Packers General Manager Brian Gutekunst: FULL INTERVIEW

Huge thank you to Brian Gutekunst for joining us!




4 points

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greengold's picture

June 12, 2024 at 07:00 am

Stellar interview, Aaron & Corey!

I appreciate Brian Gutekunst immensely. He seems to improve his game as GM of the Green Bay Packers every year. An "ascending talent," for reals. I found your questions insightful into how he works. The personal question on his philosophy from Corey was fantastic, as was Gutekunst's answer. Always good to study mistakes, how & why they happened, and to take note, but, focusing on the present while moving forward is paramount. Fewer opportunities missed by being present. Thanks for asking that, Corey. A good reminder for any business owner.

Aaron, watching Transplants in the morning... your thirst quenching during interviews just hits different... LOL!

Great work, gentlemen. Again.

4 points

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