Back Spasms Sideline Jared Gaither

Back spasms have kept Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Jared Gaither from practicing the last two days, Jamison Hensley of the Baltimore Sun reports.

"He can’t get into his stance and really play right now," Ravens head coach John Harbaugh said. "So we have to work that out somehow."

Hensley adds that the recent spasms are occurring in Gaither's upper back, and that the 6-9 tackle experienced spasms in his lower back earlier in camp. Gaither missed several practices earlier this week, and revealed to the Sun that he dropped 30 pounds this off-season to alleviate stress on the foot and toes injuries that have plagued him recent seasons.

2009 first-round pick Michael Oher has replaced Gaither at left tackle, and if Oniel Cousins hadn't missed the first 10 days of training camp with a throat issue, Gaither's status as the projected starter at right tackle would be in jeopardy.

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