Packers vs. Vikings: CHTV GameDay LIVE Blog

Follow all of the latest breaking news, commentary and analysis as the Packers travel to Minnesota to take on the Vikings on Sunday Night Football.

Welcome to CheeseheadTV’s coverage of the Green Bay Packers vs. the Minnesota Vikings.

As an outlet that collects news, pictures, commentary and analysis from other outlets - not just our own - we are your best source for Packers coverage.

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Live Blog CHTV GameDay LIVE Blog: Packers vs Vikings


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Comments (2)

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baldski's picture

September 18, 2016 at 08:25 pm

I hate to say it but Arod has gone Hollywood on us. His brain is on Hollywood Blvd.

0 points
Finwiz's picture

September 18, 2016 at 09:46 pm

Packers simply are not a great football team right now.
When you don't play anybody in preseason, nobody's in shape, and you get hurt in reg season.

0 points