#PackersDaily: Packer People needed now more than ever...

Aaron chats with Packers fans about all things Green and Gold.

Earlier this morning, I held my Packers chat over on our YouTube channel, talking all things Green and Gold. 

Be sure to subscribe to the channel if you'd like to participate in future chats.

You can also listen to the podcast here:

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Did you know 91% of the tickets being bet are on the Packers?

Check out the week one preview article and video from Doc’s Sports – Click Here.  




4 points

Comments (7)

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oldfarmer's picture

August 03, 2020 at 01:03 pm

Just read Mark Murphy's comments on The National Anthem and BLM. It really concerns me the the leader of "My Team" for over sixty five years could make such remarks and represent the Packers. My family, friends, and certainly yours truly have been praying for months that someone within the Packers organization would grow a backbone and stand-up for the country that made them possible. It is just not going to happen. It looks like that s not to be. Hopefully enough of us will stay away from attendng and viewing the games long enough to get their attention.

2 points
Brad.S's picture

August 03, 2020 at 02:46 pm

I just don't understand where you're coming from. I feel that Mark Murphy is respecting the great country we live in with class, dignity, and honor. We have a great country, but we have some shortcomings, which have been made obvious for all of us to see this year, even for an older, middle-class white guy like me who has been following Packers for about sixty years. The Packers under Vince Lombardi were a shining beacon for racial equality, and helped to break down some barriers for black players in that time. It's clear that there are elements in our society that are not following our great country's ideals that "all are created equal." It's an emergency situation. We can't pretend it doesn't exist. We all need to work to bring a more just society and live up to our ideals. I have never been as proud to be a Packer fan as the days of Vince Lombardi. That's how I see things. Thank you for raising your concerns.

0 points
4thandinches's picture

August 03, 2020 at 11:16 pm

Thank you. Well said!

0 points
sonomaca's picture

August 03, 2020 at 11:31 pm

So, if the Packers were leaders under Lombardi, why are they kneeling to the America-hating communists now (who really don’t give a rip about ordinary black Americans)? If I see any crap, I’m out. For good. If I’m not interested, I doubt my kids will be either.

As it turns out, I haven’t missed pro sports at all this year. Football was my favorite, but I’m moving on.

0 points
WMA's picture

August 04, 2020 at 11:01 am

That is your choice to make in a country with free choice and free speech as it is for those who choose to kneel.

0 points
bjkdad44's picture

August 03, 2020 at 04:52 pm

I bet you don’t stay away...

0 points
Leprechaun's picture

August 04, 2020 at 07:44 am

Old Farmer, I agree with you. Been a Packer fan since Tobin Rote ,went to lots of games, bought gear, but----will not support a team or league that can't stand for my and your national anthem. Wake up, BLM is not about black lives as much as it is about Marxism and power for their agenda. There is not a black national anthem in this country. We are one nation under God and will continue to be.

1 points