Cory's Corner: The Giants Stun The Packers

An undrafted rookie runs circles around the Packers defense as the Giants may have wrecked the Packers postseason plans. 

The Packers didn’t deserve to win. 

They were 2 of 5 in the red zone, 5 of 14 on third down with three turnovers, including a muffed punt. 

And if that wasn’t enough, Jordan Love’s 76.7 passer rating was his worst passer rating since putting up a 71.8 in a 23-19 loss to the Steelers on Nov. 12. 

But despite all that, the Packers clawed back and even though Malik Heath made an amazing catch and reach — his first touchdown of the season — to put the Packers on top, this team still found a way to lose 24-22 to a Giants team that people didn’t think had a chance. 

And even though undrafted rookie free agent quarterback Tommy DeVito was sacked 28 times in five games heading into Monday night, the Packers didn’t generate any pressure and allowed DeVito to get comfortable. The Packers didn’t get a sack by only rushing four players at most.

Going into this game, the map to victory was making an untested DeVito do things that he cannot do. That didn’t happen and even though DeVito has questionable arm strength, he still outplayed Love — most notably going 4-for-4 on the final drive before Randy Bullock kicked a 37-yard field goal as time expired in front of a pro-Packers crowd at MetLife Stadium. 

This game especially hurts because it most likely will knock the Packers out of the postseason. Green Bay falls to 6-7 and will need help to inch back into contention. 

But what is also most frustrating is that Packers coach Matt LaFleur didn’t trust what has been working. The wave of the three-game win streak unfolded on the backs of the play-action bootleg. That never materialized, but instead was replaced by an endless amount of end-arounds. 

I get that the Packers most dynamic offensive weapon in Aaron Jones was out, but he hasn’t played since the Packers beat the Chargers on Nov. 19. The Packers have proven that they can win without him but on Monday, the offense looked like it was stuck in quicksand. Love wasn’t extending plays like he normally does and the Packers had a hard time moving the ball down the field. 

In order for the Packers to win now, they need to outscheme the opponent. That involves plenty of misdirection and scheming receivers open. 

The positive from tonight’s game is that we learned that tight end Tucker Kraft can be one of the Packers top receiving targets. He is quick enough to get down the seam and proved the Mack truck toughness that I loved when he was drafted. 

No, the Packers aren’t perfect. Their special teams unit is the most penalized unit in the league and the offensive line needs plenty of work and consistency. 

This game just proved that changes need to be made in the offseason. The Packers are close, but they aren’t quite there yet. 




Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


4 points

Comments (100)

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vin0770's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:13 pm

Ok young team 13 games into the season…but do they have to look this $hity and regress back this far? Taylor doesn’t get OB after doing the same thing and getting instructed last week, you have to play with a brain. Muff a punt and don’t smoother it? Got to play coverage and mug the guy with your hands? Etc. Etc.

At what point does the accountability culture kick in…13 games in and this team isn’t learning? And who drives accountability and culture….the coaching staff! Weak sauce 😢

9 points
jlc1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:27 pm

It's not just muff a punt. It was still thinking he could make a play and thus coughing it up again. Same thing when Robinson beat him. Nixon looked like he was wanting to jump the route and thus lost leverage. He wants to make plays. Good for him. He needs to recognize when the big play is actually available.

4 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:31 pm

I don’t see Nixon as a “ heady” player. Judging from interviews I have seen , he’s pure adrenaline/ emotion. I definite liability from a football smarts standpoint. He’s made some really bad decisions taking kickoffs out of the end zone too.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 13, 2023 at 12:27 pm

LeRoy Butler broke down the play. Nixon was not ready to address the WR route and his feet were positioned incorrectly. Watching the QB, instead of playing to the WR, but we didn't need Douglas.

0 points
T7Steve's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:17 pm

7 on 11 doesn't work.

We can blame poor play calling, STs blunders, the D not defending and the QB/youngsters not executing. All had their part, that's true.

It was the veteran O-line that got pushed around and lost that game.

6 points
Celise...'s picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:03 pm

while i agree that the line was the problem here, i blame the coaching for this as they are going against traditional and proven line play by not having these young players learn one position well before trying to teach other line positions. it's hard enough for young players to learn technique for one spot let alone 4 or 5 different positions. each position requires reacting to the given defense on a certain play differently. subbing them in during the game does nothing to help them learn by experience.

3 points
T7Steve's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:20 pm

Yes, I agree.

The coaching has screwed this up since the playoffs of 2020. When Nijman played well covering at left tackle since the DB's ACL through the rest of the regular season, then they decided to switch it up for the playoffs. The line has never been as good since.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:32 pm

Talent acquisition. Players over plays. The LT position is a disaster. Rhyan can handle the bull rush, Runyan cannot. Myers is good on the move, but the Pack lacks the RB to get to the corners with A.Jones on the shelf.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:22 pm

Agreed. Again coaching and not making the best use of players at all or, probably, positionally—not the best 5 in terms of overall talent.

In this year where it seemed obvious that run blocking was going to be critical, we really made no changes except sidelining out best run blocking T.

In season, we still refused to address the problems. This from the team that brought us Newman at T and the anointing of Hanson last season. Meanwhile LaFleur just lets it ride as he did Drayton and Barry’s run D.

It’s way past time to call time in LaFleur and co, before they stymie this roster as they did those with Rodgers and Adams though poor coaching.

2 points
Lphill's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:25 pm

awful coaching on every level, how the hell does MLF challenge that catch right in front of him?

4 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:34 pm

Yeah, I saw that as well and thought. Now there is a wasted time out. I don't get it either.

2 points
KenEllis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:27 pm

"This game just proved that changes need to be made in the offseason. "

LOL, this is the Green Bay Packers.

Murph will be back to collect all the accolades before his retirement.

Gute will draft a defensive player in round 1 to be wasted playing for a worthless Defensive Coordinator.

MLF will get a bewildered look while his Special Teams and Defense underperform.

Bisaccia and Barry will be back to coordinate their underperforming units.

Love will continue to improve along with the young offensive weapons only to be undone by the D and STs.

We do what we do.

2 points
NitschkeFromTheGrave's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:31 pm

Giants did not stun the Packers. They may have stunned a bunch of HOMERS, lulled into wishful thinking the 2 prior weeks was the new reality but this was just a game of who they are.... mediocre. From coaching to starters to the bench. Talent is light and the play against the Giants was lighter.
Yes they are young but that excuse don't win NFL games. We can cry " we are building or rebuilding" but we said that every year in the 70s and 80s. Point is until we get some real play makers (talent) this is the reality for the foreseeable future.

-8 points
Packerpasty's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:31 pm

you sir are correct, looks like you hurt some feelings with the thumbs down but some dont like reality..

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:38 pm

Disagree. They have the talent but the injuries sure did not help but that is no excuse since we beat two exceptional teams with the injuries the last two weeks.

I think we need better and more consistent coaching. Also, and this sounds like my ranting from last year, they need to make in game adjustments. When they rush the passer, the passer just runs right on by us. Come on, make the adjustment or when they do rush the passer, have a spy on the QB. How many times did the QB run? 5? 6? Seems like a bunch!

2 points
Coldworld's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:31 pm

If you don’t have a good OL and can’t run the ball, any offense is going to struggle. If you have a D that can’t stop the run or key drives consistently, then your O better be able to not only score but hood the ball, which means run it as well as passing. If a young QB is out of rhythm, what you need is to run and have a strong pocket to get him time to get in rhythm. Come to think of it, that worked with Rodgers and Favre too.

We all knew these things years ago, it’s long proven wisdom. We all knew that, coming into this season, this would be particularly critical. Apparently LaFleur and his staff did not or just couldn’t change their ways and personnel preferences. Instead we repeat the same weaknesses of prior years and throw in trick plays to try and cover. So lost for ideas that we increase them even once teams start to play to them

That’s why they all need to go. This is not new, just a rerun with a different caste of players.

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:33 pm

Is this the HC you want coaching a team of real playmakers? I don’t.

1 points
NWPackersfan's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:44 pm

Joe Barry has to go! NO SACKS on the most sacked QB in the league! 200+ yards on the ground again! He is the worst DC in the league given the quality of talent he has to work with!

No Creativity again on other side of the ball.

They looked like a team that just beat 2 of the best teams in the NFL and played down to the opposing team. Love looked like he reverted to the beginning of the season as did the receivers.

It was just so hard to watch them not play up to the caliber they had been playing at for the last 5 weeks.

Go Pack Go!!!

17 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:40 pm

I know about all the crying about Joe Barry but the ST play has not been good either and you don't hear many complaints compared to the Joe Barry complaints. That may be coming.

1 points
GP1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:15 pm

Yep. If we pay on results then at the very least the H.C.& D.C & S.T. coach should all be thanked for their time as they are shown the door.

0 points
mnbadger's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:45 pm

I don't think the roster is that far away, even with injuries.
The difference between the 1's & 2's isn't significant at most skill positions anyway.
The difference this week was, in no order:
- effort
- execution
- play calling offensively - " . . . can I get one more end around for my friends here?" mlf after the game to the giants' fans
- total scheme defensively - we should have stacked the box, stopped the run and forced the weak qb and wr group to beat us
- terrible ST's execution
- HC seemed lost again - 'nuff said
Similar to, but opposite of last week when we played great complimentary football.
This week's poor performances by all units complimented each other.
Hard to watch, like watching October game re-runs.

6 points
Fubared's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:24 pm

This team is loaded with no bodies. There is not one playmaker on this team.
Gary gets a sack maybe then he is gone for the game. Preston Smith is doing nothing. Van Ness isnt used right and they make him sit in the back seat most of the game. Watson plays one game takes off three, ditto Jones and when they do play they aint putting points on the board.
Campbell and Wyatt are always hurt. Alexander isnt much to brag about when he does play and Stokes is too stupid to play corner.

-8 points
jaxpackfan's picture

December 12, 2023 at 02:55 pm

I generally agreed with your post until the "stupid" comment. Uncalled for in my opinion. These kids have a bunch of games where they underachieve. However, getting mean and personal with unfounded remarks is just wrong.

3 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:43 pm

He lost me at 'no bodies'. They do have talent and they are young. This is going to happen. It is up to the coaches to 'coach them up'!

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:33 pm

Not that far away from what exactly?? A playoff team, a div champ, super bowl champ?? what I see is theyre not too far from mediocrity...500 or a game above or below...

-4 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:48 pm

Pp, I know you are disappointed in the game and trust me, I was totally pissed, I mean really pissed. I am just now commenting but if I would have done it earlier, I might sound a bit like your post as well as others. We do have a good team but are young and have a lot of injuries plus I am not sold on all of our coaching. I think we need to take a step back and relax a bit knowing that a certain amount of this is to be expected as they are so young.

2 points
Duneslick's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:46 pm

You forgot the number 1 problem. A QB who is very inaccurate

-2 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:49 pm

Yes, he was for that game!

2 points
Coldworld's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:34 pm

3 quarters of it. Both Rodgers and Favre had those days too. I’ve got less sympathy for a 5th year coach having just as bad a day if not worse, personally and through his appointees.

4 points
GP1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:18 pm

Love, Who I generally like, seems rattled by the Blitz and then held ball too long before throwing poorly.Have they found his weakness or was it just a terrible day out?

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:43 pm

He sure was in the first half, maybe a little better 2nd half. Good teams score TDs when they get in the red zone. Good defenses take at least one facet away, run or pass. Barry makes no adjustments either before the game or during it and it shows. It is shocking that we have kept him this long. He is mediocre at best and should have been gone after last year. As well as we have been playing this should have been a 2 score win. It was exciting to think about a chance for the playoffs with this young, talented team. The coaching staff is responsible for everything except the turnovers in this game.

1 points
Doug_In_Sandpoint's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:47 pm

Just heard the coaches remarks following the game…
The reporters at the presser aren’t asking the questions I would ask: “Matt, you mentioned that you were out coached and outplayed. If your coaches aren’t doing the job, have you planned any repercussions?

Or: Coach, I noticed that you sat Nixon after his fumble, and Reed took over return duties. It appears that you were holding him accountable for his errors. How will you hold Joe Berry accountable for his lack of performance at the end of games?”

18 points
Fubared's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:21 pm

Or Matt how many times are you going to try the end around play that only has worked once.
Or Matt how come your receivers know where the line to gain is but insist on stopping before it and getting tackled there.
Or Matt your kicker who sucked in college but you drafted miss a field goal and the other two barely made it through, when will you dump him.

2 points
T7Steve's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:24 pm

Where were you when we needed you?

Wonder if it wasn't the ST coach? Look how long MLF left the previous returner in after all the muffs and games he cost.

4 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:16 pm

We all love Rich Bisaccia and tend to give him a pass, but right now our special teams are ranked almost as bad under him as they were in 19,20 and 21.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:13 pm

I am still puzzled by Ford’s call. Was it him bracing for impact that did it? Otherwise it was surely in Incidental contact, not a tackle.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:52 pm

Well he did admit they were out coached.. but he does that a lot.

1 points
stockholder's picture

December 12, 2023 at 12:51 pm

This loss should be pinned on Jordan Love.
He choked and this time;
the team couldn’t pick up the pieces.
Mlf was forced to take the ball out of his hands.
It not only explains the trick plays and Reed
running the ball.
But the running game as well.
The Giants dared him to throw.
Let's not dodge around the problem.
Unless Jordan Loves accuracy improves.
Forget the playoffs.

5 points
Fubared's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:18 pm

How could the wind be a problem per the announcers when the other QB made crisp sharp passes that were caught on a straight line. Only Loves passes were wobbly ducks. One announcer said Love was not planting his feet right to make accurate passes and thats one of his problems poor technique that a QB coach should have straightened out by now.

4 points
packergal's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:53 pm

SH, I just hate it when Love "chocks".

5 points
stockholder's picture

December 12, 2023 at 02:07 pm

Meaning - we can't move forward.

1 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:55 pm

Disagree on Love choking. Why would he choke now when he played so well agains some other teams.

My thought is he is thinking that this is his first Monday night game and they are under a microscope. I think he got caught up in the being such a big game under the lights in New York (Jersey).

I though a lot of his passes were high and that is why my thinking is that he was a bit frightened by playing under the lights of Monday night football.

Just my humble opinion.

-4 points
fireball's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:05 pm

I'm beginning to believe that Matt LaFleur is not head coach material. I'm not sure that LaFleur is even worthwhile as an offensive coordinator calling plays. It's beginning to look like Aaron Rodgers and Davante Adams and Nathaniel Hackett as offensive coordinator did make most of the winning difference the first three years of Matt LaFleur as head coach.

It's difficult to judge Love because, maybe, he's been so badly trained. In any case, I'm beginning to have real doubts about Love being a starting quarterback in the pros let alone as a potential hall-of-famer. What could the Packers get for Love in a trade?

It's possible that Matt LaFleur has only one more year to prove himself. In any event, like some others have said, I think the team is stuck with him for at least one more year.

The Packers appear to be without strong leadership. No one seems in charge.

-3 points
Packerpasty's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:36 pm

oh, Love is probably a starting QB in the league much like Baker Mayfield or Carr, those type...a few good games a few bad games, mediocre ...

-1 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:11 pm

He's better than that!

2 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:54 pm

God, the thought of another year of MLF. Oh well looks like my next Lambeau visit will be 2025.

2 points
Fubared's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:14 pm

First of all the Packers stunned their fans being un prepared on offense and defense to play a team that won a whopping 4 games and had a back up QB no one heard of before.
Second, Bary should have had his D ready to play another running QB and failed to change his defense because he defensive players arent bright enough to play more then one defense.
Third. Jordan Love has shown he lacks consistency and cannot make the deep passes needed in todays game. Other teams know how to defend him by bull rushing and playing the corners up close to stop the short game knowing the long game isnt anything to worry about.
Fourth, LeFleur has a minimal offensive scheme using some plays over and over even when they arent working.
He is trying to say "poor me I dont have a running game so I need tricks".
This was a god awful attempt at football. The team that showed up didnt pass rush, block, catch well, run well or kick well. There are zero play makers on this team. No one to step up and carry the load.

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:14 pm

Fub, they did stop the running game quite nicely except for the QB. They just did not make the necessary in game adjustments!

2 points
crayzpackfan's picture

December 13, 2023 at 04:23 pm

HP- Fub, they did stop the running game quite nicely except for the QB."
Not true. Barkley had almost 90 yards on 20 carries for a 4.3 average. 10 for 71 by the QB for a 7.1 average. T Robinson 2 for 36 for an 18 yard average and some other dude was 2 for 16 for 8 yard average. That's 24 runs for 138 yards for a 5.7 yard average. The QB had 10 scrambles for 71. Those 5.7 yards per were killers and a major portion of the 209 yards gained. we were supposed to sack him a lot according the statistics, instead, we let him add to an already failed attempt at stopping the run.

0 points
albert999's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:14 pm

All three phases. Jordan Love had two first-half turnovers and the Packers offense finished 2-for-5 scoring touchdowns in the red zone. The defense gave up over 200 yards rushing and didn’t have a sack or takeaway against a third-string rookie quarterback. And the special teams lost a fumble and missed a field goal. It’s probably a minor miracle that the Packers actually led 7-0 in the first quarter, 10-7 at half and 22-21 late in the fourth quarter because they made all the mistakes necessary in all three phases to lose the football game decisively. This was the Packers’ worst performance overall since pre-Halloween against the Vikings.
The final drive. The Packers needed one stop against Tommy DeVito — an undrafted free agent rookie making his fourth career start — to escape New York with an ugly win. But Joe Barry’s defense couldn’t provide it. DeVito calmly completed four consecutive passes for 53 yards, including the back-breaking 32-yarder to Wan’Dale Robinson against Keisean Nixon’s coverage that got the Giants down to the 22-yard line. It was as easy as a game-winning drive could be. The Giants completed four uncontested passes, ran three times, lined up for the field goal and knocked it through. For the fifth time this season, the Packers gave up a second-half lead and lost. And for the fourth time, the Packers took a second-half lead and immediately gave it up on the ensuing defensive possession.

8 points
Coldworld's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:30 pm

Complimentary football ….

0 points
DokGonzo's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:14 pm

How is Patrick Taylor not getting more carries? Taylor averaging 5.1 yards per carry to Dillons 3.5 on the season, and 7.5 to 3.5 during the game last night. Dillon is not a feature back; he's a change of pace guy who should not get more than about 8 carries a game. Need more speed hitting the hole at RB. The WR end arounds and jet sweeps are only effective when used sparingly, not as your bread and butter run game.

Basiccia hasn't had a top 10 ST unit since 2017. Last year 22nd. This year currently around 28th in DVOA. His career average ranking is 14th. Most ST penalties in the league currently. He is the highest paid ST coordinator and is not earning that paycheck.

I won't even touch the defense. We all know what needs to happen.

3 points
DokGonzo's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:15 pm

If I hear LaFleaur say "we were out-coached" one more time I'm going to lose my mind. That's not something you publicly admit, even if it's true. How does that instill confidence in your guys? Can you imagine Lombardi saying that in a press conference?

15 points
GP1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 10:29 pm

I don't agree. My memory is that Coach Lombardi did say words to that effect and more early on in his career at Green Bay. Further; players know when they are being done on the sidelines. One generates no respect by claiming something that is complete garbage.

0 points
DokGonzo's picture

December 13, 2023 at 12:03 am

To be fair GP1, a cursory internet search does not provide primary sources for either of our claims. Probably a question for Cliff Christl, the official Packers historian.

While admitting fault to shoulder the burden of his players is admirable, I do not believe it helps the team to make a general admission like that. Phrasing is important because words have power. For example, LaFleur stating his play call on the two-point conversion was "bad" is fine. He's owning his mistake in that specific instance. However, stating he was generally outcoached (presumably in all facets, given a blanket statement like that) is not productive, despite his intention to shelter his players, because it shields them from taking ownership of their play. Bear in mind, we have a very young roster looking to their coach for guidance.

In other words, if a player had a bad night, they could simply look at their coach's admission and (some) may assume they were set up to fail because he never gave them a chance to succeed. The reality is that while it's important for the coach to admit to a bad play call when it happens, it's more important that the players assume responsibility for their own failed plays and strive to improve. The simple truth is that this game was not lost solely because of bad coaching. Winning teams are made up of individuals who take ownership of their responsibilities and specific failures and do something about it.

I'm not saying LaFleur should be a tyrant and take no responsibility, I'm just saying it serves no purpose for him to shoulder all of it.

0 points
bjkdad44's picture

December 13, 2023 at 07:54 am

Excuse after excuse after excuse!

1 points
DokGonzo's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:15 pm

How is Patrick Taylor not getting more carries? Taylor averaging 5.1 yards per carry to Dillons 3.5 on the season, and 7.5 to 3.5 during the game last night. Dillon is not a feature back; he's a change of pace guy who should not get more than about 8 carries a game. Need more speed hitting the hole at RB. The WR end arounds and jet sweeps are only effective when used sparingly, not as your bread and butter run game.

Basiccia hasn't had a top 10 ST unit since 2017. Last year 22nd. This year currently around 28th in DVOA. His career average ranking is 14th. Most ST penalties in the league currently. He is the highest paid ST coordinator and is not earning that paycheck.

I won't even touch the defense. We all know what needs to happen.

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

December 13, 2023 at 08:35 pm

Patrick Taylor isn't smart enough to get out of bounds to save 10 seconds and a timeout. I think he has done that twice now and I would bet he was told that before he went onto the field. No excuses.

2 points
MitchAnthony's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:39 pm

Who will be running those sweeps next week? Heath or Toure?

Too soon?

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:38 pm

I want more trick plays, triple reverse or something on that order!!!

1 points
mnbadger's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:34 pm

more cow bell!

1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:32 pm

If they have any sense, Melton once, but then throw it to Dillon or Kraft drifting out the other way a couple of times.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:41 pm

It is written that if you turn the ball over twice in a game, you'll lose 60% of the time. 3 turnovers and it jumps to about 75%, and four turnovers puts you at 90%. We had two fumbles and an interception. We also had a missed FG, which is essentially a turnover. The Packers are not a good enough team to have multiple turnovers on the road and win. Most teams aren't. It's too deep of a hole.

My opinion that returning kicks and punts hurts you more than it helps you remains unchanged. Fair catch, get the bottom of the roster off the field, put your offense on the field. It helps avoid penalties and injuries. Returning is a losing proposition.

We're playing Day 3 rookies at both corners, we're on the road, we turn it over 4 times, and we give up 24 points. Clearly, there is no word that could overstate the ineptitude of the defense, although many here have tried. The defense has to hold teams under 20, regardless, for us to have a chance to win. That said, I was really disappointed with the defense on the game-winning drive. I mean, you've been stopping these guys all night and when we really needed the stop to win the game, the defense just dissolved. I haven't been able to study that last drive so I can't say for certain what happened.

Water under the bridge. Four more games. Win and we're in. We've been our own toughest opponent. And we've lost guys on offense to injury: Jones, Watson, Musgrave. Those guys make a difference on the scoreboard.

The good news is that even though we had all those turnovers, we still scored 22 points. Minus the turnovers and we have this baby in bed well before the gun sounds. IF we can win 2 of the next 3 games...against Carolina, Tampa, and Minnesota, then we'll be 8-8 when we close out the season at home against the Bears.

Regardless of what happens for the rest of this season, I'd say 2024 looks really good.

-2 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:22 pm

Good post LH. I agree with you that next year is bright and even better in 2025. We need to continue to be patient with our team. We are really young and have so many injuries. All teams have injuries and with us, that is why we need to continue to build depth.

Speaking of depth, how about the play of McDuffie. He was just so so at best early on in his career but now is playing great. We need more of that!

1 points
White92's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:06 pm

Turnovers usually tell the story unless it's MLF coaching in the NFC championship at home

3 points
LLCHESTY's picture

December 13, 2023 at 07:59 pm

No mention of them giving up 200+ yards on the ground? Figures.

1 points
AZPackersfan's picture

December 12, 2023 at 01:47 pm

Maybe we anointed Love as the next Aaron Rodgers a little too soon. Think we could trade Love for DeVito.

-4 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 12, 2023 at 02:21 pm

I have a question for the "Fire Everybody" crowd.

When is the last time a team has moved on from their long time, multiple MVP, 1st ballot HOF QB, and turn it over to a first time starting QB throwing to the most inexperienced receiver/TD group in the last 20 years or so, lost their pro bowl left tackle, best running back, along with a multitude of other significant injuries....and are still in the playoff hunt after 13 games?

Maybe something to ponder before the "house cleaning" that so many are clamoring for commences.

-5 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:38 pm

13TimeChamps. Be careful, you might win the CHTV Voice of Reason award
: )

-4 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 12, 2023 at 11:12 pm

I highly doubt it. Negativity reigns supreme on these sites.

Personally, I believe the Packers are one of the top 2 or 3 best run organizations in the NFL over the past 30 years or so.

But fire everyone after any loss will always bring out the most passionate responses. Be careful what you wish for. How many front office/coaching staffs have the Bears and Lions gone through during that time?

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:41 pm

still in the playoff hunt, and thats how watered down the playoffs have become..."everybody in, more cash for the NFL".....

1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:02 pm

You seem disappointed in how this year has played out so far. That's fair. We all have our own personal views on that.

What would you have wanted to see done opposed to just complaining? Enquiring minds........

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:25 pm

Thank you 13 for a great comment. I can complain plenty about this and that with our team but find myself defending them a bit. If some of the posters don't like it then let the down votes begin (continue?)

-4 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:48 pm

Don't worry about down votes Hawk. If their only retort to you defending the team is an anonymous down vote, that says more about them than it does about your post. I actually hate that function of this, otherwise, great site.

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 09:17 pm

Me as well 13. Thanks.

1 points
HarryHodag's picture

December 12, 2023 at 02:45 pm

Dear naysayers,

This is largely the same team that upended the Lions at home and Kansas City in Green Bay, sans Watson, Quay Walker, Jaire, Musgrave and Jones.

The difference in this game was a poor defensive strategy to deal with the Giants, especially Tommy Cutlets. MLF knew they were going to blitz Love, yet left him dangling. If Carlson makes a make-able field goal it's a Packers victory.

Reality is this team is going nowhere but home after Jan. 7. Isn't that what we all thought going into the season? 2024 was going to be the coming out party for this team after yet another good draft in April.

Your vinegar is wasted because this is all there is THIS YEAR. It isn't out of the question to win three more games and finish over .500.

Enjoy being a Packers fan,

Harry Hodag

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:30 pm

It's completely an over reaction to say that this one loss ends their season.

It was also premature to expect a deep playoff run. #6 vs #7 seed is significant in getting one playoff win; all this is still possible.

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:27 pm

Nicely said Harry but they do still have a pretty good chance for the playoffs. Keep the faith baby!

0 points
ricky's picture

December 12, 2023 at 02:54 pm

Something that Aikman and Buck commented on really caught my attention. That was their wondering why the Packers were rotating their OL on a regular basis at LT and RG. The two seemed really puzzled by this, as you would think that at this point in the season, unless there is an injury, the OL should be set. Did anyone else hear that? And why would they do that, if not for injury reasons?

6 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:42 pm

O line is anything but set. Zach Tom hasn't played anywhere but RT, while C is his best position. Our C is inconsistent and that's the best compliment we can give him because other than some bright spots he's beaten a lot and ineffective at run blocking. We've got 5 OTs, all big enough to dominate at the position, whereas Tom is NOT. He has been playing very well though.

Out of the 4 players rotating through 2 positions, nobody has emerged as the clear winner. According to the coaches anyway. Most of us here see Rhyan as clearly better than JRJ at RG. I say start Rhyan and if he plays well for the whole first half don't bench him. That's not the same thing as committing to give him 100% of the snaps, even for one game.

At LT, I see Nijman as clearly the better player. He also seems to get worse rapidly by not playing.

I was hoping that merit would determine the O line this season instead of favoritism. This problem directly leads to every other problem this season, more than enough to create every loss. Although other problems contribute to losses too. This is primarily what I refer to when I talk about bad coaching. "Draft and develop" requires evaluating talent, and actually teaching them how to improve, including fundamentals. While this doesn't seem to be happening at other positions, nowhere has it hurt the team as much as the O line.

The O line coach has the last name of Butkus. I say send him back to Chicago!

2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:49 pm

I can't help with the "why' of this, but The Great Reynaldo's weekly Packers Snap Count columns here on CHTV will give you a picture of the history of this practice. It's not new, even though the dynamic duo of Aikman and Buck somehow stumbled upon it.

OL decisions have been a mystery to me since whomever okayed Billy Turner at LT for the playoff loss to the 49ers at Lambeau. Since, we've continued to hear a lot about putting the "five best linemen" on the field, all while the eye test has been telling untrained eyes like mine that those are not the five best. Who knows?

9 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:01 pm


all true. Also at stake is the need to evaluate OT Mt Caleb, Telfort and Tenuta, before Gutey can draft well. That requires putting easy games away early, not letting bottom dwellers hang on in nail biters to the end.

MLF is big on players not making the same mistakes, but coaches seem to be setting themselves up to repeat their same mistakes in next TC.

-2 points
Handsback's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:44 pm

...Giants may have wrecked the Packers postseason plans. Well, they are the youngest team in the league. They are still trying to figure out how they need to play consistent football. The coaches don't seem to understand time management and how to play possession football. So I would say the Giants didn't wreck their playoff plans, more like the Packers don't know how to play football in order to make the playoffs.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:07 pm

Clock management has never been one of MLF's strengths. Even so, this game was lost due to a lot more than just that. They weren't beaten for 60 minutes like we've seen earlier in the season, but the times GB played dominant football were in the minority.

GB got beaten, badly, in all 3 phases.

3 points
Naughtyboy1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:44 pm

We knew this was going to be a tough season but I didn’t expect it to be an embarrassing one. This “young” team may be athletic but I don’t think they are real smart or MLF sucks at teaching young plays the basics on football. J Love also makes high school grade football mistakes.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:09 pm

Coaches teaching players what they need has largely not been happening. This is the biggest failing of this coaching staff, and an important part of GB's "draft and develop" strategy.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

December 12, 2023 at 03:49 pm

Cory, this loss by no means knocks GB out of playoff contention.

It's also incorrect to claim that GB "didn't produce any pressure." DeVito only scrambled because he was pressured. GB created LOTS of pressure, but 0 sacks. And DeVito continued to make plays both with his arm and legs. How much of that is due to QB improvement, GB lack of sill / effort, or JB scheme is difficult for me to assess. I think all 3 had a role.

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:43 pm

"Pay the Man".....well, maybe lets allow this season to play out first...PUMP THE BRAKES!!

0 points
Wilment's picture

December 12, 2023 at 04:54 pm

The Giants didnt stun anyone here....the packers decided to play down to their level and abandoned the things that gave them the three game win streak. Turnovers......unacceptable. None the past three games and three last night. Not protecting the ball is what bad teams do...and why they lose. Love was out of sorts, last TD pass aside. He is fortunate there was only one pick. two or three other balls ended up dangerously close to being thrown to the guys in the blue jerseys Defense rushing four and five, not only didnt get home, they continuously ran right past the house. The kid Devito looked more like a pro bowler courtesy of some poor line play and a miserable night for coverage. The giants offense mustered 24 points, three times the paltry 8 pipg they've been averaging at home. Do we have a lot of guys banged up? You bet, but the guys we had out there are better than anyone the giants had out there. This is a game we should have one, it wouldnt have been a rout, but we should have won by eight or nine points Lets get back on track and beat the Bucs GOPACKGO!!

3 points
Mr_Bill_H's picture

December 12, 2023 at 05:09 pm

I'd say The Packers stunned The Packers by playing as boneheaded as they possibly could on all facets including coaching decisions and play calls

4 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 12, 2023 at 06:51 pm

If the object of every season is to win the super bowl then let’s look at some of the HCs that have done that: Shula, Lombardi, Shanahan, Gruden, Belicheck, Landry, Harbaugh, Dungy, Parcells, Carroll, Holmgren, Stram, Madden, Vermeil, Walsh and others. They all ran precision mistake free teams that rarely laid eggs in big games.
I was fooled by a lousy three game winning streak. I won’t let that happen again.
We are in year five. The product put out on the field is not good enough. Youth? No excuse.. the Houston Texans blow that excuse up, with a rookie HC no less.
I’m sure that MLF can deliver a few 10 win seasons with J Love, and maybe a wildcard round win. I don’t see him ever getting past that. He can’t pick a staff, seems to be more unfocused than the players in big spots, and can’t seem to correct mistakes. We came out flat all the time last year too. With a HOF QB.
I guess it doesn’t matter because the GB front office seems drunk on MLF kool aid. He’s not even as good as McCarthy. MM seems much better now that Kellen Moore is gone.
We whiffed on the HC. Aaron Rodgers & Davonte Adams covered that up for three years. I know one thing , if the Packers ever play the Giants for the NFC Championship.. we’re going home. MLF will never beat Brian Daboll.
It’s like we’re just wasting our time thinking after 5 years MLF will magically transform into one of the best , and super bowl winning HC.

0 points
White92's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:15 pm

The Packers were rarely beaten by an inferior team and almost never came out as flat as they were last night when MM was coaching. When it did happen, he was gone shortly after.

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

December 12, 2023 at 09:19 pm

I feel your frustration, Since, and I question LaFleur's ability to lead going forward. There's truth in your assessment of him. However, each of those coaches, if you look at their entire careers, shit the bed more than once in big games. Belichick was a big time loser in Cleveland, Carrol got run out of NY and New England, Dungy was always a bridesmaid in Tampa, Madden had those heartbreaking losses to Pittsburgh, Holmgren lost more Super Bowls than he won, fuck Gruden, Shula had a rough stretch in the 80s, they don't award the Tom Landry Trophy for a reason, Shanahan's stint in Washington was a complete shitshow including the destruction of RGIII, so, yeah, I don't know if LaFleur has it or not. Everyone stumbles. Bart Starr was just getting the hang of being a HC when he was fired.

And, the Texans? They lost to the freaking Jets 30-3 on Sunday, and they're 7-6. They had the 2nd and 3rd picks in the 2023 Draft, and 3, 15, 37 and 44 picks in 2022. They're not blowing anything out of the water. They've been blowing for a long time, and now they have some athletes.

There are talented players in Green Bay. Lotta season left. Hang in there, buddy.

2 points
THESZOTMAN1's picture

December 12, 2023 at 07:43 pm

Well, at least there's this:
In 2022, we flew 3953 miles to get upset by the Giants; this year it was only 796.
The Szotman

0 points
Wilment's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:18 pm

Daboli is never taking the giants to a championship game without tickets and a party bus After the Giants dump Daniel Jones, Daboli will be next. Chicken cutlet Devito and his pin striped agent Don Corleone will tease the Giants fan base for a season or two, causing the Demise of whoever follows Daboli

1 points
Rhah's picture

December 12, 2023 at 08:55 pm

I think the expectations from fans on this Packers team, youngest in the NFL, is a bit high. I predicted 7 wins going into the season and it looks like possibly 8 maybe 9. Of course they will have bad games, every NFL team does. Patience...

1 points
golfpacker1's picture

December 13, 2023 at 09:57 am

I don't think the "Monday Night Football" moment was too big for Love. And he doesn't really seem to get rattled, although it would be good to see him act like he is a little more fired up than he shows since he is supposed to be the leader of our team. Mahommes does that really well.

I don't know who the Packers QB coach is, but Loves footwork fundamentals hurt him with his throwing accuracy. When you are falling backwards while you are throwing, the ball is going to be high. Like most of his bad throws all year. I would guess he learned this from Rodgers, who could make a great throw from any angle and later in his career he was throwing everything off his back foot. AR could get away with it because he could close his eyes and drop it on a dime. All quarterbacks now have to throw from all angles and Love has some talent at this skill. But with the right coaching he could be way better. Other than the close losses and injuries, we have alot to be happy with in how he has developed this year. He is still essentially a "Rookie" starting QB in the NFL and we shouldn't forget that.

Also being at .500 with a chance at the playoffs this late in the year with the youngest team in the NFL, our all-pro OT not playing all year, our best RB out for basically the whole year so far, and the other injuries we have had, not a bad year really. Still in the hunt was more than was predicted.

GB has willingly given themselves a huge handicap by continuing to employ a terrible Defensive Coordinator. With the talent he has been given, he has woefully underperformed. It is shocking we have won as many as we have with him. With the speed that the NFL owners dump head coaches, you would think Lafleur would have dumped JB 2 years ago to make his own job safer. Hopefully Joe Barry is finally done after this year is wrapped.

With another strong draft to fill our holes at OT, Safety, LB, Edge, and RB, since we will lose/trade/cut Bahk, Savage, Campbell, P Smith, and Jones/Dillon, will really makes us stronger and younger. Not to mention almost healed financially. Next year could look really bright for us.


1 points
golfpacker1's picture

December 13, 2023 at 10:15 am

Leatherhead made a great point earlier about returning kicks. It is a real bonus if you have a good returner and we do have one in Nixon. But that play lost the game for us. We could have overcame everything else we shot ourselves with, but that is a triple whammy in that it changes momentum, gives the other team great field position, and throws our defense back on the field after a big 3 and out.

I don't know what the stats show on how many actual kicks that are returned end up getting called back for block in the back penalties, but I would be shocked if it is less than 50%. When you add in the injury factor it almost makes no sense to return any kicks. It sure cost us Monday.

I commented on another thread about the number of kickoffs our kicker has left short of the end zone giving the opposing team opportunity to return them. I would add this to Leatherheads comment as a kickoff into the end zone is a win for special teams. Our kicker was supposed to have a really strong leg, part of the reason we wasted a draft pick on a player we could have gotten as a UFDA. I hope we bring in competition for him this offseason. I would sign Missouri kicker Harold Mevis as a priority UFDA. Really strong leg and accurate too.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 13, 2023 at 03:02 pm

It’s too much.. it’s never going to change under this regime. It’s the exact opposite feeling I get from the early Holmgren years. You knew the front office and coaching staff were in place for long term success.
We have a sub par staff and maybe a half decent front office. Nothing else matters after that.

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

December 14, 2023 at 09:19 am

By the way, there is no reason Sean Rhyan shouldn't be getting the bulk of the snaps @ guard. He has played way better than Runyan and the coaches need to stop this stupid platooning strategy. Rhyan is starting to show why he was so highly rated and was a 3rd round steal. Another of the Green Bay young guns.

0 points