Extra Cheese: All gas, no... well, ok, maybe tap on the brake a bit.

Aaron chats with Packers fans about the news that Mike Pettine will return as defensive coordinator in 2020.

Earlier this evening I held my Packers chat over on our YouTube channel, brought you by our friends at Festival Foods. You can catch the replay below.

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3 points

Comments (9)

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Lare's picture

January 22, 2020 at 05:04 pm

With MLF keeping Pettine I'm guessing we'll see opponents running the ball a lot next year.

1 points
Fubared's picture

January 23, 2020 at 03:27 pm

Or passing that didnt work either.

0 points
stockholder's picture

January 22, 2020 at 06:11 pm

The 3-4-4 stays.

0 points
Houndog's picture

January 22, 2020 at 06:50 pm

Even after dozens of failures, I guess we'll try to fix the faulty Anti-lock brake system rather than replace it.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

January 22, 2020 at 09:33 pm

Yep. Let's pray they load up on the line (literally) and find a real ILB for the middle. And a # 1 WR...

1 points
TALLTEXN's picture

January 22, 2020 at 07:14 pm

Hey Aaron, not sure what our problem is on defense whether it be coaching, player personnel or both but I do know there is a problem. If you keep the coach, you are pretty much saying they don't have the people on defense they need to be a contender so, I see Gutey making some decent moves this off season, what say you!?

0 points
FAN24583's picture

January 22, 2020 at 08:51 pm

Absolutely right. There is a problem and it’s either the players and its on BG or it is scheming and or lack of adjustments and it is Pettine s fault simple as that.

0 points
Cheesey51's picture

January 22, 2020 at 10:29 pm

I like Coach Pettine. I think he is a good coach. I just do not like being run over at will, especially the will of the SF'ers
280 yds. rushing but "no one got behind us for the long balls", even after the pack knocked out SF leading RB
Throughout the season, the other team continued catching us in the 2nd half
Who can forget Capers D & Kappernick running all over the packers in a championship game.
What kind of defense allows running at will. In a championship game
It is not acceptable. Keeping Pettine means keeping Capers. How'd that work out?
Why? Besides continuity and not disrupting the coaching/player chemistry, what is the advantage?
Jimmy Leonard, Wade Phillips, Defense backs coach of the Seahawks were all good DC candidates
Go Pack Go--Carry the G

2 points