Hello Wisconsin: Drawing a Distinction Between “Young Team” and “Bad Team”

This isn't just a young team. Right now, it's a bad team.

Going into this season, I think pretty much every fan of the Green Bay Packers was well aware that expectations had to be greatly managed for this season.

The refrain “this is a young team with a lot of growing to do” was everywhere. And it’s a reasonable one. There’s not much experience on the roster. It’s the youngest team in the league. On offense, it’s a quarterback who’s barely played and needs the reps to wrap his head around the game. It’s a receiving corps where the most experienced pass catchers were drafted a year ago. 

Meanwhile, the far more experienced defense always enters the year with a bit of hype surrounding it, but expectations always have to be managed on that side of the ball as well when you consider it’s coached by Joe Barry.

After five weeks, the Packers are 2-3. It’s not a particularly surprising record. And yet, despite all of that expectation management that we tried to engage in before the year started, it’s hard not to feel frustrated.

Because this doesn’t feel like a young team finding its way.

This feels like a bad team.

Bad as in lost.

Bad as in badly coached.

Bad as in lacking any clear strengths.

The defense hasn’t been great, but they’re also not the unit losing games for this team. That would be the offense, which, ever since the fourth quarter of week two, has largely been awful.

The Packers opened up the season with a strong win against their hated rivals from Chicago. Ever since then, it feels like they’ve been regressing each week. That’s exactly the opposite of what you want to see from a young, supposedly growing team.

You’d obviously feel significantly better about where the Packers sit going into the bye if they’d lost their first couple games, then went 2-1 in the last three. 

What’s weird is that it feels like much of what’s ailing the Packers are problems of their own making.

For whatever reason, Matt LaFleur has gone away from everything that was successful for this offense in the first couple weeks. LaFleur was getting praise from Packer fans and NFL media alike for his game plans and play calling in those first couple weeks. And yes, not having Aaron Jones available for most of the season so far definitely hurts. But this goes far beyond one player. There has been a complete lack of inventiveness these last couple weeks. 

It also is like LaFleur swapped what should have been the game plans against the Lions and Raiders. Against the Lions, he kept trying to be overly aggressive, calling long, extended routes while his quarterback was getting absolutely brutalized behind a completely overmatched offensive line. Love wasn’t good against Detroit, but he was at least partially set up for failure by his head coach.

Then, against Las Vegas, which has no passing defense to speak of, LaFleur was afraid to press the ball down the field at all, keeping everything within a couple air yards of the line of scrimmage and calling screen after screen despite them clearly not working.

The running game has been putrid and has given Love absolutely no relief, which is just a killer for a young quarterback who needs help. 

But it’s not all on LaFleur. Love himself has significantly regressed since the first couple weeks of the season. One of the best things you could say about Love was that he routinely made the right reads with the football. Even if he wasn’t making all the throws, he was making almost all the right decisions.

Not so much any more. There have been some throws in the last couple weeks that were downright unexplainable. It’s impossible to know what Love was looking at when he let them loose.

Then there’s the offensive line play. After a great start to the season. Zach Tom has been brutal the past couple weeks. Josh Myers no longer appears to be a viable NFL starter. Royce Newman has received significant offensive snaps in Year of Our Lord 2023. And what the hell are the Packers doing letting a seasoned veteran like Yosh Nijman sit on the bench while Rasheed Walker struggles so mightily?

A struggling young team is a team that, like in the New Orleans game, shows flashes of talent but routinely makes mental mistakes or shoots themselves in the foot. It’s a team that, like in the Atlanta game, shows a lot of promise, but has a hard time maintaining leads or keeping the mental focus required to close out games.

What we’ve seen against Detroit and Las Vegas is not the hallmark of a young team finding it’s way.

Instead, it’s the clear picture of a team with little going for it.

Right now, there are few positives to cling to with this team, other than the fact that it’s still very early in the season, and very early in most of these players’ careers. There are no permanent judgments being made.

But as I said on Twitter the other night: when everything is the problem, coaching is the problem.

Wisconsin Beer of the Week

Last weekend my wife came home from Aldi with a six pack of a beer from a brewery I’d never heard of. The beer was Chocolate Lava Cake Stout, and the brewery is State of Brewing. Just like Untitled Art, their beers are apparently contract brewed by Octopi, which is located in Waunakee, WI.

I haven’t really been able to learn much about the brewery other than that. This was the first time I’d heard about their stuff before. She thought it sounded tasty, and I agreed, so I decided to crack a can on Saturday night.

It certainly didn’t let me down. The beer, described as a stout with chocolate extract and milk sugar and coming in at 8 percent ABV, was very smooth and surprisingly light. One of my main issues with a lot of pastry stouts/chocolate stouts these days is that they pack in way too much sugar or have way too heavy of a body for me to truly enjoy them. I don’t want to get a sugar rush from a beer, and I don’t want drinking it to be a chore. This is a great example of a milk stout that is enhanced with the use of chocolate, but not nearly to the point where the flavor becomes overwhelming.

I have no idea where you can find this beer. Aldi, apparently? I’ve never seen or heard of their beers before this, though BeerAdvocate does list a number of them on their website. Regardless, it’s always fun to try something completely new and have it end up actually being a pretty legitimate hit.

Try a new beer for yourself this weekend!

Bye Bye Bye

The Packers have a history of being pretty awful coming out of the bye in the Matt LaFleur era. I’m sure we all remember Packer teams coming out incredibly flat on several occasions (think back to 2019, 2020, 2021). Then, of course, this most recent dud came after what was basically a de facto bye week, with more than a week and a half passing between the games against Detroit and Las Vegas.

So do I really have much hope that the Packers are going to suddenly put it together in two weeks?

At this point, I’m not sure the coaching staff or this team have earned that level of trust. But I can be forgiving of quite a bit if there is at least some clear progress. Even if the team doesn’t look great, let’s at least start stacking some successes, because what we’ve seen the last couple weeks has been pretty putrid.

So this weekend will be a nice palate cleanser. We can watch some actual good football being played by other teams in the league and be safe from a weekend of the Packers giving us all ulcers.

The weekend after… well, back to the grind.

Around the NFC North

As always, it’s time to go around the NFC North. 

  • The CHICAGO BEARS have won a football game! What’s hilarious is that two weeks after Bears fans were trashing Fields jerseys and begging for Caleb Williams, suddenly they’re back on the JF1 hype train. Personally, I’d be absolutely pleased if the Bears were to sign him to a big-money extension as soon as possible. By all means, give him another five years. The Bears might actually win a second in a row this week, as the Vikings are BAD, AND now they’re missing Justin Jefferson, aka their entire offense. 


  • The DETROIT LIONS are a good football team. I was definitely wrong earlier this year when I pegged them to be around a nine-win club. This is a team that’s definitely below the 49ers and Eagles in the NFC power rankings, but they might well be right behind them. That does say something about the weakness of the conference, but it also says just how far this team has progressed. What’s crazy about the Lions is that they’re not one of the more clearly talented teams in the league, but it does seem like there’s an incredible amount of buy-in from everyone on the roster, and that the team has a very good idea of who they are and what their strengths are. The concept of “identity” is kind of overrated in football, but the Lions certainly have one, for whatever that’s worth.


  • The MINNESOTA VIKINGS are in a tough spot. As mentioned earlier, Justin Jefferson is now out for at least the next several games with injury. Kirk Cousins is in the final year of his contract and almost definitely will not be re-signed. The team is middling to bad all over the roster. This team is a prime candidate for being a mega seller leading up to the trade deadline. They’re going to be forced to start all over anyway, so while there’s still any hope of them getting Jefferson locked up long term, they should rip off the band-aid and hopefully find a new core group that will convince Jefferson that sticking around could actually not be terrible for his career.

THIS or THAT in Mr. Backes’s room: Week 6 Update

As I’ve done the last several weeks, I’m going to give a quick update as to the latest THIS or THAT polls in my classroom.

Without further ado:

  • “Up North” defeated the beach/tropical vacations
  • Spiderman defeated Batman
  • Spotify defeated Apple Music
  • Math defeated English (BOOOOOO!)

No kids in the building on Monday this week since we had inservice, so that’s all the polls for this past week. Today’s poll: CANDY CORN: YES OR NO?

If you have additional THIS or THAT prompts you’d like to poll my high schoolers with, give your ideas in the comments! I’ve pulled a few from the comments so far.

How about Anders Carlson?

While, as I said, there aren’t exactly a ton of positives to write home about for this team so far this year, I do think it’s important to give some recognition to Anders Carlson.

Count me among the very many who were very concerned after hearing the reports coming out of training camp about Carlson missing field goal after field goal. There was a moment in time where I thought it wasn’t out of the question that the Packers would be calling up Mason Crosby not too long after the start of the season.

But all Carlson has done ever since is go on to make every kick he’s officially attempted in NFL action.

Great start to his career. Hopefully he stays consistent, because this team has been spoiled at kicker for quite some time (other than a couple oddball down years).

Predictions for Week 6

Mercifully, there is no Packer game to predict this week. However, I will still be picking the rest of the games!





This week…


CHIEFS over Broncos

RAVENS over Titans

DOLPHINS over Panthers

SAINTS over Texans

FALCONS over Commanders

JAGUARS over Colts

BENGALS over Seahawks

BEARS over Vikings

49ERS over Browns

RAIDERS over Patriots

LIONS over Bucs

RAMS over Cardinals

EAGLES over Jets

BILLS over Giants

COWBOYS over Chargers





Tim Backes is a lifelong Packer fan and a contributor to CheeseheadTV. Follow him on Twitter @timbackes for his Packer takes, random musings and Untappd beer check-ins.


7 points

Comments (80)

Fan-Friendly This filter will hide comments which have ratio of 5 to 1 down-vote to up-vote.
NickPerry's picture

October 12, 2023 at 06:20 am

"And what the hell are the Packers doing letting a seasoned veteran like Yosh Nijman sit on the bench while Rasheed Walker struggles so mightily?"

This type of thing has been happening under Matt LaFleur since he was hired. Putting the best 5 O-Linemen out on the field at once seems like an impossibility while Matt LaFleur is the Head Coach.

Zack Tom NEEDS to be the starting center of this football team IMO. If the Center position is shit, then the whole line struggles in most cases. They had 10 days to try and clean up the O-Line issues and all they did was replace Newman with Jenkins coming back from the knee.

After the bye week if Josh Meyers is the starting Center, the play we saw on Monday night where ONE defensive player can destroy the Packers O-Line will be routine.

17 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:32 am

O-line decisions are becoming yet another stain on MLF's decision making. It started a couple of years ago in the NFC championship game and continues today with Nijman sitting on the bench when both Walker and Tom are struggling. The O-line play is crippling this offense and yet nothing changes. I don't get it.

9 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:41 am

No doubt the buck stops with LaF on game-day decisions, but someone's whispering in his hear telling him that "Hanson and Newman" can get the job done...or that "playing Billy Turner at LT coming off an injury is a good idea".

It could be that Stenavich was catching lightning in a bottle those first couple years and that he and Butkus really aren't all that. The decline of the OL really aligned with the loss of Linsley (and injury to Bakh).

7 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:12 am

Stenovich had shown me nothing as an OC and the O-line decisions are likely coming from Steno and Butkus. LaFleur hired both of them. QED

5 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:29 am

Playcalling is the most visible aspect of your team's prep. If your OC isn't calling plays, the question really is, "how much can you determine about the ability of your OC?"

I'll remind people that LaF really only called plays for one season (in TN), and that offense was mostly nondescript until they started riding Derrick Henry hard down the stretch of that year.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2023 at 01:59 pm

A few ex players have claimed that they see Myers as being very poor at diagnosing defenses and or communicating tjat in time and effectively. That’s beyond me to diagnose, but if it’s correct, that would be a significant additional factor inhibiting performance and, at this point in his career, a reason to replace him immediately. Prompted by your Linsley comment.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 12, 2023 at 11:53 am

The former QB Benkert, implied the reason for some personnel/player issues were personality conflicts with La Flame. They gave Nijman 4.3M to sit on the bench? Stenavich not in his camp. Myers has regressed since his rookie year. Does he have solid knees, or is he just not NFL material? Let's ask Gutey.

3 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:13 pm

Here is a quote from Benkert, who is now a "content creator", whatever the hell that is:

"I’ll start by giving my honest opinions about the scheme. It’s outdated, and there is a better way to play offense right now. I’m not going to go into full detail but I talk about this stuff all the time on my reviews."

This is coming from a guy whose NFL career consisted of 2 pass attempts for -1 yards. Accordingly, he was cut by LaFleur. Think, just maybe, this is just sour grapes on his part and he's just trying to create "content" on his lame tik tok endeavor?

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 12, 2023 at 03:57 pm

He likes his Clicks..

0 points
Packers2020's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:51 am


Spot on. I have been wondering where Nijman has been the last two weeks as well. Honestly, Nijman is getting screwed by the Packers. They just do not seem to like the kid even though he performed solid two years ago at LT.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying Nijman is a pro bowler but he deserves a shot and has shown that the game is not too big for him.

6 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 12, 2023 at 11:27 am

I am thinking that Nijman is not a 'yes' man and LaF doesn't like any type of back talk or not agreeing. And because of that, Nijman is in Laf's doghouse. My thoughts come from some comments that our recently cut QB Benkert made. Sounds very immature on LaF's part if this is true and at some point this will come back to bite him in the arse!

7 points
bullsa21's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:11 pm

Seems like MLF is over matched by the other teams coaches each game. Not sure why but he seems to have lost creativity and is pretty predictable.

1 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 07:20 am

It's as I predicted. The crash was imminent.
So who Loves Love, now?
This team can't wait for Jordan Love.
It must move on. He is the reason for the loses.
And this entire offense, if not team, is paying the price.

I wish I could take legal action.
But when a OL can't protect
the guy this offense was built for.
The only thing to do is go to plan B.

Whats plan B? Obviously take the lumps.
Because Nobody has Love's Back on this OL.

The best thing for MLF is to get pissed.
Fire them. Chew their ass on public tv.
It worked with Devante Adams.
So just bitch and pull guys.
Their not Packer material until they play like it.
Screw what GUTEY thinks.
MLF job is on the line.
He can't take anymore Lumps.

-6 points
Cheezehead72's picture

October 12, 2023 at 07:42 am

First you cannot blame Love for the bad offense alone. Yes he is a big part of it but it is also the OL and more so it is on MLF. It is MLF job as the play caller to develop a game plan and call the plays that fit that plan and then change the plan as needed during the game. That is not happening plus he is making some really bad decisions. it is his job as HC to have the best players out there.

The Packers need to fire MLF after the season and bring in a HC that will not call plays. I prefer a Special Teams coach because they are already aquainted with working with the offense and defense. To me they make the best HCs.

6 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 07:50 am

Nobody is going to come to GB if Love is the QB.
(Forget a Reggie White or others.)
He doesn't make anyone better
when he's played so bad himself.
MLF was forced to play him.
You want a tough team.
Bitch and move players.
I disagree with Tom at Center.
He started 5 games last year.
4 at LT and 1 at LG.
The RT experiment must end now that Bahk is done.

-9 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:44 am

As you said of Rodgers so you say of Love. Again, your benchmark is a sepia image of your current hero and all the issues of age, performance and finance ignored. Just sad.

As to Love, well he’s pretty close to where Rodgers was 4 games in statistically. At that point you knew Rodgers was a bust. You knew through 2009 into 2010 when you finally stopped telling us daily.

I don’t know what Love will be. I know what Rodgers was in this offense last year. That was cap crippling as well as futile. What Love will be I don’t know, but just as I and others kept telling you then it takes time before you see the outcome.

You constantly chirped about how Rodgers could never win from behind. Well the same thing is happening. Love has a much less experienced set of catchers, a much lower performing OL and no running game. We have HC who has him throwing more long passes than any other QB and less short ones. We have issues all over, and thus his task is harder and his evaluation more complex.

It’s not like you ever had a doubt: Love, like Rodgers is a sure fire bust.

10 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:05 am

God bless you Cold. You take the time to truly try and reason with Stock, when his mind is so fixated on bringing up Rodgers when he was still incredibly talented in his prime and his salary was somewhat team manageable, and still on the roster.

You are like the best teacher ever...never giving up on that student who will drift off staring at the ceiling and eating a booger every now and then.

Your work isn't done yet Cold, there are other students that need you.

Stock, we at CHTV will not let you slip through the cracks. We love you and are by your side. :)

Burp ("did I get any on ya?")

2 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:03 pm

I Love your persuasive thinking,
So everyone can buy into to what you say.
The comparison is so good I almost gave
you a thumbs up. Even for your compulsive attacks.
But the truth is that the stats back me.
5 ints in two games isn't what Rodgers did.
I haven't called Love a NFL Bust.
Just move on before it's too late.
Especially for MLF!

-1 points
coolhand's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:56 pm

So, was last years terrible season on Love as well?

1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

October 12, 2023 at 03:30 pm

:), I am your tutor Stock. When do you want to get started? Chapter 1: Working with players on your roster

Yours in higher education,

Dean Burp

*I kid because I care. We are in this together brother Stock. :)

1 points
Cheezehead72's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:34 am

You could say that no good coaches are going to come or stay as long as MLF is HC and possibly Gute is GM. Also good players would be reluctant to come. I would say that players would rather play for a good coaching staff and a subpar QB than the other way.

5 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:40 am

CH72: Love, the O-line and MLF are large parts of the problem, but I wouldn't absolve the receiving group either. During the critical 4th quarter drive to score a winning touchdown, Doubs drops a pass, Musgrave drops a pass and Watson fails to fight for a jump ball against a second string CB who is 8 inches shorter and 25 pounds lighter. The receivers aren't helping their QB.

11 points
Cheezehead72's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:26 am

Yes I agree I thought about the receivers after I wrote that. The main thing I was trying to point out is that it is the whole offense and not just Love.

3 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:32 pm

And then he threw the INT.
Where were you guys last year when they dropped Rodgers?

0 points
Packers2020's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:56 am

MLF is not getting fired. I have said this before. Murphy has two years left until he is forced to retire. Murphy is not going to hire a new head coach and redo the staff before he leaves. He will let the new President figure all that out.

We are stuck with MF for the next two years as well as Gute.

0 points
Cheezehead72's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:29 am

I see your point. I will agree that MLF probably will not get fired. That does not mean they cannot force him to give up play calling which will allow him to more time to coordinate between the three phases of the game.

0 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:33 am

The flip side would be that maybe MM would want to take the opportunity to act and leave his stamp on the franchise on his way out the door rather than his lasting legacy being a fading team that couldn't make it to the title with an HOF QB that he told "not to be the problem".

4 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:47 am

If Murphy won’t fire LaFleur, that’s on him and his reputation. Just as LaFleur keeping Barry is on his. The fact that the constipation in this organization may go higher doesn’t require us to give free passes. If we just bleat like obedient sheep then as sure as the sun rising in the East, nothing will happen.

If a consensus emerged that the continuation of the status quo can’t be justified emerges then don’t fool yourself, the media will come off the fence as they sense the wind and draw confidence not to simply curry favor. The country club chatter become uncomfortable and people start worrying that they might not enjoy their last year and a golden reputation as they ride off into the sunset or once that happens for those left behind.

It’s remarkable how such concerns can suddenly inspire action from on high. Board members not enjoying their kudos over dinner or a round of golf. It builds up even in sinecure land.

If we just tell ourselves they won’t and sit back and accept it then each and every one of us minnows deserves what we get. Accept defeat quietly and humbly without fighting and we deserve what we will inevitably get: defeat.

4 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 03:08 pm

Your so wrong.
Murphy won't fire MLF?????
If TT fired Sherman.
Gute can, and could Fire MLF.
Public opinion has always dominated.
Murphy No longer has a crisis situation on his hands.
Gute does. And if he doesn't handle MLF right.
PER sound reasoning. It will be his nuts.
Because the next CEO will see Gute for what he is.
A guy who put his own values before the team.

-1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

October 12, 2023 at 03:43 pm

how exactly can Gutekunst fire MLF. They sit at the same level on the organization chart, and MLF doesn't report to Gutekunst. Brian could fire him and fire him and fire him and MLF could simply keep going to work, because MLF doesn't work for Brian.

There is a hierarchy on the Packers. Murphy is at the top of the pyramid, below him are the GM, Head Coach and Capologist.

I'm not even sure Brian can fire a scout without Murphy's ok.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2023 at 05:20 pm

His narrative demands that Gute can. Ears and eyes covered. Facts be damned.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 12, 2023 at 12:05 pm

Where are the veteran playmakers beside the oft-injured A.Jones? La Fleur appears not to be a take charge guy.
Gutedkunst did Love no favors with his drafting and whiffs during the Rodgers era to build a solid lineup. Rodgers inherited Chad Clifton, Tauscher and Scott Wells. He was tossing it to Jennings, JJ and Driver. A big, big difference from 2008. Musgrave still doesn't know how to run a seam route and do not expect a blocker. The guy was Bellinger in 2022, but the extra two pick went to Walker @ #22 in lieu of Watson. The forensic evidence points to the Gute.

1 points
HawkPacker's picture

October 12, 2023 at 11:31 am

Based on your 'down votes' here and basically all of your comments, you have little credibility with us packer fans.

I don't think anyone takes you serious Stock. You are entertaining to read as I have to laugh most of the time and then I get to look at your down votes as negative replies to your comments.

0 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:29 pm

Based on my down votes, ???
What is a Brownie point? Can't spend it.
I'm a fan. With an opinion.
I'm Being Loyal to those who earned it.
Credibility has nothing to do with that.
AS a stockholder, I earned the privilege
to disagree with you, and others.

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:34 pm

your ok...we cant all be cheerleaders with green and gold goggles on....sometimes the truth or other opinions hurt peoples feelings...nothing wrong with fans pointing out what the believe are major faults of the team...

2 points
jurp's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:02 pm

"This team can't wait for Jordan Love.
It must move on. He is the reason for the loses.
And this entire offense, if not team, is paying the price."

Bonkers Scale = 9.1.

You should've written:
"This team can't wait for Matt LaFleur
It must move on. He is the reason for the losses.
And this entire offense, if not team, is paying the price."

Bonkers Scale = 0

0 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 05:33 pm

jurp 9.1 ? Really.
It was still a take from a post I agreed with.

You're blaming MLF. I'm not.
Others are blaming Murphy.

If a team is that bad. And most think they are.
You fire everyone! Including the GM.

Even the packer greats. Couldn't do what Lombardi did.
It took Wolf - It always takes a new GM (TT)

Gutey drafted his QB. So much for the new Era.

1 points
jurp's picture

October 13, 2023 at 04:25 pm

Doubt you'll see this, but glad you're looking at my (very few) posts...

You can't blame any one player for the team's problems without, first, blaming the coach. May I introduce you to 1958, when the team was 1-10-1 thanks to Scooter McLean. In 1959, that same team, pretty much, was 7-5, IIRC. THIS IS WHY COACHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY ONE PLAYER.

Unless he can get his head out of his ass, La Fleur needs to go. This is why I'd like this to be in-season, with 4-6 weeks to play, to see if Love ALSO needs to go.

0 points
Handsback's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:01 am

Tim, first off Up North over tropical beaches. ..makes me go hmmm.
If the offense is going to do anything then they need an offensive line. What showed up against the Raiders was not good. Replace, aquire, or trade for some guys that can play.
Love, isn't a rookie but he also lacks experience. He's still thinking too much about not making a mistake verses going through his reads and seeing the field. It will take time for him to get there. HE CAN BE THE GUY BUT NEEDS HELP ESPECIALLY FROM THE LINE AND THE RUNNING GAME.
Needed to stress my opinion there...sorry for the outburst.
Anyway the offense needs to step it up, because the current defense is only so-so and won't win many games for the Packers.
Just MHO

8 points
beerandbrats's picture

October 12, 2023 at 10:46 am

"He's still thinking too much" Excellent point Handsback! There just isn't time for thinking because the ball needs to get out so quickly. With more games and more experience, Love will learn to 'read and react' more quickly.

This applies to the whole team. This team is young and there is just too much thinking going on. That's what practice is for. Do your thinking during practice, not during games. We don't want our players thinking about the playbook or thinking about making mistakes during the game. We want them to know their responsibilities and we want them to execute! More games and more experience will help eliminate 'the thinking' and allow our young players to play 'fast and loose'.

1 points
T7Steve's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:15 am

As we all know here on CHTV, it all starts with the O-line on offense. Don't need to make a blockbuster trade at the deadline for a receiver or skill position player. If we don't fix the O-line, it won't matter if you have all hall of fame skill players, they won't have time to do anything.

The D-line is making progress, and you can't really give any credit to the coaches for that because they try to play them as little as possible.

Class questions (football related):

O-line or no O-line
QB with time or QB fighting for his life
Running game or playing behind the sticks

5 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:20 am

This has been a young team for a couple years...they were 4th youngest a year ago if you discounted 12, 2, and 89. The cap contraction of the Covid year and the resulting contract pushbacks made that inevitable. But having said that, this team was young but most of its projected starters have had game experience coming into the season...Musgrave and Love are about the lone exceptions.

In the end, the fact that this team has been in all but one game this season (they really weren't in the Lions game even though that second-half rally gave us false hope) is something we can hang our hats on, but there are too many issues to name right now. Given that an offensive HC is seeing mostly issues on the offensive side of the ball is particularly troubling. Is it underachieving players not being able to carry their weight? Is it bad game-planning not putting players in a position to do what they CAN do? Is it both?--I suspect it's both. And most of that falls on coaches.

I'm rarely a fan of "blowing it all up". It takes too many players to make a decent football team to throw anything of value away for draft lottery tickets before the deadline. It's one thing to say, "this player won't be part of a quality rebuild" or "the contract with this player doesn't fit them in the window of a rebuild" or "too old, too expensive" than to say "trade anyone that another team will give us a partially used jockstrap for". I'm also not someone who is strongly in favor of dealing too much draft capital to bring another team's castoffs (players are available for a reason) into a team that's not going anywhere this year--there might be a rare opportunity, maybe a promising G or S buried behind a good starter somewhere, so never say never. If it's really beginning and ending with coaches, a fire-sale of players is probably setting you back more than moving you forward.

So that leaves the Packers in a position of making do with what they have, roster-wise, and hoping it will get better with time--and then making significant changes this offseason. We're at that stage where a "major shakeup" will probably need to happen and is likey coming. Maybe it's demoting starters and giving a lot of #2s their shots...maybe it's dismissing assistants to try to send a message. Those will be signs that the pressure is really starting to come down on LaF from above. I think he's been mostly immune to it so far.

This team should come back pretty much healthy (sans IR players) after the bye. There won't be much excuse for lack of performance v. a bad Denver team.

It's become a race for 2nd place in the division and smack talking rights over the Bears and Vikings fans this off-season. Sadly I thought this could be a really competitive division leading up to the start of games. Instead, it's one of the weakest at this stage. In the stretch of games leading up to Thanksgiving, only the Rams have really emerged as being a good team. Ultimately, there are only 4 really competent teams on the schedule (5 if you count the Chargers): Rams, Lions, Chiefs, and Bucs. I'm not harboring any hopes for the playoffs, but there are beatable teams on this schedule. I think the Packers have the more favorable schedule in comparison to the Bears and Vikings the rest of the way...

Lions will drop a game on the road v. TB this week. Tampa isn't great, but Goff has a track record of laying stinkers on the road and the Bucs are physical enough to play with them. They're also coming off a bye, and unlike the Packers some teams actually use that as a springboard.

The Bears still suck. The Vikes beat the Bears. Two straight games of Fields-to-Moore will get figured out by MN, even though the Vikes' CBs are weak.

8 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:57 am

Dobber: I was one of the guys who was very curious to see what a "true" MLF offense looked like this year since QB12 would no longer be running his preferred offense. I had high hopes that it would look like a Shanahan offense that is known to be friendly for young QBs (see: Purdy, Brock).

To date I have seen a disconnected mess that plays to no one's strengths. LaFleur tried to throw deep against a tough Detroit pass rush and failed and then tried complicated run blocking schemes against a weak Raider defensive front and failed again. He is asking his players to run schemes they aren't ready for and they and he are both failing.

Couple the above with known failings like an inability to make in-game adjustments and poor judgement in selecting and keeping assistant coaches and it is time for a change at HC.

7 points
Fubared's picture

October 12, 2023 at 12:04 pm

So what are you trying to say? The is a 6 or 7 win team at best and not going to the playoffs so what the vikes or lions do is no concern. The packers are not a good team. Youth has nothing to do with it. Playmakers and pro bowlers skill level is what the problems really are and have been.

0 points
Packers1985's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:40 pm

Agreed to most of ur comments dobber except Love, Musgrave and Reed everyone else have some decent experience and like you mentioned this has to be easiest schedule we faced in the recent past and 9 wins is pretty gettable. Hope coaches figure it out during the Bye week and starts winning against two very beatable teams with two of the worst defenses( denver and Jefferson less Vikings). If we cant get both W's the next two weeks after bye i am afraid then it is time to panic.

1 points
EricTorkelson's picture

October 13, 2023 at 05:19 pm

Sorry, Dobber... not a Bears fan but just a realistic, the bears are young and have a lot of explosive talent on there offence, and the defence is not that bad either... they should have a lot of confidence and blow out the Vikings this weekend. On your other prediction TB has very little chance of beating the Lions.....

-1 points
Razer's picture

October 12, 2023 at 08:49 am

No doubt this team has talent and experience gaps - that can be remedied over the next couple of years. It can be fixed if Gutekunst and crew can draft well and sign solid free agents. What will send this franchise back into the dark ages is a weak and disorganized coaching staff. Players will get demoralized if they need to deal with ongoing incompetence. This staff needs to be on a short leash and evaluated at year-end to avoid wasted years and wasted careers. Matt Lafleau needs to show that he can be a head coach this year.

5 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:05 am

I dunno Razer. I think the evidence is mounting that LaFleur isn't a head coach. If he can't turn this around coming out of a bye versus Denver, it will be time for a change. The FO may not make the change until the end of the season, but I think the decision on LaFleur's future is rapidly approaching.

7 points
Razer's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:13 am

That is my gut as well. I just don't think this organization can handle another big change (moving on from Rodgers and all). I do worry that Mark Murphy at the top will mess up the process and result in another poor candidate being selected.

7 points
stockholder's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:51 pm

This tells me you and others are mixed up.
Murphy has been here for a lot of years.
His biggest mistake is speaking out.
When he should have been silent.
Still- he has the power and will always use it.
Boss is a 4 letter word.
In the end. Rodgers wanted out.
Seems like a lot of people are crying over spilt milk now.
They saw that 2 players away has turned into 11.

3 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:55 pm

I hear you about Murphy. How you hire your HC based on one interview without even talking to most of the other candidates you have lined up I do not know. Multiple people should have interviewed every candidate, discussed them and narrowed the list and then re-interviewed the final two or three along with a thorough reference check of each of the final candidates. Terrible process by Murphy and one he may well repeat for LaFleur's successor.

0 points
coolhand's picture

October 12, 2023 at 12:04 pm

If we lose to Denver then MLF should be nervous about his future in Green Bay.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 12, 2023 at 11:27 am

Outstanding post. You make the exact point, we all know where weak coaching is going to lead us. A lot of decisions need to be made by Seasons end.

1 points
Fubared's picture

October 12, 2023 at 12:07 pm

Gutt is the one who screwed this mess up and party due to his boss who wants cheap ball, maximum profits.
Gutt has never bundled a bunch of 5 6 and 7 rounders to move up and get a nice second or third round pick. he wants cheap talent. Hell he got rid of a three for more late round picks to save some bucks.
Your not going to create a winning team playing against teams getting first and second rounders and top free agents.

0 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2023 at 01:34 pm

Go look at the draft value chart--which is a guideline that comes fairly close to what many GMs use in dealing picks--and educate yourself on the pick you can get by packaging the first pick in the 4th, 5th, and 6th rounds.

3 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

October 12, 2023 at 05:04 pm

Dude, assuming you are a dude, whatever. They needed and now need cheap talent because they are up against the salary cap, and have been for much of Rodgers later career due to him being a Hall of Fame player at the most expensive position in the NFL. They pay their top guys; they always did, like Clay Matthews, Bakhtiari, and many more. Every team needs cheap talent. Plus there is zero promise that a second or third round pick is going to be better than your 5,6 or 7. Most of their third round picks have been duds for years.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:02 am

I expected this team to struggle. That means I expected the team to be bad in a number of games. I expected good teams to beat us this year. But, that can happen in a fairly good year, I therefore knew we would blow games against eminently beatable teams. That’s what struggling means.

The issue isn’t that that happens result-wise as much as how things have proceeded. The OL choices and play: does anyone seriously think they made run blocking a priority in training, scheming or personnel selection? We might be trotting out the weakest possible combination in that regard from our roster.

The the continued inability to stop the run to an excessive extent even compared to weaker prior opposition’ defenses. The same formations, the same types of personnel usage. This D looks very like last years in every way. That’s continuity certainly but it’s not an improvement.

Offensively we see us trying one thing excessively even when it’s not working. This O is bafflingly complex yet lack any illusion of complexity or competence. We still use Watson as a go route specialist when it’s his weakest area. We don’t see the bunches, we take out players that are hot and lose momentum.

We’ve got a new starting QB who has thrown longer more and shorter less than any other QB in the league, and we continued to try that even when the pickets were collapsing routinely in the last 2 games. If anyone suggested that would be our offensive plan before this season, I’d have ridiculed it as insane.

We are trotting out a LT who has promise but is clearly out of his depth in the run game at LT while sitting a LT who kept Rodgers upright and was our best OL in the run game for most of two seasons. We have perhaps our best T playing RT despite being vulnerable to being moved by power.

We have our worst rated OL starter at C over the last seasons still at C and unchallenged. All our Gs have regressed around him. We won’t try Myers or Jones and we won’t play Nijman and yet we will trot out Newman repeatedly. If that’s not a summary of utter ineptitude, I do not know what is.

We have seen a ton of penalties. I expect that from young players but the key ones have come from other sources. That’s coaching and I see few if any consequences.

Overall, our D looks unchanged materially. The supposed schematic adjustments are hard to pin down. It’s ok against bad OLs and teams that are one dimensional, in the pass or the run (less so). It’s a sieve against teams with dual threats.

This team has travelled nowhere this off season of note. Just as the O design last year was impotent and ineffective, so this one is, just even harder to fathom who thought that is the way to go with a new QB and neophyte receivers.

Only one of our WRs has a success rate in catchable balls over 50% ( Doubs). This offense not only asks Love to make tough throws, but WRs to make tough catches. Baffling in the extreme, or beyond that. This team hasn’t had a plan or identity on O since we lost the 85% through Adams crutch that LaFleur admitted.

If I could have come up with the ten things any team in our position couldn’t afford to neglect, repeat or do, this team has managed it. I’m sorry, but for the most part that’s not in the players. It’s squarely on the coaches. I believe it’s also very revealing as to why we failed from 2019 through 2021.

I will say one thing about Love, this offense is being handled overall and at sub levels in a way that seems likely to guarantee only one thing: that his development will be less than it should be. That’s my real fear, that we are not just bad now, but eroding confidence and constraining potential across the roster, not merely Love. That could have very significant consequences for the future as well.

10 points
Razer's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:32 am

When I watch the Matt Lafleur Packers, I often see the Mike Tyson philosophy play out. "Everyone has a gameplan until they get punched in the face". Matt and Joe Barry draw up all kinds of fly-around schemes that rely on players they don't have or can't execute the concept. Watching the O-line and TEs miss so many blocks is disheartening.

The Packers have been playing this pencil football for some time now and the front office has been drafting accordingly. We repeatedly get beat in the trenches and disappear when playing power teams.

6 points
coolhand's picture

October 12, 2023 at 12:12 pm

MLF said after the Detroit loss that things would change. I figured the team would come out breathing fire after getting beat at home on national tv. They played even worse. No real changes on defense. Barry didn't even put Ja on Adams all night. Played soft zone, very few blitzes. The offense was even more pathetic. Just like with Newman, what do these coaches see in Myers? And there was a shot of MLF screaming at Musgrave on the sidelines, yet I never see him screaming at the O line to actually block someone. I am coming to the conclusion that MLF is totally out of his league coaching up younger players. He has no clue how to do it, and neither, apparently, do his coaching hires as well.

1 points
jurp's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:07 pm

Unless he suddenly finds a spine (and possibly his imagination and analytical abilities), Scooter has to go; preferably after Week 12 (if we're 3-9ish) and replaced by Bisaccia as interim, so that we can see if he has the ability to be an HC in this league. Scooter is showing us now that he is NOT qualified to be a head coach. Apparently the pundits were right: AR + DA = MLF as "talented coach"

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:37 pm

losing breed losing and loss of confidence for sure...it does no one any good especially when the coach has no passion, poor game plans and cant fire the team up...

0 points
Packers1985's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:48 pm

I am not sure coldworld but the oline unit was rated no1 by pff the first 3 weeks and still in the top ten according to them i guess. Against Lions they played really bad but coming to Raiders i dont think oline did that bad and Love is 7th least pressured guy per pff. Again i am not saying they are playing great ofcourse they sucked in that lions game but Against Raiders i think they did okish.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 12, 2023 at 10:15 pm

Superb assessment of the current state of the Green Bay Packers. I share your fear and frustration. We expected so much more than a continuation of the uninspired and head scratching decisions this group stumbles itself through. It's mind boggling how oblivious they are. Better days are coming but who knows when. Could be a long time.

Let's start with a new Center.

0 points
RCPackerFan's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:05 am

Bye Bye Bye -

I think at this point coming off a mini bye and then having the full bye, I think this is a good time for it. We need to get things resolved.

One of the top things that needs resolved is the OL. We got Jenkins back and that helped. But we really need Tom and Runyan to get healthy. They were clearly not healthy in the last couple of games. Getting the OL back to full strength is key 1.

Next thing is getting Jones back. We clearly need him bad. He is the one great veteran player on our offense. He is a difference maker and we need him! He is the leader on our team. We have missed that leadership on the field.

Those are things that will help the offense a ton.

Getting Jones, Watson back into the offense will help a ton. I think the rookies will keep progressing as well.
One guy I think needs more snaps is Wicks. He has been consistent.

I hope the coaches take some time to see what they need to do to turn this thing around. I don't feel like we are that far off despite how bad things have gone. Some things they need to get cleaned up. They need to get the jet motion going better. I want to see that part of the game improve. Reed did a lot of motion stuff the first few games, but I don't recall him doing a lot the last couple.

3 points
DocHoliday's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:25 am

We all knew the Packers went all in for 3 years and failed to win the Super Bowl. Everyone knew the credit card had to be paid off for going all in. 2023 dead cap is nearly $60 million. 2024 improves but team isn't out of the woods.

Packers starting 2-1 (should be 3-0), gave us all hope. Last two weeks exposed the problems when you have kids out there because you can't afford good veterans. Look at the Packers salary cap on offense ($72.6 million). Sounds like a hell of a lot of money, but it's $98 million less than the #1 salary cap spender on offense. Packers have the least amount of money spent on offense in the NFL. On top of that, Bahk being out, Jones being out, Jenkins missed 2 games (basically played on 1 leg against Raiders). Just Bahk and Jones is $28.5 million of that $72.6 million. Reality is this offense is filled with players who have only started 1-2 years.

Look at the offensive line.
Bahk - 1 game, done for year (costs $40 million against the cap in 2024 because of dead cap hit plus salary/bonuses).
Walker replaced Bahk and has been terrible run blocker, mediocre pass blocking.
Jenkins - missed 2.5 games and is basically playing on one leg right now. (Best we have on this line most games)
Myers - decent pass blocker, terrible run blocker. Listen to Bulaga and Tauscher some time, Myers is terrible at the blocking calls...so bad that Rodgers had to correct many of his mistakes during his years in GB. Bad pick and needs to be replaced.
Runyan is a fighter. Doubt he's the biggest problem.
Tom is looking like a starting caliber OT. Would he be better at center?
Nijman is a good run blocker, but people forget he routinely had TEs and RBs helping on his side when pass blocking.
Newman doesn't belong in NFL.
Caleb Jones (against 2nd/3rd stringers in preseason has shown he is a beast at run blocking, pass blocking??, against starters he is going to be slow footed so Crosby would have had 5+ sacks against him).

Tight ends are kids.
Musgrave - 3rd and 3. Play called and huddle breaks. Musgrave stops and asks Love what he's supposed to do on the play while the clock is winding down. Needless to say play was a failure. Musgrave drops easy pass in 4th. Also supposedly messes up blocking and routes more than we realize.
Tucker Kraft - needs to get his act together because right now he's not even capable of starting for top 20 college teams.

Jones is great, but he's been out. Practiced all last week. Game plan was done explicitly for him to get the ball a ton. Suddenly, he's a scratch and there is no time to change the game plan.

Watson - 2nd interception. MLF after game said it was a deep curl. Watch the route run and compare that to someone like Hines Ward running a curl. That deflection and interception is 100% on Watson running a college route. Last interception, Watson admitted he should have at least made an attempt to knock it down. (Easy to see why Jaire and Rasul yelled at him after that interception).
Doubs is good. Still, he dropped easy pass on the last Packers drive.
Reed is showing a lot of promise for a rookie. Still, he makes mistake. Like that this kid is a fighter.

Love - no excuse for the first interception. Definitely struggling. However, look at the garbage he is playing with. Easy to see why Rodgers often ripped guys on the field when they made mistakes. What is Love (only has 6 NFL starts) supposed to do?

This team is bad because we have kids. Remember Davante Adams first 2 years? Fans wanted him cut. Lots of growing pains. Time for these kids to decide if they want a paycheck for a couple years or if they want a career in the NFL.

MLF is going to have to call very basic, college level play calling because 1-2 of these kids are failing on almost every single offensive play.

3 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:37 am

"Walker replaced Bahk and has been terrible run blocker, mediocre pass blocking."

It feels like they're forcing him into a role rather than having him win it.

"Packers starting 2-1 (should be 3-0)"

Trade ATL for NO. If they should've held on and beaten ATL, then they just as logically should have not beaten NO. Whatever the case, a 2-1 start.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2023 at 10:57 am

The Nijman had help thing is tired. Yes, when he first started out for a few games but rapidly decreasing and when they moved him to right without practice, for a game or two. They did the same with Tom at RT last year too. Should that invalidate him?

Caleb Jones has slow feet? How do you know? From his testing? He tested at 370 having lost over 30 pounds from his reputed playin weight previously. He showed up in the 230s. That’s when his agility was noticed and why he stuck. He was a radically different prospect at 330 odd than anyone expected.

Sorry, much of what you say has merit, but the OL defense does not.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:29 am

“Up North over Tropical Beaches”—seriously”.
You’ve heard me say this many times—I despise the Broncos—hate isn’t a harsh enough word. If we lose to them, and I have a sinking feeling about this, I’m going on a hunger strike.
I continue to scratch my head concerning the injuries to key players? Do we need a Lombardi moment—‘get the hell out of the trainer’s office and play.’
Love’s accuracy troubles remind me of Tebow.
Carlson is excellent and I said so early on…I like our punter too.
Beat the Broncos or I’m going on a darkness retreat.
Go Packers!!!

3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 12, 2023 at 10:00 am

Any team that can’t score on the Bronco’s D as seem so far should join you in that retreat. Their O is not impotent, so Our D will have to get us off the field though.

2 points
jurp's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:09 pm

At this rate, I'd be in favor of going for a field goal on 4th down anywhere from our own 45 to the goal line. Carlson is probably our best chance to score - period - on offense.

2 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

October 12, 2023 at 09:51 am

Thanks for the beer suggestion, Tim! With the way the Packers are playing, I've transitioned entirely to bourbon! How about some whiskey reviews? I definitely need something stronger!

2 points
ricky's picture

October 12, 2023 at 10:01 am

Welcome to the "coaches are not good" bandwagon. The idea of "promoting from within" has not been working for a while. So stick with it. And if a position coach, or OC or DC prove to be bad at their jobs, keep them on anyway. And if the opposing team starts shutting down the offense, keep doing the same thing. It worked before, so it'll work again. And lets not forget that the OL should always have at least one, if not two guys who can't do the job, keep them in the game anyway, because then they'll improve with more reps. Even with poor coaching (I'm looking at you Mr.Butkus). It took me years to reach this point, but it's time for a clean sweep of the coaching staff. Possibly let Bisaccia a second shot at being HC. And allow him to spend some money to hire first rate coaches under him. Or, totally start from scratch. Either way, time for a change.

Porsche or Lamborghini?
Christmas or Thanksgiving? (Probably a no-brainer for teens).
Football or soccer?
Cherry or blueberry pie?

4 points
TheBigCat's picture

October 12, 2023 at 11:36 am

Tom, as this season is progressing, I think your beer analysis is more interesting than the Packers. Had a very tasty red ale (Shine On Ale) from Central Water Brewing (Milwaukee) while enjoying the last days of summer at the Clear Water Harbor Bar in Waupaca.

1 points
Fubared's picture

October 12, 2023 at 11:58 am

Were all smart enough to discern between youth who come into league with skills, and abilities and can start day one and late round 5,6 7 round picks who somehow make the team and do need a lot of time to be developed.
The problem, GB lives for this, other teams spend their capital getting rid of those picks and bundling for a raft of 2, 3, 4 picks and calling it a good draft.

Zimmer is a good example. He drafted a kicker who missed three field goals in one game. He got rid of the guy the next day. Sent him packing. When asked why he didnt keep the guy and develop him Zimmer replied " we're in the win now mode not the development mode".
Laugh but most NFL teams are just that. They draft with the mindset that most of the guys will be starters and contribute now and a few will be coming in to back up others but mostly they want starters.

-5 points
dobber's picture

October 12, 2023 at 01:28 pm

My IQ just dropped 10 points.

4 points
Guam's picture

October 12, 2023 at 02:59 pm

Best zinger of the day Dobber! Cookie for you.

1 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

October 12, 2023 at 03:12 pm

If you read the entire site you may be down a good 40-50 points in total. I'd rather drink the brain cells away...

2 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 12, 2023 at 04:38 pm

At first many said "this is going to take a few games, half a season" for Love and the rest to settle in, then it was a year, a whole wasted season, now many are saying give Love and the team two seasons....bullshit...

0 points
CanPackFan's picture

October 12, 2023 at 06:50 pm

The oline player assignments baffle me. How can Yosh not be starting? Myers should not even be in the NFL. Newman, downright bad. Tom at center might actually make plays up the middle possible. Yosh at tackle. Myers and Newman are 3rd stringers or XFL candidates.

The 5 best olinemen rarely, if ever, start for this team. Why this lie is allowed to continue with this subpar coaching staff says it all - they just can't evaluate players objectively over their favorites! Steno and Butkus are just as lost as MLF on offense. Barry has lost covered all on his own on defense.

Steno and Butkus - get your heads out of your butts and try some different combinations! Remember MLFs definition of insanity?

1 points
theonebeverly's picture

October 25, 2023 at 11:48 am

Is Myers in the NFL? Seriously? -_- I support college sports and football teams, but why do teens complicate things? I learn and play football at my college, and I have no time for homework sometimes. So, I go to https://assignmentbro.com/za/ to get professional assignment help from experts and enjoy my academic success. Therefore, I find solutions without causing problems to other students, professors, and sports coaches.

0 points