Eric Weddle Comes to Teammate's Defense

San Diego Chargers safeties Eric Weddle and Steve Gregory have the same agent, have been teammates for four years, and have started 11 games together in the back-end of the team's secondary.

With Gregory suspended for four games for violating the league's substance abuse policy, Weddle is coming to his friend and teammate's defense.

"Let me say this: If steroids are in one spot, what Steve tested for is on the opposite end of the spectrum," Weddle said on Thursday according to Scott Bair of the North County Times.

Weddle declined to identify the substance that prompted Gregory's failed test, but did say that it was in a tainted drink Gregory consumed during a trip to a NASCAR event in Alabama.

"It's unfortunate that people put that (steroid stigma) on him when they don't really know what's going on," Weddle said. "Hopefully, people will understand that it wasn't anything close to him taking steroids. It was an unlucky situation where he got his drink drugged. Stuff like that happens, and when it does, you're (out of luck)."

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