Film Review: DeShone Kizer vs. Brett Hundley

Brett Hundley had the dream scenario. A highly successful college quarterback who was drafted in the fifth round, had no pressure on him to be “the guy” right out of the gate, could sit and learn from Aaron Rodgers and get three full offseasons of preparation before being called upon for his first significant action. That’s the ideal quarterback development playbook in a nutshell.

By the time Brett Hundley was asked to be thrown into action he absolutely should have been ready. Nobody was expecting him to come in and be Aaron Rodgers, but the minimum expectation was that he would understand the offense and be able to be a game manager. Simply put, that wasn’t the case. Recently, Mike McCarthy was quoted as saying that Hundley, “wasn’t ready for what he needed to be ready for.”

It’s one thing for Hundley to struggle in his first real action due to him being caught off guard by the speed of the game, being nervous on the big stage, or maybe feeling the pressure of needing to be as good as Aaron Rodgers--but the fact that Hundley struggled because he wasn’t prepared is simply unacceptable.

The biggest knock on Hundley coming out of college was that he wasn’t able to run through his progressions and the fear was that he would struggle to fully grasp and be able to run an NFL offense. In college he would read his first receiver and if it wasn’t there he would pull the ball down and run; completely ignroing the rest of his progression on the play. It was a consistent flaw, but one that is correctable with coaching and maturity in an offense.

Unfortunately for Green Bay and Hundley, that wasn’t the case. The same issues that plagued Hundley in college plagued him in the NFL. Hundley can make NFL throws and he has the tools necessary to play at a high level, but his ability to read defenses and go through the full progressions of an NFL offense aren’t there yet and there has to be sincere concern that those skills will never develop.

Enter DeShone Kizer.

The Packers recent acquisition of DeShone Kizer was a major move for the franchise. The headliner in the deal was obviously Damarious Randall, but Green Bay was the team that reached out with interest in Kizer. This isn’t new, either. Before the start of round 2 last year, Ian Rapoport tweeted out this:

The interest in Kizer has been there for a while. Brian Gutekunst recently stated that Kizer has every trait that Green Bay looks for in a quarterback. This was a deal to try and secure a quarterback that Green Bay had a lot of interest in developing and making a serious part of this team going forward.

So the question remains; is DeShone Kizer an upgrade from Brett Hundley?

DeShone Kizer: 255/476 – 53.6% - 11 TDs – 22 INTs – 38 sacks – 77 rushes – 419 yards – 5 TDs – 9 fumbles

Brett Hundley: 192/316 – 60.8% - 9 TDs – 12 INTs – 29 sacks – 36 rushes – 270 yards – 2 TDs – 4 fumbles

The numbers, and the results for both quarterbacks weren’t pretty. The touchdown to turnover ratios for both were especially ugly, and Kizer’s 53.6% completion percentage was real bad. The major difference, of course, is that this was Kizer’s rookie year on an abysmal team. Meanwhile Hundley, in his 3rd season, took over for a team that was 4-1 when he came in midway through the Vikings game.

Kizer was never supposed to be ready in year one. Every scout that I read made mention that Kizer was going to need time to develop. He had just been benched as a starter a year prior at Notre Dame and while the talent was absolutely there, he simply wasn’t ready to come in and be a starting quarterback.

So where does that leave Green Bay going forward and is DeShone Kizer a better option than Brett Hundley? Let’s take a look at some of the film:

Here you can see how Kizer has been able to translate his skills from college to the pros:

Kizer also shows the ability to make every throw, win with his athletic ability, and has every tool that you would want in a quarterback:

There are obviously areas Kizer needs to improve on as well, mostly his accuracy and his decision making:

So how do Kizer and Hundley compare? Take a look for yourself. All of these videos will show Hundley and Kizer making similar throws in the NFL:

Both quarterbacks are skilled and both quarterbacks have a lot they need to work on before they are ready to be fulltime NFL starters. With that in mind, Green Bay didn’t make this deal with the intention of Kizer being the 3rd string quarterback this season. Hundley had a full opportunity to learn the offense and when given the keys to the team, he wasn’t prepared and ultimately he failed. Green Bay may give Hundley one more chance to stick around this offseason but I’d expect him to be traded on day three of the draft to a team who didn’t come away with a developmental quarterback.

It’s safe to say Green Bay probably shouldn’t feel comfortable with either as the backup quarterback if Rodgers were to go down again for an extended period. The difference is that Kizer has the much higher upside, and hasn’t yet been given the opportunity to succeed. If Kizer develops and reaches his ceiling, Green Bay will have not only a solid backup, but a starting caliber quarterback on their hands. Only time will tell if Kizer can develop, but moving on from Hundley and finding a new quarterback with tremendous upside to develop was absolutely the right direction to go in.

More on the Kizer trade and what it means for Green Bay from Chris:

Listen to previous Friday Film Room sessions here:

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Andy is a graduate of UW-Oshkosh and owns & operates the Pack-A-Day Podcast. Andy has taken multiple courses in NFL scouting and is an Editor for Packer Report. Andy grew up in Green Bay and is a lifelong season ticket holder - follow him on Twitter @AndyHermanNFL!


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Comments (56)

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Samson's picture

March 29, 2018 at 04:36 pm

Hundley & Kizer can play nearly every snap in pre-season as long as neither play any meaningful snaps during the regular season or playoffs.

Neither are viable NFL QBs at this point. -- They may never be.

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HankScorpio's picture

March 29, 2018 at 05:15 pm

"At this point" is the key phrase. Hundley has had time to grow into being a legit backup QB. Kizer has not.

I like the deal. It gets rid of Hundley and that was very high on my "to do" list for the off season. Maybe they still need an upgrade. But we went from certain of that to uncertain of that. So that's moving the right direction at the very least.

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DD's picture

March 29, 2018 at 06:00 pm

MM deserves blame big time, yet he's retained?

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Coldworld's picture

March 29, 2018 at 06:16 pm

TT controlled the roster. I agree that MM’s expressed support is baffling, but do you really expect him to come out and say that any player on his roster is just plain useless? His job is to make his players believe first and foremost.

Any coach who said in a press conference “Come on guys, we haven’t a prayer now Aaron’s out, just go through the motions” would be rightly unemployed. Who knows what he really thought about his roster or options to sign and whether TT gave him any.

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Kevin Ven's picture

March 29, 2018 at 08:44 pm

The issue I have their is he could have gone to Callahan much sooner. After watching Hundley be terrible in some games, pull him for Callahan to see if he does ANY better.

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croatpackfan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 02:55 am

And you are sure that Callahan was better than terrible Hundley?

Only mistake was that they let go Taysom Hill, but that was TT decision not Mike McCarthy decision.

You simply can not understand that you do not have all the information coaches have. I say Joe Casllahan would be worse than Hundley...

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John Kirk's picture

March 29, 2018 at 07:04 pm

As much as I've wanted MM gone as badly as Ted over the years, I almost have to say that maybe it's for the best. To think Mark Murphy is going to basically hire the next HC is horrifying.

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Oppy's picture

March 29, 2018 at 11:59 pm

Mark Murphy isn't hiring the next HC.
Where would you get that idea?
Is this another attempt to reduce Brian Gutenkunst's role?

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NickPerry's picture

March 30, 2018 at 07:10 am

I'm not sure I'm following you Oppy... It was a pretty well documented part of the new Packers front office structure it would be Murphy who hired /fired the HC.

Murphy is also said to be the "Tie-Breaker" in times where there's a close call between the 3.

I would hope Gutekunst and not Murphy would do the hiring but at the time Gute took over that wasn't the case according to everything I read.

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Oppy's picture

March 30, 2018 at 07:25 am

Could you please link to some articles where this is stated?

Edit: I found some articles. This flew completely under my radar. Wow. I stand corrected.

Is this theoretically a move to thwart GM/HC cronyism?

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lou's picture

March 30, 2018 at 10:54 am

Agree Nick, the reason Murphy did the re-structure is because he felt a "green" GM did not have the football capital to fire McCarthy if his team nose dives nor the background to select the next Packers head coach, I can't think of any reason but that why they would go back to the formula that produced 20 years of mediocrity until Harlan stepped up and put Wolf in charge of the football operation. It is undisputed with the new structure that if McCarthy is to be fired, Murphy is the guy who has to do it and I am sure he realizes that.

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John Kirk's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:50 pm

Here's a link to the Brian Gutekunst introductory presser with Mark Murphy... forward it to 14:18 mark. The question will be asked and Murphy will answer that, YES, he will fire and hire the HC. Watch Mark Murphy butcher his new GM's name and then say he's been a big fan of Brian's for a lot of years. Yes. Sure. He's such a big fan of one of the key guys beneath him that he doesn't even know how to pronounce his name? Mark Murphy is a true embarrassment to the Packers organization. Never hearing from him ever again would be in everyone's best interests.

This subject has been talked about many times here among some of us like NP and myself. Spend some time listening to what these guys say and how they say it. Take a notebook if you need to and compare Mark Murphy's presser after Ted was fired to the one when Brian was hired. I think you'd be surprised by the inconsistencies or outright lies of Mark Murphy. There are reasons I don't like Mark Murphy...just listen closely, and, again, compare his words from his two pressers.

So, back to my post that was vehemently disagreed with and thumbs downed... Do you really want Mark Murphy deciding who is and isn't the next HC of the Green Bay Packers? That is horrifying to me...and should be to any fan who wants to see this team win SuperBowls.

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WKUPackFan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 01:57 am

Let us examine some of the claims John Kirk has made attempting to establish his bona fides over the past few weeks. Then we can decide if anything he says has any credence.

1. Claimed to be at an awards ceremony in the early 2000s when "his friend" was receiving an AP sportswriter of the year award. At this exact same time, this sportswriter friend alleged received an email from a Packer player supposedly detailing many transgressions by Brett Favre. What an amazing coincidence. According to Kirk, this friend would not publish the Favre information out of fear that the player would deny it. However, it is fairly difficult to deny something that was already stated in an email.

2. Claimed to have had "daily conversations" with Gil Brandt. As with all of Kirk's claims, this one is void of specifics as to when and over what period of time these daily conversations took place. Regardless, it is difficult to imagine that Brandt, legendary former Cowboys Vice President of Player Personnel, was having daily conversations over any length of time with anyone except his family, friends, and close associates.

3. Claimed to be receiving multiple private messages from "a Chicago media member" during the Kyle Fuller offer sheet situation. Allegedly this Chicago media member was giving Kirk inside information about the Fuller situation that no one else was receiving. Interestingly, no actual Chicago media member was reporting any inside information about Fuller's, the Packers', or the Bears' intentions during this time. As with the Favre email situation above, it seems that any Chicago media member with inside information would be reporting it, instead of communicating it to Kirk.

The above constitutes only three of the many "factual" claims that Kirk has made attempting to elevate his status. Decide for yourselves if any of Kirk's claims are in any way logically accurate. Then decide if any of Kirk's daily supposition, speculation, and innuendo regarding anything to do with the Packers have any indices of accuracy.

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croatpackfan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 03:03 am

How dare you to put in question that huge football mind, like John, in question... He is above us at least 2 if not more steps...

Also, you might be wrong regarding your points:

1. " awards ceremony in the early 2000s when "his friend" was receiving an AP sportswriter of the year award."

Maybe he is "his friend". We do not know for sure, do we?

2. "Claimed to have had "daily conversations" with Gil Brandt."

What if John Kirk is in reality Gil Brandt? Think about that!

3. "Claimed to be receiving multiple private messages from "a Chicago media member" during the Kyle Fuller offer sheet situation."

If I'm right with point 1. or point 2. it might be true what he claimed!

You never know....


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WKUPackFan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 10:05 am

croat - It was absolutely shameful how Kirk went after you by trying to make fun of your command of the English language. Unfortunately, that episode was a typical display of Kirk personally attackiing another poster. You can take heart in the fact that Kirk has also attacked other reasonable posters like Oppy, marpag1, and GB Jacker.

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croatpackfan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 12:52 pm

Do not worry. I have fun answeri to his posts...

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John Kirk's picture

March 30, 2018 at 07:05 pm

I've attacked no one. I've been attacked and have defended myself.

For the record, I complimented Croat and his English. I couldn't speak or type his language and find his command of our language to be very good.

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Oppy's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:34 pm

I don't feel like I've been personally attacked by John Kirk at all.

I don't agree with a lot of his takes- I personally find many of his takes be "media-oriented", meaning, I find his rationale and thought process is conducive to generating intrigue, buzz, and ratings- but I don't think that necessarily aligns with grounded reality. I understand that angle, because it was his professional duty to steer conversation and dialogue towards the fantastic. I myself find most media outlets to be at least partially sensationalist and inflammatory, it's how they generate listeners and readers and that's their bread and butter.

If anything, I've probably "attacked" John more than he has me.

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John Kirk's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:56 pm

Tons of respect for you with this post. You obviously have the gift of honest introspection. I've dealt with my fair share of WKU's, Croat's and others over the years. One thing that has always been's never been about me, but it always becomes about me. It's my perceived "anti" Packers takes that ramps up the tension here. The koolaiders so to speak do not like that one bit and I understand why...I provide them with internal conflict that isn't present from where they usually seek their Packers info. I'm perceived as a liar and hater. I'm neither.

Hoping for more civility but that might be asking to much from usually just devolves as the attempts to degrade me fail and fail and plans to do so move from a, b, c on through z.

Again, thank you for your post. It really meant a lot to me as it's the truth.

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croatpackfan's picture

March 31, 2018 at 10:55 am

I hope you don't feel like I've been personally attacked you. I just reacted on your answers to my posts...

I have nothing against you (at least nothing efficient)... ;-)

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John Kirk's picture

March 31, 2018 at 02:12 pm

Thanks for the post, Croat. I don't mind disagreement. Hate on my opinion as much as you'd like. :) If there was a hatchet between us, I'd love to consider it buried based on this post.

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WKUPackFan's picture

March 31, 2018 at 02:48 pm

"it always becomes about me"

Yes, you're always the victim. Always persecuted by those evil kool-aiders and homers.

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John Kirk's picture

March 31, 2018 at 03:42 pm

Is that how you would define yourself? I wouldn't have used the word "evil". I would've chosen "subjectively self-limited". :)

Victim? I don't see myself that way at all. A target of angst is more appropriate and by looking at your posts directed toward me who could say otherwise?

Been around forums for nearly 20 years. I have met you again and again and again and again.

While others who have done what you've chosen to do regarding me have apologized and chosen to be better, you remain one of the lone hold outs.

Can we actually engage in football debates? You have chosen over and over to make your posts about me. Not what I'm here for, but if you want to post in such a manner I can quid pro quo you all day long.

0 points
John Kirk's picture

March 30, 2018 at 07:01 pm have made a mockery of this site with your shenanigans. I never said I was at Jim Litke's award ceremony. Never said I was having private conversations about Fuller and the offer sheet.

You do not understand media or how the AP works at all. TWO SOURCES as Jim would always say...they can't print without two sources and a journalist with integrity, which Jim is, doesn't publish off the record information.

Man, you are a small small man. You keep making things up. I haven't made up anything.

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WKUPackFan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:12 pm

Well, we're just going to have to go back to the Fuller articles to count the number of times you claimed to be getting inside information. And you may getting confused. In the Jordy article comments you told a totally different story about Litke and the Fuller situation.

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John Kirk's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:26 pm

No. I honestly have no idea where you're getting some of the things you allege about me? If I posted it, I'm sure you screenshotted it like you did with the post you claimed you did earlier.

Link to the thread that this is contained in. I will bet you can't. Not the first time you've made baseless allegations against me only to disappear for long stretches only to return when you think you have a smoking gun that's never been fired. When you can't provide evidence to your baseless claims you should apologize but that takes class which you've proven you're short on not only tonight but every single time you've ever posted in my direction. Again, why?

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TheVOR's picture

March 29, 2018 at 07:29 pm

I'm with you Hank, I like the trade, Kizers a way better athlete IMO. 6'4" and 233, has a live arm, as the film shows, can make all the throws. Decent trade for GB, plus we moved up to the Browns slot in the 4th and 5th rounds, thats huge also, especially in the 4th, it was like picking up a late 3rd almost. Great trade for GB. I like a future for Kizer here more than I liked a future for Randall. Randall was gone next year. This should be interesting in camp. Man, Hundly really disappointed last year in his starts, in fact I thought he was pretty much "Terrible" for the most part.

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4thand1's picture

March 29, 2018 at 05:22 pm

Hundley was everyone's darling in pre season, where teams play a vanilla scheme. MM the QB guru didn't have him ready? But man, did he defend Hundley to no end last year when asked about his play.

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Coldworld's picture

March 29, 2018 at 06:19 pm

Actually, not so much. Meh apart from the odd flash was the general take if I recall. We were all excited by a soon-to-be Saint. Hardly a glowing testament to Hundley even in pre season.

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Cubbygold's picture

March 29, 2018 at 08:25 pm

Didn't he practically kill the reporter that asked him about kap?

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Bert's picture

March 29, 2018 at 05:33 pm

I'm good with giving Kizer a chance to develop. There have been more than a couple QBs look crappy their rookie seasons and go on to become pretty good. Peyton and Aikman were both pressed into service early with crappy teams and looked pretty bad. Kizer was a rookie playing with a bad team and had Hue Jackson as a HC. What could go wrong there?

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J0hn Denver's Gavel's picture

March 29, 2018 at 09:58 pm

Sans Rodgers, Id say the Packers roster looks less formidable than the lowly browns'.

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Oppy's picture

March 30, 2018 at 12:02 am

Shouldn't it?

The Browns roster has been being pumped full of high first round picks for years.

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DD's picture

March 29, 2018 at 05:58 pm

Kizer played with a real bad team, yet the Pack was just a wee bit better. I've said a ling watch his college film. 5th round, 6th QB taken should alert even the casual fan, and especially the coaches. Hundley had ample time to learn and develop, but showed very little improvement and failed to launch. Hundley's fault? Yes. But, let's not let MM off the hook. He blew it big time, yet is retained. Shows his genius and teaching skills. Terrible. Kizer will be a better QB then Hundley for sure, but not the next Farve or Rodgers. Hundley should be traded or released along with MM for failure to develop Hundley and defending a known bad product.

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Coldworld's picture

March 29, 2018 at 06:26 pm

We will see. If a team will trade anything for Hundley I would take it right now, because I think he can’t process a defense and I think, given the time he has had, he never will. I also doubt he has any trade value whatsoever, in which case let him fight it out in camp. Given his contract, Kizer is under control for a lot longer, so the battle may be with Callaghan or any draft pick or FA for the PS though. If so I’d say Kizer would have to be really dreadful for Hundley to stick around.

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Lare's picture

March 29, 2018 at 06:33 pm

I'll withhold judgement on Kizer until he's had a chance to learn and play in GB's offense.

As to Hundley, I'd cut him tomorrow. He's had three years to learn behind Rodgers and when he got his chance he failed. Keeping him on the roster will just take reps away from Kizer and anyone else they bring in to be backup in case Aaron gets hurt (again).

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Cubbygold's picture

March 29, 2018 at 08:27 pm

Agree 100%. Hundley was average in spring training. Some ppl talk as if the guy carried a 120 qb rating and just couldn't find a way to make it work in the regular season. He's never looked good and if GB cut him most GMs wouldn't even think about bringing him on.

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lebowski's picture

March 29, 2018 at 07:39 pm

No more talk of Hundley please, trying to wash the stink of last year from my memory

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ricky's picture

March 29, 2018 at 08:11 pm

Hundley wasn't ready? That is on the coaches. Also, in the Minny game, there was really no chance to make adjustments to fit Hundley's strengths (read and run, ala Kaepernick in his prime). But after that game, it seemed the offense was going to be the same one Rodgers ran. The coaches should have come up with a scheme to play to Hundley's abilities, rather than try to fit a round peg into a square helmet.

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I bleed green more's picture

March 29, 2018 at 08:40 pm

Hundley showed in the first few games he was not the real deal. If they get anything for Hundley it's good.

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Since'61's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:54 am

The Packers should chuck Hundley and Callahan, then draft a QB for 3rd string. Also, they should consider bringing in a veteran QB FA for a TC body. Maybe whoever it is proves to be good enough to stick. If nothing else they should leave themselves with as many options as possible. Thanks, Since '61

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4thand1's picture

March 29, 2018 at 11:16 pm

We all know they should have kept Tysom Hill , end of story.

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Since'61's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:00 am

4th - I would have been fine if they kept Tysom Hill, but to be fair, for all we know he would have been another preseason wonder. There is nothing to support that he would be any better than Hundley or Callahan if he played in a regular season NFL game. Thanks, Since '61

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lou's picture

March 30, 2018 at 11:01 am

In regards to your point Since 61, fans have forgotten that Hundley's first pre-season he was the top QB in the league based on his stats and now everyone is throwing him under the bus he and Janis were both "pre-season wonders", Janis multiple times.

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AgrippaLII's picture

March 29, 2018 at 11:23 pm

I watched Kizer when he was with Cleveland...and even though he was running for his life nearly every time he dropped back to pass...his eyes stayed downfield looking for a most of his INT's were made forcing throws to make a play for an offense with no line,no running game and pitiful receivers. Kizer is a keeper...too bad the Packers will won't get anything for Hundley.

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flackcatcher's picture

March 30, 2018 at 01:11 am

You never know. Some GM or coach may want to take a shot at Hundley, Hard to fine even good backup QB in today's NFL. (I know it is weird. A passing league with very few good passing QB...)

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kevgk's picture

March 30, 2018 at 02:21 am

People are giving MM way too much criticism when you consider he has to coach an entire team, not just the development qbs. What do you think the QB coach got fired for? If Hundley doesnt have it, there is no amount of coaching or development he could have gone through to give it to him. What could MM do? This was Teds pick and he refused to get a veteran. Cant say I blame him though, packers werent the real deal last year and now theyre better off for a rebuild.

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croatpackfan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 03:14 am

Interesting how nobody here are taking in consideration one important fact - what is the job of QB coach?

Who is responsible if RB aren't playing good? HC or RB coach? Who is responsible if OL aren't playing good? HC or OL coach?

HC responsibility, how I see it, is how team in general plays and how it prepares for games and how team execute game plans...

If he got wrong input from his position coaches, team will make wrong game plan and execution, good or bad, will not make any difference...

That is why Alex Van Pelt was fired or let go, whatever happened with him at the end of the season...

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HankScorpio's picture

March 30, 2018 at 05:32 am

I think the criticism of McCarthy is fair. Part of the deal with him was his reputation for QB development. His offseason "QB School" was mentioned a lot when giving him credit for developing Rodgers and to a lesser extent Matt Flynn.

Since then, the QB School has been churning out remedial students. It had failed to produce a viable backup on both occasions that Rodgers broke his collarbone. I think it is a fair discussion point when it comes to turning Kizer from the guy that played in Cleveland last year to a viable backup.

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lou's picture

March 31, 2018 at 11:00 am

Solid points Jonathon in reviewing the QB's. The big difference with Flynn was he was the QB on a National Champion and the basic trait you want to start with as a QB is leadership, of course the talent has to be there as well. The pluses of Kizer are the program he played in (Notre Dame) although Hundley played for a big program too, and how young he is but still has significant NFL starting reps. Lets hope he is a diamond in the rough. Also, don't be surprised with all of the QB talent in this years draft that we can also find another diamond in the rough.

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carlos's picture

April 01, 2018 at 04:17 pm

The Collective Bargaining Agreement has put a damper on player development. Especially QB’s.

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marpag1's picture

March 30, 2018 at 05:55 am

Nice to see the clips of Kizer. The problem, though, is that so many of them show Kizer playing against Texas, or the Packers, or other college pass defenses. Hard to know what he would be capable of in the pros.

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RCPackerFan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 07:37 am

Kizer obviously has skills, but he needs to be developed. He didn't have a great supporting cast around him with the Browns, and played way before he should have.

Hopefully he can now be developed the way he should be.

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lou's picture

March 30, 2018 at 11:06 am

Fans can place the blame on whoever they wish (McCarthy-Thompson-QB Coach/Offensive Coordinator) but we are now in the same situation except for a couple years with Flynn with NO REGULAR SEASON BACKUP QB. Rodgers staying healthy eliminated a Hundley type experience with Harrell & Tolzien behind him as Yogi Berra would say, "it would have been de ja vu all over again". We need and experienced veteran backup, end of story.

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worztik's picture

March 30, 2018 at 06:18 pm

Im absolutely amazed at the conceited and intolerable posts on this site! Why don’t we all gang up on Ramblin’ John??? He has no feelings apparently! The rest of you hypocrites (and you know whom you are!) just keep posting your shallow comments that probably taste like vanilla and aren’t worth reading!!! This site is a good site to share opinions, if and only if, we remember what they are: OPINIONS!!! No two should be the same, however, there are a number of you that have No creative bones in your body and that’s OK as long as you don’t disparage other writers for their OPINIONS... let’s all grow up!!!

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WKUPackFan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 06:25 pm

There is a difference between opinion and uniformed speculation.

There is a between opinion and fabrication of conspiracy theories.

There is a difference between opinion and slandering someone's cognitive abilities.

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