Pack-A-Day Podcast - Episode 1692 - Packers/Jets/Rodgers Remain in Holding Pattern

On today's show, Jacob, Ross, and Jake discuss the latest on Rodgers, Nixon's return, and the start of free agency. Don't miss it!

On today's show, Jacob, Ross, and Jake discuss the latest on Rodgers, Nixon's return, and the start of free agency. Don't miss it!




Andy is a graduate of UW-Oshkosh and owns & operates the Pack-A-Day Podcast. Andy has taken multiple courses in NFL scouting and is an Editor for Packer Report. Andy grew up in Green Bay and is a lifelong season ticket holder - follow him on Twitter @AndyHermanNFL!


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ShawnO's picture

March 14, 2023 at 09:17 am

It seems like the Packers are holding the Jets and AR hostage now as their other options are dwindling and I love it.

0 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

March 14, 2023 at 09:48 am

Please please Mr Rodgers…. Was there a shadow or not? More snow coming…

I don’t think Packers are holding anyone hostage. More likely Murphy is ready to call for Swat teams. This is the Diva manipulating both teams. He wants the attention among other things. He’s most likely throwing up roadblocks knowing that he holds all the cards. Probably wants the entire geriatric squad as part of the deal

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PearlyBakerBest's picture

March 14, 2023 at 10:13 am

This deals done already. Murphy comments. Rodgers bought a place in Manhattan. He just stipped it so he could could break on McAfee.

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Fubared's picture

March 14, 2023 at 12:17 pm

Tre Wingo or whomever that is is now saying in an article on AOL that Rodgers is saying he is going to the Jets in a block buster deal. Have not been able as on 11:15 am to find one sports page confirming this and there is nothing on TV sports channels either.
If true, Thanks Rodgers for taking this team on a ride. One super bowl and its been fun at times. At least the pack was in the mix the entire time you were there. Wish you the best. You will be missed even though its probably time to move on. Pack was fortunate to have two HOF QB's in a row.

1 points
OldSchool69's picture

March 14, 2023 at 07:27 pm

This is now a circus act that started with the drafting of Love and no input from Rodgers. From his point of view they disrespected his time and commitment. From their point of view it was a business decision, plain and simple. Well, I believe Murphy, Gutekunst, and LaFleur got it wrong. Special teams and defense, at that time were in need of help as well as the offensive line. The angst between Rodgers and Gutekunst quickly spun up in the national sports media and Rodgers certainly didn’t help matters by skipping out of pre-season camps. This is an absolute circus act. So Rodgers is likely gone, and like Farve…..this is an end of an era. Sour gut!!

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Rebelgb's picture

March 14, 2023 at 02:21 pm

HA HA so it appears from national sources Rodgers is waiting on the Jets to agree to his demands for a list of players he wants to see in NY before he agrees to go there.

Now they get to deal with his shit.....Good luck NY.

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Leatherhead's picture

March 14, 2023 at 02:53 pm

I caught a blurb about 30 minutes ago that apparently it's hinging on trading Cobb, and we'll be happy to work that out.

It's over. The paperwork will be finished when the new league year starts.

1 points
T7Steve's picture

March 14, 2023 at 03:06 pm

What do you call it when you try the same thing over and over and expect different results?

Oh, wait......

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TarynsEyes's picture

March 14, 2023 at 03:56 pm

The New York Packers.

2 points