Gut Reactions: Packers can't overcome Vikings, Shawn Hochuli in loss

Aaron gives his gut reactions from the Packers loss to the Vikings. 

  • I'm glad Zygi Wilf's check cleared. 




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8 points

Comments (162)

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chugwater's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:21 pm

Too easy to blame the refs. Missed FG, dropped INT late, Keke roughing on other potential INT.

Can’t do that and expect to win.

23 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:22 pm

Vegas calls

2 points
PackerAaron's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:24 pm

Big time jannesbjornson

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:05 pm

Too obvious and then the unctuous blather by Blandino.

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:29 pm

Easy, jb, remember Deano operates from the Command Center. It's all fun and games until he calls in a drone strike on your house.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:49 pm

I'm ex USAF. We still have friends in high places to counter their games.

0 points
baldski's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:56 pm

New York Times or Washington post did an analysis of the big upsets last week and determined the cause as too many penalties called on good teams. I believer it.

3 points
PackerAaron's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:23 pm

They're a legit mash unit. The Keke "roughing" call goes uncalled plenty in the league. Savage has control and a knee down on the INT. etc

11 points
chugwater's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:54 pm

Agree, they were close calls.


1 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:59 pm

Gotta control the ball through the ground, Nagler.

You know that.

4 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:29 pm

In the end zone or sideline. I thought he got two feet down, and a knee. If the ground can’t cause a fumble, how can that be incomplete?

5 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:43 pm

It was not in the end zone and did not go out of bounds. It’s the right call as the rule stands. I though the call on Keke was more questionable since he was attempting to hold up. The worst one was the non call for the offensive takeout on the 2 pointer. That said? The calling was tacky and seemingly the Packers got the worst of it, but that first half cost us the game.

5 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 09:25 pm

You answered your own question, Leatherhead, in a round about way.

Ground can't cause a fumble, but to fumble the ball, you have to have had possession, otherwise, it's not a fumble- if you never possessed the ball, it's an incomplete pass.

Since there was no "football move" after he got his hands on the ball securely before going to the ground (which would have qualified as possession), the player needs to go to the ground and control the ball throughout- just like if he was the WR. Failure to control the ball through the ground constitutes a lack of a catch.

-1 points
Oppy's picture

November 22, 2021 at 12:11 am

I enjoy the thumbs down without comment.

I'm just explaining how the rules work.

That means someone out there dislikes understanding how things work.
Someone likes to be ignorant.

Hey, it's a free country.. shoot for the stars and be as ignorant as you want, sport.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 22, 2021 at 12:22 am

Because the ground can cause a fumble. The ground cannot cause a fumble for a runner, but not the same for a pass catcher. Until a pass catcher makes a "football move," the ground can cause a fumble. You have to come down to the ground with control.

2 points
Oppy's picture

November 22, 2021 at 11:04 am

Mostly correct. This is really nit-picky, but language matters when talking rules and regulations.

For a fumble to occur, there must have been possession of the ball. Because a receiver of a pass (whether the intended target or a defensive player) has not established possession of the ball until he either secures the ball and makes a football move, OR secures the ball through contact with the ground and maintains control, the ground can not cause a fumble. It's just incomplete.

The language is important because a fumble- a loss of control of the ball while it was in a players possession- can be recovered by any eligible player on the field.

You already know this to be- if a WR tries to make a catch, but does not make a football move (let's say he catches the ball and secures it while standing still) and he is immediately tackled by the DB, and while hitting the ground the ball comes loose and spurts out- the DB can't just pick up the ball creating a turnover. It's a dead ball, an incomplete pass, because it was never possessed, and therefore, a fumble can not occur.

0 points
flackcatcher's picture

November 22, 2021 at 04:46 pm

The NFL refs have a degree of latitude in PI calls this year that they haven't had in the past. That said, this is a real gray area that the refs insisted they be allowed to make the call on the field. Could have easily gone our way... (Still, this crew lost control early on. I suppose they can blame that damn horn... :-)

0 points
Swisch's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:31 pm

Keke seemed to go helmet to helmet, which should be called, even if it often goes uncalled.
Now, the possible push off by Jefferson on Stokes for the late touchdown, and the possible interception by Savage overruled, I'd like to take another look at.
The thing about the apparent interception by Savage is that it was called an interception on the field, so it should stand unless the evidence against it is unquestionable, or at least overwhelming. I'm still not sure about the standard of evidence required.
It makes me mad that they gave Thielen a first down on a late reception on third down, when the ball itself didn't cross the plane. A similar catch by McCaffrey of the Panthers was correctly ruled short of the first down at about the same time in the afternoon.
We'll get the Norsemen later in the season at our place on the tundra to put them in their place -- which is no better than second -- away from the obnoxious horn and the namby-pamby dome.

8 points
cpabandit's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:24 pm

Stokes runs around like the Keystone Cops. I thought Jermichael Finley had Hands of Stone, but it seems that Savage has taken over that name. Just catch the ball Savage, just catch the ball.

-5 points
ScottW's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:28 pm

I agree 100%. We didn’t play well enough to win.

9 points
Hematite's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:37 pm

The Packers were pathetic in the first half on both sides of the ball.

7 points
dblbogey's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:42 pm

Smith stepped up, but missing Gary is a big loss. I keep waiting for players to come back from injury but instead we get more injuries. Elgton looks to have a torn ACL, so he won't play until October-November 2022. Is Bakh actually close? Will our center ever return? Where's Z'Darius? Jaire? Sorry, I'm a bit depressed.

8 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:46 pm

Nijman looked fine in relief. If we keep losing players and not getting them back then there’s not much we can do. Nijman now has to step up and LaFleur has to remember the offense he found in the second half.

7 points
NickPerry's picture

November 22, 2021 at 06:35 am

"LaFleur has to remember the offense he found in the second half."

That's kinda been an issue with MLF...He finds something like he did in the 2nd half and then it seems we never see it again.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:51 pm

Really bad play calling and strategy in the first half. That said, in the second half we looked much more like the O that I expected to see. O line was poor in the first half, much improved in the second. Cousins had far too much time, yet we contained Cook and he just squeaked a victory. A little luck and we could have had 4 interceptions.

Losing Jenkins is big as now Newman has to step up for the rest of the year, although if Nijman does next week, maybe Turner moved inside after the bye,

Possibly finding our offensive identity is also big. Lovely play by Deguara to get open on an extended play for a TD. Finally getting something from those not named Adams or Cobb on the passing game and, equally, seemingly scheming to do so at last.

11 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:14 pm

Guess I wasn’t guessing.

0 points
dobber's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:14 pm

Sad face

1 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:21 pm

Me too.

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 22, 2021 at 12:33 am

Tipa Gileai looked better than I expected. That said, he didn't provide enough pass rush, at least no where near what GB needs. Garvin did little more than run defense, at which I grant he seemed okay.

I thought Dillon looked tentative in the first half, but then I also thought the line was not getting much push either, so I suppose he was looking for a crease. He didn't break any tackles and didn't turn some routine into something bigger, which is what separates Jones from other RBs.

3 points
mrj007's picture

November 21, 2021 at 09:49 pm

Chug water is smart. Nuff said

0 points
Minniman's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:24 pm

Given the injuries, I’m buoyed that they nearly stole this one - not sure about the early and often MVS long balls.

Coldworld, as a rugby guy, you’d have probably loved that draw and lateral play from Cobb to Dillon.

Bummed about the Jenkins injury though.

Enjoy the win Vikes……… but don’t take too much from it……. It won’t be the same Packers team that you’ll face at Lambeau.

19 points
kozmo's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:40 pm

Im pretty sure that hitting the deep ball was not the right way to go. When they went quick and short they didn't get stopped again...simple....but prima donna wants to hit those flash plays

-10 points
Philarod's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:50 pm

You're going to criticize Rodgers after today's game?!
Are you Judge Schroeder?

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:57 pm

In The first half he was off, the second half he played better than he has this season. I don’t think it’s accidental that LaFleur started calling plays more by like we saw last season as well. If that is the start of the O and Rodgers finding their identity, it will be welcome,

7 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:08 pm

Sure dude, back to the Jug.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:54 pm

I did love that pass. It’s so effective when it works and was perfectly timed by Cobb.

6 points
dobber's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:25 pm

Vikings did their best to barf that one back up for the Packers, but they couldn't take it away. Packers really only played about 2-1/2 quarters of decent football...can't win that way.

VIkings game plan apparently was to "go long" and try looping it over the Packers secondary. It paid off too often.

Packers need to regroup and be ready for the Rams--who will be coming off a bye. No breaks from the schedule-makers and you can bet they'll be looking long and hard at what the Vikes did today.

18 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:38 pm

That’s what she said.

8 points
dobber's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:54 pm

Pa dum tsss!

4 points
Eighteen17's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:28 pm

Dear Aaron and Corey,

I kew it WAS incomplete before they went to commercial.

You guys might want to learn some more about the game before you talk nonsense.

The real defense showed up today.

Horrible play by Stokes ALL game.

-10 points
NickPerry's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:55 pm

"The real defense showed up"

You mean the one missing Jarie Alexander, ZaDarius Jenkins, Whitney Mercilus, and Rashan Gary...

Shit, with the refs calling it the way they were I'm surprised the Packers stayed it in.

16 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:01 pm

We really really missed Gary and Mercillus today. I feared we would. Cousins nearly threw us several, had we got to him a few seconds sooner, this game is a very different one. Their whole strategy was having enough time to throw long. Hopefully Stokes and Douglas learn from this.

12 points
dobber's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:17 pm

That said, I think Preston Smith played really well...and he's been very good pretty much all season.

12 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:50 pm

Preston played very well, as did Clark and the DL generally, but just not quite enough to get pressure fast enough and consistently enough. It was close though.

3 points
LeotisHarris's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:58 pm

Dude, that's a really nice note home from camp, but you forgot "How are you? I am fine."

0 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:23 pm

The real defense lol Haters gonna hate.

0 points
DublinIrelandPackers's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:36 pm

Fairplay to Aaron and Corey for keeping everyone entertained for hours on end. Shame on you for this comment

3 points
Fubared's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:25 pm

Here's my deal, I'm a person who reads between the lines. Headline training camp, "Stokes got faked out again today by trying to cover Adams". My take, the pack knew something about this guy and were trying to confirm it: he lacks smarts and can be fooled easily.
Please its game 11 and ge is pkaying off 5 yards on Theilan who runs to the marker, stops gets easy fuest down, then stokes comes up and nakes a late tackle. Another piss poor first round draft pick.
Oh he has so much speed!

-8 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 10:17 pm

Do you realize Davante Adams leaves all pro veteran CB's in the dust on a regular basis?
.. that the vikings tadem at WR regularly toast pro bowl veteran CBs, too, right??

They're some of the most talented WRs in the league. Stokes is a rookie. CB's don't win every rep, and a young CB is learning a lot of lessons on the fly.

Stokes has been a very pleasant surprise in his rookie season. He's going to make mistakes.

Your take is incredibly bad.

3 points
Lphill's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:27 pm

Amazing all the negative comments about Rodgers early on , what kind of fans are you , grow the Fuq up . You know who you are .

4 points
edp1959's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:30 pm

They sure disappeared quick when the defense started shitting the bed.

7 points
Packers1985's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:46 pm

Exactly some even dear to complain on Rodgers for hitting the deep pass to MVS

6 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:05 pm

I like that play. But, I thought MVS will take knee at half yard to the goal. That would be smartest move of the game. He left to much time. They had enough time to use running game.

Regarding refs, they were very eager to blow the wistle for OH against Packers, but they did not blow even one against Queens. Strange, what do you think?

-1 points
dobber's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:23 pm

No offense to you, Croat, but I really dislike the "too much time/scored too fast" thing. Score when you can score, and the defense--which has been really good for most of this season--needs to make it stick. If he kneels on the 2 and the Packers take a holding penalty and get nothing..... ?

12 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:52 pm

We always convert from the one yard line …. (Imagine sarcasm font)

7 points
Minniman's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:27 pm

Were the scores already even, or the Packers only down 3, I'd agree with you Croat. Being behind 7, the Packers had to take the max points on offer.

There's a big difference between scoring TD's and FG's. I rarely see the MLF Packers scheme open a TD from the goal line - unlike what Cook and Jefferson were able to do on 2 of the Vike's trips.

6 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:06 pm

I'll say it again:

It was a great play in a vacuum.

It was not what this particular situation needed.

Can't fault a QB for hitting a open target downfield and scoring a TD, but it was a score to tie that put the opposing offense that was marching on our defense all day long in control of the game.

Ideally, you want a true two minute drill scenario: A methodical, clock-eating drive down the field, forcing OT or an outright win with little to no time left on the clock.

It is what it is.

-8 points
barutanseijin's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:01 pm

You have to score when you can. You can’t assume you everything will go as planned. A holding penalty, a botched snap or something and your clock-eating drive stalls without you scoring.

5 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 09:26 pm

You have to read what I wrote again before lecturing me on a point I already acknowledged in the post you're responding to.

-4 points
ganggreen7's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:06 pm

Are you referring to the fact he stunk for the first 26 minutes of the game?

4 points
Philarod's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:18 pm

On their last 4 possessions, he threw 4 TDs.
This one was on the D today.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:54 pm

The first half performance by pretty much everyone other than the DL cost us this game.

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:55 pm

aaron will be fine with today's game. his stat line was large.

-1 points
cpabandit's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:39 pm

385 yards, 4 TDs, no picks, QB rating of 148.4 and rushed for 21 years. Sorry Rodgers haters, man bun was pretty good, pretty, pretty good today.

5 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:24 pm

Maybe because he was missing wide open receivers?

0 points
Lphill's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:32 pm

Irish , you just can't wait for Jordan Love , right?

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 22, 2021 at 02:47 pm

Still completed 70%.

0 points
dblbogey's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:48 pm

People entitled to their opinions in a free country.

1 points
JordyWoodson's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:28 pm

Just about everything went the Vikings way and they still barely eked it out. Special teams struggles again. Defense health definitely a factor. Go Pack Go (and whoever is playing the cardinals...)

13 points
barutanseijin's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:02 pm

Winners make their own luck.

0 points
jhtobias's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:29 pm

Stop blaming the refs you sound like a Vikings fan .

Defense had a bad day it happens, and Savage needs to make that play .

Vikings offense was better than our defense give them credit.

Next game ..

8 points
NickPerry's picture

November 22, 2021 at 06:47 am

"Stop blaming the refs you sound like a Vikings fan ."

Go back and watch the CLUTCH 3rd down catch on the Packers 3rd TD drive of the game. The tackle on Adams sure looked like helmet to helmet to me. Matter of fact it looked almost exactly like the call against Keke.

Not to mention so REALLY ticky tack calls on the Packers.

The Defense DIDN'T play well and Savage should have had at LEAST 2 interceptions not counting the one negated by penalty on Keke. If they call ticky tack BS calls, call it BOTH ways.

Note..Edited my horrible spelling from yesterday when I was pissed off a bit more..

9 points
barutanseijin's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:06 pm

I agree about the helmet to helmet on Adams. But poor officiating is a constant. You know it’s going to happen. You just have to make enough plays so that they don’t matter. The Packers didn’t, so they lost.

0 points
Cwilly's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:30 pm

Defense played poorly and Crosby cost them the game. But the ref caught on the mic and the calls thereafter says a lot. Refs didn’t help this game and did control the outcome to an extent. Most don’t blame the refs for a loss but they were a factor today which should never happen.

2 points
Cubbygold's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:32 pm

End of the day, Vikings played pretty close to their best possible game while GB dropped multiple picks and spent much of the first half disorganized on offense... Even then GB nearly wins.

This team needs some rest and needs some injury luck.

25 points
Caden819's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:12 pm

They had a pick, the refs decided they wanted to gift the Vikings. That determined the outcome of the game. Crosbys field goal miss didn’t help either

1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:35 pm

I would like to personally congratulate the Vikings on winning their version of the Super Bowl.

13 points
dobber's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:08 pm

They have to go to SF next weekend, and I fully expect them to be flat and shit the bed.

4 points
egbertsouse's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:37 pm

Good to be back here on WhineandcheeseheadTV. Nagler joins the ref whiners? Say it ain’t so, Joe!

-4 points
Lphill's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:43 pm

Gary was missed, Barnes was off today , confusion in the secondary, Mason Crosby is just a liability now. and lets not forget no Aaron Jones.

8 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:16 pm

Dillon had 11 touches for 4.8 ypc, and 6 receptions (no drops) for another 44 yards. Having Jones is always a good thing, but his absence wasn't the issue today.

Not getting Dillon more than 11 touches was a problem. Only handing the ball off to RB's a total of 15 times today was a problem. Particularly the lack of hand offs in the first half.

This offense clicks when it's balanced. First half offense was bad.

14 points
Swisch's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:49 pm

It does seem that a total of 15 handoffs is a notable deficiency. That's something to look at in the post-game analysis.
I'm not sure the Packers have really committed to the run in an adequate way in any of their games so far this season. That's something to seriously think about for the last six games.
I love the passing game -- especially those completions 10-20 yards downfield, and an occasional deep shot -- but we've got to hone the short game running and passing down the stretch this season. Part of that is a commitment to pounding the rock.

3 points
crayzpackfan's picture

November 22, 2021 at 09:14 am

I thought MLF was supposed to be a run heavy coach? All these big blocking WR’s, drafting AJ, resigning Jones, yet he actually seems afraid to call running plays. Has the analysis of his offensive philosophy been miscalculated by us and the media, or is it more about him trying to coddle Rodgers ego? I’m confused.

2 points
Oppy's picture

November 22, 2021 at 11:16 am

Nagler reported that last week at MLF's presser, LeFleur mentioned that Rodgers checked out of 7 runs plays vs. the Seahawks. He wasn't asked about it, he just for some reason told the media about it.

Didn't say which plays, didn't say if the pass plays that replaced the run plays ended up being positive or negative plays.

Rodgers has been doing this his whole career, while happily letting his Head Coach or play-caller take the blame for the lack of more run-pass balance in play selection.

His use of slippery language has always been used to give the impression that the lack of run plays isn't his fault. Likes to say things like "I don't call the plays into the huddle" or, "I think we need to get the RBs more touches" after a game where the run was under-utilized and the press is asking him about it.

Sure, he doesn't call the plays into the huddle, that's technically true- but he sure as hell can check out of the run play into a pass play. Oh, he's all about getting the RB's more involved in the offense or getting them more touches, that's technically true, but he never said anything about handing the ball off to a running back for a rush. He never said that, so technically, he's not lying when asked why they aren't running the ball more.

It's so crazy, I sound crazy saying it. That's the kind of manipulative language Rodgers has used his entire career. I was glad he got busted lying about his vaccination status, I felt like finally, here's an example where the world saw him do what he's been doing for over a decade. Manipulating the press to give a false impression.

-1 points
Swisch's picture

November 22, 2021 at 01:06 pm

Thumbs up from me, Oppy, not because I know what you're saying is true, but because I've been asking questions similar to your assertions for a while now.
My major concern with Rodgers is whether or not he's undermining the head coach. I can see LaFleur giving Rodgers some flexibility in the play calling, and in general some say in coaching decisions, but is our quarterback taking it too far?
I surely don't know, but am concerned the answer may indeed be yes -- in which case Rodgers would be way out of line.
Without getting into any disputes about the COVID shot, I wasn't upset about Rodgers not getting it. I was actually proud of him for standing up for his personal autonomy. Perhaps he should have been more straightforward, but then again look at our attack culture these days, even to the point of cancellation.
What has really concerned me about Rodgers is threatening the season by holding out with seemingly no compelling reason; then trashing the front office to the detriment of the team and their personal reputations.
Then there's this matter of being coachable. In the heat of a championship game that may be coming up, will Rodgers listen to LaFleur about whether to go for it on fourth down? Will Rodgers for the most part follow the game plan of LaFleur?
In pressure moments, there's not time for prolonged discussion. A quarterback has to obey the head coach. That simple.
If Rodgers refuses to be coachable, it's time for him to move on to the point of perhaps playing Jordan Love this season. That's a huge decision, but perhaps necessary. LaFleur and Gute would have to stand united in making it -- perhaps warning Rodgers beforehand to give him an opportunity to change his ways.
It's that important to the overall well-being of the Packers as a team. If a contradictory quarterback is undermining the coach, the season will only end in severe disappointment sooner or later, anyway.

0 points
Oppy's picture

November 23, 2021 at 09:06 pm

Swisch, there's a reason that after Mark Murphy fired Mike McCarthy and hiring Matt LeFleur it was reported he told Aaron Rodgers "Don't be the problem."

There's also a reason after LeFleur's first season - a season where friction between Rodgers and the HC as well as some of the assistant coaches was seen on the field and in the pressers - the Packers decided to take a QB with their first round pick.

The front office shipped out MM and, in essence, 'took Rodgers side', but they knew he was equally culpable in the fall out between QB and Coach that led to the abysmal 2018 season. They gave Rodgers the benefit of doubt to make them feel good about their decision.

Rodgers behavior in 2019 made the Packers front office regret their decision, and they decided it was time to plan for the future and move on.

That's my take, and there's so much supporting evidence if people would only pay attention.

0 points
Swisch's picture

November 22, 2021 at 12:43 pm

I'm confused, too.
Maybe we're both crazy pack fans, but then again, maybe we're onto something.

0 points
JordyWoodson's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:23 pm

A couple of those passes were literally a 100th of a second from being tipped or ending in a sack. Rashan could have been the difference. On to the Rams and a much needed bye.

5 points
Caden819's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:15 pm

I agree, at this point you might as well go for it on 4th downs. Either mason misses the field goal or you get stopped. Basically the same thing. First half offense was garbage, 20+ pass attempts is ridiculous. The play calling needs to get better and after 3 seasons I don’t think it’s going to change

0 points
Packers0808's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:43 pm

Rodgers sorry but his hero Bullshit ball has to stop! Wasted too many plays early on with his trying to be the hero! Yup thumbs down I imagine!

-9 points
edp1959's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:47 pm

Rodgers put them in the lead and provided two chances to win after the defense shit the bed. This isn’t on #12 hater.

4 points
Packers0808's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:10 pm

Nope no hater just of bone head hero worshippers like you!

-1 points
Packers1985's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:48 pm

Because you deserved one.

-1 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:28 pm

I think it’s more about lack of practicing. I have more of a problem with the fact he seems to think he plays fine without participating in practice, but his play on the field (Saints game, last week, first half today) says otherwise.

1 points
dblbogey's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:53 pm

He does seem to pass up open receivers to go with a longer, tougher throw. Oh well, defense couldn't do it today, the loss of R. Gary was noticeable.

5 points
Starrbrite's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:51 pm

It’s extremely difficult to not call out the absolutely lopsided officiating; and you don’t have to be a homer to realize how many game changing plays happened to benefit a team on the edge of elimination.

14 points
Crankbait's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:35 pm

Absolutely spot on. The NFL does not want teams eliminated early.

3 points
GregC's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:01 pm

Honestly, I didn't see any blown calls by the officials. Which ones did you think were bad calls?

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 21, 2021 at 08:01 pm

well. 97 lined up offside on at least 6 plays that weren't flagged. there's a few. there was a false start penalty on GB that was 97 offside. the roughing the passer was suspect. the interception was called an interception on the field and reversed. it seemed like there was a foot ball move and a knee down.

how's that. did the vikings get called for holding once?

2 points
GregC's picture

November 22, 2021 at 05:41 am

The roughing the passer call was a helmet-to-helmet hit that was completely obvious and gets called every single time as long as the refs see it. The dropped interception was also completely obvious. It doesn't matter that they called it late. All turnovers are reviewed, and they got it right. I can't say anything about 97 lining up offsides because I didn't notice it. The camera angle has to be just right to see that. The false start on the center was apparently something that the refs had warned the Packers about. It was slightly suspect, but it was just one five-yard penalty. Not a big deal.

-1 points
stockholder's picture

November 21, 2021 at 03:55 pm

The Packers blew this game. You must make the big plays when given the opportunity.---- It's The difference between Big time players and average. ---- My gut reaction is the packers have to many injuries now. No matter how much you point at Rodgers. The packers will continue to show next man up doesn't win. That stupid mistakes and penalties are not what winners do.

14 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:20 pm

'Next man up' is precisely what has won 8 games for the Green Bay Packers through Week 11.

Week 1 we were full strength (minus Bakh) and we shit the bed.

Since then, the Packers have been a MASH unit and continued to win.

I do fear that with Jenkings going down and Gary on hold, it may be becoming an insurmountable number of injuries.. But to say " The packers will continue to show next man up doesn't win" is to say you haven't been watching the Packers at all in 2021.

4 points
stockholder's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:37 pm

The problem wasn't OLB. It is now.

2 points
dobber's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:11 pm

" The packers will continue to show next man up doesn't win."

You make it sound as if the Packers are choosing this.

2 points
A New Era's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:00 pm

At halftime i thought this was a lost cause but we came back and almost won the game. I feel good about that.

Losing Jenkins overshadows everything.

Give us one of those possible interceptions and it's a different story.

I think we're starting to realize how much Gary means to this defense.

Mason, Mason, Mason...

This is the time of the year when the games get really interesting.

Too bad injuries seem to be the biggest variable.

Next week we face a rested and angry Rams team at Lambeau. LaFleur has never lost two in a row.


18 points
Minniman's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:40 pm

..... So we'll be sweating on the Wednesday injury report!

Obviously we'd all prefer wins over losses, but blow-out losses are the most unpalatable, as they typify deeper issues that can't be rectified by returning players or rest.

This team just needs rest and players returned and this Vikes game is not even a contest.

5 points
TheBigCheeze's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:01 pm

Time and time again.... Savage positions himself to make a big play....AND BLOWS IT!!!

-3 points
cpabandit's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:33 pm

Hands of stone.

0 points
barutanseijin's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:08 pm

Just not consistently good enough today — plus continued incompetence on special teams. Aside from the Crosby miss, there was a near disaster on a punt snap.

4 points
mbpacker's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:08 pm

We had our opportunities but didn't make the key plays a team needs to make in the NFL. Proud of our team by coming back and making a game of it. We get them at our house next time in the cold. Need to beat the Rams and then get our bye week to rest up and get healthy. Hope Jenkins injury isn't too severe. GPG!

10 points
Difer's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:10 pm

Great game! Packers are gamers, but too many critical injuries mounting up to make a realistic championship run. Still loving the last dance! AR and Adams really lit it up today. Can't wait to see how they do against the Rams D on the tundra.

9 points
MikeS's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:12 pm

With Jenkins lost, they're almost forced to bring back BAK. Lets hope Jones can play next week vs the Rams.

4 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:24 pm

Why would we rush Jones back?

I could understand if Dillon played poorly as the starting back today, but he handled the load easily- he averaged 4.8 ypc, was good and looked comfortable in blitz pick up, and caught everything thrown at him.

Give Jones through the bye to get healed up. We're gonna need him down the stretch at as close to 100%as possible.

In the meantime.. FEED DILLON THE BALL.

12 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:14 pm

I have to point out that Nyman played well those few snaps he was in the game. At least one good new for the rest of the season.

Rappaport reported that Packers fear Jenkins tore his right leg ACL. Hope he is not right.

2 points
splitpea1's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:14 pm

The bottom line is the Packers defense didn't get it done on the final drive. Maybe the Savage INT should have counted, but when the officials see the ball dribbling out at the end, we're most likely not going to get the call. Terrible whiffs by Barnes and Douglas kept the Vikings merrily marching their way down the field.

The secondary was poor most of the game.

The first Savage INT should have counted, as Keke's contact was pretty minimal. Bad call--give me a break!

Crosby misses from 32? What is the hell is the problem here?

Two point conversion defense: Looks like we were expecting something else here; that was MUCH too easy.

This was just one of those games where whoever had the ball last was going to win. Still pretty disappointed, though, as I figured our defense had progressed to the point where we could be offering a lot more resistance on potential game-winning drives--even with our injuries.

I'm looking for a big bounce-back effort vs. the Rams.

9 points
Swisch's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:36 pm

Frustrating to see Barnes miss that tackle, but missing a guy like Cook when he has a couple of steps to set up a fake isn't terrible.
Frustrating to see Douglas miss out on that potential interception, but not terrible. It seems he actually played the ball where it should have been thrown. Lucky play for the Vikes.
I think our defense may have actually played fairly well on the last two drives, It seems at least our players were aggressive. Sometimes it doesn't work out.
The loss does sting, though, and it's hard to see things in a positive way. I asked my good wife to give me a little time alone to shake off the disappointment.
We'll see if the post-game analysis shows that our defense was still pretty good.
Plus, the pitchout by Cobb to Dillon for a first down, and the long touchdown pass to MVS -- both in crunch time -- are good memories to cling to for some consolation.

3 points
splitpea1's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:39 pm

The only consolation for me will be a win against the Rams. I was happy to see Deguara get his first TD pass, though. More, please!

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:15 pm

The Minnesota NFL franchise brings out the very worst in me. I loathe everything about them. Typically, a loss to that miserable entity would ruin my Sunday and most of the following week. This game? Meh.

13 said it so well above. This was their super bowl. They got a win to pull to 500 on the year against a beat-up division rival at home. They did their best to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but we couldn't take it.

No need to call for anyone to be fired.

My apologies to Ken Lass. It's okay to have Cobb in the backfield if he's going to work that magic.

How about Kenny Clark introducing himself of the Vikings' first offensive play?

I hope Jenkins is okay.

Relax and enjoy watching Dallas get reamed.

12 points
Swisch's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:24 pm

Ever since Fran Tarkenton ran rings around the Packers rushers in the 1970s, I've loathed the Vikings.
In my book, they're right up there in detestability with the Cowboys and Seahawks.
I'm glad we have another crack at the Vikings this season on our tundra away from their wimpy dome.

8 points
barutanseijin's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:16 pm

Tarkenton! What a loathsome twerp that guy is.

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 21, 2021 at 08:05 pm

vikings fans =/< seahawks fans. it's a tough call.

i've moved my cowboy hatred back because they hired MM. I like Mike.

3 points
Swisch's picture

November 22, 2021 at 06:06 am

I like Mike, too.
I'm glad for him to do well in Dallas -- at least until the Cowboys play the Packers.

0 points
JordyWoodson's picture

November 22, 2021 at 10:02 am

Vikings are an awful franchise. If you want a good laugh, Google "Vikings Legacy of Failure". Always a good rejoinder when Vikings fans start running their mouth.

0 points
Swisch's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:19 pm

This was perhaps like the Badgers game yesterday, except the Badgers hung on and the Packers fell just short.
The Badgers have a great defense, but with the quarterback for the Cornhuskers having one of his best games as a passer, and the Cornhuskers offense using good deception, they made the Badgers defense look mediocre.
It may be that Cousins had one of his better games passing, and got some luck on the late touchdown to Jefferson, and then the completion to Thielen that whistled just behind Douglas. Plus, the Vikings offense may have surprised the Packers with its game plan.
Those things happen to even top defenses, but let's hope these are good lessons that help both the Badgers and the Packers later in the season.
Of course it's better to learn lessons in victory, but the sting of this loss may be a good motivator to avoid this kind of hurt in the future.

5 points
TheNumber1PackerFan's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:18 pm

Our offense played like trash for 1 half of football.. cant win a sb like that... Cant beat the vikings like that.. 12 needs to practice! He looks sleep oit there. Bad performance offense.

-7 points
edp1959's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:26 pm

This has to be one of the dumbest comments I have seen.

3 points
Packers1985's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:27 pm

That sleepy guy scored 31 points where as our no.3 awake defense gave up 34 points.

4 points
porupack's picture

November 22, 2021 at 07:18 am

I'll come to partial defense of TheNumber1PackerFan. It may seem like 31 points shows how great Arodgers played. He may have great passer rating, but that doesn't show the whole picture. What Rodgers didn't do, was strike hot at the beginning, as he overthrew several receivers. That would have changed the tone, kept defense off the field and forced Minnepo into catch up. What Rodgers did do early on was miss quick timed passes, held the ball, and threw a few away. Those missed plays started accumulating and Packers had a slow start. I'm not a Rodger's hater at all, but I was not impressed with his overall game, despite the 31 points. Performance isn't measured by fixed measures, but by missing the possible and potential. Rodgers could have had 450 yards and 45 points. So, he had a respectable game, but that wasn't a game you would like to have from a HOFer. A common pattern in GB losses is how they come out slow and lethargic on their 1st quarter. When will GB include the up tempo, or no-huddle? QUick time slants? Timed and placement throws when Minnepo blitzes on 3rd down? Too many points were left on the scratch and sniff Minne turf.

1 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:19 pm

Truly a team loss today. Offense could not sustain drives in the first half. Defense folded in the second. I’m more concerned with all the injuries.

-2 points
edp1959's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:25 pm

Defense folded the entire game. Rodgers gave them the lead, defense lost it.

3 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:37 pm

OK Karen

-1 points
pacman's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:20 pm

Let's see, they have a formula for winning (run the ball, dump it off if nothing open, dial up some interesting plays and improve the defense). So they are depleted on D so come out, ignore the run and try to go long for the fir 1.5 qtrs rather than stick with what works that took him 2 years to learn. Yeah, that makes sense - not!

Combine that with questionable calls all season and MLF's stock is dropping. Unless it was AR that kept changing the call???

So what to do about Crosby? Time for that hypnotist again to get his head straight.

Injuries are really getting to be annoying. As Scottie would say "Cap'n, she can't take much more of this".

2 points
Oppy's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:29 pm

My single biggest complaint with today's offensive outing was the neglect to hand the ball off to the RBs in the first half. This was a game I felt they needed to pound the rock all game long, take the short to intermediate quick hitters, move the chains methodically, and feast on play action passing periodically to get over the top.

3 points
Minniman's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:58 pm

Add failure to adjust to penalties too.

Being 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 20 made them have to go for chunk yards to get back ahead of the chains instead of "grounding and pounding" the line.

I really liked that sneaky play where Rodgers passed to Cobb,who promptly drew the defender(s) then lateraled to Dillon (who was 1-on-1 and made a defender miss).

I see it as a great opportunity to get Dillon a head of steam, then get "north-south" before he goes 1-on-1 with a defender.

........ It could really be expanded and help expose Dillon to soft defensive edges where he can maximize the yards after contact (instead of him having to try to "bounce" outside, then get momentum)

4 points
Crankbait's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:30 pm

Defense just stunk today. That is why we lost.

7 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:38 pm

They played ok in the first half. Folded in the second. Offense took too long to get anything going as well.

2 points
Packers1985's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:42 pm

But still the offense put the team in the winning position. Given the fact the we are the 3rd ranked team defensively that should've been a win for packers. Sorry this is not a team loss the blame is on defense followed by the special teams

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:05 pm

The whole team bar the DL was not good in the first half. Yes, this was a team loss despite the improved O in the second half. The good news is that the second half O looked to have rediscovered some of the concepts that worked so well last year.

2 points
Packers1985's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:47 pm

If a team needed more than 31 points to win that blame should be on the team's defense. It's funny to see the hate from most of the fans on Arod and offense. Agreed the offense didn't play well the first 1 and 1/2 Qtrs but defense wasn't playing well either. Still offense put the team in the winning position even when our special teams sucked.

5 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:42 pm

Glad to see you agree that Rodgers and the offense were terrible in the first half. Some Rodgers homers can’t seem to admit that. I think he needs to practice. Defense definitely folded in the second. Savage needs to hang onto that INT. That said, the defense looked terrible the entire second half.

4 points
Packers1985's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:45 pm

Yes he definitely needs to practice. I am not denying the fact that he needs to practice but the point here is 31 points should be enough for a team to win which considers themselves playoff bound. So my point here is that the offense should be blamed the least.

-1 points
edp1959's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:52 pm

Some Rodgers haters can’t admit that the defense played like shit the entire game. Rodgers gave the Packers a lead and the defense blew it. Admit that Skippy…

1 points
stockholder's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:43 pm

I know most of you are disappointed in Crosby. But they did switch centers. I Believe It blew his confidence. He's concentrating on the placement. More then his body motion.

0 points
Packers1985's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:02 pm

I think so too but being a 16 year veteran he is expected to play at high standard. Which he isn't right now.

7 points
Bitternotsour's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:58 pm

2 of the 3 losses rest pretty heavily on his shoulders. the replacement is on the practice squad. maybe they have both of them active next week?

1 points
Since&#039;61's picture

November 21, 2021 at 04:57 pm

Looks like we wasted a solid performance by Rodgers 22/33 for 385 yards and 4 TDs. If our defense plays to their average of 18 points PPG we win easily.

Hopefully Jenkins can get back soon. We can’t keep losing our best players and expect to maintain a high level of play.

I didn’t see the 2nd half but it looks like the defense folded and couldn’t preserve our comeback. We need to make it to the bye week and regroup for the playoff run. GPG!
Thanks, Since ‘61

7 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 22, 2021 at 11:13 pm

The passing attack was real good, as you pointed out. 385 yards, 4 TDs, and around a 70% completion rate. Add in no turnovers and that’s probably the best the passing attack has looked this year. We did score 31 on the road and left points on the field.

We are minus Jones and Bakhtiari but they’ll be back. Losing Myers and now Jenkins , when we were already without Bakhtiari, is a serious threat to the season.

0 points
Bohj's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:04 pm

- Not a fan of 11 touches by Dillon. Guess what? We should have run more - Matt Lafleur.
- Loved that we contained Cook to less than 90. That’s progress. We continually stop the run.
- This Jefferson weapon is new. But we should not have been ill prepared for him. We will contain him next game. Just have to.
- The biggest loss not the game. It is Jenkins.
- To that last point. Injuries have finally caught up ladies and gentlemen. We go to the bye 8-4 because of a well rested and amped up team coming off it’s bye.
- To that last point…..heal up. Get three or four cogs back. Go on a run.

5 points
Packerlifer's picture

November 21, 2021 at 05:42 pm

Queens' land is dancing with joy over reaching .500. The Packers are still comfortably in first place and aren't going anywhere but to the NFC North title. It was just a trap game, as many of us thought it would be given the injury state of Green Bay.

All things considered the Packers did pretty well to take it to the wire like they did. As long as the injury bug doesn't bite more and some of those missing today can be back for the stretch run we're still looking at a 12-13 win season.

Four of final 6 are at Lambeau. Not in that noise trap in Minneapolis.

6 points
Packers0808's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:00 pm

I remember saying that Rodgers Covid Toe Long Hauler would be a problem going forward and people made a joke of it by saying no. Well just read he reinjured it, is worse that turf toe so there you go. Also was said he will have to deal with it rest of season. Question how the hell did he get it hurt while on Covid stay away! Guess he deserved his for his lying!

-3 points
Packers0808's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:05 pm

Looks like Jenkins done for year and most if not all next year. ACL Knee like Bakh but worse it sounds like.

1 points
Jgilmor08's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:30 pm

Really tough one today. Minnesota wanted to pick on the younger inexperienced Corners, Nickel DB’s. kept 20 personnel on the field almost exclusively to shore up pass blocking leaks leaving those young fellas in coverage too long. It was a solid game plan. They also moved Jefferson around all over the formation trying to dictate who would cover their young stud. It’s easily one of the better plans I’ve seen against the Packers D. Still down almost every pro bowler on the roster except Adams and Rodgers still needed a last second fg to win.

Earlier missed FGs weren’t on Crosby but now it’s in his head. Hopefully his confidence is back before playoffs because that’ll be a gut wrenching way to lose in the NFCCG if it happened.

The only silver lining I see about the injury to Jenkins is timing. Maybe DB is far enough along that they’ll have him in this week. But they might hold off with the bye week right after giving him that much more time to get himself where he needs to be. If that’s the case they’ve been able to develop maybe one of the deeper lines league wide. Not many other places a team could lose starting center and pro bowl guard/ tackle and continue humming like they did in second half.

Lazard not being on the field really hurt. Needed his physicality on a lot of the chip blocks with the pass rush and it showed throughout the first 25 min of 1st half

Hopefully Deguara showed enough to continue growing as a player. Although not holding my breath as TE is notoriously tough position to develop in the NFL.

Game of inches really showed today. From Preston Smiths almost strip sack to the handful of should be int the D needs to make those plays. This game was really no different than a lot of the others. Except the D capitalized on the opportunities in other games and didn’t in this one. The league is formatted for offense and scoring so the D was bound to have a game that was closer to the mean.

4 points
Rhiller's picture

November 21, 2021 at 06:55 pm

The defense didn't get it done today. The Vikings have a good offense but it's tough to beat anyone the way the defense played. The defensive backs had an exceptionally brutal day. Savage was out of position alot and when he had opportunities to deliver he came up short. The biggest concern is Stokes. Someday he may be a decent or maybe even very good defensive back but he's not that now. Right now he is a rookie with makeup speed and terrible technique. Other teams have figured that out and throw at Stokes often and with success. Hopefully Alexander can come back and Stokes can spend the remainder of his rookie year learning from the bench.

0 points
haevs6's picture

November 22, 2021 at 12:48 am

Did you see k King today??? He was terrible, ....again Theilan TD and other plays against him??

Savage is Brutal!!! no ball skills, how many plays has he really made in10 games??

he was a #1 Pick 4 years ago.....really don't have many plays to show for that staus

Look at pro Football focus, every play/player is ranked.....well below AVERAGE....

0 points
jh9's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:32 pm

Although I hate for the Packers to lose any game, I expected them to lose this one. This game meant way more to the Vikings. If they couldn’t beat the Packers at home today, Zimmer and Spielman would be looking for new jobs after this season. All I wanted was for the Packers to put up a good fight, and they did. With all their injuries, they almost won. Savage has to hold on to the damn ball!

The only bummer is the injury to Jenkins. However, even if we lose him for the year, if we get Bak, Z, Gary, Jaire, and A. Jones back, we have enough to beat anyone. Next week will be a great test. The Rams are desperate. Nothing would be sweeter than beating a team trying to buy a Lombardi Trophy.

4 points
Fubared's picture

November 21, 2021 at 07:53 pm

The Achilles heel, for six years now, pass d. Stokes isnt bright enough to handle the job, King cant rackle a grandmother crosding the street with a bag of groceries, Savage anticiptes a play the flubs it up. Maybe the ball had greese on it. that would have sealed the deal. He fell to the ground violently why? This loss is on the d coach. He has to work with these losers.

-5 points
porupack's picture

November 22, 2021 at 07:35 am

I can't tackle a grandmother crossing the street with a bag of groceries either. I just can't.

1 points
jurp's picture

November 21, 2021 at 09:09 pm

Losers and Vikings fans blame the refs. Too many injuries and yet another missed FG did us in today, not the refs.

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

November 22, 2021 at 06:57 am

Stokes plays like a rookie, in fact he plays like a rookie destined to be the next Kevin King.

-2 points
porupack's picture

November 22, 2021 at 07:46 am

I was not impressed with Rodgers, despite his 4 TDs and +300 yards. He missed too much in the first half, and didn't get that offense rolling when it needed to. Too often GB starts out flat. That is partly to blame on MLF. They know Minnepo well, and should have had a counterpunch ready for every 3rd down blitze. Rodgers not finding open receivers, or no receiver good enough to get open? WTH. Other teams have timed/placement spots for a go-to receiver when facing a strong d-front. Rodgers holding the ball too long. Watched other Sunday games, and QBs are getting the ball out fast, before DBs can even look up. Where are the slants? Middle of the field quick hooks? Just too many receivers not getting targeted. Getting 4 TDs, and the yardage doesn't tell the full story. Rodgers didn't provide the HOF performance out the gate, to get that offense clicking. That offense isn't clicking, and you can point to 4 TDs all you want. There was 5-6 TDs to be had by that roster on offense, so performance isn't judged by some fixed indicator (QB rating or TDs), but must also include how well one exploits the possibility in front of them . I give Rodgers a B grade. Good, but not enough (and yeah, Defense was poor as well, blah blah blah: still doessn't let Rodgers off from criticism even though I'm a Rodgers supporter).

0 points
Dr.Rodgers's picture

November 22, 2021 at 08:29 am

Tired of Crosby’s kicking like a has-been. Tired of La Fleur not coaching his star QB about ball control and playing within the system. This season is one for the ages. What a beautiful mystery the NFL has become. GPG. I hope the bye will provide the team with a chance to correct some of these problems.

0 points