The Packers aren't blameless in the Aaron Rodgers mess

There's plenty of blame to go around with the latest drama surrounding Aaron Rodgers, including inside 1265 Lombardi Avenue. 




9 points

Comments (237)

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pacman's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:03 am

Great point on MM. Obviously, Packers should never hire anyone with those initials again.
But according to reports, AR is really ticked off at Gute. So Gute must have said something like "remember, you're just an expendible employee".

Was it MM's fault that we 'wasted' all the AR years by not building the team (including coaches) around him?
So who's going to fire MM?

1 points
PackerAaron's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:06 am

Not everything is about people needing to be fired.

9 points
pacman's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:44 am

If reports are accurate, it is to AR. But Gute is the target. And when you get that high in an organization with this kind of public explosion, that's what usually happens. In politics, they 'resign'.

Post below about everyone 'staying in their lane'. Very true, but it would be pretty unusual for a superstar to not have an ego. Get the ego's out of the room and you don't have any arguments - just disagreements. But managements job is to manage ego's too - which is what your video clearly points out.

I hope everyone can calm down, get in the same room, apologize (everyone to each other and to the fans) and agree to move forward together. That would be a very nice thing to see.

16 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:12 pm

Agree Pac-Man! Thanks, Since ‘61

1 points
KC Mack's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:17 pm

In the words of "The Dude":

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

4 points
Norm's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:45 pm

We can still fire Capers and Slocum though, right?

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 05:27 am

And Pettine, Zook, and Menenga? Maurice Drayton is to be determined.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:08 am

It’s a rare dispute where one side is perfect, so to some extent a statement of the obvious. That still doesn’t mean the current situation is based on equal fault. Just that there may be no angels in the room.

11 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:29 am

Except in my marriage, where my wife is always right.

14 points
UnoMyName's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:07 am

True that!

1 points
Lare's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:20 am

This can all be solved by Gutekunst giving Rodgers a formal apology and the Packers giving Rodgers an extension. If that screws up their plans for Love then so be it.

-2 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:36 am

He already publicly acknowledged he should have given Rodgers a heads up.

6 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:50 am

That is already far more than TT gave Favre back in 2005 when he picked, you know...

8 points
murf7777's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:35 am

I think the Favre situation was different because he kept going back and forth on retirement for a few years which handcuffed decision making for TT and management. I don't think TT owed Favre an apology.

With Rodgers, he shouldn't be so offended by a QB being taken it was dramatized by the media which in turn embarrassed him. He's a sensitive person. He should be mad at the media if anybody. Should've Gutey informed him well before the draft that they would be considering bringing in another QB for the future, sure, but the outcome might not have been any different. This management staff is doing a very good job and I hope they remain. In hindsight, I could pick them apart. For the most part, they bring in high character players who enjoy football and respect GB org.

If anyone should be upset it should be Wilson because their GM didn't provide any protection to him till they drafted a Tackle in round 6. Draft another WR in round 2 isn't what he wanted or the offense needed IMO.

7 points
dblbogey's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:51 pm

A bit off topic maybe, but TT drafting Arod was a very gutsy call. I hate when people say TT got lucky. We had 34 or 35 year old Favre, the last thing we needed was a QB, but TT saw the value, knowing it would be controversial and unpopular, and made the right call. Just my 2 cents.

2 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:37 am

The Bucs gave Brady a heads up before they drafted a QB in the 2021 draft. Just courteous and respect for people. Good point Jeremy. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
beerandbrats's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:24 am

Seems to me that Brady went through a similar situation in New England and was not too happy about it...

1 points
blondy45's picture

May 04, 2021 at 10:17 am

Right on Pack Mann. Now it is Murphy's fault accordingly to Aaron Nagler. Come on Al, you know where the problem is that fans the fire. It is not Murphy, it is not Gute, it is Rodgers who is throwing gas on the fire which he set. The arsonist is watching with glee as the media runs to the scene of the burning building fire.

I am much into your question of "Wouldn't it be nice to hear from Aaron Rodgers". Unfortunately, you all have heard- "Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words"!

2 points
baldski's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:27 pm

The way I heard it, it was not gutsy on TT's part, He could not believe that Arod had fallen in his lap cuz he was Numero Uno on his board.

1 points
Oppy's picture

May 04, 2021 at 12:41 pm

That doesn't make it "not gutsy", that makes it a "no-brainer".

Gutsy as hell none the less; all you have to do is look at the fan reaction (for multiple years), Favre's reaction, just about everyone's reaction.

TT did many things in his first few years with the Packers that he knew were going to make him a target for resentment, but he did them anyways, because he believed it was what's best for the Packers.

Drafting the replacement for a living legend and then trading that living legend away is pretty much the definition of gutsy.

0 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 06:49 pm

It's ok for Gute to say he should have given Rodgers a heads up in an attempt at damage control. I hope he doesn't really believe it. Nothing good can come from consulting, warning, notifying or whatever other word with a player in that way.

The way Team Rodgers is yapping to the media, there is no way that is not leaked if Gute had given them a heads up of anything more than the 2-3 minutes the deal was done before the pick was actually announced. And I have a hard time believing that level of warning would make one tiny bit of difference today.

And what if Rodgers hears that and reacts like, well, he did react? Is it even worse when Rodgers tells Gute in no uncertain terms that it is a bad idea and Gute does it anyway? Or worse yet, Gute does back off, passes up on the player and grants co-GM power to Rodgers? Rodgers clearly does want that anyways but now the Packers had bowed to that wish.

Nice words. Very low chance of success and very high chance of making it worse.

4 points
Amy Berk's picture

May 04, 2021 at 03:58 pm

Bt not directly to Rodgers. Big difference.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:22 am

GMs should manage the team, and players should play. Every thing works better when people stay in their lane. When they don’t, accidents happen.

27 points
realitybytez's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:01 am

n/t double post

0 points
realitybytez's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:00 am

times have changed. star players have more leverage these days. tom brady asked for gronk and the bucs signed him immediately. brady asked for brown, and the bucs signed him immediately. brady asked for fournette and the bucs signed him immediately. this is how a superbowl-winning team treats their star qb in modern times.

-7 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:17 am

Brady has won lots of big games. If Rodgers had done the same, maybe he’d have more leverage. But he didn’t, and he doesn’t.

People should quit referencing Brady. He’s an outlier. He’s what is referred to as non-exemplar.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:36 am

The Brady deal was to add him to a team with years of high draft picks and the recruiting message was that they would make reasonable efforts to give him some comfort pieces, one of which was Gronk ( not that he was a significant factor in the end).

About as wholly different arrangement and situation as one could get and hardly a desirable or actual precedent.

4 points
realitybytez's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:05 am

so a three-time league mvp and one of the best qbs in the history of the game is not an outlier? not a guy who has earned the right to at least be consulted? not saying the packers should do everything he says, but the best ceos consult with their top performers.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:49 am

No. Because other players are in that group . Brady is the only one is his. A set of one.

There’s no such thing as “earning the right”. Consulting with the boss is a privilege, not a right, and the boss doesn’t have to agree or even listen. Why would Gutekunst consult about the future of the organization with a guy who won’t be part of it? It’d make more sense to consult with Clark and Jenkins.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:38 am

Exactly and they gave him a heads up when they drafted a QB in 2021. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
Bear's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:24 pm

You forgot to say Brady is only a 10 million $$ cap hit and they have the money to sign players because of him.

3 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:26 pm

I've always hated that argument about Brady taking below market deals. I thought it was unfair to Rodgers to compare them. Rodgers is perfectly within his rights to take every penny he can get in every contract he signs.

However, in light of his line of BS that it is about commitment to him, it becomes fair game. When did he ever make a commitment to them by signing a deal that was below market value by even a little?

If not that form of commitment, how about the commitment he made after Love got drafted to shake the bad physical and mental habits that manifested themselves heavily in 2018 and 2019? Seems to me that was about himself and not the team as well. He could have done so before they got so bad it became prudent to draft his heir apparent.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:42 am

LH normally I would agree with you but you pay a player as much as the Packers are now paying Rodgers you have basically made them a partner in your organization. As such you should be smart enough to treat them as a partner in matters that directly affect them like giving them a heads up when you draft their eventual replacement. Thanks, Since '61

-4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:54 am

Tire-kickin' at the County Fair won't get it done. They should have been Proactive with Rodgers with the extension tied to a 2021 CAP reduction and move him on solid ground through 2023. Too much russ low-ball in the back story of this negotiation.

3 points
Since'61's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:45 am

jannes, good point about Ball. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:56 am

No, you don’t pay him to be a partner, you play him to win on the field not to coach or build rosters.

The exception is where you recruit him short term with a promise of input ( Brady). To the point you keep making, I would be exceptionally surprised if Brady wasn’t expecting them to recruit a QB. He knows this was a short term project, made it clear at the time.

10 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:17 am

Exactly, he’s not a partner. Perhaps key employee.

Rodgers wanted to be the Packers QB until he was ready to quit, but drafting Love helped Rodgers realize his time in Green Bay was going to end sooner than he wanted.

Love was drafted to become our starter. This stuff about sticking with Rodgers was always part of the grief process: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depession, Acceptance. Right now, a year later, and quite a few people are still at Denial and Anger.

3 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:31 am

Coldworld it's not about Brady or what he expected. Of course he expected a replacement to be coming.
It's about the Bucs doing the extra little things to treat their best player with some courtesy and respect. It's about HR and relationship management 101. It's about being smart enough to get out in front of a situation rather than having it blow up in your face and being behind ALL the Time the way the Packers seem to be with Rodgers.

And why wouldn't you ask one the best QBs of all time for input on some potential roster moves. A player just might actually have some usual insights. A player just might be a useful resource. I believe that it never hurts to ask for input or to have a conversation. It literally doesn't cost anything and it may go a long way to preventing theses stupid blowups.

Money is just money. It's just a bartering tool to facilitate the transfer of our time to obtain what we need (food, shelter, clothes, transportation, sanitation, healthcare) and the luxuries we like or think we need.

Regardless of the money someone is paid they are still human beings and still expect to treated with respect and to feel like they are part of something besides being the recipient of a paycheck.

I don't know why it is so difficult to simply speak with each other which IMO is the core problem in this case. Thanks, Since '61

4 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:11 am

It sounds like the Packers have travelled to speak—made the effort. I think the problem is that Rodgers didn’t like what he heard, so he had his people take it public on the eve of the draft. It sure sounds like a my way or the highway approach from Rodgers. That seldom works well in life.

7 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:27 pm

Agree, that my way or the highway approach does nut usually work. However, speaking for myself, up to this point, I have only heresay that Rodgers had actually taken that approach. It would not surprise me if he did but he has not stated that publicly.

For now I give him the benefit of the doubt and wonder how both parties but especially the Packers allowed it to get that far. Thanks, Since ‘61

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:22 am

The Packers are a $500,000,000/year company. They pay Rodgers about $25,000,000. Let’s lose some zeroes and put us into something we understand.

If you made $500 for something, and you paid me $25 bucks for helping, am I your partner?

0 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:40 am

LH I understand the numbers regardless of how many zeroes there are in the figures, but thank you for subtly trying to infer that I would not understand the actual "big" numbers. Like Rodgers I also prefer not to be treated like I am stupid.

Now back to the point about Rodgers. Regardless of if I pay you $25 or $25,000,000 there is no reason why I could not ask you for input or feedback on the current transaction or possible future transactions. In fact in doing so I have hopefully made you feel important in the deal and have made you feel like you can either trust me and/or want to continue doing business with me in the future. And I have accomplished that without the conversation costing me anything.

Now I might not take that extra step if I felt that I did not get my $25 worth. But if you have performed and have been performing at an HOF/MVP level I should be smart enough to realize as the GM of a $500 million enterprise that you might have some good insights that can be helpful to me in various ways.

I should be smart enough to look at you as a resource that can help the organization rather than just paying you and ending the transaction. I should also be smart enough to get and stay ahead of potential issues when I know who I am dealing with rather than always being behind in such situations as the Packers always seem to be with Rodgers. I should recognize that I am dealing with a very talented, very bright individual who can become very touchy over something which might be perceived as insignificant by me.

That might also mean that I need to be smart enough to bring in outside help (an independent HR firm) who has expertise in these situations. Yes, they exist.

The difference is that I know that I don't have all the answers. But I only know that because I speak with people. That enables me to determine if I can handle the situation/ person myself or if I need help. But first I as a manager need to make the effort. One of the many management principles I operated under is MBWA. That is Management By Walking Around. Meaning that whenever I was in my office I went around to see everyone who was there over the course of a day. "Hello,, how are you, do you need anything, etc." Make everyone feel like they are included, like they are important no matter how much money they are paid or their role in the organization.

It shouldn't be about you're a player, we pay you, so just go out there and play. As an example, the Packers defense went to Pettine and informed Pettine that they should be playing more aggressively. Pettine listened to their input and played more aggressively and the defense played better over the second half of the 20202 season and the players appreciated having their voices heard.

Another example which we all know. Ice Bowl. Starr calls time out and tells Lombardi there is nothing wrong with the play (wedge). I can run it in because I am already standing. Lombardi replies, "Run it and let's get the hell outta here." Why? It wasn't because of Starr's ability as player, it wasn't because Starr was smart. Lombardi said, "Run it" because he trusted Starr because he had built a trusting relationship with him over the years.
No egos, no you're the player, I'm the coach. Just a smart HC who listened to the input from his player and trusted him enough to execute.

So the basic issues here IMO opinion revolve around trust and communication between Gute and Rodgers. So if I was Gute, knowing Rodgers, one of my primary objectives upon becoming GM would have been to work at building communication and trust with Rodgers. It might be hard, I might need help but I would have made the effort to at least find out that much. That's the difference between how I see this situation and how many others apparently do.

I'm not trying to say that everything I did in my career worked out perfectly because it didn't. We had our issues with employees, contractors, customers and partners. We're dealing with people so you're never going to make everyone happy, that's part of the deal. But you can always communicate and anticipate maybe some of the most likely issues and try to get ahead of them. We had our share of Fails. But we had a small organization and that helps.

Even with that, the Packers with 53 players are still a smaller organization than we were. And the Packers have a GM and about 25 coaches. That's just about 26 managers including the GM for 53 players or 1 manager for every 2 employees. All this and we can't handle our best player who we've known since 2005!!! Sorry, doesn't make sense. It's a fail even placing some of the blame (correctly) on Rodgers.

One final example, I'm sure you realize that it took me some time to write this response. Why did I take the time? One to try to clearly explain my thoughts to you (e-Communications are often misinterpreted). But more importantly because even though I only know you over this blog I respect you and your posts and I enjoy conversing with you on this blog. Maybe a thought or a lesson for Gute. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:40 pm

Well, you misused “infer” and meant “imply” and were wrong about that, too, so I kind of lost a little enthusiasm at that point. I wanted to put the numbers into a context that I could work with and intended no disrespect.

When I had people above me, I “trusted” they would act in the best interests of the mission, even though I knew they were flawed people who would make mistakes. Why did I trust them? Because there’s no workable alternative if you want the mission to succeed

Also, I personally detest people who tried to “handle” me. When I had people below me, I specifically told them that there were no special considerations.....everybody gets the same. If feelings get hurt, that’s too bad. When you’re trying to do something tough and difficult, you have other concerns that are more pressing.

If Rodgers was 28 and had just won the Super Bowl, I might at least hear him out. But he’s 38 and hasn’t led us to the Super Bowl in a decade and I’m perfectly fine with trying something else, especially if he doesn’t want to play with us because his feelings are hurt.

You’re an intelligent and educated old guy, like me, and I enjoy your point of view. You’re a Rodgers fan, I get it. You want what’s best for him. I was a Packer fan long before he was born and I’m with the team, not him, if they have divergent interests. I’ll watch another QB lead us, just like I’ve done before...


Once Upon A Time, I was the top dog in my field. Department Chair, football and basketball coach. It was great. But nothing lasts forever, and it pissed me off that the situation was changing for me, and I had a stretch where I could have done a better job in the way I handled it. So it’s not like I don’t get how he feels.

He’s gone, and the team will move forward.

0 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:51 pm

LH I absolutely knew that you had no intent to disrespect me when I started out my response to you. It was just a way of pointing out that even with the best of intentions any of us can upset someone especially someone apparently as sensitive as Rodgers is about some issues. It set up the rest of my comments in the post.

I agree with you that trust must work both ways, up and down. It must also work across among peers and partners and in a matrix throughout an organization in order to, as you correctly point out, accomplish the mission(s).

Also agree that handling anyone is usually bad because it is usually dishonest on some level. Treating everyone the same is fine providing that is what works for yours or a particular organization. It doesn’t work in every situation or with all people. At least not with many of the people who I have worked with.

I will respectfully disagree and say that I would still hear Rodgers out regardless of his age because of what he has meant to the organization and because I believe that he could provide input that would add value to the organization. And for all I know the Packers have heard Rodgers out and we’re still here. But I don’t think we get here if the Packers have heard him out or if they did maybe they haven’t acted. We’ll probably never know.

Like you I have been watching the Packers since before AR was born. And yes, I am a Rodgers guy. But I am a Rodgers guy because I am also a team guy first and I believe that Rodgers gives us the best chance to win for at least the next 2-3 seasons. This non-football stuff is annoying and unfortunate but in the end it means less to me than winning games.

I have no doubt that you were a “top dog” in your field because you have conviction and you have integrity. Both come through in your posts and are 2 of the most key ingredients for success in any endeavor and I respect you for that.

Most importantly you are correct, nothing lasts forever. Rodgers will be gone sooner or later and the team will still be there. Hopefully for better and not worse. I think we’ll have our answers in June. Even if Rodgers signs a new contract today it doesn’t mean they won’t trade him. It just might be the contract Denver wants to pay if a trade goes down in June. We’ll see. Stay well. LH and keep posting. I look forward to them and to being the Devils Advocate even though I agree with many of your posts. Thanks, Since ‘61

1 points
Fabio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:34 pm

I have been reading your post carefully since '61. This convinced me even more of the goodness of your thought (and perhaps of your person)
I don't know what it's worth, but I really respect you (as well as fully sharing your thoughts)
People aren't just numbers or dollars

3 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:21 pm

Fabio I appreciate your generous comments and your respect. I think that I posted to you in the past that my grandparents emigrated to the USA from Italy during the first decade of the 20th century.

My maternal grandparents lived with my parents, my brother and I in our home in the Bronx, NYC. Respect for people, all people, was an important value for them and they drilled it into my brother and I from an early age. Couple that with growing up in NYC, the most diverse city in the world then and now and I ended up going to school with, playing sports with and appreciating people from numerous backgrounds and value systems. So the respect for everyone came naturally by the time I reached adulthood.

First you must have respect yourself and then you can respect other people. I heard that many times growing up.
Rich or poor, Americans, Italians, Hispanics, Black, Middle East, Asians, men, women, everyone deserves respect and to be treated with dignity unless and until they do something that is disrespectful.

My father was an NYPD officer so there was never much extra money but there was plenty of love and respect, focus on education and plenty of well prepared Italian food.

As for being a good person, I don't know, sometimes my "Bronx" comes out and I can be annoying as anyone else. Just check with my children back when they were teenagers particularly. In any case, start with mutual respect and communication and go from there. I've been to 35 countries in my business and personal life and I have found that the vast majority of people are the same everywhere. They want to be respected, an opportunity to make a decent living and take care of their families and live in peace.

I've also always been better in person than with other forms of communication. I would prefer to take this blog to a tavern get a big table for our bloggers, order beers and burgers and discuss Packer football, have a few laughs, sing a few songs, listen to a good rock band and make a celebration of our fellowship as Packer fans.

But the blog is about the best we can do given that the Packers have a global following. Stay well Fabio.
Thanks, Since '61

2 points
blondy45's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:57 pm

No way Rodgers deserves to be a "partner" in the organization. He is paid to play football. Yes the management wants him to be a positive team player and to represent the Packers organization in a positive light. I agree, stay in your own lane which was a very factual statement earlier posted. Gute does not get paid to go out and throw the ball around at practice. Gute gets paid to assemble talent to continue to build the organization to a higher level. When he does not live up to that role, he is subject to being replaced. He has lived up to that requirement in my opinion.

When you get egos involved, it is a problem. So Gute can not pick his players he wants even when he believes it makes the Packers better because "someone" may get their feelings hurt and pout? In any successful business, managers and CEO's run the organization. They may take advice but he makes the decisions which he believes are the best for his organization.

Rodgers is under a very great contract which he has agreed to. He is required to live up to that contract. Rodgers is the leader of the Packers who is supposed to lead by a good example. If all these rumors turn out to be true that Rodgers really does not want to play again for the Pack, in what kind of light do the current team players and coaches think of their leader now. Even if Rodgers attempts to say he really does want to be a Packer now, the damage-doubt is already baked into the cake.

IMO Rodgers is now not living up to his contract if he does not play. He has cast a doubt within the entire Packers organization, as well as the fans of the Pack. He must now be replaced. If it is June 2021, end of 2021, 2022, he must be replaced. The legacy of a future hall of fame QB has been tarnished, not by Gute, but by Aaron himself. All good things must come to an end. Rodgers will not end his good thing as a Packer in the end. I guess he put himself "INTO JEOPARDY"!

-1 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:08 pm

"Regardless of if I pay you $25 or $25,000,000 there is no reason why I could not ask you for input or feedback on the current transaction or possible future transactions."

There are plenty of reasons. You're a bright guy. I'm sure you can imagine some of them if you think about it for a few minutes.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 05:43 am

Edison slighted Tesla and lost a genius. Worse, Tesla proved AC over DC, causing Edison to lose a bundle of money. Eventually Tesla imploded because he was extremely touchy and had a difficult personality.

Gute should try to avoid losing his Tesla. Instead, he seems hellbent on dumping the guy as soon as he can arrange it.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 04, 2021 at 01:05 pm

Tesla was his own worst enemy and somehow Gutekunst should prevent that from happening, instead of just saying “you’re our QB and we don’t want to trade you”??

I see this was an early morning post and you still haven’t reached Acceptance, but I know you will, because there is no other choice.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 06, 2021 at 04:27 am

I really did laugh out loud when I read your reply. There might be an element of truth which is the essence of comedy! Heck, maybe it is completely true.

Pity you probably won't see this.

0 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:57 pm

This has been along my line of thinking. Rodgers is an over sized chunk of the Packers budget and brand. These days brand maintenance and visibility is extremely important. The Packers haven’t learned a damn thing from the Favre mess, even though they aren’t equivalent. This time there’s no Rodgers waiting in the wings. This mess belongs to Mark Murphy, but I don’t expect him or Gutey to even know how to extract themselves from this media nightmare.

2 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:57 pm

This has been along my line of thinking. Rodgers is an over sized chunk of the Packers budget and brand. These days brand maintenance and visibility is extremely important. The Packers haven’t learned a damn thing from the Favre mess, even though they aren’t equivalent. This time there’s no Rodgers waiting in the wings. This mess belongs to Mark Murphy, but I don’t expect him or Gutey to even know how to extract themselves from this media nightmare.

2 points
Bear's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:27 pm

61, a few weeks before he drafted Love Gute did say there was a “possibility” they would draft a QB. He obviously didn’t tell Aaron directly but he’s not stupid.

0 points
saltandpeppers's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:28 am

I have a hard time believing that things would be any different if the Packers told Rodgers last year they might take a QB, etc. That just seems like something he is relying on to justify his position, but it's not at the root of the problem. The bottom line is that once Love was selected, we were heading here one way or another. The real issue now is that he wants a new contract that guarantees years, while the Packers want to maintain flexibility, right?

27 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:42 am

Doesn't the current situation add weight to the correctness of drafting Love? I wasn't convinced the spending a high draft pick on a QB was a good idea until a few days ago.

10 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:18 am

Where would Love have been selected in this year's draft? If Rodgers took a few minutes off from his leaking to compare his two year stats as a starter at CA and Love's as a two year starter numbers at Utah State, he would see comparable numbers. In fact Love threw for more yards and TDs.

And I still do not know how harmony would have reigned had Gutey called #12 last year and told him his draft plans. Given current behavior, I have to believe Rodgers would have his "people" running to the press to sabotage Gutey's draft board.

5 points
Difer's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:15 am

The comparative stats between Rodgers and Love are deceptive. Utah plays in the Pac-12, which is a shadow of the conference when Rodgers played at Cal (for example, USC was ranked in the top 5 and Cal in the top 10 in 2004). I think you will notice a subtle difference in the QB production when Love takes over this season. But at least MLF, "Gutey" and MM will have the team they want going forward.

1 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:35 am

Utah St plays in the Mountain West conference, but I get and agree with your assessment.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:08 am

In the real world where we wear our big boy pants, we don’t always know other people’s plans. He’s upset because he wants to keep being our QB but Love was drafted to be our starter. The clock started on the end of his time here a year ago.

The obvious schedule would have Love learn for two years and then start a season before we have to exercise the 5th year option and commit serious money. Apparently, Rodgers wants to move the timeline up a year and bail on a team that has a real good shot......BECAUSE HIS FEELINGS ARE HURT!,

Fine. Nothing stops the team. Put somebody else in there and run the next play.


I’ve been searching for analogous situations to Love’s, where a QB basically sits his rookie year, but then starts during his second season and has some success(hopefully)

OOO...Brett Favre was drafted in the early second round, threw a couple of passes, got traded, and became a starter in his second season when an injury opened the door.

OOO....Patrick Mahomes mostly sat as a rookie, then was made starter in his second season.

Maybe somebody else can think of other examples.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:12 am

In all other cases, they had had a preseason in their rookie year.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:03 pm

In the rookie year where they didn’t play? That makes a difference?

1 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:54 pm

It's a step up from practice, so I believe it helps.

2 points
dblbogey's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:16 pm

Excellent point. Love will basically be a Rookie this year as far as taking snaps in any actual game. Hopefully, he now has a good grasp of the playbook, and learned watching Rodgers. As I recall, Rodgers was not looking good his first two camps and preseasons, so Love will certainly take time. If Rodgers doesn't play or gets injured, it may be a rough season. I'd think they might want to add a semi-competent veteran if possible.

0 points
blacke00's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:33 pm

1. I'm not convinced that Love was ever meant to be Rodgers immediate replacement. You all will recall what happened the year Rodgers was injured. The offense fell quality backup QB. Don't give me the BS that an "old" veteran would have "made the difference". BS! To quote a renown aviator....Oh that trick never works! It never WORKS! You need a quality replacement. I think the Packers thought they saw some slippage in Rodger's play and Gute thought a highly drafted backup would be the answer. Problem...he never told Rodgers.

2. We all need to remember that Rodgers did not tear up the preseason in his 1st 2 years. So give Love a break. Remember Starr was drafted in '56 and didn't start until '60(maybe "59 I'm getting old)

3. I'm also not convinced that this wasn't all set up Rodgers to move on. He knows his after football career lays on the West Coast. His girlfriend is a movie star (although I never heard of her). Why act like such a child and put up such a hissy fit? He knows Football is a competitive business...he claims that's what drives him! Being upset about Kumerow? Are you ****ing me? I liked Jake but there have been many in the past that were treated in a similarly.

4. Another major problem here are the Fans. They get walked over by Packer management and they tolerate the bad behavior of the game's stars. If for once (and I know it will never happen) put their collective feet down and not pay the outrageous prices for games, memorabilia and such. A lot of this crap would end. thence get back to enjoying the game.

0 points
beerandbrats's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:30 am

The Pack got a QB last year to avoid this year's QB food fight AND next year's QB drought! I agree!

3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 05:50 am

Chicken of the egg first?

If Gute had taken Queen, would GB be in this situation? The answer is no. GB would have extended AR as a matter of course, and have kept Boyle as the backup, saving $400K on the cap.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:56 am

Yeah, then Rodgers would have all the leverage.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:38 am

Of course it wouldn’t, unless the communication was a request for permission it would have been courteous but no different in effect.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:43 am

Looking back, I wonder if this is really even Gute, remembering the prior rumors that Rodgers wanted out after the year before because he didn’t like LaFleur’s system/usage of him.

Given that Murphy hired LaFleur to deliver an offensive vision, I’m sure that didn’t go unremembered by anyone in Lombardi. It’s pretty clear then that the message was that we want you but in in this system. Seemingly Rodgers came around to that, fortunately, but the process no doubt still influenced thinking.

3 points
Fabio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 02:12 pm

I don't agree with Gute and I don't think he's a nice person !!!
I've been saying this for a long time and don't expect people to necessarily align with my thinking.
But I think I have very good reasons.
It is often said that this sport is a business!
Perfect good! So .... Gute wants to use Rodgers' last years to his liking and then thinks he can calmly say "thank you now let's go to Love" (translated "I'm smart, I'll use you as long as it suits me and then Hello"). Right he can do it, after all AR is an employee and he gets paid so no objection. But then why can't AR consider Gute as a normal GM of any team. So why can't AR leverage his performance to try to go where he can be most considered? Is this business too, right? Gute and the whole organization knew (by their admission) from the end of last year that AR was not happy. I would have appreciated Gute if he had carried out his ideas by trading Rodgers at the beginning of the year (I would not have shared him but I would have respected him) and bet on Love which is his goal without re-signing players for whom you have spent a lot of CAP and you really could have rebuilt. But no. He wants to do it when he wants, that is when it suits him for the postcode, that is the next season !!! Well then why can't AR do the same thing (i.e. force now after a season as MVP) ????
I'm sorry, but (acknowledging AR's flaws) I will always be with him and not with Gute and MM.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:22 pm

By all accounts Gute is a decent person. I don’t know him personally or through acquaintances. Gute is not the person demanding firings because he doesn’t get his way with decisions that are not, and should not be his.

It’s not Gute that I see as coming out of this as a petty or vindictive individual. It’s Rodgers trying to get Gute fired for doing his job. Gute may not be a great GM, but he’s being attacked in the media for doing his job at least logically if not always right with the benefit of hindsight (an impossibility for GMs who make tough decisions based on best guesses).

Players play, that’s all. Gute and co. can listen but their job is to make dispassionate decisions not placate players. Who is to say Rodgers input has always been disagreed with or never considered. All we know is that he’s not always followed. That’s as it should be. Not something he should publicly seek to get a person fired for.

0 points
blondy45's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:21 pm

Right on Coldworld. Rodgers was not happy having to change the only system he had run for 10 years. I am old too, and resistant to change. there I said it, do not tell my wife or my daughters though. We MUST give credit to LaFeur for dealing with a cry baby and making it work. In year two of Lafleur's system Rodgers really bought into Lafleur's offense. He blossomed, even without the so called media and fan base cry for the Packers need for WR's, and then became MVP last year. Rodgers is obviously good, but he became great again in LAFLEUR's SYSTEM! We must credit the front office for supplying talent. We must applaud LaFleur for the super job he has done.

3 points
Fubared's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:39 am

Blameless? Last year they sent Rodgers a missle with the Love pick. Then they fired across his beam with an extension offer not a long term deal. Might as well said, were preparing for your demise and getting ready for US the org., to move on.
Ya they turned down offers because they know dam well without Rodgers, this is a 5 and 11 team at best. He is the team. But his absence exposes the lack of linebacker play, the of pass defense. Bottom line without him you get to see the real team that isnt very impressive once you eliminate adams and jones. You got nothing else.

-8 points
jeremyjjbrown's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:43 am

Hey, there is still a dry spot on Rodgers boot. Get back to work.

7 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:37 am


0 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:32 am

Wow, I think I read this exact same comment back in 2008 when the talk was about moving on from Favre.

9 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:38 am

One big difference. After 3 yrs Rodgers was ready and we decided it was time for Favre to leave. This time the QB wants out.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:15 am

Yeah, there’s a lot of parallels.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:31 am

Pete K.......Favre wanted out as soon as Rodgers was drafted. He went out and Turned It Over 36 freakin times that season. Had a long offseason of “maybe I won’t come back”, played OK in 2006 but said some very revealing things,sold his house in Green Bay, threw one last season away, had a “faux” retirement......before the organization finally had enough. And if Favre hadn’t been so immature he’d have been ourQB in 2008.

0 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:19 pm

Yes, but in 2007 the team was 13-3 and lost to Gents. He was quoted as saying that he was not threatened ,but knew that Rogers would be the starter one day.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:03 pm

Favre was quoted saying a lot of stuff, most of it self-serving, all of it to be regarded skeptically. In his faux retirement presser he said he was just done and didn’t hold any ill will towards Thompson and McCarthy....was any of that true.?

Favre was replaced for the same reason Rodgers was: He was old, and expensive, and hadn’t led the team to a big win in a long time. It was time to try somebody else.

2 points
Fabio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 02:16 pm

Sorry but Favre's thing was very very different. Favre has repeatedly carried out the idea of ​​retirement (AR ever !!) and the choice of AR in the draft came due to a series of more unique than rare circumstances, but in the index of available Qs AR was among the first two ( JL not even in the first five) so the choice was like a unique opportunity ....

2 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:44 am

Ernesto absolutely correct. Thanks, Since '61

-4 points
Bear's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:32 pm

Some people age and foresee retirement gracefully, others act like children.

1 points
realitybytez's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:53 am

there's nothing wrong with drafting a qb. wolf used to do it almost every year. but wolf wasn't stupid enough to use a first round pick and a fourth round pick on one qb when he already had one of the best qbs in the nfl.

of course the packers aren't blameless. at least 75% of the blame belongs to murphy and gutekunst.

-9 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:00 am

TT was. Won him a Super Bowl and a mythical HoF to HoF transition. Ron Wolfe traded for his HoF.

4 points
Matt Gonzales's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:59 am

The 2019 Packers ended their season with a highly paid QB who had a string of seasons shortened or impaired by injury, who had developed some bad mechanical habits he didn't seem willing or able to fix, and who was possibly starting to show signs of a physical decline. Should Gute have told Aaron? Sure. But 2020 Rodgers was not the same player he had been for the previous 4-5 years, and it was fair to wonder who they were going to get in 2020. AR, of he is being honest with himself, has to see that, just like he has to be able to see that the kind of contract he probably wants would make it impossible to build a team around him.

27 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:36 am

Exactly! I don't think the 2020 MVP season happens without Love on the bench.

8 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:50 am

I agree with both. Also, how shocking should it be when you're ,at the time, 36-15 year vet and the team drafts a developmental QB. A bit hurt ok. It's not like the Pack gave up a boat load of picks and drafted a top QB. As Difer stated earlier, Love is further back in development than Rodgers was. Also, this could be a similar scenario where a QB drops further than you thought and you make the move now instead waiting for the team to be horrible and have a top 5 pick.

2 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:29 pm

Around this time last year, half of this board was ready to dump Rodgers right then. You read words like "decline" or "finished" quite a bit. Rodgers said he studied tape of himself. I'm sure he saw the same thing everyone else did at this time last year. It's to his credit that he did something about it. It's to his discredit that he didn't do it sooner.

Now more than ever I believe that pick gave the Packers an MVP performance from their QB in 2020. Without it, I doubt Rodgers cared enough to correct the flaws that had developed in both his game and in his head when it come to preparation. His pettiness and vindictiveness is both his greatest strength and biggest weakness. It drives him to dizzying heights on the field but makes him a person it is easy to despise off it.

1 points
packerbackerjim's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:00 am

Let’s see: by all accounts they (MM, Gute, MLF) have been working to resolve this for some time. That they couldn’t have resolved this before it all blew up tells me they’re unable to resolve the Gordian Knot because of their incompetence.

-5 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:21 am

Can competent people untie the GordianKnot? I thought it was undoable, and that’s why it’s a symbol for an insoluble problem?

6 points
packerbackerjim's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:26 am

Not much for irony, huh.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:03 am

There are two ends to any knot. No amount of ironic mis-usage gets us away from that fact.

2 points
packerbackerjim's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:10 am

So, the difficult challenge is Rodger’s intransigence? Sure.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:18 am

If Rodgers wasn’t sticking to his guns (intransigence) , we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Intransigence alone isn’t wrong per se if the cause is reasonable, but at least in my view, in this case, the cause is pretty much pique.

2 points
packerbackerjim's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:38 am

Well if he’s intransigent you have no choice but to trade him., take the cap hit and play Love.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:29 pm

When you say “pique”, you mean “his feelings are hurt,”, right?

Right or wrong, Intransigence blinds you things.

Personally, Coldworld, I think it’s over. Rodgers will be traded after June 1, maybe to Denver, where he’ll continue to be a real good QB. We’ll use the trade windfall to put a strong team around Love.....we should begin thinking about what we’ll get in the trade.

I’m not nearly as interested in blaming as I am in solving problems and moving forward. The schedule doesn’t change because of this and we need an offense that can move the ball and score points. Having good blocking in front of Dillon and Jones will help. Veteran receivers will help.

Every single week of the season teams win games without Aaron Rodgers at QB. We’re about to be one of them.

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 06:12 am

Seems likely. The schedule is likely to be a game or three shorter.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:34 am

This is progress, TGR. You’re all the way to Depression now.....soon you’ll be at Acceptance.

Breakups are never painless. Rodgers has been a real good QB for us for a long time, and we’ve all enjoyed watching him.

I think we can compete for the division title this year with Love, Bilgewater, or any other average starting QB. It’ll be fun to watch. If we make Denver give us Surtain we’ll have a fantastic secondary for the next several years. A real good line and stable of running backs. Buck up, TGR, we need your insights here.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:58 am

LH I have reached the point where it's time for me to move away from this issue. I've said my piece on this. There comes a time where trying to assess blame serves no purpose. This is when I would take a CEO who I was consulting for and get him out of the planning meeting, away from his team, probably to a quiet restaurant and tell him if this keeps up your management team is going to split apart.

Then I would recommend send everyone home for a day or two, unless it was a Friday and I would make my proposal as to which decision/actions he should make and take him through all the scenarios and pros and cons.

That's where the Packers are now. They need to resolve this issue by June and move on one way or the other. Otherwise this issue has the potential to divide the team during TC and into the regular season. Adams has already expressed concern about not having Rodgers to throw to him. Bak has expressed concern about not playing with Rodgers. This will not end well in any case so I say get something done.

Until that happens it's Yankee baseball for me. Be well. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

May 04, 2021 at 10:20 am

No Fight, no Blame.

2 points
Since'61's picture

May 04, 2021 at 11:28 am

Exactly. The Packers may not be to blame for this issue although I believe they share culpability at least equally with Rodgers but it will all be on the Packers if they don't/can't or want to get anything done. The ball is in their court now, unless Rodgers decides to retire if which case the Packers lose Rodgers and get absolutely nothing, zip, zero, nada in return.

That would be bad for the Packers and make Gute and Murphy look like bigger choochs than they are already.

Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 04, 2021 at 12:14 pm

I’ve enjoyed the exchange. You seem to come from a genteel world of CEOs and civilized lunches and that’s a different reality from my own.

IMO, the issue is already resolved.....he’ll be traded after June 1. Personally, I don’t care what Adams or Bakhtiari think....they can do the job they’re getting paid for or they can leave. This is why you don’t solicit opinions from employees.....because then they ALL want their opinion expressed, and that’s the stuff that causes dissension in the ranks.

I feel for you and TGR and others who want Rodgers to stay, but he’s already left the building . I’d rather talk about our team.

1 points
Since'61's picture

May 04, 2021 at 03:18 pm

I appreciate your reply LH. I hope as you state that the issue is already resolved and we'll see that in June. Because no matter how it plays out I am very concerned that if we reach TC without a resolution for whatever reason it could split the locker room and I never want to see that happen to the Packers over any player or any other reason. Split the locker room and you might as well cancel the season and it could takes years to recover.

Whoever is at fault it doesn't matter. What does matter is bringing the issue to a conclusion and doing what is best for the team from there.

I don't know about genteel CEOs. Some of those guys can get really nasty and down and dirty. Most are very professional however. I will admit that the meals are usually very civilized. It's behind the scenes away from the public where I have seen some of those CEOs freak out, especially if they receive bad news that they were not expecting. There have been times when I was thinking how fast can I get outta here? Fortunately, I did have many more good days than bad and that's about the best we can ask for. It's like being a Packers fan. Even with the 70s and 80s and the Favre and Rodgers sagas raging on I think that we've all had many more good days than bad. So for that I'm grateful.

I've also enjoyed the exchange as usual. Stay well. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
greengold's picture

May 04, 2021 at 12:31 pm

After reading this I'm left wanting to say, "But, coconuts are tropical!"

Gotta laugh. This shit is bananas. Favre thing. Every year for how many years? No thanks. I'll catch all of my friends here on this when something happens...

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:01 am

Incompetent teams do not go 28-8 over the last two years.

The Gordian Knot = a talented, arrogant, selfish, QB who has decided the deal he signed just two years ago is no longer one he will honor today because he did not get a phone call 12 months ago.

Rodgers is morphing into Jeff George.

11 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:06 am

Unfortunately, you may be right. Rodgers has a fully guaranteed 2021 and almost all of 2022. I wonder if 2023 is covered if injured during season. It is a tough decision because of age and wear & tear.I don't think another team would give him more than two yrs guaranteed. I believe Brady only received a 1 year full, but 2 this past year.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 06:18 am

AR has no guaranteed money in 2021 or any other remaining season. Not having any guaranteed money left (even for 2022) is the crux of this impasse.

2 points
packerbackerjim's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:14 am

How do they fare without Rodgers? 28-8?

1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:02 pm

How do they fare with McCarthy and not ML coaching the team....28-8?

That was a Gutey decision.

2 points
packerbackerjim's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:28 pm

I never said he got most other decisions wrong, but he sure misjudged this one. Rodger’s reaction, that is.

1 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:04 pm

I think the vast majority of people would have. Love was so threatening that he was in street clothes the whole season.

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:51 pm

You have asked the correct question.

If you start with the assumption that an average roster and average coaching and average quarterback play would have an average record of 8-8, give or take a game.

I think that the Packers have a better than average roster, and a better than average coach, so even an average QB should get us to 10 wins.

I won’t say we’ll win 14 games this year, but we’re going to be good enough to win our division.

1 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:47 pm

And let's not make the mistake of looking at what happened without Rodgers to see what life is like without him. If he's gone, they would make a serious attempt to replace him. In fact, they already have. I don't claim to know how good Love is. But I know he's a first round pick. And if he didn't work out, they would not sit on their hands about it for long.

In those previous injuries, they had a collection of stiffs on the roster backing him up. Hundley, Flynn, Wallace, Tolzein--none of those guys come close to "average". it's a collection of day 3 and UDFA guys, that aspired to "credible backup" status and only partially achieved it.

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 06:14 am

This is rubbish. AR is not in breach of his contract.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 04, 2021 at 12:19 pm

Not yet.

0 points
Lphill's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:01 am

As I have said before this team wouldn’t have these issues if they had an owner driven to win.

-15 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:46 am

Or even a GM driven to win. Stadium sold out for years, satisfied with making the playoffs and TitleLand is open. It's all good. Thanks, Since '61

-4 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:04 am

Like Jerry or ... wait, who?

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:54 pm

Keep saying it.

It’s pointless, since the Packers will never have an owner.
It’s wrong, because teams with owners have plenty of issues.
Say it as much as you want. It doesn’t make it true and it’s still pointless, but go ahead and say it.

1 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:57 pm

Murphy holds all the rights and powers of an owner except one...he can be removed from the position without his consent. If your point is that Murphy is not managing the situation effectively, then I ask what makes you think someone else would manage it better simply because he cannot be removed from the position without his consent?

SF has an owner and Joe Montano ended his career in KC. NE has an owner and Tom Brady is ending his career in TB (probably). Those two owners collected more than a few Lombardi Trophys. Indy had an owner and Peyton Manning ended his career in Denver. He was not as successful as the first two but I doubt it was because he was less driven to win.

2 points

May 06, 2021 at 07:48 am

What you're taken then about the stricken Cowgirls that not won since the 90 but still have an owner-driven to win. That is the last thing we need we just need the right people making the decisions we had no problem when Wolf and Harlan were running the show MM and our Gm just suck and need to be fired and get some people that know what the hell is going on and what it takes to win

0 points
mjbrogno's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:11 am

Rodgers is a total diva, period! So what does he really want? If you give him a contract extension into his forty’s is that really a good move? He has always had a chip on his shoulders. He’s going to make 37 mil this year, if he plays. Where did all of this information come from, wanting to be traded, retirement and firing the GM. Give me a break, yeah right the Packers put it out there. And then off the record he’s upset about all of this and goes on to say how much he loves Green Bay, the fans and organization. Give a break, trade him and get a couple of solid defenders and top draft picks and let’s move on.

15 points
4thand10's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:27 pm

I’m gonna get shit for this, but without AR
last yr, and the the yr before Mark M and Gute are out of jobs. Period. This stems a couple of yrs lose Cobb, Jordy and the only real WR on the roster was Adams. A piss poor attempt at fixing that is with rounds 4-7? ????...and Funchess.

No ....that doesn’t scream to a QB that “ we love you and want you to stay”. Money or no money. And then draft a QB.... from an extremely weak division.

Ask yourselves an honest question....would Manning, Brady ,Brees or even Wilson get this treatment? They had Porsche’s when Rodgers got Fords. Last yr without Rodgers....we are 6-12. And then ALL the yrs dealing with Capers.
Rodgers has been making dinner with thanksgiving leftovers for a long time....when he had receivers he had no running game, when he had a running game no receivers and then don’t get me started on the TE rotation.

This yr we got Adams , Lazard, MVS ( who I’m happy for but not completely sold on) a 3rd rd slot ( 3 yrs overdue) and a chance on Funchess. Im sorry but EQ is not making this team. As much as Adams was doubled this yr should answer all questions on what teams thought about the other receivers. Like I said, I’ll get downvotes and shit for this, but it’s the truth.

2 points
Malland56's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:10 pm

You are right.

0 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:06 pm

"If you give him a contract extension into his forty’s is that really a good move? "

You get a comfortable Aaron Rodgers that isn't looking over his shoulder. Which he was in 2018 and 2019. And that guy played to such a level as to make it a perfectly rational choice to draft an heir apparent. Which pissed him off enough to change his approach.

Don't want that 2018 and 2019 version again. I'd love to have the 2020 guy back. If that guy came back, there is no way I don't bring him back in 2022. Rinse and repeat until we get the 2018 guy again.

2 points
Swisch's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:27 am

It seems Aaron Rodgers would understand the drafting of Jordan Love.
Aaron Rodgers once was Jordan Love.

14 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:33 am

I think Aaron does understand the drafting of Love. If just would have been the courteous/respectful thing for Gute to have given him a heads up the way the Bucs gave Brady a heads up before they drafted a QB tduring this draft. Thanks, Since '61

-7 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:40 am

Did Farve get a heads up that they were drafting Rodgers? I have no idea, that's why I'm asking. I don't recall that coming up back in 2005. Seems it was always about Favre toying with retirement every off-season.

2 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:17 am

This has occurred many times over the years, Brees, Favre, Mannings.There were mild rumblings, but nothing as serious as this. I get it, it's not fun when the end is nearing. However, I'm sure there were many conversations after the fact, and it did provide some incentive for Rodgers.

1 points
11Bravo1p's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:17 pm

I'm guessing that TT's draft priority was getting the draft pick in, and that Gute's was the same, and rightfully so.

2 points
murf7777's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:46 am

Since 61, quite frankly I don't think it would've mattered because the media embarrassed him. Sure it would've helped, but he's one very sensitive person and with the media daily stating he should be mad as hell we would still be in the same position.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:20 am

While courtesy is always preferable, if that is indeed the crux of your message, you are fretting over the weight of the butterfly perched on the back of the elephant about to sit on you.

6 points
TarynsEyes's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:57 am

No, he wasn't. Rodgers fell into the GB lap. If Love was a top QB expected to be drafted in the top spot and fell to 24, then you're talking apples to apples, but trading up back into the 1st round based on the possibility that the Colts would take Love in the 2nd round is the biggest apple to orange comparison bs ever.

The question I pose is this. With nearly every pundit talking for days that GB was looking at Love, surely Rodgers knew it or at least heard it, so why was he shocked when it happened or did he speak to the FO, and the FO told him tough, we do what we do, and Rodgers did what he did as to play last year and now creating the chaos and possible carnage.

0 points
Fabio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 02:27 pm

maybe we could have JL even in the second round without having to pay a price ...

0 points
Bear's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:44 pm

Quite possibly Rodgers slide to 24 was that other teams may have been aware of his prickly attitude.

1 points
Swisch's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:12 am

In both cases, the Packers brought the heir apparent into the quarterback room in a way that was perceived as at least somewhat awkward.
By the way, it seems Favre got a lot better after the drafting of Rodgers, and Rodgers got a lot better after the drafting of Love.
It's possible that both Favre and Rodgers were divas who became a lot more coachable once they faced some competition for their positions.

6 points
HarryHodag's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:31 am

I put this on the J-S website this morning to counteract all the butt-smoochers who think the Packers are picking on poor little Aaron...
Jeez, the love of Erin is amazing. Lets put another spin on this. QB makes $30+ million a year. The team is 28-8 over two years.
The Packers have bent to his every whim. He has an All-Star lineup around him. Yet somehow, just because the GM was doing what the GM is supposed to do--preserve the franchise--Erin gets his high-brow ego upset and decides to literally take his ball and go.
To show you the gall, Erin gets Mike McCarthy fired. The guy that won them the Super Bowl and who was stuck with the increasingly poor personnel choices Ted Thompson left him. Erin gets what he wants....always.

Gutekunst has cleaned up the mess a fading Ted Thompson left behind. He and the team deserve praise, not wrath, except from all the Erin worshipers. See Rodgers for what he really is: a talented spoiled brat with an other-worldly ego. Favre was the same way, except you couldn't really hate Favre.

Thanks to Erin's ridiculous contract--then the highest number ever given to a QB---the Packers are financially strapped, but the Erin worshipers can't see the obvious.

-4 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:32 am

Who is Erin? Thanks, Since '61

2 points
rememberWhitehurst's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:47 am

Way to go junior high. "Erin" Gosh, you're clever. Is that the way you treat human beings face to face?

0 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:31 am

Thank you Aaron Nagler. I have been trying to say this in my posts over the last few days that both sides have culpability for this mess with Aaron Rodgers.

MM, TT and their coaching staff plus now Murphy, Gute and the current coaching staff all smart people and no one has figured out how to deal with Rodgers or what he wants. Just terrible management of people. Gute in particular has been around Rodgers since he was drafted and yet he appears to have not learned anything about Rodgers or how to deal with him. No excuses. If he can't deal with Rodgers he should be smart to ask for help and get someone who does know how to deal with prima Donas.

I dealt with plenty of high end consultants who are also prima donas. But they generate tons of money so my business partner and I learn how to deal with them.
One of us called them everyday just to check in and make sure everything was OK and ask them if they needed anything from us. We even leased them high end cars. Some of them wanted their own choice of car but asked if we would pay for a driver so they could work while in their car rather than drive. So rehired a driver. We sent gifts to their wives if they were away for a few weeks on assignment.

The point is good management does what they need to do to keep their best people happy. First it's a sign of respect, secondly it's helps everyone to buy in to the vision and row in the asme direction and thirdly since these were self-employed contractors who could work anywhere it was a way to differentiate from other firms.

I'm not saying Rodgers is blameless but I can't help but believe that with a little effort by Gute and/or Murphy at communicating with Rodgers that much of this could have been avoided. The Bucs had the decency to give Brady a heads up that they were drafting a QB in this draft imagine if Gute had done the same for Rodgers. Gute didn't think to do it, maybe he is the arrogant one. Another solution is that there ar numerous HR consulting firms who could help the Packers deal with Rodgers. They should have hired one years ago if it was such a big deal the packers couldn't deal with.

Bottom line be smart, do what needs to be done.

I've always lived either in NYC or the greater NYC area so most of my friends and family are Giants, Jets, Eagles, a few Pats fans, etc. Most have asked recently why the Packers can't seem to handle their players? My answer is the stadium is filled for years and protecting the team image is more important than taking care of their best players. It's unnecessary because it's not that hard.

As I posted on another thread, these media driven dust ups are nothing compared to the Yankees Bronx Zoo years. As long as Rodgers performs at an HOF?MVP level on the field this offseason nonsense doesn't matter. Just WinBaby. Thanks, Since '61

-3 points
packerbackerjim's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:47 am

There you go again, making sense. Harrumph!

-1 points
PeteK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:43 pm

A consultant is not part the inner company/team. The team performed very well, and Gute already publicly stated his mistake. What does Rodgers want a public flogging . I was always a Rodgers defender , but this is ridiculous. The Niners might have been a good option, but that ship has sailed. His best option for health and success is Green Bay . Denver, bite off your nose to spite your face.

5 points
D.D.Driver's picture

May 04, 2021 at 10:57 am

It's not a very good analogy--at all. Let's see you gather the rank and file in a conference room to let them know some of them will be taking a huge pay cut so that you can afford to pay the hotshot consultants.

Now we are getting closer.

0 points
murf7777's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:57 am

So, should've Gutey/MM acquiesced to every whim Rodgers wanted?

That isn't how to run an Org and I believe you know that. If you let your employees run an Org you are headed for trouble, because they have their interest first and foremost in their thinking and it isn't always what is best interest of the Org. Open communication is always important but in the end, upper management makes the decision on what is best for the company, which isn't always aligned with what's best for the person.

All I know from their responses is that they omitted to not talking to Rodgers first was a mistake and that they have taken multiple trips to see Rodgers to try and work things out. What more can you ask of them.

Bottom line, nobody and I will state it twice, Nobody is more important than the Org.

11 points
jannes bjornson's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:15 am

They could only hope this team had half the personalities of the '77 Yankees and their desire to Win.

1 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:30 pm

There is the key jannesbjorson. Not only the desire to win but the understanding of what it takes to win. 77 and 78 Yankees were a team of divas and many of them wouldn't even speak with each other. But when they got on the field it was Just Win Baby. In professional sports it's all that matters. Rodgers wants to win, he has won and he's is a fierce competitor. That's what I want from everyone on my team including the GM. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:22 am

Did the Patriots give Brady a "heads up" they were drafting a QB in the second round (Jimmy G)?

I do not think this has anything to do with the lack of a draft day phone call.

As the reigning MVP, Rodgers is simply trying to leverage himself onto a bigger stage by manufacturing a rift to get him traded with his $137 M contract in tow. I note his preferences are Denver, SF, and LA...not Buffalo, New Orleans, or jacksonville.

0 points
Fabio's picture

May 03, 2021 at 02:30 pm

he thinks in fact that Brady has asked for the head of Jimmy G. and NE has performed ...... ah year also won three other SBs

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 06:56 am

But when push came to shove, NE shipped Garoppolo to SF. NE and Brady in the next three seasons won one super bowl and appeared in another.

But you can have it your way.

3 points
Packerpasty's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:58 pm

making sense again..dang, thats no fun..

2 points
blondy45's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:35 pm

Since -61, you summed it up nicely with just one sentence. Bottom line be smart, do what needs to be done.........Bye Bye.

1 points
Bear's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:52 pm

61, I appreciate your deep thought on this problem. But, Rodgers parents & siblings are victims of his God like attitude and they’ve been around him much longer then the Packers have. I feel it’s deeper then just football.

Bleacher Report says Aaron no longer has a relationship with his parents, Ed and Darla, or his siblings, including older brother Luke. The report also claims that Aaron's immediate family members don't even have his cell phone number

Citing a source close to Aaron, the report details Aaron's estrangement, which apparently extends to his one-time friends and late grandfather. The source claims Aaron was set to be a groomsman in the wedding of a close friend but texted the day before to say he wasn't attending, and that Aaron wasn't present at his grandfather's funeral, whom he "once called before every game."
"The family was told they were no longer welcome in Green Bay," the report also states. "If Dad wants to attend a game now, he buys tickets on StubHub or goes through another player's family."
The report also says that when Aaron's parents sent Christmas presents to him and his girlfriend, actress Olivia Munn, in 2014, they were sent back

1 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:19 pm

Bear I think everyone here on the blog at least is aware of Rodgers issues at some level or another. We have seen him act out on the field or on the sidelines and we have heard or read about his personal issues with his family and others.

So again has any one in the organization spoke with him about any of this? MY guess is probably not because in spite of everything he plays at a high level and is winning MVP awards and going to the HOF. Speaking for myself as long as he delivers on the field I'm good with the other stuff. But that is a myopic view of a fan who wants to see the Packers win.

Between all the GMs, coaches, OCs etc that have been with the Packers during Rodgers career has anyone considered that Rodgers the person might need some counseling. Now we can say that it's none of the team's business but maybe it should be. I remember the Packers sending Favre to rehab when he had his substance abuse problem and after that the Packers went to the next 2 Super Bowls winning one. Favre had issues but different than Rodgers.

Maybe some or all of this could have been avoided with a different approach along the way. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 06:59 am

Well, we know his parents believe in Qnon. They might just be nuts. IDK about the rest of the family, grandparents, or the wedding rumor.

2 points
Since'61's picture

May 04, 2021 at 03:24 pm

TGR, Q stand for Quack IMO. They're just wackos and in a scary way. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
tobinrote's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:32 am

Just think how AR hung out Jones who gave up millions to keep this offense together. Who is advising AR? There was no problem with the O last year, no real solid number 2 receiver notwithstanding. AR had a very good year after a mess of for him mediocre ones. A lot of credit for the turnaround has to go to LaFleur and having a very good O line and two really good RBs. Kevin King aside we would have gone to the SB if AR had seen a wide open Davante with no one within 20 yards of him on that free play and instead throwing into traffic, AR who usually can be trusted to see the whole field.

11 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:49 am

Think of how non of this would have happened it Gute knew how to deal with the player on the team? Which is what he is paid to do.
Thanks, Since '61

-6 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:19 am

Is it? Isn’t that LaFleur, Ball, Murphy. Is giving a player anything he wants, including roster vetoes, “dealing with”.

If you seriously think that Rodgers interests and those of the Oackers should be and are identical, I think you are mistaken. Inevitably there is an element of accommodation. If the point is reached where accommodation means putting Rodgers interests over those of the organizations, the management is darned close to negligence.

For all the dressing up in the language of reasonableness, everything you say resolves down to give Rodgers everything he wants. In my mind, that’s not good for the Franchise and quite probably for Rodgers. Rodgers needs to go out play. Decent roster, Decent coach, great pay ... reach out and take it.

8 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:00 pm

Given that Rodgers is a first ballot HOFer and a 3 time league MVP I think it's reasonable to state that he has gone out and played excellently or at least as well as we could have ever expected from any other player.

As for giving Rodgers everything he wants, I don't know everything that Rodgers wants so I can't say whether he should be given everything he wants. My point is and remains that Packers management, particularly Murphy and Gute have known who they have in Rodgers for a long time.

They know that they have a great player and they have paid him accordingly, that's good. They also know that at certain times Rodgers has his head case moments. I agree that Rodgers should not have been surprised that the Packers would draft his replacement but I also believe that Gute and/or Murphy should not be surprised that Rodgers would be upset it. Or about whatever has been going on since the end of the 2020 season. Whether that is about drafting Love and/or other issues.

So my question remains did they really not know who they were dealing with after all these years? Or if they did are they so incompetent as to do nothing to get in front of it before they reached the point they are at today? Or did they not care? If so why don't they care?

I'm not trying to absolve or condone Rodgers for anything he may have said or done, especially since I don't even know what he has actually said as of this point. And I don't particularly care as long as if he does stay with the Packers he continues to play at an HOF/MVP level. Just Win Baby.

I think and I'm probably wrong that Rodgers is looking for the Packers to guarantee him that he will finish his current with the Packers. I'm further guessing that for whatever reason the packers are not giving him such a guarantee and/or Rodgers does not trust Gute enough to believe what he is being told because of Gute blindsiding him with drafting Love.

I am also moving further into the camp that a deal is already done, probably with Denver, and Rodgers will be gone. If that is the case then I hope the Packers go all in on the trade. Send the Broncos Rodgers, D. Adams and Bak? Why? Clear out the cap and move the two the who are most likely to be the most upset about Rodgers leaving the team. Adams because his reception count will drastically decline, Bak because he and Rodgers are very tight and he wants to play with Rodgers rather than Love.

Get back from Denver; Jeudy, Surtain, their #1 and 2 in 2022 and their #1 and 3 in 2023. Maybe even more, but at least that. Denver becomes an instant SB contender and the Packers move into the post Rodgers era with picks and cap space.

After that I'm not sure how to sell the trade to A. Jones who probably stayed out of FA to play with Rodgers, or sell it to the Smiths and Clark. All of who are playing their last contract in GB with no chance at an SB now. Alexander will probably go to FA and a team with an SB chance after 2021. Amos will probably move on as well when his contract is up.

But make the trade, move on from the TT era players to the extent possible, give Love the keys and continue to building the team around MLFs offense and Barry's defense. If Love turns out to be the real deal we could get back to playoff contention by 2024 or 25. Go part of the way and only trade Rodgers and MLF could be dealing with numerous players who don't want to play in Green Bay with Rodgers gone.

Either settle with Rodgers and keep him on the team or trade away him and his guys and move on with as clean a slate as possible. Get it right or go home Gute and Murphy. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
tobinrote's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:31 am

Yes, Gute should have dealt more openly with AR, but AR just does not look very wise or very commendable in hanging his team out like this.

9 points
croatpackfan's picture

May 04, 2021 at 02:09 am

Aaron Rodgers always lul when it is important. Packers had red zone ability to score TD and win over Colts. What he did? He was pushing the throw in tripple coverage, while he had completely alone Tonian in the end zone on the other side of the field. Rewing to the end of NFCCG. Sounds familiar, isn't it?

Remember 2010 SB? His last TD was thrown to Jennings in triple coverage. Only that time he succeeded, mostly nobody ecpected that. After so many years in NFL and a lot of game, opposite teams knows that Aaron are panicking in that kind of situation, always looking for his best WR.

Since you said you are/were running company? What would you do if you have misunderstanding with one of your best & productive employee, and while you are trying to solve the quarrel with him, he goes out publicly spiting on you and your organization?

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:33 am

We had a very productive employee who was bad mouthing the company behind our backs. Fortunately a few very good customers called us and let us know.

The employee was very intelligent and filled an important role ... and incredibly arrogant and believed he was untouchable. He was fired and I do not believe he ever was hired in as good a position ever again.

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:01 pm

not even the same. plus its probably b.s.

0 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 06:40 pm

Croat, OK, so now we have reached the point where we are complaining about Rodgers throwing a perfect pass that helped us win a Super Bowl!!! Maybe we should have chucked him after that game.

I don't who you are asking about running a company but I can say that in my company our attorneys included a clause in our contract that explicitly covered if an employee or a contractor or one of our partners did anything that damaged our company goodwill or brand or stole any of our customers they would be subject to termination, and legal action including recovery of damages and past and future earnings as appropriate. Those are not the exact words but I don't want to get into the specific legalese since I don't have the contract in front of me. Note that the consulting world is a small world and once word got out that a consultant was trying to damage their firm they would be done in the business. And we never worked with anyone who would be crazy enough to destroy their 7 figure incomes and some of our people could get pretty crazy but not in that way. They had families and/or futures to think of.

However, we never gave our best people a reason to go after our organization. We did have 3 very good, very bright Ivy League guys who decided to break away from our firm and start their own firm. So my business partner and I let them take the customers they brought to us with them so they could get off to a good start, and we established a transition agreement with a declining revenue tail on the customers they took and a non-compete clause for our other customers. Then we entered into a partnership with them so we could subcontract their expertise when we needed them and they could subcontract us when they needed help.

To this day with both my business partner and I retired our former company is still doing business with the break away firm. It's just smart business. No one needs more competitors.

As for Rodgers I am not aware of him making any public comments about the Packer organization since this blow up began last week. As of this point I am not aware of any public comments that Rodgers has made about this situation is any regard. It's just not like him to make public statements until the situation is resolved.
Thanks, Since '61

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

May 05, 2021 at 02:16 am


first I was not complaining on that 2010 throw. I just said that this became habit of AR, that clever people (coaching staff of other teams) noticed and prepare their D for that. I mention just 3 cases, but if you'll go deeper, I'm sure you'll find those examples in larger number. I believe Aaron is extremely intelligent person, but when you are panicking, you are doing stupid mistake, doesn't matter how intelligent or clever, or knowledgeable you are. That is what happens with Aaron in those moments.

To add to that claim, Tom Brady had similar period in his player time. He saw ghosts behind him if he needed to keep ball in the pocket longer than he wants. It was I believe just when he was about 35 yo. But, he obviously solved that "fear".

Yes, I know that your company has lawyers and has some restrictions in contracts. But in your contracts was also stated (I do not know for sure, but it will be reasonable, as I'm also running the small company) that under some circumstances (like when employee who was working with business secret information, or when he is fired because of numerous reasons that jeopardizes goodwill of the company or etc) former employee can not start his own company, or offer himself and get the job at your direct competitors. Exception for that restriction is your allowance to him to do so...

In NFL if you release (fire) player, he is allowed to go to your direct opponent, so that restriction is not working in NFL.

I also faced good employee who was ambitious and wanted to go to work for larger company that I run. I let him go with no ill between us. I understand his ambition and even helped him through making him possible to study and perfect his skills. He did not leave my company because he was angry of something. It is normal that people has higher goals. He works in similar field, but not directly competitive to my business.

If Aaron Rodgers did not let those info secretly to public, why he did not go publicly and said that there is still negotiations, but he believe those negotiations are not going in the direction of compromise and that he is unhappy with that. Also, why he is not publicly announced that he DID NOT requested change of GM, if he did not requested that.

I'm not from yesterday, as you are not. We both know that reporters have tends to blow things to enormous proportion just for few more clicks. But that was able to stop quickly with short announcement how many of the facts are not truth, and is just overblown story.

Aaron has all rights to fight for himself. But crying like baby publicly is very low and dirty moment that will always be smudge on him.

Correct person will play his contract to the moment he will be released, or contract will be at it end, or he will declare retirement from playing in the league. If he wants to be traded, that can be arranged, but the road he choose... well I would sit him, penalize him for jeopardizing franchise goodwill and keep him inactive very damn game. But this is me and I know that my type of culture is not similar to the type of culture that exist in US (I'm not comparing which one is better). I enjoyed watching him play, but he stole that enjoyment from me with his behavior.

Thank you for your reply on my post and I want to say one more thing. I respect your opinions much, but not always, I hope there is no ill will between us to... Keep safe and healthy...

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 07:06 am

By PFF which measures results, not causation:

2014: 93.3 Elite
2015: 74.9 - threw to James Jones for 819 yards even tho Jones is washed up, out of NFL in 2016. Cobb and Adams with butterfingers all year.
2016: 90.4 Elite
2017: 79.2 - Byron Bell, Spriggs, McCray, Bulaga just 232 snaps
2018: 89.0 Elite
2019: 81.4
2020: 94.5 Elite

Nope, not seeing a general decline. Some ups and downs, but always well above average with 3 of the last 5 and 4 of the last 6 being elite years.

3 points
Nate-1980's picture

May 05, 2021 at 07:01 pm

Don’t tell the dullards facts TGR, he obviously was in decline..

1 points
Swisch's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:49 am

It may be impossible to untangle all of the inner workings between the Packers and Rodgers for a long time, if ever.
Perhaps this stands out as the key for the future: After apparently throwing a tantrum on draft day, can Aaron Rodgers ever again truly be the field leader of the Green Bay Packers?

13 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:07 am

As long as Rodgers can play at an HOF/MVP level yes, he can be the leader of the Pack. The offseason nonsense is just window dressing. JUST WIN BABY. Rodgers has a much better chance of remaining the leader than Love has of becoming the leader as far as 2021 is concerned. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:48 am

And when will Rodgers no longer be playing at a HOF/MVP level? Yet he wants the Packers to mortgage their future and still "pay" him with dead money after his skills decline...and they will one day.

It is entirely responsible to plan for that day without becoming the Bengals.

And several months ago, Rodgers publicly stated he had reconciled the Love pick. What caused the draft day breakdown? Very strange.

10 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 07:51 am

That's the way the NFL works. You don't want to pay the price to have an elite player at QB. Looks like you're getting your way.

1 points
Matt Gonzales's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:18 am

I'd argue that drafting Love meant the Packers had some serious reservations about AR long term, and the 2020 season and this big media fallout just amplifies them. I think it's even fair to wonder if AR is the kind of leader you want if it required drafting his successor to correct the issues that had been holding him back for the last few years. That sounds more like someone who had gotten complacent and distracted than someone who is driven by success.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:29 am

To me, it reminds me of a danger of wealth and success, which is that yo attract people who flatter and fawn and get between you and reality and common sense. Over time your ego may grow, but your clarity of vision is also tainted by the sycophants and their chatter.

As Mel Brooks said, “It’s good to be the King” as long as you still have a realm.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:54 pm

Hubris often precedes the fall.

I read a very good management book (Jim Collins: How the Mighty Fall) and a key ingredient was hubris...arrogance, a sense of entitlement, losing sight what created success in the first place.

I always knew Rodgers was arrogant but this current stunt is not a good look for him.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:21 pm

Tax Evasion comes into play.

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

May 04, 2021 at 07:53 am

I finally agree with you. Bill Burr has a nice comedy skit on Arnold Swartzenegger's fall from grace.

1 points
blondy45's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:45 pm

I have respect for your opinion '61, but I can not agree with this statement. Like in the longest yard movie, if your teammates think you do not have your back, THEY will not either. In Love I now must trust.

-3 points
stockholder's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:20 pm

Trust in Love all you want . But the packers need to get a new GM. With Rodgers winning the MVP. It was personal, and the wrong evaluation of Rodgers skills.

1 points
scullyitsme's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:07 am

Yep sure both have fault, but the reality is this team is maybe 8-8..and that’s a stretch without Rodgers. We aren’t running the ball to the Super Bowl. Sorry leather head. That gives Rodgers leverage, he just hasn’t used it till now. I don’t blame him one bit. As I’ve stated before we really were 1 player away last year, instead we gave up 2 drafting love( that’s not a knock on love, it’s just fact in my opinion). As 61’ is saying, would it have really been that hard to appease him a little?

-10 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:12 am

Correct Scully! I'm not saying Rodgers is blameless but I am asking does anyone at 1265, especially Gute, even care to make the attempt to appease their best player and best chance for an SB. The only way we get to this point is either because no one is paying attention and/or no one has been listening. It's not like they just acquired Rodgers a season or two ago.

If they don't know the deal by now how competent can they be. Thanks, Since '61

-6 points
Bear's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:05 pm

61, with that type of logic and all the family problems plus others you would be saying his parents are incompetent also. Sorry, Aaron’s problems currently with the Packers mirror his long standing problems he’s had with family and friends.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:40 am

And they were one scrub too many on the team that did prevent them from going to the Big Game. Why Gutedkunst re-signed King for 6M is beyond common sense. He should have been brought back at no more than the vet's min. Sullivan may perform as a dime , but Lordy keep him out of the slot position. Been there done that with this management team. Move on from them and pay Rodgers.

-7 points
Bear's picture

May 03, 2021 at 08:09 pm

You’re aware Kings cap hit is 1.9 million for 2021.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:48 am

The Packers were also 6-9-1 with him 2018. Maybe this lingered in Gutey's memory on 2020 draft day.

2 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 06:50 pm

Rodgers sucked it up and played through 2 injuries in 2018, not to mention that MM and his staff seemed to be just going through the motions and the team was falling apart. Not saying that Rodgers played well but that season was a mess for several reasons.
Thanks, Since '61

2 points
4thand1's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:13 am

WHY DIDN'T AR RUN ON 3RD DOWN? All the emphasis was put on the kicking of the fg. It was 4th and 8. Everyone blames MLF. AR had a wide open field, he did it many times before. He is as much to blame for the loss against Tampa, not drafting players in the 1st round. He'll be 38 THIS YEAR....................38! He can't blame the Packers for protecting the future. He can still be the starter and maybe have a great backup QB in case of injury. The Packers for the most part, gave him a really good o-line to protect him. No one knows what was said in the meetings between MM,ML,and BG, but we haven't heard shit from the man himself, he owes it to us and his teammates dammit.

13 points
jannes bjornson's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:43 am

Jones and King spotted Tampa 14 points, Rodgers did not.

-4 points
croatpackfan's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:11 am

He was 3 and out on 3 turn over made by D. And he was trying to throw to DA 3 times at triple coverage from 8 yards from end zone. 3 f*ck1n# time while he had Lazard and Tonian free. So, who is to blame? Or you prefer selective memory, just to blame others for Aaron's mistakes?

8 points
Qoojo's picture

May 03, 2021 at 02:49 pm

AR basically did nothing for over a quarter. I even suspect the empty backfield is even due to AR getting his way.

4 points
flackcatcher's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:23 pm

Lack of F-Back by the NFCC game really hurt ML offense scheme. No play action exposed Rodgers way too early. That said, Rodgers was running the spread in the last 4:00 of the game. It's a staple of every offensive system in pro football, and yeah he does like running it...a lot.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

May 05, 2021 at 02:13 am

Since, Packers D stopped TB several time in 2nd half, more to that they produced 3 TO. Zero points. So, it was at least 50:50 chance that another stop would happen.

On the contrary, the greatest QB that ever played this game WAS HOPING that somebody else will made miracle play and save his a** in that game. HE WAS HOPING. He decide to do that (by his words only: "if I knew that 4th down will be FG, I would call different play!" Why then he did not call that better play immediately? Who knows. Maybe he was just trying to be very. very smart.

Here in Croatia people say: Fear rarely deceives, while it is a hope craft ...

-1 points
Since'61's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:53 pm

The Packers never had a lead in the game, I don't think they even reached a tie once Tampa scored. So blaming Rodgers for one play when the OL collapsed around and 2 defenders were closing in on him isn't really fair.

He probably could have reached the 4 or 5 yard line but I doubt that Rodgers would have reached the end zone, especially given the speed of Tampa's LBs.

He threw on the run to his best player hoping Adams could make a play. He also probably thought that he had a 4th down play coming. Remember that even if Rodgers did score we still needed a 2 point conversion just to tie the game. There would have been over a minute left to play which would mean we would kick off and give the ball back to Brady with 3 time outs left. could we really depend on our defense to keep Brady from driving to a winning FG or holding off the Bucs in OT. We haven't seen that happen yet.

4th, you've been around long enough to know that Rodgers is not going to publicly comment on a personal situation. That's not him, that's why it seems inconsistent to me that he would say either that he wants out of Green Bay or that it's either him or Gute. He may feel that way but it's just not like him to make those comments or any comments until the situation is resolved. Thanks, Since '61

-2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:23 am

So if the Packers show Rodgers the love and show Love the door, what would his new "deal" mean?

What players would need to be cap casualties to make him happy...until he is unhappy again? Adams, Bahktiari, Clark, Jones, Z, Amos, Turner, Alexander, Savage?

Also, is it even possible to give him an extension now and be able to sign all the draft picks and extend Adams this year? Just asking.

8 points
Packers0808's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:29 am

My take is both Rodgers and Gute are the main lynch pins in this ordeal. If Rodgers goes so then should Gute and start from a bit of scratch! And we know nothing about Love except conjecture! Maybe he will be just fine with the supporting cast around him! He and we may just give a go and a chance and see what happens! Either way I see Gute gone and really down deep hope he is!

-5 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:30 am

I’m not sure it’s not Murphy tbh.

1 points
Handsback's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:32 am

Football is a game. You play the game to win. The QB is most important player on the team with 21 other players. The NFL is organized to pay the same amount to each team. You can't pay more. There is a draft every year to bring in new players to every team. The worst teams get the first picks.
The NFL lost not just revenue, but eyes on screens last year because of pandemic and social issues. A drama has occurred in the smallest market of all the NFL teams during the draft and concerns a QB. Maybe one of the most talented QBs, ever. Suddenly, now the QB is angry because his replacement has been chosen and has refused to play.
Here are the choices:
A. Redo his contract so he takes an even bigger piece of the pie over a longer timeframe. In essences make his replacement null and void.
B. Trade him to another team for a large amount of future draft picks.
C. Do nothing and let the temper tantrum run it's course and he can decide to retire, or play again.

Football isn't that complicated and Rodgers while one of the best...isn't a GOAT, or even win it when the chips are down QB in the playoffs. I hope Green Bay does B or C. They are building a strong team and will need to find a triggerman to hold the fort until "The Man" comes on-board.

11 points
Swisch's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:43 pm

It's been a great run with Aaron Rodgers, but it seems time to move on.
For me at least, no hard feelings toward Rodgers, and instead genuine appreciation and applause for many great seasons of winning football for the Packers.
Rodgers is over age 37 and makes more than $37 million this season. Not a good combination.
If everything was harmonious between Rodgers and the Packers, perhaps it would be good to take a risk against time and money to extend the run a little longer. That's not the case, for whatever reasons.
So it's time to quit while we're ahead, and to begin a new era for the Packers -- and all the best to all concerned. May Rodgers prosper elsewhere, preferably in the AFC.
May the Packers prosper with Jordan Love, who may be more suited to the new offense of the team, at least temperamentally.
An uneasy relationship with an aging quarterback is unlikely to get us all the way to a win in the Super Bowl, anyway. Let's go all in with an agreeable and ascending young quarterback.
If he's not as good as Patrick Mahomes, perhaps he's better than Josh Allen. If he is on board with the LaFleur offense, then I think the Packers can win a Super Bowl with him in the next two or three seasons.
It's a risk either way. On draft day, Rodgers may have made the decision for us.

15 points
Booner's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:46 am

Let's see 2020 MVP vs new GM trying to make a statement and a name for himself? Ted Thompson trained ego maniac! time for the Board of directors to move on from Murphy and Gute!

Gute can kiss my booty!

-10 points
Michael Nault's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:00 am

You know when this started? When the Packers didn't call him and tell him they were cutting Jordy Nelson. He thinks he runs this franchise. He is an ego driven Diva. Period

7 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:13 pm

And one year later Jordy was raising Angus and planting wheat full time. Always better to move on from an aging player a year too early than a year too late.

3 points
frankthefork's picture

May 03, 2021 at 11:36 am

AR12 said many times he wants to host Jeopardy someday, and has been active meeting with Hollywood ppl and stars for years. AR wanted stability and more control in his last contract; just knowing where he's going if traded in the future.
AR likes stability, and if traded soon, wants to be closer to home and hollywood, if it's not with GB . It's not at all about Love as a solid backup or any QB. AR knew GB was looking to upgrade the QB spot...just not with the first pick in 2020.

It's also not that Mr. MVP hates GB, its fans or the FO staff in general. He and Gute have never had a solid friendship nor personality match for the 16+ years together...that much I know. Obviously it's hard to work for someone you don't see eye to eye with nor have respect and commonality. The Packers can mend this in the current contract that expires in 2023-maybe, but in all likelihood AR wants to be (traded) out west and be closer to Cali and Woodley sooner than later.

4 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:26 pm

Yes, Mr. Nagler, all are to blame.

Murphy and Gute, as a management team, have put together a damn good football team and hired an excellent coach, all the while, it seems, carrying on in the tradition of Ted Thompson when it comes to communicating with their QB, "I'm running the show, shut up and throw the ball."

When Favre asked for Randy Moss and Moss was dying to play with Favre, even said so, Thompson said, "Why would I do that, we have Ruvell Martin." So Brady got Moss, who went on to catch 39 TDs from him, the most TD's Brady threw to any receiver.

When Rodgers asked Thompson to sign Marshawn Lynch, who played with Rodgers in college, they were friends, and Lynch was already a monster, Thompson said, "Why would I do that, we've got Brandon Jackson?"

Front office personnel are not infallible and not only players but often idiot fans like ourselves can see that signing a Hall of Fame receiver still in his prime, on the cheap, for your Hall of Fame QB, just might be a good idea. Or giving up a 3rd round pick for a monster RB might not take an Einstein to figure out, although Einstein probably signs Lynch even though he knew squat about football.

In truth, the Packer way was set by Lombardi. He made the roster decisions and no player had input. But Lombardi, unlike Thompson and the current Packer management, knew to recognize when a player needed attention or needed to be appeased. Bart Starr walked into Lombardi's office and confronted him, saying he never wanted to be chewed out in front of the other players, that he was willing to be yelled at, but only in private so as not to lose the respect of the team. Lombardi never did it again. That's coaching. That's managing.

But saying that neither Gute nor Murphy is on the same pantheon as Lombardi, doesn't absolve Rodgers of blame. In fact, I believe he's mostly to blame. Everyone likes to say he's very smart. He must be, he won Jeopardy, didn't he? Well, maybe he is smart, but not smart enough to see the damage he's doing to his reputation, the team, and the fans he claims to love.

Rodgers is incredibly thin-skinned. It's unimaginable to think that Starr could have created this kind of drama. Starr, when yelled at in public, maybe even humiliated in a way Rodgers never has been, Starr still had respect for his coach. His team. The fans. Rodgers doesn't. He feels he IS the team. He claims he loves his teammates, and yet, he's willing to stiff every one of them by taking his ball and going home.

When LaFleur took over, Rodgers wasn't considered an MVP candidate any longer. The questions were, could he be coached?... Would he accept coaching? Comes this young pisher, LaFleur, and he wins 26 games in two years with his creative schemes and turns back the clock. Rodgers looks in the mirror the day after he wins the MVP and he sees Dorian Gray. He's young again.

So he struts. He crows. He can't decide if he's a G-d or just G-dly (whole religions have been created on that controversy) but he knows he's the GOAT. He knows he's got power, and by G-d, he's going to use it.

Could he have acted differently? Yes.

Rodgers could have gone into Gute's office the day after he got his little MVP trophy, and said, I understand why you picked Love last year, you're looking out for the future of the team. But I played great this past season, I love playing under Matt's system, I feel young, rejuvenated, I'd like a guaranteed contract for the next three years. We can work it out so you get cap relief. Whaddya say?"

My guess is Gute would have said, "Have your agent call me, we'll get it done."

I may be wrong, but that's what I think would have happened if Rodgers had been a little smarter, a little more humble, a little more Bart Starr. Instead, he went full diva.

5 points
Coldworld's picture

May 03, 2021 at 12:49 pm

Interesting post. Enjoyed the perspectives and reminders.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:46 pm

Like the comments. TT made a lot of mistakes, but it was clear he was the GM.

What fuels part of the problem is Murphy has instituted a Triumvirate to manage the football operations so Rodgers has 3 dotted lines as for his management structure. If Rodgers has 3 bad games in a row and ML benched him, why wouldn't he go and complain to Murphy who could override Matt?

Hence all three meet with Rodgers separately. Who knows what was said that may have encouraged Rodgers to stage a public tantrum on Daft Day?

"Matt, did you know Brian was going to trade up for a QB?" Matt: "I didn't have a clue, Aaron."

"Mark, did Brian tell you he was going to trade up for a QB? Mark: "He mentioned it but I was shocked he didn't let you know."

Regarding Lombardi, I recall another big ego player, who after an all pro year strolled into Lombardi's office with his agent demanding more money. Lombardi excused himself for 5 minutes and then told Jim Ringo..."you have been traded to the Eagles".

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:26 pm

The Deconstruction of the Silage Committee Model. Touche'

0 points
BAMABADGER's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:21 pm

You quote TT like you know him and were in the room when he said that about Ruvell Martin and Brandon Jackson. Since TT is not here to defend himself. I'll call you out.
Where did you get those quotes from the man.

0 points
JohnnyLogan's picture

May 03, 2021 at 10:07 pm

You're kidding, right? I wasn't in the room with Thompson or Lombardi or next to Leonardo Da Vinci when he painted the Mona Lisa either. But I think he said, "That smile, I've got to do better."

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

May 03, 2021 at 01:06 pm

Welcome to the NBA...if your a fan of the NBA and know how those superstars operate then you know this is nothing...just the beginning...have fun.

7 points
beerandbrats's picture

May 03, 2021 at 02:47 pm

Take the cheese!

One Wisconsin dairy supplier is hoping the relationship between the two parties can be repaired.

"As a cooperative, we understand running a business often requires making difficult decisions to plan for the future. We also believe a little cheese can make any situation better," a letter from the company to Rodgers read. "That’s why Burnett Dairy Cooperative is ready to make this pledge:

"As long as Aaron Rodgers remains in Green Bay, we’re offering him free cheese. And if he retires with the Packers, we will make it a lifetime offer.

"Aaron, please reach out if interested. Hopefully we can make this situation cheddar."

3 points
greengold's picture

May 03, 2021 at 03:58 pm

I can agree with this, Aaron.

Murphy showed himself to be like a "meddlesome owner" when he wouldn't allow Matt LaFleur to choose his own DC. Look where that got us. Most of those guys who like to get their fingers into the day to day football operations oftentimes make poor decisions.

Personally, while that maybe was on Murphy to give some direction to Gutekunst there, Rodgers has shown himself to be a bit of a handful. Getting into both McCarthy's and LaFleur's faces multiple times. I don't think Rodgers had the humility to take direction 100% from LaFleur, and had shown himself to be adverse to McCarthy for years. Difficult to unteach, unlearn that kind of middle finger attitude he often exhibited over the years. The situation is not unlike a superstar race car driver and his crew chief. At some point, though they may differ, they have to be on the same page enough to know they can count on each other to win the race.

OUR DEFENSE GAVE Aaron Rodgers 3 TURNOVERS in the NFCC, and he couldn't close the deal.

At least, for a time, it looked like Rodgers and LaFleur were coming together on a lot, and LaFleur helped guide him to his first MVP since 2014.

IMO, this is a mess alright, and it is beyond the expiration date. He's never coming back. Aaron Rodgers made things very clear on that with his actions last week. I'm wishing the best for the Packers in finding a suitable trade partner that will get them the greatest return on their 16 year investment.

Letting him sit seems foolish to me, and I admittedly have no understanding of how that would affect the cap or his ability to return to another team. Would we retain his rights indefinitely?

The Packers MUST get a return on this investment, while the market is at it's highest.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

May 04, 2021 at 02:07 am

Last news - Aaron R wanted Jake Kumerow to stay on roster and Gute released him. It looks like that was the last straw that ruined their "relation"...

Aaron Rodgers have enough money, he can buy or establish his own franchise and he can be there President, GM, HC, OC, DC, and QB as long as he wants to be and he can sign whoever he wants to be on his roster...

It is interesting how new news coming out and AR just digging the huge hole under his reputation.

Imagine, person responsible for building roster did not want to be his servant... ccc...

6 points
greengold's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:03 pm

Yeah, and I'm sure we'll hear a ton more in the next month or so.

Seems to me the most likely scenario is with DEN and a guy who understands all of it in Elway. I'm sure John Elway could give two shits about anything that is said between now and June 1st. It will be a hot topic with zero substance for ESPN to latch onto until camps begin, and this thing gets put to bed, one way or another.

4 points
Gman1976's picture

May 03, 2021 at 04:36 pm

Is it really because Aaron didn’t get a courtesy phone call before a draft pick?
Is it really because Aaron has a chip on his shoulder?
Is it really because Aaron doesn’t want the pressure of having a hungry young man waiting in the wings?
Is it really because Aaron wants another huge contract with guaranteed money?
Is it really because Aaron wants a say in who gets drafted?
Is it really because Aaron wants to move back out west?
Is it really because Aaron has old family issues that wreck current relationships?
Is it really because Aaron is a diva that only cares for himself?
Is it really because Aaron wanted to poison the draft and give a big middle finger to everything green and gold?
Maybe. Maybe it’s none of these reasons.

5 points
flackcatcher's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:18 pm

Short comment: The Executive Committee hired Brian Gutekunst over Mark Murphy's objections, then gutted Murphy power over the pro football operations having Gutekunst report to their day to day over site subcommittee. IE: The Board of Directors. Why is this important. Well it was Murphy who acting as 'direct agent' for the EC in Rodgers contract extension that put the Packers' organization in a box Cap wise. It is pretty clear that Gutekunst was hired to clean up the mess that Murphy made in the pro football operations, and restore the structure of the that had been running before Ted Thompson's illness and departure. So why does Brian Gutekunst have so much power in Green Bay. Short answer: Aaron Rodgers contract. The board authorize Murphy to sign the deal knowing they were crippling the organization for the duration of Rodgers contract.(There are also 'stories' that Murphy mislead the Board about the contract extension. I find that hard to believe) The reason Gute has so much power is to unwind the EC mistake, and restore the financial balance in the football side of operations. And yes, bring the BIG L trophy back to Lambeu. By any measure Gutekunst has been successful in restoring the governing structure at 1265. Or, to make it very simple, Rodgers has no leverage over Gutekunst, that's why he's screaming. That's the backstory. Training camp can't start soon enough for me...

2 points
flackcatcher's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:38 pm

The really sad truth is the Packers went out of their way to compensate Rodgers, when he was in a down slope in his career. To the degree that they distorted their Cap structure which made it extremely difficult to do any major moves. The Packers could not do any major moves money wise, nor trade him. Either move would wreck the organization for years. Seeing Rodgers blame the organization for a "Black Swan" event which no one in the Packers or NFL had any control over is unseemly. Watching someone who realizes his dream is dying is hard on him and us. But he has to decide how he wants to go out. We'll just have to wait to see how this plays out...

2 points
HarryHodag's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:16 am

Source? Or is it just fantasy?

-1 points
flackcatcher's picture

May 04, 2021 at 08:22 pm

Do your homework. It's on the public record. Gutekunst hiring, his comments and those of Bob Harlan to Jason Wilde then at ESPN MILWAUKEE. The Executive Committee press releases and those under Murphy name stepping away from a more active role in the front office. Because of the collapse of day to day sports reporting at 1265, one has to go to the primary sources. But it not to hard if one wants to take the time.

2 points
flackcatcher's picture

May 04, 2021 at 08:29 pm

Also, before I forget, TGR's incredible work on the Cap and players salary structure. Without that, those of us commenting at CHTV would have no context to the decision process the Packers, and other NFL teams are making.

2 points
Big_Mel_75's picture

May 03, 2021 at 05:24 pm

100% correct. Plus Gutey was there as well.. he seen it happen with Farve...

0 points
beerandbrats's picture

May 03, 2021 at 06:27 pm

Somebody please help me out here!

I thought AR was mad because the Packers wouldn't trade away JL this weekend (like NE traded away JimmyG to appease TB12); however, upon further review (texts between AR and Mark Schlereth), it appears that the Packers attempted to set up a trade with Denver prior to the draft...and failed to inform AR!

Did the Packers really try to (secretly) trade away the NFL MVP prior to the draft?

1 points
flackcatcher's picture

May 03, 2021 at 06:46 pm

Possible. But the real hang up is Rodgers contract. What we know of it that is. There would have to be a major restructure by him to handle the Dead Cap money and whatever else the Packers had agreed to. No matter what spin Rodgers puts on it, it is a huge burden that would place on a football team. At best 10% of the total Cap for a 37 year football player. Team owners would be crazy (or Jerry Jones) to take that kind hit on the total salary structure. One has to ask what kind of conditions were Rodgers people looking for, that made the Russ Ball and his team back away.

1 points
Packerfansupreme's picture

May 03, 2021 at 07:23 pm

Would love it if Rodgers would break his silence. He could confirm or deny these rumours with one post

4 points
AZJACK's picture

May 03, 2021 at 09:47 pm

The title of this should be "The Packers are Blameful in this Mess". Mark Murphy was so busy as a big real estate developer he ignored his GM TT was slipping in to dementia and ill health. Allowed a slovenly lazy Mike McCarthy to rest on his one SB forever as his play calling stagnated and everyone in the league new his plays, should have been sent packing by at 2015. ARod is the greatest QB I have seen in 60 years of watching NFL and Green Bay in particular (sorry Nags my boyhood hero Bart wasn't even close.)

Look at all the receiving talent that has not been replaced. Jordy, Jennings, Cobb, Finley, Driver and even Cook. Aaron has covered the warts long enough.

And although the Packers owe Aaron what every he wants (as he is the single crown jewel in the enterprise). More importantly they owe the fans to go after SB's while they have THE GOAT. Fire Gutey keep the MVP. and maybe he'll be winning Super Bowls for us instead of the vastly overated horse face John Elway.

-3 points
HarryHodag's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:16 am

So Aaron is more important than the team? Does your boss view your employment the same way?

-2 points
AZJACK's picture

May 06, 2021 at 11:32 am

I am the boss. So YES!

-1 points
HankScorpio's picture

May 04, 2021 at 12:31 am

I don't know what Rodgers is bitching about. He was on a bad trajectory as he approached the end. From about 2017 on, he was simply not the same QB he was earlier in his career. The Packers drafting of Jordan Love spurred him to reverse that trend magnificently with an MVP performance. To paraphrase Huey Lewis, That's the power of Love, It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes. But it might just save your career from ending as a dud.

Maybe he thinks he needs to stoke that fire by forcing the Packers to diss him by picking Love over him as their starter. He's played a long time. Motivation to be great might be hard to find. He could not find it in a few recent years.

2 points
Harold Drake's picture

May 04, 2021 at 12:58 am

Mr Nagler is right. But no matter whether MM may have approved the Love pick, it was Gutekunst's idiotic - one could also call it misguided, premature, wasteful, ill-advised, absurd, pathetic, counter-productive - decision to draft Love that has led to this crisis. If you know that your star player is hyper-sensitive, what would have been the harm in advising him that the team is thinking of drafting his replacement for three of four years down the road? Now Gutekunst admits that he erred in not briefing Rodgers of the possibility that Love would be drafter. Unfortunately, it may be too late. But what so many Packers' fans do not realise is that Rodgers is a generational talent who CANNOT be replaced. His age should not have been a consideration that led to the idiotic Love pick since Rodgers at the time of the pick was every bit as fit and productive as Brady and Brees at a similar age. Then, in 2020, Rodgers enjoys one of the best seasons (statistically and otherwise) of his career and wins the MVP award. And the Packers are evidently still not willing to accede to his salary demands for guaranteed money and a signing bonus plus extension? It is utterly wrong to try to ease out a talent like Rodgers when he is clearly still the best (or top two or three) QB in the league and has helped guide the Packers to consecutive 13-3 regular seasons and two NFC championship games. And all that with only ONE elite receiver although MVS is evolving into a brilliant No. 2 threat. The argument that the Packers had the NFL's top-ranked offense in 2020 does NOT mean that the team could not have soared even higher had a Justin Jefferson or a Chase Claypool being drafted. But although Mr Nagler still defends the Love pick, I am very pleased that he has now taken stand against the Packers' front office and laid a good portion of the blame onto MM and to a lesser extent on Gutekunst. This has all been unnecessary. Why waste a No. 1 pick on a player who will not start for a minimum of three seasons when you have the NFL's top QB still healthy and extremely effective? In addition, when you have a very good team "knocking" on the door as Gutekunst has said, why not add an impact player who can start now or sometime in his first season to bloster the roster - whether that player is a WR, DT, or ILB. Should Rodgers not play for the Packers again, history will likely judge Gutekunst as the man who got rid of one of the greatest NFL QBs of all time, not to mention the league's reigning MVP. And for what? A talented QB prospect who has less than a 20% statistical chance of succeeding (based on the last five years of draft history of No. 1 QB draft choices). Yes, Rodgers is being petulant and passive-aggressive and indulging in pure schadenfreude with last week's news leak. But all this avoidable. Go Pack Go!

1 points
HarryHodag's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:15 am

...and when the Packers have no viable replacement for a 40+ year old Rodgers after an outrageous contract extension you likely would blame Gute for that too.

Aaron Rodgers is replaceable, just like Brett Favre was replaceable.

-1 points
Harold Drake's picture

May 04, 2021 at 10:28 am

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Who said anything about getting rid of Love. Just keep him on the bench if and when Rodgers falters. You seem to think that Rodgers is a broken-down Ben Roethlisberger type. On the contrary, he is in the Brady/Brees category. The Packers are a 9-7 team at best without Rodgers. Ask Love to throw to a mid-level WR corps and you'll se the difference an MVP superstar QB makes. Rodgers IS irreplaceable.

1 points
JLab3's picture

May 04, 2021 at 06:16 am

The Packers know the player and his agent and the latter engineered he same situation with Carson Palmer and the Cardinals. Rodgers was paid a fortune in front loaded money, is surrounded by a ton of talent, said very little about drafting Jordan Love...and is still under contract. Ultimately he waited for Tim Boyle to be release and then claims he's offended on draft day....baloney!

So you don't fire anyone, you don't get rid of Jordan Love, you don't renegotiate the contract he signed, you absolutely don't give Aaron Rodgers a peep in player personnel decisions and you don't listen to ESPN. IF an irresistible blockbuster trade offer arrives in June I'm sure GB will take a look but the team is under no obligation to make any deal with contract years remaining. If he follows through on the threat to retire then drafting Jordan Love was smart business. This is a poker game and the Packers have played it well thus far.

0 points
Pack66's picture

May 04, 2021 at 08:34 am

"The chickens are coming home to roost, Bobby Boucher.."

It's funny, when FAVRE did this, he was a "TRAITOR"..."Primadonna", etc..etc..but THINK...really THINK about this..

Where would you have been without Brett Favre...

And now, where you will you be without Rodgers...

It's stupid to stand up for management over a player who is so much more important than they are...

Go ahead, start Love...just get ready for 30 more years of mediocrity!

I heard it was about THIS...anyway....and probably many other things that we don't know about..

Who the hell is Mark Murphy...he SUCKED as a player, anyway..

1 points
HarryHodag's picture

May 04, 2021 at 09:13 am

So Aaron Rodgers is more important than the rest of the team and management?
What is the color of the sky in your world?

-1 points
Pack66's picture

May 04, 2021 at 04:18 pm

That's funny...

What do you think your chances of reaching the playoffs this year, REALISTICALLY, without Aaron Rodgers ???...(and please remove your CHEDDAR ENCRUSTED GLASSES...!)

1 points
CoachDino's picture

May 05, 2021 at 04:32 am


1 points