When Does It Make Sense to Move On From Aaron Rodgers?

The Aaron Rodgers saga continues in Green Bay with no resolution in sight.

The Aaron Rodgers saga continues in Green Bay with no resolution in sight. Tuesday begins mandatory minicamp and yet head coach Matt LaFleur told reporters he still doesn’t know if his starting quarterback will show up or not. The entire fiasco has been the biggest story of the offseason for the franchise and certainly a bit of a distraction for the team.

As of right now, LaFleur has said he wants Rodgers back, GM Brian Gutekunst has said the team will not trade the reigning NFL MVP and Rodgers has said he has philosophical issues with the way the organization is being run but has not completely closed the door on those issues being resolved.

Presently, the organization is officially saying they want Rodgers to stay in Green Bay. But at what point would or should that change? At what point does the problem become greater than the potential resolution? Here are some thoughts on the ongoing situation.

History tells us that a similar scenario took place in Green Bay in 2008. Brett Favre retired after the 2007 season for what felt like the 30th time. The Packers committed to making Rodgers, the heir apparent, their quarterback. And then, of course, Favre unretired (again) and said he was coming back to play again in 2008.

While there were some differences between then and this current situation, there were many important similarities as well. The Packers organization knew that Favre’s presence was going to be a major distraction. There was no way Favre was going to quietly serve as a backup quarterback without interfering with Rodgers’ development and ability to take over as team leader. The bottom line was, the cost of keeping the Packers aging, Hall of Fame quarterback around was greater than the benefit he would provide to the team.

Right now, Rodgers’ situation is also a distraction, but it’s a relatively manageable one if they can settle it and get it resolved before we get too deep into training camp. But the longer it drags on, the greater the disruption becomes. Clearly, the fact that Rodgers is voicing his discontent with the way the front office has treated him and many of his former teammates cannot reflect well on the organization. The longer this drags on, the more players may think twice before signing with a franchise that doesn’t show their best player the right kind of respect.

At some point, the Packers also need to decide how to weigh the cost of keeping Rodgers financially versus the cost of trading him away. If it requires a new extension with voidable years and a lot of dead money against the future cap, when does that become too much of a burden on the team?

The Packers have clearly planned to be in win-now mode this season. They wanted to keep the reigning NFL MVP for at least another season or two before moving on from him and to take another crack at reaching the Super Bowl before Rodgers starts to seriously slow down. That’s why they opted to re-sign so many of their own potential free agents from a team that is coming off back-to-back 13-3 seasons and consecutive trips to the NFC Championship Game. Rodgers clearly gives them the best chance to win now, but at what cost?

What would an unhappy Rodgers do to this team? Would he be less committed to winning and not play as well? Would he be a cancer in the locker room if he truly has lost confidence in the front office or in the way they have treated him?

Let’s say the 37-year-old Rodgers has three high-level seasons left before he starts to seriously slow down. Is that worth it to sacrifice the future if a Rodgers extension creates so much dead cap space that the Packers won’t be able put together a quality team around Jordan Love or whoever Rodgers’ successor ultimately will be once those three years are over?

The Packers also need to weigh what they could potentially get for Rodgers in a trade. If, as some of the rumors suggested, the Packers could get three first-round picks and a short-term quarterback and another starting player for Rodgers and free up some cap space also, could this team benefit more in the long run from that package even if it means their chances to win in 2021 are reduced without their franchise quarterback?

These are the questions that Gutekunst will have to answer over in the coming weeks or months. The longer this drags on, the more it hurts the Packers chances of winning in 2021 and the more disruptive it is to the organization. At some point, Rodgers is going to cross the Rubicon and the Packers will determine they will be better off trading him. We’re not there yet, but we will inevitably get there if this drama isn’t resolved.

This situation may prove to be a small footnote in the history of the Green Bay Packers or it could be a major turning point for the franchise. The clock is ticking and soon we will find out which direction the organization will go.




You can follow Gil Martin on Twitter @GilPackers


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13 points

Comments (192)

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greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:39 pm

...Looks at watch...

This is a great piece, Gil. You considered all of the options well. The Packers are in a tough spot. Giving Rodgers even more money than we already have is no guarantee for success, especially when the Packers have been 0-8 with him as our starting QB in our attempts to cross that threshold back into the Super Bowl over the past 10 years (not saying it is all on him either, but he holds his share of the responsibility for those 8 losses). Not to mention, but if Rodgers won't play for Green Bay, no matter what... ??? I think that is where Murphy & Gutekunst currently find themselves, with no option to bring him back.

Trade him now to get the biggest return you can and move along. The Packers will wind up getting a top player or two added to our D, and with more cap money to spend we could add a player like Sheldon Richardson to our DL. Plus picks? That could be good.

AR swallowing his pride and coming back to play for GB one or two more seasons is not optimal, because it could drive the team into the fiscal ground.

Starting a 2nd year QB with not a single game rep is not optimal, because there is no baseline established.

Neither situation comes with any guarantees, yet, the Packers are left to make the best of the one they choose.


13 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:13 pm

The Denver deal is all but signed.

-6 points
13TimeChamps's picture

June 03, 2021 at 08:17 pm

Well, the signed part is kind of important.

4 points
NickPerry's picture

June 04, 2021 at 04:59 am

"AR swallowing his pride and coming back to play for GB one or two more seasons is not optimal, because it could drive the team into the fiscal ground."

I'm assuming you mean if Rodgers came back there would be a new extension with MORE money. THIS is exactly what scares the hell out of me the most. What an extension does to the Packers cap not just next year but years after. I just can't get on board with an extension no matter how great AR has been in the REGULAR SEASON!

The Packers need to wait this out, see if Rodgers reports, see what happens this year. Hopefully Rodgers isn't full of shit and does report because of his LOVE for all his teammates, Packers Fans, and everyone else not named Murphy or Gute. He plays for the PEOPLE and honors the contract he friggen signed.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 06:56 am

Yes, that's exactly what I meant, NickPerry.

I agree with your sentiments here. How do we extend Davante Adams in that scenario? Kiss him goodbye. How do we extend the Smith Bros. in that scenario? Kiss them goodbye. How do we extend Adrian Amos in that scenario? Kiss him goodbye.

Personally, I don't see AR's return as an option anyway.

You know what no one hears? That the Packers took Jordan Love "because of" Aaron Rodgers. The fact that Mark Murphy was even compelled to say to him, "Don't be a problem," prior to AR's first phone conversation with Matt LaFleur is a window into what kind of problems the team may have been experiencing.

There were battles for control of the offense when LaFleur stepped in. Did they continue to rage without the public, the fan base, being made aware? Quite possibly. We saw plenty signs of that on the sidelines. Did he go off script enough during their most important game together, the NFCC vs. SF to force their hand in picking Jordan Love? Quite possibly. Did he do it again in the NFCC vs. TB? Quite possibly.

We know Aaron, and his ability to hold grudges. He's calculating in his paybacks... and, here we are.

It is a long list of players who adjusted their deals to give this one last go, one last shot to win a Super Bowl. Did Aaron Rodgers? No. Those are hard facts. Trade him now to get your greatest return and move forward.

I believe this Packers team is good enough to go it without him, and win the whole damn thing as they are today. This is a good team. Don't let anybody tell you differently.

Carry the G.

-1 points
stockholder's picture

June 04, 2021 at 07:14 am

Wishful Thinking. This team isn't going anywhere without Rodgers. And the FO knows it.

-2 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 07:24 am

More big talk that don't walk.

I'd love to watch you say that to Matt LaFleur, Aaron Jones, AJ Dillon, Kylin Hill, Patrick Taylor Jr. and Jordan Love's face.


-4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 04, 2021 at 11:37 am

Hopefully, we don't re-sign some of the Fans.

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 10:46 am

Trading him now doesn't get you the best deal. All you'll get is picks in next year's draft that are in the 20s at best. Make him play or sit. If he sits we gain needed cap space and can get him to pay back even more money. Then in next offseason there will be many more teams hoping to trade for a HOF QB. AND the Packers will have a better idea if Love is really going to be a quality QB. If he's not you still have Rodgers in your backpocket and you can get a pick in the top 5 .

You've gotta have patience and let it play out to get the best deal. Right now they'd be losing tremendous value!

0 points
greengold's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:37 am

Stroh, admit it: you don’t know that.

Where will DEN be drafting should he suffer a season ending injury? C’mon. Not to mention, AR, with maybe 5 years left at his peak, or best in trade, you wipe out possibly the best of them 2021, coming off the MVP.

Now, it’s 2022, and you’re looking to trade him with maybe 4 good years left.

How has that trade value increased, again?

Not to mention the number of QBs available in the 2022 NFL Draft, which I’ve yet to look at. That lessens the number of suitors, no?

Regardless, how many QB needy teams will be looking there first, before considering AR who is one year removed from playing?

There are any number of scenarios that can be offered up on both sides of the ledger of possibilities. +/-

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:13 pm

Hold on. Over there. Is that dead horse?

9 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:22 pm

Why. Yes. Sir.

Whinny. Whinny. Whinny.

1 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:07 pm

I grew up on a farm, and unless things have changed, I'm pretty sure dead horses don't whinny.

6 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:21 pm

Ghost horse? The other possibility is that greengold may be a centaur.

5 points
UnoMyName's picture

June 03, 2021 at 07:32 pm

Ohhhh, the horse is a corpse of course of course

2 points
UnoMyName's picture

June 03, 2021 at 07:32 pm

Ohhhh, the horse is a corpse of course of course

0 points
UnoMyName's picture

June 03, 2021 at 07:34 pm

Ohhhh, the horse is a corpse of course of course...
and no one can talk to a corpse of course....
That is of course unless the corpse it the amazing Mr. Ed
some SNL skit from the 70s

2 points
Tingham's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:48 pm

At this point we are actually digging up a buried horse in order to beat it.

9 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:14 pm

Nay, nay. The horse is not dead - just on the loose and hiding somewhere. Until he (the horse) is back in his paddock - possibly Denver - the vigilance fortunately/unfortunately will continue.

2 points
Swisch's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:56 pm

June 1st brings a new chapter to the Rodgers melodrama, "As the World Spirals."
Also, his teammates are now on the practice field without him. That's a big deal as far as building a team that can go all the way to a win a Super Bowl.
The wound apparently caused by Rodgers for no good reason -- and left untreated by him for more than a month -- is starting to fester.
We need to clean out and treat that wound this week with Rodgers coming back with some humility and much enthusiasm; or we need to send him to another team right away so that the Packers can heal as soon as possible.
Let's go with the guys who want to be here as members of the Green Bay Packers -- and let's get started.

5 points
calabasa's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:15 pm

I liked “The Real Quarterbacks of Green Bay” from another commenter.

4 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:22 pm

Definitely, less bleeding - more healing.

As for "As The World Spirals" - it may be morphing into a Greek tragedy - "in which the protagonist, usually a person of importance and outstanding personal qualities, falls to disaster through the combination of a personal failing and circumstances with which he or she cannot deal with".

Considering on how all Greek tragedies end - it's probably best to trade Rodgers before the final act.

4 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:30 pm

I don't think he's going to sleep with his mom...

7 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:49 pm

Probably not. More likely he's going to sleep with someone who reminds him of his mother.

3 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:02 pm

Someone he refuses to have anything to do with?

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:26 pm

A child's bond to his mother is the strongest of all and imprinted at a very early age with the child. So consciously, Rodgers may now reject his mother, but, unconsciously, probably not so much. Shakespeare made a killing writing about this stuff.

4 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:36 pm

This is a highly underrated response. LMAO

0 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:09 pm

That’s the beginning. Stay awake Dobber!

0 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 06:27 pm

It's more entertaining than having him gouge his eyes out and live the rest of his life as a poor wanderer...

1 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:33 pm

QUICK!!! Get this deal DONE before Achilles comes into play...

0 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:52 pm

Nice. A little Greek mythology to help explain - "What's the hell going on out here?"

4 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:54 pm

Beautifully done. Tears.

-1 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:03 pm

Achilles was a snooty prima donna, too.

3 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 07:09 pm

The perennial protester doth protest.

-1 points
dobber's picture

June 04, 2021 at 05:37 am

I had a student in one of my classes write a paper comparing Achilles to Terrell Owens. It was a really fun read...

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 04, 2021 at 02:06 pm

I named one of our cats Patroclus.

2 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 03:19 pm

Now, that's a close friend...

1 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 03:14 pm

....tears.... "That's my Quarterback, man...!!!"

sob. sob. sob...

LMAO! I bet that paper was AWESOME!!!!

1 points
Swisch's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:51 pm

Let's see, how about, "My Greek Tragedy-esque Welching on My Big Fat Contract."
I will concede that if I was as rich and famous as Aaron Rodgers, it would be quite possible that I would get full of myself and make some huge errors in judgement -- so I'm sympathetic to him in that regard.
However, I'm not going to encourage him to continue further along the road to tragedy by being sycophantic.
Instead, I would encourage him to come to his senses with a Super Bowl on the line for the Packers, his legacy with a storied team largely in the balance, and his own personal happiness at stake to a significant extent.
If his bride-to-be is not enthusiastic about life in Green Bay, it's only a matter of one more season of sacrifice for her. If she won't see that, or won't give him what amounts to less than a year, then he may want to get out of his engagement instead of hurting the Packers and their fans.
I'm hoping for a happy ending somehow for all concerned, including us as fans.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:44 pm

Yes, brilliant, he must choose! Between the voluptuous goddess (played by S. Woodley) and his extended family (played by the GBP and fans) who helped bring him fame and fortune!

Surely madness will manifest in the protagonist (played by A. Rodgers) - in his torment and anguish of having to choose. Or not. At the very least, may the Greek chorus call out for a handful of high draft choices ,and, 1 or 2 excellent warriors (on their first contracts).

3 points
mnbadger's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:16 pm

I'm a huge GPG fan and AR fan. I want the best for all. Right now, I say MLF has to change the way he talks. AR says he doesn't want to be back, so MLF has to be planning the 2021 season without him, at least in words. Talk as if he's going to retire. Let Gutekunst deal with trades and all the other BS. MLF has to pull a Dick Rumsfield. "You go to war with the army you've got, not the army you want!" He must start planning today for the players he's got, not the one's that may or may not decide to join the fray. FAS! GPG!

12 points
flackcatcher's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:32 pm

To paraphrase Letterhead: 'Let the era of Love begin.'

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:09 pm

Good perspective. I’d say mandatory mini camp might be the time for that. Certainly not before. Voluntary activities aren’t a good trigger for more.

1 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 10:51 am

Totally backwards. LaFleur is already planning for 2021 without Rodgers, he has to. But in public you say everything you can to get him back in the fold. LaFleur, and the FO are playing this PERFECTLY!

0 points
Roadrunner23's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:28 pm

The Packers are set up to win a Super Bowl this coming season, all they are missing is the straw that stirs the drink.
Rodgers knows this, he also knows that in the 2022 season the Packers are going to have to cut bait with a bunch of veteran players who are counting too much against the cap.
So what to do?
If Rodgers really does want out of Green Bay they could agree to trade him after the 2022 season.
But his past statements say he doesn’t want out,
He wants to retire a Packer and he has made that known.
I believe they will settle this and Rodgers will be in Green Bay as long as he wants to be.
Will there be some rough years due to salary cap purging? Yes.
But with the cap expanding in 2 years it’ll be fine and the Packers will be right back on top in 2024!


7 points
calabasa's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:17 pm

Sounds good to me! Let’s take some cap risks and win another f’ing title. Sometimes this franchise is too sensible. It’s play money anyway!

4 points
KenEllis's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:53 am

Packers are set up to win a SB in 2021? Not hardly.

2020 with no fans in the stands, a relatively soft schedule, few major injuries, and home field advantage in the playoffs was the Pack's year.

2021 is just about playing out the string until Gutey unleashes his era of Love ... without Rodgers, D. Adams, Preston Smith and likely several other veterans.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 10:27 am

I think you underestimate the power of Matt LaFleur seeing what he calls being run on the field, a 4 headed monster at RB in Jones, Dillon, Patrick Jr. and Hill, an improved defense, and a hungry group of players looking to show they belong, including Jordan Love & Amari Rodgers.

Bring it. I have more faith in that than the "Aaron Rodgers: Watch Me Throw Show."

3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 04, 2021 at 11:50 am


Rodger's has proven over and over he cannot consistently win big games in the playoffs. It is time to move on without him and free up cap money.
Trade Adam's too and let's significantly lower the average age on the team. This would become the Love era with a very strong supporting cast putting the Packers in a strong position for years to come.

3 points
KenEllis's picture

June 05, 2021 at 12:56 am


For how many years have the Green & Gold faithful been telling themselves the D is going to be "improved" and yet it is never is good enough.

Then again, giving up JUST 31 in the cold at Lambeau to lose the NFC Championship game was an improvement over the slaughter in SF the year before.

Improved D in 2021 you say?

Are Lowry, Lancaster, King, Redmond, and the cast of NOBODIES at inside linebacker suddenly going to be coached up by 2-time loser and hardly LeFleur's top choice Joe Barry to finally bring home the bacon in 2021?

Not a chance ... not a chance.

0 points
greengold's picture

June 05, 2021 at 08:59 am

Hey Bubs, sue me for thinking we will be vastly improved on D.

No more stupid coverages that make no sense. Mike Pettine is now on the Bears staff. No more man coverage with 8 seconds left in a game v. Tom Brady. No more 11 yard cushions on 3rd & 2. No more complete collapses in big games vs. known short pass Brees being allowed to sit on a spot and dink & dunk. Garappolo could hand the ball off all day. The Packers and Pettine knew that going in, and had no plan.

Matt LaFleur was pissed off. Not just once.

No more gifts.

Totally understand your thinking otherwise given the long run of futility. I believe this is Matt LaFleur’s D now. He knows a thing or two about defenses, and I believe he only brought Barry in to run exactly what he wants.

Maybe we’ll see some aggression on early downs...

I like Kamal Martin & Khrys Barnes at ILB, and I believe we will see the position used differently in this D. Eric Stokes & TJ Slaton should pay immediate dividends. There’s also player development we could realize as a positive impact in a number of areas, namely Gary, Savage & Keke.

With a trade? We will only add more players both there and with the extra cap $ realized to tap FA.

I think it’s finally going to happen, Ken Ellis.

-1 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 10:56 am

Finally someone "gets it". 100% agree.

0 points
flackcatcher's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:36 pm

Let me cut to the brutal truth here. The Packers decided to go all in one more time with the current cast. Then either rebuild or retool depending on the Cap level in 2022-2023. That was a stone cold dollars and cents decision. Rodgers' contract sits at the center of those decisions made by the Executive Committee, with the input of Mark Murphy, Brian Gutekunst, and Russ Ball. There is not one commentator on CHTY who does not know this truth. And to pretend that Aaron Rodgers does not know this is living in fantasy land. The second he signed the contract in 2018, he knew how this would end. Rodgers has two choices, either report or retire. The Packer organization is not backing off, they have the high ground, and they are acting exactly as they should in protecting their rights. In both the short and long terms, this gets worse for Rodgers the longer he waits. He blows away his goodwill inside the locker room, and cements his rep as a major SOB. It's so ironic that Rodgers decided to pull a Favre, when this team is poised to make a Superbowl run. If this is how it ends, then so be it. I suspect that years from now, Aaron Rodgers will quietly be cursing himself for being a massive jerk at what was a critical moment in his career.

11 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:07 pm

Great post.

Rodgers is cutting off his nose to spite his face. His legendary arrogance is morphing into incredible selfishness and malevolence. And I do not know why.

His mistreatment from the organization has awarded him $250,000,000. He has already been named the 2021 starter. The offense has been built to keep him protected and given him tools to move the ball with infantry or air force.

Maybe he is an incredibly insecure person. He wants guarantees that will avoid him competing with Love. What is he afraid of? Maybe he is afraid an injury may show that Love is an effective QB for this O.

I know many Packer fans and Rodgers is losing the PR contest. I think he has pooped in his mess kit.

13 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:17 pm

(Not directed at you, LambeauPlain, but thanks for the opening)
This kills me...

Why won't people accept his new future wife does not want to be living in Green Bay, nor traveling half the year to & from Green Bay? Does that make sense?

Is it not a "football enough" reason for you? Grunt. Spit...

Is that not the most simple, reasonable, and readily understandable cause for his 180° spin? Where anyone drafted at QB can try to knock him out? Where he wants to retire with the Packers? Play his entire career here?

It's 180° from what we've known from his previous words, but, damn if it doesn't make the most sense.

Everyone asking "WHY???" What changed? He "got engaged and won the MVP." - Aaron Rodgers

Does it make sense he's trying to assign blame upon the team to deflect it from his future wife? Yes.

He's a player, but he's also human. Rodgers deserves to have a wife, raise a family, like anyone else if they choose. Maybe they see it being nearly impossible for them with him playing for the Packers, committing to more than 179 days per year in Green Bay. Maybe that just doesn't work.

As a fan, I won't begrudge him wanting to leave because his life has changed. Not one bit. But, let's stop knocking the hell out of the Packers organization, and start getting on with the business of football.

She's from Boulder. A half hour drive from the Broncos stadium. He's a legend here. Help him. Accommodate him. Get a fair deal in trade and go win the Super Bowl with Jordan Love. This could prove serendipitous.

PS. No articles to corroborate this, but, all of his recent actions certainly do. It makes one hell of a lot of sense.

-3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:50 pm

I don’t have a problem accepting that might be true. I just don’t know it is. The way to deal with that would have been to go talk to the team as soon as possible and negotiate an out, probably next year, accommodate the cap help, and swing for the fences this year. The way he’s handling Would be downright idiotic in those circumstances. I credit him with more wit than that.

3 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:04 pm

Uh... uh.... "a fool in love?" They don't always make the best decisions. Add in his narcissism...

I don't know if it is true either, but it looks more true than a lot of the other stuff flying around here.

We don't know anything, really. It could be that he did do just as you're saying here, went to the team asap to negotiate an out. Maybe the Packers weren't receptive at first, and it took a couple visits for this to sink in that he was refusing to return.

Maybe, to accommodate him they took that call from DEN, and there is gamesmanship in play with regards to the statements put out to the media, to protect their interests. DEN had to be asking the Packers "are we taking a QB or no?"

The cap hit would have been too great to make a draft day trade like that official prior to June 1st.

Meanwhile, a lot of trade pieces are conveniently not practicing... on both sides.

What we do know is Aaron Rodgers sure doesn't look too worried, does he?

0 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:33 pm

greengold, I think that both of your posts here make sense. My question is why doesn't the Packers FO see the points that you're making about Rodgers wanting to in Denver, be close to his wife and have a family. They should be making the trade with the Broncos sooner rather than later.

If I'm the Broncos I want Rodgers in Denver by their 6/8 mini-camp for obvious reasons and I also want the players that I'm getting from Denver in the Packers 6/8 mini-camp for the same obvious reasons.

However if the Packers are not going to trade Rodgers and they are not going to reach an agreement with him, then what outcome are they expecting? That leaves them with Rodgers returns and plays or Rodgers retires. If Rodgers retires the Packers get no return for him which no good for the Packers either for the short or long term.

As for Rodgers, I don't like holdouts and IMO he should return by TC for sure, play for the Packers and continue to negotiate his future with the team. That to me is a preferred outcome but I don't see that happening at this point. To me if Rodgers wants more than 2-3 seasons guaranteed the Packers should make a trade sooner rather than later. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:22 pm


I've been saying all along it is done. They are putting finishing touches on it. Makes the most sense, really. I think the Packers FO has known all of this for a while now. I'm holding firm that the deal was already agreed to in principle before the draft. That would explain some of AR's boastful lashing out at GB since. Probably can't help himself after they had the nerve to take Jordan Love. I get it. You get it.

Moving on...

You look at what DEN wants to accomplish, they want to hit the ground running, ready to compete with KC, SD and LV, their division rivals.

Elway knows, the best way to do it is not by bringing a new QB into a team and make him build all new relationships with his WRs.

I will guarantee, Elway wants Davante Adams and Allen Lazard.

I'll also guarantee, Gutekunst doesn't want to part with Davante Adams. That is why all of our WRs have not been practicing. Because any number of them could be involved in the final trade deal for Aaron Rodgers.

Denver has had prime players that fit the Packers to a T not practicing at all in their OTAs.

***** It's happening now. I believe this in my core. It's all lined up too perfectly.

Why else would it just be those players in a kind of holding pattern? If it weren't to protect them from potential injury prior to trade?

All of our WRs, and these DEN defenders: OLB Bradley Chubb, DE Shelby Harris, NT Mike Purcell, ILB Baron Browning, CB Kyle Fuller...???

Both teams look like perfect trading partners.

BTW, YES!!! You're exactly right. They want AR in their TC asap. No question. We are going to be finding out the details very soon, I would imagine. I'm hopeful, because I think it is the best case scenario if AR refuses to continue playing in GB. Waiting for a better deal seems fraught with peril. Strike while the iron is hot.

Since'61... I think this has the potential to be the biggest trade in NFL history. John Elway is just the guy to help make that happen, trading for the reigning MVP QB. I think we are just days away from this being finalized and announced.

-4 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:12 pm

If it’s going to happen then the sooner the better. It may hurt our SB chances for the few seasons but at least we’ll have players, picks and cap space to work with.

On the flip side if a trade is not happening they need to reach an agreement and get AR back in the fold. I agree with the author’s premise that the longer this goes the worse it gets. Thanks, Since ‘61

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

June 04, 2021 at 06:46 pm

IT would have happened on draft day.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

June 03, 2021 at 08:34 pm

She is NOT from Boulder. She was born and raised in California. Nor is there ONE credible source saying she has refused to move to GB if Rodgers stays with the Pack. Stop acting like you have some inside info on their relationship and try some actual research before posting.

3 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 08:35 pm

OK. We’re done.

-1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

June 03, 2021 at 08:44 pm

Thankfully. Try understanding that your 'opinions' are just that. Making stuff up to support those opinions isn't cool.

3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 04, 2021 at 02:13 pm

I accept this possibility. Shailene lives and works in Hollywood. She is an actress but also a producer. I don't know - would AR move to Denver to be closer to his mother-in-law?

Yes, it is true he'd be closer to Hollywood, and the connections are easy out of Denver. So, even with the MIL, it is still a possible and even reasonable motivation.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 03:06 pm

Especially if they are planning to have a family. Not like he could lean on his family with a grandchild...

0 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:52 pm

As you know, Flackcatcher, I tend to agree with much that you are saying. That said, however, to me mini camp is a the first significant waypoint. The first compulsory event and the first opportunity to be a leader to the new players. If you are serious about winning, you are there as QB.

If Rodgers doesn’t turn up then I think the chances of a rapprochement go down very significantly. At that point Rodgers clearly isn’t budging on something. Gute? Money (the only true guarantee). I’ve heard a no trade clause but that doesn’t protect against injury and decline and thus being cut at a time his health or acumen puts him in a weak condition?

If Rodgers wants more cap percentage, I’d say we are done unless he agrees to play and be traded next off season. Why would he though? A year older, his current MVP is not likely to repeat and that also assumes comparable health in terms of availability and play quality.

Another often floated canard is Rodgers playing for 5 years and more. At his age, there is no guarantee that he can. A few years ago there were real doubts about his shoulder, concussions. They were overblown thus far but can’t be forgotten. And then there is the factor if arm strength. That will go at some point, none of us know when.

Put the two together and any extended guarantee that has teeth is likely monetary and this rooted in cap. If Rodgers wants 3 or more more years, there is a good chance we get an lite QB for one, maybe two. After that the odds go down fast. There is also a chance we don’t even get that.

If a guaranteed Rodgers goes down or his play does, the Packers will be in dire cap trouble. The effect on the roster wouldn’t end till his deal does. By that point we are not just bad but awful. Ironically, if Love or another turns out to be good we will be surrounding him with nothing because we are tied to Rodgers until he decides otherwise.

Even without that, Rodgers will be playing this year with likely the best roster he will have in future because he will reduce the ability to retain or recruit. Rodgers couldn’t lift us before, if he couldn’t lift us last year, why will he do so older and with less talent?

I know it’s unpleasant but ignoring the downside doesn’t make it go away. If Rodgers had simply accepted a restructure the team might have been able to add a player. If Rodgers returns on his existing he’s closed that door, but still had a darn good roster this year. If he wants more, I think he only hurts the chance of winning even this year.

The probability is that this approach has either removed or shortened Rodgers’ window to win it for GB if it’s a money guarantee thing. Unless the relationship can be resolved without further burdening our future, a one year and trade agreement would be ideal. Failing that, reluctantly, it’s Love or bust because retention will undermine the roster. It’s sucks but better to face it than not long term.

If Rodgers does not want monetary guarantees then he needs to back down and take his best window at another Super Bowl. He’s not a character one wants determining players. The team should any way say no. Gute may be replaceable but he’s done nothing real that’s wrong. Calling for him to be fired (even by back channels) is not appropriate or to be rewarded and not would it make any difference to our chances this year or maybe really next.

So it’s up to Rodgers. Win or make more money? Be made to look right or have a chance to prove your doubters wrong and win a second Super Bowl. If you believe, you will end up Richer and have more control ( even if you don’t win Bowl or MVP but just play well in big games), if you don’t, well maybe Love isn’t such a bad option after all.

3 points
flackcatcher's picture

June 05, 2021 at 08:12 pm

Thank you Coldwold. I agree with your analysis here. Rodgers has very little time to make for him, is a career alt decision. The other major factor is the emotional shock he is going through. Father Time does none of us any favors in that regard. This may be the first time that someone has said no to him in his professional life. In any case, he is not taking it well. His contract beyond the third year was always about how he exited from the organization. There was no real other option other than him doing a 'Brady'. As TGR has pointed out, Rodgers has had opportunities to do so, and has refused. Can Rodgers for once, take off the chip off his shoulder and be a man. I have my doubts.

1 points
jurp's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:41 pm

"I know many Packer fans and Rodgers is losing the PR contest."

You are so right. My 85 yo father-in-law is a no-nonsense Packers fan. His take on Rodgers' crap is, and I quote "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

Before April 1, my f-i-l loved Rodgers.

3 points
greengold's picture

June 05, 2021 at 09:03 pm

Yeah, jurp. Same with my 89 year old Dad... ha!

It was all so unnecessary. Poor decision making on his part. All he had to do was come out and explain his wishes, and my guess is more Packer fans would have understood.

Darren is looking far worse than Brent in this.

0 points
blondy45's picture

June 03, 2021 at 10:32 pm

My beliefs exactly flackcatcher. Rodgers has 2 choices. He is either in or out as a Packer. He can not decide who, where or when he is traded. Are you in Aaron? The longer you wait to decide, the worse it gets for your "legacy", not to mention your fan support. Deva, or devoted? Choose!

1 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:00 am

I agree, but right now is when Rodgers has the leverage to get what he wants. So while I don't like him doing this, I can't blame him for using the leverage he has while he has it.

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:00 am

I agree, but right now is when Rodgers has the leverage to get what he wants. So while I don't like him doing this, I can't blame him for using the leverage he has while he has it.

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:00 am

I agree, but right now is when Rodgers has the leverage to get what he wants. So while I don't like him doing this, I can't blame him for using the leverage he has while he has it.

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:01 am

Damn phone.

0 points
Bearmeat's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:29 pm

Gute has alllll the leverage. And while there are some Packer fans (notably among them those who are older and remember the no-good-QBs-age of the 70s-80s), most fans have grown weary of ARod’s schtick. You can’t capitulate to a player. No, that’s not old-school vs. new-school. That’s common sense. You can involve a player, and that’s where I fault Murphy especially, but management has to be able to manage without the fear of players powerfully voicing their displeasure.

So. ARod. Play for GB this year. Play nice and we’ll trade you somewhere in the AFC next year. Or give you a massive extension at that point (assuming that Love sucks, which they’ll know far more about him soon). Or, Aaron… are you listening? Retire. If you come back and you’re a cancer? You’ll get the T.O. Eagles treatment.

Life’s a beach sometimes, innit?

12 points
flackcatcher's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:57 pm

We may never know the interplay between Murphy and the Executive Committee back in 2017. I'm not so hard on Murphy as it looks like he was acting as the EC agent in the Rodgers negotiation. Still, the contract has come very close to breaking the Packers Cap over the past couple of years. It was not an accident that the EC hired Brian Gutekunst as VP of football operations. Rodgers clearly understood what Gutekunst's hiring meant for him. That reality is what Rodgers is screaming about how.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:19 pm

The FO has all the leverage based on the largest NFL contract in the history of Earth Rodgers signed in 2018 with big smiles and words of gratitude to the Packer organization. The benevolent 2018 organization who shoveled him the gold, he now wants to change to fit his world view of business management principles, whatever in hades they are.

3 points
Swisch's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:50 pm

Does anyone really know what is bothering Aaron Rodgers and what he wants done about it? What horrible thing was done to hurt his feelings so badly that he had to cope by taking refuge in Hawaii for a splashy getaway while his teammates were practicing? Poor guy.
What noble principle is Rodgers courageously standing up for that has him putting the team and the fans through all of this distressing melodrama?
It all seems so stupid and pointless and unnecessary -- and Rodgers has done nothing to clear things up in a way that is understandable, much less sympathetic to him.
It seems as though he is just acting like a selfish jerk. Barring some big turnaround on his part with a huge apology to all around, I really don't want him with the Packers any longer.
I'd be glad for a first-round pick and Bradley Chubb from the Broncos in return for taking Rodgers off of our hands. If Davante wants to go with Rodgers, we would get Jerry Jeudy.
Rodgers has put management in a place in which they basically have to admit to treating him in a way that is terribly unfair or grossly incompetent -- and I doubt that's the case.
That means getting rid of Rodgers as quickly as possible. I don't know what his more gigantic, his $37 million salary or his ego.
Please, Aaron, tell us in a compelling way how I'm so wrong about all of this.
As a big fan of yours, I'm still open to changing my way of thinking, and admitting any mistakes on my part. However, I'm also growing more impatient and angry by the day.

14 points
jurp's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:49 pm

Maybe he thinks he'll be named Jeopardy's new host? (hint: he won't). Personally, I think he's angling for Denver because of his fiancee, and I also think HE approached Elway, not the other way around.

And yes, we should get rid of him ASAP.

4 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:16 am

Absolutely Not! Rodgers has stated his desire to remain with one team in his career. That's the Packers! He doesn't want to be traded, he wants to stay in GB. All he's doing is using what leverage he has right now, coming off an MVP season to get what he wants! To end his career in GB and if possible win another SB.

Trading him now is accepting a discount on a trade. Maximum value is next offseason when as many as 10 teams would be interested in trading for a HOF QB. Not now when one or two teams might make an offer!

Take your emotions out of it! It's a business stance by both Rodgers and the Packers right now. Nothing more.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 04, 2021 at 08:45 am

With the proper talent and draft exchange I'd be very willing to package Adam's and Rodger's.

Over the year's, Rodger's leads a very private personal life. Don't all of you wonder about the very public display of photos on Instagram to coincide with OTA's? Childish!

Rodger's is childish and to some degree immature. Such an embarrassing negotiation strategy. Yup, let's send photos of his fiance in bikinis flaunting her body to the world to try selling his indifference to the Packers and teammates, and to try demonstrating how he is having so much fun. Some years ago my wife and I were on vacation and unfortunately decided to attend a timeshare presentation and the timeshare manager brings a photo album mostly of his attractive wife in string bikinis. Very odd and awkward! Yup, Rodger's keep those itsy bitsy bikini photos coming, as I'm sure Gutey and Murphy will be forced to acquiesce to your childish demands.

0 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:49 pm

The marriage is broken. For some time now Rodgers has had his eyes on 'another.' All he's trying to do is make the Packers look like the offending party and him the victim. This is trompe l'oeil - an illusion - something that misleads or deceives the senses. If Rodgers is truly unhappy - that he'd rather be somewhere else than in Green Bay - let him go. However the time, conditions and settlement of his leaving should be entirely at the choosing of the GBP - one which benefits the team the most.

14 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:27 pm

"Hi Aaron. Brian here. Say, just to let you know we have been able to meet your demands and trade you off the Green Bay Packers. You and Jordan Love have been traded to Jacksonville for Trevor Lawrence."

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:33 pm

Interesting...very interesting.

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:27 am

This is complete hogwash! Rodgers stated desire is to finish his career having played for only one team. That's the Packers! He has gained some leverage and he's using it towards that end! Nothing more!

Quite listening to talking head on TV, they don't know squat. He wants to end his career having played only for the Packers. He's said it numerous times.

He realized when Love was drafted he may not get that wish. And it fueled him last year to play his absolute best and now after winning an MVP he's using that leverage to try to stay in GB for the duration of his career.

0 points
10ve 💚's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:43 pm

"When Does It Make Sense to Move On From Aaron Rodgers?"

What about today?

6 points
Savage57's picture

June 04, 2021 at 06:12 am

On the tail of Ken's article suggesting the Packers just wait Rodgers out, I almost expected Gil to start his article with...

"Ken, you ignorant slut!"

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:35 am

It just amazes me that you don't understand the situation. And it's sad. This is business posturing, nothing more. Take your emotions out of it. It's just business and leveraging the situation to get what he wants... to start and finish his career having only played for the Packers.

1 points
greengold's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:42 am

I agree with you, with all of what you say, except the last sentence.

He’s leveraged out now, really. Maybe I’m wrong, Stroh, but it looks like you’re really only considering this from AR’s perspective.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

June 03, 2021 at 12:52 pm

Jordan Love was drafted to be our starting QB. That’s a fact. Ideally, he would have backed up Rodgers for two years, and then started the 2022 season, because it would be nice to see him in action before we have to commit big money to exercise the 5th year option.

That was the plan. There was never a “let’s ride Rodgers for several more years” plan. The next paragraph is going to really upset some people, but it’s fact:

Aaron Rodgers isn’t Tom Brady. He doesn’t win those big games. He comes close, but regardless of who we have around him or who the coach is, he doesn’t win. At the same time, his impact on the salary cap restricts our ability to improve other areas of the team. He’s a great QB, and might be for several years, but committing the future of the franchise to a QB his age and history borders on malfeasance. His trade value will never be greater than it is right now.

I think if we’d gone to the Super Bowl last year, none of this happens.

9 points
10ve 💚's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:07 pm

"The next paragraph is going to really upset some people".

This person is not upset.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:02 pm

For some losing Rodgers is losing the Packers, as it was with Favre. The Packers are just their idol’s team. They don’t care about anything other than him playing on a good team. They will give Rodgers anything.

Some believe that Rodgers, after being MVP last year, is immune from age, injury and decline at least as long as Brady. There is very little basis for believing that. It’s not impossible, just very very improbable, to the point where no rational GM/FO would bet on it, let alone mortgage the Franchise for years.

The solution was the current agreement. Reworking for cap is Rodgers neutral. That doesn’t change things, but it’s the sole viable way to extend Rodgers window with the Packers and not cripple the roster now and after. IF that’s what he is demanding, then the relationship should be over.

2 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:31 pm

Well, then clearly you're not "some people"! ;)

0 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:15 pm

He’d have to be Legion to manage that.

1 points
calabasa's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:21 pm

And hasn’t Brady actually taken smaller contracts to help his team win??

7 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:27 pm

There have also been allegations of the Krafts sneaking his family money under the table...

-1 points
gkarl's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:21 pm

NE would never do anything like that, they're a model franchise. :)

1 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:20 pm

Spies, all of them are Belichick’s spies.model franchise. LOL.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:16 pm

Well there was hiring his personal trainer and then a business of his if I recall.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:32 pm

That paragraph didn't upset me.

And if a scientific poll were completed, I doubt it would upset 95% of respondents either. Rodgers is losing the PR contest.

5 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:27 pm

And I think this bothers him. This is why he did the Mayne interview.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 08:10 pm

I think without doubt. This has always been his modus operandi.

0 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 04, 2021 at 08:50 am

Not sure why truth and honesty should upset anyone!

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 04, 2021 at 02:44 pm

I imagine some inkling of this sentiment might have been part of things. If the FO doesn't think AR is clutch, that would make things very personal very fast.

2 points
Turophile's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:00 pm

There are two sliding scales happening. One is Rodgers declining and the only question is how fast.

The other is an unknown, but potentially it is Jordan Love ascending. Love may never ascend as high as fans want, but he is the other dynamic until he proves he can be QB1, or he flames out.

If Love flames out, then you get a third sliding scale with a new (or traded vet QB).

It's all about where these things might intersect and how steep the lines are, up and down.

The wildcard is how much Rodgers is worth to another team, if he really does want to be elsewhere, and what the Packers make of the extra picks.

4 points
CoachDino's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:06 pm

To date Rodgers hasn't said he wants to be traded, isn't coming back, will retire.
He hasn't missed one mandatory day, not one.

So how do we come to this point of assumptions all based on what he hasn't said and what has been reported w/o a source?

We do know Gute stance, he won't be traded. That has been stated.

We also know the packers hold all the cards.

So why do we insist on acting like a decision needs to be made fast and there has already been damage. Both have zero basis in fact.

when he know shows for the first preseason game it becomes serious. Now at that point why wouldn't the team just wait until 2022 to trade him. The value has been well documented as to why waiting until then is in the best interest of the team as far as value.

5 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:39 pm

So you really believe Rodgers would would be a happy camper with a guarantee he would be traded in 2022?

1 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:46 pm

Excellent post CoachDino. I agree. Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:34 pm

I think with Rodgers, given his predisposition to passive aggressiveness - it is often what he doesn't say or cryptically infers - that is most telling. He had an opportunity to clarify, on the Kenny Mayne interview, all the rumors, unrest and speculation swirling around 1265 Lombardi Ave. He did not. In fact, he only furthered them.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:06 pm

All this is true, we don’t know why Rodgers is where he is or what he wants and why. I’d say missing Mini-Camp would be a good indication of whether his head us where a leaders should be sufficiently. Miss that and I doubt he rolls up positive at the start of camp.

0 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:16 pm

Coldworld, we know that Rodgers wants some level of security to remain as the Packers starting QB. I would offer him 2-3 years with an option to go year by year after that if he is still performing at a high level. If we made that offer and he refuses then I would trade him ASAP while we can still get a good return and before he decides to retire and we get nothing for him. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:20 pm

I suppose one day we may find out what was asked and offered. I’m not all that confident though.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:35 pm

Given that both sides are very tight lipped you are probably correct in that assumption. Thanks, Since '61

-1 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 06:34 pm

I'm sure both sides will eventually write books, telling the same story completely differently, and leaving us all not knowing what the truth is and $35.99 (twice!) poorer...

-1 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:38 pm

"Coldworld, we know that Rodgers wants some level of security to remain as the Packers starting QB."

Honestly, '61, I don't think that's what this is about at all. I think he sees a battle and he desperately wants to win it. It's not about the war at this stage. I think that's what's always motivated him. He wants the Packers to choose him over someone--Gutekunst, Murphy, Love--as they have in the past.

4 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:20 pm

Dobber, I wouldn’t rule out anything. If he just want to win a fight/war that’s a big mistake. The team holds the cards. Rodgers only leverage is if Love is not ready to play, but Bortles can cover if Love is not ready to start the season.

No matter how this plays out it is a temporary situation and the Packers will move on from AR in the reasonably near future. They just need to define if that’s now or in 2-3 seasons. Thanks, Since ‘61

3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:21 pm

This point doesn’t get made often enough. So many seem to think Rodgers will remain healthy, motivated and unaffected by time. This is a short window. It’s just a question of how short. I have even wondered if that isn’t in part what’s behind it, a sense of mortality creeping in. Athletes face it early and each is different in their reaction to it.

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:09 pm

I would offer what he already has - a signed contract - that all parties happily signed in 2018 - that has 3 years remaining. If Rodgers is truly unhappy with the contract, he should direct his ire towards his agent. It is apparent that the Packers simply did a better job of structuring the contract than the Rodgers camp. So kudos to management.

7 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:35 pm


3 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 04:24 pm

Well said. Really well said.

Halfway through the front loaded deal when all the guaranteed money is gone, he decides to be a problem to that same team who helped make him who he is today. At a time when the TEAM is about to realize it's ultimate success, and the legit, planned for & dreamed about ROI we all had hoped for...

It really is an appalling shame what is taking place here. I'm still a bit in shock with it all.

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:12 pm

If you believe the product is at its highest value and you believe strongly in the new product to take its place, the sensible time is when the value obtainable is at its highest and the initial drop in the product exchange will be recouped in short order if you believe in the knowledge you have about the new product.

The FO should have seen or known this scenario was likely and their hesitation to excise whom they believe is cancerous speaks volumes to second-guessing of the decision that created the chaos and allowed perceived cancer to dictate the decision they need to make to remove themselves from the proverbial fence post on which they sit atop uncomfortably.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:42 pm

True enough. Except the Packers may be thinking that he hasn't yet reached his highest market/trade value relative to their salary cap position. Also their declaration "That we are not trading Aaron" is just PR speak - should not be held as gospel.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:11 pm

If they trade this year the problem is cap and collateral. The best deal is likely if a contender loses their starter. If I was the FO, I’d sit tight and move ahead on all cylinders on Path B. Of course Rodgers could retire to block the trade, but how he would recover reputation from that I am not sure.

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:35 pm

Also if he retired, Rodgers would have to pay back not only the $23 million of remaining signing bonus money but potentially the $6.8 million roster bonus he collected at the start of the league-year. As he just shelled-out 28M for a Malibu pad - another 30M is a huge pile of cash and with no job to boot! Keeping up appearances may be more difficult for the man bun QB.

1 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:36 pm

If he retires why should he care about his reputation. He's retired and goes off to live happily ever after. He'll still be a first ballot HOFer. Thanks, Since '61

-1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:00 pm

People who believe they can change a culture worry, not about their reputation but their success. Rodgers has his reputation, good or bad in people's eyes, it's his lack of success he worries about as time closes in because Division Titles just don't scream it loud enough, and why I don't for such either. Rodgers wants more SB's or at least one more, where the FO has it on the priority list somewhere.

1 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:24 pm

The problem is that SBs are way down on the priority list. Thanks, Since ‘61

-1 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:56 pm

If Rodgers wanted more Super Bowls, maybe he should have handed the ball off more in a balanced attack. If you doubt this, go back and look at the pass happy imbalance of every loss, all 8 of them in the last 10 years.

It wasn’t all his fault. But... this is definitely a component that was within his control making calls at the line on all those pass/pass ... uh,... options... ???

Being pass heavy leads to taking sacks, the most consistent indicator of whether a team will lose. It also stops the clock more, allowing the opposing offense more chances to score, while exhausting your own defense.

48 pass attempts to just 16 rushing attempts v. TB alone.

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

June 03, 2021 at 06:20 pm

Wasn't the overuse or misguided use of the run in the second half against Seattle which led to the Bostick fiasco? Didn't GB go two possessions back to back with the result being 3 and out on runs? I could be wrong but for the Packers, it sure seems like the run game dampens the offensive adrenaline. Or is it unable to use it when the opponent knows it's coming because that's what a run game does in championship-level games?

0 points
greengold's picture

June 03, 2021 at 06:51 pm

... said, the San Francisco 49ers. Nonetheless, good get, TarynsEyes!!! That was a freaky game. We scored 6 points for the entire 2nd half. John Ryan throws a TD on a fake FG. That one was balanced, in spurts.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 08:17 pm

I am so glad we ran Ryan out of town after his impudence running for a first down on a botched punt.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:25 pm

I think Rodgers needs to be liked or respected. He isn’t going to sit in a tractor in obscurity in his mind. I think his reputation matters quite a bit to him. Can I prove it, no. But I’ve thought that for a long time.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:59 pm

Did you work-in a Favre reference?

1 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:15 pm

How many buyers are there? According to most verifiable reports--none. People talk about Denver, but there have been no calls.

That's a serious downer on his trade value.

Nothing will heat up until after the start of minicamp, if anything. If ARod doesn't show, some teams will hope the Packers will fire-sale him.

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:33 pm

How many actual interested buyers there is not known because smart buyers will not show their willingness to move on from who they have unless the possibility is publicly placed on the for sale block. Why create an issue when the reason has yet been viably made 100% true. How many teams do you think would move from the QB they have for Rodgers if GB said the bidding is now officially open. Denver has nothing to lose by making it known they'd want Rodgers. Who are they pissing off, Lock, Bridgewater?

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:42 pm

Hindsight is perfect vision.

3 points
TarynsEyes's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:51 pm

Where is the implied hindsight? I spoke of foresight which the FO failed to see or ignorantly ignored as to Rodgers' unhappiness, dismay, or perceived temper tantrum when the FO made the decision on Love being drafted, depending on one's view. Wouldn't the personal feelings of any star QB be part of the decision since they do play a huge part in the symbiotic circle of the franchise, where what affects one affects all? Surely whatever the FO did or does that needs to be accounted for with more emphasis than appears to have been, regardless of the side we fans take alone, together, or wagon hoppers.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:04 pm

As I've posted from the beginning the Murphy triumvirate has not thought any of this through. First they drafted Love on an impulse because the board didn't fall they were they were expecting in 2020. So they took Love, which is fine, but in the interim they failed to consider the implications with Rodgers.
Ignoring their most valuable asset was their first cardinal sin of management.

Now they are compounding the problem by committing the second and most egregious cardinal sin of management which is to do nothing. They hold all the cards but they aren't playing any of them. They are just holding them, why? They could have made a trade, probably with Denver, maybe the Raiders. They could extend and/or guarantee Rodgers for another 2-3 seasons, but they haven't yet, why? Apparently they have decided to play the hand that could hurt the team the most, which is wait for Rodgers to either show up or retire. If Rodgers retires the Packers lose him and get no return. That is the worst possible outcome for the Packers in the short and the long term. No Rodgers to win in the short term and no picks or players to support Love in the longer term.

Clearly the Packers moved on keeping the band together without considering if Rodgers would be there. Yet another cardinal sin of management, which is failing to prepare for the worst case scenario. As I've posted on other threads here at CHTV, management of a for profit organization with shareholders would be getting clobbered in the market right now because their share price would be dropping like a stone under this type of incompetent management. At this point the Board of Directors would at least have begun a search for candidates to begin to replace this management team. But here we are. Thanks, Since '61

-7 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:15 pm

I find I disagree with almost every assumption based on what we do or don’t know. To assume a contract will be fulfilled is not illogical. If Rodgers told them he wouldn’t prior to last season or even after the loss, maybe I’d give a little credence, particularly the former. Actions and whispers seem to suggest he did not. I fear sir, though you are a true Packers devotee with out doubt, you are clutching at straws.

5 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:22 pm

I'm not clutching at straws except maybe to find the one that explains to me what the Packers are doing.
If they are not going to trade him, which they have stated and they are not going to come to an agreement with him they are left with 2 options. Either Rodgers returns and plays or he retires. If he retires how is that good for the Packers?

Now it's possible that they are working on agreement with Rodgers which we are unaware of. That would be fine.
But if they are not, what is their expected outcome? That where I am coming from, maybe that is grasping for straws, but as I say I'm looking for a positive outcome for the Packers and as of this moment I don't see a positive outcome. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Fabio's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:11 pm

Ancora una volta totalmente d'accordo con te dal '61!!!
Questo è quello che vado dicendo da più di un mese. Le persone corrono dietro a simpatie o antipatie per Gute o Ar. Io personalmente non credo che avrei mai permesso che questa situazione si verificasse. Credo che siamo stati abituati troppo bene con AR che non ci rendiamo più conto della realtà. Parliamo di Ar dicendo che non è in grado di portarci al SB. In compenso non diciamo mai che negli ultimi 10 anni GB non ha mai avuto una D top5 e che in particolare negli ultimi 4 NFCC abbiamo ceduto in media 35 punti!!!!!(Ma la colpa è di AR) Comunque questo è il mio pensiero, non deve essere per forza condiviso, e soprattutto può essere sbagliato. Quindi l'importante è la squadra. Se penso al bene della squadra vedo una sola cosa:
"IL FO non aveva un piano"!!!!! e rischia di non ottenere nulla per uno dei più grandi Q della storia di questo sport dopo un MVP!!!!
Se questa è competenza ho ancora speranze per diventare direttore della NASA! (LOL)
Qualcuno sostiene addirittura che nessuno è interessato ad AR !! (Chiedi a SF .....) Ma il nostro FO è il migliore di tutta la NFL tanto che nella migliore delle ipotesi otterrà delle scelte per anni futuri che non saranno mai di prime posizioni al draft (nessuno fa mai notare questo) mentre avrebbe potuto scambiare prima del draft ed ottenere in qursta stagione giocatori di prima posizione!!! (nessuno lo fa notare)
Se questo significa organizzare bene ......
L'unica verità è che adesso qualcuno sta solo cercando di pararsi il culo!!!
Once again totally agree with you since '61 !!!
This is what I've been saying for over a month. People run after likes or dislikes for Gute or Ar. I personally don't think I would ever have allowed this situation to happen. I think we have been too well used with AR that we no longer realize the reality. We talk about Ar saying that he is unable to take us to SB. On the other hand we never say that in the last 10 years GB has never had a D top5 and that in particular in the last 4 NFCC we have sold on average 35 points !!!!! (But the fault lies with AR) However this is mine thought, it doesn't have to be shared, and above all it can be wrong. So the important thing is the team. If I think about the good of the team I see only one thing:
"THE FO didn't have a plan" !!!!! and risks not getting anything for one of the greatest Qs in the history of this sport after an MVP !!!!
If this is a skill I still have hope of becoming a NASA director! (LOL)
Some even claim that no one is interested in AR !! (Ask SF .....) But our FO is the best in the whole NFL so much so that at best he will get picks for future years that will never be top positions in the draft (no one ever points this out) while he could have traded before the draft and obtained first-place players in the fourth season !!! (nobody points it out)
If that means organizing well ...
The only truth is that now someone is just trying to cover their ass !!!

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:32 pm

Negotiating often involves drawing lines cap and collaring your position: defining the parameters within which the solution makes sense to proceed with. I have a suspicion that Rodgers us outside those of the Packers. Since they hold the cards, I think they are talking but not bending. If those parameters are valid, that’s the right strategy if so, unless a great offer or Rodgers budging or other factor changes the calculation.

We don’t know, so we are both guessing, but that’s my gut feeling.

1 points
madtowndan's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:25 pm

It's pretty simple really. You just have to answer whether you want the best chance at winning a Superbowl in the next couple of seasons. If you want a Superbowl title now, you don't trade or release one of the best QBs to ever play the game, especially when you've assembled a team around him which complements that chance.

Even if Love turns out to be the third consecutive 1st-ballot hall of fame-caliber QB for the Packers, it's not likely he'll reach that level in the next couple of seasons. And really, what are the odds that he reaches that level at all? Somewhere between slim and none.

Whatever happens with ARodg, the sun will still rise in the east, it will still snow in Wisconsin during the winter, and the Packers will still be a successful NFL franchise. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

10 points
wildbill's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:43 pm

For those who have stated that moving on from Rodgers would start the new Love Era, I highly doubt he would beat out Bortles for the starting job this year. Just saying....

3 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:17 pm

For me it’s not about Bortles or Love, but Rodgers desire and/or our ability to maintain a team around him next year and after he goes, whenever that is.

1 points
BartySmith76's picture

June 03, 2021 at 01:50 pm

Maybe we could actually start having a consistent commitement to the running game.

4 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:05 pm

At least that is what coach MM would be saying by now. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:18 pm

Well Love would improve scrambling yards most likely. Does that count?

0 points
HarryHodag's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:11 pm

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports a commercial image of Rodgers broadcast during a Wi. Timber Rattlers game recently brought about audible boos from the crowd.

It's time for the Packers to move on and take the best offer they have. Rodgers can take his circus with him to his next stop. I'm done with him.

Packers fan since 1961.

6 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:48 pm

Boos should not be underestimated. Most management are extremely aware of their sources, frequency and volume.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:35 pm

So are most agents.

1 points
Since'61's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:12 pm

I agree with Gil and have previously posted that the longer this goes on the worse it will get for the Packers organization.

Worst case is that Rodgers retires and the Packers get nothing in return.
Second worst case would be for Rodgers to hold out and the locker room becomes divided.
Least worst is that Rodgers is eventually traded but for probably much less than the Packers could get at this point. Once teams get to TC and have their offense installed it will be un likely that they will want to bring in a new QB or offer very much to obtain one even a QB of Rodgers caliber. At that point they may as well wait until next season and bring him in for the 2022 OTAs.

Rodgers wants some lev el of security so if I was the FO I would offer him 2-3 seasons at the most with the option to go year by year after that. If Rodgers refuses that make a trade, but don't wait, do it now. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:24 pm

"Second worst case would be for Rodgers to hold out and the locker room becomes divided."

This would certainly be a test for LaF and his staff. Perhaps he's a good enough coach to find ways to use it to galvanize the locker room.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:39 pm

The flaw in this assumption is that it will break in support of Rodgers. On any large roster, it’s equally likely to break against him for the most part and more likely to fracture into multiple camps.

2 points
Archie's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:14 pm

Pro Football Talk has a piece out today arguing the best time to trade Rodgers is MAR of 22 even if that means Rodgers retires and sits out 2021. This assumes that AR will be as valuable in a trade in MAR 22 as he is now, which I think is dubious at best. A year away from the game at his age is not a good thing and he would be a year older, both of which could drive the price down. So I'm still of the opinion that if he holds out of camp on June 8, time to move on and get the best deal you can for him. DEN and OAK - both in the AFC and both would give Pack a king's ransom for him.

3 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:22 pm

If the Packers try to trade him this summer, there will be only one or maybe two suitors. Teams will be expecting a fire sale from a desperate Packers team trying to recoup something from their most valuable commodity. Relative to depressed offers, I don't think it would hurt his trade value to wait...especially because #12 knows it will hurt his image to sit.

5 points
dobber's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:23 pm

"What would an unhappy Rodgers do to this team? Would he be less committed to winning and not play as well? Would he be a cancer in the locker room if he truly has lost confidence in the front office or in the way they have treated him?"

The Packers seemed perfectly happy to allow an unhappy and obstinate Brett Favre--with his own separate locker space--run roughshod over the team in the 2000s.

-2 points
jhtobias's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:38 pm

I'f Rodgers wants out it really doesn't matter that he gives us the best chance. I wish Rodgers would just say or his agent that it doesn't matter what the packers do whether that is money signing his buddies he will never set foot in green bay again.

At least be a man and say what it will take or if it will take anything. This is turning into a clown show. Lafleur your the leader start being energetic when talking about love even if you don't believe it.

3 points
Archie's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:54 pm

Agreed. The cat and mouse passive/aggressive BS is for the birds. Give us your bottom line and we will deal with it, one way or the other.

2 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:03 am


I hate how LF appears weak and pleasing about Rodgers. Gimmie a break! That is the best you can do? As much as I like LF as a coach thank God he isnt in the FO negotiating for the Packers.

And yes...talk about Love and help encourage him. Sweet Jesus!!!

1 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:39 am

I think we kind of have to give LaFleur some leeway for coach speak. He's aware of the Team stance, and answers accordingly. Doesn't mean that is what is occurring, nor does it mean that is necessarily how he feels about an ongoing subject.

Seems best to let it play out, then we'll know. Flaming LaFleur and the Packers FO seems futile, as there are way too many unknowns in what are very precarious personnel matters.

Regardless of what the media says, most of it really just re-stating Gutekunst's stance the team released more than one month ago, ("holding firm") DEN and GB have players that did not practice in OTAs.

Being most from GB involved our entire WR group from last season, the majority of whom we all know needed those OTA opportunities to establish themselves, one could surmise it was done via team directive, pending trade discussions.

DEN having done the same with defensive players we would likely want in trade lends more credence to the idea, that maybe AR is in the process of being moved now.

I mean, c'mon! Were talking Davante Adams, Allen Lazard, MVS, etc. along with Bradley Chubb, Shelby Harris, Mike Purcell and Baron Browning... it's simple math.

Isn't the fact that they are using this coach speak right now a little telling as well? Otherwise, what's the point?

0 points
Cwilly's picture

June 06, 2021 at 11:21 pm

He’s not going to the Broncos will you please stop saying he is. He’s gonna retire that’s that packers put gute first and he’s gonna show packers nation what we have. I’m sick of everyone comparing him to favre cuz of drama when he bailed the franchise out from day one. Packers are gonna be the laughing stock of the nfl and I’ll still be a fan but to think gute is a genius and Murphy is comical at this point.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

June 04, 2021 at 03:14 pm

I've done some negotiating. Can't ever remember starting out with or even telling anyone what my bottom-line position.

1 points
Packers0808's picture

June 03, 2021 at 02:59 pm

Do not give into Rodgers one IOTA! Either he plays or retires, PERIOD! The guy thinks the Green Bay Football life revolves around him , guess what it revolves around 52 other guys, coaches et AND ESPECIALLY US THE FANS! Been a Packer fan since 1958 and this is about as much hogwash as the Favre incident! Rodgers should take his new found man bun and go and reread the letters a real gentleman and football player sent him years ago, Mr Bart Starr! That MAN is how Packer Fans want to remember the Packers not about some snot nosed spoiled Chump!

7 points
Fabio's picture

June 03, 2021 at 03:19 pm

I have great respect for all the people who cheer Green Bay Packers like me, especially those who have been cheering for longer than me !!! I'm just saying that as players get paid to play, executives get paid to organize and schedule. The current situation is only proof that the FO did not have a plan

-2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 04:34 pm

The FO doesn't need a plan when they have a legally binding contract in place with Rodgers. In reality, the Packers need to do nothing but remind him that he has a contract to fulfill. Should he refuse, then he would be in breach of contract - which then would set-off a number of team and legal actions. But is clear, that the Packers have the legal high ground here. They're just waiting for Rodgers to make his first move. All he has done so far is talk - not walk.

3 points
Fabio's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:07 pm

If all this is enough for you, I'm happy for you.
If they had a solution they already had it, but the reality is that they don't. You are all talking about the AR contract but the reality is that the first to not want to respect it is Gute.
Again the reality is that Gute challenged AR because he wanted to switch to him in 2022, but AR beat him by winning the MVP and now Gute doesn't know what to do.
Then if you want to see other realities you are free to do so as well as talk about Ar's character, his family, his girlfriend etc ... When you seriously see the FO failure it will be too late.
Small parenthesis, let's remember that the steps from Q to Q as from Favre to Rodgers do not always happen (Clearly I hope so with Love), but here everyone thinks that it's all very simple because Gute has chosen him and even if he has not played one shot there are those who think it can even take us to the SB .....
Unfortunately we are becoming a joke .....
Like the one that Brady did not occupy the same cap as AR when in reality the cap in all the years he played Brady in the NE was lower than it is now and the incidence of the Cap was almost identical (with Kraft paying it by evading taxes !)
The absurd is that we are passing this stalemate as if it were a normal thing ... and as if the FO had no faults

-2 points
Stroh's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:40 am

They have admitted they made a mistake. Sending Gutey, Murphy and LaFluer to talk to him to try to get him back in house is an apology in itself. They have admitted they didnt' handle it correctly. Move ON already. The ball is in Rodgers court and its up to him to decide, but ultimately the Packers hold all the cards!

0 points
Fabio's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:11 pm

Think if AR withdraws !!!! We get nothing !!!! FO would get nothing from one of the greatest Qs in history after an MVP season !!!
A colossal success !!!
The teams will compete to take on Gute and Co.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:42 pm

Actually I would say that in hindsight Rodgers current contract looks like they had a very clear plan when they negotiated and signed it.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 06:03 pm

FO - MVP - Russ Ball.

1 points
Fubared's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:22 am

Had to check to make sure I didnt write this because its my thoughts exactly. Hey moving on has some lumps but every team loses a star here and there and must make the most of it.
Prima dona's just want attention and its time the pack org just says, beautiful mystery is over. Suit up or shut up.

3 points
stockholder's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:28 pm

If Rodgers retirees. The negativity will hurt this organization for years. And if they don't win a Super Bowl before Rodgers gets inducted. The Packers will be the laughing stock of the NFL once again.

-6 points
Coldworld's picture

June 03, 2021 at 05:46 pm

I think most of the NFL has decided we won’t win again with Rodgers, just win enough to get to the post season. As to the negativity, pro players move on fast if they want to stay in the league. You are only as good as your roster each year. I don’t see that as a lingering issue unless Rodgers leaves us with huge dead money from some crazy extension.

2 points
stockholder's picture

June 03, 2021 at 06:10 pm

The negativity will come from the experts. Not the the ones who cover the packers. Expect more hype and over the top evaluations.

0 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

June 03, 2021 at 06:23 pm

"The Packers will be the laughing stock of the NFL once again."

First, just for clarification, when were the Packers, last, the laughing stock of the NFL?

Secondly, if Rodgers retires, he'll have to payback $ 30M to the Packers - so that he can just be a near middle-age beach dude, with his younger (smarter) fiance. If so, it's definitely not the Packers I'm laughing at.

1 points
stockholder's picture

June 04, 2021 at 07:45 am

73 -80. And if it wasn't for a couple of 8-8 seasons that could have been up to wolf. They were not a Super -Bowl favorite. IMO Rodgers will retire before the season starts. Barry Sanders did. // He might show up just to keep the bonus. But the retirement will happen.

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 03, 2021 at 08:32 pm

Everyone is assuming Rodgers wants to be traded. We DO NOT know that! And personally I don't believe it. It's a media created narrative. Rodgers has never said it. In fact, he's upset this is in the public domain. If you really want a trade you come out and state it, so bidders start pushing offers at the Packers.

Every time someone in the media discusses this It's all based on false assumptions and the media narrative.

Simply put, Rodgers winning MVP gives him leverage to use to try to force the Packers to guarantee more years of his contract (right now he has no more guaranteed money in the last 3 years).

If he wants a new extension that pays him significant money above his current contract the Packers may have to trade him. But it will be at the Packers time. They can't give him significantly more without seriously jeopardizing being able to field a competitive team after he's done. It would require pushing money into voidable yrs and then being in caphell for a few yrs. That's not really an option.

Make Rodgers play in GB or nowhere this year! Reevaluate next offseason. They will have a better idea about Love next offseason and Rodgers would still have incredibly high value in a trade. If Rodgers is amenable to simply guaranteeing more years, do it. More money is probably not possible in the Packers eyes. More guaranteed years on his current contract, absolutely!

0 points
Swisch's picture

June 03, 2021 at 09:25 pm

If Aaron Rodgers doesn't want to be traded, why hasn't he denied the story put out by Adam Schefter so notoriously on the day of the draft? Why doesn't he say that Schefter messed up the story big time?
If Rodgers can slyly say with irritating vagueness that the Packers front office has forgotten about how to treat people right, then why can't he say something coy about Schefter maybe not treating him properly?
Then again, why does Rodgers have to be so elusive, and why can't he just say what he means? He doesn't have to divulge all of the inside details, but still be forthright about what's bothering him and what he wants -- as well as adding an honest statement about the draft-day report by Schefter that set off this whole circus.
I'm glad for other fans to correct any mistakes I'm making in my understanding of the situation. I don't have the patience to follow the events in much detail.
To me, it comes down to Rodgers seeming to not have any good reason for causing a huge commotion with the Packers when everyone should be focused on the Super Bowl.
It seems like Rodgers is playing games, and I'm angry about it. All who care about the Packers deserve better than his apparent disrespecting of us.
It seems it's Aaron Rodgers who needs a reminder about how to treat people.

5 points
Stroh's picture

June 04, 2021 at 12:18 am

If Rodgers denies ge might want to be traded, it significantly hurts the leverage he has right now. He will never have more leverage than right now. How does denying possible trade rumors improve his bargaining stance?!

No doubt he playing some games, but it's a BUSINESS and negotiating stance.

If he comes out and says that he doesn't want to be traded and shows up for OTAs and meetings what incentive do the Packers have to give Rodgers what he wants? They have NO REASON. IMO what he wants is what he's always stated... to end his career with the only team he's known. Tha Packers!

I'm trying to be patient and bite my tongue (turning over a new leaf). Don't take Rodgers stance personally. It's a BUSINESS stance!

-1 points
Fabio's picture

June 04, 2021 at 03:55 am

I remind everyone that we pay a GM handsomely. He created this situation and he had to have a solution to avoid this situation ... I care about AR up to a certain point .... the team is more important and I would expect a good GM to act to avoid that these problems arise. If AR no longer wants to stay in Green Bay who cares a player can never be bigger than a franchise !! But Gute must have already solved the problem with an exchange at the beginning of the year so that he could choose one of the first players in the draft !!! now if all goes well (I doubt it) we will have choices in the next few years that can never be higher than 20 place !!
I repeat AR is free to do what he wants. The problem is that not even Gute knows what JL will be like and doesn't want to take the risk of going with him for fear of making a shit figure.

-1 points
Stroh's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:07 am

Actually Rodgers is not free to do what he wants. He is contractually obligated to the Packers for 3 years.

He has few choices... He can choose not to play and lose close to 30M, which isn't much of an option.
He can chose to play for the Packers and get paid what his current contract is scheduled to pay him.

The Packers are tho ones w/ options.

1 points
Fubared's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:19 am

He does to the west coast. You dont really think the pack fans are more important then him being home, with his fiance and playing golf all year long do you. He's done the packer thing, ben ther done that and has no love for GB.
Its a job.

0 points
Crankbait's picture

June 04, 2021 at 06:20 am

Gute.......C'mon man !
Guarantee Arod for two years and do your job bringing the paying fans a couple SB's.
What are you waiting for ?

-3 points
greengold's picture

June 04, 2021 at 07:15 am

Hey Crankbait, I understand your wanting to go all in to win another Super Bowl or two. I just don't see that as the route.

Part of his job, arguably the biggest part of his job, is insuring the Green Bay Packers remain competitive.

Throwing more money at Aaron Rodgers, while we are already in cap hell, struggling as we did this year just to get our drafted players signed, knowing 2022 is going to be a nightmare in trying to keep this team together, seems counterproductive.

Signing him to even more money does not insure a couple of Super Bowls. While Aaron Rodgers might have been happy to take all the glory in winning Super Bowl XLV, we had one hell of a defense helping to make that possible.

Pickett, Raji, Jenkins, Matthews, Woodson, Collins, Shields, Williams, Green, Hawk...

Quite honestly, I don't even think more money will do it. He wants out.

Now, if you want to talk about trading AR to DEN, getting a couple key defenders added to our roster, and go all in by signing Sheldon Richardson... I'm all ears.

1 points
Crankbait's picture

June 04, 2021 at 06:22 am

Gute.......C'mon man !
Guarantee Arod for two years and do your job bringing the paying fans a couple SB's.
What are you waiting for ?

0 points
Stroh's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:32 am

Gutey and the Packers have offered an extension and more guaranteed years. Rodgers hasn't signed it yet! They can't offer significantly more money w/o seriously jeopardizing fut cap years. If they do it might take them 5 years to even become competitive again post - Rodgers.

I'm imploring you guys to go to other sources, instead of just staying on this site. JSO just had a great article about how far the Packers can/should go to appease Rodgers. ESPN Packers and other sites. Get informed, instead of staying here and sharing 1/2 truths w/ one another. And take your emotions out of it... Its a BUSINESS!

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 04, 2021 at 07:22 am

Or just maybe...

MLF made Rodgers.

AR was struggling mightily before MLF showed up and salvaged his career.

All AR did was get MM fired (deservedly so for staleness and excessive massages at inappropriate times).

Rodgers is a has-been.

Trade his ass and watch how average his old ass becomes without the great supporting cast he has around him in GB, both players and coaches.

Buh Bye

4 points
Fubared's picture

June 04, 2021 at 09:03 am

For the sake of the org, and that includes fans, it's time they phone Rodgers and say what is it going to be. You playing or not. Beautiful mystery must end now, your not bigger then the org.
If he indicates he is sitting, fine trade him after next season and move on take your dam lumps.
We all hate the dentist until he has made the pain go away.

3 points
packer132's picture

June 05, 2021 at 09:41 pm

Two beat writers who cover the team and players feel that Rodgers is too dug in, and will not be back. Its not about money and nothing can convince him to play another snap. He is like a girlfriend/wife who doesn't forget a bad argument, and revenge is the only answer. He won't show next week for mandatory camp and will not be in Green Bay for training camp in 6 weeks. If Gute really won't trade him, I see Bortles or Love as the QB in week #1. Packers play the season out and trade Rodgers in 2022.

1 points
salsilv209's picture

June 08, 2021 at 05:36 am

in all due respect to my fellow pack fans. sorry for what i am about to say but its the truth. i just about have had it with the way the front office handles these situations and this has happen before with favre. i am tired of this particular group of decision makers because they got a bad habit of disrespecting great players. They dealt with favre wrong and what he did for his 16 seasons for this team that way of handling it was terrible. Ungrateful.
The Packers have been relevant because of the two QBs they have have had. The Packers under ted thompson and his buddy Brian Cost the packers three super bowls and they are all related to bringing back players or failing to bring help for positions with little talent.
Ted Thompson robbed us fans of a super bowl maybe even 2 super bowls when he decided to let favre go. If you remember the packers were just one successful drive away from being in the super bowl when favre threw a bad interception to the giants corner. After that season, all the talk of moving on and the buss has left the station talk that ended with favre being traded to the jets was all mike mccarthys doing. I learned this later after seeing mccarthy be this control freak with Rodgers which rubbed rodgers the wrong way leading to a total predictable offense by mccarthy which ultimately lead to him being fired.
it was mike that had the problem with Favre and it was related to his inability to have say so over the play calling with favre. mike couldnt wait to take over and i believe he was the one that lobbied for rodgers and pressed for favre to be traded.
So after the trade and falling one game short of a super bowl. you would think the packers would be right back in it right?
well that was a loud wrong. Because after the favre trade the packers did not return to the Championship game and in fact the packers did not return to the nfc championship until 2011. thats 5 years after the favre trade. why didnt they win the super bowl much sooner? This was Mike and Ted indicating that rodgers was the better QB and if that was true. why didnt GB return that next season. they had all the players in place to return and it was the same group just Rodgers was the new starter.
the packers traded favre to soon and clearly Rodgers was not ready to be great and those 4 years wasted were for rodgers to finally come around. they should have kept favre just to see if the team could return to the NFC title game. which to me i believe was a lock. favre was starting to click with jennings and he was already on the same page with driver. Favre staying for another year or two could have got two more shots at a super bowl. look how well favre played in the second year away from the packers and playing with the vikings. he came to GB and whipped them. the packers came to minnesota and got beat again. favre was 41 and threw 32 td and only 7 ints. had that been for the packers maybe its GB playing the saints in that championship game?
Rodgers failure to return to the super bowl after 2011 is the fault of Ted Thompson and Mark murphy for sticking with mccarthy a little to long. they kept him there until he melted down and wasted 10 seasons after winning the super bowl in 2011. which me personally thought he should have gotten fired right after blowing the 21 point lead in the 4th with 5 min left to seattle.
which reminds me what shannon sharpe said when they did fire mike... he said, They waited 5 years to long.... which at the time was funny but very true. You know this was the case because Matt Lafluer basically received the same team and he went 13-3.
you all know it was brian and russ ball under ted thompson that were the reason for casey heyward and micah hyde FA departure right? Russ the cap guy of finance said we can do without allowing casey to leave to SD. Than the following season both brian and russ insist ted not to match the offer sheet that the bills gave hyde. The kicker here is that the packers were in desperate need of secondary help at corner when Sam Shields couldnt keep healthy. Also needing hyde at safety, a position of need also since Nick Collins career ending injury. Here we are needing both players and struggling defensively in both spots. Those guys Heyward and Hyde are putting up career years for the other teams...
From ted to now brian.... they both have neglected one of the most important positions on defense by refusing to address the inside backer position. they havent drafted a inside backer since Hawk who was not all that good. i did like Barnett.
But ever since the packers won the super bowl they continued to draft poorly. or draft players they do not need. they did not replace their great players with players capable of becoming great themselves. all they have done under these two Gms is bring in Teams left over practice squad guys. than giving away big money for mediocre play. They brought back a player who got burned over and over by the bucs and bring him back for six million for one season? i also didnt like when they paid aaron jones that much per season which is ten million. with the money they gave those guys. they could have brought linsley back. a player who did exceptional and wasnt one of the players reponsible for the loss to tampa. it was both king and jones the most responsible for the loss. one allowed a td before half time. the other fumbled at the start of the second half, that led to another 7 points making it two score possesion. than to top it off he pulled himself out for the remainder of that game... He wasnt injured. maybe hurt. but when your hurt you eventually return. if injured you dont. my point is he quit on the team when they needed him most. the packers could have got a rb better than jones in the first 3 rounds. aaron jones was a sixth round pick. aaron jones is only that good because of the qb under center. if you dont believe me. if rodgers isnt there this season watch. you will see.
also they do not want rodgers not at least as much as they did when they wanted love when they traded up for him with a 4th rounder.
if they were than we would have seen there name in the mix to get julio jones. had they got julio i dont believe rodgers would waste another min on the couch. the packers front office management are the ones dysfunctional and that are the problem

1 points