Surviving Sunday: Packers news, notes and links for the football deprived

Baby Czech No. 2 is due on Thursday, NFL draft night. If he arrives during the draft, it will give me the opportunity to immediately begin teaching the young man about Ted Thompson's draft-and-develop philosophy.

"Son," I will say as I cradle him in my arms. "Many of the Packers' biggest rivals doled out millions of dollars in cash to other team's players -- commonly referred to as free agents -- while you were still in your mommy's tummy. Many of these free agents will end up being bums and will do more harm than good. Not all of them, but many of them.  

"The Packers general manager, a slightly off-beat grey-haired man by the name of Ted Thompson, has no time for free agency. While other teams are writing checks to free agents, Thompson is off watching film on a Division III fullback from Palookaville, Tenn., that nobody has ever heard of. Thompson believes the kid from Palookaville can often do many of the things a free agent could do, but the kid from Palookaville will do it for minimum wage instead of a hefty premium."

At this point, my child will probably fart and poop his pants. I'll need to determine if that's a sign that he's already an anti-Thompson zealot who will spend his adult years in our basement writing nasty comments about the Packers on the Journal-Sentinel website, of if he just really had to poop. I'm hoping for the latter.

"Son," I'll continue after cleaning up the disaster in his pants. "Being a Packers fan during the months of February and March is not easy. That's when NFL free agency opens. Your Vikings and Bears fans friends -- should you decide to befriend Vikings fans or Bears fans for some reason -- will spend these months talking about all the new free agents their team signed. 'We gave Joe Free Agent $10 million per year to kick the Packers asses' your Vikings/Bears fan friends will boast. You will have no ammunition to fire back with. All you'll be able to do is hang your head, and concede to your Vikings/Bears fans friends that they clearly bested the Packers in free agency. Those Free Agency Championship trophies are piling up in Chicago and Minnesota. Sure, the Packers trophy case contains 13 NFL titles, but the Free Agency Championship trophy case remains barren. Oh well.

"But come October and November, you'll have your revenge. That $10 million Joe Free Agent will probably have blown out his ACL by then. Meanwhile, the Packers will have a fresh crop of young players from the draft showing promise. They'll also have the salary cap flexibility to re-sign their talented young players since they didn't give $10 million to Joe Free Agent."

A smile will then come over my son's face, the first smile of his young life.

"Son," I'll continue. "February and March are rough months to be Packers fans, but it gets a whole lot easier in October and November when the Green and Gold are in first place, above all those teams with shiny new free agents. That's when we can start to brag ourselves. That's when your Vikings and Bears fans friends will become jealous. Some might even attempt to jump on the bandwagon and become Packers fans. Welcome them aboard. There's always room for new converts."

My new son will really be smiling now. Not only will he be smiling, he'll be doing that thing that little babies do where they start flailing their arms and legs and making happy sounds.

"Yes, son," I'll conclude. "Being a Packers fan is great in October, November and December. Lately, however, January has been a different story..."

Then he'll poop his pants again.

Packers news, notes and links

  • Ted Thompson spoke this week, and revealed that if Axl Rose doesn't show up for his first gig as AC/DC's new singer, Thompson himself will step in and belt out tunes such as "Whole Lotta Rose" and "You Shook Me All Night Long." Actually, Thompson didn't say that. Per usual, he didn't say much of anything. But it would be cool to see Thompson front AC/DC. 
  • All kinds of mock drafts out there this week. Mock drafts are dumb, but I read (and enjoy reading) each and every one of them. This seven-round mock from CHTV's own Cody Bauer is a must-read for Packers fans.
  • A good read here from Kelly Hodgson at about the benefits of the Packers drafting players from the University of Alabama.

Non-Packers links and other nonsense

  • It's been a big week for Sturgill Simpson. His new record is No. 1 on iTunes and he performed on both the Late Show and Daily Show.
  • Tiger Woods became obsessed with the Navy SEALs before his downfall? So says the incomparable Wright Thompson in this must-read profile of Woods on
  • The day an 87-year-old Sid Hartman met Prince. Sid is now 96 and might be the most famous Minnesotan now that Prince is gone.
  • Cancer update: Another round of treatment starts on Thursday (our due date). Here's hoping baby pops out before that, or waits until a few days after.
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Comments (43)

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NickPerry's picture

April 24, 2016 at 06:41 am

What the world always needs is more Packers fans Adam, I hope your new addition decides to grace your family by Monday, you kick cancers ass on Thursday, tell your boy this January will be different on Saturday as you begin writing "Surviving Sunday".

Sounds like a hell of a week to me! Just don't know if I can get on board with TT fronting AC/DC...LOL : )

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jeremyjjbrown's picture

April 24, 2016 at 07:07 am

My imagination shows me Thompson just kinda standing there intentlly for most of the song and then clamly saying,

We shook at night one time...
For a little while..."

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marpag1's picture

April 24, 2016 at 08:33 am

"but it was the best night available...
And we stayed true to our board...
Yeah, you!.... da, da, da..."

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Oppy's picture

April 24, 2016 at 07:10 pm

"Did she shake me all night long?
We don't really look at it that way.
We're always looking at all women for a potential shake, maybe all night long, maybe not, but we've got guys checking out all the shaking options no matter how long.
You know, we're not just going to say let's hop in the sack and shake all night long just for the sake of saying, 'hey, you shook me all night long', you know, it's gotta make sense.
But if we need a shaking, all night long or otherwise, and there's a woman who wants to shake it, I mean, we're always open for anything that would improve the shake-ability of our bedposts."

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SpaceManatee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 06:45 am

I think Bob Dylan is now the most famous Minnesotan even if most of his career happened in NYC.

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MarkinMadison's picture

April 24, 2016 at 08:56 am

Dylan lives in Malibu. He's from Minnesota. He's a Californian now. Has been for a long time. Like most of my life.

I love guys like Prince, Mellencamp, and Bruce. They stayed true to themselves right there is their own towns.

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jeremyjjbrown's picture

April 24, 2016 at 07:04 am

There is about a 5% chance of the Baby being born on the due date. So hopefuly that will play out this time for you.

Here's to a happy healthy baby.

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croatpackfan's picture

April 24, 2016 at 07:21 am

Adam I wish you 2 things, and that 2 things only! First your baby to be healthy and clever and nice, for your and your wife's pride and happiness; Second you to be healthy and well to enjoy your life with your family...

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Rossonero's picture

April 24, 2016 at 07:29 am

Funny article, thanks! Here's hoping for continued effective treatments for you and a healthy baby.

My daughter was born with a rare heart defect last year and we wound up spending nearly 4 months in the hospital before going home. Matter of fact, I am typing this from her bedside at the same hospital we were at last year because she's had this intermittent fever for the past 5 days that nobody can figure out.

Hopefully it's nothing serious, although I'll admit as they ruled out the common stuff, it makes me worry it's something more serious. I'm excited for the draft and hope we'll be discharged by then, who knows though.

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NickPerry's picture

April 24, 2016 at 07:51 am

I wish your daughter and family the best Rossonero. Hopefully all goes well and she'll be there with you Thursday night watching the draft from home! Maybe just as the Vikings pick she'll look at you, smile and go poo poo as if to say "That's what I think of the Vikings Daddy"!

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Rossonero's picture

April 24, 2016 at 08:39 am

Hahaha thanks Nick. I think she will!

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NickPerry's picture

April 24, 2016 at 07:57 am

Or a player like Micah Hyde will return a punt for a TD to start a 52-10 romp, or another stops a TD drive in a Playoff Game just as HHCD did last year, or a player will bat down a 4th down pass attempt in the End Zone at the end of the game helping the Packers start 6-0.

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ray nichkee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 11:51 am

It's just too damn bad the packers don't have any vets to lean on, eh cow? I think this one is high up on the list of all your stupid comments. That basement comment must have gotten to you. I suggest you get some natural light and fresh air down there.

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ray nichkee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 01:04 pm

Cow I'll let you look up the definition of an NFL veteran and figure out who is and who isn't a vet on the roster. We all know hyde is not a starter but a nickel back and punt returner who will probably get paid more somewhere else. HCD and randall were second and first year players who contributed alot and will only improve. The pack don't get high first rounders. You have ripped every player on the roster so far but maybe the pastor of disaster.

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ray nichkee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 11:28 pm

A game may come down to one play. A game is not decided by one player or one play. Whip out the tape and show me where one player single handedly lost one game.

Brandon botchkick may have cost the pack a trip to the superbowl but it should never have come down to an onside kick.

I'm not sure I'm the one that don't get this. You made a stupid comment now own it. Move on, live life and don't be a Douchebag. It's 2016, do you have a rational point?

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Samson's picture

April 24, 2016 at 02:29 pm

You should know better.
Most who post here are perfectly content to see the Pack win 10-12 games in the regular season (against mostly losing teams) and then they make up a list of excuses on why the Pack failed in the playoffs (again).

But you're mostly correct. --- GB not only lacks "smart veterans" who can win in the post season but also provide veteran leadership during the season.

The Pack are weak on the D again. No real answer at ILB and now the DL is basically up for grabs. -- The draft will not fix most of GB's issues. Come on, rookies??? --- This is all on TT and his fantasy football approach.

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marpag1's picture

April 24, 2016 at 03:45 pm

Stop being a pissy whiner. Name some names, stud. Give us some dollar amounts. Who would you draft? In which round would they be a good value? What current players would you cut? Which free agents would you have signed? How much money would you have given them? Let us know if any coaches need to be replaced, and tell us who the better ones are. You like the schemes we're using? Should we flop back to a 4-3 on D? Too much zone blocking? And when the draft is over, give us a blow by blow analysis of where TT hit and where he whiffed.

C'mon, let's hear your football wisdom, champ. Cuz right now all you do is open up your mouth and fart out of it, and you're the only one who seems to like that.

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ray nichkee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 08:25 am

Cow, i think you were mentioned in this article, something about a basement.

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zeke's picture

April 24, 2016 at 08:29 am

If Baby Czech No. 2's diaper could talk, this is what it would sound like.

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4thand1's picture

April 24, 2016 at 09:25 am

Hope the good news continues Adam. A new son, I have 3 daughters, now have 3 grandsons. Best wishes as always. By draft day maybe cow will hit 10,000 dislikes, a milestone event that's for sure. Maybe the poster who gives number 10,000 should win free season tickets! Or maybe a prize for cow to get him out of the basement.

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ray nichkee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 11:54 am

I don't know shit about web design but I've been wondering if the counter will handle five digets or flip over to zero. Unless he takes some time off we will know soon.

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holmesmd's picture

April 24, 2016 at 01:47 pm

I am certain you suffer from schizophrenia! For the last month or 2 you have been quite reasonable and I've enjoyed your posts. It appears that you are regressing big time as the draft and season draws near.Your negativity can protect you from having expectation or suffering disappointment but it also isn't fun and stands in the way of enjoying the season. Come on man, hop on the positivity train with the rest of us and think positive thoughts! What do you have to lose?;)

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4thand1's picture

April 24, 2016 at 03:39 pm

2 years ago cow, they were a couple of bone head plays away from the SB. Last year the offense was a mash unit and almost pulled off an upset to get to the NFCCG. You need a little luck to stay healthy, and if this team stays healthy they are one of the best in football and you know it. The only urgency is fans wanting what they can't have. The Pack will win it all this season and then you can say how lucky they were like the last time. Glass is always half empty with you. Keep up the whining, gives us something to do during these no football boring times.

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JerseyAl's picture

April 24, 2016 at 03:43 pm

Maybe you could have just read this post and felt some hearfelt human emotion for Adam and what's going on in his life.

Or maybe you could use it as another reason to be a dick.

I guess the kindest thing I can say is you stayed true to yourself.

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Rossonero's picture

April 24, 2016 at 09:23 pm


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ray nichkee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 11:31 pm

Well said Al.

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dobber's picture

April 25, 2016 at 07:41 am

No offense, but there's a persona that you consistently portray here, and I believe that you revel in that. Just as you have judged many of us who also post here with great regularity as being a "homer" or an "idiot", others have also judged you.

You're right, we have no idea what you are like in real life. I value the comments you make here because they shake things up and force people to re-examine why they post (or think) what they do. But this is the fallout of some of that. We all reap what we sow.

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ray nichkee's picture

April 25, 2016 at 08:26 am

I don't think anybody here wants to get to know you cow. Your comments usually say nothing but that you are a negative dickhead troll and you are always right and what you say is not up for debate. If you are not like that in person then you truly are a troll hiding behind a screen. Everybody here has their theorys about you but I havn't read a comment about you being a good hearted nice guy.

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adamczech's picture

April 25, 2016 at 09:24 am

I've written plenty of things that poke at Thompson for avoiding free agency. This piece wasn't one of those things, but they're out there.

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WKUPackFan's picture

April 25, 2016 at 10:10 am

I know exactly what type of person you are Mr. Cow: A sub-human, low-life piece of garbage. A person who has admitted to abusing his children. A person who doesn't give a s**t about anyone but himself. And, most notably, a person who knows absolutely zero about building or coaching a professional football team.

Does that about cover it?

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WKUPackFan's picture

April 25, 2016 at 10:04 am

Well said indeed Al, however, you refuse to ban him. He has been spewing filth here for years, yet he is still around. Could it be the clicks he generates are more important than decency?

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ray nichkee's picture

April 24, 2016 at 08:33 am

Adam, that was some beatiful writing. This week i will be rooting for you, your wife, and one of the newest members of packer nation.

PS. I swear i heard Ted Thompson singing for AC/DC once. I was shopping. I think they call it elevator music.

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MarkinMadison's picture

April 24, 2016 at 08:57 am

"A smile will then come over my son's face, the first smile of his young life."

It will probably just be gas. ;-)

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EdsLaces's picture

April 24, 2016 at 10:42 am

See if she can hold out till Saturday cause 4-30 is my little guys bday! My Birthday falls on the super bowl usually and my son's falls on the Draft ...coincidence I think not. God knew I would be a football nut. Anyways keep up the good fight man. Side note ...I was sitting at work yesterday reading cheesehead and I got pissed that Surviving Sunday wasn't on there ...took me a while to realize it was Saturday. (Working wayyy to many hours lately)

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Ferrari Driver's picture

April 24, 2016 at 11:00 am


Loved the article and wish you the best.

A few weeks back you posted the address for "Caring Bridge" where you post your progress in your fight against cancer. I visit periodically to check on you and still include you in my prayers.

I will post the address of "Caring Bridge" for those fans who missed the address and may want express a few thoughts:

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Community Guy's picture

April 24, 2016 at 12:58 pm

thanks Adam... best Packers piece ever.

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SteveCheez's picture

April 24, 2016 at 01:57 pm

I was with you all the way up to when you said to let them jump on our bandwagon. We got no room for the likes of them.

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4thand1's picture

April 24, 2016 at 03:42 pm

We must have braille keypads.

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dobber's picture

April 25, 2016 at 07:42 am

Mine talks.

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4thand1's picture

April 24, 2016 at 09:21 pm

Just watched the NFL networks 1st round mock draft. They the Packers taking Ragland at 27.

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dobber's picture

April 25, 2016 at 12:38 pm

That seems to be the popular opinion from the outside: Packers need an ILB? BOOM! Take one at #27. I'm not opposed to Ragland per se. If the Packers were to draft him, I would understand. He immediately upgrades the LB position and becomes the best ILB on the team, but I think the Packers can do more for their long-term success by fortifying other positions early.

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BradHTX's picture

April 25, 2016 at 10:27 am

Glad to see the chemo hasn't nuked your sense of humor, Adam. This is a fantastic piece. Thanks for the laugh.

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adamczech's picture

April 25, 2016 at 01:23 pm

As always, folks, thanks for reading and the kind words. Or in Cow's case, thanks for reading and the.....words :)

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