The Lass Word: The Opponent I Want No Part of in the Playoffs

Match-ups matter in the post season.

Trains of thought: 


Now that the number one seed has been achieved, Packer fans can focus on taking a harder look at the path to the Super Bowl.  Who will they have to beat?  What is the toughest match-up?  What is the one team you really don’t want to play? 


Doubtless many of you would say you don’t fear any team, that the Pack is dominant and shouldn’t have any trouble with anyone in the NFC.  You could be right.  But Green Bay matches up differently with various contenders, and some of the match-ups are certainly more problematic than others. 


I feel pretty confident about playing the Rams.  Green Bay has already shown they can beat them, especially at Lambeau. I’m not a great believer in Matthew Stafford.  Somehow, Stafford always got a pass for all those bad seasons in Detroit.  It was always somebody else’s fault.  But he has to bear some of the blame.  Stafford is awesome when he gets hot, but he has a penchant for making the big mistake in big games.  He can’t carry a team when he has to.  I don’t think he’s the missing piece for taking LA to the Super Bowl.  The Packers also seem to be able to come up with a blocking strategy that keeps the likes of Aaron Donald, Leonard Floyd and Von Miller from wrecking the game. 


I’m not terribly concerned about a return engagement with the Tampa Bay Bucs.  I have to believe this would be the opponent that would most motivate the Pack.  Surely they would want to avenge last year’s conference championship game.  They played the Bucs tougher than Kansas City did in the Super Bowl, and really should have beaten them.  Their loss was largely due to self destruction.  Tom Brady is smart and accurate and clutch, but at least he can’t run, something that gives Green Bay a lot of problems, as with Baltimore’s Tyler Huntley. 


Speaking of QB’s who can run, what about a rematch with Arizona and Kyler Murray?  I’m not worried.  They are a warm weather team coming to, what should be, a frigid Lambeau.  We’ve already beaten them at their place without our three best receivers, all of whom would figure to be back.  The 49ers?  Certainly not if Garoppolo is still out.  Even with him, I would only fear George Kittle pulling a Mark Andrews-type performance against us.  The Eagles?  They might try to wear the Packers down with their running game.  Not sure they are good enough to do that. 


Here’s an intriguing possibility.  What if the Saints get in, and wind up winning a first round game, and head to Lambeau?  What a great opportunity that would be to see just how far Green Bay has come from that opening day debacle in Jacksonville.  I suspect the result would be drastically different, particularly with Jameis Winston out.  I would actually look forward to the sweet revenge. 


The one match-up I don’t feel good about, the team I really don’t want to see in the playoffs, is the Cowboys.  Who would know better how to prepare his team for a game at Lambeau than Mike McCarthy?  Who would be more motivated to get his team up to prove Green Bay made a mistake when they let him go? I know many Packer fans have a low opinion of McCarthy, but I am not among them.  He’s a good coach whose relationship with his star quarterback in Green Bay went sour, and it cost him his job. 


 Dak Prescott, though he has struggled a bit lately, is the complete package.  Smart, mobile, strong arm, and with something to prove to his doubters.  He has more passing yards than Rodgers and the same completion percentage. The thought of CeeDee Lamb, Amari Cooper, Cedrick Wilson and Dalton Schultz running around downfield gives me pause.  The Cowboys have an O-line good enough to neutralize our pass rush. If the Packers play back, Dallas has the one-two punch of Zeke Elliott and Tony Pollard to pound on you. 


This is a team the Packers would have to outscore, and there’s a good chance they could do that, as the Cowboys currently rank no better than nineteenth in total defense.  (Green Bay is eleventh.) But still, I’d rather not play them.  The seeding order of two through four in the NFC remains fluid going into week eighteen.  If nothing changed after this weekend, Dallas would be the four seed.  That means, if there are no upsets in the wild card round, the Packers would play the Cowboys in the divisional round.   


►  Playing the starters against the Lions is probably the right call, but it sure makes me nervous.  I will hold my breath after every play that I don’t see somebody in green and gold get helped off the field.  I’d actually prefer to see Jordan Love quarterback the whole game to see if there’s any improvement from his start against the Chiefs.  But I get it. That would mean a three week layoff for Aaron Rodgers, and that’s likely too long. 


►  The Vikings are nuts if they fire Mike Zimmer.  He’s been more effective than anybody else in the division at crafting defenses to stop Aaron Rodgers.  Going into Sunday night’s game, he was the only coach in the NFC North to have at least a .500 record against the Pack at Lambeau Field.  The Vikings carried a two game win streak against Green Bay into that game.  He is not the problem in the Twin Cities.  His team has been destroyed by injuries.  Zimmer’s a good coach.  He needs a quarterback who can win close games. 


►  I can’t figure out where all this speculation as to where Russell Wilson is going to play next year is coming from.  He’s not going anywhere.  Seattle is not trading him.  This is all media-driven false narrative. 


►  Pro Football Weekly reporter Hub Arkush’s comments about Aaron Rodgers not being deserving of the MVP award are going to backfire.  Arkush said this week he will not vote for Rodgers because of his vaccination controversy, calling him “a jerk”.  Since then, Arkush has been widely criticized across media outlets for judging the Green Bay quarterback on things other than his performance on the field.  None of the other 49 voters will want to be accused of the same thing, so they will stay focused on game performance, which heavily favors Rodgers.   







Ken Lass is a former Green Bay television sports anchor and 43 year media veteran, a lifelong Packers fan, and a shareholder.


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10 points

Comments (86)

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Lphill's picture

January 06, 2022 at 03:17 pm

Saints are a dome team , I think a hot eagles team would give the Packers trouble.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:13 pm

In any year, the team to fear is not the best since September but the one clicking in January. Is that the Cowboys? Maybe not … by the time we play we will be facing a good team or a hot one. Just win.

3 points
dobber's picture

January 07, 2022 at 07:18 am

Philly is 0-5 vs. the current playoff field and haven't beaten a team that currently has a record north of .500. That doesn't bode well for them in the playoffs...if they make it.

3 points
TarynsEyes's picture

January 06, 2022 at 03:19 pm

"Tom Brady is smart and accurate and clutch, but at least he can’t run,"

It also seems that Rodgers can't run either, at least in the NFCCG.

Whether the Packers win or lose will not be because of another team actually being better as parity seems to be the closest in a long time or ever. No, the destiny of the Packers season will again come from their own created mishaps, which has a better chance of happening than not, based on the last 11 years of recent history.

I hope they win, just so the past can be put to bed, and discuss what happens next.

4 points
dekan51's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:43 pm

"It also seems that Rodgers can't run either, at least in the NFCCG."


Mike drop moment......

3 points
Eric Zenk's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:52 pm

"No, the destiny of the Packers season will again come from their own created mishaps, which has a better chance of happening than not, based on the last 11 years of recent history."

Spoken like a true defeatist rather than someone who makes decisions based on sound logical data. Facts are THIS team is 5-1 against top contenders in the NFC and AFC. They would be 6-0 if Rodgers did not have COVID during the Chiefs game. Could that be the mishap you are referring too? Special teams? Based on recent play, they are actually holding serve and this year's Brandon Bostick, Amari Rodgers has been replaced by former Seahawk, David Moore before the playoffs start.

They do not have any kick off or punt returns for TDs, or big yards, but they are not leaving points on the field as they did earlier in the season. The field goal 'operation' and kicks appear to on target.

The Packers have a better secondary in 2021 with Stokes and Douglas versus King and Alexander. Moreover, that is no slight to Alexander, only that Alexander can take away half of the field while King gives the other half back. With Stokes and Douglas, the secondary has good coverage and many interceptions. The Packers are better at linebacker with De'Vondre Campbell.

The offensive line is much deeper this year although it would be nice to have David Bakhtiari at left tackle, Josh Myers at center, and Billy Tuner at right tackle with Kelly and Nijman as ready to go back-ups.

Speaking of Alexander, if he can come back then this will BE a potentially great secondary and should make it much more difficult for Tom Brady, Dak Prescott, Matthew Stafford or Patrick Mahomes to carve them up assuming King stays on the bench.

If they can get 10-15 snaps per game from Z. Smith, this defense will only get better with the way Gary and P. Smith, Clark, Lowery, Landcaster, Slater and Keke have played this year. Although their lane discipline must be maintained as it was earlier in the year when they could stop the run effectively while rushing the passer, and not as they did against the Bears, Ravens and Browns.

None of the contenders can say we they could possibly add three pro-bowl players, a starting center and reliable right tackle during the playoffs. In fact, most teams have lost MORE players to injuries and COVID-19.

I disagree with your thesis, this year’s version of the Packers will most likely fall prey to COVID-19 mishaps, (if any) rather than their own mishaps. Karma certainly turned on the Packers on the injury front this year, but this Packers team not only survived, but thrived.

In 2021-2022, the Packers have had many of their key starters hit the COVID-19 reserve list whereas the other contenders have not. Perhaps Karma will take away Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes in the NFCCG or Super Bowl. Only time will tell.

6 points
Ya_tittle's picture

January 06, 2022 at 05:00 pm

Your analysis is SPOT ON!

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

January 06, 2022 at 05:34 pm

No matter how many different ways you can present data about a football team and conclude they will win, this season throughout the league with many a top team in any given week lost because of created mishaps of their own, and all the data on paper didn't prevent it. The Packers have a long history, a decade in football constitutes a long history, of doing more to themselves to lose than has the opponent. Save your data points and accept that the Packers have been their own worse enemy and just hope it ends this time.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:20 pm

If King sits, we have a chance.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:28 am

Not if the alternative is Yiadom. Sometimes reality over soundbite please.

7 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 07, 2022 at 03:59 pm

How real is this for the Playoff Games: Stokes, Jaire, Sullivan and Douglas taking the full snaps. We can only hope Yiadom is sent to the P squad. Jean_Charles is coming on stronger in sp teams.

1 points
LayingTheLawe's picture

January 07, 2022 at 01:47 am

When teams are close in talent, the games tend to come down to luck. A throw that the defender deflects and now its 4th down and a punt - or barely misses that ends in a 50 yard gain. If they played 10 times, it would probably be a 5 - 5 split.

Now some of these teams I think the Packers are just better than and the Packers would have more a 7 - 3, 10 game series win over. But that still means there's a solid chance to lose if things bounce badly or there is a bad performance.

Last season the Packers made some terrible mistakes that led directly to points and cost them the NFCCG. Bad luck. This season they have won games on basically the last play of the game 5 times. Good luck.

This team's crappy playcalling inside the 20- yard line still worries me, but other than that i think they have a better than average chance to make it.

2 points
murf7777's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:04 am

Taryn….I agree with you, did I just say that…lol. You’re right they lost 4 out of 5 NFCCG and I think mostly it wasn’t because they were outplayed. Why didn’t Rodgers run that towards the end zone against Tampa? Why did we fall apart against Seattle, etc….. why, why, why? It’s like a curse for us Packer fans. Of course, it has been a curse for us Wisconsin fans, with getting to the final fours and not finishing or our Brewers just not getting over the hump. BUT, what did happen is our Bucks did get to the big dance and actually won it all. The curse is broken and now it’s time for our Packers to show it and win the big dance. See you all in LA!

3 points
Guam's picture

January 06, 2022 at 03:23 pm

Not so sure I would be dismissive of the Tampa Bay Bucs. That is a physical team with lots of talent. They would not be intimidated by Lambeau in January (they beat the Pack there last year) and they have a proven championship QB. I think they are a tougher matchup for the Packers than Dallas. Dallas is no cupcake, but I would rather face Dallas than TB in the playoffs.

10 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:26 pm

Then be physical and kick their asses. Last year the Pack fumbled the Game away and looked like fools trying to pressure a statue of a QB in his Forties.

6 points
holmesmd's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:43 am

They are decimated with injuries and Covid. What are you talking about?

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

January 07, 2022 at 05:45 pm

Welcome back. It has been a while until just recently.

0 points
Tex49's picture

January 06, 2022 at 03:46 pm

Give me Diggs covering Adams all day long

14 points
Bearmeat's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:09 pm

With the Bucs injuries, honestly, I think GB has the best chance they've had since 2011 to walk to the Super Bowl. I do think there are several AFC teams (KC, Cincy, Buffalo and Indy) that would be really tough.

9 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:41 am

The Rams and Packers are on a 5 game winning streak and we handled them. Also, as mentioned many times, we might get some important pieces back.

1 points
Since'61's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:17 pm

Tampa is the team which concerns me the most. They have the best defensive coach of the playoff group and he may be the best DC in the league. Tampa’s defense was well prepared with an effective game plan for last season’s NFCCG.

The flip side is that this season’s Packer team is better than last season. Our ground game and our defense are better than they were in 2021 especially if Alexander returns at 100%. Our OL will also be better if Bak and Turner return.

The Packers can’t allow 3 easy TDs like they did last year. They’ll be fine even if Tampa makes it through the gauntlet to reach Lambeau for a rematch. GPG! Thanks, Since ‘61

13 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:32 pm

Bring them to the Meeting place.

3 points
murf7777's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:08 am

Since 61’…well said. Also, don’t forget Meyers hopefully coming back, he is an upgrade.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:38 am

In the rushing game perhaps but not in the passing game. Myers would certainly boost confidence in depth at C, and I think he’s the future, but now? He’s a single digit game rookie.

5 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:54 am

I agree, he will be hampered from a long absence.

0 points
jurp's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:23 pm

I'm most worried about Dallas, myself. As Ken noted, you have the McCarthy/Packers history as a MM motivator, and they're a hot team right now (AZ game notwithstanding). I hope the rankings change on Sunday and they wind up 3rd.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

January 06, 2022 at 05:39 pm

Might it motivate Rodgers too? Any team that makes it to us is a threat. All these teams have won big on their day this year. None of these teams appear clearly better on a consistent basis.

13 points
NickPerry's picture

January 07, 2022 at 05:29 am

Hmmmm.... Were the Cowboys really that "Hot" or was it more of a scheduling thing? Before the recent 4 game winning streak was ended by Arizona, the Cowboys had lost 3 of their previous 4 games. During that "Hot" streak where they won 4 in a row, it came against New Orleans, Washington, NY Giants, and Washington again.

They've beat the Chargers, Eagles, and Patriots and that was before the Patriots became hot all before week 7. I'd also say Rodgers is probably even MORE motivated than MM...

7 points
jurp's picture

January 07, 2022 at 09:09 am

All good points, Nick, and they point to me not closely following the other playoff teams' schedules. Thanks! :)

1 points
NickPerry's picture

January 08, 2022 at 04:48 am

Thanks Friend... Part of me is concerned about the Cowboys, but with Fournette coming back, Evans getting healthy, and that defense getting back several key players, I'm still more concerned with the Bucs.

BUT..I still think we can beat em.

0 points
TheKanataThrilla's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:24 pm

I wouldn't dismiss the Bucs. The league would certainly like to have a Tampa vs New England Super Bowl. Who gets the calls in the playoffs more than Tom Brady? I don't like Dallas either. I am hopeful that we can get Arizona, but there always seems to be an upset in round 1.

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:40 pm

I hope Rams will win over SF and Saints will win over Falcons, so they will take Bucs down. Do not sleep over Philly. They are really hot team this december.

-3 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:05 am

Yes, they have been winning. However, beating Jets, Gents, and WFT twice does not bring fear for me.

1 points
10ve 💚's picture

January 06, 2022 at 11:05 pm

Very true. It is very likely that the refs follow orders and call phantom penalties on the Bucs opponents.

0 points
jurp's picture

January 07, 2022 at 09:13 am

Been worried a bit about a Brady vs Belicheck rematch myself, as I posted a while ago in a different thread. We'll just have to see if there are BS penalties called in favor of those two teams (and none against)during the playoffs, especially on plays where TB/NE have failed on a 3rd down or where their opponents have succeeded on a 3rd or have scored a TD.

But honestly, going down the "League wants TB and NE to meet in the SB and have ordered the refs to make it happen" path leads directly to Vikings fans and their "The games are fixed to keep the Vikes from winning a Championship" land. I'm not going to fixate on this, but I'm interested to see if the bad calls/no calls happen.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 07, 2022 at 04:07 pm

When you pulverize your opponent, it leaves little room for the Vegas calls from the officiating crew.

1 points
canadapacker's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:34 pm

I too like Stafford throwing us some picks - the only thing that I worry about is that everyone is now healthy - especially now that Akers is ready to go and Kupp is also ready - plus the D is now together for several games. I also worry if San Fran gets in because Samuel is downright dangerous - but at least Jimmy is banged up and even if he does play he will be as bad as Wilson was in throwing. But the Dallas defense is downright scary at time especially Diggs and Parsons. Great receivers with Cooper and Lamb - think we can handle the running backs as long as we stop Dak. All in all I would like to see Tampa and /or New Orleans and even AZ over the rest if the pack.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:44 pm

Bratwurst, barbecued chicken or ribs, it’s all tasty meat to me and I don’t care about the order. This isn’t like the last two years where we had to play a team that had pounded us in the regular season.

We’ll play the winner of 4/5, and then whoever is left. Not worried about AZ or the Rams. Tampa has lost several big pieces of what had been the leagues best offense.

I live in Texas so I follow the Cowboys. They have some real good players and I think McCarthy is a good coach…..who got bounced from the playoffs every year except one, and several times he had the better team. The Cowboys, with a few exceptions, aren’t particularly physical and I’m pretty sure we can run over them.

Dallas is 28th in defense. bad by most measures, and quite possibly the worst rushing defense in the league. I would be salivating at the prospect of the Cowboys in the Championship game.

13 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 06, 2022 at 07:51 pm

Sometimes you make sense. I also am awaiting the Clownboys.

4 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:09 am

Dillon also drooled all over himself.

-1 points
stanthemanwiththeplan's picture

January 06, 2022 at 04:47 pm

"He’s a good coach whose relationship with his star quarterback in Green Bay went sour, and it cost him his job. " .... yeah... THAT was the reason..

7 points
Nate-1980's picture

January 07, 2022 at 04:00 pm

Haha I love it, I think the word stale comes to my mind..:)

2 points
Turophile's picture

January 06, 2022 at 05:16 pm

There often isn't much between a win and a loss, especially in the playoffs when the better teams meet. An interception, one great pass, a key bad referee call, a slice of luck.

Because of this, you have to be careful of all teams. Any one of them could beat the Packers if they get hot and the Packers are a little cold.

Probably the most underestimated thing in a football game, is luck. Talent helps, so does scheme, coach etc, but luck is still a biggie and all you can do is try to overcome it when it goes against you.

6 points
packer132's picture

January 06, 2022 at 05:36 pm

Well said Turo. All NFC playoff teams have several stars on both sides of the ball, as do the Packers. It comes down to the trenches and like you stated. A great catch, interception, penalty, or luck. With no dominant NFL team, you need to play mistake free on both sides including special teams. No drops, shanks, long returns. I like the Packers chances to go all the way.

7 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 06, 2022 at 07:42 pm

Players make the plays or choke. If you keep the play makers on the field and jettison the frauds you will jell as a team and WIN.

2 points
murf7777's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:14 am

I believe in life you create what is perceived to be luck. Why did Brady and Belichick win 6 SB’s? I believe it was more about preparation, work ethic, skill set, leadership and of course coaching who prepares the team, provides leadership and encourages work ethic. Those who prepare the most, work the hardest seem to get all the luck.

3 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:12 am

Certainly does lessen the effect of chance.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:52 am

I believe life is 10% what happens and 90% what you do about it. And the 6 titles you reference are because of that. And some cheating.

3 points
MarkinMadison's picture

January 06, 2022 at 05:42 pm

I'm with Turophile. Respect all, fear none. If this team can learn to play in the first quarter, and avoid self-inflicted (special teams) mistakes then I think they can beat any of these teams.

Brady is Brady, but you can put heat on him and make him melt at this point. Non-zero chance that he gets carted off in the playoffs and never plays again. He just has sooo little mobility left. I respect the crap out of him. I think he is underrated as a passer. But some DE somewhere is going to be convicted of murder some day soon.

I was worried about the Cowboys, and then I watched them play the Cardinals. That defense stinks. That offense makes MM look better than he is. I'm not that worried.

If the Packers team that handled running QBs for most of the mid-season returns, then I'm not worried about Arizona.

I don't believe in the Rams. I don't believe in Stafford. I don't believe in Donald. I don't believe in their depth. I'm not sure the Rams really exist at all. They may be a figment of my imagination.

2 points
Fubared's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:59 pm

funny our pass d did nothing to him last year, non existent. and we had gary and both smiths

-1 points
MarkinMadison's picture

January 06, 2022 at 09:32 pm

So you missed those three interceptions then...

5 points
Ya_tittle's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:22 am

Great point. If we pressure Brady, he makes horrible throws.

1 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:30 am

Let's be fair, in the championship we did not put pressure on him. However, Stokes, Rasul, and hopefully Alexander changes my perception to a positive degree. Also, Clark will eat Jensen, no on second thought, will beat him like a red headed step child once again. Apologies to red heads, I find them very attractive: chasten, Moore, Kidman : slaps self in the face.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:48 am

Are you hallucinating, Pete? We pressured him into three interceptions in the second half, when he was playing with a big lead.

IMO, Tampa got lucky last year. If any one of a dozen plays breaks differently for the Packers, we win that game. We were that close. And despite everything, we were first and goal on the 8 with the league's #1 offense and the ball in the hands of the MVP. That's how close we were.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 07, 2022 at 04:10 pm

Yes, but Pettine was passive in the first half and set his secondary up to be targets.

1 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 06:52 pm

One sack , 4 QB hits would show it was bad decisions. However, I fully agree with your second comment, we gave that game away.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:45 am

Dreadful, passive, scared even, defensive game plan. In the first half we ignored 2 decades of lessons on how to defeat Brady. Had we played on D like we did after we were in the hole, totally different game. Pettine lost us that game before we took the field.

All else that contributed was secondary and the groundwork laid for it by Pettine’s baffling approach to beating Brady by letting him sit in a wide open pocket in harried for nearly 2 quarters.

5 points
Ya_tittle's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:22 am

Solid analysis. Thought the same at the time.

1 points
BradHTX's picture

January 06, 2022 at 07:01 pm

“ If this team can learn to play in the first quarter, and avoid self-inflicted (special teams) mistakes then I think they can beat any of these teams.”

You just nailed the two things I fear most, far more than any of the specific teams the Packers might meet: their perpetual sluggish starts (what happened there, they used to be unstoppable during the first quarter scripted section…) and the Special Teams miscues. Falling a couple scores behind, or a muffed punt, could be the difference between the Superb Owl and sitting home in February.

4 points
stockholder's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:02 pm

Take 1 game at a time. There are No easy games in the play-offs. And with so many players in and out. The match-ups, and the strength of each team, could change. The one thing the packers can't do is panic. There is No wishing! The packers have to be on their game. And if they are. It won't matter who we play.

10 points
jont's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:29 pm

In the playoffs all teams are good and individual match ups are more important than ever.

Looking at the NFC playoff field, GB already beat the Cards, Rams, and 49ers so we can be confident about them. They don't want to face the Packers.

Philadelphia, with all due respect, shouldn't be in the playoffs, but Hurts is Lamar/Huntley-like and could cause problems. We'd all like to think the Packers' defense can prepare properly and control the game.

Tampa Bay lost a good receiver and have been very uneven the past month, but they have a strong defensive front which could give the Packers some trouble. GB's offense has been operating well, however, and should score enough to win.

Dallas is a tough one to understand. They haven't between anybody good, but they can put up the points. The MM/Dak combination is working pretty well, and the GB secondary will be tested; they given up some yards in the past. Could be a shoot out.

At the end of the day, Green Bay is the favorite against each one.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 06, 2022 at 07:45 pm

Tampa has now lost Two of their WRs.

2 points
porupack's picture

January 07, 2022 at 09:19 am

I worry about the teams that we already beat earlier in the year. Conversely I think we can beat the teams that we lost of recent (bucs). Many times in past, teams that won in the regular season, got beat in the revenge game. Why is that? The Pack will have a big bullseye on the Bucs and Saints, but be sure that the Cards and Rams have a big bullseye on the Packers.

Rams won't be defeated as easily as during the regular season. Stafford has carved up the packers plenty of times. Many things went bad for the Rams last game, and they have a formidable D line that won't repeat their impotency last game. They can be beat, but MLF can't go in assuming the last game plan will work again. No, he has to get one or two more steps ahead of where the Rams will try implement/correct from their previous failures. No one can stay stagnant and win. THe pack won't win against AZ nor LA if MLF just tries to repeat the earlier game strategies. He has to be one more step ahead,

I agree with Al, the cowboys could be the biggest challenge, but they are not consistent. So it depends which team gets off the bus in Lambeau. If they have their A game, they are very tough with significantly under-utilized talent across their Offense. The D is very good at areas that can neutralize the packer's offense. Micah (Ray Lewis) Parsons will neutralized the middle of the field, so the pack would have to have a plan.

1 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:43 pm

You think we should fear the Cowboys?

Just turn that around; how do you think the Cowboys should feel about playing the Packers? They would travel to Lambeau field and play a game in cold weather. They would also be playing against a team in which this starting quarterback is playing the game at present better than anyone else in the league and facing a one/two punch running back team in which both backs are rushing for over 1000 yards. This team they are playing (The Packers) are getting healthy and have the potential of adding three previous all pro players who have missed most all the season (David Bakhtiari, Jaire Alexander, and Za'Darius Smith). Our wide receivers are all getting healthy and it even looks like Randal Cobb will be playing in the playoffs and perhaps even against Detroit.

If I were the Cowboys, I would fear playing the Green Bay Packers in Lambeau Field much more than the Packers should be concerned about playing the Cowboys.

9 points
Fubared's picture

January 06, 2022 at 06:55 pm

Any team that comes in knowing they, like last year, can exploit Stokes and King are scary. They can give up easy points in a heartbeat.

-11 points
jannes bjornson's picture

January 06, 2022 at 07:48 pm

King is the Dime back. Hopefully he sees little of the field. King was woeful giving up Two Scores in the first half. A Jones fumbled away momentum in the third. Both were re-signed. A Jones has the chip on his shoulder and Mojo on his side looking to make amends. The future is now.

3 points
canadapacker's picture

January 06, 2022 at 09:38 pm

Keep King on the line of scrimmage as he was against the Vikes - we have Stokes now. And dont put anyone on an island late in the half - and give up a long play - King's mistake also was a mistake in the coverage - dumb defense besides bad coverage.

4 points
GregC's picture

January 06, 2022 at 08:27 pm

Stokes was not on the Packers last year. He was in college.

10 points
Ya_tittle's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:32 am

Really. That post of his made no sense. STOKES?????

1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:48 am

Yes, they can exploit Stokes like last year. Wait, he is a rookie. Sometimes it’s pretty obvious where you come from. Cow?

2 points
PhantomII's picture

January 06, 2022 at 09:08 pm

The team the Packers need to be concerned about is looking in the Mirror. Does ML call 3 run plays up the gut that fail to get first downs? Does the offense come out slow and misfiring, or do they start focused and execute drives and move the chains with solid runs and spread the ball around to receivers who get open and make the catch and get first downs. Does the Defense flow to the ball and gang tackle. Do they play tight coverage or play off the ball giving up first downs? Do they stiffen and get 3 and outs? Do they contain the edge and push the pocket? Do we blitz when needed? Does ST make good stops on punts and kickoffs? Do we turn the ball over or do we get turnovers / sacks?

5 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 06, 2022 at 11:00 pm

As I mentioned in another post, I want another shot at Brady and the Bucs. We won’t give up a last second TD before halftime, we will pressure him much better, and the turnovers we create will be converted to points; unlike last year. I believe this is our year—do it Packers!!

2 points
Jgilmor08's picture

January 06, 2022 at 11:21 pm

I see a lot of people being confident based on the Packers beating teams during the regular season. Just a quick reminder that Green Bay lost to the Giants in 2011 after beating them during the regular season at home. So absolutely nothing should be taken for granted. It’s always easier for the losing team to fix and correct mistakes whereas the winning team probably pays a little less attention with a win compared to a loss.

1- San Fran is intimidating, especially when you think that one or two plays would make all the difference in the result going in their favor. With the cold I’d think they are the least affected being so run heavy.

2- Philly is the same as San Fran except without the familiarity. A team can do a lot of damage after barely squeaking into the big dance. See NYG referenced above getting in at 9-7 and winning the super bowl.

3- New Orleans if they end up making it. Week one could’ve been as much of a flukey game as any but a team that’s 4-0 against Brady when he had ALL of his studs on the field except for the final game should be considered worrisome.

4- Tampa Bay still has a raw Defense and Tom Brady. That combination has served Brady well over the years in New England with tons of no name receivers but the biggest difference from years past is Bruce Arians loves himself the deep shot. That’s why he’s been more turnover prone which is where I see Green Bay succeeding.

5-Los Angeles has some solid defenders and it can’t be undersold how much the game turns on a dime when a team can get interior pressure on a quarterback. Just like anyone else Stanford can get hot too. He’s also used to the cold having played against Green Bay all those years.

What every playoff game will come down to is exactly what it came down to all season…. Can Green Bay win the turnover battle. Goroppolo does a pretty good job taking care of the ball and Philly is so so. I think turnovers will make all the difference this year with so much parity that will swing the game in a teams favor. I’m ok with Bahktiari not coming back because it’s almost forced Rodgers into a faster paced style where he’s a lot more selective with his deep shots. I’d really like to see Jaire back out there because he’s gonna be with Douglas, Stokes and him at the corners and nickel with Savage and Amos is a scary back end of a defense. The most vulnerable part is linebackers in coverage on the tight ends and running backs but hopefully the line gets enough pressure with no backs staying in to help chip that it nullifies that part a lot. This is one of the best opportunities this team could have to Win the whole thing.

5 points
porupack's picture

January 07, 2022 at 09:27 am

Excellent JGil; you make my points better than I tried to say in an earlier post. I agree that teams avenging an earlier loss learn more, and counter with more innovation to get their revenge as you mention the NYG in the playoffs against the Pack. MLF can't stick with the same plan, because neither will the opponent. Stagnancy will lose. MLF will need to base the new plan on what the opponent will try to implement/correct from previous failure. Be one step ahead.

Cowboys and Rams will be tough opponents. Dallas if they bring their A game (which often they don't). Rams won't repeat their ineptitudes from last game.

2 points
Jgilmor08's picture

January 07, 2022 at 02:22 pm

With all of that said, I truly believe that’s what makes MLF different than everyone else. Aaron Rodgers didn’t suddenly become talented he’s always been insane. Yet they’ve never achieved 13 win seasons with McCarthy except one time. Whether it’s a win or loss he’s the one grinding to keep things from getting complacent. It’s undoubtedly impressive.

I think MLF will always be prepared to play the niners. In all reality any one of these teams has what it takes to win on any given Sunday but the Packers have what it takes to win for three consecutive Sunday’s. This year has been different above all else. Can’t say how happy I was to hear that everyone will play week 18.

2 points
Ya_tittle's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:33 am

Not worried about the Saints with Taysom Hill as the QB

-1 points
dobber's picture

January 07, 2022 at 01:00 pm

They will be in and SF will be out. Rams will put the Niners down and Saints will beat Atlanta.

-1 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

January 07, 2022 at 09:10 am

I want the Bucs.

"Let them come" - Gimli

5 points
SanLobo's picture

January 07, 2022 at 09:11 am

Interesting take, but turn the question around. Who do the rest of the NFC teams least want to face in the playoffs, and I suspect GB at Lambeau is pretty high on everyone’s list.
This year’s Packers can beat anyone they face on the field. Period.
Yes, footballs don’t roll straight, refs make bad calls and a sudden gust of wind all can mean the better team doesn’t always win. But this year, my money is on the best team in the NFL.

7 points
PeteK's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:45 am

" footballs don't roll straight" Never heard that , love it !!

3 points
HarryHodag's picture

January 07, 2022 at 10:30 am

The Cowboys and the Bucs in the NFC are the two teams that could come to Lambeau and win.

Say what you will about Prescott--when he's on he's on. Brady still has it and can sling it.

The Cowboys and the Bucs have lots of talent even with the injuries they've sustained.

The cold weather thing hasn't proven to be much of an advantage for Green Bay. They key will be running the ball. If Jones and Dillon can move it, so will the offense. If they shut off the run and force Aaron to throw, could be trouble.

Cleveland proved how to run on the Packers. A mistake on special teams in the playoffs could be curtains.

0 points
Ya_tittle's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:35 am

Brady this year is not the Brady of last year. I've watched a lot of his games, and especially since losing some weapons other than Gronk, he has struggled.

0 points
holmesmd's picture

January 07, 2022 at 11:53 am

Sure, other than the Bucs are missing more key players right now than GB is. Dallas ain’t coming to GB and winning a 10 degree game. It won’t happen. Get out of the worry chair.

1 points
PatrickGB's picture

January 07, 2022 at 01:24 pm

The Bucs. They have the best QB and a defense that pushed our line around and caused fumbles last time around. But I don’t see them as being as good as they were last year.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

January 07, 2022 at 05:18 pm

Exactly what I believe Patrick.

0 points
dobber's picture

January 08, 2022 at 12:24 pm

As my Dad used to say: why would you want to play the team that beat the team you said you didn't want to play?

In the end, it's irrelevant. Line up the pins and knock them down.

2 points