Packers to Have Predraft Visit With UCF CB Mike Hughes

-- As the 2018 NFL Draft draws closer, teams are beginning to crack down on their homework for the upcoming class.

That includes teams like the Green Bay Packers, who currently hold the 14th overall pick and have a handful of impact players that should be available by the time they're on the board. A few of those players are at the cornerback position, where the Packers have a glaring need they'd be smart to address before June.

One prospect in particular, Mike Hughes from the University of Central Florida (UCF), has gained a relatively high level of interest. According to Tony Pauline of, the Packers are one of seven teams Hughes is scheduled to have a predraft visit with, and he's already met with one other.

Hughes didn't do much at UCF's Pro Day on Thursday -- not even with a chance to improve on his 4.53 40-yard dash time from the combine -- and stood pat with his numbers. 

"If you cut on the film, then the time I posted, that goes out the window," Hughes told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday. "I've chased guys down and I'm sure that they see that.

"I definitely think the 40 gets blown up a lot. If you're fast, you're fast. I'm not taking that away from anybody, but some guys are just football players and you have to put on the film to see that."

Hughes is expected to be a top-45 pick and a potential target for the Packers in the first round. However, he's just the second cornerback that they've been reported to have a meeting with.

The Packers previously met with University of Texas at San Antonio cornerback Devron Davis at the Gridiron Showcase and had a formal meeting with Ohio State's Denzel Ward at the combine. Ward, arguably the top cornerback in the class, isn't expected to be on the board by the time the Packers are on the clock.

Not much has been done to equip the Packers with sustainable talent at cornerback this offseason outside of signing veteran Tramon Williams, who spent most of the first nine years of his career in Green Bay.

On the other hand, they also traded Damarious Randall to the Cleveland Browns, which left little starting experience on the depth chart.

The state of that group may force the Packers to take one of the top cornerbacks with their first-round selection, or they can stick with the approach that involves solidifying their pass rush to improve the play of their secondary. All scenarios are on the table with new G.M. Brian Gutekunst, whose tendencies are far from familiar.


Zachary Jacobson is a staff writer/reporter for Cheesehead TV. He's the voice of The Leap on iTunes and can be heard on The Scoop KLGR 1490 AM every Saturday morning. He's also a contributor on the Pack-A-Day Podcast. He can be found on Twitter via @ZachAJacobson or contacted through email at [email protected].

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Comments (40)

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OnWisconsinGoPack's picture

March 29, 2018 at 09:15 pm

Big fan of Mike Hughes! But is he a target at 14? I'm assuming trade back scenario in round 1 or trade up from round 2.

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sonomaca's picture

April 01, 2018 at 11:34 am

Agreed. No way. The elite prospects only last till pick #13.

Four QB’s
Roquan Smith

At #14, Pack will miss out.

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sonomaca's picture

April 01, 2018 at 11:41 am

If this plays out, I think Pack either trade back, or take Connor Williams. They don’t need Hurst, but a defensive line with him would be 2nd best in league.

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4zone's picture

March 29, 2018 at 09:49 pm

He's always in the picture with his receiver assignment. I haven't seen much in the way of his tackling though. He's a return threat and can actually catch the football. He won't be around for our 2nd round pick and may even be gone at 14 (long shot). Not sure how far down we could go and still get him so #14 might we where we need to grab him if we want him. We could hope to then get Key in the 2nd round for an edge guy.

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Kevin Ven's picture

March 29, 2018 at 11:03 pm

There is no way Hughes is gone by 14. With 4 QBs, Ward, Nelson, minkah, Edmunds, Roquan, Chubb, Barkley, James, and Vea pretty much guaranteed to go ahead of him you still have Landry and Jackson that are much better players. Don’t reach

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ScaryGary's picture

March 29, 2018 at 11:00 pm

i like him as second round pick

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DD's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:07 am

Dontworry: I agree. We need an edge rusher first!

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4thand1's picture

March 29, 2018 at 11:22 pm

Whatever the Pack does, DON'T REACH! I think we will see a trade in round 1 on draft day. Right now i'm for edge rusher.

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AgrippaLII's picture

March 29, 2018 at 11:40 pm

My thoughts Edge rusher. Make the QB get rid of the ball before he wants to and good things usually happen for the Defense.

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carlos's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:23 am

Works both ways. Good coverage makes the QB hold on to the ball longer.

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4thand1's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:28 am

Kill the QB, oops is it legal to say that anymore?

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Ryan Graham's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:04 am

I am too, flackcatcher. I haven't been this intrigued by a draft in quite a while. A lot of possibilities

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flackcatcher's picture

March 30, 2018 at 01:18 am

There is going to be lots of talent at 14 and in the second round. What and who the Packers are positioning for on their board will be there. This year it is beyond the second that is critical for this team. This is going to be a very interesting draft for this team. Looking forward to it.

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arthurl's picture

March 30, 2018 at 02:07 am

I struggle with fact we are paying two players a combined 24M in 2018 who play OLB, yet we say that is need position for 14th pick. In my opinion we have greater need at CB and WR. Right now I see only King and Williams as starters so you got to go CB in first. Who’s playing other side of Adams? I am hoping either they trade up for Ward or back for either Hughes or Jackson. Take Miller from Memphis in 2nd with trade up in 2nd for OLB

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sonomaca's picture

March 30, 2018 at 06:47 am

Miller’s moving up boards rapidly. I doubt he makes it to Pack’s 2nd round pick. Sutton is NOT GOOD.

Why are the Pack not in Odell sweepstakes? Rodgers to Odell, Adams, Graham and Cobb. Yikes!

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carlos's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:25 am

Don’t want Odel. Too much money and a head case.

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4thand1's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:31 am

Right on Carlos, he would start whining if AR 's contract was more than his. There's not enough hookers and coke in GB anyway.

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worztik's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:17 am

We don’t need no damn divas!!!

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sonomaca's picture

March 30, 2018 at 10:08 am

Have you noticed what’s going on with Rams, Eagles, and Vikings? How are you going to beat those defenses? GB had a chance to get top 3 NFL receiver, and you say no. GB may not even make the playoffs!

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rtuck80's picture

March 31, 2018 at 08:18 pm

The high draft picks are not the biggest problem. he's promised to sit until he's the highest paid player. you want to give up two 1sts AND THEN pay him 20m per? that's asinine

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Finwiz's picture

March 30, 2018 at 10:20 am

No chance on that head case Beckum.

Nobody is going to pay two number ones for that guy. If he were such a force and such a TEAM player, the Giants wouldn't be letting him walk.

Same story as before with FA's.

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croatpackfan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 03:18 am

My wish is EDGE/OLB in the first round at the position Packers are.

So, I think I agree with most of you...

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Lphill's picture

March 30, 2018 at 05:57 am

As far as edge rushers at least Clay is more versatile compared to Perry , I think we should have let Perry walk considering his injury history , do we really expect much more from him now as he gets older , he is just a guy bit by the injury bug, I think best pass rusher first round we can still get a good corner in the 2 nd round.

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sonomaca's picture

March 30, 2018 at 06:50 am

Perry has just been unlucky with injuries. This isn’t a chronic knee, shoulder or back.

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worztik's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:22 am

You’re probably better off sticking to golf than prognosticating for the Packers draft, Sonoma!!! I envision CA as it’s own bankrupt country very soon!!!

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Finwiz's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:35 am

"Perry is unlucky with injuries".......yeah, uh-huh.

This is about the most injury prone player they've EVER drafted.
The over/under on him getting hurt, and missing time, is 5 games in 2018.
Probably should be more like 3.5.

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RCPackerFan's picture

March 30, 2018 at 07:06 am

The Packers bringing in a high level player for a visit and having a formal meeting with another at the Combine definitely shows times have changed in GB.

Under Thompson, he rarely met with any high caliber players. He rather chose to meet with lower tiered players. Guys that maybe an UDFA. While it helps to bring those players in to try and sign them after the draft, its more important to make sure you get the players you want earlier.
Times definitely are changing in GB. It will be interesting to see what Gutekunst does in the draft.

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CJ Bauckham's picture

March 30, 2018 at 07:18 am

I like Hughes. I like Carl Davis, but I like Hughes too.

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stockholder's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:03 am

Hughes is a waste of time. Their setting up their board,nothing more. He doesn't have the size or the tackling ability the packers have grabbed in the past. Terrell Buckley 2.0. Pass.

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DD's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:08 am


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worztik's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:24 am

NO NO NO NO... done!!!

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worztik's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:24 am


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rtuck80's picture

March 31, 2018 at 08:22 pm

please Google "draft value chart"

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teresinski6's picture

March 30, 2018 at 08:53 am

I would trade all 11 picks after #1 to Cleveland for their #1&#4 to get to starters a DE and 2 DB, Packers need players now not someone to develop, these 3 draftees would be starters from day 1. We all know Rodgers best days are past.

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worztik's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:28 am

A thumbs up for this??? SMH...!!!!!

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Ryan Graham's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:00 am

like most everyone here I like Hughes, but not at 14. In fact I'm not sure I make a move up for him from the second round. If they do move up for a corner I'd rather it be Carlton Davis. I like him better as a fit think hes just an all around better player. Although, Hughes could definitely be a boost on special teams. Still a lot of time until we see how it plays out.

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Lphill's picture

March 30, 2018 at 09:34 am

Rodgers best days are past? Did someone actually say that ? I think we haven't seen his best yet, older ,maturer ,wiser

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worztik's picture

March 30, 2018 at 10:01 am

Up... YES, “someone” actually said that!!! Can you believe the number of dipsticks with “opinions” here?

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sonomaca's picture

March 30, 2018 at 10:13 am

Wow, you definitely add an unpleasntness to the board. Congratulations, you’re helping to ruin the fun and good natured exchanges on CHTV. This isn’t NY or Philly, it’s friendly Wisconsin. Must be a Viking troll.

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EdsLaces's picture

March 30, 2018 at 12:38 pm

Agreed....this dude sucks ..

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