KC Star Rips Chiefs Over Media Access

Meant to blog this on Friday, but Adam Teicher of the Kansas City Star ripped into the Kansas City Chiefs for restricting media access to the team.

"The NFL has a policy regarding media access to coaches, players and practice. I won't bore you with details other than to say some teams meet the minimums in the policy while some go beyond. The Chiefs generally meet the bare minimum in most areas except with regard to access to assistant coaches, where they've failed miserably. The policy requires access to assistant coaches at training camp, but a week into camp, despite numerous requests, the Chiefs have denied Charlie Weis, Romeo Crennel and other assistants the chance to speak to you, the fans, through the media."

Considering how taxpayers picked up two-thirds of the $375 million tab for the renovation of Arrowhead Stadium, which the Chiefs proudly showed off to as many media outlets as they could possibly find late last month, restricting media access to training camp practices, which are occurring on the campus of a public university, is an issue the Star is right to call the Chiefs out on.

Teicher's is a quick rant, and very much worth the read, particularly the last paragraph.

Media outlets are struggling, with some ending their coverage of the local football team altogether. With teams openly violating the NFL's policy on media access, barring online media outlets, and granting more access to their broadcast partners in a particular market, all fans are going to get are tales of unicorns and rainbows about their 6-10 football team.

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