Five Reasons for the Packers Recent Improvement

About a month ago, the Green Bay Packers record stood at 4-8 and the season looked all but over. Since then, however, the Packers have won three straight games and had some of their competitors lose key games that have the Pack back in the playoff hunt.

With two games to go, the Packers are a half game out of the final wild card. They still need to win their final two games and get a little bit of help to qualify for the postseason but it no longer seems like an unrealistic pipe dream.

Here are five reasons for the Packers recent turnaround. This list is by no means exhaustive as there are many factors involved but these are five of the most important:

1. The Emergence of Christian Watson

In the first half of the season, Aaron Rodgers was trying to throw deep passes like he did in the past but was unable to consistently complete them. But rookie receiver Christian Watson enjoyed a breakout game against the Cowboys and provided the team with a potentially elite deep threat who could stretch defenses and create big plays for the Green Bay offense.

Watson missed most of training camp and parts of the first half of the season with injuries and needed time to get healthy, learn the playbook and earn his quarterback’s trust.

Having Watson playing at such a high level has helped the Packers offense and the good news is the rookie is only scratching the surface of his ability.

2. Getting Healthy

Watson wasn’t the only key player who got healthy in recent weeks and helped the team improve. The most obvious other player who is healthier and playing a bit better is Rodgers who had been dealing with a broken thumb and injured ribs in the middle of the season.

The bye week and time helped Rodgers recover and while he is certainly not playing at his prior, MVP level, he does seem to be more comfortable throwing the ball and is throwing fewer inaccurate passes that are so out of character for him over the course of his career.

Elgton Jenkins has also continued to recover from the knee injury that cost him the end of the 2021 season and had him struggling earlier this year.  

De’Vondre Campbell was injured and missed several games but has now returned to the lineup and came up with a key interception against Miami while providing better play at ILB and leadership.

Romeo Doubs has also returned to the lineup which gives the Packers more depth and better weapons at wide receiver and has allowed the team to play Doubs and Watson at the same time while both have gotten more comfortable with the offense.

3. Improved Pass Rush

The Packers pass rush took a major hit when edge rusher Rashan Gary was injured and lost for the season. Since then, however, the Packers have gotten more pressure on opposing quarterbacks thanks to better play from Preston Smith, Kenny Clark and rookie Kingsley Enagbare who has really come on and provided the team with some rush off the edge as he learns the defense.

Recent signee Justin Hollins has added 1.5 sacks and provided some depth in this area while Jarran Reed and Quay Walker have also stepped up and had good games pressuring the quarterback.

Defensive coordinator Joe Barry has also been blitzing more frequently and that has helped increase pressure on the quarterback.

The improved pass rush certainly helped the Packers during their three-game winning streak.

4. Offensive Line Consistency

Since the Packers moved Jenkins to left guard from right tackle, the offensive line play has improved. There has been more consistency along the line with Jenkins at left guard, Josh Myers at center, Jon Runyan, Jr. at right guard and Yosh Nijman at right tackle.

David Bakhtiari has been the starter at left tackle when he’s healthy and he played better as the season progressed.

When Bakhtiari was lost to an emergency appendectomy, rookie Zach Tom stepped in and played well at left tackle.

The pass protection and run blocking have been better in recent weeks and the improved play of the offensive line has been a major reason for this.

5. Special Teams Improvement

Special teams have been a problem area for the Packers for a long time. Rich Bisaccia was brought in to improve this area and after a slow and inconsistent start to the season, the unit has improved in recent weeks.

Replacing Amari Rodgers with Keisean Nixon gave the kick and punt return games a big boost and for the first time in recent memory, the Packers have a return specialist who strikes fear in opponents because he can break a long return at any time.

Mason Crosby has returned to form this year after missing nine field goals in 2021 in part due to holder Pat O’Donnell and long snapper Jack Coco being more consistent than their predecessors were a year ago.

The coverage units have also improved in the second half of the season while O’Donnell has been consistent especially in the second half of the season.

These are some of the more important reasons for the Packers recent win streak and improved play in the second half of the season. Now they need to keep this up for two more games to have a chance at the playoffs.




You can follow Gil Martin on Twitter @GilPackers


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4 points

Comments (96)

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Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 01:46 pm

I've truly enjoyed the winning streak, but the Packers still have looked shaky to me on the field.
Unless the lines of authority are being cleared up between our quarterback and head coach, then the major problem of dysfunction from the top still remains as the main issue undermining the Packers as a team.
Even with plenty of talent, I don't see how a team can really make it to the top when the quarterback is arrogantly interfering with coaching and personnel matters.
It's a major fault line around which the team will crumble under pressure, and once again break our hearts.

-4 points
Fubared's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:05 pm

I will wait to see how they do against the Vikes and the Lions. This pack team could miss the playoffs for years to come not just this year.
The Lions are one draft from finishing a complete rebuild and have some high draft picks coming up and the Bears have 11 picks and a 100 mil under cap and will not be the team we played this year.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:20 pm

Did Rodgers call the Fake Punt?

5 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:51 pm

No, but if memory serves me correctly, he called the fake broken thumb. (I think)

-2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 29, 2022 at 05:40 pm


1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 05:59 pm

#12's audible in last year's playoff? ;)

2 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:28 pm

:-) Good one, PB!
I appreciate that you're willing to be seen with me in public, so to speak, as I take hits from the unabashed backers of Rodgers otherwise alone.
I'm about as left out as A.J. Dillon when the Packers get near the goal line -- which, by the way, has to be by the insistence of our head coach overruling our quarterback.

4 points
PackyCheese500's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:55 pm

"I'm about as left out as A.J. Dillon when the Packers get near the goal line"

LOL! That shouldn't be funny, but it is

6 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 29, 2022 at 07:56 pm

Pantz_Burp....the non-athlete who celebrates being obese is questioning an actual athletes injury.

-2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:27 pm

Thanks 13x's....I am working on my weight. Thanks for the reminder for me to get healthier. Yep, I have never been an athlete or played through injuries...I actually have but not at the pro level, not even close.

*Thank you for your service, by the way.

2 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 09:49 pm

When the argument is weak, the sad distraction of calling people names is part of being woke.

2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 10:23 pm

It's all good Swisch...I like when people have opinions and share them. I hope all is well on your end... haven't seen you for a while on the board.

I appreciate you bringing your opinions. I am not here to be false...I will voice what I believe in, just like the others.

Peace to you and I hope 2023 is filled with moments that are pretty darn sweet!👍✌️👌

3 points
Swisch's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:47 am

I'm glad to have you here, PB.
God bless you and yours in 2023.

2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 30, 2022 at 02:36 pm

Thanks Swisch!👍

0 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:08 pm

Yes, of course he did. Haven't you been paying attention?

All the things that go wrong with the Packers is due to Coach/GM/QB/A-Hole Aaron Rodgers. He demanded that Gute draft Amari, then he demanded that Lafleur tell Bisaccia to play him and keep Nixon on the bench. AND.. He intentionally ignores wide open receivers in playoff games.
Yep, then he did drugs instead of spending time with his rookie receivers. That rotten Diva will be the ruin of this organization. That Bleeping 4 time MVP needs to go!!!!

The preceding message has been brought to you by the Babylon Bee : )

0 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:39 pm

Easy Maine,'s not all #12's fault. He never picked Green-n-Gold as the Pack's colors. If I think of more, I will add them. I think you are being a bit too hard on him. Give him a chance, he just might surprise you. 👍

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:51 pm

Pantz, being named President of the "I hate Aaron Rodgers Club" is quite an honor considering the competition you face here at CHTV. Congrats : )

Actually he pushed for Gold-n-Green. I heard when he met Lafleur, he gave him the championship belt celebration and screamed "I own you"!!

-1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 07:14 pm

Easy Maine....easy. I don't hate #12, I dislike his approach to a team sport. As a person, I don't know him. I listen to what HE says and his actions on the field. I shake my head. He acts quite narcissistic in my opinion and I am turned off by that. Nowww, back to me being President of the "I hate #12's Club". Is it adjacent to the I Don't Want to See #10 play as a Packer Club meeting?

I guess, hurt people hurt people...maybe #12 is hurting?

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 07:33 pm

" I listen to what HE says and his actions on the field. I shake my head. He acts quite narcissistic in my opinion and I am turned off by that"

With all due respect Mr. President, your predetermined judgement about Aaron Rodgers may be clouding your opinion about his statements and mannerisms. That's Ok. It's a free country, no big deal.

" Is it adjacent to the I Don't Want to See #10 play as a Packer Club meeting?"

Trust me. When Jordan Love is the best QB in the room, he will play. Don't overload your plate my friend : )

-2 points
PackyCheese500's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:08 pm

"When Jordan Love is the best QB in the room he will play"

Not under Matt LaFleur. I have noticed that he has a stubborn loyalty to his incumbents, even when logic defies it, whether it be Mo Drayton, Joe Barry, Amari Rodgers, Dean Lowry, Darnell Savage, or even Aaron Rodgers, perhaps. LaFleur is the guy who preferred Amari Rodgers over Keisean Nixon for OVER 10 WEEKS!. Lowry over Wyatt, Savage over Ford, you name it. We can't trust MLF (or Joe Barry) to make sound personell decisions

2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:15 pm

Thanks for sharing your opinion Maine, I do appreciate it. You make some points that I don't agree with, but I will honestly think about what you said. About overloading my plate, why couldn't you have told me that about 10 years earlier? :)

President Burp

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 30, 2022 at 09:48 am

Lol. Nothing wrong with enjoyable disagreement. Best wishes and a Happy New Year Pantz !!!

2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 30, 2022 at 02:39 pm

Maine, I did think about what you said....ends up, you are more correct than incorrect. Thanks for the reminder! 👍

Peace to you and your family.


1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:15 pm

Duplicate, thumbsicle issue....

0 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 07:36 pm

Maine, you can console yourself by reveling in all of the Super Bowl trophies from all of the scintillating playoff victories in the past dozen years.

-1 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:07 am

Swisch, we agree on most things. Your assessment of AR isn't one of them. Although, the vast majority here at CHTV agree with you, so you can revel in that I suppose. i always enjoy chatting with you though. Happy New Year my friend!!

3 points
Swisch's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:54 am

Thanks for the good words, Maine, and all the best to you!
It can be good to disagree robustly and respectfully, with camaraderie and even friendship. I'm glad to do so with other good Packers fans like you.

1 points
PackyCheese500's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:06 pm

Let me offer my perspective. I don't draw my opinions from anything Rodgers has said or whatever his politics are. I don't really care about all that. I make my judgments based on what I believe is best for the Green Bay Packers football team and whatever gives them the best chance to win a Super Bowl.

I have greatly enjoyed Aaron Rodgers' time in Green Bay. From owning division rivals to his fantastic array of spectacular plays, he has been the main reason the Packers have been a top team for over a decade. However, as I said, I believe that the front office must always do what is best for a team. Football is a business.

As (Kenny) Rogers has said, you have to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. I believe that the Packers' management must operate strategically, and know when to go all-in, know when to run it back, and know when to enter a rebuild. During the 2019-2021 seasons, which was our best shot at winning a Super Bowl since 2014, the management was stuck in a state of limbo; not quite going all-in, but not rebuilding. That (and not going all-in during the 2021 offseason) is likely what cost the Packers their 14th Super Bowl Championship.

In my opinion, mediocre is the worst thing a football team can be. Not good enough to go on a deep playoff run, but not bad enough to land premium talent. A good example of this is the Raiders. Their ceiling is the wild-card round, but their roster overall is not that great. If we were to "run it back," that is likely the type of team we'd be.

Not only, I believe, would going all-in in 2023 be a foolish move because of the likelihood that it would be an uphill battle for us to even make the playoffs, It would also be stupid because the salary cap moves such an approach would require would dig an even deeper ditch in the future of the organization. In other words, we are sacrificing our potential to be good in the future so we can be mediocre in the present. Does that make sense?

Not to mention, the 2023 draft class is expected to be one of the most loaded draft classes in a long time. Trading away veterans such as Preston Smith (who will be 30) and Aaron Rodgers for some extra premium draft capital would really help this organization.

In the end, I believe that going in a rebuild is the best path for the Packers because it gives us the best chance of winning a Super Bowl in the next 5 or so years. It does not make sense to me to go all in on a 40-year old QB (who won't be getting significantly better and is already more injury prone) and push salary cap hell even further down the road just to be mediocre. If there were a serious chance of us winning a Super Bowl, then I would agree with that course of action, but there isn't (not on the trajectory we're on).

To me, it makes more sense to trade away some expensive veterans for draft capital, hit the reset button on the salary cap this season, and build around our young, athletic, bright, cheap QB with many, many years of good football ahead of him. Trading away veterans opens up future salary cap space, and then we can establish ourselves as true contenders with a responsibly managed salary cap.

This, in my opinion, is what is best for the Green Bay Packers, and will give them the best shot at bringing home title #14. Go Pack Go!

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 30, 2022 at 11:09 am

Well written PackyCheese. Everybody in here (for the most part) are lifelong Packer fans, We all want the Packers to succeed now and in the future. We may have different views of how to accomplish that, and those are the discussions I enjoy.

I have no idea at this point, whether the "move on from AR" strategy would have been the right one any more than I know what the future holds for the "keep AR" strategy that is currently in play. None of us do. I am open to hearing both sides of the debate.

The post you responded to had nothing to do with either side of the debate. I find the venom displayed by "some" in here regarding AR, to be less about genuine concern about the Packers future, and more about one's personal disdain for the man. That's fine. We are all entitled to our opinion, but that opinion shouldn't cloud honest debate.

Your post (as many others in here have done) very positively laid out how you feel the Packers organization would be best served moving forward, without unsubstantiated accusations about what a horrible teammate Aaron Rodgers is.

Thank You for that. Happy New Year!!

1 points
PackyCheese500's picture

December 30, 2022 at 12:37 pm

Thank you for your kind reply, and Happy New Year to you as well. I have also found that there is a lot of Ad Hominem clouding the judgements of some here at CHTV.

The Packers are at a crossroads that will be decided against Minnesota on Sunday. I am fine with whichever way it goes. If we lose, then our draft position rises, and hopefully, we get a chance to start Love to see what the future holds. I think missing out on the playoffs would signal the end of the Rodgers era, especially if Love does well in the finale. We could accumulate some nice draft capital in 2023 and have a nice foundation for the next era of Packers football

On the other hand, if we win out and somehow make the postseason, I actually think there is a reasonable possibility we could go on a deep run, especially in a weak NFC. At its peak, this team has what it takes; the question or not is whether they can put it all together.

We have played some of the top teams in the NFL very close. We took the #1 seed Eagles down to the wire, we upset the Cowboys, and we (at least in the second half) played well against the Bills. I think there is a good chance we beat the Vikings. If this team is able to harness everything they have, I think they could beat any team in the NFC. The 49ers are the only team I would be worried about, though.

Watson has emerged as a great WR, the Offensive Line is coming together, and our RBs are great as always. Kenny Clark and Preston Smith are playing top-notch football, and regardless of whether you think those picks against the Dolphins were flukey, Douglas did an excellent job on the final one.

If the Packers somehow win it all, I think Rodgers retires. If the Packers fall short, then I think Rodgers probably wants to go, just as BF did after the NFCCSG loss to the Giants.

Regardless, I believe this team will find a way. Go Pack Go!

2 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 30, 2022 at 12:53 pm

Packy, I agree with you about SF. I think their defense makes them the team to beat. Back to reality, the Packers need to show they can play a complete football game in all 3 phases, and do it for 4 quarters. Hopefully this is the week. Go Pack Go!

2 points
Rarescope's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:40 pm

"Unless the lines of authority are being cleared up between our quarterback and head coach, then the major problem of dysfunction from the top still remains as the main issue undermining the Packers as a team."

Not saying this isn't true because I don't know - and you don't either. The only place I've ever read about such a thing being a problem is conjecture from the sports media and commenters such as yourself and it's getting a little old.

4 points
wildbill's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:06 pm


-1 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:53 pm


-1 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 07:53 pm

Right, Rodgers is running LaFleur's offense just as it was meant to be.
Also, LaFleur insisted Rodgers sit out preseason games as meaningless, then forced Rodgers to play in the Lions game at the end of the last regular season that was, um, meaningless.
Also, LaFleur and Gute talked Rodgers into wanting Randall Cobb back on the Packers, instead of giving Amari Rodgers a reasonable opportunity at wide receiver.
Last year against the 49ers in the playoffs, on the key play of the game, LaFleur told Rodgers to throw deep to Davante no matter what.
The season before in the playoffs against the Bucs, it was LaFleur who called the plays near the end of the game when it was third-and-goal from the 8-yard-line.
Overall, during the past few seasons, the crafty Rodgers has wanted to pick defenses apart with a creative array of short and medium passes, but LaFleur has bullied him into throwing hero balls all over the field.
Finally, considering Rodgers casually held us as fans hostage by holding out the past two seasons, he sure gets a lot of loyalty.
When he came back the first time, instead of any remorse, he trashed the Packers organization as being poor to players, and without meaningful evidence; when he came back this second time, it was with an obscene contract of $50 million per year that limits the signing of other top players.
He's the kind of guy you want to depend on in tough times, though, the kind of guy you want your kids to be like, huh?
Son, go ahead and be an arrogant jerk, just as long as you keep spinning those spirals. It's MVP trophies that really matter, not Lombardi Trophies.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:17 am

Sometimes there is no smoking gun. The absence of one doesn’t necessarily prove none existed. In this case there is a welter of circumstantial evidence that the LaFleur Rodgers marriage is a bad one. To ignore that lacks credibility.

Personally, I’m only interested in a solution and have become convinced that the status quo definitely won’t provide one and without one the path is irrevocably downhill. Ergo change is needed. The rightful preponderance of blame is largely an academic issue at that point. The fact is it’s irretrievably broken. Fix it however one can.

3 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:38 pm

"Even with plenty of talent, I don't see how a team can really make it to the top when the quarterback is arrogantly interfering with coaching and personnel matters."

You keep bringing this up week after week ad nauseum like it's an established fact as opposed to just your opinion. What proof do you have that Rodgers is "arrogantly interfering with coaching and personnel matters"? Give some specific examples. Because he occasionally changes the play at the LOS? Every veteran QB does.

Has MLF or Gute ever suggested this is happening? Any of the other coaches or players? Do you really think they would have signed him to that ridiculous contract if he was continuously undermining the coaching staff?

I know it's pointless to suggest giving it a rest. But it might be better for your mental health if you do.

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:23 pm

Wow 13, did you just stand up for Rodgers?? Nicely done, and well stated.

2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 29, 2022 at 07:01 pm

To be transparent, I was on board with trading Rodgers during the past offseason and moving on with the Love (or whoever) era. I felt it was the right time. It didn't happen.

I think the contract they signed him to was hard to understand, on a number of levels, for the team moving forward. It just didn't seem to make sense. A Rodgers led team hasn't advanced to the SB since the 2010 season. Why would they think this season, with Rodgers turning 39, would be any different.

All that being said, while his personality rubs people the wrong way at times, this constant narrative that he disrespects and undermines the coaching staff, without anything to actually back that up, is really getting old and tiresome. There are a couple of posters on this site who are so obsessed with Rodgers that it apparently affects their ability to find happiness in their lives. I hope that's not actually the case for their sake.

5 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 10:25 pm

13Times - people hate Rodgers because he is the focal point of the team and it's easy to blame one player for everything rather than understanding the team or the game game holistically. It's too hard to actually take the time to understand the game and look at it objectively and more importantly to be fair. But here we are.

As you correctly point out they become obsessed with their hate which diminishes everything else.

For better or worse you and I learned a long time ago in a very different place what is really important in life.

stay well. Thanks, since '61

3 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 29, 2022 at 11:14 pm

Well said my friend.

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:12 am

Sorry 13, the site would only let me give you 1 thumbs up. Your comment surely deserves more. What you said is spot on. Thanks and Happy New Year !!!

0 points
PackyCheese500's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:25 pm

In my perception, 13TC was just stating facts. We don't know for sure whether MLF or Rodgers are calling all the pass plays (in my opinion, though, whoever is doing it needs to change).

People on this site are so quick to either associate someone as an extreme Rodgers loyalist or an extreme Rodgers hater. I don't see it as standing up for Rodgers, I see it as stating facts.

Personally, I favor trading Rodgers in the offseason. There's nothing personal involved in the formation of that opinion; I just think that doing so puts the Packers in the best position to win a ring in the next 5 or so years. I love Aaron Rodgers, but football is a business, and it must be treated as such.

6 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:42 pm

Football just a business?
When do you get a national audience watching a group of accountants balancing the books?
Do fans of corporations go online day after day to make comments about how the business is being run?
All of the talent in the world won't win a Super Bowl without character leading to teamwork.
Most of all, football is about heart.
Actually, all of life is about heart, whether it's the Roman Empire or FTX.

-2 points
PackyCheese500's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:49 pm

When I say football is a business, I am talking about the front office/management type of work.

One could make the case that even the on-field play is business. The NFL is a business, after all, and they have to make a profit. I don't think football is business exclusively, though.

6 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 09:21 pm

PackyCheese500, I'm glad we agree, and all the best to you.
I'm all for profit and success in general, but I do get kind touchy when "business" is put ahead of "people."
We ship jobs to China supposedly because it's good for "business" -- and even the entire "economy" -- but in the long run is outsourcing so much of our economy really good for the majority of Americans? (Especially when it's a hostile nation?)
Is it ever really sound to outsource basic manufacturing for steel and food and medicine to other countries? Shouldn't trade be for silks and spices and other luxury items?
Then, again, it's really not about trade, is it, but about foolishly outsourcing our economy and selling out our workers (to places that exploit both humans and the environment, but out of sight to our sensibilities).
It may be that short-term gains for a few get in the way of long-term benefits to the many.
It seems to be the case with the Packers over the past couple of seasons or so, too.
That's why human endeavors tend to end in decline and fall.
I'm sad about the Packers, but heartbroken about America.
I'm hoping we can turn things around in both cases, but not if we don't change how we do business, so to speak.

3 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 09:29 pm

P.S. I'm not putting down all people who have done business with China over the years. Sometimes we have to make the best of a bad situation; and unfortunately, it's been hard for even people of integrity to avoid doing business with China.
At the very least, the selling out of our economy to China is good reason to question the experts going forward as far as our domestic economy and foreign affairs.
Even now, it doesn't seem that most of the experts are urging us to get as far away from China as possible.
In China, it's all about "business," and nothing about "people."

3 points
PackyCheese500's picture

December 29, 2022 at 10:20 pm

Swisch, I agree on both counts.

First, on football. The point I am trying to make here is not really to discredit the players, but more that decision makers' personal affections or preferences shouldn't play a factor in which players are starting on the field, prioritized re-signages in the off-season, etc.

I am mainly criticizing Matt LaFleur, specifically, for sticking with Drayton, Barry, Lowry, Savage, Amari, etc. I am also saying that Mark Murphy's preference for any marketing value Aaron Rodgers may bring to Green Bay should not play a role in if he or Jordan Love is the starter. The Packers are a football team, here to play football and profit off of it. They are not an advertisement agency. I just believe that all decisions must be made by prioritizing whatever helps maximize this teams' success, current or long-term.

There are certain aspects of the NFL, of course, that should be player-first. For example, I don't know why the NFL still uses slit film turf when it risks player safety and the NFL easily has the capacity to improve their fields with all the revenue they bring in. I recently read an article that said that the type of field a team uses could actually impact free-agent signings in the future.

4 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 11:07 pm

Swisch - jobs that were shipped to China and numerous other countries because that is what Americans want.
Americans want high returns on their investment portfolios and cheap prices on the products we purchase.
the only way the once fixed expense heavy corporations could achieve that was to lower the cost of labor.

First, keep the shareholders happy, second earn high ROIs to maintain profits for the Executive bonuses. It actually has nothing to do with China because the labor costs in other countries has become much Lowe than China. Malaysia, Bangladesh, India to a lessor extent all have cheaper labor than China.

Beyond that moving manufacturing overseas has been over since the '90s. Now manufacturing is returning to the US. However, it's returning as robotics. Machines work 24/7 don't take sick days or go on vacation. they doin't need health insurance. The jobs will in the manufacturing sectors like chip manufacturing and other industries which will enable the US to compete in the 21st century economy. The jobs will be more sophisticated and require new skills. Plus US jobs have been growing at a frenetic pace over the last 2 years which has been good for the economy. I don't know if it will be sustainable because companies tend to over expand and then contract some of which we are beginning to see in the tech industry.

Also, it should noted that US companies which have expanded into global markets have created millions of high paying jobs for American citizens. For example if you look at the auto industry and removed the foreign manufactures who now build their cars in the USA and US cars which are exported overseas you would eliminate several million American jobs. That's just one industry. Over 40,000 US companies have relationships with foreign countries and businesses. It is the world the US created following the Second World War. The US economy was the only economy standing after WW2. So we rebuilt Europe and Asia and enabled global trade to return and grow. And the bottom line is that is has greatly benefited the USA.

As for the NFL it is a business, a very big business to the tune of $11 billion per year. If it wasn't a business we wouldn't have TNF or games overseas or revenue sharing or artificial turf at the expense of players health or Fantasy Football or legalized sports gambling or $2 billion stadiums. The bigger the money gets the less people matter. It's why my business partner and I kept our company as a mid-size company in terms of revenue. We decided early on not to get too large and lose our focus on our people. We could have sold out but we chose not to. Now we're retired and will be completely out by 2030 in terms of a financial interest in the company. At that point who knows where it will go. But I can assure you that the NFL and tis current group of owners are only concerned about the $$$$$. People, players and fans they could not care less. If they could play the games with robots they would and someday they probably will.

The future is coming faster and faster. We can embrace it or we can resist it. I embrace it and look forward to the solutions and the challenges it will bring as much for my children and grandchildren as for myself. Always remember, today's solutions becomes tomorrow's problems. About 120 years ago fossil fuels were the solutions for industry, for travel, or heating homes etc., today it's ruining our planet. In the 50s and 60s plastic was the solution for all types of storage. Tupperware was in every home. Glass bottles became plastic containers. Now it pollutes our oceans, rivers, streams and beaches because it doesn't break down. Today lithium batteries are everywhere from our cell phones to the waves of electric vehicles which are arriving. But guess what? No one has figured out how to dispose of them.

We can look for guilt or blame or we can be part of the solution. For me I prefer to look for solutions. I guess that's why I chose to make my living creating solutions for my clients. Thanks, Since '61

-2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 29, 2022 at 09:24 pm

Of course it's a business. Just like any other entertainment venue. Football players are no different than movie actors or musicians. They entertain us as an escape for a few hours a day/week. Then real life resumes.

These "football is life" folks really need to get a grip.

5 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 09:42 pm

Then you're ridiculing Vince Lombardi, as presented in his two-part biography from the NFL Channel. Then again, he only won five championships as head coach of the Packers.
If people want football on the field to be as impersonal as fantasy football, then that's their "business."
To me, reducing any part of life to just "business" is the way to loneliness and disillusion and misery. Maybe that's why the most dangerous and heartbreaking epidemics in America are drug overdoses and suicides -- epidemics of discouragement, if not despair.
Mr. Potter was all about business, and said helping average Americans to own decent homes was promoting a lazy and discontented rabble.
Do we want America to be like Bedford Falls or Pottersville?

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 29, 2022 at 09:57 pm

"Maybe that's why the most dangerous and heartbreaking epidemics in America are drug overdoses and suicides -- epidemics of discouragement, if not despair."

And that is somehow relevant to Rodgers supposedly not adhering to MLF's game plans. Isn't that was this conversation was about?

Have to admit, you've totally lost me. But it wouldn't be the first time.

2 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 11:52 pm

Swisch the history of the USA is the history of business. This country is all about business which has created the most robust economy in the history of the world. Families like the Vanderbilt's, Rockefeller's the Astors and many, many others built their industrial empires on the backs of laborers who were paid a pittance and who didn't have any healthcare or safety protections and died by the thousands. This is why unions evolved in the early 20th century. Then came consumer protection regulations and employer sponsored benefits.

But it's never been about people it's always been about the money and the NFL has been no different. Before free agency NFL players were basically indentured servants in terms of which team they could play for and make their living. Players in the 50s and 60s played for their championship bonuses so they could make it through the year. The owners didn't care what happened to their players in the offseason. Most of the players had to take regular jobs to make it through the offseason.

It was all business for Lombardi. It was the business of winning for Lombardi. No one on the roster was safe if Lombardi could acquire a better player at any position. He tried to trade Starr at least twice but he didn't get any takers. He let Hornung go in the expansion draft. There was no loyalty there. Henry Jordan said it best, "He treats us all the same, like dogs." Beyond that when Lombardi was offered a share of team ownership with the then Washington Redskins he was gone, out of Green Bay. It was all about business and all about the money.

The NFL was a business then and it's even more of a business today. The difference today is that the owners are not the only businessmen. The players are also businessmen. Once they get to their second contract they want to get paid and they go to the highest bidder. When you get to guys like Rodgers, Brady, Mahomes, Brees, Manning, Stafford, etc the teams are dealing with businesses, they're not dealing with players. This is why I post repeatedly that's it's not Rodgers fault that the Packers offered him the contract they did. They could have traded Rodgers or let him walk. The Packers chose not to and they re-signed Rodgers. No one held a gun to Murphy's head or to Gute. It's not the players fault. The owners are only giving money, the players are giving up their bodies and maybe permanent injuries. There is no loyalty either way between the players or the owners. And forget the fans completely. The owners don't care who is sitting in the stands. Home team fans or opponent's fans. They don't care if the stadium is empty as long as the tickets are sold. The reality is it's business, and it's about money. As for people it's what we choose to make of it. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
Coldworld's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:25 am

One corollary of that, which I thoroughly agree with, is that LaFleur is inappropriate as a Head Coach, since he clearly cannot think or act in accordance with that paradigm.

3 points
BirdDogUni's picture

December 30, 2022 at 11:35 am

You do know, we all know what you think of MaLF right? I don't spend a great deal of time here, but if there's one thing I've learned every time I stop by is how much you vehemently believe MaLF is not HC material.

Watching the Packers since MaLF has taken the helm, I would tend to agree with you, but I find it disturbing how you continue to lament the point to exhaustion.

I've beat many drums over the years, so I don't mean to tell you what you can and can't express here, but I think it's safe to say every poster here knows how you feel about Matt LaFleur... ; P

0 points
Coldworld's picture

January 01, 2023 at 09:08 am

A point as yet unresolved remains a valid one, particularly when the context is a debate that circles around it. While I believe that the malaise starts with Murphy, I have come to see LaFleur as a massive impediment.

I’m aware you don’t agree. Feel free to show how his time with Rodgers or his tactical and coaching acumen have lifted this team. If not, accept that most of what happens here is debating the reasons why the team isn’t where we want to be and live with it or rebut them, but don’t be surprised if they get repeated.

1 points
Since'61's picture

December 30, 2022 at 02:54 pm

Coldworld as we know it's poor management practice to hire the 2nd most important person in an organization after only one 2 hour interview. Murphy wanted a pliable yes person and MLF saw Rodgers as his meal ticket to a championship.

MLF needs Rodgers more than Rodgers needs MLF which is why MLF allows Rodgers to be in control. Rodgers knows this and at times he runs his modified version of the offense.

MLF took an HC position where he has found himself over his head between Murphy and Rodgers. He also doesn't have enough experience to hire DCs and ST coordinators. LaFluer could have been a fine OC but he was not ready to become an HC for a team with an established HOF QB. He needed to work with a young QB who he could take under his wing rather than with a veteran QB who has had all the success an NFL QB could have and has faced just about every challenge the game presents. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 01, 2023 at 09:15 am

I don’t disagree with any of that. Actually I think it’s an excellent summation of some of the dynamics.

However, I hoped that LaFleur would grow into it at least in one aspect and thus contribute positively. In fact, I don’t see growth in any aspect of head coaching. Rather I think we have seen time unearth new areas of concern in the repeated problems evaluating and managing players and coaches. No team thrives under that caliber of leader.

LaFleur is the guy who couldn’t win with Rodgers and good rosters. Whatever the faults of Rodgers, and he has some, we essentially have traveled as far as he could take us and no further. I find myself wondering how different LaFleur is from Hackett really.

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:43 am

Remember, the NFL's foundation was set up by Bookies, used car dealers, and some friends from the Country Club. Toss in some Meatpackers. Now we see a return to their vision with draft kings, sports betting and stadiums named for the newest version of a Ponzi scheme. Forward Thinking.

3 points
Since'61's picture

December 30, 2022 at 02:54 pm

Sad but true Jannes. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 11:11 pm

correct 13Times. Great post. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coldworld's picture

January 01, 2023 at 09:18 am

To be fair, historically most great enterprises started out with that sort of ethically gray cowl about them.

0 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:11 pm

13TC, I really haven't been talking about this much over the past month or so, if at all. Maybe you should give harassing me a rest, which seems an unhealthy obsession.
In the past, I've given examples of Rodgers interfering arrogantly; if I've done so ad nauseam, then why can't you remember. (To refresh your memory, I've given examples above).
Hard to prove things without any doubt, but with the evidence seeming to be strong against Rodgers, I'm not going to wait silently while he is ruining the Packers as far as reputation and performance.
He doesn't have the right to take the Packers away from us as fans, even if he is enabled by his supposed bosses (and pathetically supported by the fans he disdains by his holdouts).
Apparently, coaches and fans and team executives will give just about anything to a jerk if he might get them a Super Bowl, even their dignity.
With Rodgers becoming more domineering, we've been stuck on 13 championships for quite a while, haven't we?

1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:33 pm

"I'm not going to wait silently while he is ruining the Packers as far as reputation and performance".

Well, good luck with that.

1 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 11:55 pm

Swisch the problem is whether it's a month or daily every post is about Rodgers and how bad he is for the Packers. There are numerous other issues to post about concerning the Packers. I think that all of us here know how you feel about Rodgers so there is no need to repeatedly make the same point every time you post.
Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 29, 2022 at 02:11 pm

Two genuinely bad teams and one that had a meltdown at QB and questionable tactics. No one has emerged and no phase has suddenly become dominant. Our tactics have not changed markedly either and nor have our coaches. While one can only beat one’s scheduled opponent, who that is and how they played does have to be taken into account when evaluating the significance.

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 02:34 pm

Gil, thanks for ponting out some important point Packers showed through this short 3 game winning streak. I added some observation on your points as I see possible problems that can jump out in th next games.

1. The Emergence of Christian Watson - I agree with the most of the Packers fans that Christian Watson looks like future HOFer in creaton. I see 2 critical points that may jeopardize his development - first, less important, is that everyone expects him to be constant game changer. That may put to much pressure on young man and he might not deliver; - second, he is still adapting to the speed and brutality of the NFL and it already costed him some game time because of injuries. He need to become stronger and more resiliant to the physicality of his opponents.

2. Getting Healthy - I will add same objections as at previous point for Romeo Dubs. Both critical points stands for Doubs plus he is different type of WR compared to Watson, so the plan for his usage in games should be done taking his strenghts in consideration. With rest of mentioned players I more or less agree with you.

3. Improved Pass Rush - Packers pass rush was and is up and down through whole season. So, counting on them in every game is little bit opimistic.

4. Offensive Line Consistency - The main word is CONSISTENCY. Tom, Jenkins, Myers, Runyan and Nijman played well. I am certain that David is at the moment much better LT individually than Tom, but line finally get some gel, so it is questionable will be wise to make another change. I do not know.

5. Special Teams Improvement - This unit showed what it can be when you have few peaces/players who knows what to do at return and blocking. Mason Crosby is another story. I trully believe he is done. His FG out of 45 yards are gone, or, to be fair, he can score those long FG just if luck will help him. And, I´m trully sad because of that.

But, I agree with Swisch, too. I think the main issue Packers has is how much will ACR follow the game plan and continue to be just QB and be concentrating on queterbacking the team, not constantly overruling play calls.

-2 points
pacman's picture

December 29, 2022 at 02:42 pm

Heart says winning is better than losing. Brain says it might have been smarter to play Love.
Since 2011, it's been SB or bust. Now we are supposed to be happy to play meaningful football in Dec/Jan?
This team badly needs new leadership. And it's the one thing we probably won't get.

6 points
Swisch's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:18 pm

Last year, with best record in the NFC and a bye, the Packers only got one extra game, and it was a playoff debacle many of us would rather forget.
To me, heart and brain have been saying to play Love.

1 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 10:18 pm

pacman thanks for sharing the SI article. I've subscribed to SI for over 40 years. In any case the article ends with the point that "as always it will be up to Rodgers." That final sentence in article perfectly summarizes the Packers since the 2010 SB. It's always been up to Rodgers and that is exactly the problem with the Packers. Dump everything on Rodgers and expect him to make up for poor defense and hopeless STs.

The realty is that it should not be up to Rodgers, it should be up to the entire team. And quite frankly Rodgers can't carry the team any longer and that's become obvious this season. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
Lphill's picture

December 29, 2022 at 02:53 pm

unfortunately it looks like Crosby struggles to kick it deep , probably will retire, also not mentioned is the play of Wyatt , seems Joe Barry failed to watch film of him, he is quick and used to drop back into coverage at Georgia, this kid may be the next Aaron Donald.

2 points
Fubared's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:02 pm

If you're correct then Barry is worse then we thought.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:47 pm

He is correct, but again we do not know who makes those decisions.

0 points
Fubared's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:01 pm

I totally agree that all those things helped turn the team around. But but but but but......we did play a dOA Rams team, a Miami Team with a concussed QB, and da bears who are in a rebuild mode. Those teams alone will help you get healthy.
I want to see what they will do against a healthy talented team like the Vikes. If I'm correct the Vikes are going to own this team for some time coming. They draft well and go out and get free agent talent who can still play at a high level.

-1 points
TXCHEESE's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:18 pm

I do believe Nixon is a huge lift for the ST, but otherwise, I think a lot of the success we see, is the lack of playoff caliber opponents, and a QB who may have been concussed the 2nd half of the the Dolphins game, I still like their chances against Minny and Detroit, but they definitely have to find a groove and continue improvement if they do indeed get to the playoffs.

4 points
TarynsEyes's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:24 pm

Naturally, exuberance from a winning streak is expected, however, it must be taken with the appropriate amount of Ritalin.

4 points
splitpea1's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:28 pm

6. Playing two weak opponents at home.

7. Defending against a concussed QB for one half last week.

"Now they need to keep this up for two more games to have a chance at the playoffs." Great, but do they have a chance IN the playoffs, anyway? Remember that the goals at the beginning of the season were a bit loftier than just getting in.

Sorry, I don't have Packers playoff fever for reasons that have been discussed ad nauseam. I'm still looking forward to the future and the development of younger players. I wonder if we'll ever see Love in a Packers uniform again?

2 points
Guam's picture

December 29, 2022 at 05:30 pm

Pretty much agree splitpea1. I am still a skeptic and will reserve judgement on how improved the Packers are until after the Vikings game. Would love to see them win out whether they make the playoffs or not, but I am just not convinced about the level of improvement yet.

3 points
dobber's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:09 pm

"6. Playing two weak opponents at home."

What's wrong with beating the teams you are supposed to beat?

2 points
splitpea1's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:45 pm

Nothing unless you like being argumentative just for the sake of it.

1 points
dobber's picture

December 30, 2022 at 08:56 am

I'm an, guilty as charged.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:30 am

A factor in an evaluation need not necessarily be a critique, it may be a qualifier, as this one appears to be. To not accept that the Bears and Rans were extremely weak is to not see the results in context. That just promotes false conclusions surely?

1 points
Rarescope's picture

December 29, 2022 at 03:47 pm

Probably too little too late, but it beats the alternative. Yay, football!

2 points
arthurl's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:15 pm

I’ll start with the ST play; once the coaches finally figured out Amari was a major liability; this unit has generally shown much improvement versus what was presented for a number of seasons. The blocking on FGs and punts is better, punting better, and return for both punts and KO’s much improved with Nixon.

As for the offense, the coaches finally figured out the OL, and the rookie WRs have really stepped up. There is some chemistry developing between #12 and these rooks which was gonna take time to develop and appears on the right track now. Definitely like what I’m seeing of late on the offense. They do struggle once in the red zone; hopefully that will improve over time.

Now the defense has been a major disappointment versus what was projected before the season began. After it’s all said and done, this is an average to below average unit; something we fans have come to say is the norm. Three rookies give this unit some hope, but the scheme is jacked up and flawed versus level of potential talent.

2 points
GVPacker's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:17 pm

Whatever the reasons for the Packers recent success..... Who cares, lets just ride the wave as far as we can!

4 points
Packer_Fan's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:19 pm

Gil good article and assessment of a broad based improvement for playing better.

Now, what needs to improve? First, Lafleur calling better games. Second, Rodgers playing better. Both with more accurate throws and then trusting the system. An article this week from Acme Packing showing Rodgers not trusting the pass concepts in the red zone. Sad. Third, better communication and play in the secondary. Like last week. Anx finally, having the ILB'S play more downhill.

-1 points
BAMABADGER's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:21 pm

Reason 6: We played two bad teams and a mediocre team with a concussed QB in the second half. Three wins but nothing to be “extremely” proud of. Next weekend will be a real test. If we lose Sunday for gosh sakes play Love at QB against the Lions. GPG!!

4 points
Leatherhead's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:23 pm

I just like watching good football, and ugly football is like watching fat people with bad skin in porn. If you're going to go out there and miss assignments, and turn it over, and commit penalties, then what the hell did you practice for??

But....watching an offense execute, under pressure, is a thing of beauty. Guys get blocked, the misdirection works, we bite off a chunk of yards. Rinse and repeat.

Just like a lot of things combined to go wrong during our losing streak, several things have come together for a modest three game win streak, and if we don't win Sunday, it's over anyway. But if we're going to win and get into the playoffs, I think it's because of this:

1)Protecting the ball. We've done better the last three games.
2) Keeping the offensive line intact so they can practice and play together more than one week at a time.
3) Watson puts the fear of deep into teams, so that the other stuff opens up.
4) When the Packers win the time of possession, like they've done during the last three weeks, it means the offense is staying on the field without a lot of quick three and outs. That means they're moving the ball and getting first downs. It means our defense isn't on the field, which is always a good strategy.

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

December 29, 2022 at 04:39 pm

"...and ugly football is like watching fat people with bad skin in porn."

Okay. Sure. Oddly specific, LH, but I guess we all have our own proclivities.

5 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 09:27 pm

Cookie for Leotis! Thanks, Since '61

0 points
dobber's picture

December 29, 2022 at 06:03 pm

And the winner of the award for "Least Appealing but Most Vivid Simile on a Football Fan Site" goes to....

*tears envelope*

I'm pulling for you LH!

6 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 29, 2022 at 08:17 pm


2 points
stockholder's picture

December 29, 2022 at 05:10 pm

So Rodgers wasn't wrong.

2 points
Since'61's picture

December 29, 2022 at 10:05 pm

It's amazing that an article about the Packers improvement turns into a baseless, totally non-factual, banal attempt to blame Rodgers for everything that has been wrong with the Packers. No proof, no facts, nothing but speculation without supporting information about subversion of the coaches and treachery against Packers fans. My response is moving on ...

As for the point of the article I think there is merit to the 5 listed reasons for improvement as well as the comments that the Packers have defeated 2 weaker teams and possibly played against a concussed QB for the second half of the third win. However I think what is important is that the Packers have cut down on their mistakes and have cleaned up their play during the last three games. They have had 12 penalties over the last 3 games. That is an average of 4 penalties per game. The Packers have average over 35 minutes TOP in their last 3 games. Watson has helped to open up the offense for other plays and players. The Packers have brought Lewis back into the offense. The OL has played much more solidly in both the run and pass games. The defense has allowed an average of 13.7 first downs in the last 3 games. Most importantly they have allowed an average of 17 points per game during the win streak which is 5 points per game below the season's average.

The question isn't whether the Packers have improved over the last 3 games, or decisions made by the FO, or if Rodgers is subverting his coach or if he called the fake punt (he's not), the question is can they keep the improvement going over the 2 remaining games. Even if the Packers win their next 2 games there is no guarantee that they will earn a playoff spot. It could all be too little, too late.

What we do know is that we have a meaningful game this week and that the team has been playing better. Focus on the opportunities and possibilities rather than hate for Rodgers. Blame never resolves anything especially when it is unfounded and unnecessary. Let the season play out and the off season will provide numerous opportunities to discuss what should or could be done to improve the team for 2023. Turning every article into an argument over Rodgers is quite frankly a waste of time because it leads no where and adds noting to the conversations. What happens on the field is what matters. The rest is nothing more than biased speculation. Thanks, Since '61

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 30, 2022 at 10:54 am

'61, you may need to start billing out as this site's resident psychiatrist.

1 points
Since'61's picture

December 30, 2022 at 02:29 pm

jannes that might work if I can get paid in ice cream! Thanks, Since '61

0 points