Packers Question of the Day: Takeaways From the Loss

The Packers fell to the Lions in front of their home crowd at Lambeau Field for just the second time in the last 26 meetings in Green Bay.

A dismal showing defensively and an offense that took way too long to start picking up steam culminated in a 30-17 defeat. 

What were your takeaways from the loss?


Zachary Jacobson is a staff writer/reporter for Cheesehead TV. He's the voice of The Leap on iTunes and can be heard on The Scoop KLGR 1490 AM every Saturday morning. He's also a contributor on the Pack-A-Day Podcast. He can be found on Twitter via @ZachAJacobson or contacted through email at [email protected].

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Comments (49)

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jeremyjjbrown's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:59 pm

Give me 8 more. The only thing good that can come from Rodgers absence is the end of the current regime.

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rdent's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:53 pm

Red flags should be up and in full view at this point. 2013 was a precursor to how awful this team and coaching staff is. Now 3-7-1 in AR absence.

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jeremyjjbrown's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:25 pm

“The Worse, the Better.”
- Georgi Plekhanov

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Big_Mel_75's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:42 pm

Please hope so. Been saying this for a few years.

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Colin_C's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:52 pm

Well, it was really bad, but I still saw a few positives.

First, Randall has really improved in my opinion the last few weeks. Not pro bowl caliber or anything, but he's no longer the liability he was the first few games.

Second, and I'm sure I'll get a lot of disagreement, but I thought Hundley was pretty decent. Yes, he made mistakes (throwing it to the middle of the field with 10 seconds left and missing some open receivers). But, he also made some very accurate throws (Adams would have caught that if he used two hands instead of one), and looked much more poised than last week to me.

Third, Martinez is playing at a Pro bowl level consistently. He's a keeper.

Now, the negatives. To my eyes, this loss started at the top. McCarthy refuses to let Brett open it up. Waayyyyy to many passes behind the LOS. I've seen enough to believe Hundley can and will complete downfield throws. Yes, he will throw INT's as well, but you just have to deal with it and move on. Also, while I'm taking about offense, where did Aaron Jones go? I know they stacked the box, but you absolute have to keep giving it to Jones. With enough carries, he will make something happen. Don't even get me started on the 4th and 2 playcall.

Now, defense, it's your turn. Again, this starts with the coach. Capers needs to go, now. I've never been a fire Dom guy, but he's run out of time (probably did a few years ago, but the Packer brass never make bold moves like that quickly). The scheme doesn't work. I actually think the secondary isn't terrible. Not good, but about middle of the road talent-wise. They're crippled by two things. Scheme, and no pass rush. There is exactly zero help from the front 7 for the guys in the back. The LOB wouldn't hold up well with this front seven. Clark is great, Daniels is as well, but it's not their primary job to get to the QB. That's what our extremely expensive OLB's are supposed to do. Also, Ha-Ha has fallen off a cliff. Maybe under a different scheme he'd react more and think less, but currently he's a liability.

In conclusion to my rant, I just want to see a shakeup at the top. We actually had a terrible first half of the season last year as well, but 12 helped hide it better. There's still hope this year I believe, but not without big changes in scheme (especially on D). If we drop this next one to da bears, I might throw in the towel. It's do or die mode now.

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rdent's picture

November 07, 2017 at 01:55 pm

No AR to run the table this year.

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dobber's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:14 pm

Hundley was OK when they went into the no huddle. He needs to NOT be playing under center. Put him in the gun where he can see the defense and read the play. Spread the defense out, let him make his initial reads (locate the blitz) and give him room to use his athleticism and run, if needed.

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jeremyjjbrown's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:33 pm

That was when the Lions where playing with a lead. It's not going to work in the first half.

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Coldworld's picture

November 07, 2017 at 08:39 pm

How would we know whether it would work in the first half? All we have tried b fore half time is 4 yard passes? If you don't try to reach the second level, you aren't likely to fail but you certainly won't succeed in making a defense defend the full field.

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Cwilly's picture

November 07, 2017 at 10:40 pm

He wasn’t okay until prevent time. I understand he looked good at end but at that point Detroit didn’t care anymore about playing defense. They only worried about the long ball. I think we need someone that doesn’t think run first and hold ball to get sacked every down.

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dobber's picture

November 08, 2017 at 07:43 am

The point is that he was clearly more comfortable playing that way, prevent or no. The kind of QB you're describing isn't on the roster and isn't going to come in off the street and play for a couple weeks. Any hopes the Packers have are firmly tied to Hundley. He's got to be comfortable running the offense, and he'll be better running a more spread offense.

Callahan is not only not the answer, he'll get killed.

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HankScorpio's picture

November 08, 2017 at 07:53 am

"Callahan is not only not the answer, he'll get killed."

At this point, there is not much to lose by finding out if Callahan can survive the experience of playing QB for the Packers. Probably not much to gain, either, I'll grant.

But what would be more surprising between the guy that has shown to be awful improving with some offensive changes or a guy that has never played meaningful snaps showing something we didn't know he had? I side with the latter. Unlike some, I don't think McCarthy is a fool. He knows what Hundley can and cannot do and has set his gameplan accordingly.

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Handsback's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:08 pm

One year of good draft picks, will help this team. It appears that is the only thing that will help.

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Big_Mel_75's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:58 pm

You have faith TT will make the right choice?

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Big_Mel_75's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:58 pm

You have faith TT will make the right choice?

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Hematite's picture

November 08, 2017 at 08:02 am

Certainly good draft picks would help this lost team, but will require giving Thompson his bus ticket out of town.
We have seen the team he has built minus #12.

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A_Lerxst_in_Packerland's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:15 pm

Consistency is great, except when it's bad - as in this team consistently gets zero pass rush.

Pretty sure if the D got an opponent into 3rd & 98, they'd convert it.

The middle of the field is ALWAYS open for opponent's receivers.

Is there any room left on the Fire Capers bandwagon?

Bold Prediction - Cleveland gets their only win of the season when the Packers come to town.

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Razor's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:23 pm

Ted, Mike & Dom - many, many years to show us the way. Lost, lame, sad.

Hey Mark Murphy what will your legacy be? Tough spot now with Tinsel Town under construction and houses around Lambeau selling for millions.

So here's some advice.

Retire Ted now and replace from within if possible. Give the new guy time to identify replacements for Mike and Dom and to figure out how to best evaluate and upgrade the talent on this team.

You're not still telling the board that you have full confidence in Ted and Mike - are you?!?

PS - you know what really grinds me - when they show MM on the sidelines with his multiple plastic play cards with 10,000 plays - really? seriously?

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Tundraboy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:14 pm

"PS - you know what really grinds me - when they show MM on the sidelines with his multiple plastic play cards with 10,000 plays - really? seriously?"

Exactly. That book menu can easily be reduced to one 3 x 5 card for all the use he puts it too. What a joke. Btw is that the seasons play list, his 5 year plan or what?

Add to that are the shots of Capers looking ready to fall asleep in his ivory tower, coaches box.

Both drive insane.

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NWPackersfan's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:27 pm

You know there are several takeaways from this last game:
1 it is the coaching and to prove it Micah Hyde leads the league in interceptions
2 It is the coaching and management to prove it Jared Cook is playing lights out for the Rams.
3 It's the management to prove it Julius Peppers has 7.5 sacks and 2 FF.
4 management goes out and gets one good veteran player and 5 bad veteran players.
I guess the only good from this year will be a great first round pick opportunity....Oh wait the management and coaches suck!!!!
In conclusion the Packers Management and coaches have wasted the best QB to play the game with only getting one SB. Hopefully AR can comeback and full strength but then what? IMO

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0's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:32 pm

My take away is that the band-aid finally got ripped off, with the 2nd loss of Rodgers, exposing the team and management for what they are. A defense bleeding yardage and suffering a diminishing pass rush. An offense lacking consistency and special teams without a heartbeat. Upper mgmt watching the money roll in while refusing to treat the problems that are in front of them. The diagnosis is clear, time to clean house.

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Bure9620's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:14 pm

Positives, Kenny Clark, Dean Lowry flashed with sacks and great at the point of attack and Damarious Randall has improved.

Negatives-almost everything

Give me 8 more and 4-12 record, high draft capital along with 4 compensatory picks to get real aggressive with in the 2018 draft.

GM-Eliot Wolf

HC- Jon Gruden (He would do it, West coast principles, check, HOF QB in place, check, this team's needs attitude and an edge)

A young assending DC with an edge, Joe Whitt? Dave Aranda?

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Big_Mel_75's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:01 pm


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dobber's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:17 pm

Gruden isn't leaving the booth at this point. He's had just about every opportunity and still hasn't done it.

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packerbackerjim's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:32 pm

Not just Gruden, but most any available coach if given the opportunity to work with Rodgers would say yes. ARod now holds significant cards. He can dictate terms including coach, GM and salary if he so chooses.

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Bure9620's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:23 pm

There has been talk privately that Gruden would come back in the perfect situation only and only certain franchises. GB is one them, and he would have Aaron Rodgers to work with. I really think this is one place he would come back. We would have to push TT out and promote Wolf to GM. Young GM could actually learn from Gruden as well.

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Red Foreman's picture

November 07, 2017 at 07:52 pm

Wow. Gruden would be a terrible choice. Not many people more annoying. Leave him in the turkey hole.

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Bure9620's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:13 pm

Good one

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marpag1's picture

November 09, 2017 at 03:52 am

LOL. You have no idea how annoyed I was on Monday night when there was a play occurring before our very eyes with an OBVIOUS FUMBLE... and Gruden is rambling on about the "Turkey hole."

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cpabandit's picture

November 07, 2017 at 02:54 pm

My takeaway is that no one knows which way the Packers are headed. When AR was ad-libbing the plays at the line of scrimmage, his receivers were able to make the change immediately. With Hundley calling the plays scripted by MM, the defense already knows the plays before it is called in.

As for the defense, with Detroit averaging just over 1 yard per run, the defense could not get one pick and helped by Daniels and Matthews with penalties with third and long. But here's the biggest sad was the first game since 1971 for Detroit that they did not have to punt in the entire game. It may be time to clean house, but that's just not the Packer style.

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stockholder's picture

November 07, 2017 at 03:06 pm

Capers must go. He wrecked Datone Jones and Raji. Every year we want pass rushers. And TT only knows how to draft DT for DE. The Defense is to slow. Martinez tackles keep climbing, but gets burned on passing. So the solution is this. To get rid of Capers and Moss. Switch back to the 4-3-4. Move Mathews and Nick Perry to DE. The DTs are Clark and Daniels. If Peppers could play LB. Mathews and Perry can play DE. We need LBs. Always Have. Jake Ryan and Bieglo must go outside. And for now Martinez in the middle until passing situations. This sooner this team switches the better. We have the best safeties in the league. It's time they play like it. Move them around. I would even let Randall play Safety. Especially with a NEW HEAD defensive COACH!

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TommyG's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:56 pm

You want two OLB to play defensive end? So just two true DL, which is essentially the nickel? You want exactly what we are doing right now?

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Since'61's picture

November 07, 2017 at 04:51 pm

My takeaways are that we still have enough weapons on the offense to win with when Aaron Rodgers returns in 2018. We will need to draft or sign an OT and OG to replace Jahri Evans and Bualga. And of course and as usual we will need a TE with Bennett retiring. Draft a game break WR and find Aaron Jones.

We can build a defense around Clark, Lowry, Martinez, King, Josh Jones and Burnett. We should chuck or trade everyone else on the defense. I don't like to give up on Dix but he has apparently given up on the team before AR went down. Daniels is a good player but he wastes his efforts with STUPIDITY as we saw last night. Trade him and let him commit costly penalties for another team. Draft an actual pass rusher and sign a veteran pass rusher in FA.

Special Teams - GET A LONG SNAPPER!!!

Chuck Capers and the entire defensive coaching staff, yes including the allegedly great Joe Whitt whose healthy secondary allowed nearly 400 passing yards last night.
Hire a DC who believes in tackling, pass rushing, and playing with passion on defense and maybe goes back to 4-3 defense.

Are we really going to let Aaron Rodgers stand around and do nothing with the offense for the remainder of the season? Can we not use a HOF QB to at least be part of the play calling process? Maybe he comes up with a better call than a jet sweep which starts 5 yards behind the LOS on a 4th and 2? Maybe he suggests that we throw the ball beyond the LOS every now and then. I didn't see AR spend any time with Hundley when Hundley was on the sidelines waiting for the Lions to score so that the defense could get off the field. Why?

After the first offensive series and the first 3 defensive plays I didn't see anything from the Packers sidelines or on the field that showed me that the Packers were 110% committed to winning that game last night. And I have never in 56 seasons said or felt that before about the Packers even during the morbid 70s and 80s.

Where is this team going???

Thanks, Since '61

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Bure9620's picture

November 07, 2017 at 05:24 pm

Amen, if I'm Aaron, I do have an out in my contract after the year and I force the organization to think about it. He can really question if Murphy is commited to winning or his Lambeau theme park??? ARod has got some real leverage to add perssonel. He could hold TT hostage if he wanted to, not just by his impending contract extension but for perssonel and coaching staff. I may consider using it or think of Free agency the following year if I'm him. We will never see Aaron Rodgers talent again. EVER. We need spend in FA and add pieces to be all in every year. Just like NE.

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Christopher Gennaro's picture

November 07, 2017 at 06:06 pm

I can't get behind trading Daniels, you won't get value for him. Sure he takes dumb penalties, but he give it every play. It must be frustrating to have to play 2 d-linemen 75% of the plays. Double to tripled teamed, because the other team knows you are the best part of the defense.

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stockholder's picture

November 07, 2017 at 07:39 pm

So you've given up on Spriggs and Murphy? Need a TE? Thats a #1 pick there. Detroit played their 3rd string LT against us. Lowrey is not making the jump. But lets look at the safeties. I say it's the positioning of them. 20 yards plus back? I believe Capers biggest problem is; they don't know where there suppose to be. They tackle. but can't cover enough ground for the defense called. The safeties are in the wrong spot and are not recognizing the play. Nick Collins did. Woodson Too. BLAME CAPERS. Mike Hyde and Casey Haywood are making it elsewhere, and their SLOW. Draft an Actual Pass rusher? Where do you put him. Ziggy Ansah, or Suh. ? Playing the 3-4 you won't get a DL pass rusher. Playing Nick Perry and Mathews means you have to rush them. Too slow in coverage. Thats the problem. Mathews has to be Peppers now. The Vikings have rushing LBs. They play a 4-3-4. Were to slow at LB. The Safeties are doing the tackling with Martinez. (pull them and they run it.) Thats why Capers Fails. The speed is gone at LB. ( Mathews was the play maker when drafted! ) This team is still in the draft and development mode. It puts to much on the #1 draft pick and A-rod. Priority is given to draft status,FA replacements, and not who can best help the team Win. The All-pros are gone. If the packers want to win, they must get rid of Capers and Moss. How many LBs has Moss coached since being here? If Hundley Fails, the #1 pick will be a QB. But lets hope he doesn't.

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4zone's picture

November 07, 2017 at 07:52 pm

Green Bay is basically the NFL's farm team. We develop the talent then let them go. We only keep three or four then try to milk the first contracts with the rest.

When you have the most expensive player in the NFL, it doesn't leave a lot of money for the other positions. If AR wants the Packers to go all in, take a pay cut so they can afford to pay real talent at other positions. But I doubt AR will take anything less than a record contract next time around.

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stockholder's picture

November 07, 2017 at 08:20 pm


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4thand1's picture

November 07, 2017 at 09:08 pm

wow, you can't be serious stockholder.

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stockholder's picture

November 08, 2017 at 06:52 am

I understand Loyalty and Love. Even how good he's been in the past. I'm sorry to hurt you guys. But the guy had trouble with Nelson OUT. He's getting old, with his second broken bone. Nothing last forever. Don't over-pay Fantasy, age, and lack of TEAM support. Will A-Rod be worth the money that makes him the richest player in the Game? Not in Green Bay.

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Hematite's picture

November 08, 2017 at 08:20 am

I'm not advocating getting rid of Aaron Rodgers but I think his days of putting the whole team including the front office and coaching staff on his back and hauling them to the playoffs are over.

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Cwilly's picture

November 08, 2017 at 12:25 am

Thanks for the dumbest comment guy wins the games out of the 51 other but keep making yourself feel better.

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Tundraboy's picture

November 07, 2017 at 11:26 pm

"After the first offensive series and the first 3 defensive plays I didn't see anything from the Packers sidelines or on the field that showed me that the Packers were 110% committed to winning that game last night. And I have never in 56 seasons said or felt that before about the Packers even during the morbid 70s and 80s."

Amen since 61. I'm a year behind you and I saw and can see the same differences. Just sad. Rodgers not being involved with either the coach and back up is bizarre. Hope he's sick of McCarthy as I am.

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MarkinMadison's picture

November 07, 2017 at 08:15 pm

It was a rough game, but it was better than the previous game.

MM is nowhere near as good as the hoodie.

TT is not as good as the hoodie.

DC will have to take the fall for TTs failure to provide pass rushers.

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Coldworld's picture

November 07, 2017 at 08:49 pm

I think MM is a good coach but he has reached the point of being completely stale here. TT doesn't freshen the mix like the Patriots have. We are so set in our ways that opponents know our moves and tendencies before we do. Capers, is, I think, someone whom the game has left behind. He is still trying to tweak schemes that opponents have long learned how to neuter.

That said, the failure to try to push for a lead let alone a victory by scoring on offense in the first half is the most disappointing. Take risks and we might score enough to put a little pressure on opponents. Of course, it could blow up in our faces, but Taking no risks until the game is out of reach all but guarantees defeat. I can't blame that on TT. That's on MM.

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Thegreatreynoldo's picture

November 08, 2017 at 03:20 am

Silverstein said that Martellus Bennett was not on the sidelines. Reportedly, he's getting a second opinion about his shoulder. GB didn't place him on IR, and it is unusual for a player who is inactive to not be with the team.

I suspect that he was prepping, having, or recovering from, surgery somewhere.

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marpag1's picture

November 09, 2017 at 03:58 am

Martellus Bennett has been cut. The cut was designated as "failure to disclose a medical condition."

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LASVEGAS-TOM's picture

November 09, 2017 at 12:21 am

For what it's worth? (Nothing) I was kind of surprised at how Good AR Looked. I expected to see him in a Sling. He shook hands with his Right Hand, & didn't show any signs of Future Trouble with the Right Arm. It looked stronger than I expected to see. I gotta say, I expected to see worse. Probably isn't worth squat, but once again, I was pleasantly surprised at how Good AR looked. Anyone else come away with that?

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