#PackersDaily: This is the way

Love it or hate it, the Packers have a way of working and it's not changing any time soon.

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4 points

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StarrtoRodgers's picture

March 30, 2023 at 05:15 pm

I think we can pick up players and draft picks.

Please see my numbered Q's below.

Aaron - just 1 year removed from consecutive passer rating titles (the most objective measure of QB performance), placing him in front of the other 31 other starting quarterbacks, Mahomes, Brady, Burrow, Allen, Herbert, etc. etc. - will play out the 4 remaining years of his contract & his team will be in the playoffs those 4 years.

As for Jordan, the only data points we have is that he led all of College football in interceptions in his 2nd and last year as a starter and in the only game that he has started in the NFL - giving the opponent (Chiefs) a week to game plan - he was blitzed over and over (18 times - https://aws.pro-football-reference.com/players/L/LoveJo03/gamelog/advanced/) and despite 9 men rushing him, he could not hit the consequently open receivers - generated just 7 points and had a 69.5 passer rating.

Packers are 1 year removed from 13-3, 13-3, and 13-4 seasons and with a competent Management and QB should be in the playoffs in 2023-24.

3 questions:

Jets GM Joe Douglas drafted Zach Wilson 2nd overall in the 2021 draft & watched the Jets trade for & draft QB Sam Darnold 3rd overall in 2018. Douglas then traded Sam Darnold, & benched Wilson, after Douglas had given up on the two 23 year olds after 38 starts for Darnold and 22 for Wilson.

The Jets were originally so high on Darnold that they traded 4 high picks to get Darnold - their 6th overall pick in 2018, 2018 37th overall pick, 2018 49th overall pick and their 2019 2nd round pick (which would be 34th overall).

1) Given that the Packers think so highly of Jordan Love that they are willing to give way the QB that won the passer rating title over 31 other starting QBs 2 of the last 3 years and is a 4 time MVP, wouldn't the Jets think the same & drop the idea of Aaron as their QB in an instant & jump at a Packer offer of young 24 yr old Jordan Love?

2) With Jordan so highly thought of, would the Jets give the Packers a Russell Wilson like package in return?:

3). Russell Wilson was traded for 7 players - the 9th (2022), 5th (2023), 40th (2022), 37th (2023) picks in the NFL Draft - all unconditional draft picks - & a young solid starting tight end (Noah Fant, the 20th pick in the 2019 draft) & a starting defensive end (Shelby Harris) & quarterback Drew Lock (2nd round 42nd overall pick in the 2019 draft - 6 players who will be Seattle starters and 2 of which (5th and 9th pick) will probably be all pros and a backup or possible starting QB in young Lock.

If no, why not?

-8 points
Lootstone's picture

March 30, 2023 at 05:27 pm

The cards were played differently. Pete Carroll spoke highly of Russel Wilson, until he left the building. It was only after did we find out that there was relationship problems w/ Russel there. Russel is also 34, so like any other position that gets poo poo'd by the league based on statistics of old age. Do we deserve at least 2, 2nd round drafts? Man, I hope so.

1st and 2nd with conditional 3 next year, 2nd if he plays again another year, 1st if he makes it to AFC championship. Play hardball with that until the draft. Only slightly less should be even listened to.

Jordan on the other hand is not on the table. Nor has there been enough film on Jordo to add value to a trade. If Aaron/Pack would of lost just 1 more game or sat prior to the lions maybe that would of been an option, but even though I haven't been convinced Jordan is the guy - no point in trading him. Rough last college season after losing all the starters around him, 3 years benched to learn, and blips of progress. I hope Jordan does really well. He deserves it. As I got to know his back story a little more, you can't help but cheer for him. Best of luck to #10

6 points
bottlefliper's picture

March 31, 2023 at 01:18 am

Did you mean the QB who lost most of his playoff games after 2011 even he had more help than most other QBs?
So you mean we are in danger to win no title, like we did since 2011?
You rather have a guy who did made nobody better around him and ucking the joy out of football with his antics?

If you are a real Packers fan you know, we only can go up. Even if we miss the playoffs. With your super QB we had only one game more and most of the time, it was a bad one.

Other than that, he already hit the wall. I know he can play like 40 even if he moves and looks like 50plus, but there is a bi chance he will get hurt. He is not worth the circus and I did not even start to talk about his off the field drama and his victimehood soap.

4 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

March 31, 2023 at 05:23 am

Most Packer fans COMPLAINING about "ONLY" 1 Super Bowl win are young (my guess is 40 & under) & spoiled & ignorant as they have not yet lived that long. They still have not absorbed the facts that:

1) no NFC team has won more Super Bowls than the Packers over the 15 years that Rodgers has been Packer quarterback

2) more importantly, no NFC team has had more chances - 11 - at winning Super Bowl over the 15 years that Rodgers has been Packer quarterback


Obviously you have ZERO chance of winning the Super Bowl if you do not make it the playoffs.

And I have been attending Packer games and watching Packer games since Starr in the 60s - and I know what it was like for the Packers to make the playoffs only 2 of 23 years from 1968 through 1991 - 1972 and the strike shortened 1982.

If the ignorant emotion based trade goes down we can see if management's fantasy of Love out performing Rodgers over the last 4 years of Aaron's contract comes to fruition.

As Huber wrote for Sports illustrated:

Packers fans are spoiled. That’s not a criticism. To go from Favre to Rodgers, a couple generations of Packers fans have no idea what it’s like to cheer for a losing team. No idea what it’s like to wake up on Sunday and hope the game is at least a little close in the fourth quarter. No idea what it’s like to start a season without real championship aspirations.

Jordan Love could be a legitimate NFL starting quarterback and still not be able to hold a candle to Rodgers. The New York Giants, for instance, just signed their quarterback, Daniel Jones, to a four-year contract worth $160 million. For what? Is he really good enough to get them to a Super Bowl? Maybe not but they’d really have no hope without him.

A new world awaits in Green Bay

0 points
jurp's picture

March 31, 2023 at 06:00 am

I was going to write a decent response to this, but it's really, when you cherry pick data by removing opposing viewpoints (number of SB wins per team since 2008), why bother? AFC/NFC makes no difference to your argument.

"no NFC team has had more chances - 11 - at winning Super Bowl over the 15 years that Rodgers has been Packer quarterback "

Big effing deal - AR could only seal the deal ONCE in those 11 chances. Desiring to make the playoffs because "once we're there, anything can happen!" is for losers.

1 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

March 31, 2023 at 07:53 am

As Huber wrote Spoiled.

The young Packer fans who have only been fans since Favre arrived in 92 - or even later - will be long gone before the Packers without Rodgers miss the playoffs 3 years in a row.

Since 2008, there have probably been more than 200 quarterbacks on the rosters of the other 15 NFC teams, how many of those 200 NFC quarter backs have "sealed the deal" and led their teams to more than 1 Super Bowl win?

Since 2008, how many of those 200 NFC quarterbacks have led their teams to 5 NFC Championship games..

Since 2008, how many of those 200 NFC quarterbacks have had their teams in the playoffs 11 seasons?

Since 2008, how many of those 200 NFC quarterbacks have had their teams in 21 playoff games?

This is all despite Packers never having drafted a receiver, tight end or running back in the first round in Aaron Rodgers 18 years as a Packer;

And despite the Packers only having spent 2 first round draft picks (Sherrod & Bulaga) on the offensive line in Aaron Rodgers 18 years as a Packer;

And despite the Packers having used their first draft picks on defense in 14 of the 17 years since Aaron Rodger was drafted in 2002 and despite the Packers STILL never having a top ranked defense and a top 10 ranked defense only 3 times in Aaron Rodgers 15 years as a starter;

As far as the Tom Brady comparisons, from the time that Aaron Rodgers became a starter in 2008, Tom Brady had the higher ranked defense supporting him 14 of the 15 years - all but 3 of those years Brady had a top 10 ranked defense behind him, Aaron has a top 10 ranked defense only 3 of the 15 years.

Defensive Ranking
2008 8 22
2009 5 7
2010 8 2
2011 15 19
2012 9 11
2013 10 24
2014 8 13
2015 10 12
2016 1 21
2017 5 26
2018 7 22
2019 1 9
2020 8 13
2021 5 13
2022 13 17

1 points
coolhand's picture

March 31, 2023 at 10:30 am

Going from Favre to Rodgers if you recall, it took 2 years for AR to figure it all out. Even his 3rd year when we won the SB the Packers barely made the playoffs but got on a roll. How did they do the following year? A 15-1 record then bounced out in the first round.

0 points
nygary's picture

March 31, 2023 at 06:28 am

Bottlefliper your comments are exactly how I feel about Rodgers. He kills the joy of football with his bullshit. He should go into politics. He's a great bullshit artist. Knows how to spin everything to look like he's the victim.

1 points
stockholder's picture

March 30, 2023 at 06:40 pm

Then the NFL is fixed.

0 points
cdoemel's picture

March 31, 2023 at 10:43 am

I was born in Green Bay in 1957 close enough to Lambeau that we could hear the crowd explode. I’ll tell you, I sure get tired of reading all the geezers here talk about how no one but they can appreciate winning, while they talk about living through the 70’s and 80’s like it’s a badge of honor. It does not matter what other teams have done! It matters what did the Packers do. And the Packers did not win enough Super Bowls during the Favre/Rodgers era. Period!! Don’t tell me I should be happy with however many 13 and three seasons. No!! I lived through the 70s and 80s. It sucked! It was embarrassing! That doesn’t mean Aaron Rodgers isn’t a choke-meister in the playoffs. He most definitely is!! Some of the long winded commenters here are as good or better at twisting facts while leaving out important details as the authors of some of these awful articles. Just because you lived through derelict and neglectful behavior by the Board of Directors for decades doesn’t give you a reason to flex!! When Lombardi left the Packers, he told the Board then that head coach AND general manager was too big of a job for one person. And Bengston, Devine, Starr and Gregg all proved him right. That’s what happened to the 70’s and 80’s. Mike Sherman managed to pull it off from 2001-2004. And don’t bother to throw Belichick’s name around. Yes, he’s a freak. Belichicks and Devines both exist in the world! It’s a year too late for this QB change. It’ll get done, then we can move forward talking about football instead of darkness *ucking retreats. Smh

0 points
madtowndan's picture

March 30, 2023 at 08:49 pm

Nags - As far as getting behind the team and people constantly bitching, keep in mind that you are in a position in which you are constantly engrossed in interactions with people that are totally obsessed with every little detail (various social media). There are FAR more Packer fans that you never interact with that choose not to share their thoughts on social media outlets and that are indeed behind the team and truly are Packer fans through thick and thin - the "silent majority". There's just too much clickbait out there that constantly "reports" on every little nitpicking detail (especially about a certain Packer QB). It just drives some folks nuts,

Everyone needs to R-E-L-A-X

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

March 30, 2023 at 09:24 pm

Don't forget a force more powerful than the "silent majority"; the introverts. The introverts are really truly super-behind the team, through even thicker and thinner than the "silent majority", they just meet independently, but their numbers are massive. HUGE.

If the "silent majority" could somehow join forces with the introverts, they may one day be silent enough and invisible enough to not let anyone know what they think. What a wonderful world that would be!

4 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 30, 2023 at 11:04 pm

I was invited to join the introverts’ last meeting, but I was too shy so I stayed home and sat in silence.

2 points
jurp's picture

March 31, 2023 at 06:02 am

How did you get a readable invitation? Mine was blank - I assumed it was written in invisible ink so that no one would show up.

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

March 31, 2023 at 07:25 am

Gotta hold it up to a mirror so that the moonlight hits it at the proper angle. Oh, and be pure of heart. They’re big on that ‘pure of heart’ thing.

2 points
PatrickGB's picture

March 31, 2023 at 09:29 am

I get it and agree.

0 points