence the Packers never land the wanted FA? I don't, I think they don't want to play with Rodgers.

0 points
Lphill's picture

October 18, 2022 at 06:32 am

did you notice the beating Rodgers took during the game, what should he be doing differently?

1 points
NickPerry's picture

October 18, 2022 at 06:54 am

Perhaps using Aaron jones a bit more. Personally, I don't think that's all on MLF. I've heard Rodgers tell MacAfee more than once he can change.

These F'ng throws on 3rd and 1he throws 40 yards downfield which land nowhere near the receiver have got to stop. Or those swing passes that are WAAAAY off target. Or what about the first 3rd down throw last week to Tonyon? I mean if he throws it like we've seen him do it it's a 1st down. Instead it's so short Tonyon has to try and stop, turn, and scoop it upto catch it. Thank God that one hit the ground first or it would have been another pick six.

Look, there's plenty of blame to go around but Rodgers IMO, needs to look in the mirror.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:08 am

Nick, as I said maybe a month ago, ACR talks to much of accountability, while he does not show that he even consider to show his own accountability.

That is, unfortunatelly, just one of the problems. I have no doubt that ACR knows a lot about football. But what he is trying is to justify his in game decisions. Vs Jets Doubs was open deep on the left side of the field. He was 2 steps behind cover corner and 3 to 4 step of coming safety in front of him. Bal was thrown behind him 3 to 4 yards. Than Doubs was running along the left line of the field and had at least one step ahead, but ball was thrown yard in front of him. Doubs jumped forward, but still did not touch the ball. And those 2 examples shows that precision is not near what we used to see from ACR. He threw perfect ball to Lazard who was double covered, but that kind of throw ACR was doing in the past very often. But that pass to Lazard many here believe is the standard for ACR. That standard is past time. It is not on WRs, it is on him.

Peyton Manning was well aware of his flaws at the end of his carrier. His coaches in Denver was tailored game plans to use his strengfhs, not closed their eyes expecting to have QB he always been.

That is the main reason why Packers are where they are today. Not accepting the truth. I tried to find article from training camp (I failed) in which was information on long throws from ACR and Love. Love had 11 successful throws, while ACR had only 6. That was never happened in the past, that ACR has that record behind his reserve QB.

I do not want to say that Jordan Love is better QB than ACR, just want to point out that ACR long throws are not his advantage any more. That successful throw to Lazard is not enough to justify so many missed throws he performs. They are also possession killers when he made them on 3rd downs.

1 points
jlc1's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:12 am

Just to be clear, even though it won't register with the Rodgers haters, he said nothing about accountability so don't hold him accountable for that. It was the writer of the piece who said something about accountability. Hold him accountable if you want.

3 points
wildbill's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:59 am

How dare you throw facts into the fray.,,,

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 11:35 am


0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 11:35 am

What facts? He had his mouth ful of accountability when he was running out of town Mike McCarthy. Maybe you should try to find that on the net before giving some facts...

ACR is very well in chosing his words. What's about "high standards"? Where are his high standards?

I do not hate ACR! What I hate is his games with Packers, teammates and fans. He is very manipulative person. Who want to see, will see, who do not want, will not. That is that simple.

1 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 18, 2022 at 12:29 pm

Try to throw a football 20 yards with a sprained thumb. Just sayin.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 01:33 pm

It was not just the last game. What about at London and what is about Vikings. How it was going against Patriots? Or Bucs or even vs Bears?

1 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 18, 2022 at 03:29 pm

Ok ok

0 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 18, 2022 at 04:53 pm

No he spent 14 minutes criticizing his coach and teammates while barely mentioning that he needs to be better too.

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:18 am

Don't quote me entirely, but I saw a tweet that said Jones had 6 carries for 10 yards on first down? And Dillon had 5 for 15. (I don't know if that is accurate or not)

Sorry but what are they supposed to do? Run game wasn't working. They were getting pressure on just about every pass. He had some off throws, but there were 5 drops. One of them was on Lazard on that 3rd and 2 play. Lazard has to hold onto the ball that gets punched out. Another bad drop was to Winfree. A simply swing pass to him hits him in the hands and if he catches it he likely gets a first down. Instead he drops it and 2 plays later we are punting.

Rodgers wasn't perfect. He is also dealing with a thumb injury. Who knows how bad that is.

This game was lost in the trenches. Its as simple as that!

4 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:33 am

Running doesn’t always work from the outset. It works by attrition and repetition. If we are a serious running team you stick at it, as the Jets did, as the Giants did, regardless of how well it performs. If nothing else, it should relieve pressure on the passing O line somewhat. Of course with us throwing under S yards that may not actually happen.

1 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:41 am

Which I get that. They did have a couple of good runs get called back because of penalty's too.

That being said, its hard to stick with it, if the numbers are correct, it would be 11 carries for 25 yards.

But I think they need to do a better job of getting the RB's more involved in the passing game. Not just swing passes and whatnot.
I think of the play Cobb Ran out of the backfield a few games ago for a 3rd down play. Why can't they run that with Jones?

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:33 am

It’s called accepting that the dividend comes in the second half. That’s what a genuine commitment to the run game requires. If the O is notching up yards in the air at will then there’s a genuine reason to be distracted from it, but one needs to remember that the run is in part not for yards but what it does to defenders and formations. We, of course, weren’t moving the ball in the air, so the simple answer should have applied

Their use of the backs in the passing game has been particularly unimaginative. That’s one reason the pony is a fail. We don’t use the second back as a true receiver and so we just take one off the field. Thus teams don’t play for it and the purpose diminishes. I’ve no idea why we don’t use Jones in gadget type plays. I could see it with Watson just to give him purpose, but last week we could have benefited particularly. LaFkeur just isn’t innovative or imaginative.

2 points
Since'61's picture

October 18, 2022 at 12:26 pm

First, the OL has been a mess for most of our 6 games so far this season. Jenkins looks totally lost and playing without any confidence especially in Pass Pro. Hansen has become a turnstile and neither Runyon nor Myers are playing as effectively as they did last season.

The Packers have run 389 offensive plays so far this season. 233 plays have been pass plays which includes 15 sacks on Rodgers. 156 have been running plays. That is a 61/39 pass/run ratio. That is not good enough for a team allegedly committed to the run game. Now to be fair numerous plays recorded as pass plays are actually long handoffs to receivers at the LOS or little forward tosses to an RB cutting in front of Rodgers in the backfield.
If those plays are counted as running plays the ratio would obviously move closer to 50/50, probably more like 55/45.

Many posters complain about the defense wearing down because they are on the field too much but the fact is that the Packers currently rank 4th in the league in Time of Possession averaging 32 minutes of TOP per game.
What this points out is that the Packers offense has been inefficient and that TOP can be a misleading stat. But also that the defense is spending less than half the game on the field. I also don't understand how men in their mid-20s and in magnificient physical condition get tired when they are only on the field for less than half a game and several don't even play all 3 downs!!!

Back in the day (60s and 70s) the same 11 guys played defense on every down and many played on the punt return unit and the FG unit as well. No nickles, no dimes, no 3 man rushes, just the same 11 guys every single down. Can anyone old enough even think of Nitschke coming off the field unless he had to be carried off and even then he would need to be unconscious. Now we have all kinds of specialization, substitutions and packages and we can't communicate, no one knows their assignments and everyone is exhausted. What a joke!!!

Lombardi with 9 assistants who worked 9-5 during the season had his team better prepared in all phases of the game than these clowns today with about 25 assistants, some of whom are at their facilities 24/7 with all kinds of technology and players who stay in shape year round and yet the Packers look like a High School team playing against professionals. It's ridiculous and inexcusable. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 01:40 pm

Top 5 offense by PFF

1. LT David Bakhtiari: 86.7
2. TE Marcedes Lewis: 84.7
3. TE Robert Tonyan: 77.2
4. C Josh Myers: 64.4
5. WR Allen Lazard: 60.3

and Quarterback

Aaron Rodgers: 59.3

So Josh Myers by suspicious PFF was the 4th best player on O.


-1 points
Since'61's picture

October 18, 2022 at 02:31 pm

And yet for all the BS from PFF the OL gave up 4 sacks and double digit QB hits. Also the Packers had a whopping 60 yards rushing on 20 carries. Hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!
Maybe you should check the scores of Jenkins, Hansen and Runyon. Oh wait!!! That might not support your point that everything that goes wrong with the Packers is all Aaron Rodgers fault. Even when he is not in the game. I’m sure that 10 years after he retires you will still be blaming Aaron Rodgers for everything. Just say it now and blame the entire future history of the Packers on Rodgers in perpetuity. That’s only fair and reasonable.

The point is forget the Fantasy Football malarkey and pay attention to what is actually happening in reality in the actual game.

Serious football fans don’t take Fantasy Football formulas seriously. Thanks, Since ‘61

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 03:39 pm

Croat, I think yet again PFF has some issues with its O line evaluations. Their assignment of fault is dubious in my opinion and more informed ones. Bakh was not that good. Myers probably wasn’t either, with some bounce to others. None were good enough.

1 points
NickPerry's picture

October 19, 2022 at 06:12 am

Excellent post Since '61!

0 points
Lphill's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:26 am

I think Rodgers is uncomfortable in the pocket because of protection breakdown which is causing these errant throws.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 11:29 am

Every QB wants to have a clean, lasting pocket. Most don’t get that consistently. Rodgers’ strength was that he was so good when pressured. He is not seen that way now. In part that’s WE talent and in part that’s lesser mobility, but in part that’s game plans where half the opponents players are within a few yards of him and not worried about the ball sailing past them.

I’d argue that he is less mobile, but I think the real issuer this year is that LaFleur’s minimalist use of receivers is providing limited opportunities to get open and no depth. Constantly throwing short and running just invites pressure and coverage. That makes the line worse and it harder to get quick outs. Ds are watching for them and have men in numbers. That we could do something about. In fact, it is basic tenet of offensive planning not to combine those elements.

2 points
Since'61's picture

October 18, 2022 at 01:22 pm

Actually Nick I think that Rodgers is taking a swipe at Gute with his comment. Gute brought the players here not the coaches. Seven first round picks for the defense and they can't make a stop when they need to! Yes, that could be on the coaches but I think that Rodgers is saying that he hasn't had a first round pick to throw to in his entire career except for the long passed his prime Mercedes Lewis.

What if the offense had 7 first round picks around Rodgers? Rodgers is on the field, he's giving feedback about what's happening or in fact not happening on the field. It might be a swipe at the coaches and quite frankly they deserve it based on the last 2 games because this team has not been ready to play and they haven't been ready to play a full 60 minutes of football for the entire MLF era.

The coaches makes bad decisions which are compounded by a lack of toughness, poor situational football, bad penalties and poor execution. Has Rodgers played well, no he has not, at least not up the standards that we have witnessed for most of his career but then again he has taken 15 sacks and 47 hits in 6 games. Over a 17 game season that extrapolates out to 64 sacks and 133 hits. Yikes!!! At this rate he's going to get injured at some point in the season.

The team is just not playing well and what is worse they don't look like they have desire to play well. Once our opponent plays physical against them they fold up. First the OL and then the defense. They are often confused and unsure of their assignments. Too many missed blocks on offense and blown coverages on defense. It's just been bad football and that is on the coaches.

You make a good point about the nightlife and that is on the players if they don't want to be there. But again they are there and the coaches need to get them ready to play. They aren't helping themselves by playing poorly because their portfolio is their tape and if that's not good other teams are not going to be interested in signing them and they won't be playing anywhere.

If FAs don't want to play with Rodgers then why would they come to Green Bay once he's gone? Are they going to want to play with Jordan Love??? Maybe eventually if he evolves into a good QB but what if he doesn't? It's not just the lack of nightlife in Green Bay. It's the weather plus the Packers often get outbid on big name FAs. And now with their salary cap issues, which Murphy and Gutekunst have created for themselves they don't have the cap room to bring on a big time FA for the next few seasons. They had their chance to trade Rodgers and get out from under but they didn't take it. They chose to go all in and for now the wheels have fell off. The season is far from over but the coaches need to step up and our best players need to take on leadership roles on the field.

Let's see what happens this week against whatever they call the team in Washington now. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
showmefan's picture

October 19, 2022 at 01:50 am

One of the better analogies I have read the last 3 days. I could not agree more.

0 points
Boneman's picture

October 18, 2022 at 07:21 am

The Packers and MLF specifically need to learn to be more tactical. It is very telling when LeFleurs keeps repeating that he "has to see the tape" before he can assess what the issues were and how to fix them. A good field general, a good leader, is able to see what is going on quickly and be decisive on how to react. That is how you make in game adjustments that work! That is how you rally your team in the face of adversity! This team is crying out for leadership and MLF should be the one to step up. Looking at the tape is a way to game plan and get a strategic leg up on the opposition and MLF is very good at it. A coach needs the whole package though, a coach needs to be a a leader.

7 points
vin0770's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:23 am

Does MLF seem like that kind of leader one that inspires and the guys rally around and go to compete for? I’m not optimistic 😢

3 points
T7Steve's picture

October 18, 2022 at 07:41 am

Cory you're being generous when you say: "This is the first two-game skid of coach Matt LaFleur’s tenure." Maybe in one season but, in his tenure, they got used to losing at least two in a row when they lost to Tampa in 20 then lost to the Saints to start 21. Last year they lost to Detroit and San Fran then starting with the Vikings this year. 3 in a row. I'm not as generous. Tenure is a whole not a part.

I got the feeling ARod started talking about simplifying the O after he heard Mike Tomlin say it after beating the Bucs on Sunday. What's too hard? Teaching the kids or fooling the other team? By the way, the young kids on the teams the Packers were playing seem to have been taught their jobs and were doing them well. Actually, young kids all over the NFL this year. Not to mention 2nd year and 3rd string quarterbacks.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:45 am

When we went into this season with Cobb, Lazard and Watkins and 3 rookies, 3 things seemed inevitable: injuries, a speed deficit and the need to get the rookies involved by developing them to be good at running a few routes reliably so that they could rotate in and contribute.

Injuries have happened. The speed is missing. We totally failed to change our approach to the rookies. We instead just approached Toure and Doubs as if they should master the entire route tree this year and then, in season, sit one, use the other on a limited and usually ultra cautious route tree and play the least experienced guy 30 snaps a game without really making him a factor on at least 25.

We did that with Rodgers last year—trying to make him a full tree receiver. This year we gave up. I’m no booster of Rodgers, but I called this out last season: maybe he’d be better at what he can do now has we taken his strengths and focused on them. Just ridiculous if you want young guys able to contribute and in a way that Rodgers can abide.

Yes, simplification was definitely called for, starting with OTAs. It’s very clear that none was contemplated or attempted. Week 7 is a bit bloody late to grasp that one, but apparently LaFleur doesn’t even now Rodgers has said it.

LaFleur: no plan, no clue, no answers.

5 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:56 am

Exactly. The Packers began the season on a 0-3 losing streak, squeaked by poor and/or banged up teams with a 3-0 streak. Now another 0-2 streak.

Inconsistent teams on the field and in the standings = poor/ineffective coaching.

What particularly concerns me is the fact the Packers are so much closer to being 0-6 vs 6-0.

This is not the stuff of playoff teams let alone a Lombardi candidate.

4 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:00 am

I along with everyone else would like to know what simplify means. Perhaps we will learn today on the Pat McAffee show what it means.
If I had to guess, I'm thinking maybe simpler blocking schemes? Perhaps fewer options on routes? Simply meaning running simpler routes such as our favorite the good ole slant pattern. I'm not sure what he was referencing.
However, maybe we are focusing on the wrong part of what Rodgers said though. “If you think we have the right players" “If you don’t, then that’s a whole another conversation.”
Maybe we are focusing to much on the simplifying where we should be talking about if we have the right players part of it. He can't talk publicly about the players that need to be benched. But in his way he brought it up and everyone is focusing on the simplify part when in reality he is talking about the personnel.

One of the biggest problems this Offense has is it is not able to overcome negative plays. Penalties and negative plays they simply haven't been able to overcome them.
The drive after they scored their TD against the Jets, they were moving the ball. They moved it until they got a holding penalty. Instead of 3rd and 4 it became 2nd and 17. Then they had a delay of game and it became 2nd and 22. They couldn't overcome that.

I do believe this offense can figure things out. I am an eternal optimist and I think they have the pieces to figure it out.
First things first they have to fix the OL. They have the players to do it. They just have to make a change. Perhaps Yosh can't play RT. He could potentially be playing out of position there. Which would be similar to Jenkins possibly playing out of position at RT. So maybe they are looking at Tom being the answer.
Once they solidify the OL, they can then get the weapons doing what they need them to do. Doubs needs to be trusted more within this offense. He gets open a lot. They need to make him the number 1 read more often.

I think something that could really help this offense out is more 2 TE looks. Lets say they go with Jones, Lazard, Doubs, Tonyan and Deguara as our base personnel. We have a lot of options with that look. Jones can motion out wide. They can move Deguara anywhere. Going with more 2 TE's I think helps with the WR issues right now. Tonyan is the most reliable pass catcher on the roster. I think Deguara has quietly had his best 2 games back to back as a pro.

So basically they have to get the OL fixed and a lot of the offensive problems will be fixed. With the faulty OL they haven't been able to run it well and haven't had time to throw the ball to WR's that are getting open. That is the starting part for the offense.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:59 am

Rodgers hates motion and the "Illusion of Complexity". He also hates RB run plays that take him out of the spotlight.

I wonder what percent of RPO plays ended up as runs.

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 18, 2022 at 05:05 pm

Remember the play against the Bears where it was a called jet motion counter that wouldve gone for big yards but Rodgers turned the wrong way and fumbled the exchange with Dillon? This play is a staple of Lafleur's offense and you see Kyle Shanahan's 49ers dismantling teams with it. Rather than admit he screwed up (on a handoff no less, high school level mistake), he was shown by cameras on the sidelines screaming and pointing his finger cuz he didnt like the play. His butler Tom Clements had to hurry over to talk hin off the ledge. A week later vs the Bucs, Devondre Campbell made a big play to get the defense off the field and as he went to the sideline Rodgers went to give him a high 5 and Campbell just walked right past him and celebrated with the next guy. These two moments are perfect microcosms of what is going on with Rodgers and this team. He hates everyone and everyone hates him. Dont hear anyone coming to his defense either. Rodgers has become Bo Callahan and nobody wants to go to his birthday party.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:03 am

I posted elsewhere on a similar topic but putting the onus on Rodgers not the OL. In my view the major reasons are one and the same. I’m not saying that the OL is without problems, but I do disagree that the O Line is the origin of the problem and thus the start of any resolution, and here is why. No offense, whether it’s the QB, OL or skill players is going to thrive with the way this offense and personnel have been used. The game plans have been such that we make it as difficult as possible for all our O.

Our yards per target is consistently laughably low. We run into those spaces, we condense the field into ten yards. We effectively run a near red zone O every play. It is the textbook way to help an opposing D.

When we do take a risk it’s one guy, typically not fast, typically heavily covered and a very low percentage option. To be fair to Rodgers, it seems from comments that most of that comes from him changing calls anyway. Certainly our longest completed pass (Watkins) was. Unfortunately Rodgers doesn’t always take risks at wise times and tends to do so in bunches, but he shouldn’t have to if LaFleur was competent.

Rodgers may be part of the problem with his attitudes, but ultimately that’s on LaFleur anyway, but as I see it LaFleur is worse not better in that respect and vastly more cautious. LaFLeur’s approach to this offense is terminal regardless if Rodgers personality. If Rodgers can’t thrive, for the same reasons no OL can under constant bombardment from Ds encouraged to be in an ideal position to disrupt. That in turn impacts all the skill players. Until that is grasped and addressed, we will be impotent and would be almost as much if Rodgers was ten years younger.

3 points
stockholder's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:09 am

There would be No talk of simplifying things if they Block. The OL is isn't missing Bahk or Jenkins now. Every fan saw the problem from game one. The message was failure from the start! And it's time to put the pieces back together, where they belong. Wilkins must be the LG.

-2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:39 am

He is on Miami's squad

2 points
egbertsouse's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:27 am

For 2 years I’ve been saying they should trade the Diva and for a couple 1sts and a couple seconds and start the rebuilding. I was reviled and ridiculed. Now it seems like I’m the driver of the bandwagon. Unfortunately, I think they waited too long and trading him now would be a repeat of the Favre deal, a 2nd rounder probably. Maybe less, after the Russell Wilson debacle currently happening in Denver.

I also spent the off-season laughing about the homer writers’ articles about how dumping Davante would help the Packers because Diva could spread the ball around. I remember writing that, using that logic, the Bulls should have traded Jordan so Stockton could have spread the ball around. How is dumping Davante working out so far?

-7 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:53 am

Your post prompted a thought. Compare the O we ran when Adams was out against the one we run now. Essentially, bar MVS, most of the starting pieces are the same.

That O was a lot more expansive than we have run this year and a lot more functional. It indicates what we could do with what we have if our Head Coach wasn’t as timorous as he has been and actually had some guts and less time to think himself into a hole.

5 points
Rarescope's picture

October 18, 2022 at 03:38 pm

Even though most of the pieces are the same, they're not the same players after 3 ACL injuries (although admittedly Tonyan is actually looking pretty good). Look at how awful 12 was after coming back from a broken collarbone. In a league where it's the best of the best athletes playing a game of inches, being off of your game a little bit from an injury recovery can be the difference b/w greatness and whatever it is that we have right now.

And I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but Egbert - gtf out of here w/ your ridiculous basketball analogies.

2 points
vin0770's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:34 am

MLF leadership is certainly being questioned right now and people are wondering out loud that this team needs some strong leadership to rally around and compete. The question is does he seem like that strong personality type that can inspire and rally the team to snap out of this malaise. Or does he seem like a really nice guy that is just the head administrator? I’m not optimistic 😢

2 points
Razer's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:45 am

My post went in just after yours and I "echo" your thoughts. I remember when one of the next generation had a baby and my father gave the following advice to the new parent "are you going to be their father or are you going to be their friend". In watching LaFleur, I always thought that he was trying too hard to be a buddy to the guys. Just my impression.

3 points
Razer's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:38 am

Like many of you, I expect more of Rodgers but in fairness to our star, there is very little any offense will do behind that O-line. Running or passing needs time, space and execution and our O-line is generating little more than errors. To Rodger's credit, he hasn't come out and called the line garbage.

Ultimately, this comes down to coaches teaching and organizing the players to do a job. Without good coaching you have a bunch of guys with scattered efforts and inconsistent results. The team appears to be unmotivated and disinterested but I think they are disorganized and disheartened by the general chaos. Joe Barry has better players than last year but the guys are playing like it is the first game of the season. If Lafleur is a headcoach - now is the time to show it.

6 points
jlc1's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:20 am

As for leadership I sure would like to see a fight or two during practice or maybe somebody tear up the locker room. Or how about a players only meeting? See if somebody steps up there. Because this coaching staff is not going to provide that kind of leadership.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:48 am

They will come out with some life against Washington.. then something will go wrong, ML will panic and they will be in a dogfight to beat a bad team.
Looking at the rest of the schedule, I don’t think it will matter what they do as they stumble their way to a seven win season.

3 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:55 am

That may be optimistic. Playing as they are now there may be a W over the commanders, Lions once, and Bears. Looking at drafting in the top ten next year. Perhaps as high as 5th.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:17 am

The reality is that teams in our situation rarely plateau. They either improve or they crumble. Given the apparent complete lack of grasp of the issues at the top, the likelihood is that we get worse as dissension increases. Rodgers isn’t going to be happy just doing the same thing. LaFleur seems to see only the one course. Who knows what other players are or will be thinking.

For that reason, the best chance is a change that shocks and changes approach. We could bench Rodgers, but the real problem is LaFleur. A plan is better than no plan when you are sinking. LaFleur had no vision so Love isn’t going to help him much. Rodgers could at least benefit from a changed dynamic and different ideas. He may not like it, it may not work, but neither is the status quo and nor will it. Better to try than just drown for not wanting to bail.

1 points
Fubared's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:11 am

Ya they are going to have to scramble to get those four other wins. The way they are playing now, IMO if they lose to Wash many of the players will just suit up and mail it in.
For Gary the light at the end of the tunnel is turning down offers and moving on next year. He is gone.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:03 am

Just throwing something out there that hasn't been discussed much:

The offensive coaching staff went under significant change this past year. Hackett and Outten left for Denver and Getsy to Chicago. Stenavich went from OL coach to OC, and Butkus took over as OL coach.

That's a lot of moving parts on just one side of the ball. I can't help but wonder if that hasn't contributed to the 'malaise' on offense.

1 points
jlc1's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:15 am

This is true and I have also noted it 13TimeChamps. It is just another part of the theme that this team is poorly coached and after 6 games it seems like it will be hard to change.

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:19 am

It also may display ML is not a good evaluator of coaching talent...or his coaching network is thin...or makes safe, internal selections to minimize changes...or the President of the Packers is telling him who he can and cannot hire.

Matt wanted Rizzi as ST coach in 2019. Seems they really hit it off. Murphy said no...salary demands too high. Murphy finally relented after a few days but Rizzi said "no thanks...gonna move on, don't want to work for you!"

Matt wanted Pettine gone after 2019. He stayed. Why?

He almost landed Leonard which would have been outstanding. Lost out on the Cadillac so he hired an Edsel...crony hire.

He lost 3 O coaches, did some minimal shuffling except to meet Rodgers demand for Clements (QB play is worse since he arrived). It does not seem any of the three moves has worked out yet.

Anyone who has played competitive team sports, especially football, knows coaching is the key to consistent on field performance and overall wins, losses.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:27 am

I’m not sure he wanted Pettine gone. That was largely speculation because he didn’t hire him. I believe it was Pettine who declined subsequent discussions on extending. If LaFkeur did want Pettine gone, he was comfortable with a very similar replacement.

Ball was the one who lobbied Murphy to block the salary for Rizzi as I understand it. Why Murphy would listen to Ball on football matters is a legitimate question after seeing his custodianship of the FO in TTs last years. It’s scary to think that Ball is Murphy’s rumored choice to succeed him.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 01:55 pm

It was rumors that MLF is asked/ordered to keep Pettine from Mark Murphy. And Pettine said in his first year that he feel 2 years with one team is the best for him and the team. He signed 2 years contract after all.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 18, 2022 at 03:22 pm

I wish I could remember the Packer beat reporter who wrote after Pettine was told he'd be back (he was the last coach to know his fate after the SF ground pounding, even Mennenga was told before him), that ML wanted to make a change.

However the FO "convinced him" otherwise.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:42 am

They have had eight months to sort it out.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:29 am

I think that we are missing the woods for the trees. There is an overarching reason we are pathetic on O and look likely to remain so as long as LaFleur is in charge. Look at this O as a whole and at what we’ve tried to do. Then consider why LaFleur won’t solve it because doing some would mean facing up to the fact that he had no plan to get Rodgers to buy in to play with this roster beyond you can do it with Cobb, Lazard and Watkins.

LaFleur has totally screwed up any chance of getting the most out if this roster by resorting to a pathetically conservative use of rookie talent that strips down our passing O to a very limited and predictable bare bones call set that mostly focused on the short horizontal; the passes that are run substitutes while omitting to run our best offensive weapon consistently.

We go light on receivers, send only one deep or intermediate typically, yet rarely throw to TEs or RBs (and when we do it’s mostly shallow). So Ds have fewer offensive threats. We also encourage them to pack the first ten yards, to address the run and most of our passes. That facilitates heavy rush pressure and makes the short pass and the run much more difficult to defend. It’s worked like a charm and we have no answer because we have no threat deeper typically, or one and he attracts S help because there’s no other route that cause doubt.

Of course LaFleur doesn’t get it. If he did we’d have had different personnel and a radically more aggressive approach rather than this self strangling ultra cautious rubbish. Admit that and the whole facade of his strategy and competence unravels. It also may help explain Barry’s baffling caution too. A HC sets the tone. If anything, LaFleur outstrips Barry in the caution stakes overall.

Our offensive issues don’t start with the O Line, that’s struggled in large part because our whole plan is calculated to defeat itself. We are scheming to make it as hard as possible for our runners, our WRs and our QB. We are playing like prior years but without the diversity of calls or the talent.

We’ve simply gone extra conservative to a point where it should be obvious that it is self defeating. We’ve been that way every game this year, but Tampa figured it out pretty comprehensively and every subsequent opponent has simply come out and replicated that. In the Giants case it took a half. The Jets didn’t wait. Don’t expect others to.

5 points
T7Steve's picture

October 18, 2022 at 02:26 pm

I figured it out! It's all a facade. In previous years they rocked the regular season and showed everything they had. This year they're going to try to do just what they have to, looking like idiots, to put the other teams asleep.

Now all we have to do is wait for the playoffs.

It may be grasping at straws but, what else can we hope for? They have it all planned out!

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 18, 2022 at 09:29 am

The 'Illusion of Complexity' has turned into a 'Complex of Delusion' and we now sit and wait to see how this story goes and ends. It's a different story, but the same story as with the battle between Rodgers and MM, and who wins the Offense path going forward.

Rodgers has tossed MLF in front of the bus with his 'simplify things' and now MLF either succumbs to Rodgers request or MLF stands by his Offensive schematics that are more illusive to him than an Illusion to opponents.

I said a few times, this team has talent, but the ability to pull off any Illusion is a magic trick too complicated and beyond them at this time.

5 points
Fubared's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:08 am

Ya simplify what" They have three offensive schemes, three: pass to the receiver on a screen, Hand off the ball for a run, pass to someone anyone who is within 10 yards of the line of scrimmage so Rodgers doesnt get planted in the turf. How simple is this?

4 points
Fubared's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:04 am

Hey this is October, the month for the ghoulish and the dead. Packers certainly are in costume for that.
1. The O line isnt going to just "presto get better".
2. The run game could improve but these guys arent game breakers and never were. Especially Dillon.
3. The passing game will improve if the routes are run and the passes are on target and they stop dropping them. Either these guys can hang on to a football or he football isnt getting there?
Otherwise why should we expect things to change? It is what it is.

I hope if Wash puts a lick on the Packers, go Barry gets the blame and is sent packing. His time should be up but if the next guy installs the same crap defensive scheme, whats the point?

1 points
Swisch's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:14 am

With Rodgers in effect holding out the past two seasons, has he been sending signals that he's lost his passion for the game?
Is ennui the reason for him not wanting to attend all of the OTAs and not wanting to play in the preseason?
Does he not want to put in the effort to work with young wide receivers?
To simplify the offense: Is that to make things easier on himself?
Is this why he has to go to South America for some kind of exotic drug-induced stimulation?
Does it seem as though Rodgers is cranky and unmotivated during the game, and emotionless and monotone after the game?
Is the rest of the team lifeless because Rodgers is lifeless?
P.S. If these things are basically true, then I have a genuine concern for the well-being of Aaron Rodgers; but he should be getting help somehow rather than dragging down the players and coaches and fans of the Packers.

-2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:28 am

The body language of the $50 million man is increasingly one of apathy. And when an apathetic person thinks seriously about retiring, they usually do, as motivation for the job continues to wane and performance suffers.

I do not know what makes Rodgers tick now.

2 points
Swisch's picture

October 18, 2022 at 12:37 pm

So far at least -- more than two hours later -- I have three downvotes and zero upvotes for simply asking sincere questions.
Here's another sincere question: Is this the level of discourse at CHTV these days, in other words a pathetically low level?
The above essay says the Packers must show some life. If Aaron Rodgers is lifeless, how hard is it for the rest of the team to show some life?
In other words, the state of Aaron Rodgers seems to get to the essence of the Packers.
Instead of being dullards of downvoting, how about some intelligent dialogue, some robust but respectful debate?
If we don't get to the heart of the matter, the Packers will continue to irritate and frustrate us to the point of exasperating us.
The heart of the matter seems to be whether or not Rodgers still has the heart for football.
I truly think that in general the fans here at CHTV are intelligent, but could do a better job of showing it.
Thanks to LambeauPlain for a thoughtful reply.
I encourage others, whatever the point of view, to go beyond sneers and ridicule to put forth real opinions of thoughtfulness.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 18, 2022 at 02:15 pm

I'm tired of been called names like hater, immature, bad English talker/speaker/writer, etc.

I never ever refuse to answer to any poster that come to discussion I somehow started. So, Swisch, what I see is that ACR finding excuses, but never look at himself. When things go down, first what the leader has to ask himself is what I'm doing wrong. Because for team (not only football team, but every team) leaders put rhythm and, if necessary turning points and have to be honest to himself to get whole team to believe in him. And that you can't achieve with those rah rah talk, and you can not achieve with talking publicly what you may do or not. You go to work, first leaders to drag allong others.

I hear and read how ACR knows all and share it with everybody on that TV show. That is not how leader should work. It is humiliating for every single one on the team. Why he do not call some players meeting and tell them in privacy what he is thinking and asked them for their opinion. That is how leader see what is necessary to do to make turn around.

Now, I'm again ACR hater. I'm not. But again and again and again I do not like how he treat Packers, team I'm fan of. That is all.

3 points
Swisch's picture

October 18, 2022 at 02:58 pm

If it is indeed true that Rodgers has largely checked out -- that is, largely stopped caring -- then it may be that he really doesn't have the patience to truly help the team, but is mainly interested in defending himself.
I don't know.
Sadly, when I try to evoke discussion among good fans here at CHTV, I get mostly crickets, silence, also some sneers and anonymous downvotes.
I know, I know, we're not supposed to care what others think. Well, then, let's stop the upvotes and downvotes all together, and let's stop all replies to fan comments.
In other words, fans just write comments without any feedback from other fans. Is that what we really want?
Much better to me is a robust but respectful debate in which everyone of good will is encouraged to participate. We don't have to pretend to have all the answers, just a sincere desire to get to the bottom of things for the good of the Packers.
It's great having you here at CHTV, croatpackfan, and please keep the comments coming as long as you want to contribute.
Your English is good to the point of being impressive, and will get better and better with more reading and writing.
It seems to me English is one of the most difficult languages to master. After graduating from journalism school, and working as a journalist for small newspapers for a couple of years, and still considering myself a writer (however modest, even miniscule) -- I still look up the meaning of words, and their synonyms, almost daily. I still make mistakes.
Sad to say, freedom of speech in America has largely degenerated into name-calling and emotionalism, ridicule and scorn, manipulation and intimidation, censorship and cancellation.
This lowly level of discourse -- lacking in reason, logic, and courtesy -- seems even to seep into CHTV when talking about sports. I don't think it's a majority of the comments here, but as a vocal minority it's a matter of real concern.
In general, America -- a beacon of freedom for all of the world -- is itself becoming a land of darkness in expression.
If we don't care when others are shouted down and shut down, then who will stand up when it happens to us?
It's a tragedy in the making, a profound sadness -- and yet there is good news in that some people are still speaking out, still refusing to be silenced.
There is still hope.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 04:07 pm

If you criticize Rodgers or are perceived as doing so then you will get some down votes automatically. If you say that this malaise is deep rooted, ie not fixable easily, you will get others. If you say LaFleur is a waste of space you will get more. That doesn’t surprise and shouldn’t really. It’s taking a clear stance or challenging accepted wisdom or wishes.

It doesn’t matter how you say it, whether it’s thoughtful or considered. It’s just not what some wish to countenance. So screw them. The interesting posters don’t write to be correct or popular, but because they have something to say. Their counterparts will respond meaningfully if they disagree because they have a reason to articulate. Agreement is a nice bonus, no more.

I’d far rather read a post with something I disagree with than some old rehash mantra that fits my opinion. I will down vote if i think something is off color, repeated more than a couple of times l, factually incorrect and that’s already been addressed or is just wrong and my would be argument already made. I will up vote if I think someone has a fair point or is funny. As I always say, the worst thing is no bites at all when you tried to say something that you thought significant.

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 18, 2022 at 04:47 pm

We all have to remember that we all have different personalities and sometimes it is very perplexing as why you would get a down vote. I still scratch my head and have complained as to 'why' in the past. The good thing is that some posters have come to my rescue when I have complained 'why' I have gotten a down vote to a particular comment.

The other thing is that when a person has a somewhat lengthy comment there can be things in that long comment that the reader will agree with and other things he will not agree with. So, in that case, will you get a down or upvote? It is possible that you will not get a vote either way since the reader will agree on only part of the comment. There again we all have different personalities and will vote differently.

I do wish something would be done about a down vote such as if you down vote, you have to supply the reason. Otherwise, it will continue on as it has been.

1 points
Rarescope's picture

October 18, 2022 at 03:50 pm

Glad to see you dropped the diva comments and switched to ACR croat - makes your comments much better.

And Swisch - you got downvoted for actually showing some empathy for ACR the human being. Sadly that is not how many see our sports stars. Although most days I think you could get downvoted for saying something like "Hope everyone is having a good day!" There's usually no rhyme or reason to it other than a few obvious trolls. There is still value to be found here though. I didn't even know the position names on the Oline until I started reading this site but there's a lot of crap to sort through to find the intelligent discourse.

2 points
T7Steve's picture

October 18, 2022 at 02:37 pm

If they downvote you and don't reply, it's really an upvote that depresses them. At least there's nowhere but up from there.

Keep Swishing!

4 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 04:10 pm

That’s actually an intriguing way to look at it.

1 points
Swisch's picture

October 18, 2022 at 06:02 pm

A hearty thanks for the good comments in the replies.
I'll put it this way: I agree we can't be too sensitive, but as human beings and not robotic machines, it's important to support each other, even when we disagree.
It goes to the heart of the main essay: Our talented players on the Packers probably should be performing better regardless of any circumstances, but as human beings, it may be understandably unrealistic to expect them to step it up without better leadership.
We need each other to be at our best and reach the fullness of our potential.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:36 am

“If you think we have the right players, then we need to simplify things...If you don’t, then that’s a whole another conversation.”

This was a great moment of leadership. In other words:

1. If you think we have good players, the coaches don't know what they are doing.

2. If you think we have an untalented roster, then the GM doesn't know what he is doing.

"But don't blame me. Not my problem."

6 points
Coldworld's picture

October 18, 2022 at 11:36 am

“But he tries hard” is often a euphemism for “ he works hard but is talentless.”

1 points
Handsback's picture

October 18, 2022 at 10:36 am

This isn't that hard, they are what their record says they are. Half the time, good offense. Half the time, good defense. 3-3 record seems about right for a team that plays half a game.
I said it in previous posting on another article...this year there is a lot of mouthing off by the players. Don't usually see that in teams that are well coached.

5 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 18, 2022 at 08:04 pm

Exactly what’s happening.

1 points
Packers0808's picture

October 18, 2022 at 01:07 pm

Like I said earlier the Tea and age seems to have affected the coordination of Rodgers. How else you explain the wide throws, the over throws and under throws!? Yes he has been rushed more often than before but unless like Rodgers said the QBs legs go he should be able to move and avoid more of it than Rodgers is able to. Maybe the legs are gone as well with his age. Maybe time to play to Rodgers diminishing skills and quit the hero ball and play a smaller game.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 18, 2022 at 02:37 pm

In other words..."simplify things". Maybe he should take his own advice.

1 points
T7Steve's picture

October 18, 2022 at 02:40 pm

If the legs go, the arm doesn't matter.

-1 points
Rarescope's picture

October 18, 2022 at 03:55 pm

"Maybe time to play to Rodgers diminishing skills and quit the hero ball and play a smaller game."

I don't think they can play any smaller. That's been pointed out as a primary source of the problems they are having on offense in many well thought out and articulated comments here by people far more knowledgeable about the game of football than I.

0 points